Okroshka with wild garlic. With smoked sausages

01.11.2019 Soups

The most sought-after and popular light summer soup is not just a vegetable salad drenched in kvass. Okroshka is much more complicated and at the same time simpler. For okroshka, special dressings are made, Russian spices are used, it is imperative to add certain vegetables to it. But at the same time, there are no strict canons for okroshka, since there are a huge number of recipes for this soup. Okroshka is made with kvass and kefir, even with whey and beet broth. They put sausages, ham, various fish and meat, mushrooms, seafood in it.

Usually okroshka contains cucumbers, radishes (or some other spicy vegetable) and boiled eggs. Boiled potatoes are often added. Green onions are in great demand in okroshka. And rare okroshka can do without dill; it is generally characterized by an abundance of greenery.

To make okroshka correctly-spicy, scallions or other spicy herbs are ground with salt, in some versions with garlic. You can add grated horseradish, Russian mustard to the soup. All this is done in order to obtain a refreshing, tart, spicy and sour taste.

We present 13 interesting recipes for a refreshing Russian soup.

Meat okroshka

Photo: mmenu.com
1 liter of kvass

200 ml cucumber pickle

1 cup finely chopped boiled meat

2 boiled potatoes

1 onion

½ bunch green onions

2 fresh cucumbers

1 pickled cucumber

3 hard boiled eggs

Parsley, celery, dill, tarragon

1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard

Ground black pepper

Grind all ingredients, add kvass, season with mustard, salt and pepper.

Lithuanian okroshka

Photo: Shutterstock.com

1 liter of bread kvass

500 g minced meat

1 onion

1 bunch of green onions

100 g sour cream

Pepper, garlic and mayonnaise to taste

Fry the minced meat in a low amount of fat. Grate the onion and place in the meat during frying. When the minced meat has cooled, mix it with finely chopped cucumbers, eggs and green onions. Arrange on plates, pour chilled kvass. Chop the garlic and mix with mayonnaise. Each plate should contain no more than 1 tbsp. l. such a dressing, otherwise the garlic will interrupt the taste of other components.

Abkhaz okroshka

Photo: Shutterstock.com

3 cups sour milk

2 glasses of water

½ green onion

5-7 radishes

2 tooth. garlic

Dill, salt, adjika

Cut the cucumbers into cubes, chop the radishes and onions, then put in a saucepan or deep bowl, pour over sour milk, previously diluted with cold boiled water, season with crushed garlic, salt and adjika to taste. Boil eggs hard-boiled, chop finely and put in soup. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill before serving.

Fruit okroshka

Photo: Shutterstock.com

100 g cherries or other berries

Sour cream or heavy cream

Peel melon, apples, cut into cubes. Scald and peel the peaches, and chop the pulp. Rinse cherries, remove pits. Grind the cherries, fruit peels, pour boiling water over and cook the infusion for 1.5-2 hours. Pour the cooked fruit with infusion. Serve with sour cream.

With smoked sausages

Photo: Shutterstock.com
1 bunch of radishes

4 potatoes

4 smoked sausages

Bunch of dill

Green onions

Boil potatoes and eggs. Chop radishes, cucumbers, sausages, crumble eggs. Mash the potatoes with a fork (but not puree), grind the onion with salt. Mix everything, add dill, salt, add kvass.

Mushroom okroshka

Photo: mmenu.com 2 liters of kvass

200 g salted or pickled mushrooms

4 potatoes

50 g grated horseradish

Sort the mushrooms, rinse, chop finely. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and chop finely. Grate peeled horseradish, chop green onions. Put everything in a saucepan and pour with bread kvass, stir well, salt, season with half of sour cream, pour the rest, serving.

Fish okroshka with white radish

Photo: Shutterstock.com
1.5 l of kvass

500 g of any boiled white fish

½ bunch chives

3 boiled eggs

1 white radish

Cut the fish into slices. Chop the eggs. Grate fresh cucumbers and a small radish on a coarse grater with large holes. Crush the onion with salt.

