The best chicken breast kebab recipe. Chicken Breast Kebab - Light Charcoal Lunch

19.05.2019 Soups

Chicken breast kebab is a very delicate and tasty dish, but of course it all depends on the hostess and on the recipes. Chicken breast, like any other kebab, can be marinated in an onion, or you can make a special marinade or sauce. The main thing is to buy fresh chicken fillet for him.

Kebab in tomato paste

Chicken breast kebabs in tomato paste are very aromatic and juicy. To prepare a barbecue marinade you will need: 700 gr. tomato paste, 3 red bell peppers, three cloves of garlic. For the kebab itself, use 2 kg of breasts.

Cooking algorithm

Grind the bell pepper on a grater or scroll with a meat grinder, add it to the tomato paste. Peel the garlic and onion, grind it in a meat grinder or grater, add to the tomato paste. Mix everything thoroughly. Soak chicken breast in tomato sauce for 4 hours. During the soaking process, you will need to gently stir the meat twice.

After removing the chicken breast from the marinade, it does not need to be rinsed, but directly put on a skewer or skewer. Marinade can be fried in a pan, pouring sunflower oil into it to learn the sauce. Serve the sauce along with the kebab.

Chicken breast with mineral water

For this recipe, you need to prepare: 2 kg of chicken breasts, 1.5 liters of salted mineral water, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 3 onions.

Cooking algorithm

Add mayonnaise to mineral water, stir thoroughly, but try not to release too much gas. Peel the onion and grate it directly into the mineral water, stir it, this will add sharpness to the water. Cut the chicken breast, dip in the prepared sauce on mineral water.

Instead of mineral water, ordinary kvass is also perfect, of course, you should choose it not very sweet.

Chicken breast shashlik on mineral water with herbs

For this dish you will need: 2.5 kg of chicken breasts, 1.5 liter bottle of mineral water, 1 lemon, dill, parsley, cilantro, just one hundred grams each. To give the mineral water sharpness, you need to use a couple of radishes or a small radish, as well as one head of onion.

Cooking algorithm

Wash all vegetables and peel them. Grate onions, radishes on a small grater until added to the water. Crumble all the available greens, as small as possible so that they do not interfere, remaining on the shish kebab with twigs, enjoy its taste. Cut the meat and put in a saucepan, pour with mineral water, add everything that you have prepared: herbs, grated vegetables and salt. Leave on for three hours. Cut the lemon into slices, put it on the meat after three hours, stir and leave for another hour.

Chicken Breasts with Pepper and Tomatoes

In order to prepare this marinade, you will need: 1 kg of tomatoes. 1 kg. paprika, 4 cloves of garlic, salt. For barbecue, you need to use 3 kg of chicken breasts.

Cooking algorithm

Wash tomatoes and peppers, peel and rotate in a meat grinder, add grated garlic, salt. Cut the chicken breasts into large pieces, soak in the sauce for 5 hours. Skewer the meat and fry. After all the fillets are cooked on skewers, it will be necessary to fry the mass in which the meat was marinated in a pan or in a cauldron, because chicken breast kebab must be served with sauce.

Chilean chicken breast skewer

For the dish you will need: 2.5 kg of chicken breasts, a pack of ketchup, 2 hot peppers, a spoonful of black pepper, salt to taste, 5 cloves of garlic.

Cooking algorithm

Grate hot peppers into ketchup, squeeze out the garlic, salt and pepper. Rinse the breasts, chop coarsely and grate with sauce. Leave to soak for 3 hours. For this spicy kebab, you can serve a more neutral sauce. For example: sour cream with herbs or cheese sauce. You can cook such kebabs on the grill or in the oven, on the grill grate.

Kebab in the oven

You can cook chicken skewers not only on the grill, but also in the oven. To prepare the most delicious skewers on skewers in the oven, you will need: 5 heads of onion, 6 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 cloves of garlic. For the kebab itself, you need to take 2 kg of chicken breasts.

