A light jelly made from fresh gooseberries is ideal for a summer holiday.

20.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

Gooseberry jelly for the winter is prepared no more difficult than a similar preparation from currants, cherries and other berries. Due to the fact that the product is acidic, a large amount of granulated sugar must be added to it. But first things first.

gooseberry: step by step cooking method

Dessert ingredients:

  • ripe large gooseberries - 3.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • ordinary filtered water - 1 glass.

The right choice of berries

Gooseberry jelly for the winter turns out to be especially tasty if only large and ripe berries are purchased for such a preparation. After all, if you buy a green and unripe product, then the dessert from it will turn out to be so sour that it will not be possible to use it.

Berry processing

Before going out of gooseberries, you should carefully process all purchased or self-picked berries. They must be cleaned of twigs using sharp scissors. Next, all the berries must be placed in a basin and filled with cold water. After 30 minutes, rinse the gooseberries in a colander, remove the liquid completely and place in a large saucepan.

Heat treatment

To make gooseberry jelly for the winter, you need to put the dishes with berries on medium heat, add a little filtered water to them and bring to a boil. In this composition, products should be cooked until they soften and give their juice. After that, it is recommended to crush the berries a little with a crush, remove from the stove, cool slightly and grind through a medium-sized sieve. The remaining cake should not be thrown away, as it will make a delicious vitamin compote.

After this procedure, the fragrant liquid from the pulp should be put back into a saucepan, added to it and boiled over low heat until the mass is reduced by a third (after about half an hour). During this time, small glass jars and metal lids can be sterilized.

The final stage in the preparation of berry jelly

After the berry liquid stops foaming during boiling, and its volume decreases by 1/3, the jelly can be safely poured into jars. For this procedure, it is better to use a funnel with a large neck, since the thickened hot jelly is very difficult to pour into the dishes. Next, the filled jars must be rolled up with lids and turned upside down. In this state, it is advisable to keep them for 1-3 hours, and then return them to their normal position and wait for them to cool completely. After that, berry jelly can be removed to the cellar, refrigerator or subfloor.

Gooseberry jelly for the winter will be ready for use within 4-6 days after boiling it. If it seems to you that the sweet product turned out to be too liquid, then next time the heat treatment should be increased by another half hour.

You should use such a thick piece of ripe gooseberries along with hot tea and fresh toast. Also berry dessert is well suited for pancakes, meatballs, pancakes, curds and other products that will become much tastier with this sweet dressing.

Preparations for the winter. Gooseberry jelly

Gooseberries for the winter. Gooseberry jelly

Everyone knows that gooseberries are extremely rich in vitamins that are useful for the human body, but how to preserve these vitamins for the winter, so that it is tasty and healthy? Not everyone loves whole gooseberry jam, but both adults and children will like jelly. In addition, this delicious preparation will stunningly complement any dessert or baked goods. And even an inexperienced housewife can make gooseberry jelly. Using a similar recipe, you can make jelly from other berries, for example, from red currants or raspberries.
Gooseberries for the winter. Gooseberry jelly - recipe

.Ripe gooseberry 1 kg
Sugar 600 - 700 gr.
.Water 100 ml.
.Citric acid on the tip of a knife (optional)

How to make gooseberry jelly for the winter
We carefully sort the gooseberries and wash them under running water. For this recipe, it is not essential to cut off the tails of the fruit. Put the gooseberries in a suitable saucepan, fill them with the required amount of water and boil the gooseberries for a few minutes.

The gooseberries should be soft and juiced, but not boiled. Let the gooseberries stand in a saucepan for about five minutes, and then mash the fruits well in the saucepan. Pour the resulting liquid with pulp into another pan through a sieve (it can be additionally lined with gauze).

Do not throw away the remaining cake, from it you can make jelly, popsicles or a soft drink. To do this, pour a little water on the cake and boil for three minutes. Leave the broth to brew until it cools completely, then drain through a sieve. Put sugar in the broth to taste. Well, we'll get back to making gooseberry jelly. Pour the required amount of sugar into the juice with pulp.

