What can be cooked from a cow's udder, scrolled. Udder

29.10.2019 Soups

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- one of the strange, at first glance, foods that people eat in different parts of the world.

The tradition of using a cow's udder in many national cuisines began long ago, when the high society ate high-quality meat, and the poor were forced to figure out what to cook from the "useless" parts of the cow. So the recipes for the preparation of a cow's udder appeared.

However, this product is quite useful. Beef udder is nutritious and high in calories, as it contains a significant amount of fat useful for the human body. It is enriched with collagen and elastin - proteins that are beneficial for the health of skin and hair, saturated with potassium, phosphorus, sodium and calcium, vitamins PP, B1 and B2, iron and iodine.

If you decide to cook an unprecedented dish, you need to know how to choose it and where to buy it.

So, beef (cow) udder visually resembles a pinkish or yellowish ball with a small hollow in the center. Typically, the udder for sale comes in a flawlessly cleaned ordinary method, cut into pieces or whole, fat-free (free from milk). In stores, offal can be purchased both fresh (cooled) and already frozen. If the udder is frozen, then it is stored for no more than six months at a temperature of -16 -20 degrees, and is perishable. But in order to better appreciate the taste of the product, knowledgeable people recommend looking for fresh cow udders in the market, in which there is still the smell of milk from "adult" cows.

Preparing the udder for cooking

Having bought a beef udder, you need to thoroughly prepare it for cooking.

We take the udder, rinse it and soak it in warm water, preferably for about 10 hours, changing the water from time to time. Following this, rinse the udder again in cold water and start cooking.

How much and how to cook the udder

The next stage is cooking, put the udder in a pot of water and boil. At the same time, there should be enough water so that it completely covers the entire udder. Add salt, spices and bay leaf. Cook the meat over low heat for about 4 hours. Then we take the udder out of the water and cool it.

Experienced chefs recommend doing this for about 3-4 hours - the key here is to make it soft but firm. And at this moment you can start realizing amazing and fantastic dishes, create in the kitchen.



  • a pound of beef (cow) udder,
  • one onion,
  • black pepper,
  • three or four peas,
  • one clove,
  • Bay leaf,
  • flour,
  • one egg,
  • breadcrumbs,
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • salt.

Preparing the udder (as described above). Then again pour the product with boiled water (about two liters), add the onion, your favorite spices and 25-30 gr. salt (approximately - a tablespoon), cook over low heat for about four hours. The meat should be soft. After that, the udder mode into small pieces, roll in flour, egg and bread crumbs and fry in a pan.

Udder salad

Cut the udder boiled according to the above technology into small cubes. Grind cheese and nuts (the classic recipe involves grating cheese, but today it is much more convenient to do all this in a blender). We send all products to a salad bowl, fill with garlic, mayonnaise passed through a press and mix thoroughly.

Hungarian udder with rice and apples

Cut the boiled beef udder into thin slices, put it in a pan with butter and simmer for no more than half an hour in a moderate amount of water, adding bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Then we transfer the prepared product to the bottom of a high saucepan, on top of which we put peeled apples. We send a glass of rice there and fill it with water.

Cover the dish with a lid and cook for about an hour.

If you love oriental cuisine, then you will take note of this recipe, since beef udder with rice and apples is very reminiscent of oriental pilaf.

Stewed udder in a multicooker

We cut the udder into small identical cubes and put them in the multicooker bowl. We also send chopped onions and carrots there. Sprinkle all this ready-made mass with salt and spices, pour sour cream. Add water or milk to the bowl (if stewed in milk, it turns out softer). Then we set the "extinguishing" mode for 200 minutes, and wait, or do useful things.

For the finished dish, potatoes, pasta or porridge can serve as a side dish, which can also be cooked in a slow cooker, saving time.

As you can see, the preparation of beef udder, although it takes time, is prepared quite easily and uncommon. Enjoy your meal!

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A beef udder is a cow's mammary gland. Udder is not a product that can be called everyday, but its taste and useful properties are in no way inferior to other meat products. The udder arrives on the shelves of the supermarket already processed - without the taste of milk and excess fat. It is in this form that it can be cooked. Everyone remembers the taste of the udder in different ways, basically it is compared to chicken fillet.

