Curd cheesecake without baking with gelatin. Three no-bake cheesecake recipes to save

31.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

Cheesecake- curd (cheese) pie, a dish of European and American cuisine, one of the main ingredients of which is cream (or curd) cheese. Typically, cheesecakes are made with Philadelphia cream cheese. We used Arla Natura curd cheese in our recipe. You can also use curd cheeses such as Buko, Almette, etc., as long as it is free of additives and does not contain vegetable fats.


For the base
  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 80 g
For filling
  • cream cheese 500 g
  • cream 33-35% 200 ml
  • sugar 150 g
  • fresh strawberries 400 g
  • gelatin 18 g
For jelly
  • Strawberry juice 250 ml
  • gelatin 10 g


Pour gelatin for the filling (18 grams) with 100 ml of cold boiled water and leave for an hour.

Jelly gelatin (10 grams), pour strawberry juice and leave for an hour. Instead of strawberry, you can use any other red juice (for example, cherry), but it will be tastier if the jelly has exactly the strawberry flavor.

Grind the cookies in a blender, you can also pass them through a meat grinder or simply roll them out with a rolling pin.

You should get a homogeneous free-flowing mass, there should be no large unmilled pieces of cookies.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove. If you heat oil in the microwave, be careful not to let the oil overheat and boil, otherwise you will have to wash the microwave later. Add ghee to cookies and mix thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

Put the resulting mass in a detachable mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm (you can use a mold of a larger diameter, but then the cheesecake will be lower). Spread it evenly over the entire area of ​​the mold and tamp well. Refrigerate the pan while the filling is cooking.

Wash the strawberries. It is better to wash the strawberries together with the stalks, if you tear them off before washing, then the berries without tails will absorb moisture and become watery and tasteless.

Separate 200-250 gr. the most beautiful berries for decoration, separate the rest of the strawberries from the stalks and cut into small pieces.

Heat the gelatin for the filling on the stove until it is completely dissolved. Cool it down.

Whisk the cream with sugar until stable peaks form. For the cream to whip, first, of course, it must be of good quality, and secondly, the cream must be very well cooled. Better yet, the whisks and the container in which you will whisk were also cooled.

Add cream cheese, mix thoroughly.

Pour gelatin into the resulting mass, mix well.

Add the sliced ​​strawberries and whisk very gently. Do not use a mixer, otherwise you can damage the berries and they will give juice. You need to stir until the strawberries are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Spoon the mixture onto a cookie cutter base.

Smooth out the mixture and place the mold in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. The mass should only grasp a little so that you can spread strawberries on it for decoration and it does not sink.

While the mass is setting, heat the gelatin for jelly, soaked in juice, on the stove until it is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Cool it down.

Cut the remaining strawberries for decoration into thin slices.

Gently spread the strawberries over the entire surface of the cheesecake. Gently pour a thin layer of jelly cooled to room temperature between the berries with a tablespoon and put the mold in the freezer again for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the berries grab and do not float when we pour all the jelly on the cake.

Pour the remaining jelly on top and refrigerate the cheesecake for 3-4 hours, or better yet, overnight.

To keep the edges of the cheesecake flat, heat it with a hairdryer before opening the split pan.

The strawberry cheesecake is ready. Bon Appetit!

Making cheesecake is another event! First, if you turn to the classics of the genre, you still need to find Philadelphia cheese, which is not easy now. Secondly, so that, without cracks in the filling, evenly baked, which does not sag in the middle, you need to tinker. However, there is a way out! This is a cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies without baked goods. From the word "absolutely".

We will not bake anything - neither the cake nor the filling. And, practically, we will not subject anything to heat treatment, except for gelatin. It is mandatory in this recipe, only with it the cake will keep its shape, and the filling will look like an airy soufflé.

Ingredients for cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies

  • shortbread cookies - 300gr;
  • butter - 100g;
  • cottage cheese - 500g;
  • whipping cream - 500ml;
  • icing sugar - 150g;
  • gelatin - 30g;
  • white chocolate - 80-100g;
  • water - 80 ml.

How to choose foods for making cheesecake

Biscuits. These are the most common round, square or rectangular cookies, without filling, without additives, which are sold in packs or packaged by weight.

Cottage cheese. For a cake, it is better to take a medium fat content, but in no case fat-free! When buying, look at its texture, the softer it is, the smaller the grains, the better.

Whipping cream. This is necessarily heavy cream from 33% and above. With a lower fat content, they will not beat up to the consistency we need, and the filling will turn out to be liquid as a result.

Gelatin. It is needed in order for the cheesecake without baking with cottage cheese to freeze. Mixed with the curd-creamy mass, it will not be felt and you will not even think that this cake is with gelatinous jelly. You will not feel anything like this.

Chocolate. Our dessert will be chocolate, only it is white in it. Plain tiles, no fillers or additives. You can take air. Pay attention to its weight. Usually white is lighter than dark chocolate.

How to make a no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese

  1. I will try to tell everything in as much detail as possible and with a photo. We'll start with gelatin. Since the preparation method depends on the manufacturer, read the instructions on the packaging. Usually it needs to be filled with water first and allowed to swell. An important point! In the instructions for it, a large amount of water per 30 grams can be provided. We only need 80 ml.
  2. While it swells, you can do the cake. For him, you need to grind the cookies. This is usually done in three ways: they put the cookies in a bag and roll them with a rolling pin, grind them in a meat grinder or in a blender. Here is the third method I used.

