Dumplings with sauerkraut and lard. Dumplings with cabbage are a profitable dish! Various recipes for dumplings with cabbage and potatoes, bacon, mushrooms, meat, liver

02.05.2020 Vegetable dishes
  • Low-fat kefir, 500 ml
  • Baking soda 1 pinch
  • Edible salt for dough, 1 pinch + for filling, to taste
  • Wheat flour 600 g
  • Carrots 100 g
  • Bulb onions 3 pcs.
  • Tomato paste 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Smoked bacon 40 g
  • Preparation

      To make dumplings with fresh cabbage and lard at home, first you need to knead the unleavened dough. Let's reveal a little secret that the proposed idea of ​​a yeast-free dough preparation is universal, which can be used for dumplings and dumplings. First, you need to pour kefir into the container, sift flour there, on top of which you need to pour soda. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and knead the dummy dough for dumplings. Be prepared for the fact that you may need a little more than the specified amount of flour, so keep this ingredient in stock just in case. When finished, the dough base should come out very soft, tender and elastic. The finished dough can be covered with a kitchen napkin or a thin towel for now, so that it does not weather and become covered with a hard crust from interaction with oxygen.

      Following this, you need to grate the carrots on a medium-sized grater. Then it is necessary to fry the raw cabbage in a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil for about 5-7 minutes, then add the grated carrots there. Vegetables should be seasoned with salt and spices to taste. Also, add tomato paste to the saucepan, and then continue to simmer the ingredients over low heat for about 20 minutes.

      Put the finished hot filling in a separate plate and then cool.

      In the meantime, you need to prepare a special device for sculpting dumplings and a rolling pin. Sprinkle the metal mold with wheat flour.

      Then you need to cut off a small piece from the dough, which is enough for one layer from below. After that, you need to slowly roll out the dough with a rolling pin in a thin layer.

      In each cell, you need to carefully lay out the cabbage filling so that the dough does not break and it can be easily covered with a second layer of the workpiece. After that, in the same way, another layer of dough should be rolled out, which will play the role of a "lid". From above along the perimeter of the entire form, you need to walk with a rolling pin, applying force, and then gently push each instance of the dumpling out of the cell with your hands.

      Semi-finished dough products must be laid out at a short distance from each other on a cutting board, on which flour was previously poured.

      Next, you need to chop the bacon into small squares, and the onion can be cut into larger ones - in half rings. Then, in a frying container, first fry the smoked bacon until slightly golden, and then add the onion there. The components must be fried until an appetizing golden hue.

      Without wasting time on the fire, you need to put a pot of water. When the liquid boils, it is necessary to carefully put the semi-finished products in boiling salted water and boil them until fully cooked. Dumplings can also be placed in a double boiler and steamed.

      Put the finished delicacy on a plate with a slotted spoon, and then pour onion fried on bacon on top. The dish can be served hot, and then you can invite your relatives for a tasting. The delicacy is perfectly complemented by sour cream and ground black pepper. Delicious homemade dumplings with cabbage and lard are ready. As you can see, the recipe is very simple! Bon Appetit!

    Dumplings with cabbage... Immediately you remember your grandmother's village, the mowed grass, the warm stove and the delicious aroma that comes from it. By right, dumplings can be considered the taste of childhood.

    Dumplings with fresh cabbage

    Despite the centuries-old history, dumplings do not leave the tables of housewives. Now there are a lot of recipes for this wonderful dish. All kinds of fillings make it possible to produce a truly delicious fireworks display. But nevertheless, the recipe for dumplings with cabbage is rightfully considered the most delicious. And this is not surprising. The warm, tender dough melts in your mouth and is mixed with fragrant thin cabbage ...

    To make dumplings with cabbage, we need something.


    • flour;
    • kefir - 500 ml;
    • eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • cabbage - 4 part of a whole head;
    • onion - 1 pc .;
    • vegetable oil.

    Recipe for making dumplings with cabbage:

