Homemade cookie cake. No baked cookie cake

14.09.2019 Soups

How pleasant it is to sit down to relax at lunchtime or on a quiet evening, when everything is done, with a cup of steaming tea or coffee. Relax, disconnect from the hustle and bustle and dream a little while sipping your favorite hot drink. Slowly, with pleasure ... And serve a piece of delicious cake on a snow-white saucer with tea or coffee. Delicate, sweet, homemade ... The mood will rise instantly!

But there is often no energy or time to bake a cake. And it is not surprising, because this is such a long process - thoroughly knead the dough, bake the cakes, and then also wait until they cool down so that they can finally be layered with cream.

Dont be upset. There is a very simple cake recipe that doesn’t have to turn on the oven to make it. And you don't even need to knead the dough! After all, it is prepared without baking. Now let's take a closer look at the shelves of the sideboard. Is there a bag of cookies you forgot? There is? Fine! The cookies will serve as the basis for the cake, replacing the time-consuming cakes for us. Moreover, based on a simple cookie, you can make not even one cake, but several different ones. Don't believe me? See:

Cake without baking from cookies with cottage cheese

For him we need:

  • About a pound of the simplest biscuits (square or rectangular).
  • About 150 g of butter, natural, not margarine, otherwise the cake will not have a "home" taste
  • 300 gram pack of regular fat cottage cheese
  • 200 g low-fat liquid sour cream
  • Sugar to taste, but not less than half a glass
  • About a glass of good dark raisins, also called "blue"
  • Vanillin
  • A couple of heaped tablespoons of coconut
  • A little milk (to dip the cookies)

You can take chocolate chip cookies and you get a completely different taste.

First, let's prepare the interlayer

Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to grind, add soft butter and sour cream. It is more convenient to mix everything with a blender.

If the cottage cheese grains must be rubbed through a fine sieve or you can pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid. If this is not done, then the cream will be lumpy and not uniform. Try to buy soft cottage cheese right away. If there is a blender, then you can not wipe the cottage cheese.

Pour in the raisins previously steamed in boiling water. We stir now with a spoon.

Now let's get into the cakes

Pour some milk into a deep saucer. Now we will dip each cookie in turn in milk.

Be careful, the cookies must be completely immersed in the liquid, but not kept in it, otherwise they will become very limp and creep. Our task is only to slightly saturate the cookies with milk, so that it ceases to be dry and becomes similar in consistency to a shortbread cake.

Put the cookies moistened with milk on a dish in rows of several pieces in the form of a square or rectangle.

Now we coat the resulting "cake" with sweet curd mass.

Dip one cookie in milk again and put a new layer on top of the first - the second "cake" is obtained.

Again we coat with curd mass.

We continue everything in the same sequence. We should have 4-5 layers. Cover the last biscuit "cake" with the curd mass again. We also coat the sides of the resulting cake with it.

Finally, sprinkle the top and sides with coconut or grated chocolate.

It turns out white tender yummy. We put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, you can serve it to the table.

If you follow your figure and consider such a dessert too high in calories, then you can make this cake using dietary bran cookies instead of regular cookies, ordinary low-fat cottage cheese for baby food instead of cottage cheese with butter, and replace sugar with honey. Only soak dietary cookies in milk a little longer and you will need more baby curd - about 500 g, since you will not use butter.

This is a basic recipe and can be varied by adding a variety of fruits and berries - cherries, peaches, blueberries, bananas, and any other of your choice.

You can also pour melted chocolate and cream icing on the cookie cake. To do this, simply break the chocolate - white or milk into pieces, add a couple of tablespoons of cream and heat over low heat until melted. It is necessary to water the already chilled cake.

Anthill cake from cookies with condensed milk

You decided to make a cake, checked your stocks and suddenly found that there were not enough whole cookies in the package, but only halves or fragments remained. What a shame!

Do not worry. You can also make a dessert from the leftovers and debris, but such that the home and guests will swallow their tongues and will never guess that you had broken cookies on your hands.

