Spices for champignons. Mushroom Seasonings Raw Mushroom Seasoning Recipe for the Winter

02.07.2020 Snacks

Cooking websites are replete with all kinds of advice on how to cook meat and combine various herbs and spices with it. But mushrooms and their ideal combination with spices, seasonings and herbs, unfortunately, are undeservedly bypassed. Therefore, we consider it our duty to tell our readers which spices are suitable for cooking mushrooms, which seasonings will competently reveal the taste and emphasize the appetizing aroma. Let's take a look at spices using soup, one of the most popular mushroom dishes.

Spices for mushrooms

Mushrooms are a very nutritious, aromatic product. Most often, mushrooms are pickled, salted, fried and made into soup. What a fragrant mushroom soup, especially from dried boletus!

When preparing soup at home, housewives most often remember only simple, familiar, often used spices - salt and pepper, not imagining how nutmeg or rosemary can reveal and enrich the taste and aroma. In addition, a large percentage of the product is hard-to-digest protein, and properly selected spices contribute to both assimilation and good digestion.

So what are the best seasonings in mushroom soup?

Most often these are:

  • fresh or dried herbs (parsley, green onions, dill);
  • garlic (fresh, dried, garlic clove);
  • Mediterranean herbs (thyme, oregano, rosemary);
  • as well as fragrant nutmeg;
  • among other things, ground black pepper or peas, bay leaves, and incredibly fragrant cilantro.

Here are the best seasonings for mushroom soup. Let's take a closer look at the combinations of some of them in order to learn how to properly combine herbs and spices with mushrooms, and without incident, prepare the most delicious, aromatic mushroom soup.

Fresh and dried herbs

In particular, parsley, chives and dill feathers are more often used to emphasize a pleasant natural aroma. The greens also help get rid of the bitterness of the mushrooms. But be careful, there should not be too many herbs, they should not focus all attention on themselves, but only emphasize the mushrooms. Any seasonings for mushroom soup should be in moderation.


One of the most versatile and affordable ways to highlight and enrich the flavor of most dishes. Garlic has found its place among vegetable dishes, among meat dishes and, of course, in combination with mushrooms. It is known that garlic reveals its best taste in the process of stewing or frying, therefore, when sautéing onions and carrots in soup, do not spare a clove of garlic, finely chopped and sent to the onion by the end of frying. A minute spent on cooking garlic will accentuate the spice of your mushroom soup, giving it an unsurpassed mouth-watering flavor.

Mediterranean herbs

In particular, Provencal and Italian have a refreshing taste, summer soups and mushroom broth with their combinations are the most mouth-watering first courses. If you are a fan of cold mushroom soup, you should try it with a pinch of oregano. Rosemary is great for serving hot, and thyme for mushroom soup with sour cream.


A delicious seasoning for mushroom soup, however, is not often used. The seasoning is quite expensive and has a strong aroma, it is easy to overdo it in any dish, so the hostesses treat it with caution. But he perfectly reveals the taste of mushroom soup, and only 13 teaspoons are needed for a small saucepan of it.

Coriander and bay leaf

The taste of bay leaves is bitter, and the aroma is so persistent and tart. A couple of leaves, which should be added in a few minutes for readiness, or a large pinch of ground spice will dilute the taste of the soup. In addition, bay leaves have a good list of beneficial properties, in particular, lavrushka copes with swelling and aids digestion. Coriander seeds are also fragrant, but if possible, add a fresh sprig of cilantro to your soup, it is less tart and will pleasantly refresh the hot mushroom soup.

Pepper and its varieties

It is worth mentioning peppers as a seasoning for mushroom soup. Black pepper is the most common universal spice for us. Spicy, it perfectly sets off the taste of any dish, and how can you pass it by in the preparation of mushroom soup.

Allspice has a more pungent and pungent taste, a spicy smell, with it any dish is delicious. Add a small pinch of allspice when cooking the soup a few minutes until cooked, cover and cook a little more over low heat. You will be surprised how flavorful the soup you get, especially when combined with some of the herbs we have listed above.

Chili pepper is terribly hot and it is better to add it directly to the plate, because its taste is not for everybody's taste. However, it should be noted that it has excellent properties that have a positive effect on our body. Besides the fact that it increases immunity and lowers sugar, it is a good helper in digestion and metabolism, and it also perfectly disperses the blood and supplies it with oxygen. Now you know what seasonings are added to mushroom soup.

On a note

To the mushroom soup, more than ever, by the way, besides other spices, croutons grated with garlic are suitable. You can either chop and dry the bread in a toaster, or fry the bread in a pan, rubbing the croutons liberally with garlic. You can also add cheese and spices mixed with mayonnaise to them. You will not find a more satisfying combination.

