How to brew homemade beer without equipment. The Ultimate Home Beer Brewing Guide

05.03.2020 Vegetable dishes

Foamy intoxicating drink came to us from Ancient Egypt. For brewing people from the African continent took malt, hops and water. The Egyptians did not prepare beer for the sake of intoxication - they saw it as medicine and bread. Over time, in the process of improving production, recipes began to be supplemented with various additives, sometimes useless and even harmful to the body. They are included in the composition of beer for the sake of a unique taste. But what if you want a natural environmentally friendly drink? We will answer this question by telling you how to brew beer at home.

Base preparation for beer

The main components of the foamy drink are:

  1. The water is free from impurities, does not leave a strange aftertaste and is absolutely transparent. In the absence of artesian water, it is replaced with filtered water. It is also allowed to use store-bought water. Its advantage is the passage of bacteriological control.
  2. Yeast. Recipes suggest taking exactly beer. If you have any problems with the purchase, you can put the usual "live" ones.
  3. Hop. This phyto product gives the beer the necessary density and taste. The best drinks are obtained from reddish or yellow-green bumps with yellowish pollen under the scales. Green and cloudy fruits are not suitable for brewing.
  4. Malt. The good quality of this ingredient confirms the white color, pleasant smell and sweet taste. He should not drown in water. Before brewing home brew, the malt should be soaked and germinated at a temperature of 10 - 30 ° C. Then the component is dried and ground until grains are obtained. The drying conditions for the malt determine the color of the beer. A light drink is obtained from naturally dried barley, a dark drink from raw materials roasted and steamed in the oven.

Equipment for making beer at home

For convenient work with ingredients, you will need:

How to make beer at home: instructions

In order to get quality home-brewed beer, you need to do some preparatory work.

  1. The inventory must be washed, sterilized and dried. Do not pour boiling water over the hydrometer and thermometer. After preparing the malt in the way described above, proceed to the activation of the yeast. Before adding them to the wort, they are diluted with boiled, not hot water.
  2. The second stage is the wort grouting, that is, mixing the wort with hot water. 25 liters of prepared liquid are heated in a saucepan to 80 degrees. Then the cereal malt is poured into water or put first in a gauze bag and in this form is lowered into a container. The bag prevents the mixture from sticking and eliminates the removal of malt residues. Once the malt is in the water, the pot is closed and set on low heat. The content should be slowly cooked for 90 minutes, and its temperature should fall within the range of 61 - 72 degrees. If you want to make a strong drink, keep the temperature around 61 degrees. If you need a rather weak product with a pronounced taste, increase the temperature to 70 degrees. The optimum thermometer reading is 65 °. Compliance with this condition allows you to get a bright taste and a standard strength of 4%. After an hour and a half, a little wort is placed on a clean white plate and iodine is dripped on it (1 - 2 drops). The blue color of the wort indicates the presence of starchy particles, which need to be removed with an additional 15-minute boil. The initial shade of the mixture indicates the absence of starch and suggests a transition to the next stage of beer brewing.
  3. The temperature of the contents of the pan is raised to 78 - 80 degrees and recorded for 5 minutes, after which the bag of malt is removed. It is washed in the remaining water heated to 80 °. The liquid with extracts is poured into a common container.

