Making apple cider vinegar at home. All Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes I Know

02.05.2020 Soups

A simple homemade apple cider vinegar recipe allows you to prepare a truly healthy and tasty product. A liquid with a pleasant sour taste is used simply as a useful substance, and is also used as an ingredient in canning or seasoning in food. Apple cider vinegar has a healing effect on the entire body: it normalizes bowel function, acid-base balance, stabilizes overall health, debugs fat absorption, improves well-being, and more.

The advantages of homemade apple cider vinegar are: an inexpensive product available to any family, hypoallergenic, with no side effects on the liver or stomach.

Standard Recipe for Sugar-Free Apple Cider Vinegar

For a simple homemade apple cider vinegar recipe, pick ripe and sweet ones.


During fermentation, a film of acetic acid bacteria forms on the surface of the apple mass, which does not need to be disposed of. It is she who allows you to create such a product.

Homemade apple cider vinegar from pomace

According to the recipe provided, to get about 1 liter of vinegar, you need to prepare 1.5 kg of overripe apples. This description provides for the use of yeast in an amount of 10 grams per 100 grams of mixture.


Video recipe for apple cider vinegar with the addition of rye bread and honey

Yeast-Free Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to the lack of yeast at home or simply unwillingness to use it, a recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home without yeast is provided. To obtain the desired product, the apples must be carefully chopped and a lot of sugar must be added.


Apple cider vinegar fermentation is a process in which trace minerals from starch and sugar are converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This process is also called fermentation.

Video: how to make apple cider vinegar at home

A simple recipe for apple cider vinegar at home provides for simple steps, according to which you can make vinegar not only for internal use, but also for external use. Traditional medicine, with confidence in its recipes, increasingly shows that apple cider vinegar has a beneficial effect on the body. Its use helps to get rid of lichen, fungus, corns, corns, scabies, small varicose veins. Also, the liquid in question is an excellent antiseptic. To treat with these methods, you need to know how to make apple cider vinegar, the recipes for which will help you with this.

Apple cider vinegar has been credited with many medicinal properties. It is believed to promote weight loss, burn fat, thereby reducing weight. In addition, apple cider vinegar is used to combat cellulite and stretch marks, as well as to strengthen hair and treat a number of ailments.

If you have excessive night sweats, you should rub the body with apple cider vinegar before going to bed.

For angina, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and gargle with this mixture every hour.

Applying homemade vinegar
Photo: Shutterstock

When coughing, you can prepare a mixture for which you will need:

  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin
  • 3 tablespoons honey

Combine all the ingredients: apple cider vinegar, glycerin and honey. Take a teaspoon before meals (3 times a day) and 1 time at night.

For weight loss, mix 2 teaspoons of homemade apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink vinegar water every time you eat. This must be done systematically throughout the year.

The easiest homemade apple cider vinegar recipe

Making healing vinegar at home is easy. Any apples are suitable for its manufacture, but if there is Antonovka, then use them. This will be the most ideal option! So, the recipe is as follows.

We take apples and rub them on a coarse grater, without peeling, right along with the skin and core. Put the resulting gruel in a glass vessel or enamel pan and fill it with boiled, slightly warm water. The proportions are as follows: for 1 liter of water / 800 grams of apple gruel.

Then add 100 grams of sugar or, if available, honey, and 10 grams of raw yeast for every liter of water. I also put about 20 grams of dry rye bread with the yeast.

Be sure to leave the vessel with the future vinegar open, you do not need to close it, it must breathe. It should be stored in a dark, preferably warm place. He must stand there for exactly 10 days.

About 2 times a day, you need to stir it with a wooden spoon or just a clean stick. After 10 days, the apple gruel is transferred to a bag of gauze and filtered into another jar, covered with gauze and left for subsequent fermentation.

At this stage of preparation, to improve the quality of the vinegar, add 50 grams of sugar per liter of liquid. After adding sugar, without stirring, you need to tie the jar with gauze and put in a warm place.

The maturation period for apple cider vinegar is 40 to 60 days. You can find out about the end of the term by the following signs: the liquid will brighten and taste good.

Pour the liquid through a hose or filter through cheesecloth. The remaining thick must be thrown away, since it is of no value.

The finished apple cider vinegar should be poured into bottles or small jars and sealed tightly with lids or stoppers. You can store it in the refrigerator or just in the closet. A characteristic feature of homemade apple cider vinegar is that the longer it costs, the more healing qualities it has. Its healing properties persist for more than 2 - 3 years, then you can prepare a new one.

During the preparation and subsequent ripening of the vinegar, small flies will appear around it. No need to worry, this is normal, everything is as it should be. Once bottled, they will quickly disappear.

