Wine from high blood pressure. Wine and pressure: red wine raises or lowers blood pressure

26.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Rarely does a feast go without wine. Alcoholic drinks affect a person's well-being. Many people have a question: does wine increase or decrease blood pressure? Can I drink it with hypotension and hypertension?

Beneficial features

A large number of medicinal properties are attributed to wine, including the ability to influence blood pressure. Hippocrates himself used this drink as a diuretic, antiseptic and sedative. The great physician of antiquity even dissolved medicines for them. In folk medicine, there is a treatment that recommends drinking wine with high blood pressure (BP).

A low-alcohol grape product contains many elements that are important for human health. When drinking wine, one must observe the measure. It is recommended to drink no more than one glass (50-100 ml) of alcoholic beverage at dinner per day. Especially useful are wines made from grapes with skin and seeds.

Healing composition and properties of alcoholic grape products:

  1. Fruit acids - expand the walls of blood vessels, improve blood flow. The blood itself is enriched with nitric oxide.
  2. Polyphenols (resveratrol) - relieve inflammation, prevent the growth of malignant neoplasms, normalize blood sugar levels, restore cell metabolism, enrich the blood with oxygen, and rejuvenate the body.
  3. Flavonoids, saponins, catechins - strengthen blood vessels, prevent hypertension, stroke, heart attack.
  4. Tannin - tannins tone up the circulatory system, make blood vessels stronger, prevent the development of pathology of the circulatory system.
  5. Vitamins A, B, C, E, PP - strengthen the immune system.

An alcoholic drink made from grapes contains useful micro and macro elements - selenium, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium and others. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, iron is useful for anemia, with the help of rubidium, radionuclides are excreted from the body.

For medicinal purposes, wine is used for problems with the heart and blood vessels, indigestion, vitamin deficiency. And also with blood pressure.

Important! Products with a higher alcohol content (up to 22%) are beneficial under reduced pressure!

With atherosclerosis, it helps to remove cholesterol from the blood, literally flushes the blood vessels. It is used for gastrointestinal problems (maintains normal acidity, improves the secretion of bile and gastric juice). Mulled wine is used to treat flu and coughs.

With a breakdown, take several tablespoons of a natural alcoholic grape product a day. It increases the tone of the body and immunity, improves appetite, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents cancer, prevents tooth decay and gum disease, and in small doses improves brain function.

Thanks to the antioxidants included in the composition: aging slows down, the appearance and well-being of a person improves. A low-alcohol drink is a good sedative and can help you fall asleep quickly.

Drinking grape juice will not replace a natural low-alcohol drink and will not give the desired effect. If someone does not like alcohol, you can dilute such wines with water in a 1: 1 or 1: 2 ratio. In this case, all useful substances are saved.

Important! When falsifying wine products, the medicinal properties of drinks are lost. There are more useful substances in dry red wines than in white ones. The highest quality are: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Bordeaux, Pinot Noir.

How does it work on pressure

Many people are interested in the question: how does store-bought red wine work on blood pressure? It is very difficult to answer this question without knowing the brand of the drink and the state of human health.

In this case, you need to be guided by the following recommendation: any alcoholic product first lowers and then increases blood pressure. This effect is due to the effect of ethanol on the cardiovascular system. After taking wine, the vessels dilate, blood circulation improves, blood pressure drops. When alcohol is excreted from the body, blood vessels narrow, blood pressure rises. In addition to ethanol, fruit acids in wine have the ability to dilate blood vessels. They have a longer lasting effect.

Taking an alcoholic grape product is especially at risk of hypotension, because they already have low blood pressure. After taking a large dose of an alcoholic drink, blood pressure in such people drops sharply. They feel sick, dizziness, weakness, nausea appear. If you experience alarming symptoms, you must stop drinking wine. When alcohol begins to be excreted from the body, blood pressure in hypotensive patients rises, they feel at this moment a surge of strength and an emotional uplift.

However, people suffering from high blood pressure, on the contrary, are advised to consume an alcoholic grape product, but in moderation. Small doses of alcohol for hypertension lower blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. You can't drink too often and too much. This can lead to the development of hypertension.

What product is useful for hypertension? Which wine lowers blood pressure - red and white? What drink to choose so as not to harm your body with high blood pressure?

Of course, natural, dry, red, vintage, because such wine lowers the pressure. Dry red wine has more useful qualities than white or table wine. This is due to the manufacturing technology of such products. It must also be remembered that the lower the percentage of alcohol content, the more delicate the drink acts on the cardiovascular system and the more useful it is for hypertension.