Cooking algorithm

Squeeze the garlic into sour cream, add mustard and grind everything. Rinse the chicken breasts and cut into small cubes. Pour the marinade over them and mix everything thoroughly. Peel the onion and cut into rings, add and mix again. Leave on for 3-4 hours. Fry the most delicious kebab at 180 degrees, use a wire rack as a sheet.

Here's how to cook.

Tropical Chicken Breast Kebab

To prepare this miracle of kebab you will need: 2 kg of chicken breasts, 3 kiwis, 1 can of canned pineapple, 3 avocados, one lemon, salt.

Cooking algorithm

To make a tropical chicken fillet kebab in the oven, you need to peel the kiwi and grate it. Chop the meat, put in a deep bowl and coat everything with kiwi pulp. Open the jar with the announcements, salt the juice and pour over the chicken meat, mix everything. Leave on for three hours. While the kebab is marinated, cut the avocado and lemon. String pieces of chicken breast on skewers, alternating foods: a piece of meat, avocado, lemon, again - a piece of meat, avocado, lemon, etc.

For lovers of fried onions in kebabs, you can add onions. Fry in the oven at 180 degrees using a wire rack.

The kebab will turn out sweet and sour, but if sweetness bothers you, you do not need to add pineapple juice, just drain it in advance.

Tips for working with chicken breast will come in handy for any housewife.

  • Try not to use frozen breasts. After defrosting, it will become sluggish, and if it is still left in the sauce, then the meat will creep altogether.
  • To keep the meat tender, do not leave it in the marinade overnight, it can dry it out. The most optimal time for barbecue is 3-5 hours. For a more saturated sauce, 3 hours, and for a more, so to speak, calm, the meat can be left for 5 hours.
  • It seems to many that if this is a chicken breast, then the kebab should be of a miniature size. But it is the chicken breasts that need to be cut on a shashlik a little larger than you want, so that the shashlik is tasty and juicy. Small pieces are easier to pickle, but they quickly lose moisture and dry out.
  • Fry chicken fillet kebab on the grill on both sides, no more than 10 minutes, usually it takes about 5 minutes on each side. But, any hostess knows more how her household members prefer to eat barbecue.
  • Be careful when cooking shish kebab on the grill, the result is visible, but sometimes it is advisable to look into the oven so that it does not burn.

Chicken kebab can be soaked in anything: tomatoes, onions, fruits, vegetables and even berries. The main thing is not to overdo it in the sauce, because the chicken meat is very tender and can quickly dry out and harden. And, of course, you must immediately gather your friends and relatives to the table. The shish kebab that remained the next day is not a shish kebab, because it is delicious only freshly cooked and hot.


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And this time we will cook this delicious chicken dish. It is believed that the classic shish kebab is made from lamb or pork. But lately, chicken has become a more popular product. And it's not just about its lower cost. Poultry meat is much softer, and properly roasted, it is even tastier.

As for the choice of one or another part of the carcass, then, unlike pork meat, you can take whatever you like for chicken kebab. Prefer wings - please take them, drumsticks - take drumsticks or breasts.

It is best to take meat from young birds, especially from broiler chickens. It is advisable to marinate each part of the carcass in a special marinade.

Breasts, for example, are marinated with mayonnaise and spices or garlic and lemon. Legs and thighs - in vinegar or in a mixture of several types of pepper. Wings - infused in mayonnaise and ketchup marinade.

Only fresh products should be used for chicken kebabs.

Meat is chickens no older than 1 year old and weighing from 900 g to 2 kg. Poultry is best suited.

The carcass should not be frozen, but chilled.

How to marinate chicken skewers for juicy and tender meat

Before you start pickling, you need to decide on the dishes. It is best to marinate in glass, enamel or ceramic containers. It is advisable to exclude aluminum or wooden dishes. It is also undesirable to use plastic dishes.

The chicken meat is cut into 3x3 cm pieces. Onions are cut into rings. A dressing according to the selected recipe is prepared separately. After that, a chicken with onion rings is placed in a deep bowl, everything is poured with marinade, mixed and put in the refrigerator for an hour to marinate. After that, you can start frying the kebab.

