Diet dough for oatmeal dumplings. Lazy dumplings over the ducan

04.11.2019 Vegetable dishes

If you are reading this recipe, you probably decided to come to grips with preparing for summer vacation and improve your health. Pierre Ducan's diet - to help. Not a hunger strike, remember! Proper nutrition, but you need to get used to it gradually: first, choose the right foods, cook from them, and then eat the resulting dietary meals in moderation.

Lazy dumplings with ground hercules are suitable for the phases: "Consolidation" and "Stabilization".

Curd-oatmeal dumplings with corn starch are the most tender. They are no less tasty than the classic ones with homemade cottage cheese. Hercules gives a special piquancy to the dish and carries maximum healthiness.

From the permitted products we take: oat bran (can be replaced with ground rolled oats), a small chicken egg, a pinch of salt, dry fat-free cottage cheese, corn starch and a sweetener. For refueling lazy dumplings, low-fat yogurt (we have homemade) will go along Dukan.

So, the recipe for useful "lazybones" according to Ducan. Add cottage cheese to the container. The ideal option is a fat-free option. Attach a chicken egg or one beaten egg white.

Then the most important ingredient in the Ducan diet is oat bran (can be substituted with ground rolled oats).

Starch completes the bouquet of ingredients.

The mass is kneaded into sticky dough, which is formed into a rope and cut into miniature balls-cakes. Lazy Dukan dumplings are boiled, like the classic ones, in boiling water until tender.

Lean back with a slotted spoon and served hot. It is allowed to supplement the dish with low-fat yogurt. Lazy Dukan dumplings are ready! Enjoy maintaining your weight!

The Dukan diet allows you to eat as much as the body requires, this is the main rule when going through all the stages. The diet includes over 100 different types of foods rich in vitamins and not containing calories. In addition to the weight loss system itself, Pierre Ducan has published a series of books with the best recipes for a low-calorie diet that any housewife can cook.

Recipe "Lazy dumplings" according to Ducan

The diet of the Ducan system is quite varied and is able to add spice and a variety of flavor combinations to dishes from a low-calorie composition. The spices included in the dietary composition will help you organize healthy and aromatic meals. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for lazy dumplings. To cook them correctly you will need:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese, without liquid and fat;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oat bran;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat bran;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing diet "sloths" look like this:

  1. Combine cottage cheese and egg, mix thoroughly.
  2. Add bran and starch, then whisk the mixture well. If the mass comes out liquid, you need to add another spoonful of starch.
  3. Roll out the dough for lazy dumplings and cut into circles. Put a teaspoon of cottage cheese inside the dough and fix the edges.
  4. Dip the dumplings into pre-boiling water, after they float to the surface, they can be served to the table.
  5. The sauce for this dish can be made from low-fat yogurt. Lovers of sweet "sloths" can be sprinkled with cinnamon or orange peel.

Dumplings according to Dukan

To make Ducan's lazy dumplings, you need the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese (of course, fat-free) - 0.5 kg;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 5-7 st. spoons of bran flour;
  • sweetener and a pinch of salt.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Combine all components and mix thoroughly.
  2. For the dough, we take flour and roll it into thin sausages, after which they need to be cut into short 5 cm pieces.
  3. Dip the pieces of dough into boiling, slightly salted water.
  4. After 5-7 minutes, "sloths" will be ready to eat. On top of the dish is poured with cottage cheese, whipped with sour cream.

Lazy Dukan dumplings can be prepared daily, since such dishes not only have excellent taste, but also accelerate the process of losing weight. You can cook them in any quantity and store them in the freezer.

Shanezhki on curd dough:

Natalia Andreeva
200g-cottage cheese,
1-cell soybeans,
1 tsp psyllium,
1 tsp soda,
(you can do it differently);

Kneaded with a fork, rolled it through the bag;
I laid out the minced meat with spices and finely cut. onion;
Fried on one side over medium heat, and turned it over and cooked under the lid