Important! With an episodic increase in blood pressure, the alcohol contained in the grape product reduces blood pressure. Wine for hypertension, containing a large percentage of alcohol, is not recommended. At first, the pressure will drop, but when the body begins to get rid of toxic substances, a sharp jump in blood pressure will occur, which can lead to the development of a hypertensive crisis. In small doses, a grape alcoholic drink can be consumed, but only occasionally. If you feel worse, such wine should be discarded.


White wine is made from different grape varieties: light and dark. Winemakers try to separate the grape juice from the seeds and skins as quickly as possible so that it does not darken upon contact with them. Thanks to this technology, a light, light alcoholic product with a golden color and delicate aroma is obtained. True, this drink contains fewer nutrients than red wine. But white wine contains vitamins, antioxidants and other substances that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Many people are interested to know: does white wine raise or lower blood pressure? It is best for hypotonic patients to take exactly white varieties of alcoholic grape drinks with a low alcohol content. A natural product will not affect blood pressure. And for people suffering from high blood pressure, a light grape alcoholic drink will not bring relief - blood pressure will not fall when consumed. White wine is ineffective under increased pressure.

There are many wine drinks in the retail trade that, unlike natural wines, do not have useful properties. White table alcoholic grape drinks with a high content of alcohol and sugar - raise the pressure. People with low blood pressure are not recommended to drink them because of the high alcohol content, which can dramatically relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

If a person has high blood pressure, then at first these falsifications will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, and then sugar will raise blood pressure. Hence the conclusion: only healthy people can drink white sweet, semi-sweet grape drinks with a high percentage of alcohol. Those with high or low blood pressure need to eat only natural products with a small amount of alcohol.

Red wine

The most useful drink, from the point of view of scientists, is natural dry red wine with an alcohol content of up to 11%. It is such a product that lowers too high a pressure. This ability of wine to influence blood pressure is explained by the action of ethanol, which dilates blood vessels, and fruit acids, which relieve vascular spasms, when, after some time, alcohol begins to be excreted from the body.

How does this drink affect the body of people suffering from low blood pressure? Does red wine raise or lower blood pressure? A natural product with a low alcohol content will initially lower blood pressure. Over time, red wine will cause a slight increase in blood pressure.

Red wine only increases blood pressure if it contains a lot of sugar and a lot of alcohol. True, the increase in blood pressure does not occur immediately, but after some time. In any case, it is not recommended for hypotensive patients to drink red wine with a high alcohol content - blood pressure will drop even more.

How does red semi-dry wine work at high pressure? Any alcohol-based drinks lower the pressure. This is due to the effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system. Red wine and high blood pressure are compatible.

Homemade alcoholic drinks made from various fruits and berries are good for the human body. They contain only natural substances and no chemicals. At low pressure, it is recommended to drink sweet ciders, apple wines with a low alcohol content. Under high pressure, red wines are suitable, for example, from blackberries, dark grape varieties, house pomegranate wine.

Red table

Red table wine, especially sweet wine, raises pressure when used regularly and for too long. The alcohol contained in such a drink will lead to a relaxation of blood vessels and at first the blood pressure will drop, but then there will be a sharp increase in pressure.

It is not recommended to drink red table wine from low blood pressure, blood pressure from such a drink will drop even more. Semi-sweet table red does not increase, but lowers blood pressure. The reason for this effect on the body is the high alcohol content in the drink. People with low blood pressure are advised to drink white, sweet table wine that is low in alcohol and high in sugar. Sugar raises pressure.

Correct dosage

Wine - red or white can be consumed only in small quantities, usually with meals. If you drink more than 300 ml of alcoholic drink per day, then this will not lead to any effect, but on the contrary.

Doctors recommend drinking no more than 50-100 ml of wine per day. It is best to divide the daily dose into 2 parts and take a little during the day at lunch and dinner. If desired, the alcoholic drink can be diluted with mineral water (1: 1 or 1: 2).

Important! It is better for hypertensive patients to drink sour red wines, it is possible with a high alcohol content. Hypotensive patients need to drink white sweet grape drinks with a low percentage of alcohol. Healthy people can consume different varieties of alcoholic grape drinks, but not more than 100 ml per day.

Contraindications to use

Wine is an alcohol-containing drink, so it is not recommended to drink it for people who have kidney and liver pathologies, as well as for those who suffer from constant high blood pressure. In addition, you cannot drink strong wines for gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

People often talk about how healthy red wine is. In countries such as France, Italy, England, one glass of this drink is taken before dinner to improve digestion.