  3. Melt the butter and pour into the cookies.
  4. Mix with a spoon. After that, a viscous mass similar to dough will not work. The crumb will only slightly damp. It's enough.
  5. For a cheesecake without baking at home, we need a split form. It is not necessary to lubricate it, cover it with paper too. Pour the crumb into a mold. We level and tamp with a glass or a small bowl with a round bottom. The sides at the cake do not have to be done.
  6. If during the time that you were making the base, the gelatin is already swollen enough, we will continue to work with it. According to my instructions, it needs to be further heated in a water bath. In a large saucepan, heat the water, put a smaller one with gelatin on top and heat it with frequent stirring until all the grains disappear.
  7. It is better to strain the finished gelatin through cheesecloth and set it aside for now to cool. But not to a cold state, so that jelly does not form ahead of time.
  8. And we take cottage cheese. Some classic recipes for this cottage cheese cake recommend wiping it through a sieve. However, if the curd is fresh and tender, it is enough to grind it with a fork and not bother with the sieve. Rubbing, add powdered sugar to it.
  9. Since our cheesecake will be with white chocolate, it's time to add it to the filling. But first, melt. It is possible in a water bath, but easier in the microwave. An important point! Unlike dark chocolate, white does not melt, it just softens. Therefore, it is easy to burn it. So when heating, taste its consistency. Has become soft - turn off the heating.

  10. Stir it into the curd mass. The white chocolate cake takes on a very pleasant aroma.
  11. If the gelatin has already cooled down enough and has become not hot, pour it into a bowl of cottage cheese. Mix the filling.

  12. We still have some cream left. According to the recipe, they need to be beaten with a mixer until fluffy as in the photo below. At the same time, you do not need to add sugar. Be sure to whip the cream cold.
  13. Using a spatula, mix the cream into the curd filling with gentle movements.
  14. Everything is ready to assemble the cheesecake. Pour the mass into the mold, level it. Before putting the cake in the refrigerator, you need to shake it lightly and you can lift it a couple of times over the countertop and then drop it on it. Since it is without baking, it is necessary that there are no voids left in the curd.
  15. The cake should stand in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours. You can cover it with either cling film or foil.
  16. To remove the frozen cheesecake from the mold, first draw a thin knife between the sides of the mold and the cake, then carefully open the latch and remove the sides.
  17. We slip the spatula under the cake in several places and shift it onto a plate with a sliding motion.

And here he is, our cheesecake without mascarpone, without baking, with cottage cheese ready! As you can see, making it at home is quite simple.

How can you diversify the recipe

You can serve it just like that or decorate it with chocolate, any berry or fruit jam, fresh berries and fruits. It is pure white in color, very delicate in taste, and grains of cottage cheese are almost not felt in it.

Cheesecake with banana is very interesting. To make it, you just need to grind a ripe banana along with cottage cheese and powdered sugar. Ripe, aromatic peaches go well here too. The easiest option is to lay out the wedges on the surface of the cake. Or put them inside, for this, first half of the filling is poured onto the cake, the pieces of peaches are placed on it and poured with the remaining mass.

Caramel cheesecake can be in two versions - the first, with the addition of 300 gr instead of cream and powdered sugar to the filling. boiled condensed milk. The dessert with condensed milk turns out a beautiful color of coffee with milk. The second option is a caramel crust on top. It's more complex.

How to make cheesecake caramel

Ingredients for caramel

  • granulated sugar - 200g;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • butter - 30g.

Put sugar in a small saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in water, trying to completely cover all the sugar.

We put on a slight heat. You can cover the pan with a lid so that condensation forms inside, then the sugar grains will dissolve better.

The mixture must be constantly monitored. If lumps form, tilt it slightly from side to side.

When the sugar dissolves and begins to darken and foam, remove the pan from the heat and put the butter in it. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until it is completely dissolved and combined with caramel.

You need to cook caramel for cheesecake when it is completely frozen. You need to cover it with hot liquid and immediately put it in the refrigerator.

Experiment, make your own cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies. Even without baking, it will definitely turn out delicious, beautiful and become a favorite delicacy in the family.

What could be tastier than a delicious dessert made by yourself? We've put together seven simple recipes for everyone's favorite cheesecakes. Choose any and please your family! 🙂


  • 300 g of sugar cookies (for example, "Jubilee")
  • 100-150 g butter
  • 500 g mascarpone, Philadelphia cheese or low-fat cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream 33-35% fat
  • 150 g sugar
  • 20 g gelatin


  1. Pour gelatin with 100 ml of cold boiled water and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Grind the cookies in a blender and mix with melted butter until smooth. Put the mass in a mold with a diameter of 24–26 cm, tamp it well, refrigerate while preparing the filling.
  3. Bring the gelatin to a boil, but do not boil. Cool down.
  4. Beat the cream with sugar. Add mascarpone, mix well. Add gelatin and mix again.
  5. Put the resulting mass on a biscuit base, flatten and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.


  • 150 g sugar cookies
  • 50 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 120 ml whipping cream
  • 150 g dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 200 g cream cheese


  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and then cool.
  2. Grind the cookies into crumbs and mix with melted butter and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Tamp the resulting cheesecake base into a mold and put in the refrigerator.
  3. Whisk in the cream, add the cooled melted chocolate and then the cocoa powder diluted with a little hot water. Mix everything gently.
  4. Beat cream cheese with sugar. Combine with chocolate mass, stir. Place on a chilled base in a mold.
  5. Put everything in the freezer for 1 hour, then move to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese
  • 500 g sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 200 g nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts)
  • 100 g blueberry or blueberry jam
  • 150 g butter
  • 200 g gelatin
  • 150 g dates or dried apricots


  1. Grind nuts and dried fruits in a blender and mix with melted butter. From the resulting mass, form a base with sides.
  2. Dissolve the gelatin. Beat cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream until smooth. Add gelatin and mix well again.
  3. Add blueberries or blueberry jam and mix well again.
  4. Pour the mixture onto the cake and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  5. When the cheese base is completely frozen, garnish the cheesecake with fresh berries or jam and serve.


  • 350 g sugar cookies
  • 150 g butter
  • 3 bananas
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 450 g cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. icing sugar
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. gelatin


  1. Grind the cookies in a blender and then mix with melted butter. Tamp the mixture evenly onto the bottom of the cheesecake pan.
  2. Pour gelatin with 6-7 tablespoons of hot water and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Grind two bananas in a blender with lemon juice. Add cottage cheese, cream and icing sugar. Beat everything until creamy, and then, stirring, slowly pour in the gelatin.
  4. Pour the resulting mass onto the biscuit cake and send to freeze in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Remove the cheesecake from the mold and garnish with bananas.