    1. Every respected housewife is simply obliged to be able to cook dumplings with cabbage. Homemade molds of a young month or circle will delight children and win the heart of every man. And the beneficial properties of the dough, which is rich in amino acids and rich in vitamins in vegetables, will strengthen the health of the whole family.
    2. To prepare the dough, we will prepare all the products, and this is flour at least 500 gr., Kefir, egg salt, and, of course, a container for kneading the dough.
    3. In a mixing container, combine kefir, preferably at room temperature, so that the dough turns out to be more fluffy, and eggs. Basically, for a given amount of kefir, one egg is enough. Lightly salt the dough and beat everything well with a whisk.
    4. Into the mixture, little by little, add flour, it is not possible to say a certain amount of flour, how much it will take. We knead everything first with a false one, and then you can knead with your hands directly in a bowl or throw the dough on the table sprinkled with flour.
    5. Knead the dough, homogeneous and elastic. It should not stick to your hands, but it is also worth making sure that the more flour you add, the denser and denser the dough will be.
    6. Cover the dough with a towel so that it does not dry out.
    7. Finely chop the young seasonal cabbage (or whatever you have) using an ordinary knife or a special cabbage shredder.
    8. Finely chop the onions with a knife.
    9. Fry cabbage and onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. If the cabbage is young, it will be fried quickly enough. Add a spoonful of tomato paste if desired.
    10. Sprinkle flour on the surface on which the blanks will be made. Divide the dough into pieces and roll out 5 ml thick. With a jar, glass, special molds, we press the circles (blanks). We add the rest to the rest of the test.
    11. And to get a fluffy airy dough, I will share with you a little secret. The remnants of the rolled dough are pressed back into the dough in the bowl, and with each kneading flour is added again and, therefore, the dough becomes denser and denser. And whatever it dries, cover it with a wet towel and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. It will absorb moisture from the towel and will not be as dry.
    12. Put a spoonful of the filling on the round molds. Moisten the edges of the mold slightly. To do this, there should be a plate of water at hand.
    13. We connect the edges of the molds, form a crescent, and fasten the ears of this month together, moisten them with water.
    14. In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil, add some salt and add ready-made dumplings with cabbage into the boiling water. As soon as the dumplings with cabbage float to the surface, let it boil for another 2-3 minutes and remove them with a slotted spoon.

    Dumplings with cabbage are not only healthy, but also satisfying and nutritious. So do not worry about your figure, but feel free to experiment with fillings and cooking methods. Served with hot cabbage dumplings with sauce or sour cream!

    Bon appetit and be healthy!

    Dumplings with sauerkraut

    Dumplings with sauerkraut are a very satisfying and economical dish, because you can quickly cook dumplings with cabbage for dinner, as well as stick it in advance for future use (possibly with the whole family) and freeze.

    And, of course, you can experiment with the filling for the recipe for dumplings with cabbage - try adding boiled mushrooms to sauerkraut, for example.


    • sauerkraut - 500 g,
    • flour - 400 g,
    • eggs - 2 pcs.,
    • onion-1 pc.,
    • carrots -1 pc.,
    • butter,
    • vegetable oil,
    • salt to taste

    Recipe for making dumplings with sauerkraut:

    1. Let's start with the preparation of the filling: sauerkraut must be stewed a little (if the cabbage seems too sour for you, it must be rinsed) - for this we will use a modern miracle saucepan - a slow cooker. So, set the "Quenching" mode, pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and put the cabbage in it
    2. We rub the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage, send the chopped onions there. Close the lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
    3. In the meantime, let's work on the dough - in a saucepan or deep bowl, mix the sifted flour, eggs, add salt and a little water so that an elastic dough is obtained.
    4. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough.
    5. Knead the dough well, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes - “ripen”.
    6. Then we roll out the dough into a thick rope, and cut into pieces, which we lightly roll in flour.
    7. Roll each piece into a cake several millimeters thick and 8-9 centimeters in diameter.
    8. Meanwhile, our cabbage has already been stewed.
    9. Put a tablespoon of the filling on the cake.
    10. Fold the cake in half and connect the ends. Now we pinch the ding edge of the dumpling first. And then another. It is necessary to pinch very carefully so that the dumplings do not open during cooking.
    11. You can also make a decorative edge, for example, such a "string"
    12. Place the finished dumplings on a flour-dusted spread.
    13. In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil, add some salt and some vegetable oil. Gently dip the dumplings with cabbage into boiling water one by one, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 20-25 minutes.
    14. Take out the finished dumplings with sauerkraut with a slotted spoon on a large plate or bowl, add pieces of butter and serve hot.

    Dumplings with white cabbage

    Ingredients for the dough:

    • water - 150 ml;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • flour - 1.5-2 cups.

    Ingredients for the filling:

    • white cabbage - 300 g;
    • medium-sized onions - 1 pc .;
    • small carrots - 1 pc .;
    • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
    • tomato sauce or ketchup - 1 tbsp spoon;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • bay leaf - half;
    • black pepper hammers - to taste.

    How to make a filling for dumplings with cabbage:

    1. Finely chop the cabbage, sprinkle with salt and rub it with your hands. She will let the juice out and become softer.
    2. In a deep frying pan or stewpan, cook a fry of finely chopped onions and grated carrots, simmering them in heated vegetable oil. Put the cabbage mass here, mix with browned onions and carrots, close the saucepan with a lid and simmer its contents over low heat under the lid.
    3. When the cabbage has softened a little, add the tomato sauce, pepper and bay leaf. Remove the cover and wait for the liquid to evaporate completely.

    Dumplings with cabbage - a classic recipe

    First, let's figure out how to make delicious dumplings with cabbage according to the classic recipe. This is the main recipe, the filling consists exclusively of cabbage. But what kind of cabbage, sauerkraut or fresh, you will use is a matter of personal taste.

    For the test:

    • Flour - 5 glasses
    • Kefir - 1 glass
    • Salt - 1 tsp
    • Soda - 1/2 tsp

    For filling:

    • Sauerkraut - 400 gr.
    • Onions - 3 pcs.
    • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
    • Pepper - 1/2 tsp.

