How many calories are in boiled chicken? Calorie content of the carcass. Calorie content of chicken

26.09.2019 Soups

Chicken meat is the most commonly eaten by us. Of all types of meat, it is not only the most affordable, but also the most dietary, therefore it forms the basis of many diets. As you know, in boiled form, it is the least calorie, but not everyone knows how many calories there are in boiled chicken.

The calorie content of boiled chicken is 135 kcal per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of the most fatty parts of chicken, such as meat with skin, will, of course, be higher and amount to 195 kcal per 100 grams.

Depending on the cooking method, the amount of calories in boiled chicken may vary.

One hundred grams of chicken contains 23 g of protein, approximately 2 g of fat and 0.4 g of carbohydrates. Such indicators allow you to easily calculate the daily amount of food to meet the protein norm. When losing weight and maintaining muscle mass, it is normally recommended to consume 1.3-2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Each part of the carcass has a different energy value:

  • boiled drumstick without skin - 110 kilocalories per 100 grams, with skin - 161 kcal;
  • boiled thighs without skin - 160 kcal per 100 g, with skin - 185 kcal;
  • boiled legs without skin - 170 kcal per 100 g; boiled wings - 181 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about chicken offal, their energy value is also low. Boiled stomachs provide only 94 kcal, liver - 166 kcal, heart - 182 kcal.

How is chicken good for you?

  • a sufficient content of animal protein and glutamine, as well as phosphorus and potassium;
  • the presence of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and E;
  • there is very little adipose tissue in chicken meat (it is mainly concentrated in the skin and that is why it is recommended to remove the skin before cooking) and there are no carbohydrates, which means that it is an ideal product for a diet.

Who needs to include chicken in their diet

Meat helps in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcer, gout. Regular consumption of boiled chicken prevents the occurrence of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart ailments.

Older people should especially focus on poultry in their diet. The meat of juveniles is most beneficial because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and glutamine. It is preferable to use homemade chicken, since the store product contains harmful substances that are deposited as a result of specific feeding.

Boiled chicken is healthy food and energizes the body. Meat-based broth helps to cure a recent cold illness or restore defenses after surgery. Rich broth will relieve the effects of food poisoning and energize a weak body. Boiled chicken is a great food for pregnant women.

How to cook chicken properly

Due to the fact that the calorie content of chicken fillet is minimal, it is used in all kinds of diets. However, it is not prohibited to combine it with other products. In addition, other parts of the bird can be eaten. When using chicken legs or chicken breast, after rinsing, place them in a pot of water and bring to a boil. It is recommended to drain the water after 5 minutes of cooking, pour cold clean water over the meat and only then continue cooking. As a result of such actions, you can get rid of hormones and antibiotics, if they were used in raising poultry. After that, the meat should be salted and cooked until tender, then cut into small pieces. An excellent addition to boiled chicken meat, including in the dietary menu, will be rice, washed and boiled in salted water.

Chicken cooking feature

Boiled chicken, the product that is better absorbed by the body, if combined with fresh vegetables or vegetable salads. If the chicken was bought in a store or supermarket, it is best to drain its first broth within 5 minutes after it boils - this does not affect the calorie content, but it eliminates many harmful substances (antibiotics and growth hormones).

Could chicken be harmful?

Fortunately, chicken brings more benefit to the human body than harm. Nevertheless, chicken meat can also be a source of harm.

The greatest harm to the body can be caused by eating the skin and dark parts of chicken meat. . It is in the skin that harmful substances accumulate that have entered the chicken's body during its life. Therefore, before boiling a piece of chicken, it is recommended to remove the skin from it.

Insufficiently processed chicken meat can cause putrefaction and the growth of harmful bacteria in the colon. As a result, the entire body can be poisoned. And exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases is not excluded.

In order for the chicken to benefit, and not harm the body and the above troubles, the following rules must be observed:

  • Thoroughly heat the chicken - cook and bake more often than fry.
  • Eat chicken with vegetables for better digestion.
  • Do not overeat chicken (as well as any other product).

Chickens can develop salmonellosis during life, which, if transmitted, can cause problems in the human body. If the chicken has not gone through enough heat treatment, then this is a very real risk.

Incredibly tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from chicken meat. This product has a lot of useful properties and is distinguished by its low calorie content. It is chicken that is included in all diet menus and adorns many low-calorie dishes. We suggest finding out how many calories are in the chicken and how this indicator depends on the method of its preparation or the parts of the carcass used.