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pigody)) very tasty for an amateur) I took the pigodey recipe from our group from Tatyana Antonova.
Dough recipe.
1 egg
1.5 s.t kk
1 s.t. soft curd
2 tbsp l oo but i made flour
0.5 soda
Salt to taste.
I didn’t have a very soggy dough, I added more gluten.
Fry white cabbage with meat to your taste.
Until the cabbage is ready.
I made the sauce from horseradish tomato and garlic.
Grate carrots and add chili and garlic. Let it soak while the pigody is cooking.
Cook the pigody in a double boiler for 30-40 minutes.
When she is ready to season with soy sauce adjika and markavchu on top

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Tatiana Antonova's recipe
1 egg.
1.5 tbsp CC
1 tbsp. l soft cottage cheese
2 tablespoons RO
0.5 tsp baking soda
Salt to taste.
Knead the dough. Leave for half an hour.
Fry white cabbage with 1 tsp of vegetable oil.
Add carrots, onions.
Season with salt and pepper, add coriander.
Fry the finely chopped ham separately (I have semi-smoked beef fillet). Mix everything and simmer for another 7 minutes.
Roll circles out of the dough like on pies, put the filling, shape into a pie and in a mantool for 40 minutes. Serve with soy sauce or sour cream.

And it will work in a double boiler too. It's not ruddy, it's bran brown

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Dumplings for DD, half dopa.
The output is about 30 pieces.

Olga Sidoruk
Dumplings for DD, half dopa.
The output is about 30 pieces.
I have 25, tk. there was no glass, I had to cut it out with a glass, so very large ones came out. Filling of your choice. I have minced beef + lean pork, spices, salt.
Dough recipe:
1 egg

1 tablespoon gluten
1 tbsp isolate
3 tbsp. spoons of milk
1 tsp QC (maybe a little more)
Cut out circles, shape dumplings or dumplings as you like.
I freeze. Because there is no time to cook them every day. Only frozen let it cook for 2 minutes longer.
The reviews of the girls who have already done are very positive. Everyone likes. Hope you enjoy it too. The main thing is to sift everything so that there is flour. In reality, it took 30 minutes at most. Very fast dough and process, because easily rolls (I generally rolled a glass and cut it out)) and does not break.
I hammered with a blender, then sieved. It came out of 5 spoons from -2.5 tablespoons of flour and 2.5 bran, which became smaller, but did not grind completely. Flour in dumplings, bran in a pie potatoes

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Alcohol, dumplings, pasties

Irina Asakassinskaya
Here on the wall people often ask about lazy dumplings. Honestly, I do not like bran in such things and have long come up with my own dough for dumplings. And today I decided to experiment with him. In the Mari national cuisine there is such an alcoholic dish. Translated as - boiled pie. Served in alcoholic drinks, 2 pcs per serving. So, get to know-Du-podkogoli, and in common parlance, big dumplings (or dumplings?).
About the dough: for 300g of crumbly (!!) cottage cheese (like Slavic traditions, the main thing is not sour) you will need: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. top-starch, 1 tbsp. with a top of gluten, a teaspoon with top of psyllium, salt, a little sahzam (if you like). Knead the dough with our hands, very carefully, then roll it into a ball and put it in a bag in the refrigerator .. for 30-40 minutes. You can make minced meat for now, I put a lot of onions in it, sometimes garlic, well, and salt, pepper, whatever you like.
We take out our dough and, tearing off pieces from it, the size of a billiard ball (maybe a little less), knead the flat cakes 10-12 cm in diameter with our hands. If necessary, you can dust your fingers and the board with starch .. literally dust .. I didn't even have half a spoon. ... Be careful not to tear the dough. Put the minced meat on one half, cover with the other and pinch. It is pinched perfectly! Everything!! If you need alcohol, then we cook like dumplings, but longer .. 20 minutes (the dough is not thin, the size is large, the minced meat is raw). If these are pasties, then we throw them into the pan under the lid (they increase slightly in volume). Today I spent all the fixing rate on them - 1 tbsp. butter, I just wanted fried. They are fried for a long time, about 20 minutes. I have a frying pan from the AMWAY company. Well, I won't say anything about dumplings - this is the easiest part of the Marlezon ballet.
You can take 1.5 tbsp. starch and 1.5 tbsp. gluten free ...
From this amount, 2 alcoholic drinks and 4 pasties were obtained (I don't count dumplings)

