Shopping souvenirs from Thailand. What can you bring from Thailand as a gift? Souvenirs are better than memories

13.09.2019 Soups

From each trip, tourists often bring absolutely useless things, which have been gathering dust on the shelves for years and are eventually thrown away. Thailand is an amazing country and there are many interesting and amazing things that can be brought to Russia, not abandoned, but actively used or enjoy contemplation. Each country has its own flavor, carpets are often exported from Turkey, hookahs from Egypt, of course, Thailand has its own peculiarities. So, what can you bring from Thailand?


It is a crime not to bring souvenirs from Thailand! But it is impossible to take away all the souvenirs from Thailand, so this process must be approached wisely. For friends, colleagues - fridge magnets. An adequate price for magnets is 100 baht for 3-4 pieces. Sold almost at every step, including in souvenir hypermarkets.

Major souvenir shops in Pattaya:

  • Golden choice Located near BigC Extra on Central Street.
  • Hypermarket of souvenirs on North Street
  • Lukdot, located near Severnaya street
  • Souvenir shop in a shopping center Mike shopping mall

Latex products

Latex mattresses and pillows bought in the right place at the right price are not very easy to transport, but you will forget about all the difficulties when you just spend one night on a latex mattress. To appreciate the benefits of latex products, it is enough to lie down on the bed for 5 minutes. This purchase is not a souvenir, it will never gather dust on a shelf or in a closet, but will serve for many years and will be useful. Definitely, latex products are worthy to be brought from Thailand in spite of their weight.


Everyone who comes to Thailand will surely come across Thai traditional medicine on an excursion. Every country has traditional medicine and Thailand is no exception. They also have their own zest, for example, it is highly recommended to purchase inhalers with eucalyptus for colds. Thai balms (red, green, yellow, white, etc.) for pain in joints and muscles. We in Russia come across such balms when we use the Vietnamese "Zvezdochka". There is no person who would say that they do not work. There are also very effective capsules, which are essentially the same herb, but packed in a gelatin capsule.

If you are already in Russia, then you can order Thai medicine in our online store.


In Thailand, you will not find such an assortment of teas as in China. In Thailand, you will not find a Thai tea ceremony and generally rarely see a Thai with a cup of tea. But this does not mean that there is no tea here. For friends, you can bring blue tea from flowers, this tea is extremely beneficial for eyesight. Buy tea from the local fruit Matum (aka Bengali tea), it is very tasty in itself, and is also useful for bronchitis.

Bring from Thailand regular green and black tea, which is grown in the north of Thailand.


If your plans include the purchase of an iPhone or iPad or other electronics, then this can be done in Thailand and cheaper than in Russia. In addition to the price difference, you will receive a VAT refund at the border. Therefore, the technique must be bought wisely. It is better to buy a $ 15,900 iPad from a store that has a VAT refund for tourists than a $ 15,000 iPad where there is no VAT refund.

Thai cosmetics

In Thailand, a large number of cosmetics based on herbs and natural ingredients. Herbal shampoos and natural scrubs are especially popular. Here it is difficult for me, as a man, to advise something, but from the experience of female tourists, I can say that coconut oil and everything based on it, a hair mask based on papaya and egg yolk, etc. are popular.

You can buy Thai cosmetics in numerous Thai cosmetic stores, shopping centers, as well as a large selection in tea shops on the River Kwai excursion. You can order Thai cosmetics to Russia in our online store. O


Mangosteen from Thailand

Copies of watches and mobile phones

Bringing a high-quality copy of a watch from Thailand is always 3 times cheaper than buying the same copy in Russia. For example, one and the same watch model of a Tag Heuer copy costs 5000 in Thailand, and 22000 in Russia. a large number of defects. Give preference to models from Taiwan.

Jewelry and gems

Thailand is the center of the jewelry industry. Gems from all over the world are imported here, after which Thai craftsmen, using their centuries-old experience, work wonders! From Thailand, you can bring a chain or earrings with precious stones at prices much lower than in Russia. It is recommended to buy in small jewelry stores, avoid street and market stalls, as well as shops where tourists are brought in under the guise of "jewelry factories". In the first case, there is a risk of running into a fake, in the second case, overpaying significant amounts.

Thailand is also a pearl producer, so a pearl necklace will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper than in Russia. Pearls from Thailand are often brought as an inexpensive gift to close friends.