    Dough for dumplings with cabbage:

    1. We will make the dough for dumplings with cabbage on kefir, we will get very tender and tasty dumplings that not only adults, but also children will tastefully try.
    2. Let's take a closer look at how to make a delicious dough for dumplings with cabbage.
    3. Take a deep bowl and mix salt, kefir and soda. Please note that kefir should not be cold, let it reach room temperature.
    4. Add flour gradually and stir at the same time with a wooden spoon.
    5. Sprinkle the table with sifted flour, when the dough begins to thicken, then transfer it to the table surface and continue kneading.
    6. The flour will take about 4 - 5 cups, while continuing to knead until the dough starts to stick well from your hands. It will turn out to be quite steep and by cutting it you will make sure that it is uniform.
    7. Now cut the dough into strips 2 centimeters thick and cut into equal cubes.

    Filling for dumplings with cabbage:

    1. As mentioned, the filling for dumplings will consist exclusively of cabbage. we will add only onions - this will give the dumplings a unique aroma and enhance the taste. Before laying, we will fry the filling a little in vegetable oil. This is a general description of our actions, but now in more detail.
    2. Peel, rinse under water and finely chop the onion.
    3. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until a characteristic golden brown color.
    4. Chop the sauerkraut with a knife and add to the pan to the onion. Fry well, remembering to stir so that nothing burns.
    5. We shift the cabbage fry to a plate, pepper and stir, leave a little cold.

    How to cook dumplings with cabbage:

    1. It's time to tell you how to quickly make dumplings with cabbage. In fact, everything is very simple, the most important thing is to fix the edges. We will do it manually, if you have difficulties with this, then you can use a special device for stitching the edges. So it will turn out very quickly to stick cabbage dumplings.
    2. Roll out the previously obtained dough cubes with a rolling pin to get the same circles.
    3. Place the filling in the center of each circle, leaving a distance to the edges so that you can secure them. We fasten the edges tightly so that the dumplings do not open during cooking.

    How to cook dumplings with cabbage:

    1. Now that the dumplings are stuck, it remains only to boil them. How and how long to cook dumplings with cabbage?
    2. After boiling salted water, cabbage dumplings should be cooked for 5 minutes.

    What to serve with cabbage dumplings

    Ready-made dumplings with cabbage should be served hot, laid out on a plate with a piece of butter or poured with sour cream. Also, before serving, you can sprinkle with the remaining roast for the filling, which turned out to be superfluous.

    Cabbage filling options for dumplings

    We also suggest considering other options for cabbage filling for dumplings. This will diversify the diet and if you get tired of the filling, then by adding an additional ingredient to the cabbage, you will get a new, unique taste.

    Dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms

    To make dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms, take the classic recipe for cabbage dumplings as a basis, but add another 300 grams of mushrooms to the filling. Champignons are perfect, chop them finely, and then deeply fry with onions and mix with cabbage. The filling is ready, cook the dumplings in salted water until tender.

    Dumplings with cabbage and meat

    To prepare dumplings with cabbage and meat, we need to add 200 gr of meat to the main filling. Lean pork is best; it must be cut into very thin strips and fried with onions until almost cooked and mixed with cabbage. Then mold the dumplings and cook after boiling for 7-8 minutes.

    Dumplings with cabbage and minced meat

    Dumplings with cabbage and minced meat in their preparation practically do not differ from dumplings with meat, the only difference is that we need ready-made minced meat, which we will also fry with onions and mix with cabbage. Such dumplings should also be boiled within 8 minutes after boiling.

    Dumplings with cabbage and bacon

    Dumplings with cabbage and lard are very easy to prepare. Instead of vegetable oil, you need to use lard for frying onions. We need it no more than 100 grams. Cut into small cubes and place in a split skillet, fry the bacon until crackling and when it releases maximum fat, add the onion and continue frying and stirring until golden brown. Then mix the fry with the cabbage - the delicious filling is ready!

    Dumplings with cabbage (fresh) from choux pastry

    A variant of the most primitive and inexpensive dumplings made from fresh cabbage. It is not difficult to make them, it turns out a lot and delicious. Choux dough without eggs and even butter. Amazing anti-crisis recipe.


    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 0.5 tsp salt;
    • 1 cup boiling water

    In the filling:

    • 0.5 head of cabbage (small);
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • oil and spices.


    1. We immediately prepare the filling, because it will be necessary to let the vegetables cool down perfectly before sculpting the dumplings. Cut the onion, put it in a skillet with oil and fry it a little.
    2. Add grated carrots, and after another minute cabbage, which can be chopped by hand or grated. Fry a little, then cover and simmer until tender. At the end, salt and pepper. To taste, you can add a little tomato paste or lightly grated tomato to the filling.
    3. While the cabbage is stewing, prepare the dough. Lightly pour flour and salt into a bowl, pour in boiling water and stir quickly with a spoon. As soon as it becomes difficult to do, we take out the cutlery and wrinkle the mass with our hands. By this time, it will not be burning any more. We scrupulously wrinkle the mass with our hands, send the lump under the overturned bowl and let it lie for a quarter of an hour.
    4. We take out the dough, cooled filling and make medium-sized dumplings.
    5. Boil in boiling water a couple of minutes after boiling. Served with cabbage dumplings with sour cream, butter. It is allowed to season them with fried onions.

