How to cook manta. How to prepare real mantle

15.03.2020 Fish dishes

This Central Asian dish is very large dumplings. They are 3-4 times more familiar semi-finished products. In order for the dish to be truly tasty, first of all you need to properly prepare the dough on manta.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. filtered water, 2.5 tbsp. Highly urgent flour, a third is small. Spoons of cook salt.

  1. The liquid will be used chilled. It dissolves a singe salt.
  2. Further, you can gradually begin to pour flour, first a couple of times asking it through the smallest sieve.
  3. Components are well stirred by a wide spoon. Next, you can proceed to the manual kneading. The process must continue for quite a long time so that the dough has time to have oxygen and become the most elastic. Otherwise, manta will burst during cooking.
  4. Next, you need to "forget" about the mass of about half an hour.

It remains from the dough for mantle in Uzbeks to form workpieces with the selected stuffing.

At kefir

Ingredients: 360 ml of medium fat kefir, 620-720 g of high-grade flour (how much will take the dough), 1 tsp. shallow salt, table egg.

  1. Starting cooking dough for mantas, first of all you need to do flour. One glass of the product is sieved through the smallest sieve from a high distance into a deep container. In the middle of the resulting slide breaks the egg.
  2. First, the ingredients are shaken by a fork, and then not a cold milk product is poured into small portions. It is necessary to actively mix the components of any convenient way to eliminate lumps.
  3. The remaining flour sweeps to the adhesive composition. Next, the hands are kneaded by the nelite mass.

In about half an hour of rest, you can roll it into the harnesses, cut into thick pieces and form products.

Custard on boiling water

Ingredients: 25 ml of refined oil, 1 tbsp. filtered water, 8 g of shallow salt, small egg, 620-640 g of high-grade flour.

  1. The egg is whipped with oil and salt. It is desirable that all products are not cold.
  2. In the resulting mixture, the flour is poured under themight. Bulk product preload a couple of times to sift.
  3. When the ingredients are well mixed and without lumps, it can be poured into the container just that boiling water. It also needs to be done gradually.
  4. Of all the listed ingredients, the custard dough for mantans is kneaded, which will not stick to the fingers.

Mass under the food film will be "resting" about 40-45 minutes.

On milk

Ingredients: High-grade white flour, 1 tbsp. fatty milk (perfectly, if at hand it turned out to be homework), 1 tsp. Salt salt, 2 large spoons of refined oil, 2 canteens eggs.

  1. First mix milk and vegetable oil. You can take the olive component. In the resulting mixture, eggs are poured, slightly whipped with salt.
  2. Flour first sifts at least 2 times so that it is saturated with oxygen. After that, you can pour the resulting dairy mixture to it.
  3. First, the future dough is prevented by a spoon, then - with your hands.

In the food film, the mass will relax about half an hour. Next, you can form products.

Recipe yeast dough

Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp. filtered water, 45 g of alive yeast, sheltered high-grade flour, small. Spoon of sugar sand, 2 large spoons of lean oil.

  1. Yeast is bred on directions published on the packaging. To do this, it is necessary to open them, pour the purified slightly heated water, sprinkle with sugar. In the same mixture, lean oil immediately sends. To taste you can add any loved seasonings. It is desirable those that will be combined with meat used in filling.
  2. Leave yeast is not needed. The pre-sifted flour is immediately suited to the mass. You need to add it minimal portions.
  3. It remains at least two times well to knead the dough, cover it with a towel made of natural fabric and leave to approximately until it increases in the amount of approximately 2 times.
  4. After that, the mass is shared, once again smelled and rolled out.

Usually, a filling is prepared for billets from such a test, which includes mince of lamb and a large number of large chopped onions.

On mineral water

Ingredients: 4 tbsp. pre-sacrificed high-grade wheat flour, 1 tbsp. The carbonated mineral water, a large chicken egg, 4 large spoons of refined oil, ½ small. Spoons of cook salt and sugar sand.