  4. Boiling the wort is an important part of brewing beer. After filtration, it is brought to a boil and combined with 15 g of hops. After a 30-minute boiling of the composition, a second portion of hops is introduced into it, and after another 40 minutes - a third 15-gram portion. The boil is extended by 20 minutes. In total, the wort is boiled for 90 minutes, and it should constantly gurgle - this is how the recipe prescribes.
  5. The brewing technology requires wort cooling to be carried out quickly, preventing foreign microorganisms from entering the composition. The pot is carried to the bathroom and placed in cold water. Within 15 - 30 minutes, the wort should cool down to 25 degrees. The mixture is passed through a gauze cut over a container in which subsequent fermentation will take place. To enrich the wort with oxygen, it is poured twice from container to container, but without gauze.
  6. To ferment the wort, it is combined with activated yeast and mixed. The top-fermented product can be added to the wort at a temperature of 18 - 22 °. Bottom-fermented yeast requires conditions of 5 - 16 °. The yeast variety allows two beers to be made. The fermentation vessel with all the ingredients should be transferred to a dark room. The temperature regime should be such that the type of yeast requires. A lid with a water seal is placed on the container and the mixture is kept for 7 - 10 days. Gradually, fermentation will become regressive, and the intoxicated liquid will clear up by the last day. Its readiness is determined by a water seal or a hydrometer. In the first case, understanding is facilitated by bubbles, in the second - the same indicators, taken at intervals of 12 hours.
  7. The preparation of the drink is completed by clogging and carbonation. To obtain foam and excellent taste, sugar is poured into opaque sterilized bottles at the rate of 8 g for each liter of hoppy liquid. A silicone tube allows the beer to be carefully poured; it also prevents sediment from entering the beer. During the filling process, it is important to ensure that the tube remains in the middle of the contents of the pan and does not touch its surfaces, where yeast remains. When filling the bottles, leave 2 cm from the top and seal the container. Home-made beer is saturated with carbon dioxide with sugar, which gives the effect of light fermentation. For the flow of this process, the drink needs to be placed in a dark place and temperatures in the range of 20 - 24 °. A container with beer should stand for 3 weeks, but from the 8th day it is recommended to shake it weekly. At the beginning of the 4th week, the bottles are transferred to the cellar or refrigerator.

Chilled beer is completely ready to drink. But additional monthly exposure in a cool place will significantly increase its taste. We suggest watching the brewing process in the video below.

Old Homemade Honey Beer Recipe

You can prepare this delicious drink from the following ingredients:

  • live pressed yeast - 100 g;
  • natural flower honey - 4 kg;
  • red or yellow-green hop cones - 65 pcs.;
  • purified cold water - 20 liters.

How to brew beer at home? Add hops to a pot of water and boil the raw material over low heat for 2 hours. The broth is cooled to 70 degrees and honey is gradually introduced. The sweet liquid is brought to 25 ° and stirred with yeast. The container is left ajar and kept in a room with room temperature for 6 days. On the 7th day, the beer is bottled and put back in a cold place. After 24 hours, the container is sealed. After 2 days, the tasting begins. How to brew a honey intoxicated drink is clearly shown in the video.

Simple treacle recipe

For a change, you can make beer with molasses. 45 g of hops are boiled in 10 l of water and, after straining, add 1 kg of molasses to the composition. The mixture is boiled again, then poured into a barrel and removed for cooling. The wort is prepared from 260 g of diluted yeast and wheat flour (the recipe can be taken from the literature on baking pies). The noisy, voluminous wort is poured into the cool contents of the keg and mixed well. Then the keg is sealed and transferred to heat for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the container is moved to cool and kept for 3 days. The preparation is completed by pouring the drink into bottles and corking with corks with wax, resin or sealing wax.

Homemade canteen beer recipe

You can make your own table-grade beer from the following components:

Table beer is prepared by mixing wine, water and sugar in a saucepan. The composition is supplemented with hops and raisins, boiled and boiled for 35 minutes, stirring constantly. Malt and 9 liters of water are added to the liquid strained through cheesecloth. The mass is boiled again, cooled to 30 degrees and combined with yeast. Then she is allowed to stand for 8 days, but periodically they visit the vessel and remove the foam. Finally, homemade beer is bottled and refrigerated. It turns out 10 - 15 servings, which are recommended to be consumed in 2 weeks. With a longer shelf life, the beer becomes cloudy and loses its taste.

Vilna beer recipe

To be able to make delicious Vilna beer, the hostess must put the following components in the container:

  • rye malt - 1 kg 200 g;
  • linden honey - 200 g;
  • raisins - 400 g;
  • scalded hops - 900 g;
  • mashed crackers - 400 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • yeast combined with a glass of warm boiled water.

