Sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking: recipes on how to preserve the benefits of amber berries for the winter. Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter: the best recipes with photos

13.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

Combining business with pleasure - what could be better! Especially when it comes to something tasty. Fortunately, there are many nutritious and simply delicious foods that can provide tangible benefits to the human body. These are mainly delicacies made from natural ingredients with minimal or no heat treatment. All kinds of salads from fresh vegetables with light dressing, grilled or baked in your own juice, lean meat and fish, natural juices and fruit drinks. Such food forms the basis of a healthy diet, gives strength, improves mood and vitality.

And most importantly, you don't need delicacies to stick to such a diet. It is enough to follow the rule: the higher the quality of the initial ingredients and the diligent preparation of them, the more benefit the finished meal will bring. Of course, these principles are much easier to follow in the summer, when there is a lot of fresh food in the shops, in the markets, and for many, just in the garden under the window. But even in the cold season, it is not only possible, but also very necessary not to deny yourself products to increase immunity. And if viburnum, raspberries and other common medicinal plants accompany us all winter, then sea buckthorn is eaten much less often. And in vain, because this bright orange berry literally "accumulates" the heat of the sun and the benefits of summer vitamins.

About the benefits of sea buckthorn
An unpretentious plant with many small berries was appreciated by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece. And Siberians even compare it to pineapple. For everyone else, it is enough to know that sea buckthorn will give odds to all citrus fruits in terms of the content of vitamin C and enzymes that prevent its destruction when heated. Its antioxidant properties are provided by vitamins A, E and B contained in sea buckthorn. In a smaller, but also useful amount, sea buckthorn contains vitamins of group K; folic, oleic, linoleic and some other organic acids; unsaturated fats, tannins and complex sugars. All of these components are directly involved in the metabolism that affects our health and mood. Flavonoids also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. And, finally, almost the main "advantage" of sea buckthorn is provitamin A, or beta-carotene. A powerful immunostimulant, it helps cells resist the action of free radicals and reduces the likelihood of tumor growth.

People get all this invaluable benefit from sea buckthorn in the form of oil, juice, decoctions, infusions, jam, compote and just frozen berries. Thanks to their pleasant, slightly tart, aroma and sweet and sour taste, they have taken their place not only in medicine, but also in cooking. Agree that it is much more pleasant to strengthen health with the help of such an appetizing medicine than to swallow tasteless pills and potions. Sea buckthorn sweets will successfully replace raspberry jam during colds, reduce pain from gastrointestinal diseases and relieve internal inflammation. You can cook them at home, but you will have to tinker with the preparation of the berries, which are tightly stuck to the thorny twigs. True, the same sea buckthorn oil will help to heal sore fingers after this procedure.

Sea buckthorn recipes
Like any delicious berry, sea buckthorn features in many culinary recipes. Fresh, it tastes only to gourmet lovers, so sugar or other sweeteners are most often added to it. By and large, sea buckthorn does not need anything more - its own taste is so rich. We offer you several recipes, which mainly include only sea buckthorn and sugar.

  1. Whole sea buckthorn with sugar. The most common method of harvesting berries for the winter. The berries themselves are carefully sorted out, leaving only whole and strong, washed, scalded with boiling water and wiped dry. Then they are laid out in jars, abundantly sprinkled with sugar (for 1 kg of sea buckthorn, take a pound of granulated sugar). After six hours, jars with berries inside are pasteurized at a temperature of 85 ° C and tightly closed or rolled up.
  2. Sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar. More laborious, in comparison with the previous recipe, the process. Clean and dry berries are crushed by passing through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. The resulting gruel is mixed with sugar in a 1: 2 ratio, placed in jars and stored under lids in the refrigerator. This preparation has all the useful qualities of sea buckthorn and, as it were, "preserves" itself with natural antioxidants. This puree does not spoil until spring and, among other things, has a miraculous ability to relieve hangovers.
  3. Sea buckthorn jelly. Another treat, useful unlike store-bought confectionery. You will need sea buckthorn juice, that is, whole berries need to be passed through a juicer. Then heat the juice in a saucepan. When the temperature reaches about 70 ° C, add sugar (850 g for each liter of juice) and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. In the process of boiling, the liquid will slightly boil down and thicken. Pour it into sterile jars, cover it from foreign debris and leave to cool at room temperature. Jars with cooled jelly are closed with synthetic or paper "lids".
  4. Sea buckthorn jam with sugar. Traditional autumn harvesting from 1 kg of berries, 1 l of water and 1.5 kg of sugar (or another amount of these ingredients, observing the ratio of their volumes). Make a syrup by dissolving sugar in hot water. While still hot, pour the syrup over the sea buckthorn and leave for four hours. After that, remove the fruits, and bring the sweet liquid to a boil, then return the sea buckthorn to it and bring it to readiness over low heat, stirring regularly. Turn off the heat, wait until the jam has cooled completely, and only then put in sterile jars and close.
Sea buckthorn cooked with sugar is perfectly stored in the refrigerator and retains vitamins, sugars, trace elements and pigments. Over time, preservation can stratify into translucent syrup (which will sink to the bottom of the jar) and the berries themselves (they will float up). Crystallized sugar will appear on top of the berries. This will not affect either the taste or the properties of the jam. You can stir it again or use the stringy syrup and caramelized flesh separately.