When apple cider vinegar is infused, a small jellyfish-like film may appear on its surface. This is a vinegar uterus. It has enhanced healing properties and, in general, its appearance is a great success, since it appears quite rarely.

The appearance of the vinegar uterus indicates that you were able to make premium apple cider vinegar!

And in conclusion I would like to say the following. Excellent quality real apple cider vinegar is never clear. He will always be a little unclear.

The use of vinegar in everyday life

A useful product of apple processing is used not only in treatment and weight loss, it is a good helper in everyday life.

  • Rinse your hair after washing and it will become silky and shiny. To do this, add 2 tsp to the rinse water. per liter of water.
  • An excellent helper when cleaning mirrors and washing windows, it is used for rinsing crystal after washing.
  • It is used for cleaning enameled dishes, bathtubs, toilets.
  • Increases the yield of cucumbers. Vegetable growers, pay special attention to this advice. It is necessary to carry out regular feeding of cucumbers, in a bucket of water for irrigation half a liter of the product.
  • If you lubricate the insect bite, the itching and pain will quickly pass.

Maybe you want to make kvass, but don't know the recipes? Follow the link and learn how to make beet kvass and kvass from birch sap.

If you are the lucky owner of a large number of apples, do it, friends, - delicious, extraordinary!

Successful harvesting of apple vinegar, I hope that everything will work out. I offer a video that tells about the secrets of cooking the product. Be healthy! With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

Making apple cider vinegar at home

Industrial vinegar is usually made from apple peelings and the core, that is, from production leftovers. Homemade vinegar is usually made with whole sweet apples. The alcohol content in the wort and the speed of formation of acetic acid depend on the sweetness of the fruit. If vinegar is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, then you need to take only a high-quality natural product, preferably prepared with your own hands at home.

Making apple cider vinegar is easy. It is essentially fermented apple juice. There are several recipes for making apple vinegar at home.

To make the vinegar suggested by D.S. Jarvis method, for 1 kilogram of mashed apples you will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 100-150 grams of granulated sugar or honey
  • 10 grams of bread yeast or 20 grams of dry black bread

If apple cider vinegar is made from sweet varieties of apples, it is recommended to add 50 grams of granulated sugar or honey per kilogram of fruit, and if from sweet and sour or sour - 100 grams each

Wash the apples thoroughly, chop finely and remove all rotten and wormy slices. Then grate the prepared apple pieces on a coarse grater or crush in a mortar. Transfer the resulting gruel to an enamel or glass dish, add granulated sugar or honey (at the rate of 50 grams per 1 kilogram of mass). To speed up fermentation, add bread yeast or a slice of rye bread. Then fill the mass with hot, but not boiling water - about 70 ° C.

Water must completely cover the apple mixture and be 3-4 cm higher

Then place the cookware open in a warm place (avoid sunlight). This is a prerequisite for making homemade vinegar. The optimal fermentation temperature is considered to be from +15 to + 25 ° С. The first stage of souring lasts 10 days. During this period, stir the apple gruel well 2-3 times a day. On the 11th day, strain the apple mass through a gauze filter. Strain the resulting liquid again and pour into a bowl with a wide neck suitable for its volume. While stirring, add another 50 grams of granulated sugar or honey per liter of liquid. Then cover the neck with gauze and tie.

During the second period of souring, keep the dishes with the preparing vinegar in a warm place, away from sunlight. This period will last 30-50 days. The souring process will end when the liquid “calms down” and becomes transparent.

Pour the finished vinegar into bottles

This should be done carefully, without shaking and keeping the formed sediment on the bottom of the dish. Then it can be filtered through several layers of gauze and added to bottles of vinegar

After that, seal the bottles tightly and store in a cool, dark place.

To prepare apple cider vinegar from the juice, you need to select ripe sweet fruits, cut them into large slices and leave them in the light for a while to darken the apples. Then squeeze the juice out of the apples, pour it into a clay or glass bottle and put a rubber glove or ball on the neck.

Place the fermentation container in a warm, dark place for 1-6 weeks

When the balloon is completely inflated, remove it, and pour the fermented juice together with the formed film (the so-called "vinegar uterus") into a wide earthenware or wooden dish. Make sure that the liquid does not reach the top of the pan by 7-9 centimeters. This is done so that the liquid does not overflow during fermentation.

Cover the dishes with a napkin or gauze and set aside for the second stage of fermentation.

Leave the dishes with the liquid in a warm, dark place for another one and a half to two months. When the liquid stops boiling and becomes transparent, filter through a gauze filter, pour into bottles and seal them tightly.

