MOULINEX OW2000 Home bread Maker - “How to make delicious homemade bread? Easily! Breadmaker to help you! I am sharing a great recipe! " How to make homemade bread in the Mulinex bread maker - the best recipes

30.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

I first met a bread maker in 2011 - I gave it to my father for his birthday. I decided that this is a very necessary thing and was not mistaken. Homemade bread cannot be compared with store-bought bread! It just melts in your mouth!

So I decided to buy a bakery for myself. The choice settled on the MOULINEX OW2000 Home bread maker. I liked that it was simple and convenient. Nothing extra.

Price: 2000 UAH or 5000 rubles.

Modes: 12 pieces. But I actually use three.

Loaf weight: 500, 750 and 1000 grams.

Can choose crust color: light, medium or dark.

I want to show you how I get ordinary white bread.

Delicious Wheat Bread Recipe:

  • water - 1.25 faceted glasses;
  • refined oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • flour - 4 faceted glasses;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon.

It is good that homemade bread will always be natural, without preservatives and other chemicals that allow store bread to lie and not spoil for a whole week.

Of course, homemade bread will be tasty and soft for only 2 days, and then it gets a little stale. But, given its naturalness, it is forgivable.

For the yeast to work faster, you need to take warm water - about 36 degrees.

Measure all ingredients with special measuring spoons. The only thing is that I measure vegetable oil with a regular tablespoon.

All components are put in the sequence indicated in the recipe. There is a nuance - you need to pour 1 glass of water, and leave 0.25 glasses so that you can add it after 5 minutes. It happens that the flour on the sides is not kneaded and you need a little help - pour in water and mix with a silicone spatula.

It is laid during the signal that sounds after 15 minutes, add various additives, if desired. But I'm too lazy to wait for this time or listen. Therefore, if I want to add something, I put everything in at once. The result is the same, so I see no reason to bother.

I love making bread with seeds, sesame seeds and flax. I really like this combination. Moreover, it is unusual and very aromatic.

It will take 3 hours and 18 minutes to prepare the bread. This is the basic program for white bread.

What you need to know when making bread

  • flour should be fresh. The older it is, the worse the dough is;
  • it is advisable to sift the flour before cooking;
  • yeast should also be taken fresher;
  • strict adherence to proportions is a guarantee of success;
  • no need to lubricate the mold;
  • you can not open the lid after the signal;
  • when the bread is ready, it is advisable to take it out as soon as possible, otherwise it will get damp.

This is what a freshly baked white bread looks like:

When I take it out, the knife sometimes remains in the bread and sometimes in the mold. I like the second option better, because it is harder to get out of bread.

The aromas, of course, are unrealistic in the process of baking bread.

In the MOULINEX OW2000 Home bread maker, in just 1.5 hours, an excellent dough is obtained for:

  • buns;
  • pizza;
  • pies;
  • synabons;
  • Easter cakes.

Of course, eating large amounts of bread can hurt your figure. But you can refrain and not eat much. Only the first time is difficult. Then you understand: no matter how tasty the bread is, an excessive amount will not be beneficial.


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Delicious white

bread in a bread maker

Moulinex, it turns out fluffy

and fragrant. Crispy

blush crust, lush

crumb of bread and at the same

time is such white bread

comes out very satisfying

and does not grow stale for a long time.

So fragrant and delicious bread in the Mulinex bread maker

I want and want to eat everything. I especially like it so fresh

bread with milk. When will you treat this white bread in a bread maker

I also advise you to cook,

Ingredients for 750 grams of white bread:

Flour (3 cups)

Salt (1.5 tsp)

Warm water (1 glass) + 1 tbsp water at 40 degrees

Sugar (2 tablespoons)

Vegetable oil (3 tablespoons)

Yeast (1.5 - 2 tsp)

Cooking method:

For white bread in the Mulinex bread maker, when kneading the dough, it is impossible for the yeast to come into contact with the salt. And a large amount of salt will impair the rise of the dough. And here on the contrary, don't forget about sugar ... Sugar is essential for the activation of yeast. Well, if you put a large amount of sugar, then the yeast will quickly ferment, and this is important for kneading delicious bread in a bread maker.

