Lazy minced turkey cabbage rolls in a slow cooker. Lazy minced turkey cabbage rolls

04.03.2020 Soups

Hello my friends and readers!
I really like to eat stuffed cabbage, but I don't really like to mess with them.
As a simplified version, I sometimes make lazy cabbage rolls.
Efforts are minimal, but the taste is almost the same. I don’t make cutlets or meatballs from stuffed cabbage, and I don’t even boil rice.
I always make minced meat myself, I don't use purchased ones.
So, our products.

I cut the onion finely and put it in a steamer, after watering a little vegetable oil on the bottom.

Rub the carrots on a coarse grater.
Winter cabbage, with thick leaves, so you need to cut it thinner so that it can reach readiness no later than rice and minced meat.
I put all the ingredients in a steamer.

I take 150 grams of rice.

Rinse to clean water and add to vegetables.

Today I have a turkey breast fillet for minced meat.

Minced meat also goes to the previous ingredients.
Now I add 0.5 liters of water (I add warm boiled water), lightly salt and pepper.

I close it with a lid and put it on the stove.
After 5 minutes, when the water heats up, I gently stir the contents.

I close the lid back and forget about the stuffed cabbage for 40 minutes.
During this time, the rice will absorb almost all the liquid, cabbage and minced meat will be ready.
The final touch remains.
I add 3 tablespoons of ketchup (you can use tomato paste) and sour cream. The percentage of fat content of sour cream is not important for me. Today there was 15% sour cream.
I taste the salt and add it if necessary.

A simple recipe for lazy turkey cabbage rolls step by step with a photo.

To taste, lazy turkey cabbage rolls are no different from the classic ones (made from minced turkey in a cabbage leaf). This dish can be prepared with almost any side dish.

These lazy turkey cabbage rolls do not differ in taste from ordinary cabbage rolls, only they are prepared differently: cabbage is chopped, mixed with finely chopped onions, minced meat and eggs. Minced meat is prepared from the resulting mass, stuffed cabbage cutlets are rolled in breadcrumbs, fried and baked in sour cream-tomato sauce in the oven.

Servings: 3-5

  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Stuffed cabbage
  • Complexity of the recipe: Simple recipe
  • Prep time: 19 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 h
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Calorie count: 260 kcal
  • Occasion: For lunch

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • Turkey fillet - 300 Grams
  • Cabbage - 1 Piece
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Carrots - 1 Piece
  • Rice - 150 Grams
  • Breadcrumbs - 200 Grams
  • Sour cream - 200 Grams
  • Tomato Paste - 150 Grams
  • Egg - 2 Pieces

Step by step

  1. First, we need to chop the onion in a blender. It is important that porridge does not turn out, so you can use not full power, a food processor (there is a different knife and cutting method) or chop not too long.
  2. Grind the cabbage in the same way. Then mix onion with cabbage and turkey minced meat.
  3. The resulting minced meat must be salted and seasoned to taste, add an egg and boiled rice.
  4. We form cutlets, roll them in bread crumbs. Then put the patties in the pan.
  5. We fry them in vegetable oil over low heat.
  6. Fry on both sides and transfer to a baking dish. In appearance, these lazy cabbage rolls resemble ordinary cutlets in breadcrumbs.
  7. Making the sauce: mix sour cream with tomato paste and spices.
  8. Fill our cutlets with sauce, send them to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. On average, lazy turkey cabbage rolls take about 40 minutes to cook.
  9. They are so appetizing after baking. They resemble ordinary meatballs in tomato sauce, and to taste - cabbage rolls. Bon Appetit!

Cabbage, one of the few healthy vegetables available at this time of year, but getting the little ones to eat it is not an easy task. That is why I offer you a recipe for lazy cabbage rolls, the cabbage in which is neither felt nor visible, but vitamins "jump" all over the dish!

For cooking we need:

-1 kg ground turkey (you can use ground pork and beef);

- 100 g of round grain rice (raw);

- onions - 4 pcs (medium);

- carrots - 2 pcs;

- white cabbage - 400 g;

- salt - 2 tsp;

- ground black pepper - ¼ tsp;

- fresh dill - 4-5 branches;

- sunflower oil - 60 ml;

- butter - 50 g.