It is recommended to store homemade vinegar in a dark place at a temperature of 6-15 ° C. It is believed that the longer the apple cider vinegar is stored, the healthier it becomes. Over time, red flakes may form in it. This is permissible, in this case, the vinegar should be additionally filtered before use.

Examples of recipes

Recipe 1 Classic

  1. Selected ripe (overripe) fruits without signs of rot. They are thoroughly washed and crushed into a homogeneous mass. The cores of apples are pre-cut. Sugar or natural honey is added to the resulting puree at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 kg. The sweeter the apples, the less sugar you need.
  2. The prepared mixture is laid out in an enamel bowl by 2/3 of its volume and poured with warm boiled water at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, instead of wort, you will get a sweet apple compote. At least 7 or 10 cm should remain to the top of the container, since during the fermentation process the mass will rise and may overflow.
  3. The dishes with the wort are placed in a dark and warm place for 10-15 days. The contents are mixed well twice a day to ensure even fermentation.
  4. After two weeks, the liquid is filtered off and poured into a glass container for further oxidation. After another two weeks, the liquid is again filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into glass bottles and filled with wax or paraffin.
  5. Store ready-made vinegar in a dark and cool place.

Recipe 2 American

  1. Sweet, well-ripened apples are crushed together with the peel and seeds.
  2. The mixture is placed in an enamel or earthenware dish and poured with boiled water at a temperature not exceeding 70 C, in a one-to-one ratio.
  3. Sugar or natural honey, rye crackers and bread yeast are added to the mass at the rate of 100/20/10 g per 1 liter of liquid, respectively.
  4. The dishes are covered with a linen or cotton napkin and placed in a dark and warm place with a constant air temperature.
  5. The initial fermentation process takes about 10 days on average. During this period, the mass is constantly stirred, and at the end of the period, it is carefully filtered from the remnants of plant materials. Sugar or honey is again introduced into the resulting liquid at the rate of 50 g per liter of liquid and left to ferment further. The second stage of fermentation can take 20 to 30 days.
  6. Unlike the first method, in which fermented apple juice is bottled after 25-30 days, in this case the initial fermentation takes 50 to 60 days. Juice is poured into bottles for further aging only after the liquid finally brightens and stops bubbling.

Recipe 3 Caramel Vinegar

This recipe is somewhat reminiscent of the technology for making homemade fruit wine, only the production process is much longer.

  1. Ripe and sweet fruits are coarsely chopped and left at room temperature until completely darkened. Apples change color due to the fact that the iron in them is oxidized under the influence of atmospheric oxygen.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of the processed fruit, which is also left for 3-4 hours to oxidize. From time to time it needs to be stirred and then the juice will acquire a rich caramel shade.
  3. The prepared liquid is poured into a thick glass bottle and the neck is closed with a rubber glove.
  4. The bottle is moved to a warm place, away from sunlight. The sugars in the apple juice will soon begin to oxidize, and the tied glove will swell with gases released during fermentation.
  5. When its volume reaches the limit, and it begins to deflate a little, the contents of the glass container are poured into a wider container. There should be at least 7 cm to the edge of the pan or basin. It is covered with gauze or a napkin to protect the mass from litter and insects. It is not necessary to remove foam and films from the mass, since they are the basis for secondary fermentation.
  6. In the dishes, the mass is kept for another 1-1.5 months under the same conditions.
  7. Fermentation is complete when the liquid becomes clear. It is filtered through a cloth and poured into glass bottles, sealed with corks and wax.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home

To make apple cider vinegar at home, we need:

  • apples - 2 kg
  • boiled water - 2.5 liters
  • honey - 250 grams
  • sugar - about 300 grams
  • yeast - 50 grams
  • brown bread croutons - 100 grams

Vinegar is the end result of the fermentation process, where yeast bacteria break down the sugar contained in the original product. First, alcohol is obtained from sugar, and if the fermentation process is not stopped, then later alcohol becomes vinegar.

Fruits, vegetables, grains can be used as raw materials for vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is produced from apples, which is widely used not only in cooking, cosmetology, but also in folk medicine. It is even called a cure for all diseases. Such widespread use of this product is explained by the content in it: potassium, calcium, iron, amino acids, boron, etc.

For the industrial preparation of vinegar, apple peel, core and apple cake are used as raw materials, which remain as waste in the production of juices, jam and jams. Homemade recipes use whole apples, apple juice and cake, which makes homemade vinegar richer in nutrients.

You can additionally enrich homemade apple cider vinegar with useful macro- and microelements if you use honey instead of sugar for its preparation. This beekeeping product makes the end product rich in potassium. For the first time such a recipe for making vinegar was proposed by the American doctor D-S. Jarvis.