By the way, do not miss the recipe for a delicious dietary raspberry cheesecake - delicious and without harm to your figure! See a detailed recipe with a photo!


  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 300 g of condensed milk
  • 250 g shortbread cookies
  • 200 g butter
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 100 ml cream


  1. Soak gelatin in hot water.
  2. Grind the cookies and mix with melted butter. Transfer the resulting dough to a baking dish and make sides.
  3. In a blender, combine the condensed milk, cottage cheese and cream. Add gelatin and mix well again.
  4. Pour the filling onto the biscuit crust. Leave the dessert in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. If desired, the cheesecake can be garnished with berries.


  • 9 pcs. cookies (any)
  • 150 g frozen raspberries
  • 2 tbsp. l. corn starch
  • 30 g sugar
  • 300 g Philadelphia or Almette curd cheese
  • 100 g cream 30% fat
  • 250 ml cold water


  1. Grind the cookies.
  2. Warm frozen berries slightly in a saucepan over low heat. Strain the released juice, add half of the water to it, then starch and stir everything thoroughly.
  3. Add the remaining water to the berries, add sugar and put on fire again. When the mixture is well warmed up, pour the juice with starch into it in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Cool the ready jelly.
  4. Beat the curd cheese, adding a little cream to make the curd cream.
  5. Place crushed cookies, cottage cheese cream and raspberry jelly in layers on the bottom of the glasses. Repeat layer by layer again: cookies, cottage cheese cream and jelly. Decorate with mint leaves, berries and cream.


  • 300 g biscuits
  • 150 g butter
  • 500 g of cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream 32-33% fat
  • 150 g sugar
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 4 tangerines
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar


  1. Pour gelatin with 150 ml of cold boiled water and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Grind the cookies and mix with melted butter. Tamp the mass on the bottom of round molds covered with parchment. Refrigerate.
  3. Heat gelatin until dissolved.
  4. Beat cottage cheese with cream with sugar until smooth. Pour chilled gelatin into it. Arrange in cookie cutters and refrigerate to solidify.
  5. Pour the tangerine slices with powdered sugar, after 30 minutes, when the juice is released, simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Pour the sauce over the finished cheesecake and garnish with tangerine slices.

Bonus! Beautiful and tasty

with cottage cheese and cookies will surely please all lovers of homemade sweets. But before you start cooking and consider a step-by-step recipe for a cheesecake that does not need to be baked, since it will be based on cookies, I want to say a few words about the dish itself. America is considered to be the birthplace of cheesecakes, although some culinary experts believe that the dish was born in the UK.

In some sources, in particular on Wikipedia, you can read that Ancient Greece was the birthplace of the first cheesecakes. Perhaps this is so, because even in ancient times, the Greeks were able to produce a large number of different types of cheese and prepared numerous dishes from them.

In the summertime, fresh berries and fruits can be added to a cheesecake, which will have a beneficial effect not only on its taste, but also on its appearance, because a beautifully designed cheesecake always looks appetizing.

Today I want to bring you a British version of the step-by-step recipe for making a cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies.

Ingredients for Cheesecake Base:

  • Tea biscuits - 300 gr.,
  • Dark cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.,
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Butter - 100 gr.,

Ingredients for a cream cheesecake base:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.,
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 1 glass,
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.,
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons,

For apricot confit:

  • Apricot jam - 300 ml.,
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.,
  • Hot water - 100 ml.


  1. We start without baking cheesecake by preparing the base. Melt the butter in a water bath and wait until it cools down.
  2. Grind ordinary shortbread cookies for tea into crumbs. You can break it with your hands or rub it on a grater.
  3. Pour cocoa powder into a bowl of cookies. Stir the mass. I recommend using dark cocoa, not regular. Although it costs a little more than ordinary cocoa powder, it goes into baking much less, moreover, it gives it a beautiful and rich dark brown color.
  4. Pour the cooled butter into the cocoa crumb. Add chopped nuts. I used walnuts in this cheesecake recipe, although both peanuts and hazelnuts work well.
  5. Add sugar.
  6. Mix the resulting chocolate dough thoroughly with a spoon until a plastic mass is obtained.
  7. Put the chocolate cheesecake base without baking into a split pan. I have a mold diameter of 24 cm. Tamp it tightly with your hands, giving it an even shape. Refrigerate.
  8. Pour a bag of gelatin into a cup. Pour in hot water (150 ml.) With a temperature of 80-90%. Stir. Leave the gelatin to cool to room temperature.
  9. For the curd base for the cheesecake, prepare a deep bowl. Put cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin and sour cream in it. Beat all ingredients with a mixer until a homogeneous and thick curd mass is obtained. The mass turns out to be more liquid than for the preparation of filling for jugs with cottage cheese from shortcrust pastry.
  10. Pour the cooled gelatin into the base of the curd cheesecake. With a mixer or hand blender, interrupt the mass again. That's it, the base of the cheesecake without baking is ready.
  11. Remove the mold from the refrigerator. Pour the curd mass.
  12. Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for about 3-4 hours so that the curd layer hardens and becomes firm. Prepare confit. Boil the apricot jam. Pour gelatin with hot water. After it dissolves and the water becomes viscous, add to the jam. Stir.
  13. Pour the finished apricot confit over the curd cheesecake. Refrigerate until this layer hardens completely.

As I wrote earlier in some recipes, you can speed up the process of thickening of dishes, in which gelatin comes off, using a freezer. When making cheesecake in the freezer, it is important not to freeze it.

Serve the unbaked cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies immediately after cooking, or rather, after two layers of it have set. By the way, I also want to add that instead of apricot confit, you can make completely any other confit from different jams, confitures, preserves, or even fresh berries and fruits.

If you don't like confit, then make a cheesecake with a layer of jelly. It will turn out incredibly tasty too. Enjoy your meal. As you can see, making a no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies is very simple and easy.

I love this recipe. It is unique in its simplicity. And it turns out very tasty. Whenever I call my friends to visit, I try to cook a cheesecake according to this recipe. Okay, I'll reveal my secret, they themselves ask me.