The video shows how to brew beer at home. The Vilensky drink is prepared using the same technology. Production begins with diluting the created mass with water to a thick creamy consistency. The container is covered with a thick cloth and removed for a day in a warm room. The next day, the mixture is diluted with 3.2 liters of boiled water and, after thorough mixing, 10 grains of grated bitter almonds are placed in it. And again, the container is covered and removed for a day in the heat.

Further, the recipe prescribes adding 6.5 liters of boiled water to the composition and pouring it into a cast iron, which will languish all night on a hot stove. In the morning, 50 g of baking soda is poured into the mass and after a couple of hours the infusion is drained, passing through a canvas fabric. The filled bottles are sealed with corks and the top is reinforced with wire. First, the container is placed in a warm place, and after 6 days, transferred to the cold. The drink will be ready in 10 days.

Now you know how to brew beer at home in different ways. Having mastered these simple recipes, you can please your loved ones with a delicious drink without additives dangerous to the body. We hope our selection of videos teaches you the art of brewing.

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Steve Koenig for Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine has 10 Tips to Help Beginners home brewers..

Photo: Jon Van Dalen

My first homebrew purchase was a book. Before brewing even a drop of beer, I read Charlie Papazyan's book "The Complete Enjoyment of Home Brewing" (in Russian translation it was published as "The Big Book of a Brewer. How to Brew the Perfect Beer Yourself" - Ed.) fully. In retrospect, I realize that only a small fraction of the information from this valuable tome actually stuck in my memory the first time. I reread this book more than once, and each time I paid attention to new details for myself, and Charlie's passionate and hopeful style was a real pleasure. I can also suggest reading Radical Brewing by Randy Mosher and The Art of Home Brewing by John Palmer — outstanding books for everyone, no matter how long you have been brewing. But there are some things that the books won't tell you about, but that will be extremely important for a budding brewer. Here are ten tips to help you.

1. Buy a large cauldron

Like most brewers I know, my first big purchase was a beginner's kit. When I got it, all I needed was a cooking pot and ingredients. So I bought a 5 gallon (20 liter) stainless steel boiler for $ 35. Fool. After two weeks of my brewing, I spent another $ 70 to buy a 7.5 gallon boiler (30 liter). If you ever plan to start grain brewing or want to reduce the likelihood of your wort boiling over all the time, shell out for a large pot now. You will save money in the long run.

Copper submersible chiller for home brewing. Photo: the babbling botanist

2. The chiller is most important

One of the best ways to reduce the chances of contamination of your beer is to cool the wort as quickly as possible. Many aspiring homebrewers accomplish this by submerging the kettle in a bath of ice or cold water. Depending on how many bags of ice you bought (and this is an additional cost), this procedure can take from 40 minutes to an hour or more. You can save tons of time, hassle and reduce your risk of contamination by purchasing a chiller. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but the most common is a copper or stainless steel submersible chiller. Submersible chillers typically cost $ 50- $ 70 and can cool a 20 liter boiler in 20 minutes or less. You simply connect a cold water source to the chiller, put it in the boiler 10 minutes before the end of the boil of the wort to disinfect it, and then turn on the water after you turn off the boiler. The chiller will do the rest. There are also plate chillers, but they are a little more difficult to use and are significantly more expensive.

3. Buy an automatic siphon

If you are pouring wort from a kettle into a fermentation vessel or keg, you need a siphon. Most beer starter kits include a 5/16 '' (8mm) diameter siphon. They usually cost about $ 10, but if you pay $ 4 more, you can buy an automatic siphon. (with a telescopic system and "auto-suction" - editor's note) half an inch (12 mm). It will save you a lot of time when pouring liquids from one container to another.

Yeast starter. Photo: Brülosophy

4. Make a yeast starter

When I ask seasoned homebrewers about the most important steps they take to make their beer better, one of the most common responses I hear is, "Now I pay close attention to yeast and always make a yeast starter." It doesn't matter if you buy liquid or dry yeast, but by making a yeast starter, you can ensure that fermentation starts and goes faster. It only takes about 20 minutes to prepare the starter, but it significantly increases your chances of achieving an active and high-quality primary fermentation phase. also reduces the chances of infection because the conversion of sugar into alcohol is much faster when the yeast is healthy and plentiful.