For completeness, read these materials:

  • Jewelry industry in Thailand. Where, how and what to buy?
  • Pearls from Thailand
  • Chanthaburi Gem Market
  • Silver at wholesale prices from Bangkok


The prices for branded clothes in Thailand differ little from Russian ones, so it doesn't make much sense to export them from Thailand, but Thai T-shirts, shorts and other light clothes deserve to be brought with you. Pay special attention to children's clothing and shoes from Thailand, they are of very good quality, made from natural fabrics and are much cheaper compared to our prices. In any shopping center BigC or Tesco Lotus, you will find entire departments of children's clothing.


Once one of the clever people advised to bring from Thailand ... water. Sea water, which is useful for rinsing the mouth and nose. The only thing is that it is better not to take such water anywhere near Pattaya Beach Street.

Thailand is one of the largest exporters of rice, can it be worth treating yourself to exotic rice varieties? Typically, dark rice is sold in Tesco Lotus hypermarkets and others.

As a gift to your friends, you can bring a bottle of Thai rum Sang Som (Sung Som), this is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Thailand, it is better to buy it in 7 \ 11 stores. More about Thai alcohol.

As a gift for men from Thailand, you can bring a "spy kit" - a pen, a lighter, a wrist watch with a built-in hidden camera! A pen with 16Gb of memory on board costs only 900 baht! Such things are usually sold in electronics stores, in Pattaya this is the TukCom shopping center. The import of such things into Russia is illegal, because it falls under the law on the circulation of special equipment.

  • Tours to Thailand from all possible first-hand tour operators Pegas, Tez Tour, Coral Travel, Anex, etc.
  • Search and compare prices for individual resorts and hotels.
  • First-hand last minute tours. Real-time information update, instant notification of new hot deals.
  • Reservation and payment by credit card.
  • Use the same ordering tools as travel agencies, eliminate the extra link!

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We will tell you what to buy in our article.

Most popular souvenirs

Thai silk

For many centuries, Thai silk has been famous for its unsurpassed qualities.

If you do not know what to bring from Thailand to your sister or podurgist, then you can consider as a souvenir:

  • elegant robes of colorful colors,
  • ladies' blouses,
  • light scarves,
  • shawls.

A man can be presented with an elegant silk tie with colored national motives, catchy or restrained, depending on the age and style of the wearer.

Also good for small gifts that are valuable and practical enough:

  • silk glasses cases,
  • cosmetic bags,
  • wallets.


For those wishing to choose a more expensive gift, numerous jewelry factories specializing in the processing of precious stones extracted from local mines open their doors. These are mainly rubies and emeralds in a wide variety of cuts and settings. The variety of jewelry presented in Thailand is truly amazing, and the choice is hampered only by an unprecedented range of such unique and precious products.

Visiting pearl farms on a guided tour, you can purchase the rarest pearls of all kinds of shades - classic white, pink, black - at a very affordable price. At the same time, any purchase is certainly supplied with a certificate of authenticity, which cannot be said about other numerous pearl sales outlets throughout the country, where enterprising swindlers strive to impose an ordinary fake on a gullible tourist.

Do not forget about the possibility of being deceived, which is easy to avoid using authorized points of sale.

Products made from natural latex can be considered as a practical and incredibly healthy gift from Thailand. This is a recycled rubber material used to make mattresses and pillows that have unrivaled orthopedic properties and are completely free of harmful mites and bacteria. In particular, these household items are recommended for a calm and proper sleep of children.

Manufacturing factories use conventional vacuum cleaners to conveniently and compactly pack even the largest models of latex mattresses, making them suitable for placing in luggage.

Cotton textiles

For those wishing to acquire an excellent wardrobe for a hot summer, as well as to please their friends and relatives, Thai light industry offers excellent textiles made from pure cotton, characterized by extreme lightness and a variety of colors and patterns.

The styles of men's and women's summer suits are distinguished by freedom of cut and smooth lines, which makes it possible, while maintaining elegance, to always feel cool even on the hottest days.

The most popular are products of white and milky colors with a traditional Thai pattern, monochromatic plant or multi-color, depicting the symbol of Thailand - proud and majestic elephants.

All kinds of interior items, in particular, home textiles, become an excellent gift:

  • homespun bedspreads,
  • tablecloths,
  • silk sofa cushions with elephants, pagodas, national patterns.