A huge number of medicinal properties are attributed to wine. This includes the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

As a result, the question arises: how does it affect the human body?

reference! Do not drink alcohol if you have taken cardiovascular medications. The effect of the drug will intensify, the consequences of which are difficult to foresee.

Red wine

Alcohol first relaxes, constricts blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. However, after a while, the heart will begin to beat faster, which will dilate the blood vessels and increase the pressure.

An experiment was conducted by nutritionists, as a result of which it turned out that for a hypertensive drink dry red wine is useful:

  • Blood pressure is reduced and the risk of stroke is reduced by 20%.
  • With daily use, the risk of cancer, gum disease, endocrine system disease and vascular atherosclerosis is reduced. We are talking about dry red because this particular variety contains a lot of fruit acids.
  • The special composition of this drink saturates the blood with oxygen, reduces its viscosity and reduces the pressure on the valve system of the veins.
  • There is also a diuretic effect that reduces swelling. This wine contains a number of vitamins and elements that make it even more beneficial.

Watch a video about how red wine affects the human body:

Table wine

Red table wine has the opposite effect - it increases blood pressure, like any other alcohol. Sweet table wine is not allowed to be drunk under high blood pressure.

White wine

Any alcohol increases blood pressure - this is a well-known fact. Exceptions are dry wines. White dry wine loses to red in its composition.

In this case, there are fewer tannins and flavonoids, but this does not exhaust its benefits for the cardiovascular system. Drink the drink within normal limits and the benefits will become apparent.

Here's how this variety of wine affects the human body:

  1. normalizes blood pressure;
  2. strengthens the walls of blood vessels of the brain and heart;
  3. improve lung function.

reference! This drink contains antioxidants, useful salts and trace elements that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

Why exactly does dry wine lower blood pressure?

Dry red wine contains resveratrol, which has anti-inflammatory, anticancer and other effects. Also, the insignificant presence of sugar in wine can have a negative effect.

Alcohol for hypertension

How does the product of grape fermentation affect the human body with hypertension? People with high blood pressure need to be aware of this.

Drinking is allowed if a person knows when to stop and knows how to drink it correctly, avoiding unpleasant consequences.

Only dry wine will have a positive effect on the body. Its use is permitted only in minimal quantities. The optimal dose is 50 to 100 milliliters per day.

Sometimes you can dilute it with mineral or ordinary water to reduce the strength of alcohol and this will not affect the healing properties of the composition. Fruit acids contained in wine have a vasodilating and antispasmodic effect.

Important! Alcohol is not the best way to treat hypertension. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the opposite effect - increased blood pressure.

The video tells whether it is possible to drink alcohol with hypertension:

When should you not drink?

Despite the huge number of medicinal properties of grape fermentation products, there are some restrictions on the use of this drink.

Do not drink red wine:

  • People with gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis.
  • Do not drink if you have frequent headaches.
  • It is worth refraining with alcohol addiction.
  • With bronchial asthma.
  • For allergies.

With diabetes, you can drink only with meals and in minimal quantities.

Dry white wine is also contraindicated for depression, alcohol dependence, coronary heart disease.

Important! If you drink more than the daily norm, then the risk of developing cancerous tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, and alcohol dependence increases. Alcohol abuse often results in unhealthy babies and suicide.

With the following symptoms, you need to urgently call an ambulance:

  1. If blood pressure has increased above 150/110
  2. If your blood pressure drops below 90/50
  3. With clouding of consciousness
  4. With partial or complete paralysis

Folk recipes

There are many popular methods for lowering blood pressure.

1 recipe

A mixture of red wine, sugar, horseradish root and orange.

For cooking you need to take:

  • 150 grams of horseradish roots
  • 500 grams of orange
  • 300 grams of sugar
  • 1 liter of red wine

We grate the horseradish roots, chop the orange through a meat grinder or food processor and mix these ingredients.

Then sprinkle everything with sugar and fill it with wine. We leave the finished product in a water bath for an hour. We cool the same amount of time and filter.

2 recipe

To strengthen the muscles of the heart and lower blood pressure, you need to mix wine and lemon peels. Put them in a dark place for 2 days. The place must be cold. Lemon can be substituted for orange.

Drink after dinner, 50 grams every evening. Add a teaspoon of honey before use.

3 recipe

70-80 grams of this drink a day helps well against headaches. Increase the dose over and over again to the recommended rate.