If you are using kebab wings, you can cook them whole or by cutting them in half. They are fried for 10-20 minutes until they acquire a dark shade.

The drumstick is tougher than the wings, so the marinade should saturate them very well. A marinade with beer, soy sauce and onions works well for this.

First, the meat must be grated with salt, black pepper, as well as ground garlic and finely chopped basil and put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes so that the meat is soaked. The onions are peeled, minced and mixed with the rest of the ingredients for the marinade. After that, the finished marinade is poured into the meat, everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator for two hours. Meat is fried for half an hour.

Chicken marinade recipes

There are a great many different recipes for marinades. However, there is a standard version of this sauce to which you can add whichever ingredient you like best.

chicken meat - 1 kg; fatty mayonnaise - 150 gr.; one onion; spices for chicken - 1 teaspoon; black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon; hot mustard - 1 tablespoon; salt to taste.

What can be used in a marinade?

You can add ingredients such as lemon juice, salt, or soy sauce, onions, garlic, and herbs to the above recipe. You can use kefir (yogurt) or ketchup (tomato paste), or sour cream. You can also add white wine to the marinade.

All this can be used both individually and vary one product with another. And here is the recipe for marinade with beer:

For 1 kg of chicken meat, you will need 1 tsp. dry oregano, 0.5 liters of light beer, two onions, pepper and salt.

The meat is in this marinade for about 3 hours. The next recipe is already non-alcoholic and includes kefir.

For 2 kg of chicken, you will need 0.5 liters of fatty kefir, 3 onions, 1 clove of garlic, spices.

After the meat is poured with such a marinade, it is covered with a plate and a load is placed on top. Two hours later, you can start to fry the kebab. If you're sticking to the classic vinegar marinade, you can do this:

For 1 kg of chicken, take 3 onions, 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar, salt, pepper.

In such a marinade, the meat is kept under the lid for about three hours. And this is a recipe for marinade using mineral water.

chicken meat - 1.5 kg; mineral water (highly carbonated) - 0.5 l.; one onion; vinegar - 1 tablespoon; spices for chicken, salt and pepper to taste.

Here is another interesting, so to speak experimental, recipe for marinade with grapefruit.

For 1 kg of meat we take 2 grapefruits, 3 onions, 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce, pepper, bay leaf, barbecue seasoning.

The process of cooking kebabs in such a marinade is as follows. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and pour it into a bowl with chicken. Cut the onion into thin rings and put in the same place. Add soy sauce and spices. Mix everything and leave in the refrigerator for four hours. The container with the kebab must be shaken periodically. After the marinating time, you can fry the kebab.

Chicken in the oven on skewers

If you suddenly wanted a kebab, then cooking it in the oven is quick and easy. It is best to use chicken fillet for this purpose. Marinade can be prepared any way you like. Here we use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of chicken meat, you will need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, two cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, pepper and salt to taste

How to cook chicken skewers in the oven?

We start by soaking the skewers in water. While they are soaking, cut the chicken into pieces.

Cut the onion into rings. We prepare the marinade itself, mixing vegetable oil, soy sauce, squeezed garlic and other ingredients. Add the finished marinade to the meat, cover with foil and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

After two hours, we take out the meat and string it on skewers with an accordion.

After that, put the meat on skewers in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes.

During frying, you need to monitor the process and, when one side is fried, turn the pieces over to the other side. There is another option to make the dish tastier. To do this, clean the potatoes, cut them into pieces, add seasonings and put them on a baking sheet. Put the chicken skewered on top and put everything in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Do not forget to turn the shashlik toasted on top. As soon as a golden crust forms on all sides, the kebab can be taken out.

Chicken kebab in a jar (it turns out tastier than on the grill)

In addition to the fact that chicken skewers can be simply fried on skewers in the oven, you can also do this in a jar. Using a three-liter jar is even better than just frying the meat. Spattering of fat throughout the oven is prevented and, at the same time, all this fat remains on the meat.

