So that the pancakes are not rubber. Why pancakes ...? Cooking secrets

06.05.2019 Soups

Almost everyone loves to eat pancakes, because, depending on the filling, this dish can be completely different. Pancakes with meat or fish fillings turn out to be hearty, lighter ones - or with an egg. Pancakes with jam, fruits and berries will make an excellent dessert. Correct preparation of pancakes will save you, including from the fact that during the cooking process, the products will break or cause other troubles.

The most pressing question that many housewives ask on various culinary forums: what to add so that the pancakes do not break. Also, many are interested in how to make it transparent, delicate, and with openwork lace. Everything has its own culinary tricks and practical advice.

The test should be given time to come up. Then the gluten contained in the flour will show itself, and the pancakes will not break;
You can add an egg to the dough, but you must remember that the more eggs are added to the dough, the harder the finished pancakes are;
You can make a dough with slightly warmed milk. Milk must be diluted with water in equal proportions;

Even when the hostess knows what to add, if the pancakes are torn, if you do not follow other important recommendations, the dish will not turn out like in the picture. Therefore, it will be useful to read other tips for the correct preparation of pancakes.

With one hand, you need to pour the dough onto the edge of the pan, and with the other, raise the pan and make rotational movements. This will help the dough cover the entire surface of the pan evenly. As a result, the pancake will turn out to be even and of the same thickness;
The amount of sugar in the dough will help make the pancakes rosy. But we must remember that if you add too much sugar, then the pancake will not brown, but simply burn;

The dough for such pancakes, which will perfectly absorb sour cream or condensed milk, must be cooked with yeast, kefir or yogurt;
It is recommended to sift flour at the time of preparation of the dough, and not in advance. Then the finished pancakes will turn out to be magnificent;
If baking powder is used instead of soda when preparing the dough, it must be taken twice as much as soda;
If the dough has not risen enough, you can gradually add warm milk to it. At the same time, constantly stir the dough;
Before adding the proteins, they must first be beaten well. Add proteins after the dough rises;
Pour the butter into the finished risen dough. Up to this point, the pre-beaten egg whites should already be well mixed into the dough. If the proteins come in contact with sour cream, they will settle and make the dough dense;
It is necessary to bake pancakes at the moment when the dough has risen. If it has already settled, then the dish will not turn out fluffy and loose. To prevent the dough from settling, it must be constantly stirred with a spoon;
You can turn the pancake over only after the edges are already dry, and the middle is covered with characteristic pimples;

A responsible hostess always has a separate pan for pancakes, which is not used for frying other products;
If the pan is made of cast iron, then it must be thoroughly warmed up before starting cooking;
Pancakes often stick to the Teflon-coated pan. Therefore, it is better to use;
If there are traces from the previous preparation of pancakes in the cast iron pan, they do not need to be washed. It is enough to carefully rub the traces with a soft cloth in which the salt will be wrapped;
Before baking, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough;
There is no need to pour oil into the pan; the pan should be greased with oil every few pancakes. It is convenient to grease the pan with half of potatoes, planted on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil;
If pancakes are cooked in sour milk, it can cause them to stick during cooking. To prevent this from happening, you need to add a little flour and soda to the dough, then pour with boiling water and mix very well;

What to do to make the pancakes look delicate:
The kefir dough will make the most delicate and beautiful pancakes;
If, during the preparation of pancakes, the hostess sees that the product lacks delicacy, you can add carbonated water or beer, kumiss to the dough. The choice of liquid depends on what kind of final taste you want to get;

Bake such pancakes in a Teflon-coated pan;
You can add vegetable oil to the pancake batter. When the pan is warm, chop fresh bacon on a fork and wipe the pan with it before each cooking. With this preparation, the pancakes will turn out to be dry;
Now you know not only what to add to keep the pancakes from breaking, but also all the secrets of the successful preparation of this dish. Please yourself and yours with any pancakes more often, and not only on Shrovetide.

Pancakes are a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. For the ancient Slavs, pancakes were obviously ritual food, they are an indispensable attribute of the Maslenitsa holiday. Nowadays, pancakes are practically not perceived as a ceremonial food, and have taken their place in the everyday Russian diet.

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking pancakes that are thin, translucent, beautiful and airy is already an art, and it has its own secrets.