1. While kneading the dough, and even more so baking, do not often open the lid bread makers... This can also cause poor lifting. And it is better to look through the window and watch the kneading and baking white bread in the Mulinex bread maker.

2. Another tip, all products for baking white bread should be at room temperature in order for the dough to rise better.

3. Fall asleep in bread maker first sifted flour, then the bread will be fluffy. Well, if you like thicker bread, then you should not sift the flour.

4. After the flour, add salt and slightly stir the flour with a spoon.

5. Then pour into bread maker Moulinex warm water, vegetable oil, sugar and yeast and add 1 tbsp of very warm water on top.

6. Turn on the main mode, it is on the scale at number one. We set the weight of the bread to 1000g, although we will get a 750g loaf. We choose the type of baking of the crust, I choose the middle one.

7. Press start and go about your business and after 3 hours and 10 minutes, bread maker Moulinex, a signal will notify you that delicious white bread is ready.

8. Another tip, if the dough is still low and the time to turn on the baking is already approaching, wait for the baking to turn on, turn off the oven and wait about 10 minutes for the dough to come up. Then we turn on the "Baking" mode, I have 11 mode and choose 50 minutes.

9. Thanks to these tricks, our white bread in a bread maker it turned out delicious and fluffy. And it is impossible to tear yourself away from the ruddy and crispy crust of bread. So fragrant and delicious bread in a bread maker I want and want to eat everything. I especially like this fresh bread with milk. When will you treat this white bread in a bread maker family, they will no longer want to eat store bread.

The Mulinex bread maker is really considered one of the smartest among a number of similar devices, as it is modern in design and function, but it allows you to bake bread according to the same grandmother's recipes. Of course, the taste of such homemade bread cannot be confused with store-bought bread.

Before mastering the recipes, it is worth figuring out what the nuances of this technique are.

Features of the bread machine:

  • The oven perfectly kneads the dough, which is helped by the special programs "jam" and "fresh dough". The kneading is always even, perfect, which cannot be guaranteed with manual kneading. Why is the "jam" mode mentioned here? The best delicacy for such a bread is delicious homemade jam.
  • The bread maker has a very convenient delay function, that is, you load food into the oven in the evening, and you get a delicious bread in the morning.
  • Always adhere to the indicated dosage as the recipe is accurate.

For home use, this technique is ideal - no need to fiddle with the dough, and then clean up the kitchens.

Some housewives complain that the baked goods in the bread maker fall off. This can happen if you took less yeast than the recipe requires, or if you are making sourdough bread, its quality is questionable. Old yeast may simply not work, or you may have put your bread on the wrong setting.

It is easy to find ready-made mixes for a bread machine on sale today, among them there are fitness mixes, and sports mixes, and mixes for multi-grain bread.


  • Water - 350 ml;
  • Sunflower. butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour - 650 g;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Yeast - half a packet.

Dough for buns in a mulinex bread maker

This yeast dough is also suitable for making buns, for example, with poppy seeds, and for making pies.

How to make the dough:

  1. Sift flour through a sieve, measuring exactly 650 g.
  2. Open the lid of the appliance, take out the bowl, measure out 350 ml of water, pour into the bowl.
  3. Add 3 tbsp to the water. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add salt.
  4. Pour flour into the bowl of the bread maker. Put sugar on top.
  5. Add dry yeast.
  6. Place the bowl in the oven, select program "8" and start cooking.

This is how the dough is kneaded, after the sound signal you can take out the dough and form buns or pies. Butter dough is smooth and fluffy.

Baking Easter cake in a bread maker: recipe for Easter

This pastry, as they say, is for the lazy. This cake is prepared with yeast.

For this you need:

  1. Egg of chickens. - 3 pcs.;
  2. Milk - 130 ml;
  3. Draining. oil - 130 g;
  4. Sugar - 40 g;
  5. Flour - 450 g;
  6. Yeast - 2.5 tsp;
  7. Nuts to taste;
  8. Raisins to taste.

And it is very simple to make such a cake: you need to set the “sweet bread” program. The program should involve long mixing.