To prepare such a kebab, we use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of chicken meat, we need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, 400 ml. refined oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, one onion, three tomatoes, one bell pepper, salt and seasonings to taste and, of course, skewers.

We start by preparing the marinade. We cut all the ingredients for the marinade and mix with each other. You can use a blender to get a smooth paste. While stirring with a blender, gradually add vegetable oil.

After the marinade is ready, pour it into the meat, stir and set to marinate for 2 hours.

After the marinating period has expired, we take out the meat and string it on skewers. The meat can be alternated with tomatoes and onion rings.

Place the meat skewered on skewers in jars, which we put in a cold oven. After that, turn on the oven and the frying process begins. In 20 minutes the kebab will be ready.

Marinade for chicken in soy sauce, honey and mustard

Marinating meat is intended not only to give a certain flavor to the meat, but also to soften it in order to shorten the frying time. But, when it comes to taste, then we start adding certain ingredients to the marinade. And if you still start experimenting with a combination of various additives, then the taste may turn out to be original. Let's try to make a soy sauce marinade with honey and mustard.

For 1 kg. Chicken we need one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of mustard, one tablespoon of soy sauce, three cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, spices and salt to taste.

Pour vegetable oil and soy sauce into the container. Stir well and add honey and mustard. Mix everything well again. Now we take the meat and rub it with garlic, salt and add spices. Then put it in a marinating dish and fill it with marinade. Mix everything well, close the lid and put in the refrigerator for four hours. After that, we take out the meat, put it on skewers or skewers, if baked in the oven, and start frying.

Chicken kebab in kefir - recipe for 1 hour

Marinade on kefir is quite simple to prepare. It doesn't require any special products unless you want to experiment. In the standard form, we need the following ingredients.

For 2 kilograms of meat, we need half a liter of kefir, 4 medium-sized onions, 3-4 cloves of garlic, salt, spices to taste.

We start, as usual, by cutting the chicken into shashlik pieces and putting it in a bowl. Salt and pepper, add grated garlic and seasonings. Mix everything well, then fill it with kefir. Instead of kefir, you can use any other fermented milk product (curdled milk, yogurt). All this is marinated for half an hour, and then fried. Regardless of where you fry the kebab: on the grill or in the oven, do not forget to turn it over from time to time.

Marinade for chicken kebab with vinegar

This is a classic vinegar marinade recipe. Most kebab lovers prefer to marinate meat in vinegar. Preparing such a marinade is quite simple. A vinegar solution is required at a 3% concentration.

Peel the onion and finely chop or grate. We mix vinegar with water. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper and put it in a bowl. Add sugar, onions, vinegar solution to this and mix everything thoroughly. The meat is marinated for about 10 hours, after which you can start frying the kebab.

Chicken breast kebab marinade to keep the meat tender

Chicken breast can be marinated in any marinade. This is both classic vinegar and with various additives. Marinade with honey, in my opinion, is a rather interesting option for chicken kebab.

To prepare honey marinade, we need 4 tablespoons of honey, dry spicy herbs, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil, pepper to taste.

You do not need to add salt here, since it contains soy sauce, which will add a salty taste. We prepare the marinade as follows: melt the honey in a water bath. To do this, put a container with honey in a saucepan with water and heat it on gas, stirring continuously. Mix liquid honey with soy sauce, add olive oil and mix everything well. Add dry herbs and peppers. Pour all this into a container with meat and marinate for about an hour. After that, you can start frying the kebab.

Before you start making a delicious chicken kebab, here are a few tips.

- before marinating, the meat must be washed and dried

- only fresh carcass should be used for barbecue, and it is better if it is chilled, not frozen

- salt is put into chicken kebab a little more than during its usual preparation. But if you are using soy sauce, you can skip the salt.

- any crushed and roasted nuts will go well in the chicken marinade

- if you use garlic for chicken marinade, then it must be carefully chopped. This can be done either with a garlic press, or passed through a meat grinder.

- it is advisable to add vegetable oil to the marinade. You can not only sunflower, but also olive. Then your kebab will acquire a beautiful golden crust and will not burn.

- the meat must be turned over the fire and the more often the better.