How to make sure there are no lumps in the pancake dough

1. Milk and water should be poured into flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of the lumps.

2. There is another option for making lump-free pancake dough. To do this, on the contrary, first you need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour into it all the rest of the liquid according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turns out to be too thin, do not pour the flour directly into the bowl - pour out a part of the dough, add flour, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the rest of the dough.

How to make pancakes beautiful

1. To make the pancake even, of the same thickness, pour the dough over the edge of the pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and rotate it so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The brownness of the pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But do not overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, then the pancake will burn, and not become ruddy.

Probably everyone loves pancakes. This is a very ancient and very tasty Slavic dish, symbolizing the sun in pagan times. Sweet, aromatic, hot pancakes are a great option for breakfast or dessert. However, it is important to make sure that the pancakes do not burn, stick or break during turning. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this. But in order to avoid all these annoying troubles, you just need to add one completely ordinary ingredient to the dough.

The thing is that the dough tends to burn and stick even to a good frying pan. To prevent this from happening, some housewives prefer to pour too much oil. This often works, but it should be noted that pancakes are too greasy and oily, less tasty, and also very harmful. In order not to harm yourself and guests, as well as to preserve the taste and appearance of pancakes, use one single ingredient: banal starch.

It is in starch that the secret of successful and very tasty, and most importantly, unburnt pancakes is hidden. The starch makes the dough structure so that it no longer sticks even to a not-so-good frying pan. In addition, it makes pancakes more fluffy, ruddy and delicious.

Many people love pancakes, still - this simple delicacy can be made in a matter of minutes, and the consumption of products is minimal. But sometimes in the process of cooking, hostesses face difficulties. What to do if the pancakes do not work out - they burn, break or turn out tasteless?

The main thing is not to get upset. Better to learn more about the possible causes of failure and how to fix them.


As a rule, pancakes fail due to mistakes made during the kneading and frying stage. Let's take a closer look at the most common problems.

"Rubber" pancakes

The phrase "rubber" pancakes "means their excessive rigidity, which becomes more noticeable after cooling. Why it happens?

Possible reasons:

  1. Too much flour. Thick, heavy dough, especially if it has little baking powder, will make the pancakes "rubbery" or they won't work at all. If you notice that the mass is thicker than necessary, stirring it, you can add a little water at room temperature.
  2. Excess eggs. In order not to spoil the pancakes, follow the recipe proportions.
  3. Mistakes when mixing ingredients. Excessive beating removes micro-air bubbles imparting looseness. This will not change the dough for the better and make the pancakes hard. If there are lumps, break them gently with a spoon.
  4. The dough was kneaded only in water. Whey, milk or kefir in moderation are required.
  5. The milk was too fat. An undesirable effect is possible when adding a high-fat dairy product. Therefore, such milk is diluted with water before adding to the dough.

Pancakes burn

Pancakes that stick and burn are a common problem. But dealing with it is not difficult.

One of the reasons is a lot of sugar in the dough. If you added it "by eye", it is worth trying to put less.

As practice shows, pancakes burn less often if the pan is thick-walled and made of cast iron or aluminum. The effect is achieved due to the fact that a fatty film forms on the surface of these materials during frying. It is advisable not to wash the cast iron pan, it is enough to clean it dry, wiping it with a soft cloth and salt.

If you have a Teflon coating, you can prevent scorching by pouring a little boiling water into the dough before frying. Also, for any frying pan, the rule applies - use it only for pancakes and pre-heat it well.

Also, pay attention to the amount of cooking oil. Pancakes should not float in it, but a dry frying pan increases the chances of burning, so you need to add oil periodically. If it has already been added to the dough, topping is needed only on the first 2-3 pancakes.

Use of fresh lard instead of oil is good. To prevent the pancakes from sticking, lightly grease the hot frying pan with a piece pinned onto a fork. The action is repeated before each new pancake.

It is important to note that if the pancake is already stuck, it is not enough to simply remove it before continuing to fry. The pan must be washed, reheated and greased.

Pancakes are too thick

Pancakes can harden if not brushed with butter or sunflower oil after baking. A small amount is enough.

Other reasons are lack of oil in the pan and excessive browning. For pancakes, medium gas on the burner is optimal.

In addition, during the frying process, ready-made pancakes should be kept covered (under a plate or lid). Wrapping the filling in them immediately after baking will also keep the product soft.

Pancakes are torn

Pancakes often break when turned over. The reasons can be trivial - an uncomfortable frying pan (high sides) or a lack of skills.