Mix everything and pour in kvass. Serve with sour cream, dill and hot boiled potato wedges.

Photo: mmenu.com

Siberian okroshka with wild garlic

300 g boiled chicken fillet

1 bunch of wild garlic

3 boiled eggs

4-5 radishes

Table horseradish

Dice the chicken, cucumbers and radishes. Chop wild garlic and dill. Separate the whites from the yolks, cut the whites and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Grind the yolks with horseradish, a spoonful of kvass and you can also add mustard. Pour the vegetables with kvass, season with horseradish yolks.

Ural okroshka

Photo: mmenu.com

300 g white smoked fish

3 potatoes

200 g sauerkraut

1 large carrot

1 bunch of green onions

Boil potatoes, carrots, peel, cut into small cubes. Also cut the radish and fresh cucumbers into cubes. Sort sauerkraut and onions and chop finely. Cut the fish into slices. Put the prepared vegetables and fish in a saucepan, add kvass, add chopped egg whites. Mash the yolk well with mustard, dilute with kvass, combine with the rest of the products. Serve, sprinkle with dill, season with sour cream.

Summer okroshka

Photo: mmenu.com

0.5 cups cucumber pickle

1 cup boiled potatoes, diced

2 fresh cucumbers

1 cup chopped green onions

2 tbsp. dill spoons

0.5 tbsp. spoons of parsley

1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard

0.5 tsp black pepper

3 hardcore eggs

Grind all ingredients, mix and pour in kvass seasoned with mustard.

With squid

Photo: mmenu.com

200 g squid

3 boiled potatoes

½ bunch green onions

Boil the squid in salted water, remove the film under running cold water, cool and cut into small cubes. Chop the green onion, grind some of it with a little salt. Cut the potatoes and cucumber into slices, chop the boiled egg white, and grind the yolk with mustard, salt, sugar and dilute with kvass.

Add squid, potatoes, cucumber, egg white and green onions to the prepared mixture, mix. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Vegetarian okroshka with kefir

Photo: mmenu.com

3 boiled potatoes

4 boiled eggs

3 radishes

1 bunch of green onions

0.5 l of kefir

Cut eggs and potatoes into small cubes. Cut the cucumbers and radishes into cubes, finely chop the greens. Combine and mix all prepared ingredients. Dilute kefir with boiled water, combine with prepared ingredients, salt and stir. Serve chilled okroshka in deep bowls, decorating with basil leaves.

Lenten okroshka

Photo: Shutterstock.com

1 black radish

3 potatoes

1 onion

A couple of lemon wedges

Dill, parsley, chives

Peel and grate the radish. Peel and dice the potatoes, mix the radish with the potatoes. Chop the onion finely and cover with salt. Mix everything and leave for about an hour. Then add kvass, chopped greens to okroshka and sprinkle everything with lemon juice.

Okroshka is one of my favorite dishes in my family. We eat it almost every day throughout the summer. But when spring comes, the sun warms up and wild garlic appears in the forests, then the okroshka season immediately begins. Ramson gives a special freshness and piquancy to the dish.

We need for 1 serving:

  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 5 medium radishes
  • 5 stems of wild garlic
  • 50 g cooked sausage
  • 2 stalks of green onions
  • fresh dill
  • kvass ( optional kefir, mineral water, ayran, etc.)
  • salt, sour cream / mayonnaise

Boil potatoes in their skins. Boil the eggs. Peel and dice the potatoes, eggs. Wash the radishes, cut off the ends. Cut radish, cucumbers into cubes. Rinse ramsons, cut off the ends and chop, but not finely. Chop the onion and dill. Cut the boiled sausage into cubes. Stir all the ingredients, add salt, add kvass or kefir or mineral water, season with sour cream or mayonnaise and you can enjoy delicious okroshka.

Bon Appetit!