If you approach the process of preparing chicken kebab correctly and creatively, it will turn out delicious for you.

Good luck in your culinary business and bon appetit!

Such fragrant and tender meat is loved by most people. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to go out into the countryside. Therefore, we will tell you how to make chicken kebab not only on the grill, but also in the oven and in a pan.

How to marinate in sour cream?


  • chicken breast - 0.3 kg;
  • salt, spices "for grilled meat" - to taste;
  • bacon - 0.15 kg;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sour cream - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.


  1. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  2. Chop the garlic finely with a knife.
  3. Chop the dill very finely.
  4. Put sour cream in a deep container. Add onions, garlic and dill to it. Combine marinade, salt and grill spices.
  5. Rinse the chicken several times and cut into large cubes. If the meat breaks down into fibers and does not hold its shape, then freeze it. Let the fillet sit in the freezer for a short time, about an hour. The chicken will then be easy to cut and the cubes will be even.
  6. Place the fillets in the marinade. Rinse the meat well to absorb the sauce.
  7. Transfer the chicken breast to the refrigerator. Let it marinate for at least 4 hours.
  8. At this time, you still need to prepare the skewers. Place them on a baking sheet and cover with cold water for 2 hours. Then, during frying, they will not burn.
  9. When the meat is marinated, you need to wrap it in bacon. It is he who will add juiciness to the kebab. Roll all fillet pieces into bacon.
  10. Place 3 pieces of chicken breast on each wooden skewer.
  11. Now preheat a grill pan and fry the skewer with meat on all sides until golden brown. If there is no such frying pan, use ordinary dishes, but then the kebab will not have appetizing stripes.
  12. The chicken in sour cream is ready. Serve with vegetable salad.

Marinate chicken for barbecue in beer (with lemon)

Meat can be baked both in the oven and on the grill.


  • light beer - 0.7 l;
  • chicken drumsticks - 4 kg;
  • lemon;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • salt, barbecue seasoning.


  1. Rinse all drumsticks and place in a large saucepan.
  2. Cut the onion into thin rings and add it to the drumsticks.
  3. Add beer and sour cream to the meat.
  4. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze all the juice over the meat.
  5. Add kebab seasoning and salt to the drumsticks. Stir the meat and sauce well to distribute it evenly.
  6. Leave the drumsticks to marinate for 3 hours. This time will be enough.
  7. After the specified time, cook the barbecue in any convenient way.

Oven chicken skewers on skewers (with the addition of vinegar and onions)


  • chicken fillet - 2 pieces;
  • dill or parsley - 1 bunch;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the baking sheet;
  • vinegar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • seasoning for barbecue and salt - to taste.


  1. Cut the fillets into 4-5 cm cubes.
  2. Onions - in rings.
  3. Fold the sliced ​​breast into a large bowl. Add chopped onions, vinegar, spices and salt to it.
  4. Toss the chicken and marinade several times. Leave the meat to marinate overnight.
  5. Fill a bottle with cold water and place wooden skewers in it for several hours.
  6. When the breast is marinated, you can continue the cooking process.
  7. Set the oven to 180 degrees.
  8. Skewer the chicken. Place them on a greased baking sheet. If you are using a silicone mold, you do not need to lubricate it.
  9. Leave in the oven until tender.
  10. After 20 minutes, turn the fillet over so that there is an appetizing crust on all sides.
  11. Chop a bunch of dill finely.
  12. The kebab with vinegar is ready! Serve with mashed potatoes. Grind the dish with chopped dill when serving.

Marinade for chicken with soy sauce and honey

This is a very interesting option, because sweet honey and salty sauce are involved. Often, the breast in this marinade is fried in a pan. But you can cook this kebab in other ways.


  • chicken fillet - 2 kg;
  • sweet peppers - 2 pieces;
  • soy sauce - 0.1 l;
  • vegetable oil - 0.05 l;
  • honey - 5-6 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bow - 5 heads.


