Fennel for children: useful properties, recipes and rules for use. What teas can be given to babies

24.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

For decades, fennel has been used as a medicinal herb. Many doctors are sure that it is thanks to fennel that vision can be restored and many diseases can be cured. Today, due to the fact that the appearance, methods of application and smell of this herb are similar to dill with anise, they use it in the same way.

First tea for a newborn - with fennel

Everyone knows that tea, with the addition of fennel and dill, will improve the digestive tract, remove bloating, irritation, and improve digestion itself. In breastfeeding women, fennel increases the amount of milk. And what is the use of tea with fennel for a newborn child - not only experienced parents, but also beginners know.

If we talk specifically about the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn toddler, then many questions can arise here. This tea solves problems well - it soothes the nervous system of the crumbs and helps to deal with colic (by the way, fennel "fights" with colic much better than other remedies), strengthens the baby's immune system, which is very important for him, because he is still weak, he it is necessary to grow and strengthen.

Benefits, appearance and ingredients of tea

In fact, tea with fennel is the same dill water familiar to everyone, which was used as needed by our mothers and grandmothers. But it turns out that today it is quite difficult to buy real dill water. The only exceptions are pharmacies that manufacture prescription drugs. True, this is not always convenient for potential buyers (the pharmacy is far from home, there is no time to go there or any other problems). But dry tea with the addition of fennel extract is available to everyone.

Tea with fennel for a newborn can be either in bags (they are poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes), or in the form of granules (they are diluted with warm boiled water). And in terms of pharmacological properties, the varieties of products are absolutely identical.

Parents should pay special attention to the constituent elements of tea. And this is no accident, because there is a lot that is necessary for a small organism: useful trace elements, vitamins, protein, ascorbic acid, sugar, carotene. All this will be useful to the little one at the very beginning of his life.

A huge plus of fennel tea is, oddly enough, its smell. It is very delicate, similar to the sweetish light aroma of anise. The kids really like it. In the course of research carried out by specialists, it was found that newborn crumbs are very sensitive to various smells and can refuse something just because they did not like the smell.

How to choose the right tea and the dosage of the decoction?

When mom chooses this product on supermarket shelves or in pharmacies, she should pay attention to the fact that the composition is free of gluten, artificial colors and flavors, and, of course, sucrose. And in some cases, it is more correct to refuse tea, which contains lactose.

Important! The main components of any ready-made tea with fennel for newborns are the extract of this plant and glucose.

In addition to the fact that mom knows how to brew fennel and in what form to take it, she needs to understand what dosages can be offered to a newborn.

The main thing is to remember: no matter what choice mom makes for her toddler (dill water, tea or broth), for the first time just one teaspoon will be enough. Then watch for a while how the baby feels. If after such a tiny portion, no redness occurs, no rashes appear on the skin, you can very carefully increase the portion.

Experts suggest giving babies a teaspoon of dill water three times a day before feeding. If the baby is artificially fed, the same amount of water can be added to the mixture. Such a dose will be enough for the first month of a child's life, and then the amount of medicine can be slightly increased - up to 6 teaspoons.

Fennel tea and decoctions prepared in the home kitchen are allowed to be offered to the baby when he is one month old, the dosage should also be minimal.

Fennel and colic: who wins?

Baby's colic cannot be called a disease. They do not need to be treated at all, they will slowly pass by themselves. Any pediatrician will agree with these words. Pediatrician - yes, but not a tiny one. A newborn miracle cannot yet understand that it is enough just to be patient and wait a little. Therefore, crying of babies so often occurs. Mom, who does not sleep at night, spending time at the crib of her baby, is ready to do everything possible and impossible to make her baby's health even a little easier.

In this case, a huge problem is that such small crumbs should not be given almost anything that modern pharmacology has to offer. It is in this case that the fennel plant will come to the rescue. Let's figure out what it is and how to give it to babies correctly?

Fennel is a plant that belongs to the umbrella family. The familiar dill also lives in the same family. Even in the days of Avicenna and Hippocrates, who successfully used fennel to cure digestive ailments, this plant enjoyed unprecedented popularity. It can be used both raw and thermally processed, with all parts. Fennel has carminative properties, which makes it possible to relieve colic and bloating in both infants and adults.