Wood products

As a complement to the interior with original details, it is advisable to bring handicrafts made of wood.

Traditionally, they are dyed black and represent a wonderful combination of intricate shapes and classic Thai characteristics. It can be:

  • decorated boxes,
  • wine bottle stands,
  • stylized figures of people and, of course, elephants.

Leather accessories

The country is known for the skin of exotic animals such as crocodile, snake, cayman, as well as the skin of eel, ostrich, stingrays. Here, goods made from it will be much cheaper than at home, and besides, many are unique, and most importantly, if you buy a product made of genuine leather, it will last a very long time.

Most popular leather purchases:

  • bags,
  • purses,
  • clutch,
  • belts,
  • wallets,
  • cases for phones,
  • housekeepers,
  • shoes,
  • shales.

Natural oils

Incense sticks or natural oils in tiny hand-painted ceramic vessels can be used to complete the picture of a real Thai interior.

Sauces and spices

Fans of original cooking will be pleased if you bring something from a variety of Thai sauces that perfectly combine spiciness with a unique sweet aftertaste. And various spices, which can be purchased individually or as a whole set, will not be superfluous.

Families with small children will certainly benefit from natural coconut oil, which relieves dryness and any irritation.

Any woman will be pleased to receive as a gift a special cream containing microgranules of pearls, which helps to polish and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Fruit and drinks

It would be extremely useful for a person experiencing problems with the digestive tract to give a tincture from the stomach of a snake, which is the strongest natural enzyme.

Depending on the duration of the trip and the time of year, you can also consider the option of transporting exotic fruits to your homeland, which will surely delight and create a real sensation among friends and relatives. Mangosteen and pitahaya are the easiest to tolerate on a long journey. However, other fruits, carefully wrapped in paper and placed in a ventilated cardboard box, may well “drive” home fresh and undamaged.

What cannot be exported from Thailand?

Many online resources recommend buying carved ivory jewelry - earrings, necklaces, bracelets, cheetahs, cigarette holders, etc. All this you will find in abundance you will find in the markets of Thailand and you will be assured that it is all legal. Unfortunately, according to Thai laws, ivory and ivory products cannot be exported from the country, as well as:

  • some types of turtles (and products from them)
  • shells of marine molluscs (especially large)
  • tigers (well, you never know want ...)
  • butterflies and beetles (some species)
  • bats (all)
  • crocodiles
  • coral

Tourists almost always try to buy something memorable on vacation that will remind of a pleasant time spent. And most often, just before leaving, having counted the last remaining money, vacationers begin to look for something inexpensive, but of high quality and valuable. I will not write about standard souvenirs such as figurines of elephants, frogs and fruit baskets. All this, in my opinion, is obvious, and is sold at every turn.

In this article, I want to focus on more useful souvenirs. So what to bring from Thailand?

Traditional black tea is not very popular among Thais. They prefer drinks that are healthier for the body. The choice is very large, but blue tea, Matum tea, Milk Oolong tea are the most popular among tourists as a gift.

Blue tea is made from the flowers and petals of the anchan plant. When brewed, the flowers give the drink a bright blue color. Tea improves memory, vision, skin condition. Depending on the gramme, it costs from 50 to 100 Baht. Tea is very economical. Two or three flowers are enough to brew a full mug.

Blue Tea or Butterfly Tea. Photo: © flickr / irumge

Matum tea is obtained by brewing the dried fruit of the tree of the same name. The drink is suitable for those who often catch colds, have a sore throat. Promotes health.

Milk Oolong Tea the most delicious among all varieties of this drink. Its main property is its tonic effect, which is why this tea is popular among athletes.

Thai pearls

Both natural and cultured pearls are sold in Thailand. There are very few natural pearls, so they are expensive and are sold in jewelry stores. Cultured pearls are divided into river and sea pearls. River pearls are easier to grow and obtain, so they are cheaper.

Pearls in Thailand are literally at every step, the main thing is not to run into a fake. Photo: © flickr / gill_penney

There are many fakes in the markets, this also needs to be taken into account when buying. To recognize a poor-quality product, you should pay attention to several points:

  • real pearls do not slip; when you try to rub two pearls against each other, you feel resistance;
  • the enamel is not erased. Traces on the enamel are a sign of a fake;
  • natural pearls are resilient, so the quality is checked by dropping one pearl on the floor. Fake pearls cannot jump, they roll on the floor.