  1. First, you need to melt the honey. This can be done in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. Pour melted honey into a large saucepan. Add soy sauce and salt. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Add vegetable oil and ground pepper to the marinade. Whisk the sauce until smooth. The chicken kebab marinade is ready.
  4. Cut the fillets into equal cubes.
  5. Onions - in rings.
  6. Pepper - in rings or large cubes. If possible, take a multi-colored pepper.
  7. Crush the garlic with a press.
  8. Place shredded vegetables and meats in a saucepan for the sauce. Mix everything and leave to marinate at room temperature for 2 hours.
  9. Now cook the kebab. While frying, water it with the remaining marinade.

Chicken kebab in kefir

Sour kefir is not suitable for this recipe. Also, it should not be fat-free.


  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • salt, barbecue seasoning and pepper - to taste;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - 1 bunch;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into large cubes.
  2. Bow - in wide rings. Its width should be about 5 mm.
  3. Crush the garlic using a special device.
  4. Now place the chopped fillets, onions, and garlic in a large saucepan. Rinse the ingredients to absorb the vegetable juice.
  5. Pour half a liter of kefir into a saucepan.
  6. Chop the parsley finely.
  7. Add chopped parsley, salt, seasoning and pepper to the saucepan to the marinade.
  8. Stir the meat in the sauce several times and move the pot to the refrigerator. The kebab should be marinated for about 10 hours, but it is better - longer. If there is no time to wait, then get the meat after 6 hours.
  9. String the pickled meat on skewers. Grill barbecue outdoors, on the grill, make a fire and wait for the coals to burn out. Then, on hot coals, fry the chicken on all sides. Make sure there is no fire. Also, you can make this kebab in the oven or on the grill pan.
  10. Serve the kebab hot, along with pita bread or fresh vegetables.

With lime and herbs

The composition of the components:

  • chicken fillet - 0.7 kg;
  • fresh dill - half a bunch;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • honey - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, ground pepper and coriander to taste;
  • lime - 0.3 l.


  1. Cut the chicken into large cubes. They should be about 7 centimeters long.
  2. Chop the onion into rings.
  3. Crush the garlic with a press.
  4. Prepare a large bowl in which to marinate the fillets. Pour lime juice into it, add chopped dill and liquid honey. Then pepper, coriander, salt. The sauce is ready, pour about half a glass of marinade into a separate container, it will come in handy during cooking.
  5. Now add the onion, garlic and chopped meat to the sauce.
  6. Rinse the meat in the marinade and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  7. String the pickled chicken on skewers or wooden skewers. Do not forget about the onion rings, they are also fastened near the meat.
  8. Fry the kebab on the grill or grill. 10 minutes before cooking, remove the left marinade and brush the meat with a special brush.
  9. Serve skewers with your favorite side dish or grilled vegetables.

Spicy chicken fillet marinade

If you like spicy meat, we suggest making a kebab in a soy-mustard marinade. Plus, it's a very simple and quick cooking option.

The composition will include:

  • chicken drumsticks or fillets - 0.8 kg;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, suneli hops and pepper - to taste;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp spoons.


  1. Pour soy sauce into a saucepan. Add mustard to it.
  2. Crush the garlic in a garlic press. Transfer it to the sauce.
  3. Add salt, pepper and a few tablespoons of suneli hops to the mustard mixture.
  4. Rinse the chicken. If the sirloin, then cut it into cubes.
  5. Place the chicken in the mustard marinade and refrigerate for a few hours.
  6. Cook pickled chicken any way you like. We recommend cooking such meat in the oven at 180 degrees. The approximate baking time is 40-50 minutes.

With ketchup and olive oil


  • shins - 8 pieces;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon - ½ piece;
  • thyme (powder) - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • ketchup - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp spoons.


  1. Pour olive oil into a large container. Add 5 tablespoons of ketchup to it.
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add it to the ketchup.
  3. Melt the honey and transfer to the marinade. Add more salt, thyme and pepper. Stir the sauce well.
  4. Rinse the drumsticks and place in the sauce. Marinate them for about 2 hours.
  5. Place the prepared meat on the grill, fry the chicken until cooked on both sides. This will take about 30 minutes.