The crust needs to be made light, it will still darken due to sugar. And then the bread maker will do everything by itself, you just have to think about how to decorate the cake.

If you love baking, choose between buttered pies and a baked bread machine. The benefits of fried pies are few, and baked goods from the oven, although high in calories, are not as aggressive as fried foods.

Delicious recipes!

Bread maker Moulinex homemade bread and pastry recipes step by step with a photo

Did you know that lunch will not seem so satisfying to you if there is no bread on the menu? If, moreover, you bake bread in a bread maker at home, and not buy it in a store, then you will notice the difference immediately. Homemade bread is much more satisfying and tasty than store-bought bread, and the cooking process will not take you much time and effort. Today on the site with a new review - Moulinex bread makers.

Rather, not even one bread maker, but as many as three: Moulinex ow 1101, Moulinex 2000, Moulinex 3022. With their help, you can prepare delicious products, and not only ordinary bread from simple ingredients, even pizza dough, but about everything in turn.

These three models are a budget option for bread makers that will do their job perfectly every day. In addition to ordinary bread, they know how to bake a lot of all sorts of goodies:

Sweet and French bread, muffins, dough, and even make jam.

If you do not have 3-4 hours for making bread according to the standard program, then you can load all the same ingredients, and in an hour and a half, you will get exactly the same loaf. In general, these bread makers have 12 programs for making bread. And among them you will definitely find the one that will be the best option for the whole family.

Children and those with a sweet tooth will be especially pleased with the program of making sweet bread: both satisfying and tasty. And if you also make jam in the same device, you will get a delicious sandwich for tea.

Moulinex bread makers control

The equipment is controlled by special buttons placed on the dashboard. Any program change is shown on the instrument display. And you can spy on the cooking process itself through the viewing window. Only it is advisable not to open the lid, otherwise the dough threatens to fall, and then the bread itself will turn out to be failed. The taste will not change, but it will not look so beautiful.

You can select the crust color of the standard 3 gold level: light, medium and dark. Among other things, you can maintain the temperature of the bread: for the next hour your product will remain warm.

Functions of the Moulinex bread makers

In addition, if you want to wake up in the morning from the smell of freshly baked bread, then here you will also help.

The delayed start function is present in all models, but only in Moulinex ow 1101 and Moulinex ow 3022 for 15 hours, and in Moulinex 2000 - for 13. The difference is small, in fact, and that is enough for the bread to be ready in the morning, or upon arrival from work.

At the end of the work, the device will beep, very loudly, and quite clearly. By the way, these bread makers are very fond of "talking", so they squeak for any reason. And if during the operation of these mini-bakeries there is an interruption in the electrical energy, then the memory reserve of this smart technique will be enough for 7 minutes. You just hope that during this time the electricity will appear again.

The bowl for making bread has a non-stick coating, which means that burnt sides of your bread are not at all scary. In addition, all bread makers come with a recipe book, a measuring cup and a spoon, so that all dishes are prepared according to the selected recipe.

Moulinex bread makers power

If we talk about the differences in the presented models, then we can start with the power. In this matter, each device is individual. The minimum capacity is the Moulinex ow 1101 bread machine - 600W. Moulinex 2000 is not far away, its power 610 Wt, The Moulinex 3022 takes the lead with a 650 watts

What kind of bread will you make?

As for the choice of the size of the bread, this issue is also individual for each mini-bakery. As many as three types of bread can be prepared by Moulinex 2000, for 500, 750 and 1000 grams. The other two bread makers can cook only two types of bread: Moulinex ow 1101 for 700 and 900 grams, and Moulinex 3022 for 750 and 1000 grams.

From this we see that the maximum baking volume of the two thousandth and three thousandth models is 1 kg, and the thousandth series is 900 grams.

Differences between bread makers

There is also a difference in the material from which the equipment is made: Moulinex ow 1101 and Moulinex 2000 are made made of plastic. They are lightweight and therefore cheaper. But Moulinex 3022 is fully completed made of stainless steel, then it will serve you for a very long time.

I would like to note the quality of the instructions: for all three models they are intelligible, everything is painted in detail, with useful tips, recipes and detailed instructions. And also - tables of possible problems and how to fix them.