Advice to parents! Fennel for newborns is not a preventive measure. Do not give it to a baby who does not have colic. In some cases, there will be no negative consequences. But in others, there may be some addiction to this product, as a result of which the child will become addicted to this product. The consequences will not be very good: the digestion of the crumbs will be carried out without any problems only if he uses fennel tea.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of young parents to the fact that, on the one hand, this is a useful and harmless plant. On the other hand, babies should be given it with great discretion.

Important! Never give teas or fennel teas to a newborn if he has epilepsy or is allergic to this plant.

In order for mommy to understand whether the baby has an allergic reaction or not, the first time you need to give him a small dose of broth (about 3-5 ml). If after a while there are no rashes or redness, the baby's well-being is in perfect order, you can gradually increase the dose a little, but do not stop observing the reaction.

How to brew fennel correctly for newborns

There are so many ways to brew medicinal herb to get a healing drink that relieves discomfort in the tummy of a toddler. Consider the simplest recipes, thanks to which you can easily get the necessary broth.

Fennel green tea

Pour one tablespoon of chopped greens with boiling water (200-250 ml) (both dried and fresh are useful). Insist for half an hour. Then strain the resulting tea and cool to room temperature. The baby can drink. This tea is added to expressed breast milk or to a mixture. The main thing to remember is that infants can be offered no more than 50 ml of this herbal tea per day.

Fresh fennel tea

To make such a healthy tea, you just need to chop the fennel fruits very finely with a knife. For a glass of boiling water, just a teaspoon of this "tea leaves" will be enough.

It is not at all necessary to prepare a lot of this tea. Better to brew a new batch later. After the brewing process, it is necessary that the infusion stand for at least half an hour. Now strain, cool (if necessary) and give the baby a drink. Only 10-15 ml is enough for one feeding.

Prepare an infusion of fennel seeds

Grind one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder. Pour a glass of boiling water over them. Let it stand for thirty minutes. Strain and cool to room temperature. For one feeding, the baby can be given one teaspoon. Babies tolerate this infusion very well and the result can be seen very quickly.

Fennel Tea Producers: Which Choice?

Purchased teas are made taking into account all the needs of the baby's body: there are no harmful components in them, so parents do not need to worry about their naturalness.

The product from "Humana", containing fennel, cumin, fennel oil, lactose and maltodextrin, is recommended for babies over one month old. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the child's individual intolerance to the components.

Tea "Bebivita" is granular, dissolves quickly. It contains fennel and dextrose. It is offered in a 200 gram jar, usually not packed in sachets. Eliminates bloating and intestinal colic in babies.

Tea "Babushkino Lukoshko" is offered in beautiful boxes of 20 sachets each. Applicable even for the smallest consumers (over a month old). Contains only fennel fruits.

So, it is already clear that one of the best natural remedies for intestinal colic in babies is fennel. Only use it carefully. With the judicious use of fennel for a newborn, you can greatly improve his condition and fully experience the joy of motherhood.

Fennel very well helps with digestive problems, for example, with spastic colitis, flatulence, gastritis, intestinal colic, dyspepsia. This herb helps to relax the muscles of the intestinal tract, thereby helping to relieve spasms in the intestines. To get rid of these disorders, you need to drink an infusion made from one or two small spoons of fennel seeds, brewed with one glass of boiling water. And prepared from five grams of dry seeds, brewed with a mug of boiling water, the enema will help your child get rid of colic and gas in the tummy.

Fennel is quite often used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If you have the flu, you need to make an infusion of five grams of fennel seeds per cup of boiling water. The infusion made from fennel will help clear mucus from your airways. If you use a lower dosage, it will be a good preventive measure against colds and flu. And if you combine fennel with any other drugs (with mint, anise, coltsfoot and others), then fennel acts as an expectorant for dry bronchitis and upper respiratory tract disease.