Place the pot on low heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, cook the jelly for about 30 minutes, stirring regularly to prevent sticking.

The fire should be small.

Banks, with a capacity of 0.5 liters, wash and sterilize over steam. Boil the lids for five minutes. Pour the jelly into prepared jars, roll up and cool.

Over time, the jelly will become even thicker. Gooseberry vitamin jelly is ready.

Nowadays, on almost any personal plot you can find shrubs on which berries appear in the summer, sometimes strewn with small coarse bristles. People find different uses for them, but gooseberry jelly is the most delicious.

Uncomplicated procedure

Some people think that berries are only suitable for jam. Therefore, in the summer, during the harvest season, housewives stock up on sugar, and a tedious process begins, as a result of which buckets of fresh fruits turn into a fragrant sweet mass. But gooseberries are not like the rest of the berries. Not juice is hidden under its thick skin, but a frozen gelatinous mass, delicate and pleasant to the taste. Various jams and marmalades are made from it. But the most delicious is gooseberry jelly. It is very tender and not cloying at all. To prepare such a delicacy, only three main ingredients are required:

per kilogram of fresh berries 800 grams of sugar and 0.8 liters of water.

The process is quite simple and does not require any special training:

  1. Gooseberries must first be sorted out and washed well. This procedure requires special attention. On some fruits, there is a film-like plaque. It must be removed or set aside.
  2. Transfer the prepared food to a basin and fill it with plain water.
  3. Place the container on the stove. Bring the contents to a boil. Then the fire must be made a little weaker and the mass must be cooked under such conditions for 20 minutes
  4. Then the resulting mixture should be filtered. To do this, it is best to use the usual gauze, folding it in 3-4 layers. The berries remaining on the fabric can be wrung out slightly.
  5. Pour the liquid fraction back into the same basin, put it on the stove, and continue boiling until its volume is halved. During boiling, add sugar in small portions.
  6. Pour the finished gooseberry jelly into a sterilized dish and roll up.

In an airtight container, it can be stored for a long time.

Alternative way

Some housewives, not wanting to waste time on long-term boiling of the product and filtering the hot mass, use another option. It is much simpler and saves time. Gooseberry jelly is made in minutes. In this case, additional equipment will be required for work. First, clean berries must be passed through a juicer. At the touch of a button, the compressed pulp remains in the tray. Further, all operations will be carried out with the participation of two components: gooseberry juice and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. First, the liquid must be boiled and boiled a little over high heat, constantly removing the foam. Then add sugar and continue boiling for 10 minutes, without reducing the intensity of the flame. At the final stage, hot jelly must be immediately poured into glass jars and sealed tightly. It is better to use, of course, metal covers. They provide maximum isolation and complete product safety.

Blanks for future use

At home, as a rule, gooseberry jelly is made for the winter. This is a great opportunity to retain a piece of the sun's heat for the whole year until next summer. Each housewife has her own special method for this. One of the most common options is for:

for four kilograms of berries, one and a half glasses of water and two and a half kilograms of sugar.

The process is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. It all starts with the preparation of the berries. They must be sorted out, and then carefully cut off all the branches with scissors.
  2. Pour the processed gooseberries into a clean basin, add water. Leave the food in this position for 40-45 minutes.
  3. After that, the water must be drained, and the fruits must be rinsed and dried.
  4. Pour the prepared berries into a wide container and put on fire.
  5. Add water and wait until the mixture boils.
  6. Reduce heat and heat until the berries begin to open and release juice.
  7. Next, remove the container from the stove and mash the gooseberries in it, using a simple crush for this. Rub the resulting mash through a sieve.
  8. Pour the remaining liquid mass into a saucepan, add sugar and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  9. At the end, pour it into the prepared container and seal.

