How to make a delicious fruit drink. Lemon-cranberry juice: preparation

13.08.2019 Soups

Morse is a very tasty and healthy drink that has been consumed in Russia since time immemorial. Prepared from water and berries or fruits. Honey or sugar are used as sweeteners. The most popular are berry fruit drinks, which contain a lot of nutrients. They are rich in pectin, minerals, organic acids and vitamins.
It is not necessary that the berries for the preparation of fruit drink must be fresh. You can cook fruit drink from frozen berries. The recipe below is universal. Both fresh and frozen fruits are suitable for cooking. Using the example of cherries and black currants, we will demonstrate in detail the recipe for a vitamin drink with a thick, slightly tart aftertaste and a velvety ruby ​​hue. The main thing is to act promptly and not subject the gifts of nature to prolonged heat treatment!

Taste Info Drinks


  • Cherries - 100 g;
  • Black currant -100 g;
  • Natural honey - 30-40 ml.

How to cook berry juice

If, before freezing, the berries were not washed without thawing, we lower the cherries and black currants in cold water, separate them from the emerging leaf branches.

We discard it in a colander, put it under a running stream, shake it off.

Return clean berries to a bowl, pour in about 100 ml of boiling water, knead. Cherry pits are not a hindrance to this simple manipulation. Press down carefully so as not to burn yourself.

Put the scalded mashed potatoes together with the brightly colored liquid into a heat-resistant ladle, put on an overhead fire.

Immediately pour in the desired volume of boiling water. So, for a saturated fruit drink, measure out 250 ml. Boil again at maximum temperature. We do not cook according to the principle of compotes, but immediately remove from the heat, preserving useful substances.

Install the lid and infuse the cherry-currant juice for 15–20 minutes. So the drink is simultaneously cooled and enriched with useful substances.

We filter the still warm fruit drink through a fine sieve. We throw away the spent cake.

We add fragrant, and only natural honey, stir intensively, taste.

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We serve sweet and sour homemade cherry and black currant juice, both warm and completely cooled.

Fruit drinks are prepared from various berries, both forest and garden. The most commonly used are cherries, cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries, black and red currants.
If desired, you can add mint, slices of lemon, lime or orange, zest to the fruit drink.
In order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the drink, before cooking fruit drinks from frozen berries or fresh ones, it is recommended to pre-squeeze juice from them, and add it at the end of preparation, without subjecting to heat treatment. That is, only pomace is cooked.
Using this technology, you can cook fruit drink for children. For example, to make a drink from frozen cranberries, they are thawed, after which they knead and separate the cake from the juice. For this, it is convenient to use gauze folded in several layers. The separated cake is sent to a pan with hot water and sugar, stir well. After boiling, the fire is turned off and the drink is allowed to brew. Then it is filtered and raw juice is added. As a rule, for 2 cups of frozen cranberries, take 2 liters of water and about 5 tablespoons of sugar.
In the same way, you can prepare fruit juice from berries in a slow cooker. For heat treatment, in this case, the "Soup" program is used (15 minutes). After that, the previously squeezed juice is added to the bowl, and the fruit drink is infused for another hour in the "Heating" mode.
If honey is used as a sweetener, then it must be added to an already cooked and cooled drink, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, the healing properties of the product will not be preserved.
Fruit drinks can be prepared without adding sugar or honey. This is convenient if someone in the family does not like sweets or for some other reason avoids eating them. If desired, sugar can be added directly to the glass. You can put a spoonful of honey in a drink for a child (if there is no allergy to this product).
The drink is stored in the refrigerator, but it is not recommended to store it for a long time. If raw juice was added to the fruit drink, then it is advisable to use it within 24 hours after preparation.

Cranberry juice is one of the healthiest drinks ever made at home. Fortunately, it is not only enjoyed during berry picking season. A delicious composition with a list of therapeutic effects is also prepared from the frozen main component. True, in this case, you will have to take into account several specific points. Ignoring the rules will lead to the fact that the fruit drink will turn out to be either useless or tasteless, even if you clearly follow the instructions that the recipe contains.