  1. To properly prepare the dough for mantle on the specified recipe, the first thing will be necessary to connect the liquid components - not cold water and oil. Mineralo does not need to warm up, it is enough just to remove it in advance from the refrigerator. It is desirable that it is a strongly hydraized bottle from just an open bottle.
  2. The resulting mixture sucks dry components, except for flour, the testicle is driven. The constituents are well mixed.
  3. Little flour suited to the future of the dough. When the mass starts thick, you can no longer be a spoon, but your hands.
  4. It is desirable that before the absorber of blanks with filling dough rested about half an hour.

You can put it with a package and remove the refrigerator on the bottom shepher. If there is no time, it is allowed to immediately sculpt mantle from the finished test.

Dough for mantle on sour cream

Ingredients: 3 standard glasses of high-grade flour, 1 cup of strong mineral water, a table egg, 120 ml of fatty sour cream (best - home), chinful salt.

  1. It is on mineral aid that it is possible to prepare the best dough for mantle, which does not break in the process of cooking dish and perfectly tolerates a long freeze. And the sour cream will help to make it even more delicious. Excellent, if you can use a home product. The first thing sour cream is whipped with an egg.
  2. The mass is satisfied to taste. The ingredients are mixed again.
  3. In the capacity of other products, a strongly carbonated mineral water from the newly open bottle is poured.
  4. Gradually, flour suits the dough. It is very important for 1-2 times to sift it through the smallest sieve. In extreme cases, a colander can be used for this purpose.
  5. Zam must continue 12-15 minutes. Even after such a long-term mixing procedure, the mass will succeed like adhesive. But it normal.
  6. The dough is shifted into the washed utensil, covered with a lid or a clean towel and left for an hour.
  7. After the specified time, the mass will become more tight and will increase somewhat in volume.

How to cook in bread maker?

Ingredients: a very large chicken egg, a faceted glass of fatty cow's milk, a tablespoon of refined oil, sheltered high-grade flour, 1 tsp. Stone salt.

  1. If there is a bread maker in the house, it is necessary to use it for the preparation of various tests. The device will perform the perfect proper kneading components, which will greatly facilitate the work of the hostess.
  2. The first thing in the bowl of the device used is poured a slightly whipped fork a large egg.
  3. Fatty milk is poured on top. You can use both home and purchased. The main thing is to warm the dairy product in advance.
  4. Salt is sent to the egg-milk mixture and immediately refined oil.
  5. It remains to deal with flour. It is sifted a couple of times through the smallest sieve and falling asleep in the container of the bread maker to the rest of the products.
  6. You need to select a special mode to knead the test and set it for 14 minutes. If after this the hostess notice that at the bottom of the device there is too much unused flour, you just need to add to the components a small spoon of vegetable oil.

The resulting dough is shifted into the package and is left to relax at about half an hour.

With egg and vegetable oil

Ingredients: 3 very large chicken eggs, 65-75 ml of refined oil, 1.5 tbsp. filtered water, 110 ml of fatty milk, salt, mixture of pebbles to taste.

  1. In a spacious metal dish, milk and refined oil is mixed first. Liquids should not be cold. Therefore, all products marked in the recipe should be removed in advance from the refrigerator.
  2. Salt salt dissolves in water. The resulting fluid together with the eggs is sent to the components of the first step.
  3. Components are thoroughly mixed with a wide spoon.
  4. Next, you can begin to plug the wheat flour into the future.
  5. When the mass becomes homogeneous and rather dense, it rolls into the ball.

Resting the dough will be in the refrigerator about a quarter of an hour.

Secrets of the perfect dough

Experienced cooks note that the dough on mantans should always be done independently. Do not use the finished store product. With such a basis, it is unlikely to be able to prepare the perfect dish.

It is very important to solicit the dough as thinly. This will make Mantans really gentle.

So that the basis does not rush during the rolling process, it is left to relax at least half an hour in the refrigerator. And it is better to increase this time up to an hour.

There is another secret of the ideal test for the discussed dish - you need to mix two types of wheat flour at once - the first and second grade. They are taken in equal amounts. Also, experts are advised to always observe the correct proportions of the liquid and dry components - 1 K 2. This will make it possible to achieve the elasticity of the test. And, of course, it is impossible to add more than 2 eggs by 1 kg of the finished product.