Consider how to preserve sea buckthorn for the winter and their vitamin value. This can be done in several ways:

Sea buckthorn harvesting rules

Recipes for winter preparations will help to preserve the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. But no matter what you are going to do, some nuances should be observed:

  1. Only whole, bright orange berries that do not have any damage are allowed for processing.
  2. The fruits must be firm. It is undesirable to use overripe ones: they contain much less nutrients. And besides, instead of berries in the cooking process, you will get a shapeless mass.
  3. Sea buckthorn ripens only by the end of August, so you need to buy it with the onset of autumn. If you are offered a berry before, be sure that chemicals were used.

Golden recipes for sea buckthorn blanks for the winter

And now we will consider the most popular and simple options for harvesting sea buckthorn fruits.


Sea buckthorn, as a rule, immediately after being harvested, is allowed to be processed, making jam, compotes, fruit drink, oil from it. But sometimes it is frozen to feast on fresh vitamins in winter. This is the simplest recipe for making sea buckthorn for the winter.

The procedure is done immediately after harvest:

To freeze the berries faster, set the temperature in the freezer to the lowest temperature.

It is best to freeze the berries at -22 degrees. At higher temperatures, the skin may crack on the fruit, resulting in a shapeless mass.

Drying in three ways

How to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter using drying? We offer three ways, just not whole berries, but cake.

Option 1

The collected fruits are dried until the moisture has completely evaporated. Next, the berries are distributed on baking sheets in an even thin layer. And sent to the shade to wither.

Drying is carried out only in the shade, since the sun's rays destroy the useful carotene in them.

When the berries have dried up enough, they are sent to the oven or drying cabinet, where the final drying of the berries takes place. The drying temperature should not rise above 50 degrees. During work, it is now necessary to control the dryness so that the berry does not burn and dry out.

Second option 2

The harvested crop is sorted out, bad berries, twigs, leaves are removed, and then thoroughly washed in cold water. The first stage of drying is the removal of surface moisture remaining after rinsing. The second stage is drying on baking sheets in one layer for 5-6 at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

These two options are only suitable if you have few berries. In case of a large harvest, it will be better to dry the cake first.

Option 3

Another option for drying sea buckthorn with maximum benefit is drying the cake. In this way, you kill two birds with one stone: prepare juice or jam from the squeezed liquid, and then use the dried cake to prepare fruit drinks, butter, aromatic tea, jelly, wine, tinctures, and put it in pies.

Dried cake or berries are first soaked in boiling water, and then used as directed.

To work, you need a colander, juicer, metal sieve, spoon, gauze and dryer:

The finished dried cake is transferred to a dry container with a tight-fitting lid.

Sea buckthorn jam in minutes

No time to mess with sea buckthorn? Now we will tell you how to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter quickly and easily. To do this, you need 1 kg of sun berries, 0.8 liters of water and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. This option is considered the most useful and delicious. The fact is that during the cooking process, useful substances that are important for the body are preserved to the maximum in the berries, especially in autumn and winter:

Still hot jam is poured into pre-sterilized jars, turned upside down and wrapped in a blanket.