But more often pancakes break due to improper kneading of the dough. It should not be too liquid or too thick, from the excess of baking powder (special or regular soda), pancakes break too. Adding vegetable oil is desirable (2-3 tablespoons), this will prevent the pancakes from burning and tearing when turned over.

In order for the gluten in the dough to swell and fully hold it together, do not start cooking right away. He needs to be allowed to stand for at least 15 minutes.

The very technique of frying and turning pancakes also affects the result. First, the pan should be hot enough to check - sprinkle water on it. A hiss indicates readiness to work. In special pans to simplify the task, there is an indicator in the center that changes color when heated.

Secondly, so that the pancakes do not break when turning, their diameter should be slightly smaller than the pan. So it is much easier to pry on them with a spatula.

Third, choose the right moment to roll over. If the top side is no longer liquid, and the edge of the bottom has begun to redden, the time has come. Make sure that the pancake comes off easily and gently turn it over with a spatula, you can additionally hold it with a table knife so as not to crush it.

Pancakes are not tasty

If you want fluffy pancakes, it is better to knead the dough in water. But the best taste is obtained by adding milk. Those who do not like fried pancakes should put a minimum of sugar.

How to avoid mistakes?

And finally, some more useful tips. To make the pancakes "excellent", you need:

  1. Check the freshness of all products and do not use spoiled ones.
  2. Heat the milk slightly and dilute with water before adding it to the dough. It is better if it is natural, rather than dry powder.
  3. Do not add or put in a small amount of ingredients that do not belong to the main recipe - cocoa, chocolate chips, chopped nuts, and the like. Excessive amounts of pancakes can tear and stick.
  4. Avoid using egg powder, and beat fresh eggs well beforehand.
  5. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, and introduce into the mixture already in the form of a liquid.
  6. Remember to sift the flour before adding it to the dough.
  7. Eliminate lumps if they have formed during mixing.
  8. Know that the oil is always poured last into the ready-made mixture.
  9. Pour the dough with a medium or small ladle to prevent the pancakes from getting too large and thick. At the same time, an even distribution of the mass in the pan is achieved by quickly shaking it in different directions.
  10. Have a separate pan for the pancakes, which is not used for cooking other dishes.

If pancakes do not work out for you and the pancakes are torn or their taste leaves much to be desired, you need to analyze the recipe, kneading and baking technology. This is usually enough to detect and eliminate the "weak point". We all have bad luck, but we hope our tips will help turn your crepes into a culinary masterpiece.

Useful video on why pancakes stick to the pan and break

Pancakes are a favorite dish, if not all, then many. They are eaten for breakfast and dinner. Therefore, almost every housewife knows how to bake them and pamper her loved ones.

Pancake recipes are found in many nations and they are all very diverse. There are pancakes with milk, kefir, water and so on. The list is endless. Because there are a lot of options. It is enough to add or remove an ingredient to the recipe and it will already be completely new.

They also eat pancakes with anything and whatever. Various fillings are stuffed in them, used as an appetizer on the festive table. And if you are tired of cookies for tea, then pancakes will definitely not bother you.

There is also Shrovetide week. At this time, everyone bakes pancakes, burns a scarecrow and sees off the winter. It is advisable to bake pancakes every day, so that everything is fine in the family all year round.

But the problem is that not many people get pancakes and they try not to bake them at all. Therefore, here we will share with you not only a delicious recipe, but also tell a few secrets of good and delicious pancakes.

This is one of my favorite recipes. The pancakes are really thin and with holes. And not only an experienced hostess and a beginner can bake pancakes.


  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Hot water - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.


1. Add soda to flour. Sift through a sieve, preferably more than once. Thanks to this, the flour will be saturated with oxygen and the products will turn out to be lush and light.

2. Break chicken eggs into a cup. Pour salt and sugar into them. Beat with a mixer or whisk.

3. Next, pour out a glass of kefir and mix. The mass begins to foam.

4. Without stopping whisking, add flour and soda in small portions. The lumps should disappear, and the dough turns out like for pancakes, that is, thick.

5. Now gradually add hot water. It should be exactly hot, not boiling water. Stir the dough. Now it has become liquid, as it should be for pancakes.

