Prepare homemade jelly with gelatin. Will the jellied meat with gelatin be tasty? Unique and simple recipes for jellied meat with gelatin: beef, vegetable, chicken

27.07.2019 Vegetable dishes

Jellied meat was still prepared in Russia. Previously, and even now, almost no festive table can do without it. Jellied meat, or in other words, jelly, is prepared from various types of meat: pork, beef, poultry meat, as well as from various meat combinations, including jellied meat using gelatin. How to cook jellied meat with gelatin? Let's take a look at a Russian and favorite dish, chicken jellied meat.

Jellied meat with gelatin recipe

In order to prepare a recipe for jellied meat with gelatin, you will need the following set of products:

  • 5 kilograms of chicken meat (wings, thighs, legs or whole carcass);
  • 1 kg of chicken legs (for jelly formation);
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 packet of gelatin;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook jellied meat with gelatin - recipe

  1. Poultry, to cook jellied meat with gelatin, rinse well. Clean the paws. If you take a whole chicken carcass for jellied meat, cut it into 4 parts. Wash and peel vegetables. Then put all the pieces of meat and legs in a large saucepan along with vegetables, cover with cold water and put to simmer on the fire.
  2. When the jellied meat begins to boil, scale forms - it must be removed with a slotted spoon. When the broth for the jellied meat boils, reduce the heat to the minimum, at which the boiling process will continue. After removing the limescale, season with salt and seasoning to taste.
  3. Chicken jelly should be cooked for at least 4 hours under a tightly closed lid. Check for readiness periodically. When the meat for the jellied meat will easily lag behind the bones - the jellied meat is ready, remove from heat.
  4. As soon as the jellied meat is cooked, you need to pull out all the pieces of meat and chicken legs with a slotted spoon. It is better to put the meat for the jellied meat in a colander so that all the broth can drain from it.
  5. Meanwhile, while the meat is cooling, the broth must be filtered through a strainer so that small bones and pieces of boiled vegetables do not get into.
  6. The resulting chicken broth, when solidified, will be too tender and will not keep its shape. To avoid this trouble, chicken jellied meat is boiled with the addition of gelatin.

Using gelatin for jellied meat

  1. Gelatin is added to the jellied meat, observing the following proportion: one tablespoon of powder per 3 liters of liquid. This proportion will not affect the taste of the finished product in any way. When gelatin is added, the fat will not stand out during solidification, but will be evenly distributed throughout the volume. However, in order to prepare jellied meat, you should first soak the gelatin in 0.5 cups of water, and then pour into the strained broth and bring it all to a boil again.
  2. Then, when the meat has cooled enough, you need to separate it from the bones and chop finely. You can also cut the meat of the legs into jellied meat, after removing the skin from them.
  3. Arrange the meat for jellied meat from gelatin into shapes. Squeeze the garlic into the broth and strain the broth through a sieve again. Gently pour the resulting broth over the meat. You can decorate the jellied meat with gelatin with a boiled egg or carrot.
  4. Remove the jellied meat with gelatin in a cold place to solidify (never put it in the freezer). After a few hours, you can serve it on the table.

Homemade jellied meat, aspic or jelly are traditional Russian dishes, which are often prepared for holidays, for example, for the New Year, or served on weekdays. Various types of meat are used for cooking: pork, beef, chicken. Some housewives make aspic from fish. A distinctive feature of the dishes is a jelly-like structure with the addition of pieces of meat, vegetables and spices.

What is gelatin

To obtain a jelly-like mass of jellied meat, cartilage, bones, skin are used. For this, shanks, pork heads, hooves and other bony parts of animals are taken. They contain sticky substances that have an important property. They help the broth turn into a dense, elastic jelly when it cools. If there are few or no such parts, then the jellied meat can be cooked from gelatin and meat pulp.

Gelatin is made from different parts of animals by collagen denaturation. The technological method was discovered by Peter Cooper in the 18th century. In the production, those parts are taken that are used by the chefs, preparing natural jellied meat. These are bones, cartilage, tendons of cattle and fish. The protein extract from them is called gelatin. Note to vegetarians: desserts on this basis are not for you, take herbal counterparts such as agar-agar or pectin.