It is believed that manta is the National Eastern Dish. They are easy to prepare and use them, both in festive and weekdays. This dish has become popular in all countries, but in order to make them correctly, let's talk about the test.

The process of its preparation is not so complicated as it seems. The most important thing to know all the secrets, I will write about it just below.

Many believe that the best dough is prepared from simple ingredients: flour, water, salt. But their opinions are erroneous, simply not everyone tried other recipes, such as water, milk, with or without eggs. I want to tell you about several wonderful recipes, how to do them. And of course, the most important thing is that the dough in cooking does not rush, and the manta turned out to be juicy, with broth inside. So, proceed ...

How to make the dough for mantle so that it is soft and not rushing

1. Flour that is kneaded for the test must be asked 2 times. It is necessary to sow in order for it first to be filled with oxygen and it became a magnificent, secondly remove the lumps that suggested as a result of shopping transport.

We conclude: what to sink flour this mandatory procedure that does not require objections.

2. If the dough it turned out too soft, it is necessary to hold it in the cold of about 40 minutes.

3. It may turn out the dough too hard, then add a little - slightly vegetable oil.

4. Flour is different in stickiness, so the amount of water can vary in a larger or smaller side.

Therefore, it is best to take a white flour of the highest grade, there is a lot of gluten in it, and because of this dough it is good.

5. To do not break the dough during the modeling, it is necessary to make it elastic, but will help us in this eggs and milk.

6. There are recipes that make without eggs and our product is not tight enough, and to fix it, add a little - slightly vegetable oil.

7. Want to ensure that the dough is more supplied in the modeling, it can be seen on boiling water.

8. Roll it as subtle as much as possible, lubricated the surface with vegetable oil.

9. When it is ready to try to place it longer, so that the test is supplied to the elastic mass.

10. When all the procedures are made, place it in the food film for 30 - 40 minutes.

Recipe dough for mantle in Uzbek, classical way

No wonder they say how to make the dough, such and there will be mantas. I want to offer you an awesome Uzbek recipe.


  • Wheat flour - 1 kg.
  • Water - 2 glasses.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

1. In cold water, add salt and olive oil.

2. Take a deep cup and sow flour there. In the middle we make a hole and drive the eggs.

3. We start pouring water and stirring cannon. When the dough thickens take him in hand and begin to knead.

By the way, if the dough it turned out thick, you can add water, and liquid flour. It just depends on the variety of flour, somewhere the water is necessary to be a little more.

4. Watch the dough into the food film and give him to stand 30 minutes.

How to cook gentle dough for manta? At home on milk

Very awesome dough cooked on milk, you can make delicious mantas from it.


  • Flour - 1 kg.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 2.5 glasses.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

1. In the deep, metal cup, we stir milk, eggs, salt using a mixer.

2. Then without stopping the mixer, begin to pour flour. It should work out like a pancake. The rest of the flour embribuses later.

3. We put our cup on the stove and begin to heat on slow fire, while not forgetting to stir.

4. When the opara starts thick, it means it is ready. We will remove from the stove, wait when you cool, add the remaining flour.

5. We will not turn into a soft and gentle lump.

6. At room temperature, let the dough stand in the package, wrapped in a package, 30 minutes.

Dough for mantle: step-by-step recipe for milk with eggs

I suggest another recipe on milk, in which it is not necessary to heat anything on the stove. With this option will cope any housewife. The dough with this option, does not break with heat treatment and the finished product saves juices inside.

To do this, we need:

  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Milk - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 1 h. Spoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.

1. Milk, oil stirring and add salt there with eggs. Everything is well scolding.

2. Sketch flour 2 times and pour our milk, starting to interfere with the spoon first, and when thickens with my hands

3. Wrap the dough into the film and let it lie 30 minutes. Then you can make manta.

Tasty dough for mantle, according to the classic recipe on water without eggs

This recipe is the easiest I know. This dough is suitable, both for mantle and for, even dumplings can be blocked from it, in general, universal. Want to make a home noodle out of it, it will also get very tasty.