5. Aerate the wort

After you've boiled and cooled the wort, there is relatively little oxygen left in it. And yeast needs oxygen to start active fermentation. There are several ways to oxygenate your wort. For example, you can add water, but this will dilute the wort, decreasing the gravity and changing the flavor of your beer. Better to use a compressor with an aeration stone (the same as you may have seen in an aquarium) or an oxygenation kit. They will cost you between $ 35 and $ 50 (excluding oxygen cylinder). But trust me, this is a smart waste of money.

6. Buy a bottle holder

Bottle holders seemed like unnecessary accessories to me when I first started brewing. But since then I have bought them for almost all fermentation tanks. The handles are very comfortable, especially if you are using large glass bottles (In the United States, many homebrewers prefer glass containers for beer fermentation - ed.)... For the ability to easily lift the bottle and move it, you don't mind $ 6.

Photo: Jeremy Ricketts

7. Use a carbon dioxide drainage tube

Before I started home brewing, I read a bunch of literature about using blow-off tubes instead of water seals. I had to pay attention to this. It doesn't matter if I used plastic or glass containers, the foam often came out through the airlock during fermentation. Using a carbon dioxide pipe instead of a water seal doesn't mean your beer won't foam, but you can prevent clutter in your apartment. Place one end of the tube on the top of the stopper and immerse the other in the disinfectant solution. Some of the actively fermenting beer can overflow through the tube into the container with the solution, so check it a couple of times a day, and replace the solution if necessary.

8. Use ... a sleeping bag

It is hard to dare to buy a mash vat when you are just starting out with home brewing, as it is a rather expensive purchase. Some newbies are convinced that they won't be able to start grain brewing without a real wort. Not true! If you have a good quality sleeping bag, you can mash the malt in your digester and leave it wrapped in your sleeping bag for 60 minutes. You will be surprised at how well it can keep the temperature. And if after 15 minutes the temperature drops a little, just add hot water.

Using the dishwasher for home brewing. Photo: Beer Syndicate

9. Use a dishwasher

Bottling beer takes a long time. The journey from disinfecting bottles to cleaning the fermentation tank can take as long as brewing beer itself, especially if you are having problems with bottling. (I once poured 15 liters of disinfectant onto the kitchen floor because I didn't notice the end of the tube slipping quietly out of the bucket.) The following little trick can help you get rid of the clutter: pour bottled beer on the open door of the dishwasher. Place a container of beer on top of the dishwasher and bottles on the open door. If something spills out, the liquid will not fall on the floor, but inside the dishwasher. In addition, bottles can be washed in it before bottling.

10. Cover the hob with foil.

If you have brewed beer on the stove at least once and your wort boiled away, then you know how difficult it is to clean the stove afterwards. Of course, it is best to stop the boil over, but you may not be in time. Then spend a couple of minutes preparing the stove to save a lot of time later while you clean it. Remove the hotplates and place a layer of aluminum foil all over the stove, then replace the hotplates. If your wort boils away, then you just need to remove the foil and throw it away.

Some store-bought beer is not to their liking. They like to brew beer at home. Companies and enterprises are engaged in brewing. The widest assortment of brands and varieties can be found on store shelves. People love this drink.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink with a bitter taste and hop aroma. This is the first drink created by alcoholic fermentation. The ancient Sumerians, who lived 9,000 years ago, brewed a drink from barley malt. According to assumptions, the predecessor appeared in the Stone Age. In those days, people made it by fermenting grains. Home brewing is popular today, because a homemade drink tastes better than a purchased one.

I'll tell you about the intricacies of cooking at home. Follow these tips to prepare a treat in the kitchen. The main thing is to take the necessary ingredients: brewer's yeast, malt, hops and water.