This cake has another cute popular name - "Anthill".

Here's what we need:

  • biscuits (can be broken) 500-600 g
  • Let's get a jar of condensed milk, better than boiled one.
  • Take out a pack of butter from the refrigerator.
  • Let's also prepare a couple of tablespoons of poppy seeds or grated chocolate for sprinkling.
  • And if we have a handful of any nuts, it will be absolutely great.

First, let's make the base for the cake.

We need to grind the cookies. But not quite into crumbs, but into small particles. To do this, put the pieces of cookies in a plastic bag, tie the bag well and roll it with a rolling pin.

Now let's prepare the cream

Begin to whisk soft butter with condensed milk. Add the condensed milk to the butter gradually, spoon by spoon - so the consistency of the cream will not delaminate.

Now mix the cream with the resulting small cookie chunks and a handful of chopped nuts.

Put the mass on a plate and shape it in the form of an anthill - it will be such a neat truncated pyramid. Finally, sprinkle our anthill with poppy seeds or grated chocolate.

We will put this beauty in the refrigerator for the whole night, and in the morning it will already be possible to delight guests.

No-bake cake made from cookies with sour cream

A very easy cake to prepare, requires a minimum of effort and products, while it is so delicate and delicious!

For him we will take:

  • 500-600 g dry biscuits. It is dry, since sour cream contributes to a strong softening of the shortcrust pastry.
  • half a liter of the thickest sour cream, ideally rustic
  • about a glass of granulated sugar
  • vanillin
  • one glass of crushed nuts, anything other than peanuts, but best almonds

Mash and beat well sour cream with granulated sugar and vanilla.

Now, be sure to add to the cream the nuts, crushed in a coffee grinder almost into powder. They are needed not only to make it tastier.

The main purpose of crushed nuts is to thicken the sour cream, since it becomes too liquid from contact with sugar and begins to spread, and we need to preserve the consistency of the cream.

Set aside about half a glass of nuts - we will need them later.

Add the rest to the sour cream.

Now on the prepared dish we will begin to lay out a layer of cookies, giving the "cake" any desired shape - square or rectangular.

In this recipe, you do not need to dip cookies in milk.

Lubricate on top with a thick layer of cream.

Put the biscuit cake on top of the cream again and apply the cream on it.

We repeat this sequence several times. In this recipe, it makes sense to make at least 5-6 layers.

Each time you lay out a new layer of cookies on top, you need to act carefully and do not press it against the bottom cake, otherwise the sour cream will flow out strongly

Thoroughly coat the top layer of the cake with cream again, do not forget about the sides - they also need to be smeared. Now the turn has come for the second part of the nuts. We will sprinkle the cake with them on top, and use a spoon to decorate the sides with nut crumbs.

If you wish, you can also sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips.

We cover our dessert on top with a film and send it to the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. The cake is not ready until the layers are very well soaked in the cream. Well, if we manage to keep it in the cold for a day, our dessert will become even more tender and tastier.

There is another version of a similar sour cream cake - lighter and more fruity and literally melting in your mouth.

No-bake cake made from cookies and sour cream with bananas

As in the previous recipe, for making the cake we will take:

  • about half a liter of high-quality sour cream
  • at least one glass of sugar, you can
  • more shortbread cookies - from 600 to 800 g
  • we will also need raisins - about half a glass
  • cocoa for decoration
  • well, the "highlight" of this cake is a couple of large bananas

We do everything as in the previous recipes.

First of all, prepare the cream by whipping the sour cream with sugar. You can add raisins to the cream.

Cut the bananas into thin circles.

Lay out a layer of biscuits in the form of a cake layer on the dish.

Lubricate the "cake" with sweet sour cream.

Place banana mugs on top of the cream. They must be placed tightly to each other, as if forming a separate banana layer.

Let's repeat the sequence of cookies - cream - bananas. Thus, we will make several layers.

Coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream. After that, sprinkle with cocoa (optional). We will chill the dessert covered with cling film for at least 6 hours before serving.

Cookie cake with cottage cheese and gelatin without baking

If you have a little more time to make the cake, you can make this wonderful dessert:

Well, how do you like cakes without baking, so easy and quick to prepare? Aren't they seductive? The most important thing is that they can always be built in the shortest time for evening tea literally from what is in the refrigerator. All you have to do is always keep a bag of regular cookies at home in reserve, and you will never be caught off guard by any guests. Imagine with pleasure!

A cake without baking is not easy, it is very simple. You will be convinced of this by learning how to make a cake from cookies and condensed milk according to my recipe. We need only three ingredients - cookies, condensed milk and butter. If desired, you can add raisins, nuts, dried apricots, prunes to the cake. The top of the cake can be sprinkled with grated chocolate, powdered sugar, coconut flakes, covered, or melted chocolate.

It happens that after a holiday, unclaimed cookies remain (usually cookies do not go on holidays). It dries up, hardens, and there is no use for it. It's time to make a cake with condensed milk. This is a great opportunity to simultaneously get a treat and find a use for a stale liver. However, why stale? The cake turns out to be so delicious, and it is prepared so quickly and easily that, having mastered the recipe, we will regularly indulge ourselves with such a dessert, and the cookies will not stale.

You can make a cookie cake with only condensed milk, but then it will be too sweet, so add a little butter to the condensed milk.

Mix the butter and condensed milk and beat with a mixer to get a homogeneous mass.

Break the cookies into pieces, go over it with a potato grinder. Some of the cookies will be crushed into crumbs, some will remain in pieces. You do not need to grind all the cookies into crumbs.

Pour the cookies to the condensed milk.

Mix the mass.

In a saucepan of a suitable size, I will place a piece of cellophane. In it I will put our mass for a cake made of cookies, butter and condensed milk. Thanks to the cellophane, the frozen cake will be easy to remove from the pan without damaging it. Put the pan in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

In the meantime, the mass hardens, grate the chocolate.

Remove the frozen cake from the pan (or other shape).

Sprinkle with grated chocolate.

We cut the cake made of cookies and condensed milk and use it with our favorite drinks.

You have just started to master the basics of cooking or have considerable experience in cooking various dishes - it does not matter, because in any case cookie cake it is useful to have your recipes in your arsenal. It can be prepared quickly, it does not need baking, and its taste is very good. In addition, there are many different recipes for such a cake.

Very exoticcookie cake without bakingcan be prepared, for example, in this way. For cooking we need

Savoyardi biscuit packaging;

Strawberry yogurt 450 ml;

Butter 150g;

Cream 35% 400ml;

100ml of milk;

Sugar to taste;

Food gelatin packaging 20g;

About a glass of fresh strawberries.

We need a biscuit mold. It can be covered with foil, cling film or baking paper. We put aside the amount of cookies needed for the side walls, the rest with crumbled hands or chop with a rolling pin. Mix biscuit crumbs with softened butter. You can add a couple of teaspoons of sugar or powdered sugar if desired. Lay out the sides of the cake with whole cookies, and fill the bottom with crumbs mixed with butter and put them in the refrigerator while we prepare the filling. Next, soak the gelatin according to the recipe with warm water. Squeeze out the swollen gelatin, heat it in milk until it is completely dissolved. Beat the cream with a mixer, gradually adding sugar, and then pour yogurt into them first, gently stirring from bottom to top, then warm dissolved gelatin. Fill the form with yoghurt cream and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, decorate with fresh strawberries. Instead of strawberries, you can use other berries: raspberries, blackberries. If you like sweeter, then you can briefly warm the berries with sugar, and then put the cooled berry mass on top of the cream. Can be used in winter.