Rules for making frozen cranberry fruit drink

Making a cranberry drink is very simple. But in order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals in it, you should follow some rules. And this will only have a positive effect on the taste characteristics of the berry composition:

  • Fruit drink should contain at least 30% natural berry juice. Otherwise, it will have neither taste nor aroma.
  • Sugar traditionally acts as a sweetener, but this reduces the benefits of the composition. It is better to replace this component with honey. Only the product is added to a ready-made drink that has cooled down to at least 50 ° C. At higher temperatures, the beneficial components of the sweet mass are destroyed.

Tip: Some people prepare fruit drinks from sour berries without the use of sweeteners. From a medical point of view, this is not very good. Avoiding sugar or honey can lead to discomfort in the stomach or intestines, destruction of tooth enamel.

  • The use of frozen components requires that they must be defrosted. If you do not bring the cranberry fruits to the desired state, then the output will not be a saturated fruit drink, but a liquid compote.
  • After thawing, it is necessary to assess the quality of the berries. A change in the color and smell of fruits indicates a violation of the rules for freezing them. It is better to get rid of such blanks.

Cranberries go well with cinnamon, mint, lemon zest. These components help to reveal and diversify the taste of the usual composition. Not bad sour fruits are combined with other berries, especially cherries and lingonberries.

The classic cranberry juice recipe

To begin with, you should try to prepare a cranberry drink from frozen fruits in the classic way. To cook it according to all the rules, you need to do the following:

  • For 2 cups of berries, take 2 liters of water and sugar to taste (about 5 tablespoons). It is better to take drinking water, and not settled or filtered.
  • To speed up the process of thawing the berries, rinse them with cold water, put them in a colander and leave them at room temperature. It is enough to wait a few minutes and you can proceed to the next stage.
  • Knead the cranberries with a pusher, blender or juicer. Squeeze the juice from the resulting gruel.
  • Now two options are possible. If you get a lot of juice, then mix it with water and sugar, bring to a boil, remove from the stove and leave for a quarter of an hour. If there is very little liquid, then pour the cake with water, bring the mass to a boil and remove. Add juice and sugar to the fruit drink, stir and insist for a quarter of an hour.

You should not cook the drink for a long time, every minute of boiling reduces the amount of nutrients in the composition. The finished, infused mass should be filtered through cheesecloth and can be served.

How to cook cranberry juice with rose hips?

Rosehip and cranberry juice is striking in the content of useful components. You can cook it in different ways. Here is one of the most requested and popular approaches:

  • For 0.5 kg of frozen cranberries, take half a glass of fresh or dried rose hips, 2 liters of drinking water and 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  • Defrost frozen fruits, grind, squeeze juice from them. Mix liquid with water, add sugar, bring to a boil. We close the container with the composition of berries with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave to infuse until it cools.
  • During this time, we prepare a rosehip broth. To do this, wash the berries, put them in a thermos and fill them with boiling water.
  • It remains to mix the two liquid parts and strain.

Such fruit drink can be cooked not only in a saucepan, but also in a multicooker. In this case, the cranberry preparation is infused directly in a closed bowl. With the second approach, the drink will turn out to be even more aromatic and rich.

Cranberry juice for children and pregnant women

Before you cook berry juice for a small child, you need to familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. Children under one year old can be given a drink only if the baby is artificially fed. Moreover, it should not contain other berries. Sugar is replaced by honey only if the child has already eaten it and there have been no negative reactions. It is noteworthy that the liquid should not only be brought to a boil, but cooked for at least 5-7 minutes.
  2. For children under 3 years old, a drink made from berries full of vitamins is shown with a frequency of 2 times a week, and even more often for colds. You can no longer boil it, but only bring it to a boil. But after that, the composition is infused for at least an hour.
  3. After 3 years, babies can drink cranberry fruit drinks without any restrictions. The only thing is that you should first dilute the product with boiled water.

