How to cook milk sugar. Sugar sweets and lollipops: how to make at home

27.07.2019 Soups

Cooking such a delicacy as boiled sugar with sour cream has come to us since the 70s and 80s. In those days it was difficult to buy sweets, there were terrible shortages, constant queues. Sugar based on sour cream replaced sweets - cheap, fast, tasty and affordable. Many knew how to cook sugar in sour cream at home, almost everyone had the recipe. The delicacy is considered a substitute for traditional desserts, and more useful. Many in those years experimented with tastes, created their own supplements.

This delicacy is prepared quite quickly, does not require additional devices. Everything you need can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. To boil sugar in sour cream, you need an ordinary saucepan.


The list of required components is small:

Step-by-step instruction

To make sugar with sour cream you need:

  1. Put sour cream in a saucepan, cover with sugar, put on the stove and cook over low heat. Remember to stir occasionally.
  2. When the sour cream has warmed up to 80º, add nuts or seeds if desired (the amount varies, but it is necessary that the fudge itself does not disintegrate).
  3. Cook the confetti for about half an hour until the mass boils. Be sure to stir and lift the mixture from the bottom so that it does not stick.
  4. After 30 minutes, remove the container from the stove, add butter there and beat well. Sugar hardens quickly - you need to pour the mass immediately into the molds.
  5. Remove the cooled dessert from the mold and serve.

This delicacy will certainly please your children and guests. It is prepared quickly, does not take a lot of effort, the products are affordable, and most importantly - at home and with a soul.

Dessert is served to the table in any form. Use your imagination! But even if the necessary forms are not found, there is a way out. Pour the prepared mass into a round or square dish. It is desirable that it be made of metal. When the food has cooled, cut it into squares, diamonds, or even circles. The recipe for homemade sugar with sour cream is simple and brings not only pleasure, but also great benefits (of course, if you eat in moderation).

Boiled Sugar: Video Recipe

Boiled milk sugar is a dessert that is well remembered by the generation of the 70s-80s of the XX century. And it is they who strive to remind about such a delicacy of modern youth, spoiled by newfangled sweets.

Milk sugar recipe

These proportions are not final. You can take any number of components, the main thing is that the proportion of milk and sugar is 1: 3

Milk: is it healthy or not?

  • More details

Place all food in a container - a non-stick saucepan or skillet. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then be sure to reduce the heat and continue to cook until tender. Do not forget that during the process it is necessary to stir the sugar continuously so that it does not burn.

The degree of doneness of sugar is determined by a fairly simple test. Dip a spoon into the mass and drop a drop of dessert from it onto the surface of the table. If the shape of the drop remains, then it is ready. If the drop has spread, cook

Prepare the mold, it must first be greased with oil so that the candies do not stick. It is best to choose silicone molds, from which it is easier to get milk sugar. Pour the mass into molds and leave until solidified. Perform all the manipulations quickly, because the sugar begins to freeze almost instantly.

If you will be using raisins or nuts as an addition, add them during the boil phase. Better at the very end so that they are not overcooked and softened.

How to cook milk sugar for sweets

Naturally, sugar and milk fudge must be cooked in a slightly different way, since as a result, the mass should be viscous and spread well over the surface.

To prepare it you will need:

  • heavy cream (33%) - 300 ml
  • sugar - 2.5 cups
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 50 g

Pour cream into a saucepan and add sugar to them, mix well. Then put on the stove, light the fire and stir well again. Reduce heat and bring mixture to a boil. Add honey and cook for another 20 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a greased container and cool slightly. Cut with a knife in a shape convenient for you. You can even make a whole layer. Place the cut out on the cake and heat the edges slightly, they will settle and cover the baked goods tightly.

It makes no sense to say a lot: they are healthier, tastier, ecologically much cleaner than those surrogates that we have to buy in supermarkets. And therefore, in our article we will tell you how to cook condensed milk ourselves - a wonderful delicacy, loved from childhood.