️ Pelmeni according to DD, half extra. Emoji From Olga Sidoruk It comes out somewhere around 30 pieces. I have 25, tk. there was no glass, I had to cut it out with a glass, so very large ones came out. The filling of your choice. I have minced beef + lean pork, spices, salt. emoji dough recipe: 1 egg 2.5 tablespoons oat bran, be sure to grind into flour (as much should be obtained after sifting) 1 tablespoon gluten 1 tablespoon isolate 3 tbsp. tablespoons of milk salt 1 tsp. KK (maybe a little more) emoji Sift all bulk ingredients through a sieve in turn (this is mandatory). You will get flour for the dough. We make a deepening in it, salt, drive in an egg, mix well and begin to add 1 tbsp. spoon of milk, kneading the dough with your hands until you get an elastic mass. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of starch over your dough and start rolling. If necessary, sprinkle with a pinch of starch for easy rolling. Cut out circles, shape dumplings or dumplings as you like.

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Dukan curd lazy dumplings.
Chicken egg 2 pcs
Thick cottage cheese 0% - 1 pack
Corn starch - 3 tablespoons

Stir all the ingredients in a small bowl and refrigerate overnight. And if you knead it in the morning, then leave it in the freezer for 20-25 minutes. Then sprinkle the table with starch and make a curd sausage from this mass, cut into small pieces and dip in boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling.

Can be made without dop, 1 egg, 200g of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of isolate, salt

Or without bran
1 egg, 200 gr of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp of CC, salt

Put both of these only in boiling water with a spoon

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Noodles or lasagne sheets. Alternation

2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tbsp milk powder 0%,
1 egg,
salt to taste.

Separate the white from the yolk. Mix the milk powder thoroughly with a pinch of salt and starch. Add egg yolk and mix. Add egg white. Pour out the dough. Wrap in plastic and chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Sprinkle dry milk on a table, and then roll out the dough with a rolling pin. You should have a thin layer, but not too much for the dough to break. Cut out layers for lasagna or slice noodles. Dry them outdoors. Caution the pasta is very fragile !!!

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Ducan pasta

Gluten - 1/2 Daily Value

I used an egg as a base, just like for regular homemade noodles. It was about proportions. I tried in every way. I suggest you choose for yourself - if you want macaroons that keep their shape, put 25 g of gluten on one large egg, and if softer, then from 15 g per 1 egg you get pasta similar to dumplings, more tender and slightly falling apart during cooking. By the way, I really liked the soup with more tender ones, it looked like it was with cereals, and, as you know, it is also not allowed on DD.

The question was how to form them? If you roll it out, then you need many times more gluten, and there are restrictions on it, you can only 2 tbsp. a day - about 30-35 g. It turns out that you can eat very little of such pasta a day.

A day you can eat a portion of 2 eggs and 30 g of gluten, you can eat, for example, with sauce, you get quite a lot.

Or for 1 egg of 25 g of gluten, there will be a serving of hard pasta.
I also used this pasta to mimic the rice in meat hedgehogs. It turned out very tasty.


Egg - 1 pc. medium or large
Gluten - 15-25 g

Prepare an egg and gluten dough that is not too steep.

Here the dough is watery, it will make tender dumplings for soup.

Proportions - 1 large egg and 15 g of gluten.

Here is of medium density.

The proportions are 1 large egg and 20 g of gluten.

And this dough is thick.

The proportions are 1 large egg and 25 g of gluten.

How to shape pasta.

In the household, many have either a colander with holes or an open grater.

The point is that we need to push the dough into boiling water or directly into the soup.

I did it both with a grater and with a colander. The size and shape of the pasta will depend on the size of the holes.

Below you will see a photo.

So, the dough has been kneaded, we begin to cook our spetzle pasta.

The water or broth should be actively boiling.

Take a colander or grater and spread out a portion of the dough.

Liquid. I made it in a colander.

It is easily pushed into the holes, but the shape of the particles is different.

To use such pasta without water, you need to strain it through a dense mesh colander or even a cloth.

So all the particles will be caught.
Now the density is medium. I did it through a coarse grater.

They push easily, do not flow, the shape of the pasta is clearer. Moderately dense. Suitable for making rice out of them.

Here they are, laid back in a colander.

I use them in crushed form for lazy cabbage rolls or hedgehogs.