Cosmetics from Thailand are popular, as they consist almost entirely of natural ingredients, and are relatively inexpensive. Most bought products in this category:

The range of uses for coconut oil is varied. On its basis, face masks, shampoos are made. Used as a tanning agent. Used for massage. It is applied to areas of the body where there are abrasions or cuts for speedy tissue regeneration. The oil relieves irritation well, so it is used after depilation or shaving.

When buying oil, you should pay attention to quality. The best oil comes from cold pressing. The bottle should say "VirginCoconutOil". The clear color of the product is an indicator of good cleaning.

Coconut oil is also used in cooking. Photo: © flickr / Meal Makeover Moms

Natural coconut oil is a butter. Melting temperature from + 25C. Those. it cannot be liquid by default if stored in a room with an air conditioner. Pay attention to this.

Creams and serums with snail extract

A great gift for those who have problem skin. When using these products, acne and acne disappear. Pores are cleansed, fine wrinkles are reduced. There are even reviews that they help fight freckles.

Deodorant crystal

It is a natural deodorant with a minimum of chemistry. Made of quartz without the addition of alcohol and emulsifiers. Until recently, it was produced odorless, now several variants are produced with the aromas of aloe vera, ginger and mangosteen. For those who are allergic to conventional antiperspirants - ideal. Before use, deodorant should be moistened with water and applied to the skin. In addition to its direct purpose, this remedy is used to heal scratches and even to eliminate prickly heat in babies.

The famous handmade Thai souvenir soap. Photo: © flickr / Connie

Collagen masks, natural soaps (for example, MadameHeng soap), masks with algae and bamboo charcoal are also in demand among tourists.

Medicines and traditional medicine

The famous Thai balms are the first thing to bring from Thailand. It is better to buy them, of course, in pharmacies.

The advantages of buying balms at a pharmacy are obvious. The pharmacist is well versed in them and will help you choose the right balm.

The most popular in this category of products is tiger balm, which is similar to the Soviet "Star". Thais use it for muscle pain, insect bites, and colds. Another ointment called "Snake Fat" is used as an anti-allergic agent.

Essential oil inhalers are also popular. Due to their small volume, they are convenient to carry with you. It copes well with an incipient runny nose, but also relieves nasal congestion with a prolonged illness. True, those who cannot stand the smell of Thai balms are not recommended to purchase.

The famous yellow balm. Photo: © flickr / Ted Murphy

Another drug in this series is a set of Thai herbs for removing toxins Yahom. It was invented by a Thai herbalist. The tool will especially appeal to those who periodically suffer from a hangover syndrome. The only drawback is the taste of the drink. Not many, having tried it once, dare to re-drink the remedy. Although judging by the reviews, it helps with a hangover excellently!

Thai silk

It will not be difficult to buy silk, it is sold in many shops and markets, and is relatively inexpensive. As a gift to the female half, you can buy scarves and scarves. For lovers of beauty - choose silk paintings that are created by hand, therefore they are exclusive. Alternatively, you can buy silk bed linen, since the fabric is natural, it will be comfortable to sleep on them. Those who know how to sew buy fabric cuts because of the variety, quality and price of the product.

Silk paintings. Photo: © flickr / Lyn Gateley

As with pearls, when choosing silk it is difficult not to run into a fake. When buying a product, it is important to remember a few tips from knowledgeable people:

  • natural silk is uneven, irregularities, roughness, knots will be felt on the fabric. Artificial fabric is always smooth;
  • the method of "wedding ring" will help to distinguish a fake. Real fabric will easily pass through the ring, and the imitation will “crunch” and get stuck in a narrow hole;
  • sellers, confident in the quality of the goods, set fire to a thread of silk in front of the buyer. Natural fabric burns with the smell of burnt hair. The counterfeit gives off a plastic smell.


Tourists often bring electronics from a trip to Thailand. This is explained by the fact that here new models of various equipment appear on sale earlier than in Russia. In addition, if you do not forget to return taxes upon departure, it will be cheaper than buying from us. When purchasing goods labeled VATRefundforTourists, you can get VAT refund (7% of the cost)!