It turns out a very delicate gooseberry jelly. For the winter, such a product can be placed in the cellar or stored at room temperature.

Various recipes

By itself, gooseberries have a neutral flavor. There is no pronounced sourness or special aroma in it. Therefore, most often this berry is used in a mixture with other fruits. Currants are best suited for this. The result is not only delicious, but also very healthy gooseberry jelly. You can take any recipes and product ratios. For example, an option when you need:

for 600 grams of gooseberries, 1.1 kilograms of sugar, as well as half a kilogram of black and red currants.

This jelly is made as follows:

  1. Wash all berries separately and remove any existing tails and shoots.
  2. Put the red currants in one container, and the gooseberries with the black berry in the other. Mash the products well using convenient means.
  3. Squeeze juice from red berries using cheesecloth, and rub the rest of the fruits through a very fine sieve.
  4. Combine the resulting products, add sugar to them and cook the mixture for 40 minutes at a low boil.
  5. Pack and roll up the finished product.

With this ratio, you get a pleasant sweet and sour mass. It is good to spread it on bread and just eat it with a spoon with tea. If the amount of sugar is slightly increased (by half a glass), then the result will be a thicker and sweeter jelly.

"Raw" dessert

In order to prepare a delicious fruit and berry dessert, the products do not need to be heat treated. There is a recipe for making wonderful gooseberry jelly without cooking. Sometimes culinary experts call such a dish among themselves "raw jam". And so that the taste of the finished dish is not empty and cloying, you can add some citrus. In this case, the following ratio of products will be optimal:

per kilogram of gooseberries, 1 whole orange and 1.1-1.2 kilograms of sugar.


  1. Wash the gooseberries, dry and remove all the stems. And peel the orange and leave only the slices without partitions ("fillet").
  2. Grind the products in a meat grinder and pour the mass into a saucepan.
  3. Add sugar, stir and leave in this state for 12 hours.
  4. Then transfer to a sterilized dish and close with ordinary nylon lids.

You can only store such jelly in a cold place. In an urban setting, a refrigerator is suitable for this. If the ratio of fruit and berry mass and sugar is made 1: 2, then the jelly will retain its freshness for a long time at any temperature.

Gooseberry jelly for the winter is one of the popular dessert recipes that you can make yourself. When handled correctly, the berries retain their benefits and can be a vitamin supplement during the colder months.

Gooseberry jelly recipes

Gooseberries are loved for their fresh sour taste and soft texture. Thanks to the pectin in the berries, you don't need to use other gelling agents like gelatin when making jelly. Gooseberries are a malleable ingredient. This allows it to be mixed with other berries and fruits when cooking, resulting in a variety of recipes.

A simple gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter

Gooseberry jelly lovers prefer the simple recipe for this dessert. Without unnecessary ingredients, the pleasant acidity of the berries is retained. The advantage of a simple gooseberry jelly recipe is that when preparing berries, you do not need to remove the tails from them. For the preparation of dessert for the winter, any fruit, from unripe to spoiled, is suitable. The only thing that is not allowed is mold.

Advice! To obtain a more acidic product, you need to use unripe green fruits.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 150 ml of drinking water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. The washed berries are poured into a saucepan of the required volume, water is added. The fruits are brought to softness over medium heat.
  2. The mass is rubbed through a sieve to get rid of tails and large seeds.
  3. The resulting cleaned workpiece is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added. The mass is boiled for 5 minutes.
  4. After turning off the fire, it is poured into sterile containers and rolled up.

Gooseberry jelly for the winter through a meat grinder

The meat grinder crushes the bones well and allows you to achieve a denser consistency of gooseberry jelly. This recipe does not use a sieve, so when preparing the berries, you need to cut off the tails from them. Small scissors can be used to speed up the process. The mass yield of the product is greater than in the previous version.