4 recipe

During meals, drink two to three tablespoons of wine mixed with aloe juice.

5 recipe

An excellent option is mulled wine.

To prepare it you need:

  • 0.7 liters of wine
  • 6 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 0.5 lemon

We choose spices to taste (cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, allspice).

We heat the wine with spices over low heat, add sugar in small portions during the boil. Mulled wine should not boil, but it should be hot (80 degrees).

6 recipe

50 grams of dry wine with garlic will help strengthen blood vessels. To do this, we insist three to four cloves of garlic and one bottle for a day in a dark, cold place.

These recipes can be a good prevention of cardiovascular disease, but not the main treatment. Do not continue with these methods if you have an allergic reaction or an upset stomach.

Important! If, after using folk remedies, the condition does not improve, or the state of health, on the contrary, becomes worse, then you should consult your doctor.

So wine influences the state of pressure. As a result of many experiments, it was found that it is the dry wine that has a beneficial effect on health and lowers blood pressure.

The use of this alcohol can improve the general condition of the body. You need to know when to stop and not abuse it.

When applying treatment with this drink, you should pay attention to contraindications.

Wine is an alcoholic drink, the properties of which remain unexplored. Scientists have identified 610 components that make up the wine.

Wine helps with hypertension only when it has been aged for at least three years. This statement is not true.

In order for a patient who drinks wine under pressure to receive a lot of beneficial properties from it, the wine must last three years.

The aging of the wine does not affect the level of useful properties in any way and does not lower or increase the pressure. The only thing is that if the wine is aged for several years, then it is saturated with amino acids and tannins. Despite its composition, which consists of many components, experts have not completely determined white,red wine raises or lowers blood pressure... Red wine increases blood nitrogen. Nitrogen, in turn, increases blood flow to internal organs. This occurs by vasodilation. In this case, wine lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, rather than raising it.

In Barcelona, ​​a large experiment was carried out to determine how a wine drink affects pressure, which showed that wine lowers blood pressure when consumed regularly and in small quantities.

It can also reduce the risk of stroke by 25% and cardiovascular disease by 17%.

  • when a patient is diagnosed with a stomach or intestinal ulcer, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining);
  • patients with regular headaches, migraines;
  • in the presence of various allergic reactions;
  • patients with neuropsychiatric disorders and alcohol dependence;
  • patients with asthma.

Having drawn the conclusions, we can be sure that wine has a lot of useful properties (only in moderation), but wine is not shown to patients with hypertension. But now you need to understand what kind of wine you can drink with hypertension, white or red?

So, red wine increases blood pressureor lowers it? The answer to this question is that red wine increases blood pressure. It is desirable if this wine is vintage. White wine has fewer health benefits. After the experiments were carried out, and there were many of them, the scientists found out interesting facts.

Antioxidants are mainly found in red wines, but they are more effective in white wines. This is explained by the fact that in white wine the size of antioxidants is smaller and it is easier for them to penetrate living cells. But in any case, it will be useful for the patient to drink red wine, useful elements prevail in it.

Half an hour after drinking red wine, the blood is saturated with antioxidants and prevents the formation of viral pathologies. Thus, the patient's mood is improved and youthfulness is preserved. The wine lasts approximately 4 hours. if you drink white wine, then there will be no such results.

Dry red wine can lower endophelin protein. If such a protein in the body exceeds normal levels, then a person begins to have problems with blood vessels, for example, atherosclerosis. White wine has no effect on this protein.

Although red wine has more beneficial properties, this does not mean that white wine is not healthy. If you drink dry white wine in reasonable quantities, then they also have a beneficial effect on the body, for example: cardiac activity normalizes, stops the development of atherosclerotic disease and anemia.

Can you drink sweet red wine with high blood pressure?

Wine and pressure have a close relationship with each other. Drinking red wine with high blood pressure is not allowed, as it can further increase it.

But sweet red wine and fortified wine, any varieties of semi-sweet wines, are not recommended to drink, as they negatively affect the vessels, especially when it comes to cores.

Useful properties of red wine

How red wine affects low blood pressure directly depends on the amount drunk. If you drink wine in reasonable quantities, then wine has the following beneficial properties:

  • natural wine has cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties;
  • after wine, oxygen enters the cells faster, while the blood sugar level decreases and cell metabolism improves;
  • tannins, which are contained in natural wine, can give strength to vessels. After that, they become more elastic. Antioxidants and procyanids, which are part of the drink, prevent the development of hypertension, myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis.