The udder contains vitamins B1, B2, and PP. It contains elements such as iron, iodine, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Each of them has a beneficial effect on human well-being, as well as on the metabolism and the digestive system.

Beneficial features

A cow's udder has a high energy value, therefore it is very fatty. This product requires quality processing and does not last long. The most delicious and healthy dish will come from the udder of a healthy cow with good milk yield. Beef udders contain a variety of hard-to-digest, but very tasty proteins. Such as, for example, collagen, which promotes the strengthening and growth of hair and nails and resists aging. It also contains elastin, known for its regenerating function for skin tissues. If the body contains a sufficient amount of it, then with cuts, the wounds will heal very quickly and will not fester. Together, these two elements give the skin firmness and elasticity.


Beef udder must be cooked with extreme caution. Incorrect cooking technology can backfire and have zero health benefits. Before cooking, the udder should be well soaked in warm water. The soaking process should be at least 10-12 hours. The water needs to be changed periodically. The udder can be fried, stewed, baked, but only after boiling - it will take about 4 hours. It must be soft and tender so that the product is ready to cook.
The udder goes well with rice, potatoes, stews. As a supplement, you can use stewed vegetables, pumpkin, green peas and apples.
Udder cutlets are in no way inferior in taste to ordinary minced cutlets. To prepare them, you will need udders, milk, spices and eggs.
1. Cut the udder well and grind it into minced meat.
2. Beat the egg with salt and pepper.
3. Soak bread in milk.
4. Connect everything and form balls.
5. Dip cutlets in flour or breadcrumbs before frying.
For a side dish, you can use potatoes or rice.

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Boiled lamb
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Beef brisket
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If you want to cook economically, you need to take note of the beef udder, the recipes and photos of the preparation of which we will provide you below. It is healthy, tasty - if prepared correctly, and can diversify your menu. And it will also give you the opportunity to save a lot of money on food. And don't look at some people who say: "Fi, how can you eat this!" And at this time, the tongue is considered a delicacy, which is much dirtier than a clean cow's udder, smelling of milk. You can cook many dishes from offal - liver is especially loved by many - check out its preparation.

  1. The udder must be cleaned, remove unnecessary fat.
  2. Soak in cold clean water for a couple of hours.
  3. Put to cook in clean water, adding onion, peppercorns and salt, for 1 hour.
  4. Drain the water, cool - you are ready to prepare the preparation for the next dishes.

Actually, the udder can already be eaten, greased with mayonnaise or sour cream sauce with garlic and herbs. Just put it in the refrigerator for an hour beforehand so that it acquires a dense structure, then it will be cut like meat, and it tastes like sausage. Or you can cook several dishes from it.

Beef udder schnitzel

  1. 1 egg
  2. 300 g udder
  3. 2 tablespoons flour
  4. Salt pepper
  5. Refined frying oil


Slice the udders like chops.

Season with salt, pepper, roll in flour, then in a beaten egg and fry in hot oil until lightly browned.

If you don't know how to cook a cow's udder, here are a couple of delicious recipes for you.

Beef stroganoff

  • 1 onion
  • Salt, chopped or dried herbs, spices
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 0.5 cups of water


Cut the boiled udder into cubes.

Cut the onion into strips, fry in oil, add the udder to it, lightly fry with the onion together, add sour cream, spices, salt, herbs and 0.5 cups of water. Boil for a minute and turn it off, otherwise it will become soft, lose its elasticity. Now you can boil pasta, potatoes or porridge, pour over the resulting gravy - and dinner is ready!

Stewed udder with vegetables

  1. Bow 1 pc.
  2. Carrots - 1 pc.
  3. Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  4. Udder - 300 g
  5. Spices, salt, herbs


Grate the carrots, cut the onion into a cube, pepper into thin strips.
Fry all the vegetables in a frying pan in oil, add the boiled udder diced, simmer a little together, add tomato paste, salt, spices, herbs, 0.5 cups of water, and turn off after a minute. Let it stand, soaked in the aromas of vegetables, you can add a clove of chopped garlic and serve with any side dish. You can make minced meat from boiled udders and fry pies, and also look at the recipe - delicious, flaky, very easy to prepare!