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

1. Sift the flour and make deepening.

2. In warm water, add salt and mix well until dissolve.

3. In flour, we pour oil and slowly water, while preventing the spoon first, then when it thirsty. If the dough it turned out too liquid and sticks to the hands, then add flour, and if thick, then water.

4. When the dough was kneaded by put it under the film for 30 minutes. All can make the dough ready.

Delicious custard dough on boiling water

The dough on boiling water is very easily rolled and does not stick to the hands when it will be cut, flour will leave much less than usual. It is suitable for mantle, dumplings and dumplings


  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Boiling water - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

1. In boiling water dissolve salt.

2. Mix the oil with an egg.

3. The flour is sifted 2 times and add oil to the egg there, further pour boiling water and quickly produce it to a thick dense dough.

Initially, we interfere with the blender, then we refirm in the manual. Do not be afraid to burn, by that time it will already be warm

4. Watch in the package and give 30 minutes

Classic recipe in bread maker

There is nothing complicated in this recipe, just who has a bread maker not have to do with their hands, but it facilitates our work. Try and you will not be disappointed. The dough is suitable for mants, dumplings and dumplings. It turns out soft and elastic.


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Flour - 500 gr.

1. Drive the egg to the bread maker.

2. There we also pour heated milk.

3. Do not forget about salt and sunflower oil.

4. Sift flour.

5. Select mode for the dough or install 14 minutes and knead

It happens a lot of flour on the bottom of the bread maker, do not despair, just add more oils 1 teaspoon.

6. All the dough is ready, put in the package for 30 minutes.

Recipe for cooking dough on mineral water

What is characteristic of this recipe, the dough is elastic, does not require flour, when you will roll it and does not stick to the table.


  • Flour - 4 cups.
  • Mineral water is 1 cup.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil - 4 st aphouses.
  • Sugar - floor of a teaspoon.
  • Salt - floor of a teaspoon.

1. Egg, sugar, salt, sunflower oil and mineral wool well.

Tip: Mineral water should be very carbonated, preferably from the only thing that the open bottle is to be more gases and immediately do it.

2. Add a sifted flour, interfere with a spoon, then when thickens kneading my hands.

Step-by-step test recipe on kefir

Thanks to kefir, the dough is softer and white. It is said that kefir cannot be used on the dough for the manant, do not believe anyone who try first. I think you will like it.


  • Flour - 1 kg.
  • Kefir - 1 cup.
  • Cube for broth - 1 pc.

1. In a sifted flour, add salt.

2. Slowly stirring, pour kefir. We bring the test to a steep state.

3. If you need to make the dough passing, then add flour.

4. We turned out, such a good, soft, elastic piece.

5. Watch it in film and give it to breed 30 minutes.

6. All the dough is ready to do manta.

Mantans are a very tasty and satisfying dish, something similar to our dumplings or Georgian Hinki. But they have special, distinguishing features: meat for filling always use chopped, the dough is always fresh (sometimes an egg is added), and they prepare them exclusively for a couple.

To prepare a test for mantle on a classic recipe to prepare the necessary ingredients.

Seek wheat flour several times. And this is a prerequisite (even if you use the flour of the highest grade), since, firstly, the garbage is thus eliminated and everything that can get into flour, and secondly, the flour will enrich oxygen and will favorably affect the quality of the test And then the flour product itself.

In the center of the sifted flour make a deepening. Add one chicken egg.

To taste to pour salt.

Pour warm water.

Now there is long and painstaking work: slowly, stirring with a fork with circular motions from the center in one direction (clockwise or in the opposite direction - not fundamentally), every time clinging the small part of the flour. So the dough will be soft, gentle, very pleasant to the touch and, most importantly, not interrupted flour.

When the dough becomes tight enough and it will be difficult to interfere with the fork - it is necessary to continue to wash your hands.

A little later, when all the flour leaves, lay out the dough on the table and continue to swim over 10-15 minutes, all the time bending the edges to the center. The classic dough recipe for mantans requires a long and thorough mixing - the more time you spend on cooking, the more gentle the taste of the dish. With each minute, the dough will become elastic and softer.