Dishes based on this substance of animal origin should be included in the diet for those who have tendon and cartilage diseases. It is used not only in cooking. Gelatin is used by pharmaceutical companies in the manufacture of drugs, where capsules and bases for drugs are made from it. In cosmetology, it is actively used as a component of masks, creams, lotions. Collagen plays the role of a rejuvenating agent.

Food gelatin is sold in two forms:

  1. Granulated. Outwardly, it is small balls up to 1-2 mm in diameter from light yellow to brownish.
  2. Plates. It is sold in the form of thin yellowish-brownish plates.

When to add gelatin for jellied meat

When making jellied meat, instant gelatin is added at the end. First you need to cook the meat, it takes an hour and a half. During this time, you need to add vegetables: onions, carrots, herbs. After the expiration of time, the meat is removed from the broth and divided into small pieces. The broth must be filtered - fragments of bones may remain. Gelatin powder is added to the strained soup. With the resulting base, you need to pour the meat, decomposed in portions, and only then put it in the cold to solidify.

Breeding methods

There are several ways to dilute the powder:

  1. In cold water. Take 1 glass of water, soak the granules. When the mass is swollen, put it in the microwave on minimum power. It should turn into a homogeneous colorless liquid. Check that there are no grains. Once everything is dissolved, pour the liquid into the broth and mix thoroughly. Instead of a microwave, you can use a water bath.
  2. In the broth. Here gelatin is diluted in the broth itself. Take a glass of liquid, cool, pour in the powder and wait an hour until it is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture in a thin stream into the remaining broth and stir.

How to cook jellied meat with gelatin

The recipe for gelatin jelly is simple. You will need:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • spices - to choose from;
  • salt to taste;
  • gelatin - 20-60 grams per liter of broth (depending on the desired strength).


  • Pour 3.5 liters of water over the meat in an enamel saucepan.
  • When the water comes to a boil, drain it and refill it.
  • Salt, add spices.
  • After an hour, add the onion, halved and the carrots, chopped at random.
  • Leave to simmer for one hour. Remember to descale with a slotted spoon.
  • Lay out the meat, strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  • Brew gelatin in one glass of hot water. Wait for the moment to swell. Mix in the rest of the broth.
  • Cut the meat. Arrange in shapes. For containers, you can take plastic or metal trays, dishes, bowls, silicone molds. Add boiled carrots, add some greens if desired.
  • Pour the broth into the contents of the molds.
  • Put in the refrigerator, wait until it hardens.

Correct proportions

If you want to know how much gelatin to add to jellied meat, then remember the correct proportions:

  • "Shivering" jelly. If you want to make a "weak" jellied meat that will shake on a spoon, then the amount of culinary powder per liter of liquid will be 20 grams.
  • Medium firmness. If your goal is the classic version of the dish, then you will need more gelatin. Put 40 grams of dry matter in one liter of broth.
  • Hard aspic. Such jelly is poured into molds, and after hardening, they are taken out and laid upside down on a flat plate. The dish can be cut beautifully with a knife, like a cake. If you pour the jellied meat into silicone molds or use muffin tins for this, you can get a portioned dish. The amount of gelatin per liter of broth will be 60 grams.

The following tips from the chefs will come in handy for those who decide to cook delicious and healthy jellied meat with the addition of gelatin:

  1. As soon as the meat boils, drain the first broth and add new water. The first broth turns out to be dirty, very fatty and not at all dietary. It collects harmful substances that come out of the meat first.
  2. If you decide to buy gelatin, pay attention to the expiration date, which is indicated on the package. Expired gelatin can give the dish an unpleasant taste, or the jellied meat will not thicken on it at all.
  3. Do not boil liquid with diluted gelatin. Boiling will ruin the dish.
  4. Cooling jellied meat must be carried out in the refrigerator - do not use the freezer, otherwise the composition will crystallize.


Edible gelatin is marketed in powder or plate form. It is tasteless and odorless and practically colorless. It is obtained in the process of long-term processing of fish and animal tissues. The powder contains 85% proteins. Most of its benefits lie in collagen, which is found in large quantities in gelatin.

Dishes that contain gelatin are well absorbed by the body. There are a lot of such dishes in cooking - these are second courses, cake cream, jellied meat, fruit jelly, etc. A novice cook needs to get acquainted with all the intricacies of this dietary product. An experienced hostess can use the powder and dilute it in the required proportion "by eye", but a beginner needs to "fill his hand" for this. The process is not complicated at all.