We need the following products:

  • The main ingredient is cottage cheese. We take 300 grams of 9%
  • Milk - 100 milliliters
  • For sweetness, take sugar 5-6 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch
  • Gelatin - 20 grams
  • Shortbread liver - 270 grams. I usually take cookies "for coffee".
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • And water - 100 milliliters

Getting started:

  1. To begin with, I suggest removing the butter from the refrigerator so that it melts to room temperature. This will make it easier to mix. Take the cookies and grind them into a powdery mass with a blender. Mix the chopped cookies with butter. Mix well.
  2. Now the resulting mass must be laid out in some container. I always take a baking dish. We spread it inside in the form of a cake with sides. And we put the resulting form in the refrigerator.
  3. We take gelatin and dilute it in 100 milliliters of hot water. Necessarily need to cool down.
  4. Then put cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin and milk into the blender bowl. Turn on the blender and beat well. To get a homogeneous mass. Then add the gelatin.
  5. We take out the form with the cake from the refrigerator. The last remains, the resulting curd mass is spread on the cake. Spread evenly over the entire surface. And put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.
  6. Our cheesecake is ready. We made it without baking at home. Simple steps and a delicious dessert on our table. A great way to gather family for a cup of tea and spend time together.

Another great step-by-step recipe for cheesecake with chocolate. Cottage cheese and chocolate go well together. Just lick your fingers. An unusual taste can please not only a child, but also an adult. I propose a very simple recipe for homemade dessert.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 600 grams.
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Cream 33% - 500 milliliters
  • Shortbread cookies - 300 grams
  • Naturally chocolate - 180 grams
  • Coffee 100 milliliters
  • Gelatin - 30 grams
  • Cocoa for decoration
  • Powdered sugar 130 grams


  1. We need a blender. When making cheesecake, it is the most important kitchen appliance. Grind the cookies.
  2. If you don't have a blender, you can use a rolling pin to grind the cookies. The rolling pin does not do its job badly, it just takes a little more time.
  3. Place the chopped liver in a bowl or glass dish and add the melted butter. Melt butter in the microwave, in a water bath or in a frying pan. And mix well.
  4. Next, we need a split form, from which the side walls are removed. Place the butter cookies on the bottom of the mold and spread evenly over the bottom.
  5. It is important to tamp well here. Use a rolling pin or use a puree topper. The bottom line is that the mass of cookies turns into a dense crust.
  6. The next step is to prepare the coffee. Make a cup of coffee. It needs to cool down.
  7. Pour gelatin with cooled coffee.
  8. Now comes the next curd. I use homemade fatty cottage cheese. You can take any other. Using a blender, we bring the cottage cheese to a pasty mass.
  9. Whisk the cream and add the icing sugar. Beat again with a mixer for a couple of minutes.
  10. Next comes chocolate. It needs to be melted. We do this either in a water bath or in the microwave. And we mix it with cottage cheese. Add the swollen coffee gelatin. The gelatin must first be warmed up in the microwave. We mix everything well.
  11. Gently add the cream to the resulting mass. They put a tablespoon and mixed. And so repeat until all the cream is mixed with the bulk.
  12. It remains only to put the resulting filling in a split form with a cake, evenly distributing it over the surface. We cover with cling film and send to the refrigerator for several hours. The filling should harden completely.
  13. We take out our form from the refrigerator. Sprinkle with cocoa on top. We go in a circle with a knife so that the cheesecake sticks off the wall of the split form. We detach the walls. Ready. Serve on the table.

Cottage cheese cheesecake with strawberries without baking on a shortbread basis


  • Jubilee cookies - 400 g;
  • cream 33% - 90 ml;
  • fresh cottage cheese of low fat content - 450 g;
  • ground sugar in a mortar - 220 g;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • butter - 220 g;
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • ripe berry - 250 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Before you start cooking a sweet treat, you need to rinse the strawberries well and dry each berry. If you neglect this advice, the berries will begin to stick together and can turn into a shapeless mixture, which will not have the best effect on the appearance of the treat and its taste.
  2. In a small enamelled ladle, melt the butter until liquid.
  3. Put the baking into a strong bag and grind it through the bag with a rolling pin.
  4. Mix the sand crumbs with butter.
  5. Put the resulting mass in a glass form.
  6. Place the cake in a cold place for 45 minutes.
  7. Pour gelatin into a small container and fill it with warm water, stir and cool this mixture.
  8. Grate cottage cheese with a fork, add sour cream with sugar and vanilla.
  9. Divide the content of the container with gelatin into two parts, add one of which to the curd.
  10. Put a small part of the dried berries on the chilled crust in an even layer, on top of which the sweet curd mass is evenly laid out, after which the container with the pie is removed to the refrigerator for another hour and a half.
  11. When this time has passed, put the berries cut into thin slices on top of the curd layer.
  12. Dissolve a spoonful of sugar in 200 ml of warm water and add freshly squeezed lemon juice and the rest of the gelatin.
  13. Pour lemon jelly over the top layer of the berries.
  14. The cake is placed in the refrigerator again for one hour.

No-bake chocolate cheesecake with strawberries and cottage cheese


  • friable cookies - 200 g;
  • butter - 75 g;
  • chocolate - 2 bars;
  • high fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • ground sugar - 180 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - a third of a glass;
  • fresh berries - 0.3 kg;
  • gelatin - sachet;
  • water - 80 ml.


  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water and cut into neat circles. Crush the cookies until crumbly.
  2. On a fine grater, grate 50 g of chocolate and mix it with cookies and butter melted over low heat.
  3. Line a cake tin with foil and put the cake blank into it. In a mug, soak the gelatin with water, stir the resulting mixture and let it brew.
  4. Then roast the gelatin mixture on a steam bath. To prepare the filling, melt the rest of the chocolate and mix it with milk.
  5. Mash fresh cottage cheese with a fork and pour the resulting milk-chocolate consistency and swollen gelatin into it. In another bowl, beat the chilled sour cream, adding cottage cheese and berries to it.
  6. Put the filling on the finished crust and put the pie in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  7. The finished delicacy is decorated with small chocolate chips, and in the middle of the dessert a small heart of berry slices is laid out.