Experienced chefs advise to be more careful with mushrooms, from which they cook soup or prepare a particular dish. For example, champignons or oyster mushrooms, one of the most popular mushrooms in home cooking, require a minimum amount of spices, since these mushrooms are very tender, and in themselves they have a pronounced taste and aroma inducing an appetite.

But there is practically no need for seasoning for mushroom soup made from porcini mushrooms, camelina, chanterelles, a drop of greens and a little bay leaf, a pinch of white pepper. These mushrooms do not tolerate a lot of seasonings.

And speaking of bitter varieties of mushrooms, professional chefs advise adding a lot of greens.

So we told you about the best seasonings for mushroom soup. It's amazing how simple spices can reveal the taste of no less simple, familiar ingredients, how herbs and spices competently and tasty emphasize the aroma and taste of mushrooms.


What does it consist of

The basis of this seasoning is made up of dried mushrooms of any varieties, as well as various spices:

  • basil;
  • Carnation;
  • ground black pepper;
  • coriander;
  • parsley;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.


Mushroom seasoning is rich in:

  • beta carotene;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

It contains vitamins C, E, PP, H, group B.

How to cook

Often, ready-made mushroom seasonings contain flavors, flavor enhancers and colorants. This is not very beneficial for the body, especially if you use this seasoning daily or several times a week.

The composition is simple: the presence of edible mushrooms, herbs and spices. The main component is sorted out from dirt and debris and washed several times with water. Leave the mushrooms until the water drains off, or wipe them dry with a towel, then cut into thin plates.

They are laid out on a wire rack or baking sheet in one layer and sent to the oven to dry at a temperature of + 45 ° C. You do not need to close the oven door to circulate air.

When the surface of the mushrooms dries up, the temperature can be increased up to + 60 ° С… + 70 ° С.

Culinary advice! It is better to dry the mushrooms until they crumble easily - this way it will be better to turn them into powder.

The dried product is ground in a coffee grinder or using other devices, salt is added to the powder: 5% of the total weight of the seasoning. Dry herbs and roots are added based on personal taste.


Mushroom seasoning is a source of protein, vitamins and antioxidants. Mushrooms are not the most easily digestible food, but in the process of grinding, films of coarse fibers are destroyed in them. This has a positive effect on their absorption by the body.

Advice! The mushroom diet, developed by nutritionists, allows you to lose up to seven kilograms of excess weight.


Mushroom seasoning can only harm if the organism of the fungi is intolerant of any of the components that make up its composition. A store product with flavors and other harmful substances should not be abused.

How to choose

When choosing, be guided by the naturalness of the composition. It is desirable that it does not contain flavor enhancers and components with the E-mark.


Mushroom seasoning in a dark, dry place in a well-sealed container is stored for about a year. Do not allow moisture to enter, otherwise there is a risk of developing fungi and mold in it.

Cooking applications

Mushroom seasoning is used in many dishes to add mushroom flavor and aroma, and is often used in vegan recipes. It is an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes, lasagne, vegetables and sauces, pizza, pasta, casseroles and julienne.


I have always been interested in dishes that can be prepared for future use - such lifesavers as homemade food concentrates, powders, frosts. The hit of this season for me was the mushroom powder, with which I cook lightning mushroom soup.

Do you like semi-finished products? Usually this word is associated with store-bought food not fully prepared. And what about homemade preparations? After all, a semi-finished product is a product that has already succumbed to primary processing, but needs to be prepared before consumption.

You will need:

  • Champignons - 500 g.

Enjoy every moment of your life, don't waste your time and BE HEALTHY!


  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, separate the caps and cut them into thin strips, about 3-5 mm thick.
  2. Sliced ​​mushrooms in one layer are laid out on a baking sheet, pre-covered with parchment paper.
  3. They put it in the oven and dry the mushrooms for about an hour at a temperature of 45-50 ° C. Then the temperature is increased to 80 ° C and the mushrooms are dried until tender. The oven door is left ajar during drying.
  4. The dried mushrooms are ground into powder using a coffee grinder.
  5. The mushroom powder is transferred to a dry, tightly sealed dish.
  6. Store in a dry, dark, cool place.

Important: For the preparation of mushroom powder, you can use not only champignons, but also white and chanterelles and others; or take not one kind, but several. Just keep in mind: the powder prepared from the legs of most tubular mushrooms will come out coarse, it will not boil well. It is best to use hats.

Mushroom powder is used to prepare various soups, gravies, sauces; as a seasoning for vegetables, meat and fish dishes. Immediately before use, it is poured with warm water, let it brew for about half an hour. Add to the dish 5-15 minutes before the end of cooking.


Mushroom seasoning properties

How much does mushroom seasoning cost (average price for 1 pack)?

How often, when cooking, we use all kinds of seasonings ... Ready food without these flavoring additives seems to us too bland, unattractive and sometimes even unappetizing. Chicken, meat, fish and, undoubtedly, mushroom spices are so useful when you want to embellish a dish, give it a touch of richness and piquancy.