They need to be chopped with a knife or in a blender. I am too lazy to take out a blender, so a quick whack-whack with a knife - and you're done :))

But if you want small particles, then, of course, do not be too lazy to get some kind of device for this.

And this dough is dense. The pasta made from it is very embossed, firm.

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Gnocchi with Dukan sounds (PL)

Dukaniennes and dukaniens, are you missing starches? I have a solution for you: "dumplings" with sounds I accompanied a good Bolognese Dukan sauce at the house as well. Verdict? It’s a pleasure that I don’t get tired of doing it regularly.
No need to diet to check these "dumplings" for sounds, even my son doesn't like them!


Cooking time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 2 minutes

Ingredients for 1 person:

2 gr. tablespoons of oat bran
1 gr. spoons of wheat bran
1 gr. with cottage cheese 0%
1 pinch of salt

Preparing the "dumpling"

1 / Mix the finest sound possible with a mixer equipped with a metal blade (not plastic, from experience). If you don't get the perfect powder, it's not serious.

2 / Add salt and cheese and mix well. You should get a little sticky ball. Let stand 5 minutes. If the ball is too much glue, you put too much cheese. In this case, add a little sound.

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3 / Spend some dough and forming regular sized balls, if possible. To give the aspest "dumplings", mash lightly with a fork.

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4 / Dip the gnocchi in a pot of boiling water and cook for 1 minute more or less after surface mounting. Remove and drain.

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As an accompaniment, I have a little Bolognese sauce with 100 g of minced meat 5%, which I returned with a little onion, pepper, herbs of Provence.

The long-awaited recipe for dumplings and noodles from Daria Prokhorova!
We take the egg, separate the yolk, put it in a bowl and pour all the loose ingredients there, one tablespoon at a time (ground OO, starch, gluten, isolate), do not forget to add salt! :)
Rub it with yolk, then add the protein drop by drop and bring the dough to a state that does not stick to your hands and can be rolled out with a rolling pin ...
We roll out the dough and sculpt dumplings, either by hand or with the help of a dumpling machine :) I always make homemade noodles from the leftovers, which can then be added to soup, for example!
From this amount of ingredients, what you see in the photo is obtained :)
depending on how much starch is in your spoon) In general, of course, there is also need for starch for powdering and rolling out, and I round it up and count it for 1 extra

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Irina Kuzovkova
Khanum - steamed roll (there may be different fillings), or Uzbek lazy manti
We make the dough according to my recipe for pies ..
Grate 1 large carrot on a coarse grater and finely chop 1 large head of onion, lightly fry the onion in oil, then add the carrots, add a little salt and pepper, fry the vegetable mixture. Let the vegetables cool and add 60 g of grated cheese, mix. Add spices, salt to 500 g of minced meat, you can have a little water for juiciness. Moisten the table with water and roll out the film to a length of 45 cm. Grease the film on top with oil and roll out our dough into a rectangle. We spread the minced meat on the dough, vegetable on it and roll tightly into a roll. And then at your discretion. You can bake in the oven, you get a pie. Or you can put it on a greased double boiler (like mine) and cook for 40 minutes. It turns out one big dumplings or mantas, but with sourness due to the dough, because it is made on cottage cheese.

Irina Kuzovkova
Pie dough
Grain curd - 300 g
Egg - 1 piece
Ground oat bran - 2 tablespoons with top
Gluten - 2 tablespoons
Salt - a pinch
Sahzam - a little
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Oil - 1 tsp
Mix together cottage cheese, salt, sahzam and egg. In a separate bowl, mix the bran, gluten and baking powder, add this mixture to the curd and knead by hand. When the dough begins to lag behind the walls of the dishes, you can put it on the table and knead the dough on the table (it will still stick to the table, you will have to occasionally collect everything with a knife). Knead the dough for about 20 minutes, until it becomes almost uniform, i.e. when the grains of cottage cheese practically do not disappear and the dough will stick less to your hands. Pour oil on your hand and grease the table where you will sculpt pies and a rolling pin with an oil hand. Grease the dough with butter, put on a greased table, knead a little. Roll the dough with a sausage, cut into pieces, which are then rolled into thin cakes, in the middle of which you put the filling, pinch the edges and put on a baking sheet, grease with an egg on top, bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. From this amount, I get 15-16 pies. You can take any filling. The dough is thin.
Bake pies on a silicone mat.