How much can you drink to benefit from the drink

Let us remind you once again that in order to get the beneficial properties of wine, you need to drink it in reasonable quantities, otherwise the situation can only get worse.

The daily norm of a wine drink should not exceed 130 ml.

If you are used to drinking wine every day, then the dose should be no more than 80 ml. People who drink 60-120 ml of dry wine drink per day enrich the heart and blood vessels with beneficial properties.

Experiments have determined that if you drink red dry wine regularly and in the right doses, then it lowers blood pressure.

But it is important to remember that wine is categorically contraindicated for patients with hypertension and alcohol dependence.

Wine has unique properties, it contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Doctors recommend drinking wine as a preventive measure for:

  • chronic arterial diseases;
  • anemia;
  • pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • colds;
  • heart attacks and strokes.

Often, when wine reduces the risk of oncological pathologies.

If you drink wine with food, then the iron contained in foods is absorbed faster. When a patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, doctors urge the patient to drink 100 ml of wine a day.

Also, wine has a tonic effect. Often, doctors recommend using it to recuperate after serious illnesses, spring vitamin deficiency and after severe blood loss. You can drink a little bit of it to get rid of diarrhea, as wine has astringent properties.

When is it forbidden to drink wine

There are diseases that are diagnosed at a later date, although they develop rapidly in the body. Therefore, it is customary for each person to undergo preventive examinations once or twice a year.

  • stomach ulcers, 12 duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • migraines;
  • any allergic reactions;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • asthma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • alcohol dependence and mental disorders.

You should not drink alcoholic beverages if you are on medication and need to take medications.

  • blood pressure dramatically changed its indicators: it increased to 145/115, or dropped to 85/55 millimeters of mercury.
  • a person's consciousness is upset, he becomes overly active or faints.
  • begins to vomit, while it is impossible to stop this with folk remedies and medicines at home.
  • The vegetative system is disrupted, that is, the heart rate increases, the limbs grow cold, the skin turns red and begins to itch.

In such cases, you need to call an ambulance. Alcohol poisoning may have occurred.

In ancient times, it was believed that wine is a gift from the gods, which should be worshiped. Today the grape drink is a source of healing substances that strengthen the body. Its bio-components and minerals relieve nervousness and normalize the functioning of the circulatory system. For patients with hypertension, it is important: does red wine increase or decrease blood pressure? This issue is especially relevant on the eve of important holidays, when you really want to relax and have a great time with friends and family, and not in bed, suffering from the symptoms of hypertension.

Sharp jumps in blood pressure in one direction or the other require special attention when choosing drinks, especially alcohol. Alcohol in small quantities can temporarily combat the signs of hypertension. When a person drinks a couple of sips of grape alcohol, the vascular channels expand and the pressure decreases. In addition to this, it has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • antineoplastic;
  • cardioprotective;
  • hepatoprotective.

It is worth exceeding the permissible norm, as the opposite effect occurs: erythrocytes stop working correctly, begin to burst and stick together, clogging up the blood flow. Blood pressure rises again, the volume of blood ejected by the heart into the bloodstream increases, the frequency of muscle contractions increases, and tachycardia develops. Needless to say about a hangover syndrome, when, after heavy libations, a person may simply end up in a hospital bed with a heart attack or stroke.

In small quantities, red wine is indicated for those who suffer from hypotension or hypertension. The main thing is to choose the right variety and not to abuse alcohol. When, when taking a drink, the walls of the veins and arteries become stronger and more elastic, the blood is cleansed of toxins, cholesterol and harmful radicals, then the pathology will be less pronounced.

When choosing alcohol and having hypertension, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. A grape drink should not be very sweet if a person suffers from hypertension for a long time. High sugar content (Vermouth, Port, Cahors) negatively affects health. Glucose in wine should ferment completely, therefore, with often high blood pressure, doctors do not recommend drinking strawberry, cherry, raspberry alcohol.
  2. It is better to buy wine not fortified. Normal strength is 9-11.5%. Of course, in rare cases, 30-50 grams of a stronger grape drink are not dangerous, but if the hypertension is not in a neglected state.
  3. Red wine must be vintage. The vasodilating effect of this unique drink is provided not by alcohol, but by the active components that are initially contained in grape berries and laid down by nature itself.
  4. Alcohol consumption should be strictly dosed. According to modern research, a volume of wine no more than 150 ml brings real benefits for hypertension. The daily intake should not exceed 100 ml, and high quality alcohol should be chosen. These dosages are the perfect compromise between the harmful effects of alcohol and the beneficial properties of grape juice.
  5. Sour wines are more active in reducing blood pressure. They are drunk in their pure form to relieve stress, muscle tension and fatigue, to increase vascular tone. If a bottle of fortified drink is bought in a store, it is better to dilute it with mineral water so as not to harm the body and not cause a hypertensive crisis.
  6. With hypotension (low blood pressure), dizziness and weakness are often felt. To raise the vitality a little, they drink a cup of coffee or a little sweet red alcohol. Sugar from it will increase blood pressure to normal, which will certainly improve your well-being. Although reaching out for a glass every time, even with a slight weakness, will not lead to anything good.