  • Boiled beef udder - 300 g
  • Any ground nuts, lightly fried - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • 100 g cheese
  • Clove of garlic
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt pepper


Cut the boiled udder into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Lightly fry and chop the nuts. Pass the garlic through a crusher.
Mix everything, season with sauce, sprinkle with herbs - a wonderful and healthy breakfast is ready! Serve it baked and a cup of tea or milk, and breakfast will turn into a hearty lunch.

Dish costs:

beef udder - 1 kg - 20 UAH

cheese - 100 g - 6 UAH

onions, carrots, peppers - 5 UAH

If you have your own tips for cooking beef udders - please share them with other visitors and you will be happy!

The udder of a cow can be successfully used to prepare delicious dishes, which may be a wonder for many housewives. But this part of the carcass belongs to by-products, among which are the well-known liver, brains or heart.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Beef udder belongs to dietary products, its calorie content is only 173 kcal. Thanks to this property, boiled udders can be consumed by people who control their weight.

The nutritional value of this product is as follows:

  • proteins - 12.3 g;
  • fats - 13.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0 g;
  • water - 72.6 g.

The udder of a cow contains various vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, including:

  • sulfur;
  • iron;
  • , elastin.

Did you know? To get a liter of milk, a cow's udder drives almost 540 liters of blood through itself.

Beneficial features

Before sending this offal to the kitchen, we will find out why it is useful:

  1. Dishes made from it are very well digested and therefore digested quickly.
  2. The collagen and elastin content helps to keep the skin, hair and nails in good condition.
  3. The minerals contained in a cow's udder are easily absorbed by our body.
  4. The high protein content contributes to the saturation of the body with energy and increases the protective properties of the immune system.


The usefulness of this product is obvious, but at the same time, there are several negative points when using it.

Some people have an individual intolerance to this type of offal, which is usually expressed by stomach problems. Also consider the presence of fat in this product if you are overweight.

Important! When buying an udder, be sure to check it for freshness, otherwise you can get serious poisoning.

How to cook deliciously

Now it's time to figure out how you can cook the offal in question to please even gourmet gourmets. It turns out that the arsenal of dishes made from it is quite significant, it is consumed fried or stewed, soups are made from it and even salads are made.
Take a saucepan of a suitable size and fill the purchased beef product with clean water. Boil it for about 2-3 hours, but do not forget to change the water after half an hour of cooking. After this time, remove everything from the pan. In this form, the product can already be consumed.

In addition, you can prepare several delicious dishes from it. For example, fried beef udder with onions.

To do this, prepare:

  • boiled udder (from 1 kg fresh);
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons.

Did you know? Any oil, both vegetable and animal, has a smoke threshold. If the oil smokes, then its structure changes, and it is no longer suitable for further use. The record holder in this case is avocado oil, which can be heated without risk to 270 ° C.

How to cook fried beef udder with onions: video

Products composition:

  • boiled udder - 500 g;
  • walnuts, pre-peeled - 1 cup;
  • hard cheese - 225 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Salad preparation:

  1. Cut the udder into strips or cubes.
  2. Dry the nuts a little in a pan and chop.
  3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Put everything in a salad bowl, add chopped garlic, salt, pepper.
  5. Season the salad with mayonnaise.
Another easy-to-prepare dish is schnitzel. For him, boiled offal is also used in the amount of 0.5 kg.
In addition, you will need:
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • cloves - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • frying oil.

The cooking process is as follows:

Now you know that such a by-product as a cow's udder is worthy to appear on our table. Eating it in food, you will benefit your body, you will be able to lose weight. And the dishes made from this unusual product are tasty and varied, and at the same time easy to prepare. So cook with pleasure, and bon appetit!

Inventing more and more new beef recipes
offal, many people forget about this
interesting and specific product, like beef udder.

But in vain! Try Helsnews' cow udder dishes.

Why is a cow's udder useful?

Beef udder, no matter what recipe
cooked will never be healthier than red meat in terms of content
squirrel, however, in some other matters, it will even give him a head start.