Before you cook sugar with milk, you need to consider a few nuances. Ideally, if the main product is bought directly from the "manufacturer", that is, from the hands of a private trader. Of course, our home-grown craftsmen also have perked up to "chemistry", but not to the same extent as in factory production. Be sure to milk must be whole, fatty, fresh. If you take a store, then, before cooking sugar with milk, study the composition on the label. In the presence of vegetable fats, absolutely do not use it in food!

Useful properties and not so

Condensed milk is not just a tasty treat. It contains the most important vitamins for us: A, groups B, C, PP. In addition, it contains over 56 percent carbohydrates, making sweetness an important source of energy for our body. After learning about milk, do not think that you will be able to consume condensed milk in unlimited quantities. 20-25 grams per day is the optimal dose that will be very useful for you in reality.

Homemade condensed milk

Let's move from theory to practice. Let's talk about that with milk (dry), cream and regular milk. Take a quarter glass of whole fresh milk, one and a half glasses of dry product, the same amount of sugar. Pour the liquid into a saucepan, add the powder little by little, stirring thoroughly to avoid lumps. Dissolve the sugar in the milk by placing a saucepan in a water bath. Cook the contents for about an hour with a moderate boil, stirring regularly. The sweet mass should evaporate until it thickens. Add a little vanilla if desired.

Second recipe

You can cook milk with sugar in a slightly different way. This method is good because it is faster and does not require tedious evaporation. The output will be about a liter of condensed milk. Ingredients: 800 grams of milk powder or dry cream, 50 grams of cow's butter, 1 glass of regular milk. How to cook sugar in milk in this case? The recipe is simple. Boil the liquid, add sugar and butter, beat everything well (with a whisk or blender). At the same time, pour milk powder in a thin stream. When the mixture is smooth, stop whisking and simply simmer in a water bath until the milk thickens. The complete thickening process will occur when you put the cooled treat in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

From grandma's notebooks

They began to cook condensed milk long before it appeared in canned form. We will now present one of the oldest and most famous methods to your attention. Take a liter of high fat milk. Pour in a pound of sugar. Put the saucepan on low heat and cook for 2.5-3 hours so that the contents become thick enough and viscous. As soon as the droplets stop spreading, remove the treat from the heat. Just do not try to reduce the cooking time by increasing the heat - the condensed milk will definitely burn. The whole secret lies in its slow heat treatment.

In addition to the above

What else can you please the lovers of delicious food? Let's tell you now. Pour a liter of milk with a high fat content into a cast iron with thick walls and a bottom. Simmer it over low heat for about an hour and a half. During this time, the water will evaporate. True, you need to stir all the time so that the milk does not run away. Then add 300-450 grams of sugar and boil for another hour, also stirring continuously. From the specified amount of products, approximately 500 grams of condensed milk is obtained. It will taste like a store.

Condensed milk in a water bath

Yes, you can cook sweet milk in a water bath. To do this, pour it into a jar (not to the brim!), Add sugar (at the rate of 300 grams per liter), cover with a lid, not nylon, but enameled, of a larger diameter. This will allow the moisture to evaporate and prevent the jar from bursting. Put sheets of paper or a wooden lattice in the bottom of the pan, put a jar in it, then pour water, but more than milk in the pan. Let the water boil, then reduce the gas and simmer slowly for over 2 hours. Pour water into the saucepan as it evaporates. Readiness is determined by its color. It should be an intense beige. Just do not interfere with the product, otherwise it may curl up.

Milk from ... a bread machine

And finally, a recipe for those who have bread makers. Do not be surprised, you can also cook condensed milk in them. Take a liter of whole milk, 350 grams of sugar, a bag of vanillin. Heat the milk, and as soon as it starts to boil, pour it into a baking dish and place in a bread maker. Pour in the vanillin and sugar, set the jam / jam program and turn it on several times until the milk becomes thick.