One more cookie cake recipe, this time oatmeal. It is good to cook such a cake in the summer, when you absolutely do not want to turn on the oven and fiddle with pastries, and your soul requires some kind of sweet treat. For cooking, take 500-600g of oatmeal cookies. If you bought fresh and soft cookies, then you do not need to saturate them with anything. If the cookies are tough, then make a mug of regular instant coffee with sugar and dip the cookies in coffee before laying out. The coffee should not be too hot, and it is not worth keeping the cookies in it for a long time. If desired, you can add a couple of teaspoons of cognac to the coffee, but not necessary. We put the cookies on a plate or dish (it is better if the dish is with a side) in layers, smearing each layer with cream. Let's make the cream sour cream. For him, for a pound of cookies, take 0.5l of sour cream with a fat content of 25-30% and a glass of sugar or a little less. You can add a pack of vanilla sugar, and if the sour cream is fresh, then a little lemon juice. Do not spare the cream, it should soak the cookies well. For decoration, you can use melted chocolate, chopped walnuts or almonds, berries. Berries can also be added between layers. We put the prepared cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Easy to prepare cake made of cottage cheese and cookies... This is a very old recipe from Soviet times. It is better to take ordinary square-shaped cookies like Sugar, they are sold in packs and by weight. The amount depends on the size of the cake.

300g cookies;

400g cottage cheese;

A pack of butter 200g;

A glass of sugar;

Several chocolates (marshmallow sticks or sweets with soft filling such as Bird's milk);

Vanilla sugar packaging;

1 tbsp cocoa powder.

First, let's make a curd cream. It can be made in two types: with and without cocoa. If you don’t like cocoa or don’t have it, then we will do everything the same way. To do this, put cottage cheese with pieces of softened butter in a bowl, add sugar, vanillin or vanilla sugar and beat everything with a blender until smooth. In those days, when the mixer was a rarity, the cottage cheese was simply passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid so that it acquired a uniform consistency without lumps. Add cocoa to half of the cream, if desired. With cookies, you can make another incredibly tasty one.

Next, prepare a cup of strong tea or coffee with sugar. You can add a teaspoon of cognac, if available. We spread cling film or foil on the table, lay out cookies on it in a rectangle, lowering it first in tea or coffee. One side of the rectangle is 3 cookies, we should have two layers. After laying out the first layer, grease it with a layer of cream and lay out the cookies and a layer of cream again. Then, in the middle of the rectangle along the long side, lay out the candy line close to one another. After that, we take the foil by the edges and bring the long sides of the rectangle to one another so that the cake takes the shape of a house. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight. There are various options for preparing such a delicacy. You can not use sweets, but instead put berries - strawberries, raspberries.

You can put bananas or kiwi cut into circles on the top layer of cottage cheese. You can add lemon or orange zest to one of the layers of the cream. But even without any additives, just with cottage cheese cream, such a cake is very good. The top of the finished cake can be poured with chocolate or milk icing. Given cookie cake photo recipe will help you prepare a tasty and simple treat.

Cookie cakes with photos

Cookie anthill cake probably the easiest to prepare, both in technology and in the composition of the products included in it.

Some people bake cookies for this cake on their own, but if you don't feel like doing this, then crackers, regular or with poppy seeds, or simple shortbread cookies that are on sale are fine. You can also use Jubilee cookies or something like that. Only biscuit is not very suitable. So, we need about 300 g of cookies, which we will cut with our hands into more or less large crumbs, as you wish. Now it remains to mix this crumb with cream, and the cake is almost ready. For the cream, take a pack of soft butter, which lay at room temperature, and a jar of boiled condensed milk. You can buy it ready-made or cook it yourself, which will take about 2 hours. We spread the mass of crumbs and cream in a slide on a dish.

Wrap the prepared cake in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for several hours so that the crumb is soaked in cream. You can also make a cream according to a different recipe: mix 400g of sour cream with? glasses of sugar. Add 1 packet of vanilla sugar. Sour cream should be high in fat, you can take homemade.