A bit of history

Gelatin was obtained and patented for the first time in 1845. This was done by engineer Peter Cooper. For the next 50 years, people did not understand its benefits and could not think of a way to use it. For such people, the resulting powder has become an absolutely useless product.

Another inventor, Pearl Waite, was able to prove the benefits of gelatin, who used it in the preparation of a delicious dessert called "jelly". After that, the dietary product took pride of place and began to be used in almost every kitchen.

Nowadays, gelatin is used to prepare dishes such as:

  • aspic;
  • fish and meat aspic;
  • souffle;
  • jelly;
  • marshmallow;
  • marmalade;
  • cream for the cake.

In order for the substance to show its adhesive properties, you need to know how to dissolve gelatin correctly. There are no secrets in this, you just need to carefully read the instructions on the package.

If in the course of cooking you dilute gelatin 2-3 times, you can already understand what its optimal ratio with liquid should be. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that for the solidification of a particular dish, the amount of powder may be different.

Before use, the powder is soaked in cold boiled water, where it swells 2-3 times. It can only be dissolved in warm liquid.

Breeding rules

A prerequisite for the complete dissolution of gelatin is soaking in cold water. If this rule is neglected, then, pouring the powder directly into broth, juice or milk, it will not be possible to achieve complete dissolution of the granules.

A certain amount of powder must be poured into a small metal bowl and poured over with cold boiled water. The swelling time of regular gelatin is 50 minutes, and 25 minutes will be enough for instant gelatin.

When the specified time has passed, a bowl of powder should be placed over a saucepan in which water is boiling. In a water bath, you need to constantly stir the contents of the bowl until the granules are completely dissolved. The better the gelatin is mixed during the cooking process, the better and faster it will solidify in the finished dish.

If everything is done correctly, then after 7-10 minutes the granules will completely dissolve, and there will be an absolutely transparent liquid in the bowl.

In no case should the "gelatinous liquid" boil. If this happens, then without regret, the resulting product can be poured out and start diluting the powder from the beginning.

The finished powder, completely dissolved in water, must be cooled to 50-60 ° and only after that it should be introduced into the cooking dish. If you notice a film on it, then such a mixture should be added to the dish only through a sieve - this will save it from lumps.

The finished gelatin is added to the dish according to the recipe and mixed. It is poured into molds, cooled to room temperature and only then placed in the refrigerator for complete solidification.

If we consider gelatin in plates, then it must first be dissolved in water for 5-7 minutes. After that, the water must be drained, and the plates must be squeezed out a little and put into a bowl for further use.

Jelly making

Jelly is considered a healthy, tasty and light dessert. He is loved by both children and adults. To get a quality dish at home, you need to properly prepare gelatin for it.

The consistency of the dish will depend on the amount of powder taken. To get a gentle, "quivering" jelly, you need to use 20 grams of powder per liter of liquid. If there is less of it, then the jelly simply will not solidify.... A denser mass can be obtained using 50 grams of powder for the same volume of liquid.

The swollen powder is poured into a saucepan and placed on the stove over a small fire. You can also do this in a water bath. The contents must be constantly and thoroughly stirred so that the granules are completely dissolved and the liquid does not boil. The container is removed from the fire.

The finished product is poured into another container, in which it is combined with juice, puree, compote or jam. The contents are stirred and cooled to room temperature. After that, the liquid is poured into containers and placed in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely.

If you decide to add fruit to the jelly, then you must first grind them.

Dilution of gelatin for jellied meat

Jellied meat does not always freeze without gelatin. In order not to spoil the dish for them, you need to know how to properly dilute it specifically for jellied meat.

The powder is pre-soaked in a glass of cold boiled water for one hour. When the granules are swollen, the mixture is poured into a suitable container and placed on a small fire or in a steam bath. With constant stirring, the container with the contents should be kept on fire until the granules are completely dissolved. But liquid must not be allowed to boil., since its properties will be lost.

Granules dissolved in water must be filtered and combined with broth for jellied meat. Mix thoroughly.

If you know in advance that powder will be used to prepare the jellied meat, then the carrots for it need to be chopped very finely.