Okroshka(from the verb crumble- finely chop) - a traditional dish of national Russian cuisine, cold soup.

Okroshka is a mixture of finely chopped vegetables with a neutral taste (for example, boiled potatoes, turnips, carrots, rutabagas, fresh cucumbers), herbs (finely chopped green onions, parsley, dill, celery, chervil, tarragon), hard-boiled eggs, seasoned with a special okroshechny dressing made of kvass or cucumber pickle, mustard, green onions, black pepper, horseradish and egg yolks, pounded in a small amount, filled with special okroshechny kvass or okroshechny kvass in half with ordinary bread, and seasoned with sour cream.

Okroshka, in addition to vegetable, is also meat or fish. In these cases, meat or fish are added to the vegetable part of okroshka in a ratio of 1: 1 to vegetables.

Meat for okroshka is boiled, low-fat, of different varieties. In the old Russian okroshka, they preferred to combine the meat of a pig, turkey and black grouse, that is, tender pork, poultry and game. The choice of different types of meat is due to the fact that the leftovers of meat from the preparation of various dishes were originally used in okroshka. It is now perfectly acceptable to use boiled beef with poultry.

From fish, tench, pike perch, sturgeon are suitable for okroshka, since their meat is sweet, neutral and not very bony, from sea - only cod. Fish in okroshka is gently boiled for a short time and cut into cubes.

Currently, when cooking okroshka in everyday life, boiled sausage (usually low-fat varieties, for example Doctor's or Molochnaya) and ordinary bread kvass are often used as a substitute for meat; okroshka dressing is not prepared.

Okroshka can be cooked exclusively with kvass. However, various varieties of cold soups have spread, which are mistakenly called okroshka. The following products are used as a liquid base for the soup: whey, beer, diluted vinegar, kefir, ayran, mineral water, meat broth, kombucha, beetroot broth, cucumber pickle, tomato juice and juices from a vegetable mixture. Some of these dishes have something to do with completely different soups: the so-called okroshka on kefir is a version of the Uzbek cold chalop soup, botvinya is prepared on beet broth, there is beer soup with bread soaked in it.

Cold soup okroshka with wild garlic (kalba)

Perhaps, I will not describe all the advantages of this amazing refreshing soup. I'll just say that this is just one of the many options for its preparation, in which wild garlic will take the place of ordinary greens in the soup, or as we call it - kalba.

Ingredients (we take in arbitrary proportions, focusing on the taste of eaters):

  • potato,
  • eggs,
  • boiled sausage, preferably without fat,
  • fresh cucumber and radish,
  • fresh wild garlic (kalba),
  • mayonnaise,
  • bottled drinking water,
  • salt and vinegar to taste.

Recipe for making cold okroshka soup with wild garlic (kalba):

  1. We clean the potatoes, wash the eggs. We put both products in boiling, slightly salted water and boil until tender.
  2. While the potatoes and eggs are boiling, you can quickly dice the boiled sausage and pre-washed cucumber and radish (you don't need to peel the vegetables).
  3. Next, we clean the wild garlic, rinse it and chop it as you usually chic onion or dill on okroshka.
  4. We send all prepared (chopped) products to a convenient capacious saucepan. Cut the cooled boiled eggs and potatoes into cubes.
  5. The only thing left is the filling. Someone cooks okroshka on kefir or kvass, but I prefer to make it on plain water filled with mayonnaise. For my taste, this makes it lighter and more refreshing. First, we dilute the mayonnaise in a small amount of water - this way it will disperse better - and fill the products with it. Then add more water to the desired density of your okroshka.
  6. Finally, add salt to okroshka (be careful! Kalba does not require a lot of salt) and acidify it with vinegar (you can replace it with lemon juice).
  7. Cool okroshka in the refrigerator and serve.

There are a great many varieties of okroshka - from the usual on the village bread kvass to okroshka on kefir, sour cream, factory-made sweet kvass, water with vinegar. The composition of okroshka is just as diverse: beet tops, herring, chicken, beef, sausage, potatoes, radishes, cucumbers and much, much more, depending on the traditions of the places of residence and just the habits of the family.