Calorie content of chicken

  • Boiled chicken. Its calorie content is only 135 Kcal / 100g. Therefore, you can safely enjoy tender boiled meat and not worry about weight gain. However, if you use the fattest parts of chicken or meat with skin, then the indicators will rise to 195 Kcal / 100g.
  • Fried chicken. Caloric content - 210 Kcal / 100g. The indicator is quite low compared to other types of fried meat.
  • Grilled chicken. Caloric content - 92 Kcal / 100g. This low level is due to the fact that most of the fat is melted during the cooking process.
  • Smoked chicken. Caloric content - 260 Kcal / 100g. If you remove the skin from the chicken during cooking, the calorie level will almost halve.
  • Baked chicken. Its calorie content is 207 Kcal / 100g.

Calorie content of individual parts of the chicken

It is important to know that different parts of the chicken have different calories. For example, we give the calorie content in boiled form.

  • Thighs - 158 Kcal / 100g.
  • Backrest - 306 Kcal / 100g.
  • Wings - 186 Kcal / 100g.
  • Breast - 113 Kcal / 100g.

In the articles of the section, you will find many interesting and healthy dishes that you can cook at home and please your loved ones.

Chicken is the most demanded meat product. Chicken's low calorie content allows it to become the basis for most diets. The ratio of protein to fats and carbohydrates in it is optimal. Another advantage of chicken is that it is quick to cook and tastes soft.

All athletes and bodybuilders include chicken in their diet, especially breast, as it is high in protein. And in order to lose weight, they often use oven-baked chicken breast.

How is chicken meat useful?

Chicken is a versatile product, it is boiled, fried in a pan or grilled, stewed and baked in the oven. Minced meat is prepared from chicken meat, added to meat stews, pilaf, jellied meat, soups and chicken broths are boiled. Chicken offal such as heart, liver, stomachs are also used.

Is it time to find out how many calories are in chicken? Calorie content is calculated per 100 grams. product. Experts have estimated the chicken at 108 kcal. Chicken meat is recognized as dietary and is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Chicken can be used for diabetes, ulcers, arthritis and gout. Chicken is a prophylactic agent for hypertension, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Chicken broth is good for colds and depression.

Chicken is a source of essential amino acids, essential minerals and vitamins for strengthening the immune system. Chicken contains B vitamins, vitamins A, C, PP. It contains choline, which is essential for the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands.

Chicken breast contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, selenium, manganese and copper. Breast meat helps to normalize blood pressure, reduce swelling and improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

Considering the maximum ratio of vitamins and minerals with a low calorie content, chicken meat is considered healthy and nutritious. When eating chicken, a person's state of health improves, immunity increases, and with it, mood.

How cooking methods change the calorie content of chicken

The calorie content of chicken can be increased or decreased, depending on the cooking method.

Boiled chicken contains 204 kcal. At the same time, the ratio of proteins and fats is optimal for dietary meals. They don't get better from boiled chicken. It increases muscle mass and helps burn fat.

Fried chicken is the most high-calorie, about 240 kcal. It is contraindicated for people who are overweight and have high cholesterol levels. You can reduce the calorie content of fried chicken by peeling it off the skin and cutting off excess fat.

The calorie content of stewed chicken is quite high - 237 kcal, but it does not contain cholesterol and harmful carcinogens, so it is much healthier than fried.

We all love grilled meat. So how many calories are in a grilled chicken? Approximately 210 kcal and this result allows us to consider it useful. It is advisable to make such a chicken yourself or buy it only in proven places where no harmful chemical additives are added to enhance the taste.

The smallest amount of calories is found in chicken skewers. Delicate and tasty morsels are suitable for everyone, both athletes and people on a diet and everyone.

How many calories are in each part of the chicken

  • Chicken back. The chicken back, wings and thighs have the highest calories. The back contains 306 kcal. Many housewives use it to make chicken broths and soup bases. The backrests contain a lot of fat, so frequent use is not recommended for people who want to lose weight.
  • Chicken wings. They contain 186 kcal. The wings are often grilled separately or added to soups for a rich broth.
  • Chicken thighs. They contain 181 kcal. Chicken thighs are usually fried, stewed, and barbecued is made from them. Unfortunately, they cannot be used as a dietary food due to their high calorie content.
  • Chicken legs. The well-known chicken legs have 158 kcal. When fried and with their favorite crispy crust, they are a source of cholesterol and damage the liver and stomach.
  • Chicken breast. This is the healthiest and lowest calorie part of chicken. For 100 gr. contains only 113 kcal.