6. Pour in sunflower oil and mix with the dough.

7. Add sunflower oil to a preheated pan and grease. You can bake pancakes when you see a light smoke.

8. Using a ladle, pour the dough into the pan, while not ceasing to rotate it so that the dough completely covers the bottom.

It is not worth collecting a ladle full of dough. A little more than half is enough. This will make the pancakes thin.

9. When you see that there is no batter on the surface and the edges of the pancake are browned, use a spatula to turn it over to the other side. Bake it for another 15 - 20 seconds. Transfer the prepared pancake to a plate and brush with butter.

Why don't you get holes in the pancakes?

Which pancakes do you prefer: with or without holes? I love with holes. They are so beautiful, delicious and unusual. I especially love it when there are a lot of holes and through them you can see how my daughter devours them with jam and tea. But I know that not everyone can bake pancakes with holes. And it doesn't matter who you are: a beginner and an experienced hostess. Yes, there are several rules that must be followed when making dough and baking pancakes. Believe me, they are very simple and you will quickly master them.

1. Perhaps you pour a lot of dough into the pan, so the holes cannot burst due to the thick layer.

Try to pour less dough into the pan and turn it in turns, up, down, left, right, so that the mixture spreads well.

2. It may be that your dough is initially too thick, make it a little thinner. Add water or milk to it, whichever you prefer.

3. Because of the frying pan, holes in the pancakes may also not work. It must be greased and heated well, then when you pour the liquid mixture, it will spread well and the pancakes will burst.

4. It happens that the dough is too dense and your kneading is not correct. First, you need to separately knead the liquid ingredients, and then pour the sifted flour over the entire surface, while not forgetting to stir.

As you can see, if everything is done correctly, then there is no difficulty in making holes in the pancakes.

Secrets of thin pancakes:

You have already read above why holes in pancakes do not work. Now I want to write a few secrets so that they are subtle. The fact is that my whole family loves pancakes. We bake them almost every day. They are good with tea. Even having breakfast in the morning is generally a nice thing and we like them exactly thin: they are more tender and tasty.

1. The most important thing is to take premium flour. It has more gluten in it.

2. Sift it well so that it is saturated with oxygen and does not contain extra lumps.

3. Always pour the flour into the prepared mixture, and not vice versa, it will mix more easily and the lumps that form during stirring will dissolve faster. If you do the opposite, all of your flour will stick to the sides of the bowl, making it harder to knead.

4. Get a good skillet, preferably a pancake pan, in which you do nothing. The fact is that there should be no scratches, no burnt deposits, chips on it. The best for baking is considered to be cast iron and thick-walled, it heats up well and grease it once will be enough to bake all the pancakes. Of course, if you don't have one, then you can safely take an iron one, but thin-walled or with a non-stick coating. But I'll tell you right away, such a frying pan is unhealthy.

5. Even thin pancakes are made in water, without yeast. But there is still a recipe, which is written just above - on kefir with boiling water. You can also see the full article on how to do it. I am sure you will like them very much.

6. Always add a little oil to the dough, firstly, you will not need to grease the pan every time, and secondly, pancakes are much softer and tastier.

Attention! Add oil at the very end of the batch, not at the beginning or in the middle. Just a little, so as not to harm the dough and not spoil the taste.

7. Eggs are placed in the dough so that it is stronger and does not break when removed from the pan.

Boiling water in pancakes: do I need to add and why?

What is the water (boiling water) in pancakes for? Many people ask such a question and do not know whether to add it or not.

1. Boiling water is added to the dough in order to dilute its thickness, that is, to make your mixed mixture thinner.

3. Boiling water also has an important property: it makes pancakes perforated.


  • Kefir - 2 tbsp. 250 gr.
  • Boiling water - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, sugar, soda - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

1. Drive eggs into a deep bowl, pour kefir (room temperature) and add sugar and salt. Mix the whole mixture. By the way, if you need sweet pancakes, you can put more sugar.

2. Sift the flour through a sieve, add it to our mass and stir again until the lumps dissolve.

3. We have a thick dough. Now we take boiling water. Put soda in it, stir and pour into the dough. When kneading, it begins to bubble, and thanks to these bubbles, we will have holes in the pancakes. Next, pour in the oil and knead well for the last time.

The dough should turn out like liquid sour cream. If you have it thick, then you can add more boiling water.

4. Grease the frying pan with oil and heat to a light haze. Pour in the dough with a ladle and fry on 2 sides.

Bon Appetit!