How to cook canned peaches for the winter. Peaches for the winter: recipes, ideas and just culinary fantasies

29.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

Peach is an amazing and healthy fruit, delighting with a juicy structure and incredible taste. During the high season, many enjoy fruit, but this is a short period, so at the end of summer, housewives are interested in how to cook canned peaches for the winter.

With a few simple recipes on hand, you can easily prepare an amazing homemade treat that even the highest quality store product cannot match.

Canned peaches are a delicious dessert. Homemade preparation is great for preparing other delicacies. These include fruit salads, ice cream, mousse and soufflé. Unsurpassed taste is characterized by a pie made of canned peaches. And the syrup makes an excellent jelly.

Calorie content of canned peaches

Everyone likes peaches. Not a single person will refuse a fragrant fruit filled with sweet taste. The only pity is that the season ends quickly. Fortunately, thanks to canning, we have access to delicacies all year round. And if the pasteurization procedure does not take long, many vitamins and nutrients remain in the fruits.

The calorie content of canned peaches is slightly different in each case, due to the use of different ingredients and additives. On average, 100 grams of the finished product contains 90 kcal. And if you use the delicacy in moderation, it will not harm your figure.

Recipe for canning peaches according to GOST

People love peaches for their juicy pulp, fragrant skin and unique taste. For the sake of maintaining access to this miracle, I advise you to cook canned peaches according to GOST, which are not much inferior to fresh fruits in terms of taste and aroma. To do this, use the following recipe.


  • Peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 7 tablespoons (per half-liter jar).

How to cook:

  1. Use firm and ripe fruit. Fill them with cold water for an hour, then rinse thoroughly. You do not need to peel off the skin.
  2. On each fruit, make a longitudinal cut, divide into slices, remove the pit. Cut each half as desired.
  3. Wash glass jars thoroughly and pour over boiling water. Pour a tablespoon of sugar on the bottom of each jar, put a layer of peaches on top. Alternate layers until the jars are full.
  4. Cover the bottom of a wide saucepan with a cloth, put jars of peaches on top, cover with a large lid. Pour water into a saucepan up to the shoulders, put on fire. Sterilize for 15 minutes. This time is enough for the syrup to appear.
  5. Remove the jars from the pot and roll up. Leave in a warm place upside down. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator or closet.

Video recipe

There is nothing difficult in cooking. They are stored for a long time, which means that at any time they will come to the rescue and help in preparing a wonderful dessert, for example, a pie.

How to preserve peaches without sterilization

Some housewives like to preserve peaches without sterilization, but they still turn out juicy and tasty. The secret is to use citric acid. Thanks to this natural preservative, fruits are stored for a long time and retain their original color.


  • Peaches - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 1.8 l.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Rinse the peaches with water. During this procedure, rub the fruits thoroughly with your fingers. This will help remove more lint. Place on a paper towel to dry.
  2. Divide each fruit into halves. Use a knife for convenience. After making a neat incision along the groove, remove the bone.
  3. Fill the prepared jars with slices, pour boiling water over and cover with lids. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, drain the water into a saucepan, add citric acid and sugar, put on fire. After boiling, pour the syrup into jars of peaches, roll tightly.
  5. Leave the jars upside down under the covers until they cool completely, then move them to the balcony or closet. The main thing is that during storage, sunlight does not fall on the workpiece.

The delicacy does not undergo the sterilization procedure, but it is stored for a long time, and a short heat treatment helps to preserve useful substances.

Canned Peach Pie

The secret of delicious canned peaches lies in the use of ripe fruits, proper preparation, following the sequence of actions indicated in the recipe and in clean dishes. This result is enough to satisfy the gastronomic needs of the majority of those with a sweet tooth.

Some gourmets love subtle flavor combinations. If you are one of them and regret something new and unknown, while canning peaches, add a little vanilla essence, cinnamon or star anise to the jars. Thanks to these spices, the taste of the workpiece will acquire spicy notes.

Greetings, dear friends! Summer is in full swing, peaches in the markets have fallen in price, and it's time to discuss how we will harvest peaches for the winter. Honestly, I started making peaches for the winter relatively recently, and I cannot boast of "bearded recipes" from my mother's and grandmother's notebook. Basically, these are modern, but at the same time, simple peach recipes for the winter, which I found on culinary forums or made myself.

Peach is a very specific fruit that is easy to spoil ... and when making preparations from peaches, it is very important to emphasize and preserve that amazing, delicate and unique taste of ripe peaches. And peaches, due to their neutral taste, go well with citrus fruits, berries, and other fruits. And for true and true gourmets, I have in stock recipes using rum, cognac, sparkling wine, lavender, nuts, black tea ...

Therefore, if you do not know how to close peaches for the winter, or what to cook from peaches for the winter, add this page to your bookmarks! Here you will find both traditional peach rolls and unusual peach blanks for the winter, which you will definitely like. So, we canning peaches for the winter - as always, for you, "Golden Recipes" with a photo on the Home Restaurant website! To view the recipes, follow the links in the recipe titles.

If you bought the "right" peaches - slightly unripe, dense, without obvious damage, then canning peaches in syrup will not be too troublesome for you and will please you with simple preparation! We will cook peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the entire harvesting process.

When I answer the question of how long it takes to cook peach jam, many people do not believe me. The fact is that in this case I am talking about some 30 minutes, which causes bewilderment to many housewives. And the secret of such a cooking speed is in Zhelfix, which I add in the process: it is he who ensures the readiness and the necessary density.

A big plus of such a short time temperature processing of peach jam for the winter is that it turns out not too dark: its color - bright, sunny, amber - makes the jam very appetizing.

Let's make a peach compote for the winter! I also add orange circles to such a peach compote for the winter: citrus fruits go well with peach and add a note of freshness and lightness to the drink. If you do not know how to close peach compote for the winter, then I will gladly tell you how I do it. I ask you to love and favor: peach compote for the winter - a simple recipe with an orange.

We will prepare an unusual peach jam with rum and vanilla - exotic, with a subtle aroma of vanilla and dark rum. The combination of ingredients turned out to be very successful, and I consider my next culinary experiment a success. This jam recipe will be appreciated first of all by gourmets with a sweet tooth - this jam is ideal for exquisite varieties of cheeses.

Do you already know the latest hit of the conservation season? This is a pan fried jam. Paying tribute to this fashionable trend, I also decided to keep up and use recipes for jam in a pan of peaches. And you can't even imagine what a wonderful peach jam for the winter I ended up with! No, I, of course, understood that peach jam is always delicious, but this time the result simply won me over: delicate and very beautiful amber slices in syrup, delicious aroma, impeccable taste ...

If you like unusual, but very tasty sweet preparations for the winter, then you will definitely like my peach jam with raspberries and limes. Peach jam tasted wonderful: lime very delicately complements raspberries, and peaches gave the jam a thick structure and soft fruity background.

Today I dedicate to all mothers of babies, and I will tell you how to freeze peaches for a child in order to preserve not only the taste of fresh peaches, but also the useful vitamins of these summer fruits. Are you wondering if it is possible to freeze peaches for a child? Sure! And when I had a little daughter, the method of freezing peaches drew itself out.

Delicate sweet peach slices will bring real delight in the cold season! This preparation is similar to canned peaches, which are sold in stores and supermarkets. Cooking peaches in syrup for the winter at home is not difficult. The recipe is simple and straightforward. The most important moment in this responsible event will probably be the right choice of peaches. Fragrant fruits should be ripe, with a well-separating stone. Choose whole peaches that are not wrinkled, free from rotting, and free from blemishes. It is good if the peaches are approximately the same size.

Prepare products based on:

  • 1 kg of peaches
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 liter of pure water for syrup
  • you will also need 1 tsp. lemon juice or a small pinch of citric acid

Method for preparing peaches in syrup for the winter

We'll start by preparing the peaches ourselves. We need to remove the bone and carefully peel off the skin.

Let's start with the skin. Rinse the peaches and place them in a heat-resistant dish. Pour the fruits over with fully boiling water and leave them completely submerged in boiling water for 1 minute. Then drain the water, and rinse the peaches themselves with cold water. You can simply take the peaches out of the water with a tablespoon and put them in a bowl of ice water prepared in advance and standing next to it. This will stop the peaches from heating further.

Now, with a small knife, try to carefully start to separate the skin from the pulp, it should peel off easily. Thus, you need to peel all the fruits from a thin peel.

Let's take care of the bones. Again, use a small knife to make a cut around the circumference of each peach, cutting right down to the pit. With a knife inserted into the slot, make one or two spreading movements and the peach should easily divide into two halves. One will be "clean", and from the second you will have to pry off with a knife and carefully remove the remaining bone. The slices are ready for further cooking! Set them aside for now and prepare the sugar syrup.

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan or ladle, add a little lemon juice or citric acid. Bring everything together to a boil. Dip the peach slices into the boiling syrup.

As soon as the syrup boils along with the peaches, boil it for literally 30-40 seconds and immediately put the slices in sterile jars and pour more boiling syrup. Close the cans carefully, check the tightness by turning them upside down. Now you can leave the jars under a warm shelter until they cool completely.

All that remains is to sign the jars and store them in your home pantry until winter.

Peaches are fruits with a very juicy pulp that literally melts in your mouth. Preserving this unsurpassed taste and delicate structure for the winter will help preservation. How to properly preserve peaches for the winter whole, in slices and with alcohol - further in the material.

The solution to this problem is quite simple: boil water over high heat, add a little citric acid there, and immerse peaches in a colander in boiling water. You need to keep them there for just a few seconds, then rinse the fruits with plain cold tap water. This temperature contrast will allow you to quickly peel all the peaches.

Canned peaches in wedges

Canned Peach Slices Recipe

Ingredients for 4 cans 0.5:
- peaches - 1 kg;
- water - 1 l;
- sugar - 400 g;
- citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

Recipe for making canned peaches in slices:

1. Wash the peaches well. Remove the skin from the peaches, for this, as in the previous recipe, first pour boiling water over them, and then place them in cold water. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds.

2. Put the halves of the peaches in jars - cut down, so the fruits will better keep their shape. Boil water and pour into jars. Leave it on for 15 minutes.

3. Then drain the water into a saucepan. Add sugar and citric acid. For one liter of water you need 400 grams of sugar, for a jar of 0.5 - respectively 200 g. Bring the syrup to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes.

4. Fill the jars with the syrup again. Before preservation, you need to sterilize the cans and lids. If you have not done so, then sterilize in a saucepan with peaches already. Close the jars with lids, turn over and cover with a blanket until they cool completely. The jars can then be moved to a cool and dark place.

In a hot, busy season, each housewife tries to prepare more mouth-watering preserves, the purpose of which is not only to decorate a family lunch or dinner, but also to remind in winter of summer days. Of course, it is not fragrant cucumbers or tomatoes that will cope best with such a role, but bright sweet fruits or berries. Cooking compotes or preserving in your own juice is a simple, but rather boring task, because most housewives use only the simplest recipes. But you can try to cook something unusual and original: peaches, canned in halves. Previously, they were considered rare fruits, but now trees with huge fragrant fruits are increasingly found in gardens, which can be sent to jars in order to pamper your family with a delicious delicacy in a few months.

The fruits preserved according to this recipe really resemble the sun with a warm orange hue. You can even take unripe fruits - in compote, they will retain their shape better, which will allow you to use them to prepare your favorite desserts.

  • 2 kg 800 g peaches;
  • 530 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 l of 500 ml of water;
  • 80 g lemon.

  1. Rinse peaches well, remove excess liquid with a towel.
  2. Cut the fruit in half, removing the pit.
  3. Send sugar and squeezed lemon juice to the cooking container. Put on fire, after dissolving the sugar crystals, add the peach halves.
  4. After boiling fruits in syrup, arrange them in a glass container, pour over with sweet syrup and immediately seal with tin lids.

After turning upside down, be sure to wrap it up.

Canned peaches in halves: a step-by-step recipe

Sometimes housewives are reluctant to start canning peaches for the winter, because they do not like the thick skin with a kind of fluff. They will certainly like this recipe, because pre-peeled fruits will not cause any inconvenience.

It is important that the fruit is firm, without soft areas, such places should be cut out immediately.

  • 980 ml of water;
  • 2 kg 900 g peaches;
  • 640 g of sugar sand.

  1. Send the washed whole fruits with a bone into a container and immediately pour boiling water over. After a few minutes, drain the hot liquid, pour in the cold one. Peaches will peel off very easily.
  2. You can try to remove the peel from the fruit with a sharp knife, but then the finished compote will take on a muddy unappetizing look.
  3. Divide each fruit into two parts, immediately removing the pit.
  4. Fill glass containers halfway.
  5. Dissolve sugar in water, boil, stirring occasionally.
  6. Pour boiling sweet liquid over the fruit.
  7. After covering with lids, sterilize containers for 25 minutes. After the sterilization process, wrap it up, having previously rolled it up.

"Fantasy": recipe for assorted peaches without sterilization

Canning is especially tasty if you add some other fruits to the peaches, which will emphasize the taste and complement the aroma. From the fragrant fruits, you will get many containers of a bright tasty compote (8 cans of 3 liters each).

  • 900 g peaches;
  • 510 g blackberries;
  • 820 g of pears;
  • 950 g plums;
  • 1 kg 800 g granulated sugar;
  • 70 g citric acid;
  • water.

  1. Rinse all fruits under cool running water. It's easy to do this with a colander.
  2. Cut the fruit into halves, fill the container halfway, add the blackberries.
  3. Pour citric acid and sugar into each container.
  4. Put water in a large saucepan on the stove, immediately after boiling, pour it into a container with fruits to the very shoulders.
  5. Cork immediately, be sure to place it upside down under a blanket or warm blanket.

Amazing preservation that can be offered as a New Year's festive snack to guests. Some housewives even manage to prepare salads with peaches instead of canned pineapples. It turns out no worse, even tastier.

For harvesting, choose hard, unripe fruits.

  • 1 kg 450 g peaches;
  • 520 g of sugar sand;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 150 ml of wine (white natural);
  • 25 g lemon juice;
  • 5 g of ground ginger and cinnamon;
  • 10 grams of cloves.

  1. Pour the whole fruit over with boiling water for a few minutes. Drain the liquid, peel the fruit.
  2. Cut the peaches into halves, discard the seeds.
  3. Press a clove into each half.
  4. Boil the syrup by combining sugar, cinnamon, ginger and water. Put peaches in liquid, leave on the stove until it boils. Remove, leave for 5 hours.
  5. Put it back on the stove, pour in lemon juice and wine. Cook, stirring gently, until cooked.
  6. Arrange the boiling fruit together with the liquid in a glass container, seal immediately. Cool down with lids. It is not necessary to wrap with a blanket, the shelf life is long.

Delicious dessert that children really like. Also, canned fruits can be served with ice cream, used in filling for pies or bagels. You can send the whole fruit to the jars, but then you will have to prolong the sterilization process a little.

  1. After washing the peaches thoroughly, remove the seeds and cut the fruit in half. Send in a container with boiling water for a minute, after which it is easy to remove the skin.
  2. Place in a glass container (be sure to cut down) to the very hangers.
  3. Pour the containers with peach halves with syrup (water, vanillin, sugar) boiled for two minutes.
  4. Send the container with fruit for sterilization by placing a special wire rack at the bottom of the pan or placing a thick cloth.
  5. After sterilizing the containers (small jars - a quarter of an hour, large - half an hour), seal and send to cool under the blanket, not forgetting to put the lids down first.

Such blanks are stored for a long time, provided they are stored correctly (in a cool room).

A wonderful compote, cooking at home will be a simple and enjoyable process. Apples for such a harvest should be sour varieties, hard and large.

  1. Wash the peaches, cut into halves, at the same time removing the stone.
  2. Remove the core from the apples; you can also remove the peel if it is too hard. Cut into large slices.
  3. Send the fruits to glass containers. The container should not be filled to the very top, the ideal ratio is 1 part of the fruit and 2 parts of the liquid.
  4. Put several lemon balm or mint leaves in each filled container.
  5. Add sugar and add cold unboiled water to the very top.
  6. It takes about 20 minutes to sterilize such a fruit preparation.
  7. Having taken out containers with compote from a pot of boiling water, be sure to immediately roll it up, checking the quality of the closure.
  8. Prepare the blanket in advance, put the preservation after sealing down with the lids under a warm shelter.

Do not remove the blanket during the day. Take the finished peach and apple blanks to the basement.

Peaches preserved in halves for the winter without sterilization

Many housewives love to pamper their loved ones with fragrant pastries with sweet peaches. Unfortunately, the season for these delicious fruits is short and there are many chemical additives in store-bought canned foods. There is only one way out - to preserve peaches on your own, especially since it is very simple.

For conservation you will need:

  • peach fruits (it is better to choose a little unripe) - two kilograms;
  • white fine sugar - one and a half kilograms;
  • cold clean water (not chlorinated) - one and a half liters;
  • citric acid (can be replaced with lemon juice) - a teaspoon.

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly in cool water, changing it several times.
  2. To make it easier to pull out the stone without damaging the fruit itself, you need to make an incision all over the peach with a sharp knife, and then carefully turn the two halves of the fruit in opposite directions. One part will turn out without a bone, and cut a bone from the other half with a knife.
  3. For sugar syrup, combine sugar with clean water, add citric acid or pour in a spoonful of lemon juice and put on low heat to boil.
  4. Pour the halves of the fruit into the syrup and, after the pouring with the peaches boil, boil them for about ten to twelve minutes.
  5. Put the peach halves in dry, pre-sterilized jars, but not tightly. Bring the pouring to a boil again and then pour it into the jars so that it completely covers all the fruits. Immediately tighten the preservation with boiled metal lids.

In order for canned peaches to last longer and stand without problems all winter, it is advisable to place them in a dark place where there is no access to the sun's rays.

Peaches are usually canned in halves or wedges. But you can prepare these fruits as a whole, this is especially true if the peaches are a little overripe and it is difficult to choose a stone from them without damaging the fruit.

For conservation you will need:

  • soft ripe peaches - three kilograms;
  • white fine sugar - two and a half kilograms;
  • clean (non-chlorinated water) - two liters;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
  1. Wash the fruits and carefully peel them off. Put them in clean, dry jars, preferably with a capacity of two liters, so they will fit more.
  2. For a sweet syrup, combine water with sugar, citric acid and spices, boil, then boil for ten to fifteen minutes.
  3. Pour the syrup into jars of peaches, cover with metal lids and place in the oven for sterilization. Sterilize for at least twenty minutes. Then roll up immediately.

Whole-harvested peaches cannot be stored for a long time, since their pits contain harmful substances that only accumulate during long-term storage. The shelf life of such a workpiece is no more than two to three months.

Natural canned peaches in halves (video)

It is imperative to use such recipes, because you do not need a lot of time or a huge list of necessary ingredients. A little advice - for each recipe you can take peaches half with nectarine, you get a completely different taste. The amount of sugar is influenced by the degree of ripeness of the fruit - if they are unripe, you will have to add a little more sweet ingredient. These simple tips will help you prepare the perfect canning for the winter, which will certainly turn into a delicious family dessert for the winter.