However, more and more often, many of us begin to think about whether these additives are really so necessary, because the composition of factory seasonings contains not only natural raw materials, but also numerous substances with the letter E, which unscrupulous manufacturers carefully mask under other, less frightening names.

As for the mushroom seasoning, for example, such a flavoring additive contains a large amount of salt, which significantly reduces the cost of the final product.
seldom manufacturers write on their packaging that the mushroom seasoning is made on the basis of fresh forest mushrooms, which are of excellent quality and collected in ecologically clean regions. It is not possible to check whether this is so, and besides, in the production of mushroom seasoning, as a rule, if mushrooms are used, then these are champignons, which, as you know, do not have such a pronounced aroma. That is why flavors are used that are identical to natural ones, which do not bring benefits to human health.

The composition of the high quality mushroom seasoning must necessarily contain natural plant components in dried and chopped form. Ideally, these are onions, coriander, basil, garlic, parsley, carrots, thyme, caraway seeds, ground black and allspice pepper, bay leaf. These products give the finished dish not only an excellent taste and aroma, but also significantly enrich it with essential vitamins and mineral salts.

However, for greater confidence in the naturalness of the mushroom seasoning, many chefs prepare this additive on their own. In fact, there is nothing difficult about it - just have fresh mushrooms on hand. By the way, the same champignons can also be used, but the smell of forest mushrooms is much stronger and brighter, so the finished mushroom seasoning will be much more aromatic.

So, for the preparation of mushroom seasoning, fresh clean mushrooms are strung on a wire or evenly placed in a dryer and dried until they almost completely lose moisture. High-quality dried mushrooms should not crumble - when pressed, they spring a little and bend. It remains only to grind them into powder with a coffee grinder and the natural mushroom seasoning is ready. If desired, you can add a little salt and other spices, spices or dried vegetables and aromatic herbs to it.

You can add mushroom seasoning to any savory dishes - soups, sauces, pasta, casseroles, pizza, meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and eggs. The mushroom seasoning gives the first and second courses an exquisite taste and an unforgettable aroma of forest mushrooms.

Calorie content of mushroom seasoning 40 kcal

Energy value of mushroom seasoning (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

Proteins: 2 g. (~ 8 kcal)
Fat: 2 g. (~ 18 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 4 g. (~ 16 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 20% | 45% | 40%


Sauce recipes

Dried mushroom sauce(basic)

50 g (4-6 large or 10-12 medium caps) boletus, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 2 glasses of mushroom broth, 2 onions, salt.

Boil the mushrooms for an hour without salt in the same water in which they were soaked. Strain the broth, chop the mushrooms. Fry the flour in oil until light brown, dilute with hot mushroom broth and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Chop the onion, fry in oil, add mushrooms to it. Fry the mixture and transfer to the prepared broth. Salt to taste, boil.

Excellent seasoning for potato cutlets or casseroles.

Fresh mushroom sauce

200 g (half a plate) of mushrooms (a mixture of boletus, camelina, champignons, chanterelles, russula, etc. or mushrooms of the same type), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour

a glass of mushroom or meat broth, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 2 onions, salt, dill and parsley, pepper, bay leaf.

Cut the mushrooms into cubes, mix with chopped onions and transfer to a saucepan, pour in the broth and simmer until tender. Then add browned flour, stir and bring to a boil. Pour in sour cream, salt and pepper, you can put a bay leaf and remove from heat after 5-7 minutes. Then add oil and chopped dill and parsley.

Morel sauce

0.5 plates of fresh morels or morel hats, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 glass of meat broth, 0.5 glass of sour cream, onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste, dill.

Boil the mushrooms in salted water. Drain the water and do not use it in the future. Rinse and chop the mushrooms, put in a saucepan. Add chopped onion, salt, pepper and fry everything under the lid. Grind flour in oil, dilute with broth and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Then add the fried morels, sour cream and simmer for 2 minutes. Sprinkle the finished sauce with grated nutmeg and chopped herbs.

Serve with potato or fish cakes.

Camelina sauce

A plate of fresh mushrooms, 2 glasses of sour cream, salt.

Spices, roots, vegetables and fruits are superfluous in this seasoning, because

can drown out the natural taste of saffron milk caps.

Rinse the mushrooms, cut into pieces, cook in salted water for 6-7 minutes. Add sour cream, which is used as a broth in this seasoning, and boil.

The sauce is delicious and goes well with many dishes.

Meadow mushroom sauce

0.5 plates of fresh mushrooms, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 1 glass of bouillon cube broth, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, egg yolk, juice from half a lemon, salt, pepper.

Chop the mushrooms, fry in oil, mix with browned flour, dilute with broth and bring to a boil. Add sour cream mixed with egg yolk, shake and remove from heat. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Serve with meat, egg dishes, fish and casseroles.