If you still have apples after cooking, be sure to use one of the recipes below for making apple cider vinegar.

Homemade apple cider vinegar: a simple recipe

There are many homemade apple cider vinegar recipes. They differ not only in the ingredients required for cooking, but also in the length and complexity of the cooking steps.

The recipe below is simple in every sense. It only needs 3 ingredients and 4 weeks to cook, but first things first.


  • apples - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 50 grams for sweet apples or 100 for sour ones,
  • water - about 1 liter.
  1. Wash apples and cut off all spoiled areas. Then, together with the peel and core, cut into not very small pieces and put in a glass, enamel or earthenware dish.
  2. Add sugar to the apples.
  3. Boil water, cool to 70 degrees and pour apples.
  4. Remove the container in a dark and warm place for 2 weeks, remembering to stir the contents 2-3 times a day.
  5. After 14 days, gently strain the liquid through 3 - 4 layers of gauze into a glass jar, underfilling 5 - 7 centimeters to the brim.
  6. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze and put it back in the heat for another 2 weeks.

Strain the finished apple cider vinegar and bottle it without loosening the sediment at the bottom of the jar. Cork the bottles tightly.

A Simple Apple Cider Vinegar Pomace Recipe

After making a canning from apples (for example, juice), there is a cake that can be used for apple cider vinegar. The only drawback of this recipe is that very small cake will be difficult to filter out.


  • fresh apple cake - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Put the cake, sugar and warm boiled water in a glass jar with a wide neck. The water should be several centimeters higher than the cake.
  2. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze and store in a dark and warm place for 60 to 90 days.
  3. Over time, drain the finished vinegar, strain through cheesecloth and bottle for storage.

Apple cider vinegar

You can make the lightest apple cider vinegar possible from apple cider juice. The vinegar juice should be without cake. You can use a juicer to prepare it.


  • apple juice - 3 liters.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour apple juice into a 4 liter bottle. Put a medical glove on the jar's throat and leave to ferment for 4 weeks in a warm place. If the glove breaks during this time, replace it with a new one.
  2. After a month, pour the contents into an enamel pan with a wide bottom, cover with several layers of gauze and leave to ferment for another 1.5 - 2 months.
  3. When the strong unpleasant smell disappears, the vinegar is ready.

Ready-made homemade apple cider vinegar is stored in tightly closed glass bottles at a temperature of 5 to 25C. The ideal place to store it is the refrigerator door or shelf in a cool closet. The shelf life of homemade vinegar is 2-3 years.

Good day, my beloved readers! Probably many of you have heard about. How it prevents cellulite, helps grow gorgeous hair, is used for slimming and tightening the skin, for treating low acidity in the stomach and even varicose veins. And you can't even list how useful it is. But, the trouble is that it is not always possible to buy a quality product in a store.

Home versus shoplifting

Most often, the manufacturer "conjures" vinegar from the leftovers from other industries, using:

  • apple peel
  • core,
  • tainted places,
  • often cooks from the cake left over from juice production,
  • but about the presence of honey in a store product, you can only dream of.

The use of waste is not the worst thing - after all, they are food. This product excelled in counterfeiting all others. Manufacturers are very fond of using vinegar and chewing:

  • add preservatives to their product that prolong its storage,
  • dyes for masking used low-quality raw materials and giving a more presentation,
  • subject the product to severe filtration using reagents to remove natural sediment,
  • and often under the guise of a natural product, they sell a chemical mixture at all.

Such a product will not contain any vitamins or minerals, and fermentation accelerators and preservatives will only worsen the situation.

Homemade vinegar is stored, maybe less, and its color will not be so bright. Cooking your own apple bite at home will not require much time and money, it will be much safer and healthier, because the hostess will put not only love into it, but also high-quality fresh products!

Basic recipe

Many sites and forums of the worldwide network have collected a lot of different step-by-step recipes, among which you can find both the old "grandmother" and the modern one from popular experts. Let not all, but they have a right to exist, although the basic principle of how to prepare a healthy product is almost the same for everyone. This is what I am going to prove now.

I went for apples

What is vinegar? In fact, it is sour wine. That is, the process of preparing both of them consists in the fermentation of fruit juice. And the only difference is that wine ferments without air access, while vinegar, on the contrary, must breathe.

So where does a good vinegar start? Right! With good raw materials. With us, today it is apple. Therefore, we cook, no matter red or yellow, the main thing is sweet and ripe apples. And it is not at all necessary to wash them (not even desirable!) And cut off the bruised places, it is enough to tear off the stalks and cut out the rot. Indeed, in order for the fermentation to be active and without yeast, it is necessary that the fungi remain on the fruits, contributing to this very fermentation. And they are only on "unwashed" apples.