  • 1 kg of agrus;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepared berries without tails are passed through a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting mass is transferred to a saucepan, covered with sugar and mixed thoroughly.
  3. It is boiled for 30 minutes.
  4. To thicken the product, stir it for 5-10 minutes without removing it from the heat.
  5. After thickening, the dessert is poured into jars and rolled. If the containers are sterile, then such a delicacy will last all winter.

Gooseberry jelly with orange for the winter

Citrus skins are high in pectin. Thanks to the introduction of orange peel into the recipe for making gooseberry jelly, the dessert will reach the desired thickness. The treat can be prepared for the winter, or eaten immediately after cooling. The bright orange flavor will last the entire shelf life.


  • 1 kg of agrus;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. In this recipe for gooseberry jelly for the winter, it is better to choose ripe berries. Tails are cut off from them and washed thoroughly.
  2. The orange is washed and peeled. The zest is laid aside, the white peel and bones are thrown away.
  3. Gooseberry and orange with zest are chopped in a blender until smooth.
  4. Finely chopped orange peel is added to the puree. In the finished product, it will feel like soft candied fruit.
  5. The mass is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added.
  6. Mashed potatoes are boiled for 20-25 minutes, stirring so that it does not burn.
  7. The finished sweetness is poured into containers.

The peculiarity of the product with the addition of orange can be considered a hint of bitterness that appears from the citrus zest.

Gooseberry jelly with gelatin for the winter

When working with gelatin, it is worth remembering that it cannot be boiled, otherwise the jelly will not acquire the required thickness. When adding gelatin, the dosage is observed, since this ingredient has a specific aroma and taste. In order for the dessert to stand all winter, it is important to process the cans carefully.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. hot drinking water;
  • 20 g of gelatin.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are chopped into mashed potatoes. A blender can be used if desired.
  2. The mass is poured into a saucepan and mixed with granulated sugar. Put on medium heat.
  3. While the dessert is cooking, pour hot water over the gelatin and stir gently. There should be no lumps.
  4. Boil for 10-15 minutes, then remove from heat, cool slightly and pour in gelatin.
  5. So that the mass does not disintegrate, it is returned to low heat and boiled for no more than 5 minutes. Be sure to stir without boiling.
  6. The finished dessert is poured into containers.

Gooseberry and red currant jelly

To diversify the flavor palette of preparations for the winter, you can add red currants to the recipe. In winter, such a dessert will remind you of summer. The difficult part is the preparation of the berries: they need not only to be washed, but also to remove the small debris typical of red currants.


  • 0.5 kg of gooseberries;
  • 0.5 kg of red currants;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries prepared and peeled from the tails are crushed. They can be crushed to preserve the bones, or processed in a blender.
  2. Sugar is added to the puree.
  3. The mass is heated to a boil and cooked for 2 minutes over high heat.
  4. The hot product is poured into containers.

Advice! To preserve the rich color, you need to use the red fruits of the agrus.

Gooseberry jelly with mint for the winter

Adding mint to dessert may seem odd in winter because it has a cooling effect. Nevertheless, the recipe for gooseberry mint jelly is popular: the herb gives off its aroma and practically does not affect the taste of the dessert.


  • 700 g of berries;
  • 2-3 sprigs of mint or 10 g of mint leaves;
  • 700 g sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. The fruits are passed through a meat grinder or blender.
  2. The resulting puree is poured into a saucepan, mixed with sugar and mint leaves.
  3. The mass is brought to a boil, and then cooked for 40-45 minutes over medium heat.

If desired, the mint can be removed at the end of cooking or left in the dessert.

Gooseberry juice jelly for the winter

The recipe for jelly from gooseberry juice for the winter is impossible without gelatin, because otherwise it will take a long time to boil the dessert. Also, gelatin will increase the volume of the finished product. Such a product will be stored for more than one winter. Keep it in a cool, dark place.


  • 1.5 liters of berry juice and 0.5 liters of juice for diluting gelatin;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 50 g of gelatin.

