Prepare cabbage from sauerkraut and millet. Cabwain from sauerkraut with a fast

15.03.2020 Fish dishes

Step 1. Cook the broth from meat.

We put meat into a saucepan, pour cold water, put on the middle fire. If a piece is small, then - a whole piece. After boiling, we remove all the foam, screw the fire, throw a whole bulb, bay leaf and several peas of black peppers into the pan. We close the saucepan with a lid and leave to boil at least one hour and a half. When the meat is welded, take it out into the plate - let him cool. Together with meat, remove the bulb. Her - throw out, she did her work.

Step 2. We take by sauerkraut.

While the broth is boiled, squeeze the sauer cabbage from the brine, put on the pan and put out on sunflower oil. Then lay it out in the welded broth and cook to raise 20. Remember that the cabbage gives the salty taste of the broth, so we will finally get shed at the end of the cooking.

Step 3. We take a millet.

Millet is rinsed well, soak in very hot water for 15 minutes (so that bitterness come out). Then lay out the millet in the broth with cabbage and cook for 10 minutes.

Step 4. We take potatoes.

My potatoes, clean from the peel and cut the pars not very finely. Lay out to the cabbage and the fast. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 5. Preparation of refueling.

Shallowly cut onions. Carrots clean and rub on a large grater or cut straw. In the pan, heat the oil, can be placed and warm in oil dry spices for meat, bay leaf, pepper, so that everything is warmer and filled the oil with aroma of spices. Save a little and lay out onions in the pan. Put onions until soft or until golden color. At the end, add grated carrots, mix and another 5 minutes to fry vegetables. Then add the tomato paste to the roaster, diluted with water (2 tbsp. Per half of the water). Let me boil, stirring, and, refilling is ready. We lay it out in the soup and leave for another 20 minutes.

Step 6. We take boiled meat.

Step 7: .

Meat cut into pieces, send to the soup. Also, mine, cut the greens, add to the soup. Solim to taste. Let it be upered for another 10 minutes. You can leave still from an hour. The soup is ready!

Step 7. We are taking a cabbage from the sauerkraut to the table.

To each plate put a spoon of sour cream. Tasty put in a plate with soup Handful of rye crackers. Bon Appetit!

In the cooking process, the cabbage must be stirred so that the dish is not burnt.

You can not cut potatoes, but put the wholeball tubers. At the end of the cooking, remove, destroy and put in the soup.

Cashtriend - a dish that is preparing for a long time, so broth can be cooked on the eve.

No wonder they say that sickens are ours. Because these two dishes do not require a large skill in cooking, but meanwhile nutritious and tasty. They are in any national kitchen. And sometimes they are mixed in one pot, and in the end it turns out a dish that many familiar with the cabbage.

In essence, the cabbage is variation. But this soup is boiled exclusively from the sauerkraut. Although sometimes the hostess allow liberty and put fresh cabbage into the cabbage.

Subtleties of preparation

  • This cabbage is prepared on boujoules of oily meat, so it turns out to be welded and very satisfying.
  • It does not require a lot of ingredients. In addition to cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, sometimes tomatoes or tomato are put into it.
  • There are cabping recipes with a fast and rice. Capped cabbage with a cereal, you need to take into account that she swells well. In order not to get a dish in which the dish in which the "spoon do not", you can first boil the cereal and only then put it in the soup.
  • The sauer cabbage before adding to the soup was washed and pressed. If the cabbage is not very sour, it can only be squeezed.
  • In exceptional cases, the sauer cabbage can be replaced with fresh. But in order to get that pleasant sourness, which is so famous for the cabbage, fresh cabbage can be squeezed by adding vinegar and slightly sugar. After standing in warmth a few hours, it will taste a little similar to the sauar.
  • Cabspeed is prepared not only with meat, but also with mushrooms. Such a dish can be found in the post, as well as those who adhere to a strict diet, because the soup is obtained low-calorie and easily-friendly. Especially if instead of whole fungi, use the mushroom powder, which is absorbed by the body almost completely.
  • From the spices to the cabbaged, it is recommended to lay a cumin, bay leaf, black pepper (ground and peas), fresh and dried dill. It is they who give the dish a unique taste and aroma.
  • When adding salt, it takes into account its quantity in the sauerkraut. If all the same cabbagednyon turned out to be saved, his taste can save a pinch of sugar, added to the broth.
  • Like any cabbage dish, the cabbage can not be served on the table immediately after cooking. So that he fully revealed his taste, he must draw at least half an hour.

