Shea butter (shea butter), application and useful properties, recipes for masks and creams. Shea butter: benefits and harms, tips for use

05.08.2019 Soups

Shea butter, or shea butter, is one of the most valuable and respected base oils. Its unique emollient and protective properties are confirmed by centuries of experience in the use of this oil by African peoples, whose representatives are characterized by remarkably smooth, firm skin and an extremely low percentage of skin diseases. In particular, they use shea butter to massage newborns to protect their skin from the exhausting effects of hot climates. The first scientific studies that only confirmed the unique properties of this base oil in protecting the skin and hair were carried out back in 1940. Since then, shea butter has been considered one of the most valuable cosmetic additives.


Shea butter is extracted from the fruits of the tree of the same name. It is also easy to recognize externally: granular, hardened, with a creamy shade of white, it looks like ghee at room temperature, which makes it easy to distinguish originals of shea butter from fakes.

There are chemical and organic subspecies of this base oil:

  • chemical prepared with hexane, the solvent used for the extraction; this oil is not recommended for use in aromatherapy;
  • organic The oil is extracted using traditional methods, it is an absolutely pure ecological component, highly valued in the cosmetic industry.

In addition, shea butter can be refined (additionally refined) and unrefined, in which there are incomparably more nutrients. Be sure to check the origin and methods of obtaining the oil before buying.

The smell of shea butter is nutty, light and almost imperceptible, sometimes closer to walnut with a hint of coconut.

The composition of Shea Butter is also unique: it is the only known base oil, which consists of almost 80% triglycerides, and the rest is fats from the so-called unsaponifiable group. The oil is also an active source of vitamins E, F and A.

The oil can be used both undiluted and in the so-called fat-free compositions, where shea butter fully compensates for the lack of plasticity, the softening properties of the remaining components.

When applied to the skin, despite the high percentage of unsaponifiable fats, this base oil is excellently distributed, spreads evenly and equally finely, is absorbed into the skin no worse than liquid base oils, and at the same time does not leave noticeable greasy marks. Immediately after a minute after application, the skin becomes smooth and pleasantly silky.

Healing properties

The emphasis on the cosmetic properties of the oil has practically supplanted its medicinal characteristics, but shea butter also has many properties that will be useful for various diseases.

This unique base oil proves to be an ideal anti-inflammatory base for ligament and muscle injuries or joint diseases, as well as the best base oil with anti-edema properties.

In addition, shea butter has a healing effect on burns, scars, wounds, stretch marks, dermatitis, stimulates capillary blood circulation, and is able to protect both from excessive solar activity and from chapping and frostbite.

This base oil promotes the healing of the umbilical cord tissue after it has been cut.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the primary properties of shea butter are considered emollients, but the excellent characteristics of this rare African base oil are not limited to them only.

Due to the high proportion of unsaponifiable fats, shea has unique regenerating characteristics: the base oil awakens deep regeneration processes, stimulates the synthesis of natural, natural collagen, restores skin color and at the same time serves as a reliable shield against the effects of ultraviolet rays.

The moisturizing, softening and anti-aging properties of the oil are excellent for preventing thinning of the skin, for combating fine wrinkles and age-related changes.

Shea butter base oil can be used for daily and special care of absolutely any type of skin, including damaged, problematic and dry skin. Due to its unique emollient qualities, it is also excellent for caring for the delicate skin of a child.

In addition to the basic form, today you can find water-soluble shea butter, which is specially designed for personal care products, bath and shower cosmetics, and hair care products. The water-soluble form has low irritant properties and a moderate pH.

Shea butter has a regenerative effect on the hair structure and on the condition of the scalp.

Shea butter is stored in a cool place. It should be protected from hot temperatures (no higher than room temperature) and light. Leave only in tightly closed containers. In its original packaging, this base oil can be stored for a maximum of 2 years.


What is shea tree?

What is shea butter, the properties and uses of this butter, as well as what medicinal properties does it have and what exactly is this butter useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods of treatment, in particular in the treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Shea, Shea, or Vitellaria amazing (Vitellaria paradoxa, or Butyrospermum parkii) is a tree of the Sapotov family, with a spreading crown and leathery leaves, growing in Mali, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan , Burkina Faso and Uganda. It reaches 10-20 m in height and can live for several centuries. It begins to bloom with fragrant brown flowers at the age of twenty and actively bear fruit at the age of fifty, maintaining high yields for more than a hundred years.

Unripe fruits are green, when ripe they turn brown. They are round, about 4 cm in diameter. On the inside, the fruit consists of a thin layer of nutritious creamy pulp surrounding a relatively large, fat-rich seed, from which the so-called "shea butter" or shea butter is extracted.