Now you know how useful and harmful chicken is. Despite the fact that chicken meat is dietary, many parts of chicken, such as thighs, back, wings, are very high in calories, especially when fried. Such dishes should be avoided by people on a diet. Chicken breast, on the other hand, is very healthy, low-calorie and, boiled or grilled, is an irreplaceable dietary product.

Chicken stew cooking video

Chicken meat is the most commonly eaten by us. Of all types of meat, it is not only the most affordable, but also the most dietary, therefore it forms the basis of many diets. As you know, in boiled form, it is the least calorie, but not everyone knows how many calories there are in boiled chicken.

Benefits of boiled chicken

Chicken meat, being tasty, nutritious and low in calories, in addition to being easily absorbed by the body, is also good for health. The amount of protein in it reaches 22%, while no more than 10% of fat is present. The meat of this bird is rich in micro- and macroelements (copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, etc.), as well as vitamins E and A, which are so necessary for the body. However, chicken meat is dietary and useful for a healthy diet. It is also important how many calories are in chicken in general, but now we will consider a boiled version of it.

Calorie content of boiled chicken

The high taste and dietary properties of this poultry meat have been known for a long time and are still used to restore the body after serious illnesses, since this product is able to strengthen the immune system and restore strength. People who eat it during a diet are primarily interested in the question of how many calories are in boiled chicken, because in this form it has the least calories. So, the calorie content of boiled chicken fillet per 100 g of product is 135 kcal, and the most fatty option, meat with skin, which can reach 195 kcal in calories.

How to boil chicken meat correctly?

Due to the fact that chicken fillet is minimal, it is used in all kinds of diets. At the same time, it is not prohibited to combine it with other products. In addition, you can eat other parts of the bird. When using chicken legs or chicken breast, after rinsing, place them in a pot of water and bring to a boil. It is recommended to drain the water after 5 minutes of cooking, pour cold clean water over the meat and only then continue cooking. As a result of such actions, you can get rid of hormones and antibiotics, if they were used in raising poultry. After that, the meat should be salted and cooked until tender, then cut into small pieces. An excellent addition to boiled chicken meat, including in the dietary menu, will be rice, washed and boiled in salted water.

The dietary benefits of chicken meat are constantly being discussed. But are the different parts of the chicken equally useful? It is worth starting with what to cook, and therefore, eat, preferably chicken without the skin, it is in it that cholesterol accumulates. By depositing on the walls of blood vessels, it can cause. The calorie content of the pulp without the skin is 241 kcal per 100 g of product. The lowest calorie chicken fillet is considered, its calorie content is 113 kilocalories per 100 g. The energy value of the liver and ventricle is approximately the same and amounts to about 140 kcal per 100 g, and the heart - 158 kcal per 100 g. The situation is slightly worse with hams. Their caloric content is 180 kcal per 100 g of product. In addition, it is in them that antibiotics accumulate, which are used in raising chickens on poultry farms.

Boiled chicken

The calorie content of chicken meat depends on the method of heat treatment. The least energy value of boiled chicken is only 140 kilocalories per 100 g, which is quite small for meat. If you want to cook chicken broth, then chefs and nutritionists unanimously advise you to drain the first water. So you will not only get rid of excess fat, but also significantly reduce the calorie content of the broth. Boiled fillets and thighs contain 95 kcal and 170 kcal per 100 g, respectively.

Stewed chicken

Braising is another cooking method that keeps the chicken low in calories. There are many different ways to stew chicken, the most common is chicken with vegetables. For this dish, take any part of the chicken and those that you like, so each housewife turns out this dish different, respectively, and a different energy value. So how many calories are in the stew chicken? On average, a chicken stew contains about 130 to 170 kilocalories per 100 g, depending on the ingredients in the dish.

How many calories are in smoked chicken?

Smoked chicken is considered a more or less light product if it is eaten without the skin. The total calorie content of such a chicken is 190 kcal per 100 g. Smoked breast - 120 kcal per 100 g; legs - 166 kcal per 100 g; wings - 206 kcal per 100 g.

Young chicken cooks faster and is softer. Poultry is suitable for broth and cooking, and store-bought for frying and smoking. This bird is cooked in different ways and in any form it is good, just choose which method suits your taste.

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How many calories are in chicken?