For pregnant women, cranberry juice helps fight edema. Only in the first trimester should you abstain from it, because an abundance of vitamin C can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. To get the maximum benefit from a product, it doesn't even need to be boiled. We just squeeze the berries, add sugar and pour boiling water over it. In a quarter of an hour, the product is ready for use.

Step-by-step recipes for a refreshing drink: preparing a fruit drink from frozen berries

2018-08-18 Liana Raimanova





In 100 grams of finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


5 gr.

20 kcal.

Option 1. The classic recipe for fruit drinks from frozen berries

Frozen berries perfectly preserve vitamins and minerals. They are usually used for compotes, jams, or used as a filling in various baked goods. The recipe for fruit drink from frozen berries is also popular and loved; when preparing it, a mixture of berries or one type is used. Traditionally, fruit drink is cooked from three types of berry fruits at once: chokeberry, lingonberry and cranberry. Juice is squeezed out of the berries, the extracts are boiled in water, filtered and mixed with the previously squeezed juice. It turns out rich in taste, moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness.


  • 300 g frozen lingonberries;
  • 300 g frozen cranberries;
  • 300 g frozen chokeberry;
  • 155 g sugar;
  • water - 4.5 liters.

A step-by-step recipe for frozen berry fruit drink

All fruits are mixed in a cup, filled with cold water, left for a few minutes to defrost.

Step 2:
The berries are crushed with the help of a crush, transfer the mass to a piece of gauze, squeeze out the juice.

The juice is poured into a clean container, and the squeezes are laid out in a saucepan with water and boiled over a small flame after boiling for 15 minutes.

The berry liquid is passed through a sieve, squeezes are thrown away, juice is poured into the water and sugar is added.

Stir well and allow to cool.

The drink is bottled and chilled in the refrigerator.

You can adjust the amount of sugar in the recipe to your liking, if you want to get a sweeter drink - take sand to 200 grams, less sweet - reduce to 100 grams. It is permissible to replace one of the types of berries with a completely different one, for example, cherries, raspberries, blackberries.

Option 2. A quick recipe for fruit drinks from frozen berries

The speed of the next option lies in the fact that the berry is not defrosted beforehand, it is simply covered with sugar, slightly crushed with a crush and infused in hot water. The result is a rich, rich and aromatic refreshing drink.


  • 460 g frozen lingonberries;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

How to make fruit drink from frozen berries

The frozen berry is placed in a three-liter glass jar.

Fall asleep with sugar, turn in any convenient way into a puree-like gruel.

The water is preliminarily brought to a boil, the berries are poured over it.

Cool and filter before use.

For an even greater refreshing effect, you can pour a little lemon or orange juice into the prepared fruit drink.

Option 3. Fruit drink from frozen berries in a slow cooker

And this version of fruit drink from frozen berries is similar to the classic recipe, it differs only in the method of preparation. It also turns out to be healthy, with an excellent aroma and taste.


  • any three types of frozen berries - 200 g each;
  • sugar - 120 g

Step by step recipe

The berries are slightly thawed in cold water.

The water is drained, the juice is squeezed out of the fruit, the extracts are laid out in the container of the apparatus, filled with water to the required level.

Set the "First courses" option, time 15 minutes, cook until the signal with the lid closed.

Opening the lid, pour in berry juice, add sugar, close the lid again, leave on heating for 60 minutes.

The drink is filtered and drunk chilled.

Diet drink: replace sugar with one tablespoon of honey.

Option 4. Strawberry juice from frozen berries

Fruit drink from frozen strawberries turns out to be original and aromatic. The main rule when preparing such a drink is not to completely defrost the berry. And the advantage is that you can add different natural juices of other berries to the ready-made fruit drink, thereby giving the drink a new taste and aroma every time.


  • a little more than half a kilogram of frozen strawberries;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • water - 3.5 liters.

How to cook

After removing the berries from the freezer, leave for 10 minutes to defrost slightly.

After rinsing the strawberries with running water, put them in a saucepan.

Water is boiled in another container.

Strawberries are lightly crushed with a crush, squeezing the juice through cheesecloth, put the squeezes in boiling water together with sugar and boil for a couple of minutes.