Sea buckthorn compote

What else can you cook from sea buckthorn for the winter? Compote! It is also rich in nutrients and vitamins. In addition, it will help to increase immunity in the winter.

To prepare compote, it is advisable to collect the fruits slightly unripe so that they do not burst during cooking.

To implement the sea buckthorn recipe for the winter, 1 kg of berries is required. For this amount, take the same amount of sugar and 1.3 liters of water.

  1. The berries are thoroughly washed, the stalks are separated, dried on a towel and laid out in sterilized jars.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar and berries are poured over it.
  3. Each jar is sterilized. To do this, use a large saucepan or a deep metal basin of boiling water. Take one jar of jam, dip it in boiling water, and leave it for a while. For a half-liter jar, the sterilization time is 12 minutes, and for a liter jar - 17.
  4. The banks are closed and sent to the pantry.

Sea buckthorn jam without cooking

It turns out that you can cook sea buckthorn for the winter even without cooking. This is done in a simple way. True, you have to use a juicer. If not, a blender and a meat grinder will do. The sea buckthorn mass obtained by this method is simply ideal for making fillings for casseroles, cakes, cutlets, fruit drinks, compotes, or you can just serve it for tea in a bowl and eat with spoons.

Only two ingredients are required: sea buckthorn berries in (1 kg) and 0.8 kg of granulated sugar. Then follow this scheme:

Having passed the berries through a juicer press, the cake should be ground again. This will draw out the maximum pulp from the fruit.

Over time, the jam stratifies to form three layers: a light yellow jelly, an orange pulp, and a clear syrup. It is advisable to stir the contents of the jar when using.

Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of usefulness. They enjoy it not only in autumn, but also in winter. Using our advice, you can keep the berries fresh for a long time. Treat yourself to a spoonful of the bright sun!

Hello dear blog subscribers and guests. Today we'll talk again about harvesting the miraculous sea buckthorn berry.

This plant has long been famous for its healing properties and is used in inflammatory processes, wound healing. The fruits, however, have an analgesic effect and contain vitamins C and P, as well as a number of other useful substances and microelements. In general, sea buckthorn strengthens the entire immune system of the body.

So if you have plenty of "golden" berries, be sure to keep them in their natural form. Moreover, the fruits are well stored without cooking.

There are different recipes for cooking sea buckthorn for the winter. Usually it is frozen, stored sprinkled with sugar, or simply simply dried. Also, berries can be processed into jam, juice, compote, jelly or puree. And at home, you can prepare a tincture or make natural sea buckthorn oil. Let's talk in order about all the ways to preserve berries.

And the most popular workpiece is the option without heat treatment, that is, with the preservation of all vitamins. Usually, the fruits are simply sprinkled with sugar and stored in a cool place.


  • Sea buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the berries well and sort out the twigs and leaves, dry.

2. Mix the prepared fruits with sugar.

How simple and elementary everything is! Such a preparation is referred to as "raw" jam.

Harvesting sea buckthorn without cooking with honey

Let's move on. In order to preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is better to naturally not use cooking, I think you understand this and completely agree with this. Therefore, I propose another option for preparing delicacies without cooking, but no longer with sugar, but with honey. The benefit is twofold.

Take 1 glass of honey for 3 cups of berries.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter without sugar in the freezer

Now I want to tell you in detail how you can preserve our beneficial fruits in the simplest way. Again, we will not use heat treatment.

It's about freezing berries in a regular freezer. This is the most popular and efficient way to store sea buckthorn.

And here's what you need to pay attention to first of all:

  • When working with berries, be sure to remember to wear an apron, otherwise you will stain your clothes with bright orange juice;
  • Collect the fruits carefully, picking off each berry separately;
  • Remove all debris, branches and leaves before freezing;
  • All berries must be whole and intact;
  • Be sure to rinse the sea buckthorn, but do it very carefully;
  • After washing, dry the fruits well and only then freeze them.

There should be no water on the berries. The less liquid, the more successful the freezing is.

To store berries in the freezer, use the following containers: disposable cellophane bags, plastic food containers or jars, jars of sour cream, yogurt.

