Marinades for a delicious turkey kebab. Turkey skewers on skewers in the oven

03.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

When cooking turkey kebabs, the main task will be to make the most delicious marinade so that the meat is soft.

Turkey is considered a dietary meat, and kebabs from it will certainly not be heavy compared to the same pork.

But, at the same time, the turkey meat on the grill will turn out to be quite juicy and very satisfying.

Turkey kebab marinades are diverse, so choosing a recipe to your taste is not difficult.

You should not take frozen meat for any shish kebab, because when defrosting, its structure is disturbed, the product loses some of its moisture, and the finished dish will be less juicy.

Which part of the bird to choose - drumstick, thigh, breast, wings, is already a matter of taste.

Cut the turkey into a shashlik into medium-sized pieces - about 5 cm, so that they have time to fry and remain juicy.

Marinating turkey meat before cooking is very desirable so that it does not become too tough after charcoal cooking.

This is done from 2 to 8 hours and depends on the size of the pieces and on the composition of the marinade.

If you marinate the turkey under pressure, and even more so in a marinator, then the marinating time can be shortened.

You need to salt the kebab almost before cooking, because salt draws liquid from the food, and the meat can turn out to be dry.

How much to roast turkey kebabs? If you cook turkey fillet shish kebab, then this is done very quickly.

A sign of almost complete readiness is the juice dripping from the pieces. Therefore, as soon as it starts to flow out, there is a possibility of overdrying.

You should not keep the kebab on the fire for too long, 10-12 minutes is quite enough with frequent turning.

Turkey kebab recipe can be supplemented with vegetables: eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes.

Any sauces are perfectly combined with turkey meat - both the hottest and the sweetest.

Especially tasty turkey with sour berry sauces - cranberry, lingonberry. Salsa is also good.

You can also serve fresh vegetables and herbs, lavash or homemade bread, baked potatoes - everything that is usually taken for a picnic.

Turkey meat skewers with mayonnaise and vinegar


  • turkey fillet - 2 kg
  • mayonnaise - 300 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • onions - 0.5 kg
  • seasoning for barbecue with salt - to taste

How to cook turkey kebab:

1. Wash the turkey fillet, dry and cut into suitable pieces.

2. Toss mayonnaise, vinegar, and seasoning in a large bowl.

3. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Put in mayonnaise and stir.

4. Add the meat to the bowl and stir with your hands to coat each bite.

5. Marinate the turkey for 3-4 hours.

Turkey kebab marinade with lemon juice and soy sauce


  • 2 kg turkey meat
  • 2 lemons
  • 100 ml soy sauce
  • a pound of onion
  • marjoram
  • ground black pepper

Turkey kebab recipe:

1. Prepare the turkey meat and cut into 4-5 cm pieces.

2. Mix pepper with marjoram, grate the chunks with spices.

3. Peel the onion and chop it finely.

4. Squeeze out the lemon juice, grate about a teaspoon of the zest and mix with the juice.

5. Add soy sauce and chopped onions. Stir in meat.

6. Cover the bowl with a plate and put it under pressure for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Turkey meat on the grill in mineral water

Soda makes the meat tender, leaves all the juices, aromas and vitamins inside, and also serves as a kind of "conductor", helping the seasonings to penetrate inside.


  • Turkey
  • onion
  • highly carbonated mineral water
  • salt and spices

Cooking turkey skewers:

1. Cut the meat into desired pieces.

2. Cut the onion into thick rings or slices, like an orange.

By the way, putting onion slices on a skewer is much more convenient.

3. Place the meat and onions in a bowl, layering and sprinkling each layer with salt and seasoning.

4. Top with mineral water and leave for 2-3 hours.

How to cook turkey kebab: the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, we will consider in this material. There used to be controversies about the health benefits of charcoal-grilled meat. Today it has already been scientifically proven that such meat retains all the useful elements, and, of course, the aroma of the fire makes it especially tasty.

In our country, barbecue is not just one of the methods of processing meat, but a whole cult of the summer holiday and outdoor activities. Almost all types of meat are suitable for grilling, including turkey. But in order for a turkey on a fire to turn out juicy and tender, you need to be able to choose it correctly, pickle it. In taste, and therefore in the peculiarities of the composition of the marinade, turkey is more like red meat than chicken. She absorbs marinades perfectly, and bakes perfectly on charcoal. What to include in?

How to choose and cut meat

Completely different parts of a turkey carcass are suitable for barbecue. This bird, unlike the chicken, has an impressive size. So, you can safely take breasts, thighs or drumsticks to marinate for barbecue. At the same time, remember that the thighs are the fattest part of the turkey, there is no fat in the breast (although it is not as dry as the chicken breast).