Cooking steps:

  1. Stir gelatin in half a liter of slightly warmed juice.
  2. Bring 1.5 liters of juice to a boil and keep on fire for 20-25 minutes.
  3. The boiling juice is removed from the heat and allowed to cool so that the boiling goes away.
  4. A gelatin mixture is poured into it, mixed.
  5. The dessert is simmered over low heat for 3-5 minutes, without boiling.
  6. Poured into containers.

To make the delicacy stand all winter, the cans are placed on rolled up lids and covered with something warm. Thanks to this, the spins are self-sterilized.

Gooseberry jelly with cherries

The sourness of the cherry complements the taste, so you need to choose ripe berries for the recipe.


  • 200 g of agrus juice;
  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 150 g of drinking water;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. To prepare the juice, the berries are blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Soft fruits are rubbed through a sieve. The puree is passed through 3 layers of cheesecloth.
  3. Cherries are washed, freed from bones. The pulp is crushed in a meat grinder.
  4. The resulting berry mass is transferred to a saucepan, water is added.
  5. After 3 minutes of cooking over medium heat, the cherries are sugar-coated. Next, cook until the mass thickens, stirring continuously.
  6. At the end, the juice is added. If the jelly has become liquid, then it is still boiled down.
  7. The finished dessert is poured into jars.

Gooseberry and raspberry jelly for the winter

Raspberries are a remedy for colds and fever, so they are often added to recipes for sweet preparations for the winter. Its mild flavor complements the gooseberry acidity.


  • 1 kg of fresh raspberries;
  • 1 kg of agrus;
  • 1 tbsp. drinking water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are prepared for cooking. Cut off the tails, remove the white center from the raspberry.
  2. The fruits are placed in a saucepan, after pouring water into it. Put on a small fire.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat and close the container with a lid. The berry shell should burst, releasing juice.
  4. Cool the pan. To do this, it is placed under cold or running water.
  5. After the berries have cooled, they are rubbed through a sieve, and then the puree is passed through cheesecloth. As a result, pure juice is obtained.
  6. Half of its volume is evaporated, then sugar is added. There should be an equal amount of sand and liquid.
  7. For 10 minutes, the juice is boiled over medium heat so that the sugar is completely dissolved. In this case, the product is constantly stirred.
  8. The resulting mass is poured into jars and rolled up. It takes 20 hours for the jelly to set well.

Gooseberry jelly recipe without boiling

When heat treated above 42 degrees Celsius, many nutrients are destroyed. In order to preserve the maximum properties of agrus, there is a recipe without boiling. The secret to keeping the dessert for the winter is the large amount of sugar. For this recipe, unripe berries with a sour taste are better suited.


  • 1 kg of agrus;
  • 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are prepared and their tails are cut. It is important to dry the fruit well before cooking, because excess water can provoke the appearance of mold.
  2. Dry berries are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar.
  3. The resulting mass is laid out in sterile jars and placed in a dry, cold and dark place.

Since this recipe does not use heat treatment, a lot of attention must be paid to sterilizing the containers. If one of the cans is damaged, replace it.

Gooseberry jelly with honey recipe

Honey retains its benefits only if it is not heated above 60 °. Because of this, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that the mass does not boil during cooking. In the recipe for this jelly, gooseberry berries are rubbed through a sieve, so the tails can be left.


  • 1.5 kg of fruit;
  • 1 kg of honey.

Cooking steps:

  1. The washed berries are poured into a colander and blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes. If they have not softened, then they stand for another 1-2 minutes.
  2. Soft berries are rubbed through a sieve.
  3. The resulting puree is poured into a clean saucepan and brought to a boil. Then honey is added.
  4. The mass is boiled over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, avoiding boiling.

Honey is an excellent preservative, but you shouldn't forget about sterilizing cans. In order for the jelly to withstand the winter and not ferment, the containers with it must first be doused with boiling water.