Indeed, wine has a beneficial effect on health, but in reasonable quantities. It not only relieves stress, but also reduces the risk of more serious pathologies (myocardial infarction and stroke), and also slows down the aging process by saturating cells with antioxidants and fruit acids.

High quality natural grape drink is an unsurpassed bouquet of useful components:

The benefits of good red wine are endless. It includes essential minerals: phosphorus, potassium, iodine, titanium, cobalt, rubidium, manganese, magnesium, as well as a tandem of vitamins B, PP and C. Thanks to the natural formula created by nature itself, the grape intoxicating drink improves brain function, memory, mental activity, saturates tissues with oxygen and, which is important, prevents the onset of cancerous tumors. A small glass of light alcohol is a guarantee of well-being for the whole day!

Alexander, Batumi: Hello, I am 48 years old, I have moved to live in Georgia. Previously, there have been cases of spikes in blood pressure up to 160 mm Hg. Art. I am interested in the question whether it is possible for me to drink sometimes. Will this not be the reason for the development of hypertension? Also of interest is the question: "Does wine increase or decrease blood pressure?"

About 30 grams of good dry red wine will only benefit. The vessels will expand slightly, the pressure will begin to decrease. If you drink more than the norm, then the blood pressure will begin to rise!

For people who are prone to developing hypertension, it is better to drink dry vintage wines in small quantities. Sweet, sparkling drinks, vermouth cause a hypertensive crisis.

Drinking red wine in small doses can be considered vascular medicine! But abuse can cause persistent hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart attack.

How wine affects blood pressure

It is believed that the stronger the drink, the more the pressure will drop at the time of its consumption. This is due to the expansion of peripheral vessels and relaxation of their walls.

If you drink wine

But the action on the decline has a short-term effect. More often, after 30 minutes, blood pressure rises even more than those limits that were initially.

Sweet and dry wines have different effects on the vascular system:

  1. Sweet red wine initially dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure, but intensifies the contraction of the heart. Because of this, blood pressure increases again after a while.
  2. Unlike table wines, dry wines contain a certain amount of fruit acid. It promotes persistent relaxation of the walls of blood vessels in the body, causes hypotension (lowering blood pressure).

Red wine increases blood pressure if you drink more than two glasses!

According to the results of numerous studies and experiments, it has been established that with the daily use of dry red wine in the amount of 100 g per day, the risk of such pathologies is reduced:

  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels;
  • Diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • Strokes;
  • Various types of neoplasms (cancer and benign neoplasms);
  • Diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • Diseases of the organs of the endocrine system.

Healthy ingredients of wine

As you know, red wine is made from certain grape varieties. The stalks, grape skins and juice are used. The composition of these elements includes some substances that significantly affect the human circulatory system: flavonoids, tannins and procyanids.

  1. Procyanides and tannic acid tannin have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and strength. Protects against various damages and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. The antioxidant substances in wine are flavonoids. These components of the drink inhibit the release of histamine in the human body, thereby inhibiting the development of inflammatory and allergic reactions. It is scientifically proven that flavonoids inhibit the growth and division of atypical cells in the body (reduces the risk of developing cancer).
  3. Proanthocyanid is also found in small amounts in red wine (mostly dry). This substance protects the oral cavity from microorganisms such as mutans streptococcus. This pathogen is the root cause of tooth decay.
  4. Resveratrol, quercetins and catechins contained in wines improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, increase the resistance of the human body's immune system and inhibit the development and growth rate of neoplasias. The activity of brain cells increases with a decrease in the level of glucose in the body under the influence of these substances.

So! Wine lowers a person's blood pressure only for a short period of time. Drinking alcohol to combat hypertension is dangerous. After a while, blood pressure rises above normal and can cause a hypertensive crisis.