Chicken meat is the most widespread and frequently used food. Various dishes (both first and second), salads, soufflés are prepared from it, used as a filling in pies and pastries. In addition to the fact that the product is very tasty, it is also useful, especially for those who wish to lose weight.

Nutritional value of meat

Chicken contains a large amount of protein (very different, from collagen and elastin, useful for joints, and ending with cartilage proteins), a wide range of amino acids, glutamic acid, minerals (zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium), vitamins (E, A , group B, C, PP), essential oils. It also contains small amounts of cholesterol and fat.

The composition of the BZHU of boiled chicken without skin includes 25.2 / 7.4 / 0.0 g, respectively, per 100 grams of the finished product.

Below are the indicators of BZHU poultry cooked in different ways:

  1. With skin - 25.0 / 12.0 / 0.0 g
  2. Baked - 20.39 / 11.43 / 1.52 g
  3. In the sleeve - 17.97 / 10.97 / 1.84 g
  4. Fried - 26.0 / 12.0 / 0.0 g
  5. Smoked - 27.58 / 8.2 / 0.0 g
  6. Baked with mushrooms and corn - 9.9 / 1.7 / 6.3 g
  7. Boiled (cooked in a multicooker with vegetables) - 9.5 / 0.5 / 1.9 g
  8. Stewed with vegetables - 7.1 / 5.5 / 9.6 g
  9. Baked creamy chicken with broccoli - 9.9 / 4.1 / 4.3 g
  10. Fried in soy sauce - 14.7 / 15.7 / 2.5 g
  11. In orange sauce - 12.6 / 10.8 / 3.2 g
  12. Fried (no oil) - 22.9 / 1.9 / 1.1 g
  13. In orange marinade - 8.8 / 5.1 / 4.2 g
  14. Oven baked fillet with cheese - 22.3 / 9.7 / 0.2 g
  15. Indicators of baked breasts in the oven - 16.4 / 2.5 / 2.2 g
  16. Chicken in an orange snack - 17.114 /, 0.8 / 3.6 g
  17. With pineapples in soy sauce - 11.1 / 11.0 / 5.3 g
  1. Whole without skin - 23.3 / 6.0 / 0.3 g
  2. Breast - 28.7 / 5.0 / 0.2 g
  3. Legs - 27.4 / 11.7 / 0.0 g
  4. Whole, cooked in the airfryer - 20.4 / 9.4 / 2.0 g

Calorie content of chicken

It is rather difficult to say how many calories there are in this meat. It all depends on the cooking option. Steamed chicken is the lowest in calories - 135 kcal per 100 grams of product. In boiled without skin - 170 units.

Consider the indicators of poultry cooked according to different recipes:

  1. With skin - 214.0 kcal.
  2. Baked - 200.01.
  3. Up the sleeve - 174.56 units.
  4. Fried indicators - 210 kcal.
  5. Smoked - 184 units.
  6. Baked with mushrooms and corn - 82.
  7. Boiled in a slow cooker with vegetables - 51.5 kcal.
  8. Indicators of poultry stewed with vegetables - 125 units.
  9. Baked Creamy Chicken with Broccoli - 91.9 kcal
  10. Fried in soy sauce - 210.2
  11. In orange sauce - 160.2 units.
  12. Fried (no oil) - 112.6 kcal.
  13. In an orange marinade - 86.7 units.
  14. Oven baked with cheese - 181.96 units.
  15. Oven baked breast - 100.7 kcal
  16. Chicken in an orange snack - 92.9.
  17. With pineapples in soy sauce - 164.7.

The data for grilled chicken are as follows:

  1. Whole without skin - 126 kcal.
  2. Breast - 158 units.
  3. Legs - 199.
  4. Whole, cooked in an airfryer - 166 kcal.

As you can see, chicken meat is an ideal product for those who want to lose weight quickly and for a long time. There are even fasting days and chicken breast diets.

The poultry goes well with potatoes, cereals, pasta, vegetables, herbs, spices. But all additional components and side dishes must be taken into account when preparing dishes, because they can significantly increase the calorie content of the dish.

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In contact with

Chicken is considered one of the staples of any dietary menu. It is such a versatile product that it can be used in various "roles": as a self-sufficient dish requiring only a light side dish, as a source of protein in a soup, or as a filling ingredient in a salad.

The calorie content of chicken will vary greatly from different cooking methods. Also, the nutritional value depends on whether you choose chicken hearts for lunch or prefer a leg or other part of the body. We disassemble everything on the shelves in the article.