After cooling the broth, filter and pour in strawberry juice, mix well, pour into glasses and serve.

Strawberry juice can be consumed both cold and warm. If desired, a variety of aromatic additives can be included in the composition, for example, mint leaves, cinnamon and others.

Option 5. Healing fruit drink from frozen berries

When preparing fruit drinks using this option, frozen cranberries and sea buckthorn are used, which, due to their beneficial properties, perfectly cope with colds. In the finished form, it turns out to be rich, with a slight sourness and a pleasant honey-berry aroma.


  • 220 g frozen sea buckthorn;
  • 220 g cranberries;
  • 90 g honey;
  • 580 ml of water.

Step by step recipe

Pre-thawed berries are crushed, armed with a crush.

Put the berry mixture on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice into a clean dish.

The squeezes are placed in a saucepan and, filled with hot water, closed with a lid, set aside for 1.5 hours so that the liquid is infused and cooled.

The infused broth is freed from the extracts, berry juice is poured in, honey is added.

Consumed slightly warm.

Morse will turn out to be even tastier and healthier if you add a little lingonberry or raspberry berries.

Option 6. Fruit drink from frozen berries with mint

To give the finished fruit drink even more freshness with a touch of coolness, use the following recipe. Contains only frozen lingonberry and mint leaves. In taste and color, this drink is somewhat reminiscent of the Mojito cocktail.


  • 440 g frozen lingonberries;
  • 1,200 liters of water;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 5 mint leaves.

How to cook

To begin with, boil water in a saucepan.

After crushing defrosted lingonberries in a cup, pour hot water over it.

The mint leaves are washed, finely chopped with a knife and introduced into the berry mixture, at the same time sugar is added, mixing well, insisted under the lid for 60 minutes.

Strain and cool in the refrigerator.

It is better to serve such fruit drink in special glasses for cocktails, if you wish, decorate it with mint leaves and throw a few ice cubes into each glass.

Option 7. Fruit drink from frozen berries with spices

And this version of fruit drink from frozen berries differs from all described with a breathtaking aroma thanks to the added sticks of cinnamon and cloves. The ginger root makes it slightly harsh. It can be consumed cold or warm.


  • frozen blackberries, blueberries - 300 g each;
  • water - 560 ml;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 piece;
  • cloves - 3 things;
  • ginger root - 3 cm;
  • honey - 60 g.

Step by step recipe

Defrost blackberries and blueberries, squeeze out the juice.

The extracts are put in a saucepan along with a cinnamon stick, cloves, ginger root and, pouring boiling water, left for half an hour under the lid.

Having filtered the liquid, pour in berry juice, introduce honey, stir well and cool in the refrigerator.

Spilled into glasses, served to the table.

If there is no cinnamon stick, it is permissible to add ground spice to the drink after straining.

Option 8. Fruit drink from frozen berries with lemon

Another great option for a fruit drink made from frozen berries. The combination of raspberries and cherries gives the drink an attractive dark red color and sophisticated aroma. Additionally, lemon juice added to the composition perfectly emphasizes and complements the slight sourness of the cherry.


  • frozen cherries - 200 g;
  • raspberries - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2,200 liters.

How to cook

After thawing the cherries, free them from the seeds, combine with thawed raspberries, sprinkle with sugar, leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Juice is squeezed out of the berries through cheesecloth.

Squeezes are laid out in a saucepan with water, boiled on a small burner for several minutes.

The strained broth is cooled, berry and lemon juices are poured in, stirring well, and poured into glasses.

If you want the drink to acquire a light astringency, you can leave the pits from the cherries.

The heat has come, which means that you need to figure out how to quench your thirst. Water is too trivial and boring, and it is not easy to drink juice. The optimal solution is fruit drink!

What is this drink?

Fruit drink is practically berry juice. But you can also make a drink from fruits and even vegetables (in general, any fruit), it all depends on your preferences and imagination. Cooking has something in common with compote, but the cooking time is minimal, and that is why fruit drinks are considered so healthy, refreshing and ideal for quenching thirst.