If you want to do it completely yourself cookie anthill cake recipe dough for baking is as follows: for 2.5 cups of flour, take 1 egg, 200 g of butter,? glasses of milk. Grind the egg with sugar, add softened butter, then milk. Pour flour into this mixture and knead a moderately dense dough. Then you can skip it through a meat grinder, put it in piles of flagella on a baking sheet and bake at medium temperature in the oven. Or you can simply roll it out on baking sheets and bake it with a sheet. In any case, grind the finished baked goods into small pieces and mix with the cream. Usually an anthill is made in the form of a cone, but no one will forbid you to make it in the form of a circle or a cylinder. You can line a suitable mold with cling film and put it there for impregnation and hardening. Very tasty homemade ones are obtained from shortcrust pastry.

If you have a multicooker, it is easy to cook with it. biscuit and condensed milk cake... Cookies need to be crushed into small crumbs using a blender and beat again, adding softened butter. You can also make the filling with a blender, or manually mix a can of condensed milk with two yolks and a little lemon juice. Cover the bottom of the bowl with baking paper so that you can easily reach the cake later, and spread the mass of cookies and butter there. Squeeze with your hands so that small sides are formed. Then fill in the filling and set the "baking" mode. Leave the cake inside the multicooker for another hour already ready. After that, take it out onto a dish, trim the edges and decorate with crumbs.

It will not be difficult to prepare biscuit and sour cream cake with seasonal fruits. You will need 400g of K coffee or Jubilee cookies. For the filling, take 800g of sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%, a package of gelatin 25g, sugar 1 glass - the amount can be changed depending on your taste, a bag of vanilla sugar.

Soak gelatin in warm water according to the recipe. Beat sour cream with sugar. We heat the swollen gelatin to dissolve, and when it cools down a little, pour it into the sour cream, continuing to beat. It is not necessary to cool it to room temperature, otherwise it will be difficult to combine with sour cream, especially if it is cold. Wash fruits and berries and dry them on a towel. Choice according to your taste: raspberries, strawberries, pitted cherries, bananas, apples (they must be cut into thin slices or very small cubes), dates or figs. Cover a fairly deep bowl with cling film and add a layer of filling: pieces of cookies with berries and chopped fruits. Fill it with sour cream, then again a layer of filling, so we alternate. We finish with a layer of whole cookies - this is the bottom of our cake, cover with the edges of the film and put the bowl in the refrigerator for several hours until it solidifies. After 4 hours, take out the bowl and turn its contents onto a dish. Decorate the finished cake and serve. In winter, you can add sliced ​​marmalade, marshmallow, candied fruit to such a cake.

Fish cookie cake- among other things, salvation for parents whose children do not want to eat cottage cheese. In this delicacy, it is so delicious that your children will eat it with pleasure. We will need such products.

Today we want to tell you about what can be made from cookies. If you are waiting for guests and want to surprise them with a delicious treat for tea, then the recipes collected in this article will come in handy.

What can be made from cookies? Recipe with photo

Even an inexperienced housewife can cook simply and quickly. And we offer you to make a homemade dessert familiar to many from childhood called "Little House". He will need the following products:

  • Soft biscuits "Jubilee" - 400 grams.
  • Cottage cheese - 400 grams.
  • Sugar - three tablespoons.
  • Vanilla.
  • One banana.
  • Two tablespoons of sour cream.
  • 50 grams of chocolate.

Read a detailed recipe for a delicious dessert here:

  • Place cling wrap on a cutting board. Put cookies on it in three rows (choose the length of the future dessert yourself).
  • In a deep bowl, use a mixer to combine sour cream, cottage cheese, vanilla and sugar.
  • Put the resulting mass on the cookies in an even layer.
  • Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Place the pieces along the center row.
  • Now carefully lift the ends of the film and join the edges of the cookies.
  • Transfer the workpiece to a dish and carefully peel off the film. After that, coat the “roof” with the remaining curd mass.

Let the finished dessert soak, then sprinkle with chocolate chips and carry to the table.

Chocolate sausage

What can be made from cookies and condensed milk? This time we will be preparing an undeservedly forgotten dessert that was so popular in the days of our parents' youth.