Some people buy special hops, I use homemade hops. At my dacha "female" hops are growing, which I collect and harvest. Hops ripen in August. I dry and grind the collected raw materials. Malt represents the germinated grains of wheat, barley, or rye. I use barley. I brew beer from grain or malt extract. Growing malt is not easy, I buy it in the store.

  1. I pour three liters of water into a saucepan, add a kilogram of sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Place the container with the malt extract in heated water for 15 minutes.
  2. At the end of the procedure, pour the malt extract and sugar syrup into the fermentation vessel. I stir it.
  3. I pour 20 liters of pre-filtered water into the same vessel. The main thing is that the temperature of the solution is suitable for fermentation. It's 20 degrees.
  4. I add yeast. The procedure is very responsible, the quality of the homemade drink depends on the quality of wort fermentation. Brewer's yeast is sold with malt extract.
  5. Pour yeast into a container with wort evenly and as quickly as possible. It is not recommended for the future drink to be in contact with air for a long time.
  6. Close the lid of the fermentation pan tightly to keep air out. Then I install the hydrodispenser - a rubber stopper that closes the hole in the lid. I pour chilled boiled water into the device.
  7. I move the closed dish into a dark room with a temperature of 20 degrees. Withstand the wort for a week. I do not open the lid during fermentation.
  8. After the specified time, I bottle and add hops - a natural flavor. I put a few hop cones in each bottle, and only after that I fill the bottles.
  9. I add sugar to each bottle at the rate of two teaspoons per liter. After the bottle is corked, shaken and left in a cool place for 14 days to ripen.
  10. After this period, the homemade foamy drink is suitable for consumption.

If you are tired of store beer or do not trust modern producers, use my recipe. By the way, you can present a glass of homemade beer to guests as a New Year's gift.

Hop Beer Brewing Recipe

The taste of homemade beer will surprise you, because it differs from the purchased one, the quality level of home beer is different.


  • yeast - 50 gr.
  • boiling water - 10 liters
  • dry hops - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • molasses - 200 gr.
  • some flour


  1. I grind hops with flour and sugar.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with 10 liters of boiling water, stir and leave for three hours.
  3. I filter the liquid and pour it into a keg. Here I add yeast with molasses and mix.
  4. I leave to wander. No more than three days.
  5. After that I pour it into clean bottles and seal it.
  6. It remains to send the beer to a cold place for one week to mature.

How to make beer from bread

European monks began brewing beer in the 12th century. Later, their Russian colleagues borrowed the cooking technology. For a long time, home brewing was prohibited in our country, but with the advent of democracy, such an opportunity appeared for everyone.

I will consider two time-tested methods of making home-brewed beer, and you, having chosen a convenient option, make a wonderful nectar. Cooking is divided into 3 stages: boiling, fermentation and ripening. You can buy a microbrewery and special beer wort to make brewing easier.


  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • malt - 400 gr.
  • crackers - 800 gr.
  • hops - 200 gr.
  • yeast - 35 gr.
  • water - 13 liters
  • peppercorns


  1. In a large bowl, I mix 100 grams of sugar, 400 grams of malt and twice as much bread crumbs.
  2. I pour over two hundred grams of dry hops with boiling water and add a few peppercorns.
  3. In 6 liters of heated water, I dilute 35 grams of yeast and add a mixture of pepper and hops. I stir it.
  4. I leave the container with the resulting gruel in a warm room for a day. I do not cover with a lid. Then I add 100 grams of sugar and pour in 4 liters of heated water.
  5. I put the dishes on a small fire and cook for 4 hours. It shouldn't boil.
  6. The next day I repeat the cooking. After draining the liquid, add 3 liters of boiled water to the gruel.
  7. After 60 minutes, I drain the liquid again and add it to the first broth. Then I boil the wort, remove the foam and filter it.
  8. I bottle and cork tightly. Two weeks of aging in a cool place and homemade beer is ready.