Capulateen with pork


  • pork fat - 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage sauer - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • cumin - 0.5 h.;
  • bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. (if the pork fat is not used);

Cooking method

  • In the finished form, the cab cabbage broth should turn out to be transparent, so special attention is paid to the cooking meat. Wash pork, cut a little fat for frying onion and carrots. Meat cut into pieces of medium size. Put the meat in a saucepan, pour with cold water. Put on a large fire and bring to a boil. Carefully remove the foam snone.
  • Reduce the fire to a minimum, add a little salt, close the saucepan with a lid, cook meat 1 hour.
  • Clean the onions, potatoes and carrots, wash. Onions finely cut, the carrot is on the middle grater, cut the potatoes with cubes or strokes. Cabbage squeeze well.
  • Cut pork fat cut into small cubes, put on a hot frying pan. When fat is pushed, tickle. If you do not have pork baking, pour vegetable oil on the pan and heat it. Fry on the fat or butter onion until golden color, put carrots. Warm everything together 2-3 minutes.
  • In the broth, lower the potatoes and boil 1-2 minutes. Put the squeezed cabbage, roasted vegetables, spices. On the big fire, bring the soup to a boil, the fire will reduce. With weak boil, cook the cabbage to the softness of potatoes. Try to salt if necessary - Swells.
  • Turn off the plate, give cabbage to strengthen under half an hour. Pour into the plates, put the sour cream, sprinkle with fresh dill.

Capulate with fresh and sauerkraut


  • pork on the bone - 0.7 kg;
  • cabbage sauer - 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage Fresh - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • tmin - pinch;
  • bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
  • black peas pepper - 10 pcs.

Cooking method

  • Wine pork, put in a saucepan, pour with cold water. Put on a large fire and bring to a boil. Remove foam noisy. With weak boil, cook 1 hour. Around the middle of the cooking a little spout.
  • Onions, carrots and potatoes Clean, wash. Onions cut the half rings, the carrot can be grate on medium grater or cut into a thin straw. Cut the potatoes with medium cubes.
  • Fresh cabbage is free from bazers and thickens on the leaves, tatch. Squeeze squeeze with brine.
  • On the hot oil, fry the onions to the golden color, add carrots, mix.
  • Put potatoes in boiling broth. After 2 minutes, lower the fresh cabbage. Boil on slow fire for 5 minutes. Add the sauer cabbage and roasted vegetables. Put the cumin, pepper, bay leaf. Boil until soft cabbage. At the end of the cooking, you can add some more salt and pour the cabbage brine to taste.
  • After half an hour after the end of the cooking, pour cabbaged to the plates, serve on the table with sour cream.

Cashtriend with potatoes and mushrooms: lean


  • sauer cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • dried mushrooms - 50 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - 1/3 hp;
  • pepper black ground - pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • greens, sour cream.

Cooking method

  • Dried mushrooms rinse, pour with cold water and leave for 3-4 hours. Then put the mushrooms on the colander, and the water in which they soaked, strain through several layers of gauze. Pour this water in a saucepan, put the cut mushrooms there. Put on the fire and boil with weak boil until they are soft.
  • Onions, potatoes and carrots Clean, wash. Onions finely cut, carrots put a thin straw, cut potatoes with a paler.
  • In the pan, split the oil, burst onions and carrots on it. Press the sauer cabbage from the brine, put on the pan with onions and carrots. Stir, put everything together for 10-15 minutes.
  • Put potatoes in the boiling mushroom broth, boil 10 minutes. Add prepared onions, carrots and cabbage. Boil to soft potatoes. At the end of the cooking, put salt, pepper, sugar.
  • Give cabbage lank, pour into the plates, put the sour cream, sprinkle with greens.

Cabspeed with a swag


  • pork on the bone - 0.6 kg;
  • cabbage sauer - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • millet - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • cumin - pinch.