And here are the ways to freeze sea buckthorn:

  1. Distribute the prepared berries in packages (in containers, jars) in a thin layer. Then tie the bags and put them in the freezer;
  2. If you have harvested with branches, then gently rinse and dry them. Then place in a plastic container and put in the freezer for 5 hours. And after the specified time, pick the frozen fruits and put them in jars or bags. And only then put it in the freezer for storage.

Remember that after thawing the fruits, they must be consumed immediately. Therefore, before freezing the berries, decide on the portions for this procedure.

A simple recipe for making sea buckthorn jelly

Slowly but surely, we are approaching the methods of storing berries using heat treatment. So, you can make sweet jam or make jelly.

We will talk about making jam in the next episodes, so check back often. But how to make jelly, you will find out right now.


  • Berries - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Pick the berries in advance. When doing this, use scissors or special loops. Then remove all debris, leaves and bad fruits. Rinse the sea buckthorn and dry.

2. Transfer the prepared berries to an enamel bowl and put on low heat. Heat the contents until juicing appears. And then carefully pass the fruits through a sieve so that the seeds do not get through.

3. Fill the resulting puree with sugar and put it back on low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Leave the jelly for 8 hours at room temperature.

4. After 8 hours, sterilize and dry the jars. Put the finished jelly in them and close with nylon lids. Store in a cellar or at home at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Sea buckthorn tincture - the best recipe

We go deeper and the next step is a tincture of sunny and golden fruits. I want to bring to your attention the simplest recipe for making a drink. The composition does not include anything superfluous, only the berries themselves, sugar and vodka. Well, you can also add your favorite spices, but this is not necessary.

I warn you, it takes a long time to prepare the drink. So take your time and patience.


  • Berries - 1 kg;
  • Vodka - 1.5-2 liters;
  • Water;
  • Sugar (honey) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort out the debris from the berries and place them in a suitable jar. It is necessary that the fruits fill the container by 2/3.
  2. Fill the container to the top with vodka and put the blank in a warm place for 2-3 months.
  3. After the expiration of the specified period, pour the infusion into a bottle, and squeeze the berries slightly and also transfer to the drink. Put the resulting tincture in the refrigerator for 2 days. And after two days, sea buckthorn oil will appear on the surface, collect it and you can use it for medicinal purposes.
  4. Thoroughly filter the tincture through cotton wool. Then dilute with water to the strength you need. Then add sugar or honey to taste. After that, leave the drink in a cool place for a month.

After a month, the tincture is ready for use. If it becomes cloudy, filter it again.

Harvesting sea buckthorn in the form of oil

And since we asked about sea buckthorn oil, let's take a closer look at how you can cook it yourself at home.


  • Berries - 9 kg;
  • Oil for pouring - olive, almond or ordinary vegetable refined.

Cooking method:

1. Select ripe and undamaged fruits, rinse and dry. Take a baking sheet and line it with parchment. Put the berries in one layer and dry them in the oven at 40-50 degrees. The fruits will be ready in 1-1.5 hours.

2. Now grind the dried berries through a coffee grinder. Grind the product as fine as possible.

3. Put the ground sea buckthorn into a container. Next, heat the oil to 40-50 degrees and pour the ground fruits with it so that it slightly covers the berries. Close the container with a lid.

4. Insist the product at room temperature for 7 days. And after 7 days, without stirring the contents, carefully remove the top orange layer from the surface with a spoon or pipette, this is the necessary and valuable oil.

5. Pour the oil into a clean bottle and sterilize. Cool and cover. Store in a cool and dark place.

An interesting recipe for making sea buckthorn juice

And of course, I cannot disregard the option of harvesting in the form of juice (syrup). Indeed, in winter, you can make an excellent healthy fruit drink from this product, cook jelly or compote. And the next plot will just reveal all the secrets of making healthy juice.

So my next issue has come to an end. I urge everyone to make sea buckthorn blanks for the winter. After all, this is not only a delicious delicacy, but also very useful. And be sure to teach your children to eat these berries. Until next time!

Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking can replace the rest of the reserves. After all, amber berries that have not undergone heat treatment retain useful substances, such as vitamins and amino acids, that perfectly cope with seasonal ailments. Such a blank has several cooking versions, which can be found in the following recipes.