For a long time in folk medicine, fennel has been used to increase the flow of milk in a nursing mother and to normalize the menstrual cycle. Thanks to most of the studies conducted, it has been proven to have an estrogenic effect, that is, it acts in a similar way to the female sex hormone. It is thanks to this that the female cycle and lactation are regulated during the treatment with this plant. Moreover, if a nursing mother does not have enough milk, then she is recommended to drink three to four glasses of fennel tea a day (you can make tea by brewing one or two small tablespoons of fennel seeds in a mug of boiling water). This tea also helps to relieve menopause. But for pregnant women, the use of this tea in large quantities is not recommended.

In the earliest times, there were people who believed that fennel could cure blindness in humans. This is probably a clear exaggeration, but still it makes sense, because it is good to rinse sore and dry eyes with fennel tea lotions. Very often the need for such lotions arises when being in dry and hot countries, when a person is in the sun for a very long time. And even after a long stay in sea water, the eyes are inflamed, then there is a burning sensation and dryness in the eyes. Here is fennel tea that will help relieve these painful symptoms. Therefore, when going on vacation or a business trip to hot countries, do not forget to take a bag of dry fennel with you, it will save you from illness.

Quite often, fennel is used with difficulty urinating, with kidney disease, with sand in the kidneys, and with an infection of the genitourinary system. At the same time, coriander goes well with fennel as a mild antibacterial and diuretic.

Fennel has a calming effect on the central nervous system and can help eliminate feelings of fear and nervousness. For these symptoms, it is advisable to chew fennel seeds or drink tea from them.

Fennel tea for newborns.

Even in ancient Greece, they talked about the beneficial properties of this plant. By the way, fennel got its second name (marathon plant) from the Greeks. Since that time, fennel is considered to be a plant of success. If you make tea with this plant, then such a drink will only help strengthen the child's nervous system, the immune system. Incidentally, the tea made with fennel is delicious. Well, besides good taste, it has good medicinal properties. One of these properties is the fight against intestinal colic and gas formation - these two phenomena most often excite infants from their very birth. Fennel tea contains natural and natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These components normalize the digestive processes, and they also help to reduce the increased formation of gas and colic in the intestinal region.

Baby fennel tea is often formulated with the prebiotic inulin, which helps keep the newborn baby's bowels healthy. If you give this tea to a newborn child, then the parents thereby kill several birds with one stone, in addition to normalizing the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of the child's skeletal system is normalized, because thanks to fennel and the tea in which it is contained, calcium is well absorbed. And this tea also contains a lot of vitamin C, and there is not a drop of sugar, as well as various dyes, preservatives and other flavors. Such tea is allowed for children to drink from the fourth month of a child's life.

Fennel for weight loss.

Fennel seeds are recommended to be chewed in the event that you need to suppress hunger, in addition, its seeds have a slight diuretic effect. And thanks to this, excess fluid is quickly excreted from the body. Fennel has a pleasant and sweet aroma, and this helps to calm the nervous system, reduce the likelihood of a stressful situation, help to relax, and this plays an important role in adherence to diets, which in themselves are already a great stress for the body.

It will be enough to drink fennel tea during the diet, for the preparation of which you need to crush twenty grams of fennel seeds and pour them two hundred and fifty grams of boiling water. We put it all on fire and let it boil for four to five minutes. After that, remove the tea from the heat and let it brew for thirty minutes. In addition to this tea, you can add fennel seeds to various culinary dishes.

And there is also such a dietary dish that you can cook on your own. We take the fennel root, cut it into slices and fill the resulting mass with lemon juice and olive oil. Thus, you get a low-calorie and dietary salad.

Fennel is a contraindication.

Due to its positive properties, fennel has practically no contraindications. The only thing to remember is that there is an individual intolerance to foods, and you should not use this plant in large quantities for people with epilepsy, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Some drugs from the category "for newborns" sold in the pharmacy can be used not only in critical situations, when the baby has become ill, but also for preventive purposes. These include fennel tea for newborns, which has many beneficial properties.

This spicy culture is akin to dill, and is used not only in cooking - it is also present in folk recipes. Adults drink teas with its seeds, trying to get rid of colic in the stomach, or going on a diet for weight loss. But to a greater extent, fennel tea is used for newborns.