Also, along with meat, you can grill fresh vegetables and serve them all together.

Mineral water (with mayonnaise)


  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 1 glass;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt and red pepper (ground) - to taste;


  1. Rinse and cut the fillets into large cubes. Transfer the meat to a large saucepan.
  2. Grate the onion on a coarse grater or pass through a meat grinder. This method will help the onion drain all the juice and feed the chicken with it. If you want to skewer the onion along with the meat, take another onion and cut into rings.
  3. Grate the garlic on a fine grater.
  4. Add garlic, a glass of soda and onion gruel to the chicken. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, salt and red pepper.
  5. Leave the meat to marinate for a few hours. Ideally, for the whole night.
  6. After the indicated time, distribute the meat on the skewers.
  7. Fry the chicken on all sides over burnt charcoal. Cook for about 20 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

You can marinate the brisket not only in the traditional way, but also using orange, grapefruit, mineral water.
It is quite difficult to get a tasty and juicy chicken breast kebab. You need to know some secrets of marinade preparation, which will help correct the situation. How to properly marinate meat? What recipes are there?


Some people, despite the fact that they have a diet, cannot deny themselves a delicious barbecue. To reduce calories, they choose less fatty meats. These include chicken breast. It is this part of the bird that is dry. During the cooking process, it can become even tougher and drier, which will undoubtedly negatively affect the taste of the dish. In order not to end up with charred solid meat, it is important to know the secrets of the right marinade.

Cooking methods

The first way

The simplest chicken breast kebab marinade is as follows:

  • Chop the onion.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon and mineral water.
  • Pour some olive oil into the resulting liquid.
  • Season with salt, pepper, season with a mixture of herbs.

Mineral water will speed up the marinating process, and also make the meat more tender.


To get a delicious dietary chicken breast kebab, you need to do the following:

  • Chop six onions into rings
  • Squeeze out juice with pulp from two grapefruits.
  • Combine ingredients with meat.
  • Salt, pepper, add hops-suneli.
  • Mix thoroughly so that the marinade covers the entire brisket.
  • Place under a lid or cling film in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • Chicken kebab will be fried for no more than 20 minutes, periodically pouring it with marinade.


Marinade recipes with the addition of tomato paste will appeal to lovers of Georgian cuisine.

Such a chicken kebab is prepared as follows:


You can get a juicy chicken breast kebab by adding kefir or yogurt to the marinade. The preparation of the marinade is as follows:

  • In a bowl, mix kefir (natural homemade yogurt or sour cream) with olive oil, spices, paprika, salt.
  • Add the garlic passed through a press.
  • Pour in the juice of half a lemon, as well as a little grated zest.
  • Cut the skin off the brisket, cut into small pieces. Dip the meat in the marinade for several hours.
  • Skewered skewers with pickled kebabs with sweet pepper rings and tomatoes.


Another spicy chicken breast kebab recipe that will appeal to many:

  • In a deep ceramic or glass container, mix the juice from one orange with soy sauce and ketchup in the amount of 100 ml.
  • Add some sugar and ginger root shavings.
  • Mix the meat with the marinade with your hands, cover with a plate.
  • After 30 minutes, you can start frying the meat.

If desired, canned pineapple is added to such meat, which will add sweetish notes and also make the taste incredibly attractive. During charcoal cooking, care must be taken to prevent the pineapple from burning. It is recommended to pour marinade or wine over the chicken throughout the entire process.

If the traditional lamb or pork kebab has already set the teeth on edge and imposed on the teeth, I propose to cook chicken on the coals. Chicken meat turns out to be more tender and juicy, cooks faster and is not particularly noticeable for the family budget. Therefore, get thick bedspreads from the mezzanine, uncover the skewers and go to the store to buy everything you need for chicken skewers. The marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, you do not have to search. The best recipes are in front of you.

Aromatic garlic marinade

A simple and tasty variation of the chicken marinate mix. You won't go wrong if you use this marinade to make the most delicious kebab. Spices perfectly emphasize the natural taste of meat.