Ingredients needed:

  • Shortbread cookies - 600 grams.
  • Condensed milk - 400 grams.
  • Butter - 200 grams.
  • Cocoa - seven tablespoons.

The recipe for this delicious recipe is very simple:

  • Break the cookies with your hands or use a blender. Remember that the resulting crumb must be large enough.
  • Stir the butter and cocoa until the result is a homogeneous mass.
  • Combine prepared foods and
  • Form sausages from sweet dough, and then wrap them in cling film or foil.

Send the blanks to the freezer for one hour. When the specified time has elapsed, unfold the dessert, cut it into slices and place on a platter.

What can be made from cookies and condensed milk? Recipe with photo

This time we offer you to cook the famous "Potato" cake, which is so loved by adults and children.

Dessert composition:

  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Cookies - 400 grams.
  • Condensed milk - 100 ml.
  • Cocoa for sprinkling - about two tablespoons.
  • Walnuts to taste.

Read the recipe for your favorite cake here:

  • Place the cookies in a food processor bowl and crush them into small crumbs.
  • Mix melted (and cooled) butter with condensed milk.
  • Add crumbs and finely chopped nuts to this mixture.
  • Knead a fairly dense dough with your hands and divide it into small pieces (each should weigh about 70 grams).
  • Combine three tablespoons of the remaining crumb with cocoa. Shape the cake into potatoes and roll them in a sweet breading.

Place the blanks on a flat dish and refrigerate. After an hour, you can put the kettle on and invite your friends to the table.


What can be made from Jubilee cookies? Here is a variation on the famous Italian dessert, which is made from simple and affordable products.


  • Three packs of Jubilee cookies (400 grams).
  • 250 grams of mascarpone cheese.
  • 200 ml heavy cream.
  • Two spoons of natural ground coffee.
  • Three tablespoons of cocoa.
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.
  • A tablespoon of cognac.

Read here:

  • Make coffee without sugar (we only need one glass), cool it and mix with cognac.
  • Whisk the cream together with the powdered sugar until the ingredients are fluffy and stable.
  • Combine the whipped cream with the mascarpone and stir the food again with a mixer.
  • Place the cookies on the bottom of a small rimmed dish. Cover the base with an even layer of cream.
  • Soak the rest of the cookies in a coffee drink. Work in a few more layers, alternating between base and cream.

Decorate the surface of the dessert with cocoa powder or grated chocolate. After that, put the cake in the refrigerator and leave it there for a couple of hours. Cut the finished dessert into equal pieces and serve.

No bake cake

Required products:

  • Cookies - 450 grams.
  • Cottage cheese - 350 grams.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Sour cream and sugar - three tablespoons each.
  • Cocoa - one tablespoon.

If you carefully read our instructions, you will find out what can be made from cookies. You will find a recipe with a photo of a simple and delicious dessert below:

  • First, prepare basic foods. To do this, moisten the cookies in milk, and mash the cottage cheese with a fork.
  • After that, put a layer of cookies and a layer of curd mass in a mold in turn. Repeat this procedure until you run out of food.
  • In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, cocoa, and sour cream. Put the dishes on fire and cook their contents over low heat for several minutes.
  • With cooled icing, grease the sides and surface of a homemade cake.

Don't forget to put dessert in the refrigerator for at least one hour. During this time, the cookies will become soft and soaked in cream.

Anthill cake

You can prepare this delicious treat for a children's party to please the birthday person and his guests.

This time we will need the following products:

  • 500 grams of soft biscuits.
  • One can
  • A glass of walnuts (you can use peanuts or almonds instead).
  • Three spoons of poppy.

The recipe for the original cakes is quite simple:

  • Break the cookies with your hands, turning them into large crumbs.
  • Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder.
  • Combine prepared foods in a deep bowl, add condensed milk to them and mix everything well. If you think the "dough" is too hard, add a little soft butter to it.