The benefits of fennel

This culture contains such useful components as sugars, carotene, protein, essential oils, and the prebiotic inulin. There is a large set of trace elements and vitamins (the amount of ascorbic acid is especially large). This set has a beneficial effect on many aspects.

  • The microflora is normalized in the intestine.
  • Tea quickly relieves baby colic.
  • Regular consumption of the drink maintains metabolic processes at the desired level.
  • It also promotes good appetite.
  • The drink is a good sedative for the nervous system.
  • Fennel also helps to strengthen the immunity of a growing baby.

All these properties of a healing drink will affect the body of a newborn if you periodically drink it with herbal spicy tea as a prophylaxis.

Varieties of teas

For many, the "relative" of dill grows in garden beds. Housewives collect ripe fennel seeds so that a healing infusion can be prepared at any time. But most of the townspeople do not have such an opportunity, so they have to buy raw materials for tea. Someone will make a purchase from a herbalist grandmother who sells in the market, others will go to a pharmacy or a store where the spicy culture is sold in a civilized package.

It is these teas that are more preferable for babies, since the raw materials have undergone all the necessary processing and have been supplemented with useful components, taking into account the child's body. Among them are the 2 most popular products.

  • Hipp tea is a drink that tastes good and smells good, it is made from varieties of a crop specially grown for this. The composition of this plant is much less estragole than in garden varieties, which makes the product more acceptable for newborns. But it is included in hipp, along with fennel, dextrose, which is necessary for a baby for normal development.
  • Humana children's herbal tea also contains herbal ingredients. Compared to hipp, this product also contains lactose and maltodextrin, which can improve the intestinal microflora. So Humana is also an excellent remedy for dysbiosis.

Fennel tea for newborns hipp

You can look at the sale and some other tea composition similar to hipp. In this case, one should pay attention to the description of the composition - it should not contain any dyes, or preservatives, or sucrose. You can store open packaging at home for no more than 3 months.

When to give fennel tea

Having fennel seeds or tea bags on hand, a mother usually uses them to calm a crying baby, to relieve painful colic in the tummy due to the "raging" gas there. Someone is trying to help a child cope with pain caused by tooth growth with a warm drink. Tea also helps in cases when the baby is too excited and cannot sleep.

Fennel tea can help relieve insomnia.

Pediatricians also recommend watering babies for the purpose of prevention, without waiting for health problems or insomnia. It is enough to give a newborn tea before feeding, starting with a small dose and gradually increasing it with age.

You can give fennel tea to newborns from the first days of their life, although some pediatricians recommend waiting a month. You need to start with a few drops. The maximum daily dose for a baby over time should not exceed 50 mg.

How to prepare a healing drink

To feed your child with delicious fennel tea, you should not prepare the drink for future use - it must be freshly prepared. The tea is given to the baby only warm (no more than 37 ° C), but it is not recommended to reheat the cooled one.

It is necessary to consider what product is used to prepare a healing drink. If there are granules in the package, then it is enough to dilute the required amount with warm water according to the instructions on the container. In the case of sachets, they are brewed with boiling water and infused for about 5 minutes.

Those who prefer to use raw materials collected from the garden have their own recipes for making a fennel drink. Previously, the seeds must be crushed and stored in a closed container.

We brew fennel tea correctly.

Classic recipe

1 tsp fruits are brewed with glasses of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then the drink is filtered and cooled to the desired temperature. You can give your baby a little of the tea itself, or add it to breast milk or formula. The rest is recommended for mom to drink, as this drink is also useful for her (promotes lactation).

Older kids can add more lemon balm leaves, buckthorn fruits to this drink, if there are no contraindications for a pediatrician. By adding a little honey to tea, you can use it to treat coughs.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the fact that a fennel-based drink is quite useful, it is not recommended to abuse it. Before using it for prophylactic purposes in newborns, you need to consult a pediatrician. Perhaps the baby has pathologies in which this spicy culture cannot be used (for example, heart problems or a predisposition to epilepsy).