Sea buckthorn with sugar - beneficial properties

Sea buckthorn with sugar, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied, belongs to healthy and correct preparations. The berries are not heat-treated, which helps to preserve all the natural benefits and significantly save time for cooking. In addition, sea buckthorn seeds contain oils that maximize the absorption of vitamins from its pulp. Due to its unique composition, sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking, helps to cope with various diseases:

  1. Berries contain vitamins B, C, K, E, folic acid, iron, magnesium, sodium, and therefore they are able to increase immunity, overcome stress, cope with depression, restore vision and produce a rejuvenating effect.
  2. People suffering from allergies, high acidity, gallbladder disease and urolithiasis should be extremely careful when using this blank.

Raw sea buckthorn with sugar needs proper storage. Since the workpiece is not thermally processed, and the only preservative that protects against mold and fermentation is ordinary sugar, sea buckthorn is left in a dark and cold place, protected from sunlight. For such purposes, both a cellar and a refrigerator are suitable.

  1. The duration of storage directly depends on the quality of the harvest, so you need to choose only juicy and whole berries for it.
  2. You should not worry if, after a few weeks, the workpiece stratifies into sugar, jelly and syrup - this is quite acceptable. In this case, the layers are not mixed, but used directly.
  3. Store the workpiece in glass jars, closed hermetically with sterile lids, in a cool, ventilated place.

Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter has several versions of preparation. Traditionally, the mass is ground with a blender or meat grinder, sprinkled with sugar, insisted, laid out in jars, sprinkled with sugar on top and covered. For stocks with whole berries, sprinkled with sugar, they are laid in layers, adding 40 g of sugar to the upper and lower layers.

  1. Cooking sea buckthorn with sugar requires careful preparation of the berries. They need to be sorted out and washed. The process should be approached responsibly, because one spoiled berry can ruin the whole workpiece, spoiling the taste and shortening the shelf life.
  2. In the cooking process, it is important to consider the ratio of sea buckthorn and sugar. As a rule, it is recommended to take 1.5 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries.
  3. The grated sea buckthorn should be cooked very quickly, trying to avoid direct sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on the useful properties of the workpiece.
  4. Insist the workpiece exclusively in a dark place, covering the container with clean gauze.
  5. Sea buckthorn can also be rubbed with other berries - this will only enhance the taste of the workpiece.

Sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar is a modern preparation that allows you to stock up on a healing product without hassle. For cooking, only two components and a convenient tool for processing are enough. In this recipe, the sour berries are ground with a wooden pestle to help give the desired texture and maintain a vibrant color.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Grind prepared sea buckthorn berries with a wooden pestle with 1.3 kg of sugar.
  2. Set aside in a dark place for 3 hours.
  3. Divide the mass into sterile jars.
  4. From the remaining sugar, make a "cork" on top, cover with parchment, a nylon lid and put it in the cellar.

Sea buckthorn in a blender with sugar has many benefits. This method of cooking will help grind the berries into a smooth mass in a couple of seconds, and by rubbing it through a sieve, get rid of the seeds, and become the owners of a universal delicacy. In addition, sugar is added to the pure puree, which helps to regulate the sweetness of the preparation.


  1. sea ​​buckthorn berries - 2.5 kg;
  2. sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Puree the sea buckthorn berries in a blender.
  2. Wipe the resulting mass through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, stir, and leave to dissolve for 4 hours.
  4. Mix thoroughly and spread the mass into sterile jars.

Sea buckthorn rolled with sugar through a meat grinder is no worse than numerous blanks, because this time-tested household appliance helps to quickly and easily process a huge amount of berries, and get a healthy vitamin mass with a light grainy texture, which looks appetizing in a jar and has a pleasant texture.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Pass the sea buckthorn berries along with 1.2 kg of sugar through a meat grinder.
  2. Cover the grated mass with gauze and remove for a couple of hours in a cool place.
  3. Place in the jars, top with the remaining sugar and swirl.

With sugar without cooking - a natural energy drink. Such properties are given to the drink by berries rich in vitamins, and this recipe ensures their complete preservation. For cooking, sea buckthorn is interrupted along with sugar in a blender and mashed potatoes are filtered through a sieve. The remaining extracts are used to prepare equally useful oil.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Beat the sea buckthorn berries with a blender.
  2. Add sugar and beat again.
  3. Strain through a sieve, pour into sterile jars and store at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees Celsius.