Boiled sugar is a delicious delicacy familiar to us from childhood. Young people spoiled by shop sweets do not know the amazing taste of boiled sugar. Remember how your grandmother cooked it, and make a homemade dessert for your children. Forgot your grandma's recipe? Don't be discouraged, we will tell you how to boil sugar and delight your family with a delicious tea treat.

How to cook sugar - a classic recipe

Sugar boiled in water will make delicious candies. For 1 part sugar, take 3 parts water and prepare special molds. They come in the form of stars, flowers, various animals and the like. Cooking process:

  • pour water into a saucepan and add sugar;
  • place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir all the time;
  • after boiling, screw the stove on and boil the mass over the lowest heat until it thickens. Remember to stir;
  • check the readiness of the boiled sugar. Spoon some of the sugar into a saucer. If it spreads, continue cooking. If it is frozen, the dish is ready;
  • Pour boiled sugar into molds. You do not need to lubricate them.

Wait for the sugar mass to thicken and remove from the molds. If you add lemon or orange juice to sugar water at the beginning of cooking, you will get sugar gummies. But they stretch, and will not keep their shape clearly.

How to cook sugar in milk


  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of fat milk;
  • a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Pour half a glass of milk into a bowl and add sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat. Stir occasionally. The moisture will evaporate after the milk is absorbed by the sugar, and it turns into crumbly crystals. Don't forget to stir! Saw that the bottom sugar layer has melted in the saucepan and turned brown - add the rest of the milk.

Make sure that the sugar mass melts evenly over the fire. After the milk has completely evaporated, remove the container from the stove. Grease a wide plate or dish with vegetable oil and carefully add the sweetness to it. Wait for it to cool and cut into pieces.

How to boil sugar with orange peel

Take 1 kg of sugar, dried peel of one orange, a tablespoon of butter and 0.5 liters of fat milk. Cooking process:

  • cut the orange peel into small cubes or thin strips. You can grind it in a mortar or coffee grinder if the skin is very dry;
  • melt butter in a saucepan;
  • pour half a glass of milk into the melted butter and add sugar;
  • immediately send the orange zest there and cook the mass until the final evaporation of the milk, stirring all the time;
  • Add the remaining milk and cook the sugar mixture with stirring until smooth. Finished sugar becomes light brown;
  • remove the pot from the stove and transfer the hot dessert to a greased plate;
  • after cooling down, cut the sweetness into pieces and treat the children.

How to cook sugar - delicious fudge recipe


  • 300 ml heavy cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

After boiling, you get a milk sugar fudge. It can also be used to decorate a cake and other baked goods, because the mass is viscous and perfectly spreads over the surface.

Cooking process:

  • pour cream into a saucepan;
  • add sugar to them and mix;
  • place the pot on the stove and stir again;
  • over low heat, let the mass boil;
  • after boiling, add honey to the sugar and cook for 20 minutes;
  • pour the mixture into a separate oiled plate.

Leave the boiled sugar to cool, then cut into pieces and serve with coffee or tea.

An unpretentious and simple recipe for delicious sweets will delight your children. Our recipes are a good alternative to complex pastries that take a long time to prepare. Children love to chew boiled sugar just like that or wash it down with tea.

You can pleasantly, quickly and inexpensively please guests by preparing for dessert a delicacy known from ancient times, like sugar in milk, or fudge. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew how to cook sugar in milk. After all, the secret of this delicacy lies in its simplicity and availability of ingredients, as well as in the speed of preparation! In addition, milk sugar is good not only as an independent dessert, but also as a wonderful decoration for homemade muffins, gingerbread, and Easter cakes. In reasonable limits, the human body simply needs sugar. This carbohydrate supplies the main energy to our body, is easily converted to glucose and is easily absorbed. According to scientists, sugar stimulates blood circulation in the brain and prevents arthritis.