Cooking method

  • Wash pork, put in a saucepan, pour with cold water, put on fire. Bring to a boil, remove the foam. Cook by lifting the fire to a minimum, about an hour.
  • Clean the onions, carrots, potatoes. Onions and carrots cut straw, potatoes - blocks.
  • Millet thoroughly rinse in several waters. Fill with boiling water, hold for 10 minutes, drain the water. So you get rid of bitterness, which sometimes happens at the millet.
  • Space onions and carrots on the oil, put in the finished broth.
  • When the broth boils again, put the millet and potatoes. After 5 minutes, add a pressed cabbage. Boil with low boiling to soft potatoes. At the end of the cooking spray, put pepper and cumin.
  • Remove the finished cabbage from the stove, let it stand. After half an hour, run into the plates, put the sour cream, sprinkle with chopped greens.

Ukrainian cabbage with sauer cabbage


  • pork ribs - 0.7 kg;
  • any cereal (millet, rice, buckwheat) - 150 g;
  • sauer cabbage - 0.7 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.7 kg;
  • celery root - 150 g;
  • carrots - 0.25 kg;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • refined vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash pork, dry by a towel, destroy on portion pieces.
  • Carrot Dressely, wash, soda large.
  • Clean and grind the celery root on a large grater.
  • From Luca, remove the husks, cut it with small cubes.
  • Rinse the croup.
  • Clean the potatoes, cut the cubes with a size of about 1.5 cm.
  • Rinse and press the sauced cabbage.
  • At the bottom of the pan pour oil. Preheat it. Put carrots, onions and celers into the oil. Fry them 10 minutes.
  • Add pork ribs. Fry them 10 minutes together with vegetables.
  • Fill food with water and boil on slow heat until the meat is well lagging behind the bones.
  • Add cabbage and potatoes, spices. Join for 5-10 minutes. Add a cereal and continue to cook the kushan for another 20-25 minutes, while the cereals do not speculate.

It remains to give a soup to strengthen some time under the lid and decompose on plates, without forgetting to put a few pork ribs into each. To fry the root at the first stage of the preparation of Ukrainian cabbagelika can not be on the oil, but on fat, wound out of pork squirrels.

Cashtriend with rice


  • chicken - 0.6 kg;
  • rice - 150 g;
  • sauer cabbage - 0.4 kg;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • tomato paste - 60 ml;
  • salt, fresh greens, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Chicken, flushing, fill with water. Bring to a boil and approve on a slow fire for an hour, adding a laurel sheet and several pepper peas.
  • Straighten the broth. Chicken cool down. Separate chicken meat from bones, clean the skin, cut into small pieces.
  • In the broth, put potatoes, pre-purified and sliced \u200b\u200bmedium size cubes. Bring it to a boil. Concute 10 minutes, add washed rinse.
  • Carrots and onions cleanse. Carrots Grind on the grater, cut the bow finely.
  • Put the vegetables in the pan with preheated oil. Fry them until the bow does not get a golden shade.
  • Add tomato paste to vegetables, exhaust products together 5-6 minutes.
  • 10 minutes after adding to rice soup, rinse the cabbage and put it in a saucepan with other products.
  • When the soup boils back, add vegetable roasted. Keep cooking for another 10 minutes.
  • Try soup, bother to taste, add pepper and crushed greenery.
  • Give the soup to boil another 2-3 minutes and remove the saucepan from the fire.

Capped, cooked with rice on chicken broth, has a unique taste, it is worth trying to everyone.

Hostess at a notes

Capped machine can be prepared not only with meat, but also with salted or fresh lard. To do this, shed small cubes, put on a hot frying pan, extepa the fat before the formation of a squat. Shkvarka remove, and on fat spruce vegetables. Puckworm lovers can put these stuffed slices in the finished cabbage.

Cashtnik (Another first dish can be found under the name of the cell) - soup or liquid vegetable dish of Ukrainian cuisine, which is prepared from sauer or fresh cabbage with the addition of a milk or rice, lean cabbage with mushrooms is preparing without meat. Capulate, the recipe and photo of this delicious soup was sent to us Galina Kotahova:

I want to offer a recipe for the Ukrainian dish: Capulate from sauerkraut with a swing, shared with me my girlfriend from Ukraine with me. These are their corona dish after the borscht. I prepared the cab in today for lunch today, it turned out a little densely.

Capulate "Ukrainian", recipe:

  • By 3.5 liters of water,
  • Pork on the bone - 1 kg,
  • sauer cabbage - 0.5 kg,
  • potato - 4 pcs.,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 1 carrot,
  • parsley root
  • 100 g of butter,
  • Flour - 50 g,
  • Salo - 100 g,
  • vegetable oil,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of millet,
  • Garlic - 3 teeth,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • greens,
  • Sour cream - when filing.