Nutritional value of chicken per 100 grams

When drawing up a diet, it is important to know: how to choose the right chicken for further cooking?

  • For example, fresh has an ideal ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and will make the most healthy dish from it.
  • But frozen will no longer be so useful, since it contains preservatives and useful substances leave.

Let's take a closer look at all the important points you need to know in order to use chicken for weight loss.

Chicken calorie values ​​depend on three main factors:

  1. part of the chicken carcass selected for cooking;
  2. cooking method;
  3. the use of spices and sauces.

The average caloric value of raw chicken is about 110 kcal per hundred grams. If we consider the variations, then the numbers will vary greatly. For example, in homemade chicken there are about two hundred calories per hundred grams, in a broiler carcass - 220 kcal, but the chicken will tighten by 201 kcal.

How many calories are in boiled chicken?

If you cook the carcass completely, then the calorie content will reach 205 kcal per 100 grams.

But if you take only boiled chicken fillet, then the indicator drops sharply and reaches only 115 kcal per 100 grams. It is this product that athletes prefer to eat, since fillet is invaluable in terms of protein content with an extremely low calorie content. It is simply impossible to gain extra pounds from him.

White poultry helps build muscle and energizes athletes.

Fried, stewed and grilled

However, most people prefer to fry poultry without thinking about how many calories there are in fried chicken.

  1. The calorie content of fried chicken is 250 kcal per 100 grams (twice as much as boiled!). Of course, very tasty, but it is contraindicated for diets, as well as for those people who have high cholesterol or overweight.
  2. Slightly fewer calories in stewed chicken - 235 kcal per 100 grams. Compared to frying, this cooking method is also more preferable, since stewing does not form carcinogens released during heat treatment in a pan, and, moreover, cholesterol is reduced.
  3. Grilled chicken has an even lower calorie content - only 210 kcal per 100 grams. But in this case, there are some nuances. It is best to grill it yourself and be sure that the chicken will not only be low in energy value (without unnecessary sauces and spices), but also fresh. It is also important that the meat is well done to avoid the risk of salmonellosis.

Oven chicken

Oven-baked chicken also has a high calorie content. One hundred grams of the finished dish accounts for 250 kcal.

But in smoked poultry, it is lower - 185 kcal. The lowest indicator will be given by steamed chicken, as well as chicken kebab. In the first case, the figure will be 140 kcal per 100 grams, and in a barbecue - only 115 kcal.

Pieces of chicken and offal

Individual parts of chicken and offal have different calories.

Popular boiled chicken legs have 160 kcal per 100 grams. If you fry them, then the figure will jump by 100 kcal and reach 250-260 kcal.

Nutritionists categorically do not recommend eating this part of chicken for people watching their figure. If it is impossible to resist the temptation, then you need to take a large amount of fresh vegetables as a side dish for fried chicken legs.

A chicken thigh in one hundred grams conceals 180 kcal, and a drumstick - 210 kcal. They are most often used for barbecue. The wing tightens up to 186 kcal.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques. Suitable for those for whom sports activities are contraindicated.

The most high-calorie is the back of the chicken - 305 kcal per 100 grams. It is most often used in broth soups because of its high fat content.

If we talk about offal, then their calorie content is more acceptable:

  • chicken hearts - 160 kcal;
  • chicken stomachs - 130 kcal;
  • chicken liver - 143 kcal;
  • calorie content of minced chicken meat - 140 kcal.

If you cook steamed cutlets from minced meat, then the energy value will not increase. However, when frying in oil, the nutritional value increases significantly.

The benefits of dietary chicken

Nutritionists value chicken meat not only for its low calorie content, but also for a number of beneficial properties.

  1. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, C and PP. In addition, it contains such an organic compound as choline, which is responsible for the normalization of the adrenal glands and kidneys. It also helps cleanse fat from the liver.
  2. The high content of the amino acid "tryptophan" is especially beneficial for a person during a diet, as it increases the level of serotonin in the brain, which reduces stress and improves mood.
  3. Chicken also contains trace elements such as iron, copper, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese. Phosphorus normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, kidneys and liver, and also improves the condition of bones and teeth. Selenium stimulates an increase in metabolic rate.
  4. The abundance of B vitamins improves vision and the condition of the skin, and is also the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis.
  5. Moreover, regular consumption of lean chicken in the diet is indicated for people suffering from a number of ailments, such as diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcers, polyarthritis, hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, gout. In this sense, the use of white chicken breast meat is especially useful, since it is able to normalize blood pressure and relieve puffiness.
  6. In addition, for colds, many medical experts recommend that patients eat chicken broth.