Divide the workpiece into several parts and give each the shape of an anthill. Chill the cakes and then serve them.

Biscuit roll

This homemade dessert can be served immediately or stored in the refrigerator until the desired hour.

Grocery list:

  • Cookies - 150 grams.
  • Mineral water - 75 ml.
  • Cottage cheese - 60 grams.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Cocoa - three tablespoons.
  • Powdered sugar - 60 grams.

Read the recipe for a delicious roll here:

  • Place the cookies in a saucepan and crush them with a potato press.
  • Dissolve the cocoa in warm water, and then add the drink to the crumb. Then stir the food well.
  • Use a blender to whisk the cottage cheese, butter and sugar.
  • Spread cling film on the table. Place the chocolate dough on it and roll it into a layer about one centimeter wide.
  • Place the filling on the base and smooth.
  • Roll the blank into a roll and transfer it to the refrigerator.

After an hour or two, the dessert can be taken out, sliced ​​and served to guests with hot tea or coffee.


Now you know what you can make of cookies for a family tea party or a holiday table. All the recipes that we have collected in this article are very simple. Even a novice cook can repeat them at home, so choose any one and start experimenting.

Recipes for making cakes at home with a photo

cookie cake without baking

30 minutes

270 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Do you never make cakes at home because it is too long and too difficult? Get ready to jot down a super quick and easy recipe that doesn't require an oven or stove. Even if you have never cooked desserts in your life, you will cope with such a cake without any problems!

A delicious and delicate cake without baking from cookies, sour cream and condensed milk will surely please your family and will pleasantly surprise your guests.

Banana cookie cake (no baked)

Kitchen tools: deep bowl; a food processor or meat grinder; a dish (or large plate) for the cake.


  • Any cookie for such a cake can be taken. Most often, they use the simplest sand or biscuit square in shape, so that you can lay it out in one continuous layer.
  • Choose sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%, otherwise the cream will be too liquid and will spread.

Step-by-step banana cookie cake recipe (no baked goods)

First stage (preparatory)

Second stage (collecting the cake)

You can decorate the finished cake to your taste: grated chocolate, fresh berries, dried fruits, coconut flakes, powdered sugar or ready-made confectionery sprinkles.

If you have one or two cookies left after cooking, you can crush them in the food processor and also use for decoration.

Cookie cake without baking - video

To better understand the process of making a cookie-cutter cake and see how each layer is formed, be sure to watch this video.

Cookie cake without baking. A quick cake without baking

No-bake cookie cake is a great quick dessert! A delicious cake made from cookies and bananas, soaked in boiled condensed milk and sour cream cream, is very easy to prepare. Minimum costs, maximum pleasure!
We need:
biscuits-700 gr
sour cream - 350 gr (20%)
boiled condensed milk-0.5 cans
nuts-100-150 gr
bananas - 2 pieces
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  • If you are making a cake for adults only, you can add a few teaspoons of liquor to the cream.
  • It turns out very tasty, or a cake made from oatmeal cookies. which can be cooked in the same way: no baking.
  • To make the cake biscuits softer, you can soak them in warm milk or tea. Do this very quickly, otherwise it will break and lose shape. But, even if this happened, do not be discouraged, but just change the recipe a little and cook, where the cookies are broken into pieces.

  • Another way to save the situation in this case is to make a chocolate cake from cookies, which is also prepared without baking. To do this, beat the sugar and butter in equal proportions. Add an egg, chocolate melted in a water bath and crumbled cookies to the resulting mass. Mix everything and put in a mold. This version of the cake should also freeze in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours.
  • By the way, you can leave the cake without baking in the refrigerator not for two hours, but overnight. In this case, the cake is better saturated and tastes even better.
  • This light and airy cookie cake is perfect for a meeting with friends or for a home-made family tea party. Just like this cool dessert, it goes well with coffee, tea or milk.

Other cooking options

There are a lot of options for making a cake from cookies and without baking: you can cook these desserts with condensed milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cream in different combinations.