Let's start by preparing the frying, which we will need in minced meat and will serve as a vegetable pillow for lazy cabbage rolls. To do this, cut the onion into cubes and carrots into strips. Pour sunflower oil into the pan, wait a little while it warms up, and send the onion into it. Having passed it a little, add carrots to it. We let it all for 5 minutes, then pour it into a suitable container and let the vegetables cool.

Then we move on to cooking rice. After thoroughly rinsing it with cold water, put it on the fire (the water should be one finger higher than the rice) and boil it a little, literally 5 minutes of boiling, then put it on a sieve and rinse it again with cold water.

Let's start cooking minced meat. To do this, grind the turkey meat in a meat grinder, and set it aside. We take the cabbage and also grind it in a meat grinder, but do not immediately add it to the meat, but place it in a separate container, since we need to squeeze out the excess liquid from it. But now, after squeezing out the water, we combine the meat, cabbage and half of the frying. Mix everything very well so that the ingredients combine with each other and add butter at room temperature. Mix well and add 2 teaspoons of salt and ¼ teaspoons of pepper. Mix well again, then add rice and finely chopped greens (if you don't have one at hand, you can do without it). The final and most important mixing))) and move on to beating the minced meat.

Here we have such a handsome man

Cover the finished minced meat with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, take a saucepan (2.5-3 liters) and fill it three quarters with water and put it on fire. While the water is boiling, we form lazy cabbage rolls. So that the minced meat does not stick to our hands, we moisten them with cold water.

Put the vegetable pillow from the remaining roast into the baking dish.

In boiling water, alternately lower the cabbage rolls for 30 seconds, having previously laid them out on a slotted spoon, so that it is faster you can lay them out two at a time.

And we send them to the baking dish. From above, you can pour stuffed cabbage rolls with either gravy or sour cream, depending on the culinary preferences of your household.

Cover the form with foil and send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes, then remove the foil and leave the cabbage rolls until golden brown.

When our lazy stuffed cabbage rolls get gilded, we take it out and make our relatives happy!

Bon Appetit!

To taste, lazy turkey cabbage rolls are no different from the classic ones (made from minced turkey in a cabbage leaf). This dish can be prepared with almost any side dish.

These lazy turkey cabbage rolls do not differ in taste from ordinary cabbage rolls, only they are prepared differently: cabbage is chopped, mixed with finely chopped onions, minced meat and eggs. Minced meat is prepared from the resulting mass, stuffed cabbage cutlets are rolled in breadcrumbs, fried and baked in sour cream-tomato sauce in the oven.

Servings: 3-5

A simple recipe for lazy homemade turkey cabbage rolls. A step-by-step recipe for home cooking with a photo for cooking at home in 2 hours. Contains only 161 kilocalories.

  • Prep time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 h
  • Calorie count: 161 kcal
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Stuffed cabbage

Ingredients for twelve servings

  • Turkey fillet - 300 Grams
  • Cabbage - 1 Piece
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Carrots - 1 Piece
  • Rice - 150 Grams
  • Breadcrumbs - 200 Grams
  • Sour cream - 200 Grams
  • Tomato Paste - 150 Grams
  • Egg - 2 Pieces

Step by step cooking

  1. First, we need to chop the onion in a blender. It is important that porridge does not turn out, so you can use not full power, a food processor (there is a different knife and cutting method) or chop not too long.
  2. Grind the cabbage in the same way. Then mix onion with cabbage and turkey minced meat.
  3. The resulting minced meat must be salted and seasoned to taste, add an egg and boiled rice.
  4. We form cutlets, roll them in bread crumbs. Then put the patties in the pan.
  5. We fry them in vegetable oil over low heat.
  6. Fry on both sides and transfer to a baking dish. In appearance, these lazy cabbage rolls resemble ordinary cutlets in breadcrumbs.
  7. Making the sauce: mix sour cream with tomato paste and spices.
  8. Fill our cutlets with sauce, send them to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. On average, lazy turkey cabbage rolls take about 40 minutes to cook.
  9. They are so appetizing after baking. They resemble ordinary meatballs in tomato sauce, and to taste - cabbage rolls. Bon Appetit!