By the way! The more ripe and sweeter the apples, the less sugar you will need to add to the wort later, and the faster the fermentation process will take place.

  • grate
  • cut in a food processor or blender
  • mince
  • just cut with a knife

You can choose any method you like. But! It takes a long time to do this on a grater and it is not at all safe for our fingers. With a knife - even more dangerous and longer. The meat grinder crumbles the raw material too much, turning it into gruel, which will subsequently affect its filtration. Therefore, I usually do this in a combine. The apples do not crumple in it, but are obtained in small pieces.

Natural product base

The most important, but not the most difficult moment in our venture begins: we lay the foundation for the future vinegar. What is needed for that:

  • apples of any kind (both Antonovka and small ranetki are suitable);
  • water;
  • honey (which is preferable) or sugar;

With the main components, everything! All other additives are just variations on the vinegar theme. You can add a slice of rye bread to enhance fermentation. But I would not recommend adding yeast - if you do everything as I wrote above (and below too), and without them, you will get wonderful vinegar.

There are not very many options with the proportions of these components, but there are. I believe that one liter of water should be taken for one kilogram of apples, and sugar - depending on the sweetness of the original product. On average (in terms of sweetness) it will be 100 grams per selected amount.

Attention! Combine the ingredients in a wooden, glass, earthenware or enamel bowl. Aluminum, iron, and even more so plastic is not suitable for this purpose. Be sure to leave room in the fermentation vessel, do not fill it to the brim.

When the base for vinegar is ready, cover it with a napkin or towel, put it in a dark place in which a fairly high temperature should be maintained - 28-32 ° C. For this, hidden places in your apartment closer to heating devices or a dark cabinet in the kitchen are suitable.

In such conditions, the harvest must be kept for 10-15 days, it all depends on the presence of the aforementioned fungi and the storage temperature of the wort. All this time, you need to "break" his calmness three times (or at least once) a day by stirring with a wooden spoon.

This is also an important stage. First, you need to separate the pulp from the liquid (as long as it is not vinegar yet). How can you make it easier? Apple porridge will not be squeezed well through cheesecloth, I know from my own experience. That is why, I advise you to do it "in draft" through a colander, on which you discard the pasta.

Just put the wort in a colander and press the mass with your hands so that the liquid glass as much as possible. Don't rub anything! This will only crush the pulp into porridge, and it, in turn, will clog the tissue during subsequent filtration.

Then we put cheesecloth on our colander (make it in two layers) and filter the liquid "clean". This is no longer juice, but not vinegar either! The resulting semi-finished product should still wander, not so violently, but still. We repeat the technology in the same sequence, only we no longer add water:

  • we sweeten 50-100 g of sugar per liter of liquid, again depending on the starting material;
  • pour into a clean container and also cover with a cloth;
  • set in a dark, warm place for 40-60 days to complete fermentation.

Our daily presence is no longer required, there is no need to interfere with the strained workpiece, and do not touch it at all until the product is ready. The vinegar will be considered ready when the fermentation process is over and it is completely clear.

Packaging and storage

Already prepared vinegar must be removed from the sediment. Do you know how this is done? No? Just like the finished wine. I know two options:

  1. Gently, without lifting the sediment from the bottom, the liquid is simply poured into a clean container. This is done quickly, but the disadvantage here is that it is good, with the least "losses" to drain, it will not work out - the sediment will surely rise and flow into a clean product. The second method of waste will turn out to be less, but you will have to tinker a little longer.
  2. With a rubber tube. We fix one end of it in a container with vinegar, somewhere in its middle and certainly not touching the bottom. To start the process, it is necessary to draw in air from the other end of the tube, and quickly lower it into the overflow dish (it should be much lower than the first one). Thus, "pumping" from one container to another will begin. You just have to make sure that the tip of the tube does not sink into the sediment and does not jump out.

If you are left with a lot of cloudy liquid, do not be discouraged. Let it stand for another day or two and you can repeat the process again. Moreover, I advise you to drain clean vinegar in a week or two in the same way again, it is very difficult to do it well the first time.

Attention! At the stage of bottling vinegar for storage, you can infuse it with various herbs for medicinal purposes or to add aroma. This is done by adding the herb of choice to the finished product bottle. After 3-4 weeks, it will give the vinegar not only its aroma, but also all the beneficial properties and it can be removed.