To get a normal consistency of jellied meat, it is enough to take 20 grams of powder per liter of liquid. If you take a larger portion of the powder, then the dish will turn out harder and denser. But this will not affect his taste and appearance in any way.

You can make sure that the correct amount of powder is taken with your own fingers. To do this, they need to be wetted with the prepared liquid. If they stick, but detach easily enough from each other, then this means that there is enough powder for cooking.

Beneficial features

Collagen is the basis of gelatin... And also it includes:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • starch;
  • carbohydrates;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • vitamin PP;
  • amino acids.


To improve the condition of nails and hair, you need to eat gelatin - it is rich in collagen. It is used to prepare strengthening nail baths and face masks. It also has a positive effect on the joints - they become elastic and mobile.

For patients with osteochondrosis or arthritis, experts recommend adding meals containing powder to their diet. If a person has poor blood clotting, it will also be useful.

The amino acids that make up the powder are a source of energy for the body, help to strengthen the heart muscle, and have a positive effect on mental activity.

This product is contraindicated in people:

  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prone to oxaluric diathesis.

This is because it itself is an oxlogen.

Otherwise, there are no special contraindications for its use in food.

When buying pellets, pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date.

When using gelatin for different dishes, the main thing is to keep the proportion.

In addition to cooking, the substance is used:

  • in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • for the manufacture of photographic paper and film;
  • in cosmetology.

Do not cook powder in an aluminum container, as the substance will acquire a dark color and unpleasant taste.

The diluted granules should not be stored or even put in the freezer for a while. The fact is that the solution crystallizes and stratifies during freezing. The diluted granules will no longer be able to retain their properties after thawing.

Vegetable analogues of gelatin include pectin and agar-agar, which are obtained from seaweed.


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Many housewives have their own proven recipes for holiday dishes. But there are several classic dishes that are usually prepared for holidays and other special days. Among them is jellied meat. It is prepared on the basis of various meats, with or without the addition of gelatin. In a word, many families have their own recipes for preparing such a delicious and very healthy dish. With all this, even experienced housewives sometimes fail. So, if the jellied meat has not frozen, how to add gelatin to such a dish?

If the jellied meat after cooking is in no hurry to freeze or does not completely freeze, it means that there is not enough gelling substance in its composition. Perhaps this is due to the use of insufficiently suitable meat or an accidental violation of the technology proposed in the recipe. However, in such a situation there is no need to despair. There are several ways to cope with the problem of non-solidifying jellied meat.

How to properly add gelatin to jellied meat that is not frozen in the cold?

To get the desired effect, you should first prepare a bag of gelatin. Pour its contents into a glass jar or into a glass, pour lukewarm water, following the instructions on the package. Usually twenty grams of gelatin is enough for a couple of glasses of liquid (ordinary water or broth).
Leave the gelatin mixture to swell. This can take half an hour or even a little more.

If you use instant gelatin, it is quite possible to fill it not with lukewarm, but rather hot water (but not boiling water).

Pour the uncured jellied meat out of the mold into a saucepan, send it to the fire and heat it up. Stir well. Drain the liquid into a separate container, then strain it through cheesecloth.

Heat already swollen gelatin in a water bath until dissolved, mix and strain through a strainer. Note that in no case should it boil. Combine the gelatin blank with hot broth (again, not boiling water), add salt and pepper if necessary.

Divide the meat into tins, pour the prepared broth with gelatin. Send the jellied meat to a cool enough place until it hardens completely.

What else to do if the jellied meat is not frozen?

Quite often, the jellied meat does not want to freeze when the meat has been cooked for an insufficient amount of time. So, if you have some leisure, you can go to the store and buy some chicken parts there, which, with prolonged cooking, can give excellent jelly. These include paws, wings or necks. In addition, the so-called "soup set" would be a good choice. Pork legs will also give excellent results.

Boil the purchased meat in a small amount of liquid for a sufficient time - at least three hours. Keep the broth on a low heat fire so that the liquid in the pan does not boil, but only wobbles a little. Don't forget to pepper and salt.
Separate the meat from the bones, and strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.

Pour the unsuccessful jellied meat into a saucepan, send it to the fire and heat until broth is obtained. Then pour the resulting mass into another container, cool slightly and strain.