    Dumplings with sauerkraut from classic dough

    The recipe for Ukrainian dumplings with sauerkraut. Products are prepared from the classic water dough with an egg.


    • 1 egg;
    • 1 glass of water;
    • 0.5 tsp salt;
    • 2.5 cups flour, plus dust.


    • 5 tablespoons of oil;
    • 700 grams of cabbage;
    • 2 onions;
    • pepper.


    1. Peel the onion, cut into cubes. Fry with butter for a couple of minutes.
    2. We squeeze the sauerkraut and send it to the pan, cover the lid and simmer for ten minutes. After that, fry until golden brown, transfer to a bowl and send the filling to cool.
    3. Sift the flour into a large bowl, rake a small hole in the center.
    4. We break the egg and add salt, then pour in water and begin to neatly rotate in a circle with a spoon, kneading the dough. Slowly it will take more effort. So it's time to remove the spoon and start kneading the mass with your hands. After that, cover and leave the dough to "rest" for 30 minutes.
    5. We take out the dough and filling, sculpt ordinary dumplings.
    6. Cook in salted boiling water. After surfacing, 2 minutes are enough and it is allowed to take it out with a slotted spoon.
    7. Lubricate with oil, serve hot or cold.

    Dumplings with cabbage and minced meat

    For meat dumplings with cabbage, it is allowed to use more ready-made minced meat or twist it independently. Sauerkraut is taken. But if someone is opposed to her, then it is permissible to use a fresh vegetable in the same amount. The dough is made custard.


    • 1.5 cups of water;
    • 3 cups flour;
    • 1 egg;
    • salt;
    • 2 tablespoons of oil.

    For filling:

    • 0.4 kg minced meat;
    • 2 onions;
    • 0.4 kg of cabbage;
    • spices at your discretion;
    • 3 tablespoons of oil.


    1. First of all, we prepare the filling. To do this, fry the chopped onion in oil, add cabbage to it, cover and simmer for about half an hour. The cabbage should be soft.
    2. Add minced meat to the pan and fry slightly. Pepper and add other spices to taste. We send the filling to cool, transferring it to a bowl.
    3. Boil 1.5 cups of water with salt. Sift the flour and divide it in half. Add boiling water to half the flour and stir with a spoon. Add the beaten egg little by little and stir non-stop. Add the remaining flour and pour in the recipe oil as you mix. Let the dough lie for 15 minutes before sculpting the dumplings.
    4. We take out the filling, dough and form medium-sized dumplings.
    5. We run in salted boiling water and boil after surfacing for four minutes.
    6. Catch with a slotted spoon, grease with oil and serve with fresh sour cream.

    Dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms

    For such dumplings with cabbage, we will use ordinary champignons. The filling is juicy and fragrant. Cabbage is used for fresh filling.


    • 0.6 kg of unleavened dough;
    • 0.5 kg of cabbage;
    • 0.25 kg of champignons;
    • 1 onion head;
    • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup;
    • salt and pepper;
    • 40 ml of oil.


    1. Cut the onion head and send it to the frying pan. Fry a little, add the shredded cabbage and bring to readiness.
    2. Pour a little oil into another pan and put it on the stove too.
    3. We wash the mushrooms, cut into small cubes and fry until tender. At the end, put the tomato, cover and stew a little under the lid.
    4. We combine cabbage with mushrooms, season with salt, put all sorts of spices, stir well.
    5. We prepare the dough for dumplings by any method, let it rest and it is allowed to start modeling. We form medium sized dumplings.
    6. Throw in a pot of boiling water and boil for three minutes. We take out with a slotted spoon, grease with oil and pour with sour cream. We eat while burning.

    Dumplings with cabbage and bacon

    Recipe for recklessly appetizing cabbage dumplings prepared with smoked lard. Finally, it is allowed to make with ordinary bacon, but it will not turn out to be such a dish at all. The dough for such dumplings is allowed to knead anything. Sauerkraut is used, but it is similarly allowed to fry a fresh head of cabbage.


    • 700 grams of dough;
    • 250 grams of smoked lard;
    • 500 grams of cabbage;
    • 100 grams of onions;
    • 2 tablespoons of oil.


    1. Lard must be held a little in the freezer so that it becomes tough. After that, cut the product into small cubes and put it in a bowl. It is allowed to pass through a meat grinder, but in this case with a large mesh.
    2. Fry onion with cabbage in oil, simmer under the lid for about twenty minutes. After that, cool and combine with chopped bacon. To taste, you can add garlic, herbs or tomato paste to the filling.
    3. We take out the dough and make ordinary dumplings. No, not ordinary, but hefty fragrant.
    4. Cook in boiling water for about 3 minutes. Serve with sour cream sauce. To prepare it, mix a clove of garlic, sour cream and scarlet pepper, it is allowed to add chopped greens. Stir everything and the sauce is ready!