With such a test, it is very pleasant to work, it is obedient, pliable. Mantles are chic: the dough is thin and soft, perfectly holds back not only the filling, but also formed juice.

Before proceeding with mantle modeling, give the test to relax at least 20 minutes.

Be sure to try to cook.

The nearest relatives so favorite dumplings in Russia, manta, came to us from the countries of Central Asia. However, the birthplace of mantans, as, however, and the dumplings, is China. In China, manta is called Baozi (Baozi), which literally means "wrapped" (from the Chinese word Bao (Bao) - "wrap"). The history of mantle Baojez is associated with a beautiful Chinese legend telling about the appearance of this dish. Colonom Liang Jug, who returned from his army after the conquest of southern lands, met a stormy river on the way, to move through which could not be able to. Turning to the local ruler, Liang Juga learned that in order for the spirit of the river to go through a stormy stream, it was necessary to sacrifice 50 men, and their heads to throw into the river. Not wanting to sacrifice your own warriors, Liang Juga came up with how to deceive the spirit of the river, ordered to prepare buns from the dough, in shape resembling human heads, and fill them with meat cows and horses. In memory of this event, round meat buns began to call Manto (MANTOU), which means "Barbara's head". Later this word was borrowed by Mongols, and for them and other nations of Central Asia for their manta. In China, the Manoto with a filling began to call Baojez, and the word Manot is called only round boiled tests from the dough without a filling.

The infinite number of recipes on how to cook manta, once again underlines the truly popular origin of this dish. The dough for mantans is most often fresh and thin, sometimes lush, yeast. For filling, not only meat, but also a bird and any kind of vegetables and even cottage cheese and dried fruits are suitable. Often mantans are squealing with a large number of diverse spices that give them a unique aroma and taste. There is only a way to prepare. Mantans are prepared for a couple in special saucepans - Casca.

Preparation of mantle - the process that seems not difficult at first glance, actually requires the skill, patience and skill. Today, "Culinary Eden" has tried to collect the most basic recipes and secrets for you, how to cook manta, which will help you in the preparation of this extraordinarily delicious and fragrant dish.

To cook manta you will surely need a helmet - a special pot for cooking for a couple. Chinese cascanes are considered to be the best pots, the lattices of which are made of bamboo roths. However, in Russia, it is not easy to get such a helical. Much more often we have cascanes with metal lattices, traditional for countries such as Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan. You can search such cascanes on any market where the eastern spices and products are sold. Of course, for the preparation of mantans, you can use and much more widespread with us electric steamers.

Traditionally, the mantle uses fresh barous dough, prepared as well as the dough for dumplings, but rolled much more thin. In order for such a dough, it does not rumble when it is prepared, it is recommended to use the flour of two types in equal proportions - the usual wheat flour of the highest grade and the coarse flour of the second grade (fool). One kilogram of flour take 400-500 ml. Waters, two medium eggs and salt to taste. Of all the ingredients, knead the dense, elastic dough, cover it with a wet cloth and let it stand for an hour. A well-defined dough is divided into several equal pieces, roll into the harnesses, and then from the resulting harnesses separate small pieces and carefully rolled. It is best to roll out such a dough with a special typewriter, if there is no such typewriter, then roll the dough with a rolling pin so thinly as your strength will allow you. Ideally, the dough should not be thicker than one millimeter. In the center of each finely rolled cakes, place the filling and the edges of the cakes thoroughly take care so that your mantle shape reminded the round sacs with a knotted neck and a flat bottom. Before placing mantle in a cascade or a double boiler, dipped them with a flat bottom to vegetable or foam oil so that your mantle is ridiculed to the cascane grille.