Copies of well-known brands are especially popular in the country, which are much cheaper than the original, and the quality is improving every year. Therefore, if you approach the choice thoroughly, there is a chance to purchase a copy of the latest smartphone model or other equipment for a small price.


The main thing to remember when buying fruit is that there is a ban on the export of durian. Otherwise, you can carry fruit in your carry-on baggage. The main thing is that the weight does not exceed 5 kilograms. But, since there are a lot of exotic fruits in Thailand, tourists prefer to bring as many of them as possible by putting them in their luggage. For these purposes, it is better to use special baskets for transporting fruits, which are sold almost everywhere. However, seasoned travelers recommend using less flashy means, as often when receiving luggage, baskets are returned empty. Who is to blame for this is difficult to answer.

Bringing fruit from Thailand is always a good idea. Photo: © flickr / Francisco Anzola

In addition to such as mangosteen, rambutan or longan, which are almost impossible to find on the shelves of our country, tourists also bring the usual oranges, bananas, coconuts as gifts. Their taste is very different from those that can be bought in Russia.


For lovers of antiquity, Thailand is a good opportunity to replenish the collection. Antiques are sold on almost every corner, but among this huge amount of goods there are many fakes. You can buy an original item only in specialized stores and for a lot of money. It is not uncommon for the purchased goods to be stolen, which can lead to problems with the local police. In addition, the export of antiques requires permission from the Department of Fine Arts.

Natural latex products

Healthy sleep aficionados will not be able to leave Thailand without pillows and other latex bedding. Many people know about the properties of this material. It does not breed bacteria, latex pillows and mattresses have orthopedic properties.

Many excursions include trips to the so-called "latex factories", where you can watch the manufacturing process. There are special shops on the territory of these factories, where experienced sellers will help you choose the right product, tell you about the unique properties of each product. However, seasoned travelers warn that prices in these stores are several times overpriced. The same pillow can be bought several times cheaper in any supermarket.

Clothing, accessories and jewelry

The main advantages when buying clothes in Thailand are good quality with an inexpensive product. Almost all clothes are made from natural materials, so those who have children are often purchased at markets and stores. It is especially beneficial to shop in the night markets. If you know how to bargain, you can buy a product for half the original price.

Those who prefer branded clothing will not see much difference in price. In local boutiques, the cost of any item from a famous couturier is practically the same as in Moscow.

In order for the image to be complete, it is important to purchase a suitable decoration for the purchased dresses and T-shirts. The choice of this type of product is huge. Everything is made from natural materials: shells, wood, natural stones. You can choose both modern-style jewelry and with a specific ornament.

As for accessories, various straw braids and wide-brimmed hats have become very popular in this country. For a relatively inexpensive price, you can become the owner of handmade leather shoes or a reptile skin handbag.

And finally, when buying souvenirs and gifts, it is important to remember that there is a list of goods prohibited for export from the country, for example, ivory, turtles, crocodiles, bats, claws or tiger skin. More than 1 liter of alcohol will not be allowed through customs either. Sand, potted plants are also prohibited, as are Buddha statues above 30 centimeters. A complete list of prohibited items can be found in the Thai Customs Regulations. After all, as they say, forewarned means forearmed.

Do you want to buy something in Thailand that would remind you of a wonderful vacation in this tropical country in your homeland, but do not know what exactly you need? Relax, in this article I will tell you what is best to buy in Thailand, from souvenirs to fruits, from jewelry to computer technology. And now more about what to bring from Thailand.


There are a lot of souvenir shops in Thailand, and no wonder, because there are a dime a dozen tourists in this country. Most souvenirs cost 30 baht (1 baht ≈ 1 RUB) apiece. If you want to buy a lot of souvenirs at low prices, then bargain. Sellers can discount 70% of the original price. And if you don't want to bargain, you can simply, and spend the freed up money on something else.

15 most popular souvenirs:

  • Elephant figurine
  • Incense sticks stand
  • Collectible cars, motorcycles, ships
  • Figurines of Asian deities
  • Fridge magnets
  • Buddha figurines
  • Caskets
  • Amulets
  • Candlesticks
  • Sea dwellers figurines
  • Fans
  • Keychains
  • Country pens
  • Labels with symbols
  • Coins of Thailand


Clothes in Thailand are of high quality and very cheap, and most are made from natural materials (synthetics are not in fashion here). A T-shirt can be purchased for as little as 70 baht (70 rubles), jeans for 250 baht, dresses and skirts for 100 baht. Clothing sizes from very small to very large, so that anyone can find something for themselves.