How to cook cabbage

We proceed to the preparation of this tasty. At first I boil the meat, we will preach it and put it entirely in a saucepan with water. We put on fire, cook almost until readiness, then pork will take out and separated from the bone, cut the pieces and throw into the lesioned broth.

Let's clean, wash the carrot, parsley root, onions.

Clear potatoes, cut into a cube.

Salo to smoke into a mortar with garlic and green parsley.

In a frying pan, frighten on the vegetable oil, a marrow and onions crumbled on a large grater, adding flour, diluted with broth and thinly chopped parsley root to vegetables.

In the finished meat broth for the cabbage soup, lay the potatoes first, 3 spoons of the milking, a little cook, add a loss of fat and stewed cabbage.

Now refuel the roaster, praises for about 6 minutes, add pepper peas and laurel into cabbage.

Turn off the fire and give it to breed the finished cabbage dish.

When applying to a plate we put sour cream and chopped greens.

A nice appetite you wish you a notebook of the Anyuta and her friends!

Some of us, especially young unfortunately and do not know about such a tasty dish - cabbage, especially welded from sauerkraut. Previously, such a first dish was very common due to the large number of preparation variations. In some restaurants it was even one of the main menu. I suggest you remember this wonderful soup, with a rich taste palette and expand your home menu.

To be honest, the soup to call such a dish of my language does not turn, well, you understand, it's like a soup or borsch, it is a special kind of first hot dish. By the way, do not believe the recipes with fresh cabbage, it will already be anything, but not our saturated with a pleasant sour taste and a golden film from above, cabbage. It was invented by Slavs, he became a national dish of Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, those countries where it harvest in large quantities.

How to cook cabping from sauerkraut

A real cabbagetnik leaving from Ukrainian cuisine, our Russian soups can be prepared on fresh cabbage, the cabbage can only be cooked with the sauarsa. Fatty pork rubbishshki, smoked breast, homemade ham, which is prepared by the booby soup. In addition, there are cereals, mushrooms or other vegetables can be. It is good for this soup to the winter table, to warm up and vitamins to pamper the body exhausted by cold.

Roots, which are added to the soup, are necessarily subjected to roasting, a carrot with an onion to a golden color, a white root of smell can be added. Also, the soup must be posed.

How to cook cabping Ukrainian with sauerkraut

For the recipe we take:

  • Two hundred grams of smoked breast or ham
  • Two hundred grams of sauerkraut
  • Two kartoshina
  • One large carrot
  • Three tablespoons rice
  • Lavrushenka
  • Sunflower oil for roaster
  • Poker with cook salt

Cooking process:

At first we need to prepare all the ingredients for the roaster. Archers cut the pen, the carrot three on the usual grater, it is important to choose a juicy bright orange rootpode, then the soup will be very beautiful.

The ham or the edge cutting on not too large pieces, better neat cubes. In the meantime, in a pan, better deep, warm oil, it can be purified, though Ukrainians prefer natural olive with sunflower aroma.

Initially, it is frog to gold, then we fall asleep the carrot, stir so that you will be twisted from all the sides. Only at the end we throw the ham and give a little to roast.

At the same time, it is possible and a bit early we rinse the cabbage if it seems too acidic, and in a separate frying room or a scenery we put stewed, pouring some water. The extinguishing process will take us thirty-forty minutes, so you need to follow and pour water as evaporation.

Potatoes, purified and cut into cubes, we put cooking in a saucepan. There we also throw the washed rice, lavelice and continue to cook. We try to potatoes, if it is almost welded, lay roasting vegetables and swung cappist. The thing is that potatoes cook with acid cabbage is not entirely good, the acid does not allow the potato, so the cabbage is separate or hung or boiled.

When all the components are already abandoned in a saucepan, you can salt, so as not to share. Also at the end of the cabbage pepper and add greens. Now it is closely covered with a lid and hide in a warm place to strengthen, well, at least from half an hour.