Strawberry zebra - no bake recipe


  • friable cookies - 250 g;
  • butter - 120 g;
  • fresh cottage cheese of low fat content - 0.4 kg;
  • sour cream 15% - 0.4 kg;
  • ground sugar - 220 g;
  • gelatin - on the tip of a knife;
  • strawberries - 0.2 kg.


  1. To prepare the base of the cake, combine softened butter and crumbled cookies.
  2. Pour gelatin with hot water, bring it to a boil and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Make mashed potatoes from fresh berries and pour the swollen gelatin into it.
  4. Beat sour cream with cottage cheese and sugar until smooth. At the bottom of the mold, baking paper is laid out, on which a small layer of the cake blank is placed.
  5. Spread the berry puree and curd mixture in turn.
  6. Layers should overlap evenly.
  7. Insist the cake in the refrigerator for 3 hours, after which you can decorate the festive table with it.


  • fresh berry - 0.45 kg;
  • high fat cottage cheese - 0.3 kg;
  • finely ground sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp. l;
  • fresh egg - 3 pcs;
  • sour cream 20% - 170 g.


  1. Turn the berries into a homogeneous consistency using a mixer.
  2. Gradually add the cottage cheese grated with a fork into the puree.
  3. In a glass bowl, beat an egg with sour cream and sugar.
  4. Add flour and salt on the tip of a knife to the mass.
  5. Mix all ingredients together.
  6. Pour the base for the pie into a greased with a piece of butter.
  7. Bake for 50 minutes at 150º.
  8. Cool the finished delicacy and let it brew in the refrigerator before serving.

List of required ingredients:

  • You need cottage cheese of any fat content (300 grams),
  • boiled condensed milk (300 grams),
  • any shortbread cookie (250 grams),
  • a pack of butter (standard weight 200g),
  • 1.5 table. tablespoons of gelatin
  • heavy cream (100 ml)

Let's not chat, but get down to cooking! This recipe is ideal for sweet lovers, because we will cook it much sweeter and tastier than the original cheesecake.

Let's start preparing the recipe!

  1. You need to pour half a glass of water and add gelatin there to swell for 15-20 minutes. Cookies need to be ground into crumbs and mixed with butter, the butter must first lie down at room temperature so that it becomes soft.
  2. Next, you need a mold, lay out the shortbread dough so that the bottom and sides are obtained. Put the cottage cheese in a separate container, pour in the condensed milk, cream and beat well with a blender, add our soaked gelatin there and mix well again.
  3. Now pour the curd mass into the same mold, level it and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours to thicken.

Explore another cheesecake below!

Let's make another great cheesecake dessert! This cheesecake is going to be awesome because we'll cook it with peaches! In appearance, the cake turns out to be very beautiful, it looks quite rich. If you want to surprise your guests, then this pastry will be just right!

For cooking, we need to buy the following products:

  • Shortbread cookies (200 grams),
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese (any fat content),
  • 100 grams of plums. oils,
  • half a glass of sugar (100 grams),
  • 200 grams of cream
  • 1 can of canned peaches
  • gelatin (30 grams)
  1. Cheesecake preparation always starts with gelatin. Half of the gelatin is diluted with plain warm water, 1/3 of a glass is needed (we will remove it for 25-30 minutes for swelling), the rest of the gelatin is diluted with peach juice. If you use fresh peaches, then soak all the gelatin in half a glass of water.
  2. We soften the cookies into crumbs and mix with butter, the butter must be soft, keep it warm beforehand. It will turn out a kind of dough, it needs to be leveled in the form and sides made, we put it in the refrigerator to solidify.
  3. Whip the cream with sugar and add them to the cottage cheese, mix well with a blender.
  4. Heat the gelatin slightly and dissolve, after dissolving, add them to the curd and mix again.
  5. We take out the form with the dough from the refrigerator, lay out our cottage cheese, level it and put it back in the refrigerator for a couple of hours
  6. The remaining gelatin, soaked in syrup, also dissolve over the fire, do not boil it, cool to room temperature. Cut the peach pieces, put them on the cottage cheese and cover with gelatin.

Our cheesecake is ready! It remains to hold it in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours and you can serve it to the table.

Exploring the Next Cheesecake!

Let's make another funky cheesecake and we're done for today! This cooking option seems to me the most relevant and more interesting.

To make a cheesecake, we need to buy the following products:

  • Chocolate shortbread cookies (400 grams),
  • a pack of butter (200 grams),
  • for the filling you need 0.5 kg of cottage cheese,
  • 300 ml of fat sour cream (from 20 to 30%),
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar
  • 30 grams of gelatin.
  • Use berries or cream for decoration.

We start preparing the recipe:

  1. We need to pour half a glass of water and add gelatin there to swell, let us leave for about half an hour.
  2. Shortbread cookies must be kneaded and ground into crumbs. Add soft butter to the cookies and mix, it should be at room temperature.
  3. We need a form for cakes or something else, put the dough there, level it, and make sure the sides. We put it in the refrigerator so that the dough grasps and begins to freeze.
  4. Pour cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream into some container. Grind well with a blender until smooth. The pre-soaked gelatin is already swollen, we need to slightly warm it up on the stove and dissolve. Pour the solution into the cottage cheese and beat again with a blender.
  5. We take the cake out of the refrigerator, pour the curd mixture into it, level it and put it in the refrigerator again.
  6. You can decorate the cheesecake with berries or fruits, you get a very beautiful beauty! In the refrigerator, the cheesecake should be infused for 4-5 hours.

We have studied such simple recipes, it is very easy to prepare a modern cheesecake without baking, read other recipes on my website!

The basis of any cheesecake is its instant crust and cottage cheese with gelatin, usually mascarpone cheese is also used. As you understand, these two components are the most important thing in a recipe without baking! Mascarpone is not included in this curd cheesecake!

For the cake:

  • 300 g cookies, in principle, any (preferably shortbread) will do,
  • 150 g plums. oils,
  • if desired, add 50 g of chopped nuts.