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2 eggs,
4-5 tbsp isolate,
2 tbsp gluten free,
a pinch of salt and seasoning as desired.
Knead the dough, it should be firm, and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
During this time, you can prepare the minced meat. For example: white meat, onions, cabbage, 1 raw egg, salt and spices to taste.
We take out the dough, roll it out, sprinkling with isolate. It is better to sculpt dumplings smaller, because they are very soft. Cook in boiling salted water (or in meat and fish broth, depending on the filling) for 15 minutes.
I got 30 pieces)

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Oksana Lazukova's recipes | 22 photos

For the dough: (Olga Novikova's dough recipe)
4 tablespoons oat bran, ground into flour
6 tablespoons COM
3 tbsp starch (2 per dough + 1 for kneading)
2 eggs (category 1)
Knead the dough: gradually add COM, bran and starch to the eggs. Mix well and place on a silicone mat. Gradually add the remaining starch to the desired consistency.
Roll out the dough and cut into plates. I cut right away for the shape. Leave to dry. I did it the day before and the dough dried up overnight.
500 gr. ground beef
500 gr. minced chicken
3 tbsp volume. pastes
2 tbsp. water
2 tbsp starch
2 tbsp. milk
200 gr. processed cheese (made myself)
spices, salt to taste
2 eggs
1 head of garlic
Mix the minced meat, add the egg, salt, spices, water. Knead everything well, put it in a frying pan and fry until tender, add chopped garlic and volume to the minced meat. pasta.
In a separate bowl, dissolve the starch in milk and put on fire, as soon as it begins to thicken, spread the cheese and mix well, as soon as the cheese dissolves, add the sauce to the minced meat, but leave 1/3.
Assembly: put part of the minced meat into the mold, then the sheets of dough, again the minced meat, etc. the last layer should be dough. Then pour the remaining sauce on top and put in the oven at t = 180 * for 20 minutes.

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Diet dumplings according to Dukan

In a bowl, mix two eggs and a whisper of salt.

Add 2 tablespoons of starch, 3 tablespoons of gluten, a little baking powder, 1 tsp of olive oil, 5 tablespoons of defatted kefir

We mix everything with our hands until we get the dough

If the dough sticks to your hands, you can add isolate or more starch ...

The resulting dough Put in the refrigerator for half an hour

We take out, cut into small squares and roll them out with a rolling pin.
Sprinkle the table with starch beforehand .. and roll each piece on the table, before rolling. (So that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin)

Any filling can be!

We form dumplings
, put it in the freezer for half an hour)
Cook for 10 minutes like regular dumplings
I immediately do for many days and freeze)
Everything is very simple and fast! And the main thing is delicious !!!

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Recipe from Irina Asakassinskaya

4 eggs + salt + 2 tablespoons gluten (up to 3 tablespoons per day - not extra) + 4-5 tbsp. soy isolate. We knead the dough very well, put it in a bag and in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we take it out, cut it into pieces, roll each one out, I have a plastic rolling pin, it almost doesn't stick. It is better to roll one side, and then remove the circle with a knife .. everything is easy! You can cut a circle with a glass, in general, everything is like with normal dumplings. They boil a little longer, up to 10 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of the dough. It tastes slightly rubbery due to the isolate, but quite acceptable. When cooking, they do not fall apart due to holes on them .. This is great! And yet, they increase in volume by two times! From this norm of the dough, 30-35 pieces of such dumplings are obtained.
In the right corner, experience, she blinded a small dumpling ... the dough breaks, so the rest - made more .. Maybe you will come out cooler! I wish you success !! I did not like the dumplings with cottage cheese .. with cabbage, there will probably be nothing (but this is already an alternation)

Dumplings for DD, half dopa.
The output is about 30 pieces.
I have 25, tk. there was no glass, I had to cut ()