Traditionally, manta is prepared with meat filling. You can take any varieties of meat in any proportions, depending on your preferences or recommendations of your chosen recipe. It is very important that the meat that you have chosen for the preparation of mantans was as fresh as possible. The more fresher meat you can find, the more delicious, juicy and fragrant, the manta cooked from it will turn out. If the meat you have chosen is not fat, be sure to add a bit of a slightly roasted sludge or just a piece of butter. For the preparation of minced meat should not be passed through the meat grinder! It is best to nourish it with a sharp knife so that it turns out a piece of magnitude with a small corn grains. Onions are defined to meat minced meat, and chopped as thin and finely as possible. The thinner you can cut the bow, the juiches will be your manta. Do not spare onions! 0.5 kg. Meat should be taken about 200-250 gr. Luke. In addition to the bow and meat, you can add any juicy vegetables to the fill in your taste. Pumpkin, turnip, tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers are perfectly suitable. Spices choose to their own taste, any oriental spices for meat dishes will be perfectly decorated and complementing the aroma of your mantans!

One of the most popular and most precisely transmitting the spirit of Central Asian cuisine of the recipes of making mantans can be called a mantle prescription from lamb. Finely bane 500 gr. Fat lamb, add 200 gr. Finely chopped onion, salt, black pepper and finely chopped kinsea or parsley. Mix everything thoroughly. From a pre-prepared dough for mantans, tear off a small ball and roll it into a thin circle. At the middle of a mug of the dough lay out mince and thoroughly cover the edges. Loose your mantle with the bottom side into the vegetable oil and gently put on a cascade or steamer grille. Cook manta for a couple for 30 minutes. Finished manta apply hot, watering with any sharp sauce or sour cream.

Traditionally, manta was prepared, be sure to add any juicy vegetables to the filling of meat. Most often, pumpkin, which gave the finished dish an additional juiter and fragrance. Finely charge 250 gr. lamb, 250 gr. Fresh pumpkin and 50 gr. Kurdnyh fat. 100 gr. Split onion cut into small cubes and fry slightly. Mix all components, add salt, black pepper and a little zira (Kumin). Mix mince thoroughly, let it stand in half an hour, and then cook manta as usual. Feeding on the table, pour manta by melted butter and sprinkle a finely chopped parsley or cilantro.

Of course, for the meat component of the filling, you can take not only lamb, but also any other meat. Mantles from the classic cuisine of pork and beef are very tasty. Fully disturb or skip through a meat grinder with a large grille of 250 gr. Fatty pork and beef. Add to meat minced meat 100-150 gr. The finely disturbed onions and 200 gr. Dips cut into small cubes. Taste Add salt, black and red pepper. Thoroughly knead the mince. Take mantas, adding into each small piece of cream oil. Cook in Casca for a couple of 30 minutes. Perfectly emphasizes the taste of your mantle very simple tomato sauce. Grind 2-3 major tomatoes in a blender, having previously cleaned them from the skin. Clean and finely pledge 4 cloves of garlic, one small bell pepper Cut into small cubes. In a frying pan or a scenery, heals 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, fry garlic in it, then add Bulgarian pepper to him, spray and pepper in taste. Fry everything together for about five minutes. To the fried vegetables, add tomatoes shredded in a blender, let it boil and immediately remove from the fire. Add your favorite spices, cover the lid and give it up for half an hour.

Unusually delicate and fragrant manta with liver are obtained. Such manta is prepared from yeast dough. Take four glasses of wheat flour, one cup of kefira or water, 1 tbsp. Spoon of vegetable oil, 10-15 gr. yeast and pinch of salt. Check cool dough, place it in enameled dishes and put it in a warm place to lift for 30-40 minutes. For filling, finely disturb the 500 gr. pork liver, 500 gr. Kurdnya fat or pork bale, mix with 300 grams. fine chopped onion. Add salt, black pepper and pinch of grated nutmeg. Mix everything thoroughly. The finished dough slightly sound and sculpt the manta as usual. Prepare 25-30 minutes in a double boiler. Serve, watering melted butter.