Of course, I want to immediately start making turkey kebabs: the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, but first you need to cut it correctly. Remember that the smaller the pieces, the drier and harder they will be after cooking. Therefore, the meat should be cut coarsely enough, about 5 cm for skewers, in which case the juice will remain inside the meat, but enough marinade will also be absorbed.

Some people prefer to cook kebabs on skewers, then it is required to chop the meat finer so that the skewers do not fall under their own weight. In such a situation, the pieces of turkey should be about 3 cm.

Why pickle

Agree that any meat for barbecue is always necessarily marinated and turkey is again no exception. The product is marinated in order to give it new flavoring properties and shades.

The second important point is the softening of meat during the marinating process. Also, marinating the product can significantly reduce the cooking time over the fire. Turkey meat itself is light, so you need to marinate it less than pork or lamb. As a rule, 4 hours is enough for each bite to be thoroughly soaked.

With kefir

One of the most suitable products that is used to marinate poultry meat for barbecue. Kefir perfectly softens meat, and in addition, it has a pleasant sour taste. In addition to kefir for the marinade, you can use other fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, yogurt. We do it.

In the fermented milk product chosen for the marinade, you need to add chopped onions, black pepper, thyme, marjoram and other dry herbs that you like best. Often a variety of vegetables are also added to the turkey in the marinade.

Interesting! Kefir and tomato juice are perfectly combined in the marinade. The juice can be bought at the store or made from fresh tomatoes, taken for the marinade in a one-to-one ratio.

In wine

The turkey itself is often served with wine, so it makes sense that this meat can be marinated in wine. You need to use exclusively dry wine, but you can choose red or white at your discretion. Natural homemade wine is excellent for marinades (even if it is already a little sour). If the wine is sweet, then citric acid or even just fresh lemon juice can be added to it. Of the spices for this type of marinade, ginger and paprika, peppercorns, herbs are suitable.

Advice! Store-bought wine is fine for the marinade, but you should not take the cheapest wine, because it can spoil the taste of the meat. In addition to dry, you can also take semi-sweet quality varieties.

With mineral water

To take for such marinating, you only need very strong carbonated water, because the main effect on the meat here is due to carbon dioxide. It quickly penetrates the fibers and softens them. For such a marinade, the turkey does not even need to be defrosted first. Onions, eggplants, salt, any spices of your choice are suitable as additional ingredients.

You can also mix carbonated water for this type of marinade with soy sauce or ketchup, homemade adjika. As for the spices, don't put too much of them. How is it prepared?

Important tips on how to roast turkey skewers:
1. Of course, a correctly chosen marinade is already half the success of a delicious barbecue, but you should properly heat the meat over charcoal, and the cooking process should also be approached responsibly.
2. Coals from aromatic fruit trees are perfect for this meat, but coniferous and oily species are absolutely not suitable for preparing such a shish kebab.
3. First, the coals should be well warmed up, and then put the meat on the grill. If you cover a burnt fire with table salt, then the consumption of coal for cooking barbecue will be reduced several times.
4. During cooking it is necessary to turn the meat constantly and evenly, check the amount and intensity of the heat.
5. When a flame breaks out somewhere, it must be immediately extinguished with a small amount of liquid.

You can serve the finished turkey the way it was cooked. Alternatively, remove from the skewers and wire rack and place in a large saucepan. A great way to serve is to use thin pita bread for the meat. First, put sauces on the pita bread, put chopped greens and vegetables, and then put the kebab there and wrap everything in an envelope.

This is how turkey barbecue is prepared: the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, you can choose from a variety of options. In conclusion, I would like to remind you that every product for the marinade must necessarily be fresh and natural, because the meat absorbs not only the taste of the ingredients, but also much of their main composition.

Not as fatty as pork kebab, but no less tasty. This lovely picnic dish is quick and easy to prepare. Among the variety of kebab recipes, this kebab stands out as relatively dietary, it is eaten with pleasure by adults, children, and the elderly, the meat is always soft and easy to chew.