    Dumplings with cabbage and liver


    • ¾ glasses of milk;
    • ¾ a glass of water;
    • ½ tsp salt;
    • 1 egg;
    • flour.


    • 0.5 kg of cabbage;
    • 0.15 kg of onions;
    • 1 spoon of pasta;
    • 0.3 kg liver;
    • 0.05 kg of oil;
    • 0.5 bunch of parsley.


    1. Cooking the dough. To do this, mix milk with water and an egg, dilute salt in liquid. Add flour. Pour in until the dough stops absorbing. We roll up a lump, remove to lie down in a bag.
    2. Cut the liver into cubes, rinsing in advance and removing the films. If pork offal is used, then it is desirable to soak the slices for 30 minutes in milk. This technique will help get rid of sadness.
    3. We heat the oil, fry the chopped onion.
    4. Add liver cubes, fry, then cover and simmer until tender, but no more than 15 minutes. Cool it down.
    5. In another skillet, fry the cabbage until soft. At the end, put tomato paste, salt, season with all sorts of spices. Cool the filling.
    6. Twist the cooled liver with onions or chop it in a food processor. We send to the cabbage. Add chopped parsley. Stir the filling.
    7. We make dumplings, boil in the usual way for 2 minutes after surfacing.

    Dumplings with cabbage and potatoes

    To prepare such dumplings, you will need mashed potatoes. We cook it on purpose or use the leftovers after lunch / dinner. Sauerkraut is used. We prepare the dough according to any of the recipes, each will require about 700 grams.


    • 2 onion heads;
    • 0.4 kg sauerkraut;
    • 0.4 kg puree;
    • dough;
    • butter.


    1. Peel the onions, cut into cubes and fry.
    2. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, add sauerkraut to it. Simmer a little under the lid, then fry.
    3. Add mashed potatoes. If it is fresh, then stir it primitively with cabbage. If the mashed potatoes were cooked before, then at first it must be perfectly kneaded and only later added to the filling. We stir everything thoroughly and taste it. Add spices if necessary.
    4. We form dumplings and cook in water as usual. Quite 3 minutes.
    • Dumplings will be more fragrant if you add bay leaf, peppercorns to the water during cooking. Hobbyists can throw in the stars of cloves and coriander seeds.
    • If the dough for dumplings is prepared not by the custard method, but by the ordinary method, then the liquid should be ice cold. It is also recommended to chill the dough later using the choux method.
    • The filling dictates the taste of the dish. There is no need to be afraid to add spices and other fragrant additions to it. Garlic, various types of peppers, fried onions, spices and herbs can change a dreary dish beyond recognition and delight with new tastes.
    • Is the dough dry and does not want to merge? It is allowed to grease the edges of the cakes with water or an egg. And it is desirable to cover the rest of the dough so that it does not dry out.
    • Boil the dumplings in a wide, not a tall, pot. There must be enough water so that the products float freely.
    • So that the products do not become sour during cooking, it is necessary to bring them to a boil at maximum heat. And so that the dumplings do not fall apart, after boiling, the fire is reduced and boiled at a low boil. But in no case do we let the products ferment in boiling water.

    It seems that such products are considered dumplings, but today we will still make dumplings with such a juicy filling. They can be eaten with butter, sour cream or various sauces, seasoning the dish with spices. Have you tried it yet? If not, then the time has come, because this cannot be missed.

    Fresh cabbage dumplings recipe

    How to cook:

    Cabbage dumplings made from fresh cabbage and minced meat

    • 230 g cabbage;
    • 450 g pork;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 onion;
    • 270 g flour.

    Cooking time is 1 hour and 5 minutes.

    Calories - 210.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour flour into a container, be sure to pour it into a sieve;
    2. Collect half a glass of water and add an egg to it, beat a little;
    3. Salt and gradually pour the liquid part into the flour, knead the smooth dough;
    4. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for forty minutes;
    5. Rinse the meat under running water, remove the fat as desired and cut into cubes;
    6. Remove the husk from the onion, cut into four parts;
    7. Remove the cabbage from the top two sheets, wash the head of cabbage;
    8. Cut in half, cut out the middle, and chop the rest finely;
    9. Mix onions with meat and send to a meat grinder or to a powerful blender to achieve a homogeneous mass;
    10. Add cabbage, spices to taste and a quarter of a glass of water to the finished minced meat;
    11. Mix the mass thoroughly with your hands;
    12. Sprinkle the work table with flour and lay out the dough;
    13. Roll it out into a fairly thin layer using a rolling pin (no thicker than two millimeters);
    14. Cut out circles with a special circle or glass;
    15. Put the filling in the center of each circle and collect the dumplings;
    16. Fill the pot with water, put it on the stove until it boils;
    17. After that, gently place dumplings and spices to taste in the water;
    18. Cook until the items float up, and then another five minutes.