In nature, vitellaria is amazing, or as it is also called karite, the shea tree or African tallow tree grows in western Africa and is the only member of the Sapotacea family that grows in the African savannah. Outwardly resembling small avocados, the fruits of this tree have a delicate and aromatic pulp, as well as a bone, which contains the same famous oil (50% of the seed content). The tree itself must be 30 years old, only then it will be possible to harvest its fruits. An adult plant bears no more than 20 kg of fruit per season. The shea tree is sacred; its wood is used to make the mourning bed of the deceased king. Only women can harvest the sebaceous tree.

What is Shea Butter?

In Africa, shea butter (natural, unrefined) is still produced in the same way as a thousand years ago. The seeds of the fruit of the sebaceous tree are dried, then crushed and ground with a pestle in a wooden mortar to a state of flour. Then the flour is mixed with water and boiled until a green mass of the consistency of liquid oil is obtained, which is easy to collect, since it is located on the very surface of the water. Then the mass is taken out of the water, washed several times and cooled, and the mass thickens. Later, this butter is stored in the form of bars, like loose butter, in the same form it is sold. The oil can be stored for at least 2 years in a cool dark place.

This herbal remedy has a pleasant, light nutty aroma.

Shea butter classification:

The classification system for this oil divides it into five classes:

Class A - crude or unrefined oil extracted with water.

Class B - refined.

Class C - highly refined oil. Extract with a solvent such as hexane.

Class D - oil with a low level of impurities.

Klas E - oil with impurities.

Commercial grades are Kassa grades A, B, C. Class A oil in the color range from light yellow to gray-yellow, has a nutty flavor that is not found in other classes. Class C oil is pure white.


The composition of this herbal remedy is unique. It is the only base oil that is almost 80% triglycerides and 20% so-called unsaponifiable fats.

According to the fat composition, shea butter can be divided into: unsaponifiable fats (about 17%) and triglycerides (about 80%). The unsaponifiable part is represented by carysterols and carbohydrates. The fatty acid composition is represented by: oleic acid (range from 40 to 55%), stearic acid (range from 35 to 45%), linoleic acid (from 3 to 8%), palmitic acid (up to 3%), as well as: myristic acid, arachidic acid (less than 1%) and linolenic acid (less than 1%).

Shea is a well-known source of natural vitamins A, F, E, C, which perfectly moisturize the skin.


Shea butter is used in various fields, it is used for food and serves as a source of essential fats for the inhabitants of Africa. Africans use it for frying, add it to various dishes, oil lamps work on it, they even rub shacks with it and use it to neutralize the soil.

The unsaponifiable fatty compounds in this herbal remedy help protect skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight. in this case, the natural components of shea butter act as a powerful UV filter. Shea butter activates the protective and regenerating capabilities of the skin. Regular use of this oil for cosmetic purposes promotes skin renewal and also really slows down the natural aging process.

Beneficial features:

Summarizing the above, we can highlight the following beneficial properties of shea butter:

  • improving the processes of cell metabolism in the skin;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • healing properties;
  • elimination of skin inflammation;
  • ideal for dry and sensitive skin;
  • influence on the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • the oil makes the skin elastic and firm, thanks to its regenerating properties;
  • helps to avoid stretch marks on the skin.

Thanks to all of the above qualities, shea butter is used exclusively in high-grade cosmetics.

As an active ingredient in cosmetics, this herbal remedy helps protect skin from adverse climatic conditions by helping to prevent wrinkle formation. It is perfectly applied to the skin, easily absorbed, leaving a pleasant feeling of softness and smoothness.

If you purchase a ready-made cosmetic product with shea butter, be sure to pay attention to how it is in the list of ingredients, if not in the first rows, then you will not get the expected effect due to the low content of active substances in the cream.

Medicinal properties:

Shea butter is used for medicinal purposes, due to its decongestant and analgesic properties, painful muscles and joints are rubbed with it, it is used for rheumatism, it also has a beneficial effect on open wounds (for example, to heal a cut umbilical cord) or if the skin is sensitive, especially in cases when the skin of the hands and feet is cracked. Shea butter is also effective for burns, acne and eczema.

Sebum oil saves Africans from the sun, cold, heat and dry hot winds, they lubricate the scalp, exposed areas of the body, face, lips and even the nasal mucosa. Even babies in the harsh climatic conditions of Africa, in order to protect their delicate skin from the effects of heat, are massaged with shea butter.

Western countries actively use this herbal remedy in the cosmetic and medical industries.

How to choose shea butter?

Regardless of how you use shea butter, as part of cosmetic products or natural, it is important to know that only the oil that is really useful will be produced according to the ancient technologies of African tribes, that is, by hand, hence the corresponding price of the product. ...