What ingredients are needed:

  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • coarse (sea or table) salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • fresh greens - a large bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the greens in cold clean water for several hours. This will not only remove even the smallest debris and soil residues, but also refresh it. Dill with parsley and cilantro with basil and celery will do. To make chicken kebab more flavorful, you can take several types of greens. By the way, if fresh spices are not at hand, they can be replaced with dried spices. Thyme, rosemary, basil, lemon peel, a mixture of Provencal herbs, mustard, etc. are suitable. Dry the washed greens for the marinade. Chop finely so that it gives all the flavor and aroma to the chicken kebab. Place in a deep bowl.
  2. Peel the garlic. Chop with a knife. Or run it through a special device. It will make the chicken soft, juicy and very flavorful. Add garlic to herbs.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the marinade, thanks to it, the kebab will acquire a golden brown crust. Add salt and pepper. It is better to grind the latter just before marinating the kebab, the ready-made seasoning in bags has almost no taste and aroma. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Pour the mixture over the chicken. In such a marinade, you can cook both breasts and other parts of the chicken - legs, wings, thighs, drumsticks, the meat will always be soft and tender. Marinate from 2 hours to several days.
  5. Cook on a wire rack or skewers in the traditional way, turning occasionally.

Ketchup Marinade

Ketchup just goes well with the haze scent. I find this to be one of the most delicious options. I think you will agree with me if you try a soft, juicy, piquant chicken with a ruddy crust.

List of required products:

  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • tomato ketchup - 150-200 g;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp. (taste);
  • dried provencal herbs - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and dry the chicken thoroughly. This marinade recipe will work with any part of a chicken. If you plan to cook chicken fillet on skewers, immediately cut the meat into portions.
  2. Any ketchup can be used. But, of course, home is better. Add vegetable oil to it. Stir until smooth.
  3. Add spices. If the ketchup is salty enough, you don't need to add salt to the marinade. Otherwise, even the most delicious kebab will deteriorate, because all the juice will flow out of the meat even at the marinating stage, and it will not be soft. Stir.
  4. Transfer the chicken to the marinade. Cover the bowl with a lid or wrap with plastic wrap. Marinate for at least an hour.
  5. Fry over charcoal or grill.

Chicken skewers in soy-honey marinade

This recipe is just perfect for wings and legs. But the breasts in a spicy oriental mixture will be very, very tasty. You should definitely try it. By the way, this recipe can also be used to marinate pork. And I already wrote about other options for marinades for this kebab meat in this one.

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken meat - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 250 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • dried spices to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Pour the soy sauce into a deep bowl. Add honey to it. It is better to use artificial, because natural, they say, releases harmful substances when heated. Stir until the mixture is smooth.
  2. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Or chop finely with a knife. Add to bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. You can use any spices that are combined with chicken - dried dill, parsley, basil, thyme, rosemary, mustard seeds, coriander, etc. You don't need to put salt in the marinade, because the soy sauce is already salty enough. If you oversalt the chicken skewers, the meat will become tough.
  4. Wash and dry the chicken. Marinate in this mixture for 1-3 hours. Cook over charcoal in any way convenient for you.

Marinate chicken skewers in mayonnaise

My husband thinks this marinade is the tastiest. And in this, a good half of the stronger sex will be in solidarity with him. Chicken kebab in mayonnaise turns out to be surprisingly tender, aromatic, with an appetizing crispy crust. Simply delicious!

What you need to take for cooking:

  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • salt - 3 / 4-1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - a large pinch.

Detailed recipe:

  1. Cut the chicken into portions. If you have a pound of thighs, thighs, breasts, or other parts, wash and dry them. Cut if necessary.
  2. Cut the onion into rings or half rings of medium thickness.
  3. Add it to the chicken. It will make the meat soft, juicy and flavorful.
  4. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Add other seasonings as desired.
  5. Pour in mayonnaise. I always use it and recommend it to you too. Mix thoroughly. Marinate in a cool place. Time - from 1 hour.
  6. After that, you can immediately start frying the kebab.