How to dye fabric for dolls and toys. Master Class! We paint fabric for a textile doll Tilda

22.08.2019 Soups

Methods for dyeing fabric in flesh colors for sewing TILDA

Fabric dyeing - MANGANESE

Very persistent staining. Things painted with potassium permanganate were washed many times and the color is not washed off. Used Ikeevskaya white Lenda

Quite a bit of manganese was poured into warm water from the tap, the solution turned out to be a dark cherry color. Mixed well to dissolve. She put the pieces of fabric. I took it out immediately, after 1,3,6,10,20 minutes, then after 1,2,3 hours (did not forget to stir).

I dipped two more pieces, stained for 1 and 2 hours, in a solution with turmeric. Then I dried, ironed and arranged everything on the sheet. And here's what happened:

Manganese gives a good color, and with turmeric you can make it a little yellower, it turns out pretty. 🙂 Remember to wear gloves when painting and stir the fabric in the solution for even coloring.

Fabric dyeing - COFFEE

Used instant Pele in a red jar.
Brewed with boiling water (2 options - 1.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water and 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water), mixed well to dissolve. She put the pieces of fabric. I took it out immediately, after 1,3,6,10 and 20 minutes (did not forget to stir). I dried, ironed, and then arranged everything on the sheet. And here's what happened:

The colors are good, light, warm. In reality, the gradient from piece to piece is better visible. Although this scan is closest to the original. Where the coffee is thicker, the color is a little more saturated.

In the third version with coffee turmeric. Oh, and a vigorous thing! 🙂 With her, I concluded that if the fabric turned out to be with a gray tint (from coffee or tea, this can also be) and you want to make it a little warmer, turn yellow, then after dyeing in tea / coffee, you need to quickly dip the fabric into a solution with turmeric. Dry, see - if yellow is not enough, then dip again. Because when you stay in a solution with turmeric for a long time, the fabric is very yellow colored, and if you do it like this quickly, you get a neat yellow toning. Yes, and do not forget to wear gloves when painting!

Fabric dyeing - TEA

It took me for my needlework to dye the fabric in a flesh shade. I tried different methods and as a result, whole "color cards" were drawn up - a useful and necessary thing in the needlework. 🙂
Today I'll show you what happened with the tea. Used "Princess Nuri Alpine" packaged.
At home there was Ikeevskaya Belaya In Lenda. This is a dense cotton, well suited for sewing Tilda type toy bodies.
Tea was brewed and infused for 5 minutes under a lid (2 options - 2 sachets for 200 ml of water and 4 sachets for 200 ml of water), squeezed the sachets, threw them away, dipped a cloth into the tea leaves. Then, immediately or after 1.3.6 minutes, the fabric was taken out, rinsed in cool water and dried, spreading it out on a towel. And then I ironed it and saw what happened.
I also experimented with pure turmeric and added to tea.
The result was drawn up in the following plate:

The scan is the closest to the original. 🙂 Unpainted fabric is highlighted in red.

Remember to stir and move the fabric for even coloring. Otherwise, the tea will settle to the bottom (and turmeric too) and stains will appear on the fabric. For samples, I didn't really need it, so my cloths are partially striped. 🙂

Use the tea dye method to give a new look to kitchen towels, T-shirts and any other fabric items without too much hassle or expense. Tea will not be able to drastically change the color of white fabric, but it will help to hide light spots and give things an antique look. The tea method is suitable for everyone who has the opportunity to boil water.


Part 1

Prepare your tea

    Remove the tea bags from their packaging and cut the strings. Unfold the packaging of each bag and use scissors to cut the threads.

    Boil a large pot of water and salt. There should be enough water in the pot so that the fabric can be immersed and moved freely. Add table salt to the water and place the pot on the stove. Turn on high heat and bring water to a boil.

  1. Brew tea in water. After boiling, remove the pot from the heat and place the tea bags in the water. Let the tea steep until it fully discolors. In most cases, this will take at least 15 minutes.

    • The longer the tea is infused, the more saturated the color of the water and the dyed fabric will be. Before placing the fabric, you should make sure that you are satisfied with the color of the water.

    Part 2

    Submerge the fabric in water
    1. Wash or wet the fabric. The fabric should be damp by the time of painting. Wash previously used fabric to remove stains and dirt. If you are using a new cloth, wet it with water beforehand and then wring it out.