It is also useful to know that if shea butter does not have its characteristic light nutty smell, that is, if it has no smell at all, then such oil is old or processed with substances during accelerated processing, which also will not give the expected result from its use, in this case it has an unnatural white color, there is no characteristic of the natural off-white color of shea butter. This is very important because natural shea butter cannot be counterfeited. It will be very appropriate in your cosmetic bag and in your home medicine cabinet.

Application in cosmetology:

As an environmentally friendly product, this oil is highly valued by cosmetologists. Its softening and protective properties are considered especially attractive. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was found that the peoples who actively use shea butter practically have no problems with the skin, they are not characterized by skin diseases, which are effectively distinguished by their smoothness and elasticity. Therefore, shea butter even serves as the basis for the production of soap.

But it is not only because of its protective and emollient properties that shea butter is so popular in the cosmetic industry. The fats that are included in its composition are capable of regeneration and affect the synthesis of collagen fibers, as well as have a sunscreen effect. Therefore, oil can not only moisturize, soften and protect the skin, but also slow down the aging process in it.

For face:

Compared to other cosmetics, shea butter can be used undiluted. It does not have a strong effect and is not capable of causing a negative reaction. Thanks to the convenient consistency of the oil at home, you can quickly and easily prepare the desired composition.

Almost all additional components of shea butter masks can be obtained from a store or pharmacy. If the oil is mixed with other identical compounds, it is advisable to heat it in a water bath. The most popular are moisturizing, nourishing and anti-aging face masks.

Facial moisturizing mask:

To moisturize your skin and give it a healthy glow, you need to prepare a mask with the following ingredients:

  • shea butter - 1 tsp;
  • olive and almond oils - 1 tsp each;
  • creamy yogurt - 1 tsp;
  • vitamin E capsules - 1 pc.

When applying the mask to the face, it is necessary to take a horizontal position, since the resulting mixture is too liquid. You can thicken it by adding a teaspoon of clay or powdered oatmeal.

This mass must be kept for at least 20 minutes, and then washed off. As a result, the skin will noticeably transform, become silky and healthy. The moisturizing mask should be used 2 times a week.

For hair:

Due to the high content of oleic (40-50%), stearic (35-45%) and fatty acids, shea butter makes hair elastic, smooth and silky. Despite the rave reviews, a test allergy test should be done before using the product. Shea butter contains natural latex, the use of which, with special sensitivity of a person, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Before use, hard unrefined oil should be softened at a temperature of about 37 degrees. Apply the product to dry hair, starting from the ends. Finish with a light massage of the scalp. The head is wrapped in a warm towel for 2-3 hours, you can leave it overnight. Then the hair is washed thoroughly with shampoo. Shea extract mask refreshes curls, enhances the metabolism of skin cells, and stimulates hair growth. The oil quickly revitalizes weakened hair, damaged by chemical dyes or perms. The product can be mixed with essential and vegetable oils for the best effect.

Cosmetics and products based on Shea essential oil

For example, BT NATURAL cream with natural shea butter and cocoa (a very common combination), according to the manufacturer, not only nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the body, but also increases its turgor and elasticity, and also effectively fights stretch marks. It is also recommended for pregnant women, for abdominal skin care and is designed to shape the body contour, tightening the skin.

Cream-gel for the skin around the eyes with shea butter from the company "Cora" will help not only get rid of puffiness, but also cope with bruises under the eyes, as well as fine wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.

Shea butter cream for skin care made by STYX also has emollient, moisturizing and protective properties, as well as a very pleasant texture.

The Karites brand (Karite is also the name of shea butter) offers a whole series of different products based on shea butter. It includes a variety of hair care products such as revitalizing balms, conditioners and creams, as well as creams for the skin of the face, body, hands, clarified oil, cosmetic milk and so on.

The name Shi is a spreading tree of the Karite family of the Zapote family that grows in Sudan, Senegal, Mali, New Guinea. A long-lived tree with leathery leaves begins to bloom with fragrant brown flowers at the age of 20. The first fruits appear at the age of 50. The subsequent Shi century bears fruit annually with round fruits no more than 4 cm in diameter. Fruits of the same name are green in unripe form, then they acquire a deep brown color. It is under a thin layer of nutritious pulp that a large seed rich in fat is located. Shea butter is extracted from it - a source of valuable elements. The oil is used for food and cosmetics.

Shea butter properties

Africans consider shea butter to be a high quality product that rivals the nutritional and taste qualities of the best butter made from cow's milk. Solid consistency, pleasant nutty smell, creamy color - this is shea butter. Properties and applications are determined by the texture of the product, the high content of valuable chemical compounds.