It is preferable to buy, of course, not a whole turkey, but a fillet, firstly, so as not to bother with cutting the carcass into parts, and secondly, turkey thigh fillet is best suited for shish kebab, from which the shish kebab is made more juicy. If you buy a turkey breast fillet, you can also make a kebab from it, but it will be dry. There are also many ways to marinate meat, in this recipe we offer you one of the simplest marinades for barbecue - in mineral water (always carbonated!). Of course, you will need a brazier, skewers, a saucepan in which you will marinate meat (preferably enameled or stainless steel), charcoal (you can, of course, take firewood, but then you need to start the process of cooking barbecue very well in advance, you will have to wait, until the wood burns out to the state of coals) and, possibly, a liquid for ignition. We also add that various sauces can be served with the ready-made kebab, and not necessarily spicy, for example, lingonberry or.


  • Turkey thigh fillet - the amount of meat depends on your appetite (we usually buy about 1.5 - 2 kilograms for a company of 5 people)
  • Mineral water, table, carbonated - 1 bottle with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 liters
  • Spices (many different, suitable for meat, we present here our "complete set", the first five spices, it seems to us, are required, you can exclude something or add and choose your own spice composition - experiment!):
  1. Dry minced garlic
  2. Ground black pepper
  3. Paprika (red bell pepper)
  4. Dry chopped dill
  5. Zira (another name for this spice is cumin)
  6. Oregano (oregano)
  7. Marjoram
  8. Provencal herbs
  9. Nutmeg (chopped)
  10. Hmeli-suneli
  11. Coriander
  • Lemon (optional, we often do without it) - 1 piece
  • Onions (if desired, from our point of view, turkey or chicken kebabs are fine without onions, we don't put them, but there are onion lovers, so decide for yourself) - 1-2 onions


Wash your hands thoroughly and proceed to marinate the meat. First, you need to wash the meat in running cold water (that is, under the tap, and not in a container with water).

We cut the meat into small pieces (well, for example, be guided by the size of a matchbox: a piece of 3x4 cm or 4x5 cm with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm Without fanaticism for accuracy and correctness of shape, you do not need to measure with a ruler!)

Place the pieces in a large bowl and rinse again with cold water. We drain the water, squeeze the meat a little.

Now we take a large saucepan in which we will marinate the meat. We will do this in layers. Place the first layer of meat in the pan, so that the bottom of the pan is covered with pieces of meat, but so that the pieces do not lie on top of each other.

Sprinkle a layer of meat with salt and all the spices (a little, literally half a teaspoon or a pinch of each spice, do not overdo it!). If you want to use lemon, then wash the lemon, cut it into thin circles, cut each circle into 2-4 parts and drop several slices of lemon on each layer of meat. If you want to add onions, then peel the onions, cut them into rings, half rings, or just finely chop and sprinkle each layer of meat with a small amount of onion.

Then we put the next layer of meat and repeat all the manipulations: salt, sprinkle with spices, add lemon and onion if we want. Then the next layer - and so until we put all the meat in the pan, sprinkle the top layer of meat with everything that is needed.

Fill the meat in a saucepan with mineral water so that the water completely covers the meat and is at least 1-2 cm above the top layer of the meat. Do not mix anything. We cover the pan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours (more is possible, it is possible until tomorrow, if it is more convenient for you to marinate the meat the day before).

When the meat is marinated, we proceed to the process of frying our kebab.

We put coal or firewood in the grill. We set it on fire (if it was firewood, we wait until it burns down to the state of coal).

We put pieces of meat on skewers (without squeezing from the marinade!) 5-6 pieces per skewer.

We spread the skewers on the grill. We start the frying process.

Separately, it is worth mentioning turkey as meat for grilling. Especially about the turkey fillet. This is the most tender and lean meat in comparison with the rest of the carcass, and that is why many fail, getting meat that looks more like chips than juicy and tender ruddy pieces. How to cook a good turkey kebab so that the next culinary feat is justified and crowned with an unforgettable dinner in nature? Only excellent meat and correct tactics!

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes for cooking (including lighting / marinating).

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 700 g turkey fillet (from one bird weighing about 3.5 kg)
  • salt, spices to taste
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (to enhance the taste, you can try sesame or pumpkin seeds)
  • 0.5 tsp honey

you will also need:

  • 2 volumes of brazier firewood from fruit trees + 1 raw wood of wood or a few sprigs of rosemary for a smoking effect (optional)
  • plastic bag
  • grill or skewers.


It's no secret that good meat does not need to be burdened with tricky additives, it is quite enough to salt it and season it with your favorite spices to make an excellent barbecue! And it is also very important whether we use the "right" coals for cooking a particular type of meat. In these two directions, we will work out the tactics of a successful fillet kebab.

So, first you need a chilled, skinned turkey fillet. It must be rinsed in cool water and allowed to drain. Then the fillet should be cut into portions for 2-3 bites. It is very important in this case to guess with the size. If the pieces are too small, they will instantly turn into dry chips, and if they are too large, then, while the middle reaches, the edges will also inevitably dry out.