Store-bought beer is no match for a home-made intoxicating drink. Unlike ready-made surrogates, which are often produced by unscrupulous producers under the guise of beer, there is nothing superfluous and, moreover, there is no chemistry in the homemade product. Alas, many have no idea how to brew beer at home without the necessary equipment, knowledge and skills.

Meanwhile, the science of brewing is not as difficult to learn and apply as it seems at first glance. Can you learn how to brew beer at home using the instructions and videos posted on the Internet? there are a lot of materials on this topic. Having studied the basic technology, it will be simple and very exciting to prepare a hoppy drink according to interesting recipes with a different set of ingredients.

Brewing secrets

There are many varieties and varieties of homemade beer. In the classic version, the basis of the wort is made up of malt, hops, water and brewer's yeast. There are recipes in which you need to use honey, corn flour, black pepper, molasses, rye bread, berry or fruit jam, cereals, etc. to make beer at home.

Experiments in this area are encouraged and encouraged. However, there are rules that must be followed strictly, regardless of what technology and from what products live beer is brewed.

Can home brews be stored in glass bottles for up to a year, in plastic egg bottles? 2-6 months depending on the alcoholic quality of the drink. Storage conditions? dark room with low temperature, refrigerator.


Many do not dare to start brewing beer at home, believing that without special equipment, this is basically impossible. You don't really need to buy a home brew to make a hoppy drink yourself. You just need to choose the dishes suitable for fermentation of the wort and heat treatment of the solution, buy special measuring instruments, inexpensive equipment for decantation, filtration, and beer bottling.

In work you will need:

The dishes, equipment, tools involved in the process must be perfectly clean. It is advisable to disinfect containers before use. You cannot use ordinary detergents to handle inventory.

Brewing process

To brew beer, you first need to prepare the wort ingredients. Malt can be purchased or made at home. Hops, brewer's yeast purchase in a specialized store.

The proportions of the components of the beer wort:

  • Barley malt? 3 kg.
  • Hops with an alpha acidity of 4.5% - 45 g.
  • Brewer's yeast? 25 g
  • Sugar? 8 g for every liter of drink.
  • Water? 27 l.

Cooking technology:

The finished product is stored in the refrigerator for 6-8 months. You can try it right away, but it is better to wait 25-30 days for the taste of the beer to become rich.

Homemade beer according to an old recipe with malt

Beer? one of the first alcoholic beverages that a person learned to make. One of the old recipes, which has not undergone any changes to this day, involves the production of beer wort on traditional malt.

Everything is very simple, clear, accessible:

Fermentation lasts 7 days. The finished drink is decanted, bottled. Before use, they are kept in the cold for another 2 weeks.

Homemade beer according to unusual recipes

Juniper beer


  • Juniper berries? 16 kg.
  • Are the hops dry? 3 tbsp. l.
  • Brewer's yeast? 100 g
  • Water? 35 l.

Crush the berries, add water, leave in an open container for a day. Strain the infusion and boil, removing the foam from the surface.

Pour some cold water into the berry mass, mix, squeeze. Add hops, Boil.

Mix the 1st and 2nd decoctions, cool to room temperature. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions, add to the wort.

Leave to ferment in a warm, dark place. After the end of fermentation, pour the drink into bottles, refrigerate. You can taste juniper beer every other day.

English home beer

Rinse grains of oats or barley (1 kg) under running water, dry, and fry a little in the oven. Crush the wort into crumbs, pour into an enamel pan, pour water heated to 65 ° C. Stir, let stand for 3 hours.

Pour the solution into a larger saucepan. Fill the malt with fresh water (72 ° C) for 2 hours. Drain and repeat the procedure, but this time pour cold water into the crushed grain. Drain off after 90 minutes. Mix the drained solution with the two previous ones.

Dilute molasses (6 kg) in 12 liters of warm water. Combine with malt solution. Add 70 g of hops, bring to a boil. The drink must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

Turn off the fire, cool the solution. Add 1/3 cup yeast to the beer wort. Stir, leave in a warm room for fermentation.