Of course, in modern culinary Manta is not only a meat dish. Fisteners of dishes from fish and seafood can prepare very juicy and unusually gentle mantas with cod filling. Clean the bone carefully and finely disturb 250 gr. Cod fillet. 200 gr. Rug onion cut into small cubes and mix with fish, add salt, black pepper and one finely chopped garlic clove. If the fish is not fat, then add 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of water so that the minced meter is more juicy. Mix mince thoroughly and blind manta. Cook in a cook for 20-25 minutes, serve to the table, sprinkling fresh greens and watering melted butter. This dish is perfect for any fresh, juicy vegetables salad, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Vegetarians can prepare very tasty mantle with filling from vegetables or mushrooms. Any your favorite vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, cheeses, spices are suitable. It is very easy to prepare unusually delicious manta with filling from vegetables and cheese. Cut into small cubes of 150 grams of young potatoes, pumpkins, turnips and bouquets. Two large Bulgarian peppers finely babble and sweep slightly in vegetable oil. 200 gr. Any solid cheese soda on a large grater. Stir all the ingredients, add salt, black pepper and your favorite spices. Take the manta and prepare 25-30 minutes in Casca. Serve, watering tomato sauce and decorating fresh greens.

Mantas with sweet filling from cottage cheese and fruits will definitely like not only to you, but also to your children. Skip 200 g of cottage cheese through the meat grinder. Cut into small cubes of 150 g of any solid fruit (apples, pears) or cherries. Mix cottage cheese and fruit, add one egg, 4-5 tbsp. Sugar spoons, vanillin and salt at the tip of the knife. Mix mince thoroughly. Take mantas, adding into each small piece of cream oil. Prepare in Casca as usual. Serve, watering sour cream or any sweet sauce. Fresh fruits can be replaced by pre-closed raisins.

In general, Mantans began to prepare the first Chinese. True, they are called wrappers, in Chinese - Baocet. Initially, they were called in their homeland - Manto. From there, the inhabitants of Asia took the name.

Traditional manta is prepared from fresh dough.Often it is very subtle, but there are variations and with yeast, lush dough. Start them can be anything, adding seasonings to your taste. The hostesses are prepared both meat and vegetable, and even curd manta. The only total of these dishes are a way to prepare. Capture manta for a couple in a special dish, called asia helical. In the modern world invented a variety of manantovarks. They are a multi-level saucepan with holes for steam. In the lower department, there is water, which, glowing, and forms the steam-needed dishes.

You can use an ordinary steamer, Which is very common in our country. Well, who has a special Chinese tableware for making a man, you can only envy. As levels for the location of the dish, bamboo sticks are used here.

Manta dough recipe

  • As for the preparation of classic test, it is worth opening one little secret. In order to be very thin dough not rushed, use two types of wheat flour: 1 and 2 varieties.
  • Also, experts recommend using the correct proportions of water to flour: 1:2. Then the dough will be elastic and strong enough.
  • Well, and, of course, it is important to add to 1 kg of flour at least two eggs.
  • And after kneading the test, let him breed about an hour, Covering it with a wet towel.
  • Perfect is considered The thickness of the cake of mantle in 1 mm. Therefore, it is very important that the dough is strong enough.
  • On the pellets, lay out the filling and take the manta. After molding the dish, plunge each bag into the vegetable oil so that the bottom of the bottom. And only after that, send it to the nanovarka. Thanks to such tricks, manta will not stick to the bottom of the lattice.

Mant's Recipe - Form

By the way, the shape of mantans can be the most different. Everyone has its own people. Mantans are round, such manta is very often sold in stores in frozen. Also, the classics are square manta, and there are triangular.

Filling for mantle

  • Stuffing is crushed usually with a knife.Modern hostesses often use meat grinders, although in Asia for the preparation of the sacred meat grinder is not recognized at all. Really, manta, recipe which involves the use of meat, chopped with a knife, are much more tastier.
  • Now let's talk about the filling itself. Traditional manta is prepared with meat.Moreover, it is customary to mix several different meat products in one stuffing. It may be beef, pork, chicken and lamb.
  • Be sure to add pieces of fat.This is done so that mantas get more juicy and tasty.
  • Onions are added to such a mince,sliced \u200b\u200bon small cubes. It takes in the proportion of 1: 2 meat. After all, the bow also attaches an incredible juicing dish.
  • In Asia, pieces of any vegetables and necessarily potatoes also add to meat minced meat.It absorbs excess juice and does not give mantam to break.
  • The perfect ingredient is also considered a pumpkin.She adds a peculiar taste to meat.
  • In modern manta add completely any fillings. It can be mushrooms, vegetables, as well as cottage cheese, fruits or seafood. Below we will look at some options for cooking this wonderful dish.