It is best to buy Thai clothes made by local craftsmen. prices for branded clothing in Thailand practically do not differ from prices in Russia. If you want to save as much as possible, then buy clothes at local night markets, in street shops and in shopping centers, and most importantly, bargain, sellers throw off a lot, depending on your persistence. But never forget about your safety and the safety of your belongings, especially when you try on clothes, as at this time attention is scattered, which is what hunters for other people's things need. Although there are few thieves in this country, they still exist. I recommend reading the recommendations.


Traditional medicine is very developed in Thailand. Here you will find a variety of creams, oils, herbs, tinctures, balms for many ailments, herbal preparations, fruit vitamin complexes. Some sellers speak Russian, so just find one on the market and they will be happy to tell you what is used for this or that disease.

Top 5 subjects of traditional medicine:

  • Tiger balm for pain in joints and muscles (similar to the familiar "star")
  • Herbal capsules inside for the treatment of various diseases
  • Healing teas
  • Energized necklaces for spine health
  • Noni juice


Almost all Thai cosmetics are made from herbs and natural ingredients. A variety of skryba, shampoos, coconut oil-based creams, papaya balms are popular. Inexpensive cosmetics are sold everywhere on the streets of Thailand's cities, and a large selection of cosmetics is also presented in most shopping centers.

Jewelry and bijouterie

What to bring from Thailand so that both a reminder is and pleasing to the eye? Answer: jewelry. Some of the finest jewelery craftsmen live in this part of Asia. Precious stones are brought to this country from all over the world to be processed here and created truly beautiful jewelry. Moreover, you can buy a necklace or a chain here two or three times cheaper than in Russia, and pearls are generally sold at bargain prices. it is caught very close to the shores of Thailand. But beware, in street shops and pavilions in the markets, it is very likely that you can buy fakes, so it is better to buy jewelry in small specialized jewelry stores.

Also, you will see a huge variety of Thai jewelry. As a rule, it is made from natural materials (shells, wood, pearls, coconut, bone, semi-precious stones). All this is very cheap, and the most popular jewelry in Thailand are:

  • Earrings
  • Bracelets
  • Pendants
  • Necklaces


What is worthwhile and practical to buy in Thailand? Electronics will do just fine. In Thailand, electronics are 20-30% cheaper, and new models are being sold much earlier than in the Russian Federation. An undoubted advantage is that in some stores, tourists can return 7% of the value of the goods (this is the value of VAT), but this applies only to those goods that are marked with the inscription VAT Refund for Tourists, and the money can be refunded at the airport before flying home.
Recently, copies of well-known brands are gaining popularity. They cost significantly less, but their quality improves from year to year, so if you choose your copies carefully, you can buy excellent electronics at a low price.

Top 7 purchases of electronics:

  • Replica watches
  • iPhone (original)
  • iPad (original)
  • Copies of phones of famous brands (Samsung, Nokia, etc.)
  • Laptops from famous brands (originals from Samsung, Asus, etc.)
  • PC accessories
  • Cameras


Most tourists bring fruits from Thailand. These fruits of nature can be bought at every step, their wonderful taste and aroma will be remembered for a long time. But consider the shelf life, no one wants to go. The prices for medical care are quite high, so it is better to take care of it in advance. But what most of the food is taken by tourists to their homeland:

  • Thai pineapple
  • Coconuts
  • Mango
  • Peaches
  • Passion fruit
  • Avocado
  • Papaya
  • Carambola
  • Baltic herring
  • Sugar apples
  • Sapodilla

What cannot be exported from Thailand

Some items cannot be taken out of Thailand. This country has its own laws and they will have to be observed. Here are the goods that cannot be taken out:

  • ivory products
  • coral
  • turtle shell products
  • tiger skins
  • shells of sea molluscs
  • tiger teeth
  • Sea Horses
  • stuffed crocodiles
  • souvenirs from butterflies, beetles and bats
  • valuable relics
  • national artwork
  • durian

Also, it will not be possible to take out Buddha statues more than 15 centimeters high, earth, sand, stones and flowers in pots with earth. Some bans may seem strange, but there's nothing you can do about it: different country, different laws.