When the wort stops actively fermenting, it must be poured into a keg. Leave the container open for 3 days. Then screw up the lid, leave it alone for 2 weeks. During this period, the wort will mature and the homemade English beer will be ready to drink.

Homemade beer made from dried fruits

Rye malt (8 kg) is simply poured with warm water, put on fire. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Dried fruits (pears and apples, 50 g each), fresh juniper berries (2.5 kg) are added to the slightly cooled wort.

The mixture is placed in a wooden barrel. Top up to half of the container water. The lid is hammered in. A day later and every day during active fermentation, add a little warm water. The keg should be full after a week.

The cork on the lid of the barrel is taken out, the hole is covered with a piece of gauze. I leave the wort in this form until it stops foaming. Once fermentation has stopped, the beer can be considered ready.

Moshnogorsk beer


  • Barley malt? 2.5 kg.
  • Sugar? 600 BC
  • Brewer's yeast? 100 g
  • Hop? handful.
  • Water? 19 p.

Chop hops, mix with malt, sugar. Pour the mixture into 4 liters of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes.

Cool the wort to room temperature. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions, add it to the solution.

Pour the composition into a keg, add 15 liters of water, cover with gauze. Wrap the barrel and leave it alone for 4 days. Add a little burnt sugar to make the color of the beer richer.

Pour young beer into bottles. Cork, refrigerate for a few more days.

Moscow beer


The bread is cut into pieces, the yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water, the hop cones are scalded with boiling water. All dry components of the wort are simply put in a large container (15 l), mixed, and transferred to a warm place.

After 5 hours, the mixture is poured into 10 liters of warm boiled water. The container is closed with a lid, left for a day.

The wort is drained from the sediment, and another 2 liters of warm water are poured into the remaining porridge. Stirred, stand for 24 hours.

The beer wort is decanted again. Mix with the first solution, add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

The composition is stirred, kept in a closed container for 60 minutes, filtered and bottled. Store in the refrigerator.

Other beer recipes

You can brew at home not only traditional beer with malt, but also an original hop drink with a refreshing mint flavor. For this you will need:

  • Black bread? 1 slice.
  • Fresh mint? 1 bundle.
  • Sugar? 3 glasses.
  • Yeast? 1 stick.
  • Vanilla sugar? 1 sachet.
  • Water? 3 l.

Cooking technology:

At the moment when the fermentation is over, the young beer is decanted, bottled, and stored in the refrigerator.

Beer with an original taste is brewed from beets. The peeled vegetable is cut into small pieces, poured with salted water and boiled. During the cooking process, juniper berries and hops are added to the beetroot solution. Continue to cook for 2-3 hours, then cool the wort, add diluted brewer's yeast. Beet beer is fermented for 2 weeks. It is then drained from the sludge and poured into plastic buckets or glass bottles for storage.

Using the instruction from the video of making traditional beer on grain wort, you can make an unusual intoxicating drink from molasses. The taste of such a drink turns out to be sweetish, unusually soft.

If you wish, you can experiment and brew at home beer based on ginger root, orange pulp and zest, sage and hops, pea pods, wine, various vegetables, fruits and even milk. Variety and the search for new flavors in home brewing are welcome!

In any store you can buy beer from a variety of manufacturers (both dark and light). But what makes some fans to master the technology of making this drink at home? Some want to experience new flavors, others find interest in the very process of brewing at home.

Contrary to popular belief, to make quality beer yourself? not an easy task. There are many recipes to find, but not all of them will lead you to success. It is important to be able to choose the right ingredients, inventory and follow the technology exactly. Any mistake can lead to the fact that instead of what you want, you get mash or some other alcoholic drink.

What products to choose?

Home brewing equipment

The dishes must be taken larger in volume than the intended beer. Is there one important condition? all equipment must be sterile. To do this, treat the items with boiling water and dry them with a clean towel.

Before brewing beer at home, take the time to cleanly wash and dry your hands.

Detailed traditional technology

So, at home you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment ready. Let's get down to a complex but interesting process.