For the basics:

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese,
  • 6 table. tablespoons of sugar
  • 15 g gelatin
  • 200 g of any berries (you can or without them)

Unbaked curd cheesecake step by step:

Always prepare a cake for a cheesecake, only then everything else, tk. he needs to freeze and infuse in the refrigerator.

  1. To begin with, grind the cookies to crumbs, preferably through a food processor or blender.
  2. Add soft butter, nuts to it and mix well.
  3. Now we spread the mass into a mold, lightly ram it and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Now let's prepare the base and the cheesecake itself:

  1. It is advisable to beat the berries with a blender, if there is no blender, you can grind well with a fork.
  2. Add berries, sugar to the curd and mix.
  3. Initially, gelatin must be soaked in water, about half a glass of water will be enough, maybe a little less.
  4. Then slightly heat the gelatin in a water bath and pour into the curd, beat well with a hand blender.
  5. The curd base must be poured into our mold, smoothed and put back in the refrigerator to solidify for at least two hours, it is desirable that the cheesecake stands all night.

This type of cheesecake is very common in the west and not only! It includes the famous mascarpone cheese. It is also simple and easy to prepare!

For the test:

  • Any cookie, about 300 g,
  • about 80 g plums. butter, soft and 3 table. tablespoons of sugar.

For filling:

  • half kg of cream cheese (preferably mascarpone),
  • 1 faceted glass of sugar (this is 200 g),
  • 3 table. tablespoons of flour
  • 1 glass of sour cream
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • about 300 g of cherries or berry jam.

Cooking unbaked cheesecake step by step with mascarpone:

  1. Cookies need to be ground into small crumbs or done with a blender. Add soft butter, sugar and mix well with crumbs, put in a mold.
  2. Put the cheese in a container, add a glass of sugar, flour, sour cream, eggs and beat well with a hand blender.
  3. We spread it all on a cake and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  4. After cooking, put berries, jam or preserves on top.

Let the cheesecake sit for about 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Enjoy your tea! Let's explore the following recipes!

No baked cheesecake with fruit

In order for the curd cheesecake to take its rightful place among the desserts that you often cook at home, write down its recipe. First of all, buy the right foods and measure out the right amount.

What we need for our recipe:

  • 200 g of Jubilee cookies;
  • half a packet of butter (100 g);
  • 400 g of cottage cheese (soft, non-grained);
  • 200 ml heavy cream;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • one can of canned peaches and pineapples.

Canned fruits are usually rolled in 450 g each, pay attention to the label if you want your curd cheesecake without baking to turn out with excellent taste.

Cheesecake, recipe:

  1. Pour some of the gelatin (20g) with water and let it swell, setting it aside for half an hour.
  2. Drain the syrup from the canned fruit, measure out 100 ml and add the rest of the gelatin. Likewise, let it swell.
  3. We begin to prepare the cheesecake. Cookies "Jubilee" or any other that crumbles well (curd cheesecake is prepared without baking just from this), grind in a way convenient for you. You can use a food processor, blender, or rolling pin, it is important that the cheesecake is smooth.
  4. Melt the butter, but not over the fire, but in a water bath.
  5. Add the butter to the cheesecake cookies and mix well. You have the base for baking ready; this is a mass that in its structure resembles wet sand.
  6. We lay out the first layer of dessert in a split form, the bottom and sides of which do not forget to line with parchment paper or film. This will allow you to reach the cheesecake without damaging the outside.
  7. The cookie dough needs to be tamped, a regular potato crush will come to your aid.
  8. Take out the form where the cheesecake is in the cold.
  9. In the meantime, prepare the recipe for the cream. Whisk in the sugar and vanilla cream to make a firm mass that does not drip off the whisk.
  10. Pour in soft cottage cheese (this condition is necessary for the cheesecake to be super tender) and stir again.
  11. Warm up the gelatin that you previously filled with water until it is completely dissolved and pour it into the cream in a trickle.
  12. Pour the cheesecake without baking with the curd-creamy mass, smooth the surface and send it back to the refrigerator. There, a curd cheesecake with gelatin will spend one hour.
  13. Cut the peaches into wedges and place them on the cheesecake without baking after the previous layer has hardened. Do not occupy the center of the baking, put pineapples or other canned tropical fruits, cut into cubes, there, so the cheesecake will look beautiful.
  14. Now fill the curd cheesecake with the jelly filling. The recipe for its preparation is very simple: melt the gelatin that has swollen in the syrup over the fire, add another glass of syrup.
  15. Pour the mixture over the fruit you covered the cheesecake with. Put the cheesecake in the refrigerator for several hours, you can even overnight, it will not hurt him in the least.
  16. In the morning, remove the tender pastry from the mold and divide it into portions with a wet knife. Now you know the recipe for a delicacy that, I have no doubt about it, will often flaunt on your table. Read more:

For the basis, we need:

  1. dry cookies - two hundred grams
  2. melted butter - one hundred grams.

For the filling we need:

  • gelatin - three plates
  • cream - one hundred and forty ml
  • fatty soft cheese - three hundred grams
  • sugar - then grams
  • finely grated zest - half a medium lemon
  • strawberries - three hundred grams
  • fat cream - one hundred and forty ml
  • egg - one piece.

For strawberry sauce, we need:

  • strawberries - two hundred and fifty grams
  • strawberries as decoration - two hundred grams
  • grated zest - half one lemon
  • lemon juice - three tablespoons of tablespoons
  • sugar - two tablespoons (according to taste).