It is not surprising that, against the background of so many useful properties that have a beneficial effect on human health, chicken meat is recommended for use when losing weight.

But in order for chicken dishes to become truly dietary, you must follow a few simple rules for their preparation.

  • For those who monitor their diet, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken fillet, as it has the lowest calorie content.
  • If you are tired of boiled breast, then it is permissible to bake it in the oven in a special baking sleeve or foil and serve with fresh vegetables and herbs.
  • Just avoid using batter in recipes, as it will significantly increase the total calorie content of the dish.

If you're planning on making a flavorful chicken stock, then do it right as well. It is better to cook it from a whole bird or back, since a delicious soup will not turn out from dietary white breast meat.

  1. First of all, rinse the chicken thoroughly, remove the skin from it and separate all the fat.
  2. After that, fill the meat with water, put the saucepan with it on the fire and bring to a boil. In order not to waste a lot of time, you can put a second container on the fire in parallel. When choosing the size of the saucepans, expect that the finished broth will be in the second.
  3. When the chicken has boiled for five minutes, drain the water and transfer it to a second pot. If you decide to cook everything in one container, then wash it from the remaining foam, fill the meat with fresh water and put it on the fire again to continue cooking. This simple method has two goals at once. First, it will reduce the calorie content of chicken broth to the minimum required for diets. And secondly, it will allow you to cleanse the carcass of antibiotics and hormones with which a live chicken was fed at a poultry farm so that it grows faster.
  4. After the water with meat boils again, salt it and continue to cook until tender.

To make the chicken dietary, remove the skin from it and carefully remove all fat from the meat. For comparison: if a poultry boiled with skin contains 205 kcal per 100 grams, then when the skin and fat are removed from the carcass, the calorie content will drop to 170 kcal.

Delicious low calorie meals

Cooking dietary chicken dishes does not take much time, it is convenient and budgetary. Several low-calorie recipes should be in the arsenal of any housewife. It is a skill worth its weight in gold to cook deliciously and beautifully serve a dietary dish.

Chicken noodle soup

For the first meal, you can make chicken noodle soup. The energy value of such a soup does not exceed 80 kcal per hundred grams. According to the recipe, you will need the following products to prepare it:

  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • noodles - 200 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, herbs, bay leaf - to taste.

Steps of preparation:

  • Put a pot of water on the fire and dip the chopped onions, carrots and chicken fillets into it.
  • After the water has boiled, reduce the heat and add the chopped potatoes to the pot and lower the bay leaf.
  • Cover and cook for twenty minutes.
  • Then add the noodles and spices. Break a couple of eggs straight into the soup and stir well with a spoon.
  • Cook until the noodles and potatoes are tender. Add fresh herbs to the prepared soup if desired.

Chicken pilaf - 155 kcal per 100 grams

For the second, you can make delicious pilaf, the calorie content of which will not exceed 155 kcal per 100 grams.

Ingredients for chicken pilaf:

How to cook?

  1. Cut the fillet into medium-sized cubes, finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a frypot to completely cover the bottom and set it on fire. When the frypot is hot, add the onions and carrots to the oil and save them.
  3. Then place the chicken in the same place and, stirring, keep it on the fire until the meat turns white on all sides.
  4. Then pour four cups of clean water into the brazier. Add salt and pepper. Then pour rice there, reduce heat and watch until all the water has completely evaporated.
  5. Next, cover the brazier with a lid and turn off the heat. It is necessary to give time to the dish to infuse so that the rice finally swells.

One of the main advantages of chicken, which makes it popular in many families, is its affordability due to its relatively low price. Housewives also love her for the fact that this meat is cooked quickly and becomes tender in taste. And any other product can envy the number of various dishes with chicken.

The bird is used to present their menu as fun as possible. On its basis, various soups and broths are prepared, meatballs and meatballs are made, they are added to stews and pilaf, and a traditional dish of Russian cuisine is cooked - jellied meat.

Any of the dishes can be made dietary. To do this, you just need to carefully process the chicken meat, defat it as much as possible, and do not add sauces and seasonings. If you follow these simple recommendations, then the calorie content of chicken will remain at a low level, and the benefits from it for the body will be invaluable.