Combine all prepared meat (both previously prepared and new), as well as both broths. Divide the meat into tins and cover with broth. Send the jellied meat to the refrigerator or some other cool place.

In the event that you left a little broth after cooking the previous jellied meat, it is quite possible to boil a new batch of meat right in it. The result is an especially strong broth that should definitely solidify.

In order for the jellied meat to be successful and very tasty - there are several secrets.

To prepare such a dish, it is worth using only the parts of the carcasses intended for it, which are called the malfunction. A wonderful jelly can be created from pork or beef legs, chicken paws (namely paws, not drumsticks), as well as chicken heads.

In the event that first-class meat is used for cooking jellied meat, it should be used only in a minimal amount, because it cannot freeze by itself.

In order for the broth to be saturated with a sufficient amount of gelling substances, you need to cook the meat on jellied meat in a small amount of broth so that the liquid only slightly covers the contents of the saucepan.

It is also extremely important to cook the meat for at least four to five hours. Chicken can be cooked a little less - about three hours. At the same time, it is better not to add liquid (water) to the jellied meat all this time, so the fire under the pan should be really minimal. After about two hours of cooking, add salt to the broth.

After the meat is well cooked, it will separate from the bone by itself. The meat products should be removed from the broth, and the bones should be lowered back into the saucepan. Just at this stage of cooking, it is worth putting carrots with onions, as well as pepper in the future jellied meat. Boil the bones for a couple more hours. Be sure to strain the cooked broth.

In order to assess the readiness of the jellied meat and its ability to solidify, you need to conduct a very simple test: pour a little of the finished broth into a saucer and send it to the refrigerator. If after fifteen minutes - half an hour the liquid becomes sticky, the cooking can be finished. Often, housewives understand that the jellied meat is ready, already at the stage of extracting and chopping the meat: the pulp becomes so sticky that it sticks to the hands.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 180 minutes

Delicious chicken jellied chicken with gelatin will certainly take a special place at your holiday. Diet aspic will appeal to both adults and children. This cold dish is ideal for a healing menu or healthy nutrition. A recipe with a photo step by step on our website will reveal all the secrets of how to cook jellied meat. I also advise you to try this one.


- chicken thighs - 500 gr.,
- water - 2 l.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- onions - 1 pc.,
- fresh parsley - 1 bunch.,
- garlic - 3 cloves,
- instant gelatin - 1 tablespoon,
- ground black pepper,
- salt,
- bay leaves - 2 pcs.

Necessary information.
Cooking time is approximately 3 hours.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. First of all, wash the chicken thighs and put them in a saucepan.
Tip: Do not remove the top skin. It will make the broth greasy and rich.

2. Then peel the onions and carrots, rinse them under water, put them on the chicken pieces. Let's add a bay leaf.
Tip: Unpeeled onions will give the broth a golden color due to the husk.

3. Pour a liter of water and bring to a boiling state, drain the water.
Tip: In order for the broth to be yellow-transparent, you need to constantly remove the formed foam and fat.

4. Then add water again, wait until it boils, season with salt and cook for 1 hour with a tightly closed lid over low heat.

5. Remove the chicken meat and carrots from the broth and cool. Strain the liquid through a gauze napkin. Pour 50 ml of liquid into a separate container, add the required amount of gelatin. Stir and wait until the mass increases in size.
Tip: For quick dissolving gelatin in 5 minutes, normal gelatin in 30 minutes.

6. Take portion molds, put finely chopped garlic and black peppercorns on the bottom, pour broth. Cut the carrots into curly flowers or simply into circles, put on top. Decorate to taste, for example with slices of olives and herbs. Stir all ingredients. Heat the gelatin slightly, stir until completely dissolved and add to the broth. Pour into molds in half and refrigerate for 2 hours.

7. The next step is to cut the chicken meat from the bones, then cut into small pieces, add to the cooled jellied meat, add broth to the brim. After that, we send the contents to the refrigerator for another 2 hours to solidify.
Tip: The liquid should completely cover the plate. This one turns out to be very tasty too.

8. After the broth has frozen, it can be taken out gently with a knife and turned over. Place on a plate, garnish with parsley leaves. Serve frozen with horseradish or mustard.

Bon Appetit!