Gooseberry jelly with kiwi

This dessert is called "emerald" for its juicy color. It can be stored for about a year, however, it is better to eat jelly until the end of winter. It tastes like confiture interspersed with kiwi seeds.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 4 things. kiwi;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are washed, sorted out and cut off their tails.
  2. The peeled kiwi is cut into large pieces.
  3. Sugar is added to the berries and fruits, everything is mixed in a saucepan and put on medium heat.
  4. Foam that rises on the surface is quickly removed. As soon as it stops appearing, the jelly is boiled for 25 minutes.
  5. Emerald jelly is poured into containers and rolled.

Gooseberry jelly in a slow cooker

It's easy to cook jelly in a slow cooker, however, this recipe takes time. Cooking takes up to 2 hours. The advantage of this recipe is that gooseberry jelly does not require constant attention for the winter. The multicooker independently maintains the desired temperature, and its coating will prevent the dessert from burning. You can make any jelly recipe in it.

Important! At the beginning of cooking, foam will appear on the surface of the puree. It must be removed until it stops forming, otherwise the dessert may ferment.


  • 1 liter gooseberry puree;
  • 500 g of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Puree is poured into a slow cooker, sugar is added, mixed.
  2. To prepare jelly for the winter, select the "Quenching" mode. Time - 2 hours.
  3. At the end of cooking, the dessert needs to be mixed well for about 10 minutes so that it acquires an even thick consistency.
  4. The finished mass is poured into prepared cans.

There are a few more recipes in the video below.


Gooseberry jelly for the winter can be prepared in many ways. A variety of recipes will allow even the most discerning sweet tooth to find one that suits their liking. The product is stored in a cold room to prevent fermentation.

What is not made from this amazing berry, jam, which is called royal, jelly, compotes, adjika, sauces for meat dishes. Gooseberry blanks for the winter are very diverse. I want to present some recipes, simply because I grow this berry myself and love it very much.

  • 1 Gooseberry for the winter, preparation
    • 1.1 What to cook from gooseberries for the winter
      • 1.1.1 Gooseberry compote for the winter
      • 1.1.2 Gooseberry with orange for the winter
      • 1.1.3 Gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter
      • 1.1.4 Gooseberry compote with oranges for the winter
      • 1.1.5 Gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter
      • 1.1.6 Gooseberry currant jam for the winter
      • 1.1.7 Gooseberry jelly with orange
      • 1.1.8 Pickled gooseberries for the winter
      • 1.1.9 Gooseberry sauce for the winter
      • 1.1.10 Gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter
      • 1.1.11 Adjika from gooseberry for the winter, recipe

Gooseberries for the winter, preparation

A large number of completely unusual and different gooseberry recipes provide for the correct preparation of the berry. There are recipes for which you can use "illiquid", slightly overripe or mashed berries. But most recipes require a good look and ripeness, because not only the appearance of the final product depends on this, but also its shelf life. After all, most likely, spoiled berries will ferment faster.

It is good when the gooseberry grows in the summer cottage, when at any time you can come and type. here you need to look so that the berries do not overripe, do not become soft. Sometimes in extreme heat, in the sun, they "bake" rather quickly.

If you buy berries on the market, you should try to choose berries of the same size and ripeness, if possible. Some simply interfere with several varieties, large-fruited and small-fruited. The time required for heat treatment is different, the small ones will already boil up, and the large ones will still be whole.

Collecting gooseberries is difficult if you have varieties with thorns, but now they are increasingly being abandoned. You need to sort out the gooseberries carefully and carefully. There are berries with a worm inside, looking closely you can see the hole-entrance. Sorting out the berries, you need to remove both tails and inflorescences. I always use scissors for this, it turns out quickly and conveniently.

What to cook from gooseberries for the winter

Many people know royal or royal gooseberry jam, I already gave its recipe here. The berry also makes excellent compotes, it, like another, can be frozen.