      • Only natural fibers such as cotton, silk, linen and wool can be dyed with tea. All synthetic fabrics like polyester are not suitable for this dyeing method.
      • The fabric should be wrung out before painting, but not allowed to dry.
    2. Remove the bags and place the cloth in water. If the tea has already colored the water in the desired color, then carefully remove all the bags from it. They won't be useful anymore. Place a damp cloth in a saucepan and make sure it is completely submerged.

      • Use a wooden spoon or other tool to spread the fabric in the pot and submerge it completely under the water.
      • Some areas of the fabric will begin to float. Submerge them under water using a spoon.
    3. Leave the fabric in the solution for at least one hour. After immersing all the fabric in the saucepan, let it sit in the solution for at least 60 minutes. The longer the fabric is kept in the tea, the more intense the color will become.

      • You can leave the fabric in the solution overnight to make sure the color is saturated.
      • It is recommended to stir the fabric periodically to distribute the color evenly on its surface.
      • You can remove the fabric from the solution from time to time and check the color. It is important to understand that dry fabric will turn out to be lighter than wet, so sometimes it takes more time than it seems at first glance.

    Part 3

    Rinse and dry the fabric
    1. Rinse and leave the cloth in cold water and vinegar. After the fabric is dyed to the desired color, remove it from the tea solution. Rinse quickly in cold water and then let sit in a container of cold water for 10 minutes. Add some vinegar to the water to set the color.

      • If you are worried about the tea smell of your fabric, wash it by hand with a mild detergent to remove the smell.

In my method, I put together several techniques tinting coffee toys, and it turned out the option, as it seems to me, is the most optimal for a beginner. The tinting turns out to be even, the shovchiks are clean.

For tinting toys with a coffee mixture with PVA You will need:

  • objects for tinting,
  • instant coffee (the cheapest, granular or powder - it doesn't matter),
  • warm water,
  • PVA glue,
  • ground cinnamon (optional)
  • synthetic flat wide brush (many tint with a foam sponge, but somehow it didn't work out for me),
  • old waffle towel.

First, let's prepare toning mixture for textile (coffee) toys: ground coffee, water and PVA glue.

Put 1-2 full tablespoons of instant coffee in a cup (granular - you can immediately 1.5-2, powder - start with 1 spoon, as it gives a richer shade, you can always add if you wish), add a little cinnamon. Here we proceed from our preferences, I love the smell of cinnamon, so I put in almost a third of a teaspoon.

Pour all this with about 50 ml of warm water and mix well. I did a little more, so I increased the dosage exactly 2 times.

Put 1 full tablespoon of PVA into 50 ml of water and mix thoroughly until smooth. The more PVA glue is, the harder, “more woody” the fabric will be after drying. 1 tablespoon is enough, the toys are moderately tough and this amount is enough to subsequently apply paint to the fabric.

Vanilla is not added to the solution, otherwise crystals will be visible on the fabric. We add it either at the stage of stuffing the toy inside, or we slightly grease the back of an already finished product.

Slightly dip the brush into the solution, squeeze it against the edge and from the middle of the toy we begin to tint the fabric moving in the direction of the seam. So, an almost dry brush will come to the seam, since if the seam gets very wet, stains will remain.

And the other side ...

For control, after tinting, I always immediately blot the toy with a waffle towel, it will absorb excess solution, if any.

Many people dry toys in the microwave, but I did not like this option, it happened that there were unwanted spots, so I dry naturally: I put the whole batch on batteries. It is very convenient, since the coffee cups touch slightly with their legs and a little with ears on top. And in winter, another plus, they dry faster. 🙂

Like this…

I will show, for example, the most "treacherous" places, it turned out quite neatly.

We paint the finished toy with acrylics on the fabric.

Shovchiks, if desired, can be tinted. There are also some nuances here.

I also tint with a flat synthetic brush, which I first rub dry on a sheet of paper.

Here is the result ...

Larger ...

Attention: coffee toys cannot be washed and taken with wet hands !!!

I was glad to help!

An easy way to try dyeing fabric at home is to use an ingredient like coffee, which you probably already have in your home. To dye fabric with coffee, you only need a few simple items, which you will most likely have in your kitchen cabinet too. It is best to use natural fabrics for work, such as cotton, wool or linen. The entire dyeing process is fairly quick and relatively neat, while allowing you to change the look of almost any fabric as you see fit.