Unfortunately, it is not necessary to talk about the high quality of store products lately. Therefore, those who are not indifferent to their health and the health of their loved ones will like this technique. In addition, without bending your heart, it is worth noting that homemade bread is much tastier than store-bought bread. And one more plus: homemade bread does not stale for a very, very long time.

And now - the most favorite recipes of the owners of Mulinex bread makers

Recipe for simply delicious bread in the Mulinex bread maker

For a kilogram bread I take: 400 g of water (warm, you can 50/50 with milk), 1 egg, sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. instant yeast and 700 grams of flour. I fall asleep in the order in which I have listed. My men love bread according to this recipe. I expose a program for baking ordinary white bread for 1 kg.

Corn porridge in the Mulinex bread maker

You can cook porridge in a bread maker from any cereal - millet, buckwheat and even semolina - but I like corn porridge: it is the most capricious, it is not always in the mood to cook it, but it is simply irreplaceable as a summer side dish.

We boil the water. Pour cereals, oil, spices, salt and sugar into the bowl of the bread machine. Pour boiling water on top. We turn on the bread maker, the mode is "Jam" or "Jam". After the first cooking cycle is over, try the porridge - if satisfied, remove the container from the bread machine. If you want it thicker and denser, turn it on again. We take out the porridge from the bowl of the bread machine - you can sprinkle it with grated cheese, finely chopped herbs and garlic, and then serve hot with a kebab and fresh vegetables. It's fantastic!

Rustic bread in the Mulinex bread maker

Program 3: water-365 ml, salt-1 tsp, sugar-1 tsp, premium flour-390 g, rye flour-60 g, dry buckwheat - 80 g, yeast-1.5 tsp, yield 900 g. I weigh everything on an electronic scale, and liquids with a measuring cup.

If you want dark bread, I buy kvass concentrate (wort), dilute 3 tbsp. in the required amount of water, and make bread from whole flour (program 4). Delicious!

I always make dough on dumplings and pasties, noodles according to program 11, but exactly 30 minutes. and turn it off. Ingredients: water-130ml, egg-1 pc., Salt-0.5 tsp, flour 350g. (for 3-4 servings of dumplings). You can add or change something. 1.5 hours before the end of baking, carefully (after waiting for a stop) - I remove the stirring screw.

According to this recipe, the bread maker produces exactly the Borodino bread that we bought 20 years ago.
Ingredients for Borodino bread in a bread maker:

  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 370 g rye. flour
  • 3 tea. l. yeast
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 6%
  • 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • 2, 5 Art. spoons of honey
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 450 gr. mix boiling water with 5 tbsp. tablespoons of dry kvass

Place in a container in the sequence recommended by the manufacturer. Bake rye Borodino bread in the rye bread mode. The crust is dark. The bread turns out to be fragrant and tasty, just like "Borodinsky" bread should be.

If you are still undecided about which bread maker is the best, we recommend that you use the valuable expert advice from this video. Lots of useful recommendations on how

Homemade baking is no longer a luxury, but modern housewives often simply do not have time to stand at the stove for a long time, knead dough, sculpt pies and make jam. Instead, it is done by clever technology, whose name is a bread maker. We would like to acquaint you with interesting recipes for the Mulinex bread machine, which has become one of the most popular.

First, a little information about the capabilities of the device itself. First of all, the design is pleasantly surprising - a compact, elegant, neat machine easily fits into the kitchen interior: you can find a place for it without any problems. Electronic control, which is very accessible and convenient, has become the second pleasant impression - the installations are made in literally three short stages, nothing superfluous, a person of almost any age can handle the algorithm.

The nuances of working with the Mulinex bread maker

It is especially worth noting the presence of such necessary programs as "Fresh dough" and "Jam": the bread maker "Mulinex" kneads the dough just fine! As a rule, it is not possible to make a batch so well by hand. Here, every time a perfect, even, homogeneous bun comes out, and baking from such a dough always succeeds wonderfully.

As for the second specified program, then with its help you can make amazing jams and preserves. This homemade delicacy will be a great addition to fresh bread.