So, a cow's udder consists mainly of collagen and elastin.
- hard-to-digest, but tasty proteins, which are simply necessary for beauty and
health of hair and skin. However, only the udder is prepared in compliance
the correct formulation can bring real benefits. Hair will be durable
and shiny, and the skin is elastic. It's not for nothing that many women buy themselves.
horse udder cream - they know where the power lies.

Many people mistakenly can buy a pork udder - this is a mistake!
Not only is it very difficult to prepare and not as tasty as the udder.
beef, also carries a number of diseases inherent in pigs, such as

Where to buy beef udder and how to cook, prepare it for
delicious recipe?

It is better to buy beef udders from private farmers on the market:
so you can buy a dish that is fresh, tasty and as healthy as possible. But you can't
forget that before proceeding directly to cooking
dishes according to your chosen recipe, the cow's udder needs to be well prepared.

For everyone, "tasty udder" means different things: for some, it is
should have a characteristic milky taste, for someone - as close as possible
to taste with pork or beef neck. Therefore, the recipe for preparing the udder

One way or another, the udder needs to be thoroughly rinsed and soaked in
warm water for at least 10 hours, periodically replacing the water. If we want
taste the milk in the udder, limit yourself to 12 hours, if you need
completely get rid of the similarity - at least 24 hours.

Then rinse the udder again in cold water and
start cooking. It will turn out delicious, we are sure!

How long does it take to cook beef udder and how to cook it properly and tasty?

Now we have the next stage - before cooking
the udder needs to be boiled well (unless, of course, you are going to torment
him in the stove for another 10 hours). It is thanks to the boiled udder that all dishes
are delicious, and the recipes are successful, because the boiled udder gets very
soft and delicate consistency, pleasing to the tongue and good for the stomach.

How much do you need to cook beef udder? It is advised to do this
about 3-4 hours - the main thing is that it becomes soft, but elastic. Now you can
start bringing to life the most delicious recipes and the most unusual dishes
from boiled udder.

What can be cooked from beef udder? For example, a dish with
apples and rice according to the Hungarian recipe

Hungarian cuisine has always been famous for its delicious and
unusual recipes, and now we
we suggest you prepare a dish of cow's udder with apples and rice.

Cut the boiled beef udder into thin slices, lay out
in a frying pan with oil and simmer for about half an hour in a little water with
bay leaf, pepper and salt.

Now place the cow's udder on the bottom of a tall pot,
on top - peeled apples (best if you buy Moldovan ones). Pour in
a glass of rice and add water so that the rice is substantially covered with it.

Now put the lid on the dish and cook for about an hour more.
Beef udder cooked according to this recipe is very similar to pilaf and others.
oriental cuisine.

Another delicious country-style cow udder dish -

To cook udder cutlets according to this recipe, you
you can buy not a whole cow udder, but small scraps - this will also work
more budget recipe.

Grind the well-boiled udder in a meat grinder, mix
with eggs, a loaf soaked in milk, salt, pepper and others and spices.
Form the patties.

Now the most important thing is for the dish to turn out
delicious, cutlets from the udder need to be dipped in a mixture of bread crumbs and
garlic. After dipping, fry the cutlets in vegetable oil until tender.

Serve the beef udder platter with mashed potatoes.

Another healthy and delicious recipe for cow dish
udder: udder stewed in milk from Mongolian recipes

The recipe for this delicious and unusual dish came to us from
Mongolia for a very long time, so much so that it has already begun to seem primordially Russian. All
salt - in enhancing the milky taste of the udder due to milk.

Despite this, before
when preparing a dish, boil the udder well in plain water -
so much so that it even began to seem a little rubbery.

Now cut the udder into cubes and pour the milk into
low saucepan. By the way, it will be just fine if for this recipe you
specially buy very fatty cow's milk.

Cook the udder for a very long time - the milk should begin to boil.
When it remains a little, and it will only cover the pieces of the udder, salt,
pepper and add the bay leaf to the dish. Place the lid on the dish and let udders sweat over low heat still
about half an hour.

You will be rewarded for your patience and, as a result, you will receive tasty, healthy and very budget dish, and all friends,
will undoubtedly ask you recipe.
And they will never guess what it is dish
- from beef udder!