Dyeing fabrics by soaking in coffee

    Before dyeing the fabric, wash and dry the fabric as usual. This will eliminate grease and other contaminants that can interfere with the uniform absorption of dyes into the material.

    Make coffee. The amount of coffee you need to brew will depend on how dark you want the fabric to be. The stronger the coffee, the darker the shade will turn out.

    • As an alternative to brewing several coffees at home, you can use instant coffee or purchase ready-made coffee at your nearest cafĂ© or coffee shop. However, the latter option will cost you significantly more.
  1. Fill a pot with water. Place it on the stove and turn on high heat or heat.

    • The size of the pot will depend on how much fabric you are going to dye. The general rule of thumb is that all fabric can be completely submerged in water.
  2. Add the brewed coffee to the pot. When you're done brewing coffee, pour it into a pot of water.

    Bring the mixture to a boil. After adding all of the brewed coffee to the pot, bring the coffee solution to a boil. Unplug the hotplate as soon as the mixture boils well.

    Dip the cloth into the pot. When you unplug the hotplate and the coffee has stopped boiling, immerse the cloth completely in it. Gently stir the wet cloth in the pot to loosen any air pockets.

    • Since the coffee solution has just stopped boiling, it is probably best to use a wooden spoon to avoid scalding and ruining other cooking utensils.
  3. Leave the cloth to soak in the coffee solution. The longer the fabric stays in it, the richer the resulting color will be. It will take you about an hour to get a noticeable lasting color result, but you can leave the fabric in the solution for longer to get an even deeper shade.

    Remove the cloth from the pot and rinse. Remove the fabric from the coffee composition and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Do this until clear water comes out, which will indicate that all excess dyes have been removed.

    Rinse the pot. When you finish dyeing the fabric, rinse the pan. Coffee can change the color of the pan if it is not promptly drained after the staining procedure and the dishes are not washed.

    Wash the fabric with a mild detergent and dry. Set the washing machine for a delicate wash in cold water and add a mild detergent to it. After washing, the fabric can be dried in the dryer with a little heat, or simply hung to dry in the shade.

    • The above method of dyeing with coffee will not give you a completely lasting result, since coffee is a natural dye, the color of which is gradually washed out with each successive wash.

    Staining by rubbing the fabric with coffee grounds

    1. Wash the fabric beforehand. Wash but do not dry the fabric before dyeing. This removes grease and other contaminants that might interfere with the even coloring of the coffee grounds.

    2. Make coffee. You will need brewed coffee grounds. To get the coffee grounds, you can use a French press or a coffee maker.

      • You will need enough coffee grounds to cover the entire area of ​​the fabric to be dyed. This will probably require brewing the coffee several times.
      • Use a dark roast to dye the fabric a darker color, or use a lighter roast if you don't want to darken the fabric.
      • This is a great way to make healthy use of your coffee grounds. If you regularly drink coffee beans, then for this coloring method you can gradually accumulate the required amount of grounds.
    3. Make a paste from the coffee grounds. When the coffee grounds have cooled, place them in a large bowl and then add water there. You will need about one tablespoon of water for each cup of coffee grounds.

      • Mix the coffee grounds with water using a wooden spoon to moisten the mixture evenly. The ground coffee is not so fine, so it will be enough to stir the pasta only 7-8 times.
    4. Apply a paste of coffee grounds to a cloth. Lay the fabric to dry on a waterproof surface. Be sure to completely cover the material with coffee grounds and rub in. This can be done with a wooden spoon or similar kitchen utensil, or you can simply rub in the coffee paste with your hands.

      • The whole process is not very tidy, so it's best to do it where it is not scary to create some kind of mess, for example, in a garage. You can also simply protect the floor or carpet with a thick layer of newspaper.
    5. Dry the fabric. Hang the fabric to dry in a shaded area. You need to wait until it is completely dry. This can take from several hours to a whole day. You can also dry the fabric in a tumble dryer at low heat for 30 minutes.

      Sweep the coffee grounds off the fabric. You can do this with your hands, use a natural bristle brush, or simply shake the cloth to remove any grains of coffee grounds. If the fabric is not dark enough, repeat the procedure until the desired effect is achieved.

      Iron the fabric with an iron if desired. The iron will help smooth out wrinkled fabric.

      • For best results, the fabric should be completely dry when ironing with a hot iron.

      Tie-dye staining

      1. Wash the fabric beforehand. Wash the fabric as usual before dyeing your fabric using the tie-dye technique. This will remove grease and other contaminants that can interfere with the uniform absorption of the dye composition into the fabric.