Stage 1. Mashing the malt

First you need to achieve a certain temperature regime. Put water on the stove and heat it to a temperature of 61 to 72 °. In the future, you will have to maintain a stable temperature in this limit. The strength of the beer and its aroma will depend on this.

For higher alcohol levels, select the lower temperature limit. If you leave the value at 70? 72 °, then a not very strong, but aromatic beer will come out. The optimum temperature is 65 °, at which the future fortress will be 4 °.

It is better to place the malt first in a cloth bag (preferably made of flax) and then in hot water.

Boil the mixture for 1-1.5 hours. Then they check it for starch. How to do it at home? Take a white saucer and pour some malt into it, and then add a drop of iodine. If the mixture turns blue, it means starch is present in the malt. And he shouldn't be there. In this case, cooking is needed
continue for another 15 minutes.

Stage 2. Filtration

As a filter, a regular colander and gauze are suitable, as described above. Slowly pass the resulting liquid with malt and squeeze the linen bag into the filter.

Step 3. Adding hops

Add 10-15 g of hops to 10 liters of hot wort. Then the liquid must be boiled for another hour.

Stage 4. Wort cooling

You can simply leave the dishes with the wort to cool at room temperature. However, at this moment, there is a high probability of contamination of the future beer with foreign microorganisms. How to make the procedure expedited? To do this, put the wort in a cold water bath for 30 minutes. Make sure that the temperature does not drop below room temperature.

After the wort has cooled, repeat the filtration procedure. Pour the liquid into a fermentation vessel.

Step 5. Adding yeast

0.25 g of yeast is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Wait 15 minutes, then add them to a large bowl and stir in the wort.

Stage 6. Waiting

Now you just have to put the pan in a dark place at home and wait 1-1.5 weeks. A live drink needs time to ferment. Therefore, it is kept in the refrigerator for another 1 week.

Step 7. Bottling

Prepare some clean bottles and add some granulated sugar to the bottom. Use a silicone hose to pour the beer from the fermentation tank into the bottles. It is important that the hose does not touch the surfaces and bottom of the pot. Otherwise, sediment may enter the beer.

First, the beer is kept warm for several days (so that the sugar saturates the beer with carbon dioxide), and then? in the cold. As you can see, the described technology has a lot of nuances and takes a lot of time. Is it possible to make everything simpler?

Today, you can find many recipes to help you make your favorite drink at home in an easier way.

A very simple recipe

For those who are not ready to spend a lot of time and energy at home, but want to try home-made beer, we recommend the following recipe.

  • Water? 5 l.
  • Hop cones? 16 g
  • Sugar? 250 g
  • Dry yeast? 10 g

Beer is made as follows. Boil the cones in water for an hour and a half. Dissolve sugar in water and add to liquid. Cook the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. Then we filter the beer, cool to room temperature and add yeast. It remains only to bottle the beer and stand for 5 days.

Bavarian beer recipe

This recipe, on the other hand, is very complex. If you follow all the conditions correctly, the result will be a beer that is unique in taste and aroma.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sweet and sour custard bread? 4 lbs.
  • Rye malt? 2 pounds.
  • Salt? 0.25 tsp
  • Yeast? 15 g
  • Pepper? 10 grains.
  • Hop? 1.5 lbs.
  • Sugar? 1 lb.
  • Water.

They do everything in this order. Bread should be finely chopped, pepper? pound and grind, hops? scald with boiling water. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water. Place all ingredients in a cast iron pot (0.5 lb. sugar). Pour the mixture with water until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained, cover with a thick cloth and put in a warm place for a day.

The next day, add the remaining sugar, diluted with boiling water, and boiled water (15 liters) to the boiler. Cover and place in a preheated oven for 2 days.

Remove the boiler from the oven, cool the mixture. Pour it into a ceramic bowl, and pour 3 liters of boiling water into the boiler. Pour the liquid from the boiler into the previously drained mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a large container (for example, an enamel saucepan) and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam, filter the resulting liquid and bottle. Cork them tightly and place in a cool place for 15 days.