Spices for mantle

And, of course, like any other Asian dish, manta do not cost without spices. In addition to traditional black and red peppers add zira, garlic, cumin.

And on top of manta sprinkle parsley, kinse and dill. As a sauce, you can serve an ordinary sour cream on the table, as well as tomato or various sauces.

We give some of the most successful recipes.

Uzbek manta recipe

For the preparation of Uzbek mantle you will need

For dough

  • 400 g of wheat flour
  • 120 g of water
  • a pinch of salt

For minced meat

  • 0.5 kg of lamb
  • 50 g ram
  • 300 g of sp
  • salt, pepper to taste

Recipe for the preparation of Uzbek Mant

  1. Check the dough, mixing the flour, water and salt. Divide it into small balls. Cook mince. For this, finely cut meat and onions.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly, add salt and pepper. Now do the masking man. Roll out from the balls of a tortillas, in the middle of each place the minced meat, and from above - a piece of fat.
  3. Select manta, forming balls. Place the mantle in a nastyovarka for 30 minutes. Create sour cream as a sauce.

Yeast mantle recipe

To prepare yeast mantle you will need

For dough

  • 200 g of wheat flour
  • 5 g dry yeast
  • 80 g of water
  • salt

For minced meat

  • 150 g of pork
  • 150 g beef
  • salt, pepper red to taste
  • 200 g of a bunk

Recipe for cooking yeast mantle

  1. Check the dough from flour, water and yeast. Let him approach him once. And you can proceed to the separation.
  2. For making minced me, finely dig meat and onions. Mix everything thoroughly. Blind manta square shape by adding 1 tbsp. l. minced meat into each.
  3. Mantovark tiers Lubricate with butter. Boil manta for 40 minutes. Creamy oil can be served as a sauce, sprinkling Manta with a chicken greens.

Mantles with potatoes recipe

To prepare mantle with potatoes you will need

For dough

  • 350 g of wheat flour
  • 150 g of water
  • salt
  • 10 g of vegetable oil

For minced meat

  • 800 g potatoes
  • 100 g of pork sala
  • 4 things. Middle Lukovitsa
  • salt, ground pepper

Mant's cooking recipe with potatoes

  1. Check the dough, mixing water, salt and flour. Cover it with a wet towel and let stand.
  2. At this time, make minced meat. Clean and cut into small cubes potatoes and onions.
  3. Add the crushed lard there. Season all this with spices. You can proceed to the manufacture of a man.
  4. To do this, roll the dough into a large subtle layer. Cut it into small square pellets. Put a small amount of minced me on each of them, and form square manta.
  5. Put them on the grille nanovarka, lubricated with vegetable oil. Cooking manta is needed for 20-30 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

And what other fillings for mantans do you know, friends?

Olga Mantans with a pumpkin mentioned here. But every mistress does them in different ways. It is possible to mix meat minced meat and cubes chopped pumpkin (I tru on a large grater), onions in proportions 1: 1: 1 (meat: pumpkin: onion), add to mince Fit Swine Salo or Slices of Fresh Sala, Red Pepper, Black. This is one version of mantle with pumpkin.
And I like more purely from pumpkins. We have a lot of tier on the grater of large, cutting onion, it is frozen creamy oil, salt, pepper (pepper be sure and black and red) and stuff ready! The taste is very nice, of course, who pumpkin does not like, that recipe will not appreciate. But such people will fit the recipe above the stirred, mince from pumpkin with meat.)))

olga Belozor Very delicious mantles from duck meat, you can add a little raw potatoes in the minced meat, (without it, it turns out very fat) to skip on the meat grinder with meat, and of course the onion-finely chopped, much .. And the bones are good on the broth. It turns out not fat, but saturated. It is a pity that there are no ducks on sale, even on the market. I start dough like on dumplings, though instead of water always use milk. On the liter of fluid +2 eggs. I trust the dough to wash the son or husband, the rational use of male strength and participation in the cooking process, the dough is excellent.