Dumplings for DD, half dopa.
The output is about 30 pieces.
I have 25, tk. there was no glass, I had to cut it out with a glass, so very large ones came out. The filling of your choice. I have minced beef + lean pork, spices, salt.
Added on February 24, 2015 | Like40
Olga Sidoruk
Dumplings for DD, half dopa.
The output is about 30 pieces.
I have 25, tk. there was no glass, I had to cut it out with a glass, so very large ones came out. Filling of your choice. I have minced beef + lean pork, spices, salt.
Dough recipe:
1 egg
2.5 tbsp oat bran, be sure to grind into flour (as much should be obtained after sifting)
1 tablespoon gluten
1 tbsp isolate
3 tbsp. spoons of milk
1 tsp QC (maybe a little more)
Sift all bulk ingredients through a sieve in turn (this is mandatory). You will get flour for the dough. We make a deepening in it, salt, drive in an egg, mix well and begin to add 1 tbsp. spoon of milk, kneading the dough with your hands until you get an elastic mass. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of starch over your dough and start rolling. If necessary, sprinkle with a pinch of starch for easy rolling.

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Bran pasta with tomato sauce
Reviews (8) "
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Recipe: Anastasia O.

Two portions.

Mix all ingredients:
Grind the bran in a coffee grinder.
Oat bran 4 tbsp. l. with a small slide,
wheat bran 2 tbsp. l.,
fat-free soy flour 2 tbsp. l.,
psillin - vegetable gluten 1 tbsp. l.,
low-fat creamy cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l.,
egg 1 pc.,
1 tbsp. l. dry protein with 25 g of water,
2 tbsp. l. water,
salt, 3 tab. sahzama.

Stir the dry component, stir the cottage cheese with the egg and protein and add water slowly so that the mass is elastic. Roll into a ball and leave for 30 minutes.

Divide into two parts, roll out as thin as possible so that the dough does not crumble (if it crumbles, there is little moisture) and cut with a knife or skip in a pasta machine. For rolling, you can sprinkle the surface and rolling pin with soy flour.

Tomato sauce: 300 g tomato, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic.
If you have dry parsley with basil, add them to the tomato sauce before laying the tomato.

Grease a teflon frying pan with a brush with oil, save the onion, add garlic, salt, pepper or use a paste mixture, which includes red pepper and the paste turns out to be spicier, put the tomatoes, everything under the lid for 15 minutes. Canned tomatoes or trade winds can be used.

Boil the pasta in salted boiling water, about 4.5 minutes.

Transfer it to tomato sauce, add fresh parsley and basil. Lay in layers - tagliotelli, sauce, skim cheese on top.

It is advisable to prepare 4-6 servings, because they keep well in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Remember, one serving is your daily amount of bran!


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Spinach pasta with mushroom sauce
Recipe: Anastasia O.

4 days ’portions of bran ground in a coffee grinder.
8 oatmeal,
4 wheat,
4 tbsp. l. fat-free soy flour,
1 tbsp. l. psyllium - vegetable gluten,
half tsp salt,
1 tbsp. l. olive oil (worse, but I tried or 1 tbsp. l. fat-free cottage cheese),
1 tsp fitparada,
1 tbsp. l. skim milk (perhaps more so that the dough is elastic) or if olive oil, then a little water,
4 eggs,
250 g frozen spinach.
Note, spinach can be given as much as the dry part of the pasta by weight.

Mix the dry parts, pour them into a slide on a silicone mat, make a depression in the middle, add defrosted, squeezed spinach, eggs, olive oil, water or without oil there, then milk. Add milk or water as much as necessary for the elasticity of the dough. I repeat, if you added olive oil, then you can take not milk, but water.

We mix everything, knead and roll into a ball. If the dough is hard, then it will crumble, and if it is too soft, it will stick and roll poorly.
Let it stand for at least 30 minutes.

I made several types of pasta, on a tagliotelli typewriter, twisted with my hands like a buccatini, with a fusili needle. If anyone wants to know the name, see the Encyclopedia of Paste Names below.

The sauce was made by mushroom:
In a Teflon frying pan, I added oil with a brush, saved 1 onion, cut 3 large cloves of garlic across, not finely, 250 g of mushrooms. I sweated them under the lid, then salted and pepper. If you have dry greens, then it is better to add at this stage.

In the 4 st. l. skimmed milk powder stirred 4 tbsp. l. 0.5% milk and not full art. l. corn starch. In a saucepan with continuous stirring I cooked salted "jelly". Mixed with mushrooms and added fresh parsley, basil and pepper.