Shea butter, even at high room temperature, retains its original structure, remains similar to ghee. This ability is widely used in the preparation of ointments and creams. The content of unsaponifiable substances (more than 17%) allows the oil to be stored without special conditions, preservatives and salt for more than a year, without changing the quality characteristics.

Most of all fatty acids in shea butter. The oleic content reaches 55%. There are also triglycerides, phenols, tocopherols, triterpenes, steroids.

Shea butter is obtained manually and mechanically by roasting the fruits, grinding them into a paste, and boiling them in water for many hours. The resulting light foamy layer on the surface is the final product.

Application area

In places of growth, shea butter is consumed as food, replacing animal and vegetable fats more familiar to Europeans. In the rest of the world, shea butter is actively used by cosmetics manufacturers, considering it a complete replacement for cocoa butter. The high percentage of triglycerides (a source of energy for cells) suggests that shea butter is very beneficial for the body. The pleasant aroma of the product and a good combination with any other base oils and extracts make the ingredient popular with cosmetologists.

Thanks to steroids and tocopherols, shea butter has a high biological activity.

Steroid compounds promote healing of skin cracks and wounds, soothe inflammation. Tocopherols increase the bioactivity of other beneficial components, inhibit oxidative processes, and stimulate the regenerative capacity of cells. Therefore, shea butter is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

Shea butter for body

The product has the following effect on the dermis:

  • Softens rough areas;
  • Protects from UV rays;
  • Smoothes fine wrinkles;
  • Promotes healing of minor injuries;
  • Evens out skin color;
  • Eliminates mild inflammation.

If the skin has peeling, irregularities, rough areas, shea butter eliminates these imperfections, softens and increases elasticity, improves the color of the skin. Thinned skin covered with stretch marks partially restores elasticity with the help of shea butter products, stretch marks brighten, painful sensations disappear when touched.

If you start recovery procedures immediately after the appearance of stretch marks, stretch marks, and other skin defects, you can completely restore the health of the skin, return its original appearance.

Body recipe

Add an equal amount (2 tablespoons each) to the melted shea butter. This is the base of the cream. Add a few drops of lavender and chamomile extracts, a spoon. Stir until smooth and cool, acquiring a consistency comfortable for application to the skin. Keep refrigerated. Apply as a regular cream on a daily basis to dry, thinned skin for the purpose of regeneration.

Shea butter for face

African women use shea butter on their face instead of cream. European cosmetologists use the ingredient as a base for the preparation of masks, balms. The protective properties and the regenerating ability of the components allow the formulations to be applied to the entire face, lips, and neck area. Use them for different purposes:

  • Nutrition;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Protection of sensitive areas from the effects of cold;
  • UV protection;
  • Healing cracks;
  • Restoration of blood microcirculation in the tissues of the dermis.

Focusing on the result that we want, other active ingredients are added to the base. Lovers of home remedies give excellent reviews for shea butter for the face against wrinkles, provided that it is used regularly at night. Even the application of shea butter in its pure form fully nourishes and promotes the restoration of cellular metabolism. Those who are allergic to essential oils use the oil without additives. You can get rid of traces of fatigue after a hard day with the help of a rejuvenating mask.

Shea butter mixes easily with other ingredients when warm. It quickly melts and hardens just as quickly without changing its properties. Any other base oils can be added to shea butter:, from and. For masks add "heavier" components: pureed fruits, honey, eggs.

Any product based on shea butter will turn out to be oily, greasy to the touch. But the absorbency of the components is excellent. The shine does not remain on the skin within a few minutes after application.

Nourishing balm

Designed to protect lips during the cold season. Prevents chapping, cracking, cold sores. Take 15 g of shea butter, 10 g, 2 drops of lemon oil. Melt the mixture in a water bath, stirring with a wooden stick without stopping. Take the empty cosmetic jar as a container for the finished balm. Pour the balm, let it harden in the refrigerator.

For the eyelid area

Apply melted shea butter to the eye area without additives. With light movements of your fingertips, "drive" the product into the area of ​​mimic wrinkles. With regular use, swelling is eliminated, skin tone improves.

For aging skin

Take shea butter in equal proportions,. Add a couple of drops, 2 capsules of vitamin E. Dilute in a water bath until smooth. Use the anti-aging cream at night. Store no more than 2 weeks.

Anti-acne mask

You can get rid of skin inflammation with the help of shea butter and honey. Mix the ingredients in a tablespoon, add a few drops, a salicylic acid tablet.

The composition is applied to the problem area for 20 minutes. Washed then with a clean dry cloth. No other remedies should be used after the procedure. Refuse to wash. Use the mask at night.