The main advantage of the Moulinex bread machine (and any other one) is, of course, that you do not need to spend time preparing dough, fiddling with flour and other products, cleaning the kitchen after preparing for baking, standing at the stove, waiting and wondering. whether you get bread or pies. With the bakery, all this fuss disappears by itself. Each time, the result will delight you and your loved ones, and the aroma spreading through the house will not leave anyone indifferent.

A pleasant nuance: use the delay function and, having loaded the ingredients into the oven in the evening, in the morning you will receive fresh bread right for breakfast. A similar function, as you know, is typical for many types of multicooker.

To achieve optimal results, always strictly observe the indicated dosage of ingredients in recipes for the Moulinex bread machine, use the measuring containers attached to the device, as well as special kitchen scales. And remember the secrets of baking in a bread maker - they guarantee you success.

Wheat bread in the Mulinex bread maker: with sesame seeds and without salt



1. Prepare water in the required amount: it is optimal to use boiled liquid at room temperature.

2. Pour water into the bowl of the bread maker. To keep it warm, cover the top with a thin towel.

3. For baking wheat bread without salt, use only the highest grade flour: it must be sieved - salt improves the structure of the dough, and also allows you to regulate the activity of yeast, but in this version of bread it is absent, so you need to help the loaf to form on the basis that laid down by the recipe. The better the flour is sifted, the more the dough will rise and the bread will turn out more airy, since sifting removes particles of the grain shell.

4. Pour the prepared flour into a bowl. In the middle of the formed embankment, make a depression, add a teaspoon of dry fast-acting yeast there.

5. Insert the bowl into the tank of the bread maker, fix it, close the lid and set the program: you can use the special one, which is called “Bread without salt”, or the main one, for baking wheat bread. Crust color - light, loaf weight - 750 g, baking time - depending on the program, about 3 hours.

6. If your oven has a special pause for adding additives, wait for the signal and pour sesame seeds into the bowl. In case your appliance does not have such a function, add sesame seeds to the flour on top of the yeast.

7. Put the finished bread on a wire rack and let cool completely without covering.

Honey bread with walnuts



1.Use a special glass to measure out 210 ml of warm water (35 degrees) - use boiled, still water. Pour it into the bottom of the breadmaker's bowl.

2. The next ingredient will be honey. It is desirable that it be at room temperature. If you store food in the refrigerator, remove it an hour before making the dough and let it stand to warm. Add 100 g of honey to the bowl. For reference, 35 g is placed in a tablespoon.

3. Add a teaspoon of salt to the mixture of liquids - it is best to use a fine grind.

4. Sift 340 g of premium wheat flour through a sieve. Here you can use a kitchen scale for accuracy.

5. Gently pour the flour into the bowl with a high slide, make a depression at the very top, into which you put the dry yeast.

6. Place the bowl in the oven, close the lid and set the program: you can bake with the French loaf setting or with the main one for baking wheat bread.

The crust is medium, the weight of the loaf is 750 g, the baking time is about 3 hours.

7. Chop the walnut - you can do this with a wooden crush, add it to the bowl after a special sound signal.

8. Leave the finished bread in the bowl for 30 minutes, then remove and transfer to the wire rack, cover with a thin towel, leave for 1 hour.

Cupcake with dried fruits



1. Sift the icing sugar through a fine sieve into a separate bowl.

2. Cut butter or margarine into small cubes, place in a heat-resistant container and heat in a water bath or in a microwave oven at low temperature. Do not make it liquid: just soften it.

3. Pour the sifted powder into the bowl of the breadmaker, then add soft butter to it, insert the bowl into the oven reservoir, set the “Cupcake” program (medium crust), close the lid and turn on the device.

4. After 5 minutes of mixing, press the "Stop" button, the mixture should be homogeneous and turn white.

5. Break 3 chicken eggs into a container. In order for the cake to rise well, I recommend using eggs exclusively at room temperature.

6. The next step is to introduce flour: it must be sifted beforehand - only in this case the baking will be airy and loose. Make a depression in the flour slide, pour a teaspoon of baking powder into it.