Chickens were domesticated by humans many years ago, and since then they are very common on farms and private backyards. Chicken meat is low-calorie, it can be safely attributed to dietary products, and all because it has a high content of protein, nutrients and vitamins. Of course, the calorie content depends on which part of the chicken you use. How many calories are in chicken?

Remember! Chicken - calorie content per 100 grams - 190 kcal.

Chicken is an excellent substitute for another type of meat, rich in vitamins and amino acids. There are no carbohydrates in chicken, fats are the main source. White meat contains practically no fat, and dark meat is famous for its high iron content.

Boiled chicken

The easiest way to cook chicken is to boil it. Boiled chicken meat is very healthy and low-calorie - 100 grams contains 170 kcal, but without skin. It is undesirable to eat the skin, it contains a lot of fat. The calorie content of meat with skin is almost twice as much - 215 kcal. Boiled chicken contains a lot of nutrients and is a favorite among athletes - high protein content promotes muscle growth.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup is a very popular dish in Russia. Probably everyone knows his rich and appetizing broth from childhood. People who follow a healthy diet try to include such a soup in their diet every day. To reduce the calorie content of the broth, all the skin is cut off from the carcass and boiled. The first broth is drained, the second is used for dietary soups. The calorie content of the soup will directly depend on its constituent products.
Chicken soup with potatoes

* Kilocalories are indicated per 100 grams.

Chicken in the oven

Large, fried chicken with a golden brown crust straight from the oven is a frequent guest on the table. However, in addition to the high calorie content (238 kcal), this dish affects the gastrointestinal tract, so people with sensitive stomachs should refuse baked chicken. But by depriving it of the skin, you can reduce the load on the organs.

Grilled chicken contains almost the same amount of calories, besides this, it is very harmful and not at all healthy. The high content of carcinogens in it harms the stomach.

The only thing that will help reduce the calorie content of chicken prepared in this way is to remove the skin and grease the chicken with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Of course, from these procedures, it will not become super dietary, but the calorie content will be slightly reduced.

Pilaf with chicken. Calorie content

Traditionally cooked pilaf is a rather fatty dish. Pilaf with chicken has fewer calories than pork or beef. The calorie content of pilaf with chicken is 170 kcal.

Stewed chicken

The calorie content of stewed chicken is about 230 kcal. It can be easily reduced by eliminating the need to add oil during cooking. Together, you can use tomatoes and peppers, add water and lemon juice. The calorie content has decreased by four times and will be only 55 kcal. Braised chicken with cabbage contains 115 kcal.

Many often allow themselves to have a shawarma snack. Indeed, the dish is easy to prepare and cook quickly. According to the rules, ketchup or mayonnaise is not added to real shawarma. It is cooked with kefir sauce. In such a shawarma, the calorie content will be 115 kcal per 100 grams. With the addition of mayonnaise, it will dramatically increase to 180 kcal. Lavash with chicken and vegetables, without sauce contains 80 kcal.

Chicken with potatoes

The calorie content of stewed chicken with potatoes is 115 kcal. But many favorite French potatoes contain as much as 260 kcal and are not recommended for people who are watching their weight.

Calorie content of fried chicken

Chicken stew contains 220 kcal. However, different parts of the body also have different calories. Breast - 180 kcal, legs - 185 kcal, chicken thigh - 150 kcal, chicken fillet - 180 kcal.

Caesar with chicken

Probably many have not only heard, but tried the famous Caesar with chicken. This dish has gained popularity not only in cafes and restaurants, it is prepared with pleasure at home. The calorie content of the salad is 220 kcal.

Chicken with mushrooms

Chicken stewed with mushrooms turns out to be very tasty and tender, with a calorie content of 100 kcal. If you add cream to the dish, they will make the chicken even more tender, but the calorie content will already be 150 kcal.

Chicken kebab

Very few people choose to cook chicken kebabs. Pork and beef remain in the first place. The calorie content of chicken kebab depends on the marinade:

  • in soy sauce - 155 kcal;
  • in honey sauce - 200 kcal;
  • in mayonnaise with spices - 185 kcal.

Smoked chicken

Almost everyone is familiar with the unique smell, beautiful view and wonderful taste of smoked chicken breast. But behind an attractive look, only harm is hidden - a lot of calories and high fat content. 100 grams - 190 kcal.

Chicken noodles

Chicken is prepared as a side dish for a variety of noodles; the calorie content of chicken meat depends both on the noodles and on the additives to it.