Jellies, jams, preserves for home-baked lovers do not remain behind the scenes. Someone loves original recipes, for example, pickled gooseberries. Also, many people know recipes for meat sauces from this amazing berry.

And also gooseberries can be added as an addition to pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers, even to cook delicious adjika from it. so the berry is practically irreplaceable and you don't have to think for a long time how to prepare gooseberries for the winter.

Gooseberry compote for the winter

The recipe is great for its speed and simplicity, I personally like to drink it not only in winter, in summer it refreshes perfectly, I add a little "zest" to it

For him, we will need to take:

  • Gooseberries, ripe berries
  • Sugar
  • Peppermint sprigs

How to cook gooseberry compote for the winter:

Everything is very simple and elementary. The main thing is to choose strong berries so that they do not burst later and do not spoil the whole look, and fresh leaves of peppermint or lemon balm, why is it? It's just that I grow a lot of it.

At the very beginning, I soak the picked berries right in a bucket and at the same time, armed with scissors, I cut off unnecessary tails. I immediately throw the berries into a colander so that the water is extra glass, because we don't need it ..

I prepare jars in advance, mostly three-liter ones. I fall asleep in them by a third. I pour boiling water over and let it cool a little, it takes about 15 minutes. I pour the water into a saucepan and now I know how much I spend on a jar.

I wash the mint under the tap and shake off the water, put it on a twig on a jar. I pour sugar into the water, the gooseberry is a sweet berry, so three-quarters of a glass is enough for a three-liter jar. I let the syrup boil for a few minutes and pour it directly onto the berries, immediately close and put the jars with the lids down under the blanket.

Gooseberry with orange for the winter

These are real vitamins, closed "live" in jars. Everyone absolutely likes this dessert, very tasty, not to mention the mass of usefulness.

We will take:

  • Kilo berries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • One medium-sized orange

How will we procure:

Previously, I prepare jars, small, choose from under the baby puree, maybe a little more. I wash them with soda, then pour them over with boiling water and fry them in the microwave. They must be sterile and dry.

The gooseberries, like always mine, and I sort out, here we cannot miss overripe or bad berries. At the beginning, the orange is also washed with hot water and soda. Then I cut it into pieces together with the peel, only remove the bones.

I put orange slices in a blender, berries and sugar in the same place and grind everything. Then I stir until the sugar is completely dispersed. I pack it in jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter

Another vitamin treat that I keep in the fridge all the time. Sometimes we dive into a jar, eat with tea.

To execute the recipe, we need:

  • Kilo of gooseberry
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

We free the berries from unnecessary tails, rinse and put them in a container where we will cook them, pour water there and set the average temperature so as not to wait for a boil. Then we lower the temperature and let it boil for about fifteen minutes.

After the time has passed, we pour out the sugar, we do not add the fire, because we do not need the jelly to boil. I sometimes raise the saucepan over the stove to let it cool down a little.

So we boil for about twenty minutes, you will begin to notice how a thick film appears on the walls, then everything is ready. We immediately pour the jelly into the glass container, which we previously prepared and store in a cool place, for example, in the cellar.

Gooseberry compote with oranges for the winter

I also really liked this version of the soft drink. Orange gives a sour bitterness, which is lacking in a sweet berry, and gives aroma.

For compote we need to take:

  • Ripe gooseberries
  • Sugar
  • Orange

How to cook gooseberry compote with oranges:

There is nothing super complicated here either, the main thing is to prepare the jars, rinse the berries and the orange well, since we will use it whole, along with the peel.

We fill the jar with berries, I mean a three-liter one, so that it is one-third full. I also spread the semicircles of the orange there. I fill it with cold water and immediately pour it into a saucepan, we just measured out how much water is needed. Pour three hundred grams of sugar onto a three-liter jar and cook the syrup, which we immediately pour into the berries, and roll up the lid. Let cool in a warm place, upside down.

Gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter

The jam turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. We tried it once and now we cook it all the time for the winter.