  1. So, first, crush and grind the cookies. Place cookies in a bag and tap on top. After that, it is recommended to transfer the mass to a bowl and add melted butter to it. Then everything should be mixed well so that all the crumbs can be saturated with oil. Then transfer the mixture to a mold that is twenty-four centimeters in diameter and at least five centimeters deep.
  2. It is recommended to tamp it tightly so that an even base layer is obtained at the bottom of the mold. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator. After that, put the gelatin in a bowl of cold water. And leave, soaking for five minutes. Then it is recommended to pour the cream into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. As soon as the cream comes to a boil, it is immediately necessary to take it off the heat.
  3. Remove the gelatin from the water and squeeze out the excess water. And add a little gelatin to the hot cream. After that, it is recommended to let it brew and cool for a few minutes. At this time, start whisking the sugar with the cheese and lemon zest. Then add juice to them and beat with a mixer or blender until smooth. After these steps, add the cream, chopped strawberries and gelatin. In a second bowl, whip the cream until soft peaks. And then add them to the strawberry mixture.
  4. Whisk the egg white in a bowl until stiff. After that, it is recommended to add it gently to the cheese mixture. Pour the carefully prepared mixture into a mold and smooth the surface. We recommend placing the cheesecake in the refrigerator for two and a half to three hours.
  5. To prepare the sauce, you need to beat the necessary components with a mixer or your blender. Sugar can be added if necessary and desired. After that, it should be poured into a decanter and refrigerated. When serving the cheesecake itself, cut the strawberries and place them nicely and neatly in the middle of the delicious dessert.
  6. Serve the cheesecake with a carafe of aromatic strawberry sauce.

Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step cheesecake recipes without baking from cookies, cottage cheese, mascarpone, condensed milk and fruits

2018-04-11 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of finished dish

8 gr.

19 gr.


23 gr.

293 kcal

Option 1: Classic curd cheesecake without baking

Homemade unbaked cheesecake can be made with cottage cheese or soft mascarpone cheese. Cottage cheese is used with a fat content of 18%. Low-fat foods are not so tasty. Cookies are listed as "Jubilee", but other similar types with low moisture will do. The number of products for the split mold is 24 cm.


  • 0.4 kg of Jubilee cookies;
  • 0.15 kg of powdered sugar;
  • 0.1 l of milk;
  • 24 g gelatin;
  • 0.65 kg of cottage cheese 18%;
  • 0.5 liters of cream;
  • 0.15 kg of butter.

A step-by-step recipe for a classic cheesecake

The base oil can be melted, but it is best to just soften thoroughly. Crumble the cookies, grind with butter. From this mass, you need to make a base. We put it in a mold, level it, make small sides, but it is possible without them. We send the improvised cake to the refrigerator.

Soak gelatin in milk, leave to swell. While we grind the cottage cheese with a blender. Whip the cream with powdered sugar.

We put the gelatin in a water bath, melt it. Combine cottage cheese with cream with gelatin, slowly beat it all with a mixer or blender until smooth. Pour onto the chilled crust, level the layer.

We put the homemade cheesecake in the refrigerator, leave it for at least four hours, or just look over the curd layer. As soon as it gets stronger, carefully remove the sides, transfer the dessert to the dish. You can first cut, and then carefully shift the pieces.

The swelling time of gelatin in liquid depends on the product itself, it is recommended to look for all information on the package.

Option 2: Quick No-Bake Cheesecake Recipe with Cottage Cheese and Sour Cream

To prepare such a cheesecake, a thin ready-made crust will be used as a base. You can take puff, biscuit, or any other that you can buy in the store. The filling will be cottage cheese with sour cream. If you use instant gelatin, then the preparation will take no more than fifteen minutes.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 160 g sugar or powder;
  • a bag of vanilla;
  • 1 cake;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water.

How to quickly make a curd cheesecake

Pour gelatin with water and leave to soak. Beat sugar with sour cream and vanilla, add cottage cheese. Better to use a blender. We bring the mass to the state of a homogeneous cream.

Cut out the cake to fit the shape. If you could not buy it, then you can make a cookie base, as in the recipe above.

We put the gelatin, which has already swelled, for a few seconds in the microwave, melt it. Do not overexpose. As soon as all the clots dissolve, combine with the cream, stir and pour onto the cake. We send it to the refrigerator for solidification.

Instead of water, you can use milk or any juice, compote instead of water to dissolve gelatin; in some cases, not only the taste, but also the color may change.

Option 3: Cheesecake without baking with cookies and ricotta

This dessert is very similar in taste to the famous New York cheesecake, but it is much easier and faster to prepare. The base is soft ricotta cheese and biscuits. We choose any type of sand, you can take it with a chocolate or honey flavor.


  • 250 g cookies;
  • 100 g butter (softened);
  • 200 ml cream 30%;
  • 170 g sugar;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 3 tsp gelatin;
  • 300 g ricotta.

How to cook

Break the cookies, crumble and combine with butter, transfer to a mold. Do not tamp it too tightly, otherwise you will get a very hard crust, just crush it slightly and put it in the refrigerator.

Mix gelatin with 7 tablespoons of water, let it swell. Combine sour cream with ricotta and fine granulated sugar. We leave to dissolve everything. Whisk the cream in a separate bowl. You can add vanilla or a little ground zest to the cheesecake.

Heat gelatin, but do not boil, otherwise it will not solidify. Mix with whipped cream, and then with the cheese mass, the sugar should already be dissolved by this time. Pour everything onto an impromptu cake, level it and put it in the refrigerator for later solidification.

The best decoration for a cheesecake is fresh berries. If there is nothing like that, then you can sprinkle a delicate layer of cheese with coconut on top, scatter almond petals or squeeze out delicate flowers from whipped cream.

Option 4: Cheesecake without baking with cottage cheese and cookies

An option for simply a magical no-bake dessert with a scrumptious strawberry jelly. It is better to take cottage cheese for the filling soft and not fat-free, it will turn out much tastier. Any kind of cookie can be used. It is better to take fresh strawberries, but replace them with frozen berries if necessary.


  • 600 g of cottage cheese;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 200 g strawberries;
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 300 g cookies;
  • 0.5 packs of oil.

Step by step recipe

We grind the butter and cookies, put them in a mold, level them and set them to solidify for half an hour. We measure out 7 g of gelatin, fill in 3 tablespoons of water, set aside. Fill the rest of the powder with the remaining liquid.

Add 70 ml of water to the strawberries, put on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes, cool, rub through a sieve, getting rid of all that is superfluous. Introduce two tablespoons of sugar into the puree, leave.

Beat the cottage cheese, the remaining sugar and sour cream, add the heated gelatin, stir and pour onto the biscuit base. We put it in the refrigerator for an hour, the mass should freeze a little.