Pour the finished vinegar into a smaller bowl, you can put it in bottles or small jars, and you don’t need to do this right under the neck. Just close with nylon caps or tight plugs, but not tight. Now it is still completely "green", with a strength of no more than 4-5%, it will still ripen over time, why should it be completely deprived of access to air.

It is better to store at a temperature of 6-8 ° C, but more is possible, not the essence. After a year, the vinegar will have reached a good strength and will be fully ripe. You can use it without fears for health (and health!) For 3 years, which means more than one winter!

Variations on a vinegar theme

What else would you like to say on the vinegar topic? While I was preparing the article, I didn’t read any recipes and recommendations. My God, if I myself were completely out of topic, it would not be surprising to get lost.

What I mean? Yes, just for example. I open the top articles on our topic today. And what do I see? Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe from Dr. Jarvis! I do not argue at all, there was such a doctor who promoted vinegar (by the way, not only him!) For medicinal purposes.

But, that's why this Jarvis recipe, I can't understand. All the same recipe, copied many times from site to site with bread and yeast. Maybe I didn't understand it? Maybe YOU can explain to me?

By the way! Our Russian Malakhov also respects the use of vinegar and soda for medicinal purposes. If you listen to the popular herald, this product helps in absolutely any case, from a cold to arthrosis.

And yet there is another option that deserves special attention. I offer it to you.

Apple Juice Recipe

For the production of vinegar from apple juice, we will act according to the principles of the main recipe, but there are certainly subtleties. This is the easiest way to eliminate the part of the recipe where we regularly stir the wort. But, for active fermentation, it will be necessary to add sourdough to the juice in addition to sugar. What could it be?

  • a slice of black bread
  • live yeast
  • wort left over from previously prepared vinegar
  • vinegar uterus with remnants of not decanted sediment

The choice of the appropriate option is left to you, but I think the second and third are more acceptable.

Advice: try to cook vinegar with honey and without sugar in any recipe, because the product of bee work contains much more vitamins and minerals.

Should the juice be diluted with water? Many sources I have come across do not give such a recommendation. But, I am still inclined to believe that this should be done. Judge for yourself - from undiluted juice, the vinegar will turn out to be very concentrated and, I think, strong. What for? Do this about 3 parts juice, one part water, or a little more.

I will not describe the rest of the process, everything is repeated one to one:

  • fermentation
  • removal from sediment
  • storage

But, even this lighter version cannot be cooked in 1 hour. In any case, everything about everything will take you at least a month and a half.

Video recipe

The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been known for a long time. It helps to grow lush, shiny hair, is a great helper in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks and acne. This infusion is used in combination with slimming therapy, procedures to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Even with varicose veins, this apple product does an excellent job.

And everything would be fine, only it is practically impossible to buy high-quality apple vinegar in a store. Manufacturers sin by making an infusion from the remains of garden fruits, using cores, peels and other illiquid assets. But it just so happened that these parts of apples do not have any useful properties. And if, in addition, you add preservatives and dyes to the waste, then we get a mixture at the exit, which can also harm. You shouldn't buy something that doesn't work a priori.

In the conditions of an eternal lack of time, it is easier for people to buy ready-made products and think "maybe they will carry it over" than to work on the creation of raw materials on their own. But you must admit that it is better to spend time and prepare an otset yourself, than then solve problems that can cause a low-quality store product.

And at home, you will probably make apple cider vinegar using only the best ingredients, which means that the product will serve you faithfully and will show itself as a faithful companion on the way to your goal.

The composition of the product

As practice shows, not everyone understands what vinegar is. In fact, this is the most common fermented wine. Only wine sour under a tight lid, and vinegar needs air for a complete transformation. However, in both cases, it is the fruit juice that becomes the basis of the procurement.

If we talk about the chemical composition, then a home bite represents more than 50 compounds and contains about 15 amino acids necessary for a person. That is, in your arsenal there will be a remedy that surpasses the huge number of dietary supplements that the pharmacy chain offers us. But if it costs you a penny, then a supplement from the pharmacy will hit your wallet significantly.

Let's summarize. Fruit cider contains:

  • pectin is a complex carbohydrate that is necessary for the body to produce energy;
  • vitamins A, B, C and E;
  • natural acids - malic, citric;
  • trace elements - sulfur, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and others.

Cooking methods

In order for the product to be of high quality, you need to use good quality raw materials. It doesn't matter what color the apples you choose will be, the main thing is that they are ripe and juicy.

On a note! The more ripe the apples are, the less sugar will need to be added to the infusion for the cooking process. Therefore, if you see overripe fruits, feel free to take them.

In addition to apples, the recipe also contains water and honey. If honey makes you sick, substitute sugar for it.