Shea butter for hair: home use

The natural remedy is able to revitalize the hair structure, restore the health of the scalp. Using shea butter products regularly, you make the strands obedient, smooth and shiny.

Other effects of using the oil:

  • A natural SPF filter protects hair from the sun;
  • Soothes the scalp;
  • Eliminates dryness, dandruff;
  • Nourishes the hair follicle;
  • Promotes better growth.

Shea butter masks are applied to the head for a long period of time, preferably at night. To protect linen and clothes from greasy stains, wrap your head with a towel, after putting on a disposable cap for cosmetic procedures.

Shea butter not only improves hair structure. It has a beneficial effect on skin cells in various diseases. The active components of the product bring the same benefit to the hair follicle, shaft and split ends. The healing effect of the strands is obtained along the entire length. In reviews of the effects of shea butter on hair, they especially note the benefits of those strands whose structure is disturbed by the constant thermal effects of household appliances for creating hairstyles: hair dryers, curling irons, irons.

For the optimal effect of the oil on the hair, it is required to achieve the consistency of the emulsion. Solid butter in sufficient quantities is heated in a water bath or in a microwave. Then add other components and mix. As long as the texture is smooth, the product is liquid - quickly applied to the hair. It is not recommended to use a mask with a lack of free time. The minimum exposure time is 30 minutes. Regenerating and healing masks are used at least 2 times a week. The oil is perfectly washed off with regular shampoo.

Firming mask

Mix equal amount of shea butter (2 scoops each). Pour in a spoonful of cedarwood oil. Apply the mixture to dry hair, leave to act for 40 minutes.

For strength and beauty of hair

Another firming mask that gives the hair shine and shine. Mix 50 g of shea butter with a few drops of sandalwood and milk thistle oils, capsules (2 each) of vitamins A and E. Sandal can be replaced. Apply warm. You can leave it overnight.

For hair growth

Used only on hair roots. Regular use is required. Course reception - at least 10-12 procedures. Mix 30 g of shea butter with the same amount, add a couple of drops of rosemary extract and the same amount of thyme oil. The same composition can improve the condition of the eyebrows. Use an old mascara brush to apply.

It is from such nondescript nuts that shea butter is obtained.

Shea butter: contraindications

There are no direct contraindications to the use of oil. But the oily composition can clog pores with frequent use. Therefore, use shea butter products with care for people with oily skin.

In the article we consider shea butter - its types and production technologies. You will learn how a natural product is used in cosmetology, what contraindications are for its use, and whether it is suitable during pregnancy. We will tell you where to buy shea butter, and how much it costs, and the reviews will demonstrate the therapeutic and cosmetological effect of shea butter.

Shea butter is squeezed from the seeds of the fruits of Vitellaria amazing (shea, shea) - a tree that grows in the western and central states of Africa.

Unrefined shea butter retains up to 80% of nutrients:

  • triglycerides (stearic, oleic, arachidic, linoleic, palmitic, myristic acids) are the main sources of energy for cells that normalize their life cycle;
  • squalene is a polyunsaturated hydrocarbon that prevents oxygen deficiency at the cellular level;
  • phytosterols - harmful cholesterol neutralizers;
  • xanthophyll - one of the types of carotenoids that protect the body from free radicals and improve vision;
  • vitamin E - a component that prevents rapid skin aging;
  • carotene (vitamin A) - an effective natural antioxidant necessary for metabolism and prevention of cellular pathologies;
  • tocopherols - substances necessary for the formation of healthy cells and their protection from negative factors;
  • triterpene alcohol.

Shea butter is produced mechanically (manually) or industrially.

The manual method involves a multi-stage procedure, during which the locals collect the fruits, extract the seeds from them and fry them for several days in large vats. Then it is crushed in a mortar and mixed with water, soaked and boiled until a greasy white film appears. It is the fatty deposit after cooling that will become the natural shea butter.

In industrial production, the cold pressing method is used, when the seed kernels are pressed with a special press, and then the fat mass is removed and subjected to finishing. In addition, a refining method is used, in which the feedstock is crushed, settled, filtered, purified and hydrated (combined with water). The whiter the shea butter, the more thoroughly it is refined.

Oil types

Depending on the production technology, shea butter is divided into several classes:

  • unrefined - class A - the most useful oil, in which a maximum of natural substances remain;
  • refined - classes from B to E (the higher the class, the more purified the product has undergone), while class B and C is butter made without chemical impurities, most often with the addition of cocoa butter (it is used in cosmetology), and class D and E - low refined oil with synthetic additives intended for the production of household chemicals.

Whether the oil has undergone refining is easy to understand by its external characteristics. Unrefined ivory oil has a brownish or greenish tint. Its consistency is dense, and a pleasant aroma gives off nutty notes.