    Dumplings with meat, mushrooms and cabbage

    • 900 g flour;
    • 25 ml of oil;
    • 220 ml of water;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 270 g onions;
    • 350 g of cabbage;
    • 45 oils;
    • 280 g of beef;
    • 420 g of mushrooms.

    Cooking time is 1 hour and 20 minutes.

    Calories - 440.

    How to cook:

    1. Pre-remove the water in the refrigerator for at least an hour so that it has time to become ice cold;
    2. Pour it into a bowl and add flour through a sieve, and then eggs;
    3. Next, you can already knead the dough, adding just a little more salt;
    4. Put the dough back into the bowl and let stand for a quarter of an hour;
    5. When time has passed, knead the mass and leave for another ten minutes;
    6. Peel the legs and caps of the mushrooms, cut into slices;
    7. Remove the husk from the onion, wash it and cut into strips;
    8. Pour oil into a frying pan, add onion;
    9. When it starts to sizzle, add the mushrooms and simmer until tender;
    10. Wash the meat and cut into cubes;
    11. Squeeze it through a meat grinder or use a blender to grind the meat into minced meat;
    12. Chop the cabbage finely, and then finely chop it;
    13. Mix mushrooms with meat and cabbage, season to taste;
    14. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a layer, cut out circles and form dumplings with a filling;
    15. Boil a saucepan with water and place dumplings in it, cook until tender.

    Read how to cook delicious and tender in our article.

    How to cook a juicy charlotte with berries in a slow cooker - our tips will help you prepare delicious and delicious pastries.

    Irina Khlebnikova's cottage cheese cookies with marmalade.

    Dumplings with sauerkraut

    • 1 egg;
    • 630 g flour;
    • 115 ml of oil;
    • 2 onions;
    • 210 ml of water;
    • 550 g of sauerkraut.

    Cooking time is 1 hour and 25 minutes.

    Calories - 192.

    How to cook:

    1. Remove the husk from the onion, wash it and chop it finely with a sharp knife;
    2. Pour oil into a frying pan, add onion;
    3. Simmer it over low heat until golden brown;
    4. When the onion turns brown, add the cabbage to it and cook covered until tender. If the cabbage is too long, you can chop it;
    5. Do not forget that the cabbage must be stirred periodically so that it does not burn;
    6. Beat the egg, add water to it, beat, add salt and mix;
    7. Next, send flour to these ingredients, but always through a sieve;
    8. Knead the dough from the resulting mass and set it aside for a short rest;
    9. After that, roll out the dough into a layer, cut out circles from it and put the filling on them;
    10. Wrap the dumplings and you can put them in boiling water, cook for no longer than ten minutes.

    Recipe for dumplings with sauerkraut and lard

    • 260 g lard;
    • 280 ml of water;
    • 740 g sauerkraut;
    • 580 g wheat flour;
    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 1 onion head.

    Cooking time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Calories - 216.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour water into a bowl, add one teaspoon of salt and stir until it dissolves;
    2. Pass the flour through a sieve to salt water and start mixing the ingredients by hand;
    3. Add eggs and already knead a full dough;
    4. Wrap soft and elastic dough in foil or put in a bag and place in the refrigerator for forty minutes;
    5. During this time, squeeze the cabbage from the juice and, if necessary, rinse it;
    6. Remove the husk from the onion and rinse with water, cut it into large slices;
    7. Get rid of the lard from packaging, also chop coarsely;
    8. Add lard to cabbage with onions and then pass the mass of three components through a meat grinder. You can also grind the ingredients in a blender, but it should be powerful;
    9. Add your favorite spices and combine the ingredients;
    10. Roll out the rested dough on a surface sprinkled with flour;
    11. Cut out the circles and lay out the filling;
    12. Roll up dumplings and boil water for them;
    13. Place them in boiling water, add a little salt and cook until tender.

    Dumplings with cabbage in a slow cooker

    • ½ white cabbage;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 220 ml of serum;
    • 1 onion head;
    • 830 g flour;
    • 60 ml of sunflower oil;
    • 5 g of soda;
    • 35 g tomato paste.

    Cooking time is 1 hour and 35 minutes.

    Calories - 178.

    How to cook:

    1. Remove the top sheets of cabbage, wash the head of cabbage;
    2. Cut the stump and finely chop the whole vegetable;
    3. Rinse the carrots, grate them with a grater;
    4. Peel the onion, rinse it and cut into small cubes;
    5. Pour vegetable oil into a multicooker, let it heat up;
    6. Pour in onions, cabbage and carrots, simmer for thirty minutes;
    7. During this time, dilute the tomato paste with water and, after the expiration of time, pour the liquid into the multicooker;
    8. Cook in the same mode for another twenty minutes;
    9. Pour flour through a sieve into a bowl, add a little salt, soda and mix;
    10. Warm up the serum a little and add it to the dry components;
    11. Knead the dough from the resulting mass, which easily falls off the hands;
    12. Wrap the mass in a bag or cling film and place in the refrigerator for one hour;
    13. After that, roll out the dough and cut out circles;
    14. Put the filling on each of them and mold the dumplings;
    15. Next, the dumplings will be steamed, therefore it is necessary to pour a sufficient amount of water into the multicooker;
    16. Place the steaming basket and lay out the flour products;
    17. Close the multicooker with a lid and cook the dumplings for a quarter of an hour.