  • Calorie content of rice noodles with chicken - 235 kcal;
  • buckwheat - 80 kcal;
  • egg - 140 kcal;
  • wheat - 150 kcal.

The Italian dish, pasta, is very popular. These are noodles with chicken in sauce and cheese. Calorie content - 130 kcal.

Chicken cutlets

Chicken cutlets contain a small amount of fat, therefore they are very tender and juicy. Caloric content - 145 kcal.

Rice with chicken. Calorie content

In addition to the traditional pilaf recipe, chicken can be cooked simply with rice, for example, stewed in soy sauce. The calorie content of the dish will be 145 kcal.

Buckwheat with chicken

Chicken can be served as a side dish for any dish. The calorie content of buckwheat with chicken will be 105 kcal, if you add carrots there - 115 kcal, with chicken and mushrooms - 100 kcal.

Stewed cabbage with chicken

Stewed cabbage with chicken has a calorie content of 80 kcal.

Chicken pea soup

The calorie content of pea soup will directly depend on its composition. Pea soup, which will be based on chicken broth, and in the composition of peas, carrots, onions, potatoes and herbs will contain only 55 kcal.

Even if you leave potatoes, and the main ingredient is peas, and smoked meats, bell peppers, garlic and various spices are added to it, the calorie threshold will not exceed 110 kcal. Many people prefer to experiment and prepare milk-based creamy pea soups. Greens, carrots, onions, dill are added there. Such soups have a low calorie content - 50 kcal.

Take note! To know the calorie content of chicken, you need to find out the tricks of its heat treatment. Poultry from the counter must be soaked for a couple of hours.

Feel free to experiment, chicken meat can be cooked in many different ways, plus there are a lot of chicken dishes in cooking. Soups, salads, hot dishes - the list goes on and on.

Huge selection of pastries, cutlets, dumplings. Chicken is baked whole, and in pieces, stuffed with vegetables and fruits, sauces are made for various side dishes. Chicken will always be a valuable product on the table, it will delight with its taste and aroma. Breeding chickens is not difficult, almost every farmer raises chickens in his backyard.

Boiled chicken is a favorite food of all nutritionists. Experts advise children, adults and the elderly to use it. Any healthy diet includes this type of bird. How many calories are in boiled chicken? This figure depends on the part of the carcass.

Cooking chicken by boiling is the best way. So it retains all useful substances and does not acquire excess energy value. Chicken kebab marinated in vinegar comes as close as possible to the boiled dish. Other types of processing only increase the calorie content.

Boiled breast - dietary product №1. It will become a delicate addition to many dishes - salads, rolls, soups, pates and minced meat.

One hundred grams of cooked skinless meat contains 95 kcal, while raw boneless fillet is estimated at 113 kcal, and with bone - at 137 kcal. If you cook the breast together with the skin, then with 100 grams of the dish, 164 kcal will enter the body.

One hundred grams of chicken contains 23 g of protein, approximately 2 g of fat and 0.4 g of carbohydrates. Such indicators allow you to easily calculate the daily amount of food to meet the protein norm. When losing weight and maintaining muscle mass, it is normally recommended to consume 1.3-2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

The calorie content of boiled chicken, as you can see, can vary markedly.

Each part of the carcass has a different energy value:

  • boiled drumstick without skin - 110 kilocalories per 100 grams, with skin - 161 kcal;
  • boiled thighs without skin - 160 kcal per 100 g, with skin - 185 kcal;
  • boiled legs without skin - 170 kcal per 100 g;
  • boiled wings - 181 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about chicken offal, their energy value is also low. Boiled stomachs provide only 94 kcal, liver - 166 kcal, heart - 182 kcal.

Valuable composition and benefits

Chicken contains a large number of substances important for the body. These are vitamins (A, groups B, E, F, K, PP and H), minerals (selenium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, cobalt, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, zinc and others), important amino acids. There are practically no carbohydrates and fats, which allows poultry to be included in many diets.

Meat helps in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcer, gout. Regular consumption of boiled chicken prevents the occurrence of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart ailments.

Older people should especially focus on poultry in their diet. The meat of juveniles is most beneficial because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and glutamine. It is preferable to use homemade chicken, since the store product contains harmful substances that are deposited as a result of specific feeding.

Boiled chicken is healthy food and energizes the body. Meat-based broth helps to cure a recent cold illness or restore defenses after surgery. Rich broth will relieve the effects of food poisoning and energize a weak body. Boiled chicken is a great food for pregnant women.