Individual intolerance to the drug may occur, manifested by allergic reactions. This is mainly observed when seeds are taken from the garden for making tea. Special children's drinks based on fennel extract of the type described above have a soft composition that is very well accepted by a small organism.

Noticing the baby's negative reaction to tea, this drink will have to be abandoned, after consulting with a doctor, which drug can be used to replace the fennel product.

The problem of intestinal colic in newborns is known to many parents. The reason is the imperfection of the digestive system of infants, as well as the "acquaintance" with new products and methods of nutrition. The proven methods, which include fennel tea, will help eliminate discomfort and alleviate the baby's condition. The simple natural composition and effectiveness of such a recipe ensures the popularity of use, and our article will tell you about the features of using fennel tea for newborns.

Causes of colic in newborns

Intestinal colic to one degree or another occurs in almost every baby, regardless of gender and individual developmental characteristics. These conditions are easy enough to recognize. The child is anxious, naughty and crying, in some cases the attack can last for a long time and is accompanied by a strong cry. Typical symptoms include bending the knees, bloating, and soreness even with light pressure.

Colic usually goes away on its own when the baby is three to four months old. In some cases, it will take about six months for the digestive system to adapt sufficiently to digest food. The frequency and duration of colic attacks is influenced by the diet of a nursing mother and the individual characteristics of the body. For parents during this period, the priority is to help the baby and reduce the pain of such attacks. If there are no medical abnormalities that cause colic in the baby, the easiest and most effective way to eliminate colic is to give your baby fennel tea.

Why fennel will help with colic

The healing properties of this plant to normalize the digestive function have been known for a long time. Fennel contains a valuable substance, inulin, which helps in the digestion of food and the production of digestive enzymes. That is why fennel tea is good for both adults and children. Regular consumption will help relieve colic as well as provide additional benefits.

What else is fennel useful for children:

  • Promotes the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Strengthens bone tissue.
  • Perfectly refreshes in hot weather.
  • Stimulates the body's metabolism.
  • Strengthens the immune system with regular use.
  • Calms the nervous system, promotes healthy sleep.

Most pediatricians recommend using fennel tea for newborns. This drink is an excellent substitute for water, improving the process of food digestion. It is useful to give the child such a drink as a preventive measure, because the natural composition and excellent digestibility contributes to the "training" of the digestive system. This tea should also be consumed by nursing mothers to prevent constipation, as well as to increase lactation.

The beneficial properties of fennel tea are discussed in detail in the attached video.

How to make fennel tea

The range of modern baby products offers many options for ready-to-use formula for improving digestion in children, containing fennel, for example, the well-known tea for colic Hipp with fennel, Heinz, fennel tea for newborns Babushkino Lukoshko other.

At the same time, many mothers use exclusively self-prepared teas to be sure of the quality and safety of such teas for the baby. Making fennel-based baby tea isn't too difficult, especially using our proven recipes.

How to make fennel tea for newborns correctly:

  1. For a glass of boiling water, you need to take 2-3 grams of fennel seeds, chopped in any way convenient for you (in a coffee grinder, mortar, blender). Insist for at least half an hour, then strain and give to the baby after feeding.
  2. Pour about 5 grams of fennel seeds or leaves into a glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil for at least five minutes, then leave in a thermos or closed container for about an hour. Give the child a strained broth in a warm form.
  3. The stems and dried leaves of fennel can also be used for brewing. For this, the crushed mixture (a tablespoon) is brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about an hour. The filtered broth can be given to the baby for colic.

Fennel tea for newborns helps to relieve the baby from intestinal colic, and also helps to strengthen the immune system. This medicinal plant has long been known for its unique properties, especially as a carminative. Features of making tea with fennel at home, as well as basic recipes, are given in our information.

Newborn babies often have colic due to the unformed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the fact that food is not processed, gases are generated. They are air bubbles that, by stretching the intestines, cause unbearable pain to the baby. Colic usually occurs in babies up to six months of age.

With colic, a child can be helped in two ways: carminative agents and massage. Fennel is a carminative. It is a herbaceous plant (like dill). Fennel has a pleasant smell and is intended to be eaten.