        • The fabric can be washed with other garments or individually (depending on your own preference).
        • Be sure to follow the fabric washing instructions (if any).
      2. Make coffee. The amount of coffee you need to brew will depend on how dark you want the fabric to be. Stronger coffee will produce a darker coffee shade.

        • If you need to dye your fabric a very dark coffee color, use more coffee or use a dark (strong) roast. If you require a light coffee shade, use less coffee, or use a light to medium roast coffee.
        • As an alternative to brewing several coffees at home, you can use instant coffee or purchase ready-made coffee at your nearest cafĂ© or coffee shop.
      3. Wait for the coffee to cool down. You can put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or just wait a couple of hours, leaving the coffee at room temperature.

      4. Then place your finger in the center of the fabric (or garment) and start turning it with your hand in a clockwise direction. Depending on the size of the fabric, you may need a plastic container or a zip-lock bag. Close the bag or container and place it somewhere warm for 24 hours.
      5. Coffee can achieve a light to medium-dark brown shade on light-colored fabrics. If you want a warmer reddish hue, you can use the same methods, but substitute tea for coffee.
      6. Check the staining result on a test tissue beforehand. This will allow you to assess the likely effect of the stain without the risk of accidentally ruining any fabric you have.
      7. Warnings

      • Dyeing your coffee grounds is a messy process, so be sure to make sure you are able to reliably protect the floor or carpet you will be working on.
      • Dyeing the coffee grounds can cause scuffs on the fabric, so avoid this method if you want to keep the fabric intact.

Previously, I once thought only a couple of times about the fact that you can dye fabric at home.

Somehow it was not necessary.

Although, even now I don't really need it (no, I dyed lace with tea leaves a couple of times 🙂), but one of my readers is fond of the Tilda doll, and for her she dyes fabrics at home, and even natural dyes.

I was very happy when she kindly provided a workshop on fabric dyeing.

How to dye fabric, how to dye fabric for a tilde and how to dye white fabric - you will find the detailed answer to all these questions below.

Flax cuts - 3 pcs.;
Ground coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon;
Ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp spoon;
Onion peel - 2 grains.

Any craftswoman knows how important it is to have fabrics of different colors and shades at hand: when the choice is great, you can easily pick up material for any idea. Here dyes come to our rescue - and not only artificial, but also natural. Ordinary cinnamon, ground coffee and onion peels will help us to make fabric of interesting shades.

How and how to dye fabric at home:

1. First, let's try to color a piece of flax with cinnamon. The fabric dyed with this seasoning is especially loved by those craftswomen who sew tilde toys. The fact is that cinnamon gives the fabric a very delicate shade, and in the future, such fabric can be used to create doll faces. For coloring we take light linen - the effect of coloring will be better visible on it.
So, put a spoonful of cinnamon in a saucepan, fill it with two glasses of water and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, put a piece of cloth in it and cook for 10 minutes.

2. After 10 minutes, remove the flax from the water with cinnamon, rinse under cold running water and dry. We get a beige fabric with an interesting gingerbread shade.

3. Now let's try to dye the fabric with coffee. Pour a tablespoon of ground coffee with two glasses of water and bring to a boil. Then put the prepared piece of flax in it and cook for 10 minutes, as in the case of cinnamon.

4. After 10 minutes, remove the cloth from the coffee water, rinse well in cold water and dry. The color of the coffee gave a similar color, however, after boiling in cinnamon, the fabric looks more pinkish, and after boiling in coffee, it looks more brown.

5. With onion skins, let's do a little differently. Fill it with two glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil the liquid for 15 minutes, until we get colored water. Only now can we put the fabric blank into the water. Cook it together with the onion peel for 10 minutes.

6. We take out the flax cut from the water, rinse and dry. We have got a linen of a rich sandy shade.

As a result, we have before us three pieces of fabric of new shades that we can use to sew delicate dolls or toys. A whole range of fabrics can be obtained using natural dyes!

P.S. And on my own I want to add that these fabric dyeing skills can be used not only for tilde dolls, but also for other purposes. For example, I dyed white lace to a cream shade using tea leaves. To do this, I brewed several bags of black tea (to make it strong), and then soaked the lace in this liquid. Color can be varied by holding time 🙂

Thus, knowing a certain skill (not only dyeing fabric at home), you can apply it for different purposes!