Some people put a piece of rye bread, or rather a piece of rye bread or yeast, in a container with future vinegar to enhance fermentation.

Let's take a step by step how to make the most natural apple vinegar at home.

Classic recipe

Follow the simple steps to get a quality product. We have described them in great detail so that you can avoid mistakes.

  • Step 1. Never wash your apples! Yes, yes, they, like grapes for wine, must preserve on the skin a natural layer of fungi necessary for fermentation. Just tear off the cuttings and cut away any rotten areas, if any.
  • Step 2. You can grind fruits in any convenient way. They can be chopped, grated, minced or turned into gruel with a blender. Experienced people point out that the best apple cider vinegar comes from raw materials processed in a food processor: not too liquid, not too large, but exactly as it should be.
  • Step 3. By proportions. A good vinegar is obtained if you take a liter of water for one kilogram of apples. Sugar, as you can imagine, should be added to taste.

Mix foods in deep wood, glass or clay dishes. But you can also take an enamel bowl. Products made of plastic, iron and aluminum will not work. Try not to fill the container to the brim, because the infusion will rise during fermentation.

  • Step 4. The mixture of apples, water and sweetener must be covered with a clean cloth so as not to block the full access of oxygen, and placed in a warm, dark place for two weeks. Watch the temperature! It should be at least +28 degrees. Otherwise, the fermentation processes will be weak. Stir the workpiece every day with a wooden spoon or spatula. It is better if you do it in the morning and in the evening.
  • Step 5. After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to strain our cider. This is most conveniently done through a colander if you originally used fruit pieces. If you have had apple gruel, then you can separate the pulp from the liquid only with the help of a gauze cloth. Do not wrinkle the workpiece, just gently press it with your hands, thereby allowing the liquid to drain quietly.

Ideally, the infusion at this stage should be cleaned with several gauze bags. Even if you used a colander at first, then the second time you need to run the juice through the mesh fabric.

  • Step 6. Next, sweeten the purified infusion again, pour it into a clean container and cover with a towel. In this state, our future vinegar should stand for about one and a half months, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. The product will be considered ready when the drink stops fermenting and acquires its characteristic transparency.

Apple juice recipe

The easiest way to make an ocet at home of all the existing ones.

The ingredients are the same as in the traditional version: water, sugar or honey. But instead of apples, apple juice is already used. By proportions: the juice should only be slightly diluted with water, about 1: 4.

And you should also add a product that stimulates the fermentation processes. This can be a crust of black bread or a yeast briquette (10 g), as well as the wort from previously made vinegar or its unstrained mass with sediment.

The steps for preparing vinegar are the same: fermentation, removal of sediment, preparation for storage.

Yeast Apple Cider Vinegar

The yeast in this recipe greatly simplifies the process of making apple cider at home. The secret is that fermentation using this product is an inevitable process. In addition, yeast itself is very useful, which means that the infusion at the output will be of high quality.

Prepare, as in the previous recipes, a kilogram of apples, about a liter of water, about a glass of sugar and live yeast. 10 grams is enough. Chop the apples, put them in a container and cover with hot water. After 10 days of fermentation, add sugar, put yeast, wrap the container with a towel and send it to a warm place for another month and a half. After this period, remove the sediment from the vinegar and bottle it for storage.

Apple cider vinegar recipe

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that vinegar from the skin and cores has a low usefulness. But thrifty housewives strive to make home production waste-free. And if you made juice from apples, then vinegar can be made from waste. It will still retain some of the vitamins and microelements in itself and in any case will be of better quality than the store product.

In terms of proportions, everything is the same: per kilogram of apple peelings, one liter of water, sugar to taste and a third of a teaspoon of yeast.

We advise to pass the skin and cores through a meat grinder, after which they can be poured with water. After a week and a half, add sugar and yeast to the strained semi-finished product, leave for a month or two to complete cooking.

At the moment of saturation of the infusion with sugar and yeast, you can add zest from lemon or orange. This step guarantees a pleasant taste and additional usefulness.

Vinegar with honey recipe

This guide is rarely used because honey apple cider is more difficult to make. But at the same time, this drink is the most useful of all. Doctors advise this particular recipe.

Choose quality apples. The sweeter they are, the better. You will need a kilogram of chopped washed fruits, which must be filled with warm boiled water. Add about 100 grams of honey, a crust of black bread and a little yeast on the tip of a teaspoon to the mixture. The container with the infusion must be carefully insulated and placed in a dark place for 10 days. Do not forget to stir the workpiece daily.

After a week and a half, strain the future vinegar. Add honey to the juice again, focusing on your taste. The approximate amount of the additive is about 50-100 grams.