Boil the pasta in salted water over low heat, stir when laying, so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Remove the foam from which the excess flour will go away during rolling.

There should be enough water to see how the paste floated.
You will have to determine the cooking time yourself. Aldente 3-4 minutes. After it pops up, try it.

Drain, place on a plate and add mushroom sauce. This amount was enough for me for 3 servings, sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top.

Dukan dumplings are tasty and healthy. They contain a minimum of fats and carbohydrates, which allows them to be included in the diet. Try and cook these unusual dumplings.

Serve Dukan dumplings hot, seasoned with a little butter and sprinkle with herbs to taste. The nutritional value of dumplings according to this recipe (per 100 g) is approximately 130 - 135 kcal, the content of proteins is 17-18 g, fat is 2.5-3 g, carbohydrates are 8.5-9.5 g. For making dumplings according to Dukan you can use not only turkey, but also skinless chicken, veal. You can add some garlic, pepper or other spices if you like.

Number of Servings: 2 - 4

A simple recipe for Dukan dumplings for home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 45 min. Contains only 109 calories.

  • Prep time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 45 minutes
  • Calorie count: 109 kcal
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Pelmeni
  • Features: Diet Food Recipe

Ingredients for four servings

  • Turkey mince - 300 Grams
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Oat bran - 2 Tbsp. spoons
  • Gluten - 2 Art. spoons
  • Corn starch - 2-4 Art. spoons
  • Salt - To taste
  • Skim milk - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Eggs - 1 Piece

Step by step cooking

  1. Grind the bran using a coffee grinder or blender, sift and add gluten, starch, an egg and a little salt to them. Knead the dough gradually pouring in the milk.
  2. The dough should be firm, not sticky to hands, but elastic at the same time. Roll a ball out of it, and, covering with a towel, leave for 20-30 minutes for the gluten to form.
  3. Divide the rested dough into two parts, roll them out with a rolling pin into layers 1-2 mm thick. The dough does not tear and stretches well.
  4. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped onion, add salt to taste. Place one of the layers of dough on the dumpling maker, fill it with minced meat.
  5. Cover the dumpling maker with the second layer of dough, roll it out with a rolling pin so that the edges of the dumplings are held together. This way you will get about 60-80 dumplings.
  6. The dumplings are now ready for cooking. You can also freeze them in reserve and boil them as needed.
  7. Cook the dumplings as usual in boiling water for 7-10 minutes. Dukan dumplings are ready! Bon Appetit!

Cooking diet dumplings is no different from everyone else. Except for products and the special healthiness of the dish. These dumplings are ideal for interleaving

How to cook Dukan dumplings?

For Dukan dumplings, I take fresh veal meat and make minced meat myself. I don't risk buying ready-made minced meat: who will give an exact guarantee that the minced meat really contains young veal, beef and is it fresh? When I compared homemade minced meat with store-bought stuff, I gave up the purchased stuff forever. Their taste cannot even be compared. And the dumplings come out surprisingly mouth-watering and just melt in your mouth.

Products for homemade diet dumplings:

  • egg;
  • 2.5-3 tbsp. l. corn starch;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. wheat bran;
  • 4-5 st. l. oat bran;
  • 200 g of veal;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • spices.

How to cook minced meat:

  1. Rinse a piece of veal with water. Cut into pieces. Grind in a food processor or scroll through a meat grinder.
  2. Wash and peel the onion. Chop finely / grate / mince.
  3. Add spices and onions to the minced meat.

Dough for dumplings according to Dukan:

  1. Grind the bran in a coffee grinder. Add salt to the resulting flour, half the dose of starch.
  2. Beat the egg. Pour in 2-2.5 table. l. water.
  3. Combine all ingredients of the dough. Add starch if necessary.

How to cook dumplings:

  1. Sprinkle the table with flour / starch. Roll out the dough. Cut into circles. Lay out the minced meat.
  2. Glue the dumplings. If the edges do not adhere well, moisten with water.
  3. Put a saucepan with 2 liters. water on fire. When the water boils, add salt.
  4. Lay out the dumplings.
  5. When the dumplings surfaced, timed for 8 minutes and take them out.
  6. Put the products on a plate, pour over with liquid low-fat cottage cheese.