Add the remaining gelatin (a smaller part) to the strawberry puree, heat it, but not until hot. After dissolving the clots, cool. Pour gently over the cheesecake and leave everything together in the cold for another four hours.

You can pour the strawberry layer over the biscuits and then spread the curd mass, or insert the berry jelly between the two white fillings. It is only important to use a slightly hardened base so that the products do not mix.

Option 5: Banana cheesecake without baking

Bananas are very often added to cheesecakes, like berries. You can lay them in pieces or use mashed potatoes, in any case it will be delicious. Here is one of the most delicate options for filling from sour cream with cottage cheese.


  • 0.3 kg of cookies;
  • 4 bananas;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 450 g sour cream;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 130 g of sugar.

How to cook

Prepare the usual biscuit base with butter, put it in a mold and refrigerate. Immediately send the gelatin to swell, for this we add about 60-70 ml of water to it, stir thoroughly. It is better not to use hot liquid, like cold one.

Mix sour cream with sugar and grated cottage cheese. Remove the zest from the half of the lemon with a thin layer, chop finely, add to the total mass.

Melt the swollen gelatin, pour into sour cream, stir. Grind one banana, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice to it, send it to the cream. Stir again.

Cut the remaining bananas into circles, not thinly. Pour the remaining juice from half a lemon and you can start assembling the cheesecake.

Put some cream on the base of the cookies, spread the slices of bananas and pour over the remaining cream. We remove to freeze.

Lemon is added to bananas for more than taste. The acid prevents the pieces from oxidizing quickly in air; they retain their original color better.

Option 7: Unbaked cheesecake with mascarpone

Cheesecake without baking with cheese will differ in taste from the curd counterpart. Still, mascarpone, ricotta and other similar products have their own flavor and unusual consistency. Sometimes, in order to save money, they are mixed with cottage cheese in half. It is important to grind it thoroughly first and choose the most delicate product. The fat content of the cream is arbitrary.


  • 0.4 kg of cookies;
  • 0.15 kg of oil;
  • 600 g mascarpone cheese;
  • 500 ml cream;
  • 25 g of instant gelatin;
  • 150 g of powder.

How to cook

Grind cookies into small crumbs, mix with melted cooled butter. This amount of cookies is intended for a 23 cm mold. Lay out, level. We set to cool.

Fill the gelatin with half a glass of warm water, leave. Mix cheese at room temperature with powder, beat with a mixer and add cream to it in a thin stream. Beat until smooth.

Time to melt the gelatin, a water bath will do the best. Add the warm product to the cheese mass, stir and pour everything together on an improvised crust. We send to freeze.

Cheesecake made from mascarpone and other cream cheese pairs perfectly with strawberries. It can be supplemented with jelly or whole berries. Strawberries can be used whole or sliced, stacked inward or on top.

Option 8: Chocolate Cheesecake Without Baking

Another cheesecake option without cream cheese baked goods. We take mascarpone, ricotta or any other kind of our choice. The original recipe uses Oreo cookies, but can be replaced with more accessible types.


  • 400 g cream cheese;
  • 300 g of Oreo cookies;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 250 ml whipping cream;
  • 300 g of dark chocolate;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 4 spoons of cocoa.

How to cook

Pour a spoonful of granulated sugar into the chopped liver, add melted butter. Stir and make a regular cake, set in the cold to solidify. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and leave at room temperature to cool.

Beat the cream, gradually add cheese to them, and then melted chocolate. Pour cocoa with 5 tablespoons of hot water or milk, stir, add to the cream.

Spread the chocolate over the cheesecake base. Put in the freezer for half an hour, then stand for another half hour just in the refrigerator.

You can reduce the price of dessert not only with cookies, but also by replacing chocolate with cocoa powder. But in this case, for the desired consistency, you will have to add a little gelatin or other thickener.

Option 9: Cheesecake with condensed milk without baking

Awesome cheesecake with few ingredients. A very good combination of products, especially when using oatmeal cookies. Condensed milk is used boiled, if there is no time to cook it, then we just buy it in the store. For the main layer, you will also need sour cream.


  • 100 g butter;
  • 500 g sour cream;
  • 12 g gelatin;
  • 300 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 300 g of oatmeal or shortbread cookies.

How to cook

Mix gelatin and water. Grind the cookies and combine with melted butter. We spread the cake in the form, put it in the cold and proceed to the filling.

We measure out condensed milk and sour cream, evaluate the consistency. Add a liquid product to a thicker mass, grind. We introduce melted gelatin.

Fill the base of cookies, level the layer. You can add some berries or stick in pieces of chocolate. We leave it for three hours to solidify.

If suddenly the cheesecake does not want to be removed from the mold, you do not need to make an effort. Simply put it in hot water for a few seconds or place it over a steaming pan.

Option 10: Cheesecake without baking "The most tender"

Another option for berry cheesecake. At the heart of the cherry and cottage cheese. You will also need a little cream or sour cream of any fat content. If you wish, you can make the cream layer pink, for this we simply replace the water for the gelatin with cherry juice. You can also take the one that stands out when removing the bones.


  • 0.8 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 l sour cream;
  • 0.28 kg of cookies;
  • 90 g butter;
  • 0.3 kg cherries;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 20 g of gelatin.

How to cook

Pour gelatin with water or milk, half a glass is enough. Remove the seeds from the cherries. From the cookies and melted butter, we make the base for the cheesecake, as in the recipes above. Put in a mold, leave in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

Grind the cottage cheese twice through a sieve, add sugar with sour cream. But you can just beat with a blender, you get the most delicate cream.

Does gelatin swell? Put in a saucepan with hot water, dissolve. Combine with delicate curd cream. Add the cherries immediately or pour the cream onto the base and scatter after that. In the second option, they will be evenly distributed. We remove the cheesecake to freeze.

If the dessert is for adults, then the cherries can be sprinkled with cognac or even soaked in it. By the way, in a chocolate version, such a cheesecake is also very good, just add a couple of tablespoons of high-quality cocoa powder to the filling.