Today I will introduce you to okroshka, familiar in our family - on kvass with wild garlic.

We always made such okroshka in the spring, when the snow melted and the first leaves of the young fragrant wild garlic appeared.
A few words about wild garlic, what it is and what it is eaten with :):
Ramson, or Bear onions, or Wild garlic, or Kolba (lat.Állium ursínum) - a perennial herb; species of the genus Onion (Allium) of the Onion family (Alliaceae).

The leaves are used in food raw and pickled, in hot dishes, in breads and pies.
Ramson is widespread in many regions of Europe, northern Asia, found in North America, the Caucasus, in the south-west of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Far East.

In the wild, it can grow up to the tundra zone. It grows mostly in shady forests, in valleys, near rivers, less often it is cultivated as a garden plant. The most delicious leaves are grown at a temperature of 12-17 ° C. At temperatures above 20 ° C, taste, like all onions, deteriorates, especially in dry weather.

Ramson is grown as a cultivated plant, but more often wild-growing is harvested. Especially a lot of wild garlic is collected in large quantities in the south of the Far East and on Sakhalin, where, in fact, I come from. :)

We, of course, brought some wild garlic bulbs with us, but it hasn't grown enough yet. Last year I discovered that in Moscow you can also buy wild garlic, though not as juicy and aromatic as Sakhalin, but still this is it, and therefore I was looking forward to spring :).


Required products:

Kvass (1.5 l, of course, homemade bread is better, but this is not sold, but to make it at once, I confess, it was lazy, so they used the usual factory)

Potatoes (2-3 medium root vegetables)

Boiled sausage (300 gr)

Eggs (5 pcs)

Radish (1 bunch, about 10-12 pcs)

Fresh cucumbers (3-4 medium-sized)

Parsley, dill, green onions (bunch, about 50-75 grams each)

Ramson (1 bunch, 100-150 gr)

Mustard, horseradish, sour cream (to taste).


Boil potatoes until cooked (in their uniforms, put in cold water and cook after boiling for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the root vegetables, check readiness with a fork), eggs and sausage. I usually cook eggs with potatoes, only take them out earlier - 7-10 minutes after boiling.

While some of the ingredients are being cooked, you can do vegetables and herbs - wash them, dry them.

We cut the cucumbers the way you used to cut them for salad - half rings, quarter rings, small or large cubes, strips - it doesn't matter.

We cut dill and wild garlic into the same bowl.

Salt a little and slightly crush them with a crush. Very lightly, just to let the juice come out a little. This is necessary so that these most aromatic of our ingredients give their taste and aroma to all our cold soup))).

The next step is to cut the rest of all the greens and radishes (the shape of the radish is also at your discretion, but it will still look much more aesthetically pleasing if it matches the shape of the cucumber).

Clean and cut the boiled eggs into small cubes.

We do the same with potatoes,

and sausage.

Mix everything well.

Actually, you have done the most important thing.

If you intend to use the okroshka you cooked in one day, then you can direct it further in the same saucepan. I usually bring each one on a separate plate, because I cut a lot - for two or three days.

If you do it in a saucepan:

salt the mixture, pepper and pour in kvass - determine the density of okroshka yourself, as they like in your family. When serving on plates, I recommend serving mustard, horseradish and sour cream on the table, so that everyone can add to their taste. Personally, I add about half a teaspoon of mustard and horseradish to a plate, and a tablespoon of sour cream.

If done for several days, then pour kvass and salt directly already in portions. Recommendations for mustard and horseradish with sour cream are the same - everyone creates what they like))).


P.S .: Slicing blanks for okroshka, like the already induced okroshka itself, in the refrigerator. And yes - if you just dress the slices with sour cream with mustard or mayonnaise, without adding kvass, you will get a wonderful and very satisfying salad!