Refined white shea butter is odorless, but softer and more delicate in consistency. Despite the fact that in the process of refining it loses some of its nutrients, it is it that is preferred to be added to cosmetic products.

There is also shea butter, which is clear with a slight nutty flavor. It is used in aromatherapy and added to beauty masks. In its pure form, shea butter heals well cracks and small wounds on the skin.

Application of Shea Butter

The indigenous people of Africa call shea butter "the gold of women." African beauties use it to protect the skin from the scorching sun and dry wind.

For a third of the population living below the poverty line, a natural product is the only source of edible fats, therefore it is added to various dishes instead of butter, and is also used for household needs in lighting lamps and as a kind of plaster to protect homes from insects.

The oil's medicinal properties make it a popular ingredient in folk recipes.

With its help, they relieve inflammation and swelling, treat wounds, take care of the skin:

  • newborns lubricate the umbilical cord to prevent suppuration, and also treat skin folds from diaper rash;
  • rubbed into sore joints to reduce inflammation and relieve swelling;
  • applied with sprains and muscle pains to eliminate discomfort and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • soften and moisturize the skin with dermatitis and psoriasis, including in the composition of medicinal ointments and gels;
  • used as an antiseptic with a high bactericidal effect in intimate hygiene products;
  • relieve pain, moisturize and soothe the skin after sunburn.

In European countries, shea butter is a popular ingredient in cosmetic products. In cosmetology, it is also used in its pure form to rejuvenate the skin, moisturize dry areas on the elbows and feet, and restore hair.

Shea butter in cosmetology

The use of shea butter in cosmetology is aimed at skin and hair care. It has a softening, moisturizing, protective and regenerating effect.

According to customers, there is no significant difference between refined and unrefined oils - both have a beneficial effect on the skin.

To get the most out of using shea butter, follow the guidelines in the instructions for use:

  • Before adding to homemade masks, melt pure shea butter in a water bath (you do not need to do this if you apply the butter directly to the skin, as it melts from body temperature);
  • Before applying the care products, thoroughly prepare the skin - clean and, if necessary, steam;
  • apply night cream 2 hours before bedtime to avoid puffiness in the morning;
  • depending on the recommendations, rinse off the product with lukewarm water or soak the excess with a clean cloth half an hour after application.

For face

The ability to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin allows shea butter to restore and rejuvenate the skin of the face - eliminate visible signs of wilting, prevent aging. Lubricate your face with a small dose of oil twice a week and you will notice the results.

Shea-based products are ideal for wrinkles, including the skin around the eyes, as they increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. They are also able to effectively protect the delicate skin of the face from negative external factors - wind, low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation. Not surprisingly, shea face protection creams are so eagerly used by people on the run in winter.

The bactericidal action of the product eliminates skin problems - removes acne and acne, and also prevents their appearance.

Interestingly, shea butter enhances the color of cosmetics, so it is applied as a base before applying eyeshadow and blush.

For body

Shea butter is great for the skin, so they should lubricate dry and rough areas - elbows, knees, feet. It is indispensable for dehydrated skin when it is necessary to eliminate flaking, as well as soothe and soften the areas after depilation.

As part of massages and body wraps, shea butter improves overall skin tone and fights cellulite. It is good to use shea butter while taking a bath by adding a few drops to the water.

Shea butter is used not only for beauty and skin rejuvenation, but also to eliminate unpleasant itching and discomfort that occurs after insect bites.

For hair

The moisturizing and nourishing properties of Shea Butter allow it to be incorporated into all hair types to restore beauty and health.

Shampoos, conditioners and homemade shea masks give hair shine and shine, eliminate dandruff, restore hair structure along its entire length and protect it from ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures, covering the hair with a protective film.

The natural remedy is highly effective in the treatment of brittle and damaged hair with split ends, as it quickly restores the cellular structure and replenishes the lack of water. Add a small dose of pure shea butter to your favorite shampoo for extra nourishment.

For lips, eyelashes and eyelids

Shea butter balms moisturize lips and protect them from external factors, so the product is applied 30-40 minutes before going to the beach or while relaxing at a ski resort to protect them from sunlight, prickly wind and frost.

Many people apply shea butter to their eyelashes to make them thick and long, as well as on the eyelids if delicate skin dries and flakes from makeup.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The tool allows you to reduce the number of stretch marks that have already appeared, but only if you start using it immediately after childbirth.


When studying the benefits that using shea butter can bring, no side effects have been identified. A natural remedy cannot harm the human body if hazardous chemical components are not included in the composition, therefore it is recommended for babies and pregnant women.