Sea buckthorn berries with sugar have a lot of cooking options. Considering the excellent frost-resistant qualities of sea buckthorn, nothing prevents it from being stored frozen. Moreover, this storage method is very convenient and practical. Before freezing, the raw materials should be dried, otherwise the berries will stick together from the cold, and when thawed, they will burst.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Put the washed and dry sea buckthorn on a flat tray, sprinkle with sugar and put in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. After that, arrange in sealed containers and send to the freezer for long-term storage.

Those who want to save space in the refrigerator can make sea buckthorn puree with sugar and keep it frozen. Such a convenient preparation will save not only vitamins, but also the family budget, because this product can be used as a basis for compotes and vitamin teas or as a substitute for expensive fruit.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Purée the berries with sugar.
  2. Divide the mixture into freezer containers and place in the freezer for 4 hours.
  3. After that, sea buckthorn with sugar frozen for the winter without cooking is poured into bags and stored in the freezer.

Helping to stock up on tasty, healthy and effective preparations. So, whole berries, mixed with sugar and laid out in sterile jars, will be an excellent remedy in the fight against diseases, an attractive decor for decorating confectionery products, a basis for making teas or an independent dessert.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.


  1. Put whole berries sprinkled with sugar in a sterile container.
  2. Seal with a nylon cap and send to a cold room.

Sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking is an excellent component for combinations. Since such a workpiece is stored in the cold, the adjacent components must also be frost-resistant. Often, sea buckthorn is harvested with a sourish one, which turns the workpiece into a medicine rather than a delicious dessert.

Hi everybody!
Today's recipe is just a bomb! Sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar is not just a dessert, it is even a medicinal product, it is useful to everyone, without exception, especially in winter, in the season of illness and cough. Tea with such a product is an excellent doping for immunity, because it contains the most beneficial properties for the whole body. So, a step by step photo recipe in the article.

Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar: a homemade recipe with a photo

Sea buckthorn, rubbed with granulated sugar, bypassing heat treatment, allows you to preserve most of the vitamins, as well as the juiciness, fresh aroma, acidity and astringency of this berry.

Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar: a recipe at home

The recipe is quite simple - sea buckthorn is ground with sugar, packaged in cans and sent to the refrigerator. Also, this blank can be saved in the freezer compartment by placing the mixture in a plastic container, while the storage time will significantly increase.

The only drawback of such a blank is the presence of small bones that sea buckthorn contains. If you plan to add the grated berry to tea in the future or create fruit drinks from it, then the seeds will not be a hindrance. But for baking or making desserts, the sea buckthorn mixture should first be passed through a fine sieve, and then mixed with sugar.

It is not difficult to make such a dessert, grated sea buckthorn can be prepared without boiling, the main thing is to follow the instructions clearly.

Ingredient List

  • 500 grams of sea buckthorn;
  • 500 grams of sugar.

How to cook sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar

First of all, carefully examine and sort the berry. Sorting sea buckthorn consists in sifting out fruits with dark spots and rotten participants. Rinse the selected sea buckthorn several times under running water, then dry in a colander or on a terry towel.

Place the berries in the blender container.

Then kill the sea buckthorn at high speed in several approaches.

Next, throw 400 grams of granulated sugar into the puréed mass. Kill the sea buckthorn with sugar again with a blender, dissolving the sugar grains in the berry mass as much as possible.

Cover the mixture with a lid, avoiding contact with insects, set aside for 4-5 hours, even overnight.

Despite the fact that sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar will be stored in the refrigerator, it is still better to subject containers and lids to slight sterilization, this will increase the shelf life of the workpiece.

Dispense the settled mixture into cans, leaving about 2 centimeters of empty space on top.

Next, pour the remaining portion of sugar onto the berry puree. In just 2 minutes, this sugar will absorb the sea buckthorn juice and form the so-called "sugar cork", which will close the mixture, protecting it from external factors.

Immediately seal the jars with the contents with screw caps and send them to the refrigerator shelf. Such a blank is stored for about 3-4 months.