We will take:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • A couple of medium-sized oranges

How to cook gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter:

We sort through gooseberries and rinse them in water. My oranges are very good, we need them with the peel. We grind everything with a blender, you can in a food processor or scroll through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a special cooking container and mix with sugar, cook over medium temperature until boiling, then make it smaller and leave to cook for fifteen minutes.

The jam must be stirred all the time so that the sugar dissolves and it turns out to be homogeneous. We put the finished product in jars, you can close it with nylon or screw caps. Stored perfectly.

Gooseberry currant jam for the winter

We will need:

  • Kilo of gooseberry
  • Half a kilo of black currant
  • A couple of oranges
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

How to make such a jam:

We sort and rinse all the berries, you can mix them right away. Wash oranges with peel well, cut into pieces, free from seeds and grind with a blender. Mix the orange puree with berries and sugar and cook on a not too high temperature for fifteen minutes. The foam must be removed. Pour the finished hot into jars and close.

Gooseberry jelly with orange

I must say right away that there is a lot of fuss, but it is worth trying. Beautiful jelly turns out very well, we even decorate festive cakes with it.

This recipe requires:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Three oranges

How to make gooseberry jelly:

For this recipe, I leave the berries with tails, anyway, we will remove them later. I just rinse and dry. My oranges, I peel the peel and all the films, take out the seeds. I grind everything with a blender, all at once. Then I rub it in small portions through a sieve, you can cook with the bones, my daughter just doesn't like them.

It turns out a berry-orange mass, which must be poured into a cooking container and mixed with sugar. Usually jelly is brewed for about twenty, twenty-five minutes. Then it immediately needs to be spread over the banks. It won't be so thick at first. Only when it cools down well.

Pickled gooseberries for the winter

Original, tasty, unusual. we marinate often, it is very suitable for meat dishes, so I recommend it.

For the recipe, we will take with you:

  • 0.8 kg of berries, can be with a light green
  • Black currant leaves
  • Three carnations
  • Three peas of allspice
  • On the tip of a cinnamon knife
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of vinegar

How to pickle gooseberries:

The gooseberries need to be freed from the tails and washed, put into a jar. Pour boiling water for the first time for twenty minutes. Pour this water into a saucepan and boil again to pour it over again, for the second time, five minutes are enough. Pour the water again and add all the spices with sugar, cook the filling, add vinegar at the end. Fill in the berries and roll up immediately.

Gooseberry sauce for the winter

For him you will need to take:

  • Half a kilo of berries
  • Five tomatoes
  • A couple of sweet peppers
  • One hot chili
  • Large onion
  • A head of garlic
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Two tablespoons of vinegar
  • Spices and salt to taste

How to make gooseberry sauce:

We wash the berries and vegetables, cut off the tails of the gooseberry. Cut large vegetables into pieces. We put everything at once in a common bowl or other container. We begin to grind with a blender, you can scroll twice through a meat grinder. Immediately add oil, vinegar, salt and spices, stir well and pack in jars. Better to take 0.33 and 0.5 liter. Then we put them in a pot of hot water and sterilize for ten minutes. We close the lids.

Gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter

We will need to take:

  • 0.4 kg berries
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • A bunch of fresh basil
  • A spoonful of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

Sort the berries and rinse, spread on a towel to dry. Peel the garlic, rinse the herbs, dry and remove the stalks. Twist everything twice in a meat grinder. Add oil and spices, stir. Divide the mass into sterile jars and put in the refrigerator.

Adjika from gooseberry for the winter, recipe

For her, we will take with you:

  • A kilo of gooseberries, better than greenish
  • Three hundred grams of garlic
  • Five chili peppers
  • A spoonful of coriander
  • A spoonful of salt

How to cook:

Wash the berries and cut off the tails, free the pepper from the seeds, peel the garlic. We pass everything through a meat grinder several times, add spices, stir and pack in sterile jars.