Cover the container again with a towel and ferment in a dark place. There, the vinegar should reach about two months. If the liquid becomes transparent, you have a high-quality product rich in vitamins and microelements. Bottle it and use it on the farm.

If you cannot live without sweets, then we advise you to drink a teaspoon of vinegar diluted with water in the morning after meals. This will allow your potassium-sodium balance to return to normal, which will significantly reduce the desire to eat chocolate. You will see changes in food preferences in a couple of days.

Dill vinegar recipe

It is easy to prepare such an infusion if you already have acetic acid and herbs from the garden at hand.

Dill, preferably a whole bunch, grind with sugar. It is important that the juice stands out. Pour the resulting mixture with half a liter of vinegar and leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Then strain the solution.

An infusion prepared according to this recipe is most often used in cooking: it is added to sauces.

Berry vinegar recipe

You can use raspberries, cherries or sea buckthorn as raw materials. The proportions are as follows: per kilogram of berries, a liter of apple cider vinegar, 2-4 tablespoons of sugar. Grind the berries with sugar - it should completely dissolve. Then fill with vinegar and close the lid.

After two days, the vinegar on the berries must be filtered, and then sent to storage in the kitchen cabinet.

Frequent problems

Even though the recipe is strictly followed, the vinegar may not work. This can be understood by the early stopping of fermentation, sour or even unpleasant odor, cloudy color.

Let's analyze the most common mistakes.

  • We chose young apples as a raw material. The bacteria that cause fermentation feed on alcohol. Sweet fruits contain approximately 12% sugar, which gives 7% alcohol. Young apples are usually sour, which means that the sugar content in them may not be enough for full fermentation. Some people solve this problem by introducing sugar, pieces of black bread, yeast or even red wine into the infusion. You can choose any of these options.
  • Blocked access to oxygen. You might have overdone it with insulation. And without oxygen, the infusion becomes sour, and is more close to wine than to vinegar. To fix this error is simple - to remove the towel that covered the container aside.

  • Sugar was added after the liquid was removed from the apple wort and the second stage of fermentation began. Sometimes housewives try infused juice and decide that it is very sour. The decision to add sugar is fundamentally wrong. Remember that vinegar is not wine; it is forbidden to add sugar during fermentation. You can try adding souring accelerators: black bread or yeast. Some go to extreme measures - they infect the wort with acetic acid bacteria, which are carried by fruit flies. If you leave a piece of apple on the table, in a day or two it will be covered with these very insects. The method is very effective, but it still needs to be decided.

  • We rearranged the container from place to place. After the infusion has been filtered and left to ferment, the dishes should not be touched, even just moved. All oxidation processes can stop. If this happens, it is important for you to reactivate the bacteria by adding yeast or a crust of gray bread.
  • We put the container in an insufficiently warm place. Remember that the optimum temperature for souring juice is not lower than +27 degrees. Therefore, it is best to place the dishes with the infusion closer to the heaters or stove. The last three problems are easily remedied if you have a vinegar uterus. We are talking about a fungus-film that can form in a container with apples and water when you prepare vinegar. Place the mushroom carefully in a jar, cover with apple juice or cider. With its help, in the future, you will put on a stream the production of ocet from apples. The uterus promotes the rapid start of fermentation processes and can be used many times until its "death". "Lethal outcome" is diagnosed if the mushroom has darkened and sank to the bottom.
  • The infusion was filtered badly. If the drink does not acquire its characteristic transparent color in any way, you should not worry. Vinegar already has all the beneficial properties, you just filtered it badly. Pass it through several layers of gauze. And the problem will be solved.

How to store?

Before using vinegar for its intended purpose, it must be properly packaged for storage.

The first thing to do is get rid of the sediment. You will see him at the bottom of the dishes in which the oset was fermenting. You can try to gently pour the solution into a bottle. But, most likely, the sediment will still get into the clean product.

Therefore, use a rubber tube to pump out the pure infusion. To do this, lower one end of the tube into the container without touching the sediment. Inhale deeply the air from the other end and quickly dip it into a clean bottle. It is necessary that the storage container is located below the first. You just have to make sure that the tube does not touch the sediment and does not jump out.

Do not be discouraged if you did everything as we advise, but the vinegar still did not become transparent. Just repeat cleaning again after a few days - the first time is rarely perfect.

The finished product can be enhanced with medicinal herbs. To do this, during the process of bottling into containers, add twigs and leaves of the necessary plants to some of them. In a month, the oset will have all the properties that are inherent in the grass.

The total shelf life of our apple mate is 3 years. If stored properly, this number will increase by another year.

For information on how to lose weight with apple cider vinegar, see the next video.