In a plastic bag of a suitable size, pour salt and seasoning mixture to taste, and lay out the meat. Close the edges of the bag and twist the meat in it so that it all turns out to be in a spicy-salty breading and begins to marinate. Place the package in a cool place. By the way, the benefits of the package do not end at this stage, so it is recommended to marinate the meat in it.

While the meat is saturated with the aromas of herbs, it is necessary to burn the coals. The best coals for barbecue, with a soft and "correct" heat are obtained from. In order to quickly and successfully cook a barbecue from this amount of meat, you will need two volumes of barbecue of thin poles. Kindle firewood and give them the opportunity to burn out completely! At the bottom of the barbecue, there should be gray-white hot coals. It is also very important that the heat is not too strong, after all, turkey fillets are meat that cooks quickly enough.

While the coals are burning to the desired level of heat, prepare the meat for cooking. Add a little honey and vegetable oil to a bag with pieces of turkey fillet. Close the edges of the bag again and mix the pieces well in the honey-oil mixture. This little secret guarantees a nice crust on the finished turkey kebab, and will help the meat cook evenly and faster, as it creates an oily layer on the surface that increases the temperature. And your hands, at the same time, will remain clean, and not in sweet-buttered caramel! And in this case, you do not need to separately grease the grate with oil, the shish kebab will not stick. Pour the pieces from the bag onto the lower grate, press on top with the second grate, secure the structure with a ring.

To start cooking a kebab, you need to make sure that the heat is suitable. To do this, you need to lower your hand with your palm down to the level above the coals on which the meat will be cooked. If you can withstand the heat for the calculation of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, then the heat is correct, if not, then stir the coals with a poker or a free piece of wood so that they burn out faster. As soon as the heat reaches the desired level, place the meat with a wire rack on the grill and cook the meat for about 7 minutes on each side.

If you want the shish kebab to have a smoky effect, then before turning the meat over to the other side, you need to put an unfinished piece of wood on the coals. It will give a lot of smoke, but will not have time to catch fire. Another option for a smoky effect is to toss a few sprigs of dried rosemary over the coals.

While the meat is cooking, there is time to prepare the plates for serving. Fresh greens and young potatoes will make a great company with tender turkey kebabs!

Remove the finished turkey fillet shashlik from the heat, carefully disassemble the structure of the grate and let it rest for a few minutes. Put the pieces of meat on portioned plates and serve!

By the way, you can cook chicken fillet in the same way, but the cooking time will need to be controlled, the chicken may be ready even earlier.

Have a nice picnic and bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the marinade.

In a bowl, combine chopped garlic, finely chopped chili peppers, olive oil, dried thyme, salt and black pepper.

Step 2: slice the turkey.

Cut the turkey fillets into large cubes so that it is convenient to skewer them, and so that they are quickly fried.

Step 3: chop vegetables.

Rinse the vegetables, peel the peppers and onions, and then cut into large cubes. Leave the cherry tomatoes whole, as well as the mushroom caps (cut the legs at the root).

Step 4: we put the turkey with vegetables on the skewers.

Prepare skewers and place turkey fillet slices on them, alternating with vegetables and mushrooms in random order.
The kebab looks very bright and appetizing thanks to the multi-colored peppers and onions.

Brush the marinade over vegetables and turkey. First, on one side, grease the other on the grill.

Step 5: fry the turkey with vegetables on skewers.

Preheat the grill and place the turkey kebabs with the marinade side down. And coat the top with the remaining spice oil.

Fry, turning, until golden brown on all sides. You can cook such a shish kebab on coals, and the whole sequence will be the same.
Turkey meat cooks pretty quickly, so don't overdo it or dry it out. Also, your vegetables and mushrooms should not start to fall apart. So just watch and immediately remove everything from the fire as it is done.

Step 6: prepare the sauce.

In the meantime, the kebab is fried, prepare a suitable sauce for it. First rub the chopped garlic with salt, then add the olive oil, stir well. Finally, add finely chopped dill and yogurt. Mix everything until smooth and you're done!

Step 7: Serve the turkey with vegetables on skewers.

A turkey with vegetables on skewers is suitable for outdoor cooking, as well as for homemade barbecues if you have a suitable grill pan. This is delicious! You can simply serve it with sauce and bread, or make some light side dish.
Bon Appetit!

Wooden skewers must be soaked in cold water for 30 minutes or 1 hour.