Beneficial features

The plant contains such important vitamins as: PP, E, K, C, A. The composition also contains various mineral components, glycosides and essential oil. The plant has a positive effect on breastfeeding babies. Possesses the following properties:

  • has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • fights against excessive gas formation;
  • has a calming effect;
  • has a good effect on the digestion of the child;
  • relieves intestinal cramps.

To eliminate colic, various teas and teas made from fennel seeds, roots or herbs are used. And if your child has diaper rash or he becomes restless, then you can also do baths using fennel.

Basic fennel recipes

  1. Tea recipe. Fennel-based tea for treating a child is not difficult to prepare. To do this, you need to crush a few grams of its seeds (no more than three) and fill them with boiled water (about 190-210 ml.). After half an hour, strain the drink with the help of improvised means and add a little boiled water (slightly chilled) to it.
  2. Decoction recipe. The decoction is traditionally made from the roots of the plant. For cooking, you need to grind the main ingredient and pour boiling water over it (about 190-210 ml.). Boil the chopped roots for two minutes and then let it brew. After 10 minutes, strain with the help of available tools and cool to the temperature you need.
  3. Tincture recipe. The tincture is made from the herb fennel. Chop the greens and pour boiling water over. Strain after one hour.
  4. Dill water recipe. It is believed that “dill water” based on fennel essential oil is the most effective for children. To prepare this water, you need to dissolve the essential oil of the plant (take 0.05 grams) in a liter of boiled water (room temperature). Store this medicine in the refrigerator. Shake well before use.

In general, before "dill water" was very common, it could easily be purchased at any pharmacy. However, now it is difficult to find it anywhere, and even if you find it, the price will not please you.

Remember to prepare these recipes just before use!

The dosage of this home medicine should be followed to ensure the treatment is safe. Allergy in the form of itching or rash is possible. If your baby has abdominal problems, then, after consulting with your pediatrician, you can start treatment with this remedy after seven days of age. On the 1st day - 1/2 tsp. If there is no allergic reaction, then it is allowed to use three tsp. per day (one at a time before feeding). After the child is one month old, you can increase the dose to 6 tsp. in a day.

If this homemade folk remedy causes an allergic reaction, then its use should be stopped immediately.

There are also many products with fennel content that can be purchased at the pharmacy. There they are also made in the form of teas and "dill water". But, in addition to those medicines that you can prepare at home, there are powders intended for the preparation of solutions. When buying medicines at a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions, because the concentration is different everywhere.

Plantex. The most popular medicine containing fennel is Plantex. It comes in the form of a powder made from the fruit of fennel. It also contains essential oil, glucose, lactose and fragrance. The instructions say that for cooking, you should dilute one sachet of powder in one hundred milliliters of milk or boiled water, then stir this mixture.

"Hipp". Also popular tea is "Hipp". This tea has gained its great popularity in many countries. It is produced in Germany from organic raw materials. This company introduces a separate line of fennel teas for babies as young as one week old. This tea is the most popular and of the highest quality. When using this product, the following application guidelines should be observed:

  1. First week: consume no more than 1 tsp. during the day, over time, gradually increase the portion to 50-100 milliliters per day;
  2. In the period from the fourth to the sixth month: the portion should be brought to 150 milliliters per day;
  3. In the period from the seventh to the twelfth month: the serving size must be within the acceptable range (150-200 ml per day).

Water procedures

For restless children, special water procedures with fennel content are done. Recipes for water treatments with fennel:
  1. Sedative action. Use the herbs fennel and chamomile (one tablespoon each) and add wheatgrass and licorice root (two tablespoons each).
  2. For skin problems. Use fennel seeds, oregano and thyme (2 tablespoons each).

To prepare, you need to pour the contents of the recipe into a jar and fill it with boiled water. After a couple of hours, the resulting mixture must be filtered and used for water procedures in small doses.

Digestive problems are not uncommon in infants. It often happens that the prescribed drugs do not help. In these cases, traditional methods of treatment come to the aid of loving mothers. After all, before they used only chamomile and fennel - and it always helped! It is equally important that this medicine can be prepared quickly, and the beneficial effect will not be long in coming.

Video: medicinal properties of fennel