Shea butter should be used with caution only if you are intolerant and allergic to other nuts. In the presence of skin diseases, a dermatologist's consultation is necessary.

Where can I buy

You can buy shea butter at pharmacies, beauty stores, organic boutiques and online. The price for 100 g of the product ranges from 450 to 550 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

So, unrefined shea butter "Spivak", completely natural and without additives, costs 140 rubles per 100 g, and for 50 g of refined oil from Botanica you will have to pay 380-400 rubles.

Shea butter (shea butter) is included in the list of the most valuable cosmetic oils, which have, above all, softening, moisturizing, strong protective and regenerating properties. They are widely used in the cosmetic field, in particular in skin and hair care.

Shea butter is isolated from the fruit pulp of the Shea tree (Shea, Vitellaria amazing (lat.Vitellaria paradoxa, Butyrospermum parkii)). The tree can live for several centuries, and retains a high yield for a century. It grows mainly in the countries of West and Central Africa (Ghana, Mali, Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, etc.).

Shea butter has a pleasant and light nutty aroma, sometimes with a hint of coconut. The consistency of the product is solid, remains so at temperatures up to 27 degrees, when the temperature rises, the oil melts quickly. This feature makes it convenient to use it in skin care (run a piece of oil over the skin, saturating it with life-giving ingredients). Only organic (non-chemical) unrefined oil is suitable for use, in which a huge amount of useful substances is concentrated. More than 80% of shea butter consists of triglycerides, squalene, phytosterols and xanthophyll, vitamins (E, A (carotene) and tocopherols), triterpene alcohols are also present in it.

Shea butter in Western countries is used for skin care and cosmetics production, in African countries it is actively used for food (fat) and medicinal purposes.

Properties and beneficial effects of shea butter.
The excellent emollient properties of the oil are effective against excessively dry and rough skin areas (hands, elbows, knees, feet, etc.). This property of shea butter makes it indispensable for dry and dehydrated skin with signs of flaking, unevenness and roughness. The ability to influence the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as the regenerating and rejuvenating properties of the oil fight against visible signs of aging and aging of the skin, increase firmness and elasticity, improve skin turgor, smooth wrinkles, and improve complexion. The oil can improve the condition of the skin affected by stretch marks only if the treatment was started immediately after their occurrence.

The high protective ability of shea butter makes it an effective and irreplaceable agent against the influence of ultraviolet rays, as well as aggressive effects of external environmental factors.

Shea butter also exhibits moisturizing and nourishing properties that allow it to be used on absolutely any type of skin and hair, including sensitive. The soothing properties of the oil will come in handy for the skin of babies, especially in the presence of diaper rash, and will also be useful after insect bites.

Basically, shea butter is known as an effective cosmetic product, few people know that its equally high medicinal properties can be useful in the treatment of various diseases. Shea butter also has some medicinal properties that are effective against many skin diseases, in particular psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. It can also speed up the healing of minor cuts, wounds, cracks in the skin. It exhibits anti-inflammatory effect in case of injury to ligaments and muscles, in case of joint diseases, it also has anti-edema properties, and stimulates capillary blood circulation. Clean oil is applied to the affected area with light circular motions.

The oil should be stored tightly closed in a cool place without access to light, in its original packaging it can be stored for up to two years.

Shea butter is used in cosmetology.
Shea butter has found wide application in the field of cosmetology, it is one of the most frequent components of care, anti-aging and sun-protection cosmetics for the skin of the face and body, as well as hair. The oil is universal, so it will suit everyone. Also, the oil is included in the composition of massage mixtures and is an ideal remedy against stretch marks during pregnancy (and not only). Daily self-massage of problem areas with this oil will increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Shea butter for the face.
Like any other cosmetic shea butter, it is well tolerated by the skin in its pure form, nourishes, moisturizes, softens it, and is suitable even for the delicate and sensitive area around the eyes, chapped and dry skin of the lips, neck and décolleté. To enhance the effect, the oil can be combined well with essential oils and other useful ingredients and used in the form of masks with different effects, depending on the result you want to get. Shea butter is an excellent base (base) for making homemade regenerating, nourishing and anti-aging creams. It is recommended to melt the oil in a water bath before using it as a basis for making care mixtures and formulations.

This versatile and natural beauty product will also help protect your skin from sun, wind and cold temperatures. The oil is applied forty minutes before going outside, after absorbing the product, the skin must be blotted with a paper towel in order to remove oil residues.

Shea butter works well as an overnight nourishing and revitalizing agent. In a warm form, lubricate the entire surface of the face with oil. Before going to bed, blot your face with a cosmetic napkin.

Recipes for face masks and creams with shea butter.