And if you want to learn about how to travel the world cheaply and at the same time with great comfort, then read mine. Enjoy your stay!

Thailand has always been famous for natural cosmetics and each product, as a rule, consists of natural ingredients, carefully selected herbs and extracts to preserve beauty and youth.

Coconut oil

It can be safely attributed to the leaders of cosmetic products from Thailand, since coconut oil is rich in natural ingredients and has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

Masks, scrubs, face and body creams

In shops in Thailand, you can find a large number of natural masks, creams and scrubs for the face and body, which will make your skin look fresher and healthier. I can recommend the Beauty Buffet brand.

Lip balms

In Thailand there is a wide selection of lip balms based on various fruits, they have a pleasant aroma and excellent hydration. My last purchase was a balm with a mango scent from Be Thank.


On the shelves you can find all of us the familiar shampoo of Head-and-shoulders, Dove, Pantene and others. But they differ in texture, smell and properties from those that can be bought in Russia. I loved buying this shampoo in the travel version, which allowed me to immediately try different shampoos and choose the one that was right for me.

There are also many natural shampoos in Thailand. I really liked the KOK LIANG Anti-hair loss Herbal Shampoo, it is against hair loss and consists only of natural ingredients. This is the best shampoo I have ever used and it costs very little. In this series there is also a KOK LIANG Anti-hair loss Conditioner for hair, but it did not suit me, because after applying it, my hair lost its volume. If you have thick hair, then I think you will like the conditioner too.


Soap with a pleasant fruit aroma, I think, will not leave anyone indifferent. I really love the aromas of pineapple, mango and grapes.

Another great soap is Madame Heng Teenager Acne Clear Soap, it cleanses the skin well and prevents acne. The soap consists of natural ingredients.

Natural deodorant

The deodorant is made from a natural mineral and fights against sweat odor. Moisten it with water before use.


In Thailand, medicine is very developed and here you can buy balms for pain in joints and muscles, inhalers for colds, syrups, food additives, vitamins. The drugs are of high quality and are really helpful. I usually bring home tiger and cobra balm.

I would also like to note the Aloe Vera gel, which perfectly helps against sunburn, soothes and cools the skin after sunburn.


You can find a wide selection of whitening pastes in the pharmacy. I bought Herbal Clove Toothpaste. It whitens really well, but with frequent use, the enamel begins to wear off, so it is better to use it once a week.

Also popular is black toothpaste, which consists of natural ingredients without the addition of chemicals. It is made on the basis of charcoal. An example of such a Twin Lotus paste.

Clothes and accessories

Big C and Tesco Lotus stores have a large selection of natural cotton clothing: T-shirts, shorts, sundresses and other summer clothes. In the markets, you can buy almost any kind of clothing and it is very cheap. Branded clothing is sold in brand stores and large malls such as Central Festival, but prices are quite high.

Snakeskin and crocodile leather bags and wallets are also popular in Thailand.

Jewelry in Thailand is often made from natural materials. It can be pearls, leather, wood, coconut, shells, stones. There are so many products and they are so different that their eyes run up. It is easy to choose jewelry for any look and taste here.

A very original gift will be a leather bracelet, on which any letters are attached, so you can make up any name, title, etc.


Many tourists like to bring equipment from Thailand. Here you can find cheaper options than in Russia or devices that have not yet appeared in our homeland. You can find shops selling analogs of brands, the prices for which are several times lower. Such products are also popular in Thailand.

Latex products

It is difficult to underestimate the comfort and quality of latex mattresses and pillows. It is better to buy such products at factories, where the quality will be appropriate and the prices are lower, since they are formed without wrapping, from the manufacturer.


There are many tea shops in Thailand and a wide range of teas. The most popular are blue tea, pu-erh tea, hibiscus and matum. These teas have useful properties and will warm you on a winter evening.


The variety of souvenirs in Thailand can only be envied. There are so many of them that you can get confused. These are figurines, keychains, paintings, magnets, interior items and much, much more. Most of the souvenirs are handmade and made from natural materials. The most popular are magnets, elephant and Buddha figurines.


You can also bring a bottle of Thai wine, Sung Som rum, whiskey, beer or rice vodka as a gift. Alcohol can be bought at a 7/11 store or in large stores in specialized departments.

Exotic fruits

I fly to Thailand quite often and have recorded a video for you in which I tell you what I brought from Thailand last year.