Capped with sauer cabbage and fast

We will take for cooking:

  • Kilo pork rubber with fat
  • Paul kilo sauerkraut
  • Full cabinet pshen
  • Three liters of water
  • Three medium-sized potatoes
  • Big carrots
  • Large onion lucker
  • Three tablespoons Tomatpaders
  • Lavrushka
  • Salt with pepper, greens

How to cook everything:

Of course, we begin from the broth, the meat is necessarily rummaged and lower in hot water, we leave slowly boiled, we remove the foam.

Try the sauerkravel before cooking, if too much acid, it is worth soak in advance, you can just rinse. We put it to stew in a deep-shill, adding a baulon's female. We will wear it until soft, this is somewhere forty minutes.

The most important thing in the cabolate, his highlight is a roaster, fried to golden color, with a bright, juicy carrots, then a tomato paste is added to them, which makes the soup color insanely beautiful.

After the broth is welded, it can be done in advance, robryshki riding a plug and pull out on the dish, let them cool down a little. And in the broth we throw cubes of potatoes and millet, which should be welded almost until readiness. I throw a leaf of Lavra.

We try potatoes, it should become soft, but not fall apart, then immediately throw stewed sauer cabbage, along with the remnants of broth, roasted vegetables and meat with rubberies, spits and pepper. Let's get out of the heels to bother, make greenery and try.

Cabwain from sauerkraut with a milit cooker

Take for a recipe:

  • Paul Kilo pork knuckles on the bone
  • Half kilo kale sauced
  • Mid-sized lukovitsa
  • Big juicy carrots
  • Four potatoes
  • Full cabinet pshen
  • Salt, Lavrushka
  • Sunflower oil for roasting

How we will cook cabping

Carrot with onion is smaller as you like more, straw, tricks, strokes. At the bottom of the bowl, we pour oil and turn on a convenient mode for roasting mode, we throw vegetables only into the heated oil and slightly give the golden color.

Now to fragrant bezing, we lay the pieces of meat, we pour a bit of a driver and with the help of the extinguishing mode, we boil about an hour.

After an hour, we open our kitchen assistant and lay the potatoes cubes in her. With the cabbage go, as you like, you think that it will be too sour, then rinse, and you can throw it. Top on the cabbage we fall asleep the washed millet, at first it is mine in running water, then we give it boiling pound and leave five minutes to stand, then it will definitely be clean.

Water pour over the top handwork, add a laurel leaf, with caution salt, cabbage will also give salt, do not forget about it. Extinguishing mode for two hours and our dish, welded and captivated fragrant ready.

Capture cabbage from sauerkraut without meat

We need such products:

  • Two liters of water
  • Polkulo sauerkraut
  • Full cabinet pshen
  • Four potatoes
  • Large onion lucker
  • Big Carromb
  • Two tablespoons Tomatpaders
  • Three tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • Laurel sheet, greens, salt on your taste

How we will cook:

Such a lean cabbage is boiled. Despite the absence of meat, his taste is always saturated and it is very appetizing due to a delicious roaster with tomatoes. By the way, instead of tomato paste, you can take fresh tomatoes, and in the winter I add my home, frozen.

We begin with a cabbage from finding, we need it to be soft. Masculated in a separate deep pan with the addition of water for about an hour. Together with this, clean and grind vegetables for roasters, and carrots, however, how much.

In another pan, we do not heat the oil too much and pour into it at the beginning of the bow, then the carrot, stirring and add and add tomato, we give a little agitat.

Potato cubes along with a purely washed with a piercing together with water and send cooking. When the potato is almost welded, the cabbage will be ready, we combine them, put the laurel, refuel the beggar and a little quit. Be sure to launch a dish under the lid.

Capped with sauerkraut and mushrooms

We will prepare from such products:

  • Polkulo sauerkraut
  • Sheltered white mushrooms or champignons
  • Medium carrot
  • The middle head of Luke.
  • Three potatoes
  • Poland rice
  • A piece of fresh sala
  • Green, Garlic, Salt, Lavrushka at your discretion

How to cook:

Cabbage promotion, discourage excess water and send to quenching, can be poured with water or meat rabulum.

At this time, we make a roaster, or rather, the basis of the dish. Initially, we cut the fat on the plastics, just not very thin to do not immediately dry on fire. Lay out on the pan and replete. On this fat, fry onions with carrots and mushrooms, which cut into cubes, slightly all sitting.