How are they useful?

Why are fruit drinks so appreciated?

Here are some of their benefits:

  • Almost all berries contain an increased amount of vitamin C, and it, firstly, strengthens the immune system and protects the body from infections, and secondly, strengthens the vascular walls and protects against such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis.
  • Since the juice does not undergo heat treatment, the drink retains all the beneficial properties of its components, that is, berries.
  • Morse is an excellent thirst quencher.
  • Raspberry juice will help to quickly reduce body temperature.
  • Lingonberry - will help get rid of edema and normalize kidney function.
  • Cranberry juice will help to increase the overall tone of the body.
  • Many fruit drinks help prevent intestinal infections.
  • Almost all berry fruit drinks have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing effects.
  • This tasty drink will help to avoid vitamin deficiency, since berries contain a lot of macro- and microelements, minerals, vitamins and other useful substances.
  • Almost all fruit drinks help to normalize digestion, as they contain pectins.
  • Since berries contain a lot of B vitamins, the drink normalizes metabolism and helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

How to do it?

How to make healthy and refreshing berry juice? Several recipes are suggested below.


To prepare cranberry juice you will need:

  • two glasses of fresh or frozen berries;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • four to five tablespoons of sugar.


  1. Rinse the berries well with clean water, remove the stalks and all excess.
  2. Now squeeze the berries with your hands, using a pusher or a spoon (preferably a wooden one).
  3. Squeeze the cake remaining after wringing out through cheesecloth or cloth, and then place it in a saucepan and fill it with water (it must first be heated well or even boiled). Add sugar immediately.
  4. Put the container on fire, bring the liquid to a boil.
  5. After a couple of minutes, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Strain the slightly cooled liquid and mix with juice. Morse is ready!


To make a delicious cherry juice, prepare the following ingredients:

  • two glasses of fresh cherries;
  • one and a half to two liters of water;
  • one glass of sugar.


  1. Rinse the cherries well. Remove the stalks and seeds (you can do this with a regular pin).
  2. Now squeeze all the juice out of the pulp. Place the cake in a cloth and squeeze it out again.
  3. Now pour the remaining mass after pressing with hot water, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes.
  4. Cool the liquid slightly, strain through cheesecloth or cloth and mix with juice.
  5. Chill the fruit drink and enjoy drinking.


To make such a healthy drink, you will need:

  • 1-1.5 liters of water;
  • two glasses of lingonberries;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the berries well and squeeze in any convenient way: on a juicer, through a cloth or gauze, with your hands or with a spoon through a sieve. Pour the juice into a jar and refrigerate.
  2. Once again, squeeze the cake well through a cloth or cheesecloth folded several times.
  3. Place the remaining berries in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Add sugar and stir well.
  4. Boil the liquid for literally three to five minutes, then leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain the mixture through a cloth and mix with chilled juice. Ready!

How to drink?

Morse can be safely called an almost universal drink, since it can be drunk both cold and warm and even hot at any time of the year. Cool fruit drink will perfectly quench your thirst and refresh in summer heat, while hot fruit drink will warm you up in winter and will help you recover faster from colds.

It is best to consume fruit drinks after meals. If you drink such a drink on an empty stomach, you can disrupt digestion, because the acid of the berries can stimulate the production of gastric juice and increase its acidity.

It is worth observing the measure. So, two glasses of drink a day will be enough. And for a child, the optimal dose will be one glass.

A few tips:

  • To quickly cool the fruit drink, you can use less water for cooking, and at the end of the process add ice to the fruit drink.
  • Instead of sugar, you can use honey, this will make the drink even more useful. But in order for honey to retain all its properties, add it not during cooking and not before it, but in a ready-made and slightly cooled fruit drink.
  • Spice such as cinnamon will help to add spice to the fruit drink. But add a minimum amount, as if you overdo it, the drink will taste a little bitter.
  • You can use both fresh and frozen berries, but the latter must be defrosted in advance. Do not drain any liquid that runs off.

Be sure to prepare this drink, because it is very tasty and healthy!