Shea butter cream for sensitive, dry and aging skin.
Add four teaspoons of almond butter to two teaspoons of pre-melted shea butter. The mixture should be constantly stirred until completely cooled, gradually adding chamomile (three drops) and lavender (two drops) essential oils. Transfer the cooled cream into an empty clean glass jar from under any cream and place in the refrigerator. Store the cream for no more than two weeks. Use as needed (at least twice a day).

Rejuvenating cream for mature skin with signs of aging and fading.
Also melt two teaspoons of shea butter with a water bath, add two teaspoons of macadamia oil, a teaspoon of avocado oil and the same amount of jojoba. Remove from the bath and stir constantly. As it cools, add rosemary (two drops) and rosewood (three drops) essential oils to the mixture. Transfer to a jar with a lid and place in the refrigerator. Store no more than two weeks.

Revitalizing night cream for dry, sensitive skin with signs of aging.
Combine a tablespoon of ordinary rose water (not alcohol, there is in the pharmacy) with a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. In a separate bowl, use a water bath to dissolve a teaspoon of beeswax, two teaspoons of shea butter and one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive, almond, peach, apricot, etc.). Mix everything well, all the oils should melt completely. Then squeeze vitamin E from one capsule into the mixture, add a small amount of lecithin (at the tip of a teaspoon). Stir the mixture thoroughly and add a mixture of rose water and aloe into it. Next, remove the composition from the bath and begin to beat intensively with a mixer. Introduce essential oils of mandarin (two drops) and chamomile (three drops) into the warm composition while whipping. Transfer the finished cream to a jar with a lid and place in the refrigerator for storage.

Recipes for dry skin masks with shea butter.
For toning and nourishing dry and flaccid skin, a mask will help well: grind the peel of a lemon, previously dried, using a coffee grinder. Take one level tablespoon of such flour, combine with egg yolk, close tightly with cling film and set aside for twenty minutes. Then add a teaspoon of liquid shea butter and the same amount of walnut oil to the mixture. Stir everything thoroughly and apply on cleansed face, after twenty minutes remove the mask with warm water.

Nourishing and softening mask for very dry skin: crush avocado (banana) pulp, take two tablespoons and mix with a teaspoon of liquid shea butter, add the same amount of jojoba oil (or wheat germ) and honey (melt beforehand) to the mixture ... Apply the composition to cleansed skin and let stand for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water. If too thick, add another half of the yolk to the composition.

Lip cleaner with shea butter.
Place half a teaspoon of beeswax and shea butter in a special dish, melt in a water bath, add the same amount of honey and cocoa butter. Stir everything well until a homogeneous liquid mass, remove from the bath and stir a little, add a drop of cinnamon oil and two drops of mint oil (can be replaced with lemon balm or chamomile). Store the product in an individual jar in the refrigerator. Good for overnight, cold and windy weather.

Softening hand mask with shea butter.
To soften rough and dry skin of the hands, this remedy will help: add calendula and walnut oil to the melted shea butter. Take the components in a teaspoon and stir thoroughly. Massage the skin with the product. Remove residual oil with a paper towel.

Healing mask for acne with shea butter.
This mask copes well with acne: combine 100 ml of melted shea butter with liquid honey, add a tablespoon of walnut oil and 1 ml of salicylic acid. Apply the composition to the skin, avoiding the eye area, and leave for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water. It is better to do such a mask at night, you do not need to apply anything else to the skin. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Shea butter for hair.
Shea butter has an equally beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. It also nourishes, moisturizes, relieves dryness and brittleness, improves blood circulation in the skin, stops hair loss, strengthening hair follicles. With regular inclusion of oil in hair care, it makes hair manageable, shiny and healthy.

The oil should be applied to dry hair, paying special attention to dry ends. Cover the head with polyethylene and wrap it with a towel. Such a mask should be kept from an hour to two, you can leave it overnight, and in the morning wash your hair in the usual way. To achieve a better result, it is recommended to add other vegetable and essential oils to the oil, depending on the goal.

Shea butter hair mask recipes.
To improve the condition of split ends: combine two tablespoons of shea butter (melt beforehand) and almonds, add beaten egg yolk and three drops of ylang-ylang ether. Apply the mask to dry hair, wrap it with a film and a towel, after an hour, you can more, if time permits, rinse with warm water using shampoo.

For enhanced hair nutrition: combine a tablespoon of burdock oil with two tablespoons of flaxseed oil, add a tablespoon of liquid vitamin E in oil. Melt 40 g of shea butter separately and mix with the rest of the mixture. The method of application is the same.

Despite the fact that it is still oil, it still does not weigh down the hair or make it too greasy.

Shea butter is versatile, apply for any skin and hair problem. You will see for yourself how effective it is.