    These pastries are good because they can be eaten not only as a main course, but also as a first, that is, soup. To do this, you just need to leave the dumplings in the water in which they were cooked. It is also advisable to add spices to your taste and the soup is ready! It can even be bay leaves, black pepper and garlic. Well, if your imagination works well, then you will be able to choose the original spices yourself. Offer this dish not only to yourself, but also to your family. Believe me, they will appreciate it. Bon Appetit!

    Cabbage is one of the most valuable vegetables. It contains many vitamins and important trace elements, while it does not have a high calorie content. Despite its nutritional value, cabbage is quite inexpensive and available at any time of the year, as it is well stored and is often harvested for the winter in a variety of ways. It is not surprising that in different countries there are a lot of dishes that are prepared on the basis of cabbage. In particular, many Slavic peoples honor dumplings with cabbage. This dish belongs to Ukrainian cuisine, but it is prepared not only in Ukraine.

    Cooking features

    Dumplings with cabbage are tasty, satisfying, healthy. Yes, and they look delicious, if only they are cooked correctly. You don't have to be a professional culinary specialist and have a lot of experience for this, but still you can't do without some knowledge.

    • The dough for dumplings should be soft and elastic. Hard dough will ruin the taste of the dish, and fragile dough will break through during boiling. Therefore, the question of making dough for dumplings with cabbage should be taken seriously. Pay attention to what temperature the ingredients are recommended to use for it. Sift flour. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands and be sure to give it time to "rest". Keep in mind that with the addition of vegetable oil, the dough turns out to be more plastic, less often it breaks.
    • When preparing the filling, pay attention to various seasonings, because the taste of the finished dish will largely depend on them.
    • Boil dumplings only in boiling water. In this case, the pan needs a wide one so that the products in it are spacious. Otherwise, they will stick together and look unattractive.
    • Be sure to grease the finished dumplings with butter or roll in sour cream. Thanks to this, they will not only become tastier, but also retain their attractive appearance. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to prevent them from sticking together.
    • Kale dumplings can be frozen and used within 3 months.

    There are many recipes for making dumplings with cabbage. Both the dough and the filling can be different. Therefore, some of the subtleties of cooking may depend on a specific recipe.

    Dumplings with fresh cabbage

    • white cabbage - 0.5 kg;
    • onions - 0.2 kg;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • water - how much will go away;
    • flour - 0.5 kg;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • table vinegar (9 percent) - 10 ml;
    • sugar - 5 g;
    • salt, pepper - to taste;

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the cabbage, remove the limp leaves. Chop the forks finely.
    • Pour a little water over the cabbage, simmer covered for 10 minutes after boiling. Throw in a colander, let the excess water drain.
    • Peel and finely chop the onion, divide it into two approximately equal parts.
    • Scrape the carrots, wash and grate with fine holes.
    • Heat oil in a skillet and add one part of the onion. When the onion is golden, add the carrots to it.
    • Sauté the vegetables together for 5 minutes, then add the cabbage and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
    • Add salt, pepper, vinegar, sugar. Stir. Remove from heat after a couple of minutes.
    • Heat a new batch of oil in a skillet and fry the remaining onions in it.
    • Sift flour and mix with a pinch of salt.
    • Boil a glass of water and cool. The colder the water is, the better.
    • Make a depression in the flour, break an egg into it. Pour ice water here. Stir everything with a spoon.
    • Add 40 ml of oil, stir again.
    • Transfer the dough to a floured board and knead it with your hands until a flexible mass that does not stick to your hands is obtained.
    • Roll the dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and set aside. The dough should "rest" for at least 20 minutes.
    • Separate a large piece from the dough, roll it out and using a cup, cut circles 7-8 cm in diameter from the resulting layer about 2 mm thick.
    • Place the filling on each piece, seal the edges well. For better adhesion, the edges of the dough can be moistened with water or egg white.
    • Boil water, salt it, add allspice and bay leaf to it if desired.
    • Dip the dumplings in boiling water, wait for them to float. After 3 minutes then remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon.
    • Add a spoonful of fried onion with butter to the dumplings, mix.
    • Form and boil the remaining dumplings in the same way.

    The dumplings prepared according to this recipe will be tasty on their own, but if desired, you can serve mayonnaise or sour cream with them.

    Dumplings with sauerkraut in a slow cooker

    • flour - 0.5 kg;
    • water - 150 ml;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • sauerkraut - 0.5 kg;
    • onions - 0.2 kg;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • tomato paste - 30 ml;
    • salt, pepper - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - how much will it take.