It's great if you have stocks of berries in your home, they can be used in different ways in cooking to prepare various drinks and dishes. Since there are still warm days in the yard, it is just right to make a delicious refreshing fruit drink from frozen berries; and you can cook it both in a regular saucepan and in a multicooker.

The step-by-step recipe for a simple drink made from frozen fruits is simple, and is no different from making from fresh berries, but we will still consider the basic recipe, taking into account the characteristics of different types of berry fruits.

Berry juice: a step-by-step recipe

To make fruit drink from frozen berries, you need very few ingredients. As a rule, the standard set of products for fruit drinks includes: frozen berries, water, sugar, if desired, put mint, lemon balm, ginger and other natural additives.

The amount of ingredients is primarily determined by the desired cooking volume. As for the berries, absolutely any (according to your taste) can be used for cooking: lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, black / red currants, etc. You can mix several types of frozen berries in one drink, it will turn out even tastier ...

How to cook berry juice at home

  1. Pour the frozen berries into a clean bowl, rub them through a sieve, pour the resulting juice into a saucepan.

If the berries were unwashed before freezing, then before squeezing the juice out of them, we lower the fruits in cold water, rinse them, cleaning them from everything unnecessary (leaves, twigs, dirt, etc.).

  1. Pour berry cake with water, bring to a boil.
  2. We boil the broth for 10-15 minutes (no longer is needed, otherwise useful substances will be lost), then remove the pan from the heat and let the product brew for 15 minutes.
  3. After that, still warm fruit drink, we filter through a sieve, discard the cake, and mix the strained broth with freshly squeezed juice.
  4. Finally, add sugar, stir everything, serve the drink to the table in a cooled form.

If you use honey instead of sugar, then wait for the drink to cool. The temperature of the fruit drink should not exceed 40 ° C, otherwise natural honey will lose its useful properties.

The principle of preparing berry fruit drink in a multicooker is the same as described in the recipe above. It is distinguished only by the method of preparation.

  • For thermal processing of frozen berries, you must use the "Soup" mode, in which the berry cake will be boiled for 15 minutes.
  • Next, mix the squeezed fresh juice with the resulting broth and prepare the drink for 1 hour using the "Heating" program.

The above two recipes are basic.

If you are looking for specific recipes for making berry fruit drinks, then use the Cook's articles by clicking on the link you need below.

Secrets of a successful fruit drink

  1. For fruit drinks, jelly and compotes, it is not necessary to defrost the fruits. You can use berries for your drink directly from the refrigerator. However, if you want to defrost them, then you must do it correctly.

The safest way for vitamins to survive is slow defrosting on the top shelf of the refrigerator (under the freezer). In this state, the fruits will defrost from 8 to 10 hours, but the benefits from them will be much more than from those berries that are thawed in 10 minutes in the microwave. It is also not recommended to defrost fruits at room temperature, since pathogens can start in them.

  1. When using certain berries, you will need to take into account their natural characteristics, both flavoring and structural. For example, if you are cooking, do not forget that it will turn out to be rather sour.

You can dilute cranberry juice not only with honey or sugar, but also with natural freshly squeezed juice from cherries, raspberries, black currants and other sweet fruits. You can do the same with sweet fruit drink: if it comes out too tart, dilute it with sour fruit or berry juice, as is the case with orange-lemon juice.

  1. As for the structural features, here it is necessary to take into account those natural qualities that are inherent in the "body" of a particular berry. For example, raspberries, sea buckthorn and a number of other berries have small seeds. If you do not strain the drink, then along with the juice they will always come across to you in the fruit drink.

Cherries and cherries must be peeled in advance from large seeds, oranges and lemons - from zest and whitish fibers, apples - from the core and, possibly, the peel (if it turns out to be quite large). In a word, each type of fruit or berry has its own characteristics, and they must be considered in advance, before you start preparing a drink from them.

Frozen berry fruit drink is great not only as a delicious drink. It is also an excellent way to prevent many diseases, including colds, which become especially relevant in cold weather. Drink delicious drinks all year round - and be always healthy!