7. Reinsert the bowl into the oven, start the same program.

8. Prepare the additive: rinse the fruit mixture, pour into a colander, let the excess liquid drain, transfer to a bowl, add a tablespoon of brandy, mix thoroughly. While the first phase of kneading is in progress, the dried fruits will have time to soak in alcohol.

9. When a special signal is triggered, open the lid of the device and pour the prepared additive into the bowl.

10. At the end of the program, remove the bowl from the oven, carefully so as not to burn yourself, remove the cake, place it on a wooden board or stand, uncovered, and let it stand for about an hour.

Bread "Darnitskiy" in the bread maker "Mulinex"



1. Prepare boiled, still water in the specified amount. Its temperature should be as close as possible to 35 degrees - this is the optimal condition for the proper functioning of the yeast.

2. Pour water into the bottom of the bowl of the breadmaker, add 2 tablespoons to it. refined vegetable oil - if desired, you can replace it with olive oil.

3. The last liquid ingredient is honey - before using it to make bread, I recommend making sure it is at least room temperature. Do not use refrigerated food. Add 1 tbsp into the contents of the bowl. l honey, do not stir the ingredients.

4. Now add the fine salt. You should not fill it with a slide in one place - it is better to distribute it over the entire form, falling asleep in a circle.

5. Sift the flour through a fine sieve, combine in one bowl with high edges and mix thoroughly. The better both types of flour are mixed with each other, the more homogeneous the bread will turn out.

6. Pour the prepared flour mixture into the bowl with a high slide. At the very top, make a depression in which add dry yeast.

7. Insert the bowl into the oven, close the lid and set the program: bread according to this recipe in the Moulinex bread maker can be baked in the main program, as well as use other suitable settings - for example, rye bread settings, if available in your appliance. The main thing is that the baking time should be set at least 3 hours. The crust is medium, the weight of the loaf is 750 g.

8. Remove the finished baked goods from the bowl, place on the wire rack and let stand for 1-2 hours.

Corn bread with sour milk



1. If you have sour milk in your refrigerator, especially with cream formed on it, be sure to try baking cornbread with it.

It is optimal to use milk with a fat content of about 3% for the preparation of such pastries. A product with a fat content higher than the indicated one can be diluted with boiled drinking water.

2. Heat the milk a little: 35-40 degrees will be enough. Pour it into the bowl of the bread maker, add refined vegetable oil there - if desired, you can replace it with butter, which must first be melted in a water bath.

3. In the next step, add salt and granulated sugar to the resulting mixture. Fall asleep them in a circle, spreading over the entire form.

4. Sift both types of flour through a sieve into one bowl with high edges, mix. Gently pour the resulting flour mixture into a bowl.

5. Add dry yeast to the previously prepared groove in the flour slide - it should not come into contact with sugar and salt until the dough is kneaded.

6. Insert the bowl into the appliance and set the program: both basic and, for example, "Sweet bread" or "French roll" will do. In addition, you can use the quick baking programs. The color of the crust is light, the weight of the loaf is 750 g.

7. If desired, you can add additives to this bread - sunflower seeds, nuts, dried fruits. But do not add too much food, otherwise the dough will not rise well. Enter the additive after a special sound signal. If your appliance does not have this function, add the ingredients at the end of the batch.

8. Remove the finished bread on a wire rack and let it stand for 1-2 hours.

Wheat-rye bread on dough



1. Prepare the dough, for this: sift both types of flour in the specified amount into a bowl with high sides, mix.

Measure out 500 ml of boiled still water in a separate bowl. Its temperature must necessarily be equal to 35 degrees for the yeast to work properly.

Pour dry fast-acting yeast into the water, mix thoroughly. Then, gradually pouring liquid into a bowl of flour mixture, knead to a homogeneous dough.

Cover the container with the dough with a thin towel and leave for 4 hours, while the air temperature in the room should be kept around 20-22 degrees.

2. After the specified time has passed, transfer the prepared dough to the bowl of the bread maker, add salt.

You can bake such bread on the fast baking modes, as well as use the "French roll" program. Crust color - medium, loaf weight - 1 kg.

3. Remove the finished bread on a wooden board or stand, cover with a thin towel, let it stand for 2-3 hours.