    Cooking method:

    • Mix the sifted flour with half a teaspoon of salt. Add two eggs to it and pour in cold water.
    • Knead the dough and, covering it with foil, set it aside for a while.
    • Wash and squeeze sauerkraut if necessary.
    • Peel and finely chop the onion, fry it in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil.
    • Mix half the onion with sauerkraut.
    • Rub the carrots finely. Mix it with the leftover onion. Cook the vegetables together for 5 minutes. Then add the tomato paste and simmer the carrots and onions in the tomato for 5 minutes.
    • Roll out the dough and cut into 7–8 cm squares. Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each. Stitch the edges of the squares together to form triangles. Connect the ends of the triangle along the fold line with each other and also blind.
    • Grease the grill of the multicooker with oil and place a few dumplings on it. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Run the machine in steaming mode for 10 minutes.
    • Place the dumplings in a bowl of sauteed vegetables, stir, remove and transfer to a serving platter.
    • Steam the next batch of dumplings, roll them in a fry, transfer to the first batch. Prepare the rest of the dumplings in the same way.

    Serve the dumplings hot, pouring sour cream or mushroom sauce. However, they will also be tasty when cold.

    Lean dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms

    • flour - 0.5 kg;
    • cabbage - 0.5 kg;
    • mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • water - how much will go away;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Sift and mix flour with half a teaspoon of salt.
    • Boil a glass of water, pour into a bowl of flour. Knead the dough. If desired, you can add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it.
    • Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion.
    • Cut the mushrooms into thin slices.
    • Put vegetables and mushrooms in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add salt, pepper, a glass of water. Simmer until tender.
    • Roll out the dough, cut into circles. Add the filling, shape the dumplings.
    • Boil the dumplings in boiling water.

    You can serve ready-made dumplings in fasting with mushroom sauce or lean mayonnaise. If you are not fasting, then sour cream will be the best addition to them.

    Dumplings with sauerkraut and lard in milk

    • flour - 0.5 kg;
    • milk - 0.2 l;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • lard - 100 g;
    • sauerkraut - 0.3 kg;
    • sour cream - 0.2 l;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • salt, spices - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Knead the dough from flour, salt, eggs and milk.
    • Crush the garlic, mix with sour cream.
    • Finely chop the bacon, mix with sauerkraut.
    • Roll out the dough, cut out the mugs with a cup. Start with cabbage and bacon, pinch the ends.
    • Boil the dumplings in salted boiling water.

    Serve dumplings made according to this recipe, best of all with sour cream and garlic sauce. If desired, the dish can be garnished with fresh herbs or pickled gherkins.

    Dumplings with cabbage can be very different, because cabbage goes well with many products: meat, bacon, potatoes, mushrooms. Based on the general principles of making dumplings with cabbage, you yourself can create new recipes by varying the composition of the filling.

    Product Matrix: 🥄


    Dumplings with cabbage and bacon that we will cook today are somewhat different from the classic recipe. Traditionally, dumplings were prepared during Lent. This dish is low-fat, does not contain meat, but at the same time it is very tasty and satisfying. We will deviate a little from the original recipe and prepare dumplings with sauerkraut and pieces of smoked bacon. Even if you have never cooked this wonderful dish, we will tell you how to properly knead the dough for such dumplings and make the filling.

    This dish is very easy to make at home. The molding process may not be so fast, but the dumplings are worth it. The zest of the recipe will be the filling and spicy sour cream sauce. You will learn about all the details below. There is a step-by-step recipe for making dumplings with a photo, which will help you quickly and easily understand all the intricacies of cooking delicious dumplings with cabbage and lard.


    • (1 PC.)

    • (500-600 g)

    • (how much dough will take)

    • (optional)

    • (optional)

    • (200 g)

    • (1 clove)

    • (a few drops)

    Cooking steps

      Before you start creating the filling, you need to knead the dough. We knead the simplest dough for dumplings, add an egg and milk or water to the flour. Knead not too much, until sticky, and send it to the refrigerator, sprinkle with flour. For the filling, we need a piece of smoked bacon. We cut it very finely on a cutting board and send it to a deep bowl.

      Sauerkraut must first be removed from the excess liquid, and when it has drained out enough, chop also into very small pieces.

      Add the cabbage to the bowl with the previously cut lard and mix until smooth.

      We take out the present dough from the refrigerator and divide it into several equal parts, as it is convenient for anyone. Roll out each part in turn and use a glass or jar to cut out the same circles of dough. Put a teaspoon of the filling in the middle.

      It is most convenient to close the dumpling, starting from the middle. Do not add too much filling, otherwise the dumplings may come unstuck during the cooking process.

      Sprinkle all the sticky dumplings with flour and send them to the freezer to cool.

      In addition to regular sour cream, the most popular sauce for dumplings, you can also use a mixture of sour cream, garlic and Tabasco sauce. Such sour cream will turn out to be pronounced and spicy. Just what you need for dumplings.

      Bring the salted water to a boil and put some of the dumplings there. Cook for 5-7 minutes until tender and serve with sauces. Dumplings with sauerkraut are ready.

      Bon Appetit!