In the meantime, the potatoes are already cleaned and cut off, pour it in a water saucepan, add rice, let it be boiled. Ten minutes later we throw all the spices. As soon as it becomes soft, add cabbage and roaster. We mix everything, add greens and garlic and tomim minutes five with a closed lid.

As it should be densely, the cabbage with the sauerkraut and the fast is preparing for a long time and thoroughly. The basis is meat broth, we will prepare it from pork on a bone. While the meat is cooked, we will make frodes from vegetables and add a sour cabbage into it. And then we will send it all together with potatoes and a swing in the broth. You may not doubt - it turns out the delicious cabbage with a sauerkraut, the recipe with the photo is better confirmation. The burning is hot, very tasty, satisfying, with a saturated sour taste - just what is needed for groaning autumn-winter weather. You can fix the soup sour cream, but without additive it is very good!


To cook the cabbage Ukrainian with sauerkraut will need:

  • pork on the bone - 500-600 g;
  • summer (sour cabbage) - 2 big handstones;
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • millet - 3 tbsp. l;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onions - 1 big head;
  • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper, garlic - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. l;
  • greens any fresh - bunch.

How to cook cabping from sauerkraut. Recipe

Prepare products on the list, put cooking broth. Rinse meat, lay in cold water. Next, there are two ways of cooking broth. The first is to pour a bit of water, bring to a boil, to slaughter five minutes and merge. Rinse meat again from foam, pour clean water (three liters) and bring to a boil again. There will be almost no foam when boiling. Add salt and boil with a weak smooth hour and a half, until pork is ready.

The second way - we immediately pour three liters of water, we throw salt and wait until it boils. We cover the fire, we collect a foam cap, the broth must be clean. We cover a loosely lid, Tomm on weak heat until the softness of meat (approximately one and a half hours).

After half an hour, we begin the preparation of vegetables. Clean the bow, carrot and potatoes.

We pull out the sauer cabbage from the barrel, pressed from the juice (it will not need it, so it is better to press when you dial). If the cabbage is cut with a long straw, we collect a slide on the board and cut across shorter.

We will need two kinds of potatoes: the chopped straw will remain in the soup of the whole, and we boil the largest chopped in the broth and then dismiss in the puree. Shortly before the readiness thicken the cabbaged, so that there is still an overall. We cut two or three tubers with straw, the rest cut into two or four parts.

Carrot shining fine straw or three through a large grater. Onions cut the lace, cubes.

We warm up the oil in the pan, the passover is the color until the color will not become translucent, and the golden shade will appear along the edges. We add carrots and leave to steal for five minutes.

Lay out cabbage, slightly add a fire to faster to evaporate liquid. As soon as the juice evaporates, reducing the fire and under the cover of the carcass in 20-25 minutes until soft.

Broth wore with us, we get meat. Fix in order not to remain bone fragments or scale.

We bring to a boil, omit large chopped potatoes. Cook until readiness, tubers need to break well.

After 15-20 minutes, we get potatoes, smear the brush. We send a potato straw in the broth, and the puree is still covering and saving warm.

Cabbage add tomato sauce for better taste and brighter. We leave tomorrow for another ten minutes, while the potato is chopped with straw.

Give a pair of potato stations, trying to readiness. If it is easily cleaned, we shift into the soup with an acidic cabbage together with onions and carrots. If the potatoes are not ready yet, they speak and only then add sauer cabbage. Otherwise, potatoes will remain hard, acid prevents the rigging of the pulp.

I bring cabbage to a boil, laying up a potato mashed potatoes. Stir, trying to salt, acid. If not sufficiently sour, you can pour the cabbage brine, but consider that when cooking the cabbage will still give an acid, so this can be done at the end of cooking.

Cook a cabbage from sour cabbage for about ten for about ten minutes, then add the washed millet. We immediately stir so that the croups do not dare to the bottom and not gathered with lumps. We leave to boil with weak boiling for another 10-15 minutes, until the millet is welded. At the end, the greens are sued, you can add a little garlic and sharp peppers.

We leave the cabbagednik to come on a warm burrow, without opening the lid. Let stand at least half an hour, the soup will be much tastier.

In general, cook is better in advance. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the most delicious cabbage from the sauerkraut becomes the next day when it is imagining and gaining taste. Waving some time, laying meat on plates, pour hot cabbaged, and feeding with greens. With sour cream, and black bread with a delicate or pepper is very tasty! Bon Appetit!

Here is another cooking option: