How to carry fish in carry-on luggage. Is it allowed to carry fish in carry-on baggage

26.11.2019 Vegetable dishes

Almost every modern person has flown an airplane. The choice of this particular vehicle is due to many advantages in comparison with other options. A flight is a way to get to your destination as comfortably and quickly as possible, be it a business trip, an important meeting abroad, a trip or just a vacation. Anyone who intends to travel by air needs to consider a host of attendant circumstances. Some of these include the moment of collecting suitcases and hand luggage.

What you can take in carry-on baggage

For the most part, airlines set all the nuances and norms that govern this aspect of transportation. Therefore, before deciding what and how to pack in suitcases, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules of the transportation line. To date, new conditions have been introduced for the carriage of hand luggage in the aircraft cabin. For 2018, the current list of acceptable things consists of:

1. Food products. This issue has always been and remains very controversial. Permitted products include fruits, cookies, nuts, snacks, sandwiches and more. As with any rule, there are also exceptions here, namely: various liquids and jelly-like foods, canned food.
2. Medicines. A number of those that you can take with you include: tablets, hydrogen peroxide, drops, dressings. For convenience and speed of checking, it is better to transport drugs in a sealed package or with a corresponding instruction. For those substances that can be classified as liquid, the same requirements will apply as for sprays or cosmetics, that is, no more than 100 ml.
3. Digital technology. This category has a very broad overview of eligible products. What you should pay attention to is where the electronics will be transported. When it comes to the aircraft cabin, it is best to take the device out of the package. As for the main luggage, there will be no such nuances.
4. Documents, valuables and papers, expensive jewelry. The circumstances of the loss or delay of baggage are frequent cases at the airport, so it will be useful to secure your trip from possible significant losses. Driving license, credit cards, tickets should be taken with you.
5. Cosmetics. In addition to volume restrictions, flammable and pressurized substances must be abandoned.
6. Personal hygiene items. You can take it, while avoiding piercing and cutting objects.
7. Clothing and accessories are also permitted.

The category banned for 2018 includes products of animal origin: ivory, furs, and more. This also includes items with magnets, toys that look like weapons, alcohol (except for those purchased in Duty Free and packed).

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to FAN, it is allowed to take certain items in one copy in addition to baggage and carry-on baggage (this will be counted as excess baggage and will not require additional financial costs).

Airline requirements

This list of things is common to all airlines, but each of them can modify and supplement it. In addition, the whole process of transportation depends on which country and where exactly the passenger is sent. The right way to find out all the necessary information in advance is to make a request to the airport information service or read the directions on the ticket.

Regarding the transportation of food, the regulation of this issue is often supplemented by innovations. Therefore, if there is a need, in addition to souvenirs, to grab another delicacy, then it is worth clarifying the permission for it. For example, since 2009, it has been prohibited to import milk and meat, and not only in hand luggage, but also in the main luggage. The exception is baby food and special dietary products, which are prescribed by a medical certificate.

Today, a large amount of food is allowed to be transported, however, nevertheless, in reasonable quantities and subject to certain regulations. Therefore, when choosing products, the main parameter from which you need to build on will be the dimensions of hand luggage. The requirements of airlines are different among themselves, but they can all be enclosed in a certain framework. The bag should be 50 cm long, 20 cm wide, 40 cm high. Suitcase - no more than 40 cm in length, 22 - in width, 53 - in height. Weight will depend on the class of transportation and vary from 5 to 10 kg, in some cases up to 15 kg. However, if the permissible parameters are slightly exceeded, then they will not make any special claims.

Customs regulations

Returning to the filling of luggage, we can consider the detailed transportation procedure using the example of fish products. First you need to proceed from where the transportation is carried out, that is, it will be imported or exported. Regarding the first option, such legislative norms are in force for 2018. Due to the decrease in the external market of Russia, many entrepreneurs and individuals began to independently purchase products in Finland, in particular, fish products. This category is allowed for import into the state, provided that it does not need additional heat treatment (including semi-finished products), does not exceed the limit of 5 kg per person and has its original packaging. The last point should include information about the manufacturer, the name of the product, the expiration date, the composition, information on the compliance of certificates, etc. In other circumstances, the products will be confiscated. You can also bring in fresh fish, if the safety of the product is confirmed. However, even proper documentation does not guarantee the success of the plan. With regard to other countries, namely the members of the European Union, Australia, USA, Canada, Norway, things are different. Since 2014, fish of various varieties have been banned for import into Russia, regardless of the purpose of use. With regard to Ukraine, this is canned food from this product.

For export from the Russian Federation:

Fish - up to 5 kg;
seafood and black caviar - up to 250 grams.

Violation of the established norms can lead to consequences up to criminal liability. In most cases, everything ends with the seizure of products and the imposition of a penalty. Being familiar with the main provisions of the current customs regulations is the obligation of every citizen who intends to cross the border. In the light of recent political events, innovations regarding economic relations with other states are introduced into legislation almost every day.

Transportation conditions

If, in terms of law, the moment of transportation of fish products is settled, then it will not be difficult to carry out transportation. Moreover, this can be done not only in the luggage compartment, but even take it with you into the aircraft cabin. When the choice stops on the last option, the main thing is to pack the fish well. It is better to do this using multilayer packaging (bags and paper) or an airtight container to prevent a strong and unpleasant odor. Thus, you will take care of the condition of your belongings and the well-being of other passengers.

However, both for the products themselves and for the passenger, the best way is still checked baggage, which remains in the cold cargo compartment during the flight. In this way, you can transport fish in any form, which is impossible in hand luggage (there are restrictions on live, frozen and that which is in the marinade or brine). In addition, in much larger quantities. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the purpose for personal use must be indicated in the declaration. After all, when importing for commercial purposes, a duty will be levied or part of the products will be confiscated.

Due to the fact that the difference between the degrees of the cabin and the luggage compartment is small, the fish should be provided with heat resistance, regardless of where it is located. This is the only way to preserve the freshness of the product by the time of arrival.

Transportation of food is a controversial issue in the rules of airlines. Every year new requirements are put forward for this kind of transportation, and their number is constantly increasing. Returning from vacation, you always want to please your friends with nice gifts that you have to take on board the plane. Therefore, a number of questions always arise, for example, is it possible to transport fish in an airplane?

Any seafood that does not fall under the category of prohibited for import is allowed to be carried in the hold of the aircraft. At the same time, many air carriers do not prohibit taking fish into the cabin, but in this case, the risk of a conflict with other passengers increases, because the smell of fish is sharp and unpleasant. If you nevertheless decide to take fish on the plane, you should take care of sealed plastic packaging that can protect others from the unpleasant smell of the product. To ensure a comfortable transportation, it is enough to wrap the fish in two bags.

How to transport live fish on an airplane?

When transporting live fish by plane, it is necessary not only to find a comfortable container for their transportation, but also to provide conditions that reduce stress and protect the health of the fish.


    Any transportation from one place to another, even over short distances, is very stressful for the fish. But transportation by air, in addition to stress, can also adversely affect the health of fish, therefore it is extremely important not only to comply with the rules established by air carriers, but also to take care of the conditions that preserve the health and life of fish.

    First you need to get a veterinary certificate. You need to take care of the document in advance, because the fish must undergo a laboratory examination, the results of which will be entered in the certificate. Some veterinary services issue certificates without analyzes, only on the basis of a certificate for fish issued by the store. Before the flight, it is recommended to contact the airport information service and clarify the need for a certificate, because in some cases no documents are required for the transportation of live fish by plane.

    When transporting fish by plane, you must carefully choose the container for transportation. It should be spacious enough, not have sharp corners, and not release harmful substances into the water. In addition to fish, foreign objects and plants should not be in a vessel with water, because during the flight, fish can be injured due to them. When transporting fish in plastic bags, it is necessary to tie the corners, because fry and small fish often suffocate in sharp corners.

    For flights over short distances, it is recommended to fill the container with water by one third, and leave the rest for air. If the transportation of fish is carried out in a plastic bag, then it cannot be completely filled with air, since at a high altitude the bag may burst due to the pressure difference. If the fish will be on the way for several hours, the container with water must be saturated with oxygen, the reserves of which should be replenished, starting from the state of the fish. To do this, use mini-compressors with batteries, portable oxygen cartridges or mechanical devices for blowing water. Raising fish to the surface of the water is the first sign of a lack of oxygen.

    About a day before the flight, you should stop feeding the fish, because hungry fish use less oxygen, and the quality of the water in the container remains appropriate for their life longer.

    It is also necessary to ensure a stable temperature regime of water when transporting fish by plane. The deviation of the water temperature from the norm should not exceed 2 degrees. If transport is carried out during the winter season, an aquarium heating pad should be used to maintain the correct temperature. As an alternative to a heating pad, you can carry out transportation in a thermal bag or a special thermos container. When transporting fish in cold weather, it is recommended to cover the container walls with a thick layer of newspapers, and in hot weather - ice. The adoption of such measures will help protect aquatic inhabitants from temperature changes that are critical for their health and life.

Some people have to move permanently to another country or city. When collecting personal belongings on the road, the plans may also include the transportation of domestic aquarium fish.

In this article, we will tell you how to transport aquarium fish on an airplane on domestic and international flights, what the cost of transportation will be, and also consider the nuances of transportation in popular airlines. This information will be of interest to those who plan to buy fish in another country and transport them home.

Rules for transporting aquarium fish on the plane

Most air carriers in Russia are allowed to transport birds on board an aircraft. Some companies also approve the passenger's request to transport aquarium fish. True, the transportation of marine life is carried out under special conditions, which should be familiarized with in advance.

General requirements for carrying live fish on board:

  1. The passenger must agree on this issue with the competent representatives of the airline no later than 48 hours before the departure of the flight.
  2. Only healthy inhabitants of the aquarium are allowed to be transported on the plane, which can normally tolerate the upcoming flight. This fact must be supported by medical documents obtained from the veterinary services.
  3. The owner should change the water in the aquarium a few hours before departure. Pour in a cool liquid with a temperature 2-3 degrees below normal. In such water, it will be easier for fish to transfer air travel.
  4. For transportation, special containers with darkened glasses or sealed multilayer bags are used. Fish from a familiar aquarium are placed in them immediately before departure, pouring previously replaced water into a new container.
  5. A large number of fish cannot be transported in one container. For 5-7 two-centimeter representatives - 1 liter of liquid.
  6. For short-term transportation, you can use any sealed containers with darkened walls without sharp corners.
  7. To transport fish over long distances, it is better to buy a special container or multilayer plastic bags at a pet store and ask a specialist to fill the water with oxygen in a ratio of 1: 2. It is better not to feed the fish before the flight, a temporary hunger strike will not harm their body. Well-fed representatives consume more oxygen, which may not be enough until the moment of arrival. It is also important to observe the temperature regime in the aquarium. An experienced veterinarian will tell you how to create favorable conditions for the fish during the flight.
  8. The carrier is not responsible for the fish carried on board the aircraft.

According to the rules of many airlines, containers with a volume of more than 100 ml cannot be transported in the cabin, therefore, live fish are mainly transported. It is better to clarify this issue with the representatives of the airline chosen for the flight.

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Features of the flight of fish in Russia and abroad

The rules for transporting aquarium fish by plane in Russia and abroad are identical. But there may be slightly different requirements for the capacity for transportation and documents provided during pre-flight procedures.

When planning to transport fish abroad, check with the consulate of the country chosen for the flight what requirements and laws are established for the import or export of marine life.

A standard set of documents for the transportation of fish in the Russian Federation and abroad:

  1. A certificate from the veterinary service confirming the absence of infections and other diseases in fish.
  2. Sales receipt at the store where the fish were purchased.
  3. References and certificates of the international standard when flying to foreign countries. It is better to check the specific list of documents at the consulate.

How much does transportation cost

The cost of air transportation of fish is ambiguous and depends on various factors: the tariffication of the carrier, the size of the aquarium, the direction of the flight, etc.

For the carriage of marine life in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, the passenger must pay at the excess baggage rate. The price depends on the direction. For example, the average cost of transporting fish in Russia is 2000-2500 rubles, on international flights - from 30 euros.

Flight conditions for fish in popular airlines

Not all Russian airlines allow the transport of fish and other sea animals that require transportation in the water on the plane. These rules are often changed and supplemented, so it is better for the passenger to clarify this information even by phone at the company chosen for the flight.

The conditions for transporting fish on the plane are standard - the availability of documents, agreement with the carrier and a sealed container. And remember: fish do not tolerate pressure drops very well, especially if there is not enough oxygen in the water. Properly prepare marine life for the upcoming air travel and be sure to fulfill all the requirements of the carrier.

You will need

  • - Container for transportation (package, bank, plastic box);
  • - Oxygen canister (for the second and third points);
  • - Battery operated compressor.


When transporting fish over short distances, you only need a suitable container. The pet store sells dense, special hermetically sealed cans and boxes of various sizes. The ratio of water and air in the tank can be from 1: 1 to 1: 3. Often in pet stores, oxygen can be added instead of air, but this is not important for transportation over short distances. The most important thing when transporting fish is not to expose them to temperature shock. A sharp temperature drop of 4 degrees in either direction can be fatal. Therefore, it is better to transport the container in a bosom or in a heated one, and in heat - protect it from direct sunlight and use an air-conditioned vehicle.

Long distance transportation is much more difficult. In this case, the lowest possible stocking density is needed, and the ratio of water to gas in the container should be at least 1: 2 and the air should be enriched with oxygen. Pure oxygen can be used for some fish species. Before a long trip, it is better not to feed them for a day, since a well-fed fish consumes more oxygen than a hungry one, and produces more water-poisoning waste products. Don't worry, a hunger strike for several days won't hurt them. In this case, as in any other, recommendations for observing the temperature regime are also relevant.

Sometimes there are situations that fish need to be transported over long distances with a high stocking density. In this case, their life is completely up to you, since the supply of oxygen in the tank will run out in about 4-5 hours. After this period, you need to untie the bag / open the container, place the compressor spray there and turn it on. Make sure that the flow of air bubbles is not too strong, otherwise the fish may be frightened and even die from shock. With a long journey, you can take breaks in aeration for about 2 hours, or for 4-5 when pumping oxygen into the container. This is very useful, since you cannot leave an open container with fish unattended in a moving vehicle.

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One liter of water should not exceed 150 g of fish weight. Otherwise, it is unlikely that they will be able to take them all alive if the travel time exceeds 3 hours.

Helpful advice

In the dark, the activity of the fish decreases, so that they are less stressed and easier to transport.


  • how to transport fish
  • Correct transportation of fish, the main points for which

When transporting fish by plane, it is important to take care not only of a comfortable container for their transportation, but also of creating conditions that will help reduce the stress of the flight and keep the fish healthy.


Anything from place to place, even over short distances, is a great stress for the fish. But transportation by plane, in addition to stress, can also harm the health of fish, so it is imperative not only to comply with those dictated by the air carrier, but also to take care of the conditions that preserve the life and health of fish.

First you need to get a veterinary form number 1. You should take care of the help in advance, because fish must undergo laboratory research, the results of which will be recorded in the certificate. Some veterinary stations do not have laboratory tests, only on the basis of a fish certificate issued by the store. But it is recommended to call the airport information service before the flight and clarify the need to obtain a certificate, because there are often cases when no documents are required at all.

When transporting fish by plane, you should carefully select the container for transportation. It should be spacious, without sharp corners, and not emitting toxic substances into the water. There should be no foreign objects and plants in the vessel with the fish, otherwise the fish may be injured during transportation. If during the flight the fish are in plastic bags, their corners should be tied, because sometimes small fish and fry suffocate in sharp corners.

When flying over short distances, the transport container is filled with water by one third, the rest of the space is saturated with oxygen or simply air. But it should be remembered that when transporting in a plastic container, you cannot fill the package with air to the top, because at high altitudes, it can burst due to pressure differences. If it is assumed that the fish will be on the road for more than a day, the container with water should be saturated only with oxygen, the reserves of which must be replenished, focusing on the condition of the fish. Portable oxygen cartridges, battery-operated mini-compressors, or mechanical water blowers are suitable for this purpose. If fish stick to the surface of the water, this is the first sign of a catastrophic lack of oxygen.

Feeding the fish should be stopped about a day before the flight, because hungry fish consume less oxygen and minimize the amount of waste from their vital activity, which has a positive effect on the quality of water in the shipping container. In addition, it is important to take care of the water temperature - its deviation from the norm should not be more than 2-3 degrees. If the carriage is carried out in winter, it is necessary to purchase a special aquarium heating pad to maintain the required temperature level. In addition to a heating pad, a specialized thermos container or thermal bag can successfully solve this problem. When transporting fish in non-specialized containers in cold weather, you can put a thick layer of newspapers on its walls, and in hot weather - with ice. These measures will help protect underwater inhabitants from temperature changes that are critical for their life and health.

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