At the same time, excessive consumption contributes to the excessive accumulation of calories (the calorie content of sugar is 400 Kcal per 100g of product). Therefore, it is wiser to limit the consumption of sugar for people prone to obesity. Those with a sweet tooth can delight themselves with another sweet treat - boiled sugar, or sugar in milk. In this article, attention should be paid to the "tasty" way of how to cook sugar with milk. To do this, you will need products that are completely inexpensive for your wallet: sugar (300 grams), milk or homemade cream (100 ml), butter - 1 tablespoon. The number of ingredients can be increased, but it is necessary to maintain their proportional ratio. If you use country milk with a high percentage of fat in cooking, then the resulting delicacy will be much healthier.

To diversify the taste and color of sugar in milk during cooking will help adding additional components to it at will: orange peel, nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts), cinnamon, raisins, vanillin, cocoa, seeds, dried fruits. Each time a delicacy prepared with a different filling will be surprisingly new and unique! To prepare sugar in milk, you must use utensils - a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, a deep plate or silicone molds, a wooden spoon or spatula. And now in detail about how to cook sugar. Cooking. To make it convenient to cook sugar with milk, you must use a deep frying pan with a thick bottom. In such dishes, you can avoid sticking of the milk-sugar mixture.

Pour some butter into the bottom of the pan, add 300 grams of granulated sugar and add 100 ml of milk. Put the prepared mixture over medium heat and stir vigorously. It is advisable to use a wooden spoon or spatula. The approximate time for preparing the dessert is 5-8 minutes. As it boils, the milk-sugar liquid will foam and boil. Then add 1 tablespoon of butter. The color of the mixture will change in the process - from white it will gradually turn pale brown. In addition, the volume of the milk-sugar liquid will be approximately halved (due to boiling off the milk). The resulting mass will boil not in small, but in larger bubbles.

To make the delicacy unique, you need to add a filler to the boiling mixture - nuts, orange zest, raisins or something else of your own choice. The combination of orange peel and cinnamon will give the dessert a delicious oriental flavor, peanut or hazelnut nuts will remind you of sherbet, and dried fruits will not leave anyone indifferent! Gradually, as the milk-creamy mass thickens, a slightly noticeable crust will appear on top, and small lumps will form at the bottom - the first signs of ready-made sugar in milk! You can determine the readiness as follows - drop a little on a plate and, if the drop is frozen, then it is ready.

It is necessary to prepare a deep plate or silicone molds in advance, grease them with a small amount of butter. Such foresight will allow you to easily and without damage to extract the delicacy after the milk-sugar mass has solidified. Using various forms, you can get a wide variety of filled milk-sugar "sweets" that will appeal to both you and your guests. If the house does not have silicone dishes, you can come up with and make any shape yourself, using a sheet of thick foil for this purpose. When the sugar is completely melted and becomes a hard caramel-colored consistency, transfer the hot mixture to the prepared dish. It is necessary to lay out the milk-sugar mixture without delay, as it thickens quickly.

Before the final use of the product, it is enough to wait 10-15 minutes, then take it out of the mold and put it beautifully in a vase. Useful tips on how to cook sugar: If you don't have milk at hand, you can also cook sugar in water, thereby making the dessert lean. Milk should be fresh, as during heat treatment stale can curdle, and the quality of the resulting dessert may suffer.To get milk-sugar glaze, add more milk to the mixture (200 grams of granulated sugar 200 ml of milk) Food coloring can be used to provide the desired color. While the liquid is viscous and viscous, grease the surface of the bread product (cake, gingerbread) and allow to harden.

For the preparation of porous milk sugar, the ratio of the products is as follows: milk 100 ml and sugar 300 g, and to obtain dense milk sugar - 200 g of sugar per 100 ml of milk. In the first case, on the front side, the surface of milk sugar will be flat, and on the back, it will be convex, in the second case, the product will be smooth and even on both sides.