Fresh chanterelle sauce

0.5 plates of mushrooms, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 1 glass of milk, salt.

Pass the chanterelles through a meat grinder, pour in milk and bring to a boil. Then season with salt, add butter and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Dried autumn mushrooms sauce

50 g mushrooms, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, an onion, 2 cups of mushroom broth, salt to taste.

Soak the mushrooms, boil, put on a sieve or colander, finely chop. Spread flour, dilute with mushroom broth, cook for 10-15 minutes. Chop the onion, brown in oil, add the prepared mushrooms, fry and transfer to the broth. Stir and boil, season with salt to taste.

Serve with potato cutlets, casseroles. Can be used as a base for other condiments.

Pickled mushroom sauce

0.5 cups mushrooms, 2 cups fish broth, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 100 g of olives, juice from half a lemon, salt, parsley and dill.

Spread the flour, dilute with broth and boil. Add thinly sliced ​​mushrooms and chopped olives. Warm up the mixture, season with lemon juice, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill. Salt.

Boiled fish is usually poured with this sauce.

Salted mushroom sauce

1 glass of chanterelles, 1 glass of any broth, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, onion, salt and spices to taste.

Soak the mushrooms in cold water, chop and pour over the broth. Add browned flour and onions, spices, salt, if necessary. Stir and bring to a boil, after which the sauce is ready to eat.

health directory

This fragrant seasoning is not only very tasty, but also very healthy, as combines all the beneficial properties of spices and herbs!

Cooking Uses:

Mushrooms are nutritious, rich in taste, aromatic and completely self-sufficient. As a rule, we pickle them, stew and fry them, combining them with garlic, onions, sour cream and other classic additives. And if we are talking about mushroom spices, then we only remember salt and pepper.

But properly selected spices can not only preserve the rich flavor bouquet of mushroom dishes, but also enhance it.

Mushrooms have a fairly strong natural taste and smell, however, during heat treatment, they tend to lose these valuable properties. In addition, mushrooms contain difficult-to-digest vegetable protein.

That is why the spices in mushroom dishes contribute not only to the improvement of taste and aroma, but also to good digestion.

Each individual ingredient in the seasoning is responsible for certain qualities and properties that are transferred to the finished dish. For example:

Parsley, onion, dill- have a light spicy smell and perfectly complement pickled mushrooms or fresh vegetable salad with mushrooms

Garlic- he has long found his calling in many vegetable, meat, and, of course, mushroom dishes. Like onions, garlic opens up brightest when stewing and frying mushrooms.

Nutmeg- one of the most expensive and strong spices. Muscat is versatile in use and creates a mood for many dishes, and in combination with mushrooms, it is simply flawless. It perfectly balances and reveals the mushroom flavor

Mediterranean herbs(basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme) - characterized by a spicy aroma and slightly refreshing taste, so their best use is soups and summer dishes with mushrooms. Mediterranean herbs are also very relevant for mushroom sauces.

All condiments that We offer are FULLY NATURAL and contain ONLY NATURAL SPICES ... They do not contain any extraneous additives such as dyes, flavors and GMOs.

  1. first of all, do not spare the bow !!! For any, you can safely take in a quantity of 1: 1 by volume. (for 1 kg of mushrooms, about 0.5 kg of onions).
  2. I like leeks more in combination with mushrooms.

    "Kalindzhi" suits well. These are small blacks (less sesame and flax) with a delicate onion scent. Kalindzhi is sometimes called "black Indian cumin".

    From seeds (whole or ground), fennel, pepper, "Chinese mixture" (ginger, nutmeg and a little sodium glutamate) harmonize well with. I'm not sure that you will find this mixture under these names, but this combination of these spices is very common in recipes.

    From greens (dried or fresh) - celery, again onions (leeks or green onions); fresh fennel; thyme (Bogorodskaya grass), basil.

    The above is good to use if you are preparing mushrooms as an independent dish. But in the vicinity of other vegetables and or fish, you can safely add dill and parsley (these are really universal spices!); cumin, basil (aka regan, reikhan, oregano).

    And besides spices and herbs, celery and fennel roots go well with; radish and olive oil. These additions, due to some of their pungency of taste, soften the viscosity of the mushrooms and add spice to the dish.

  3. I add garlic and dill
  4. bay leaf, black pepper, garlic
  5. Spices are not suitable, but greens: parsley, dill, celery. If you want to create a masterpiece, you can experiment with tomatoes (sautéed first) or tomato (also sautéed), sour cream, mayonnaise. In general, who likes what. It's a pity, fried is harmful
  6. in my opinion they do not need spices, for a more pronounced taste I fry them with the addition of onions
  7. Champignons, except for black pepper, no longer need any spices (they are already "artificial", but with spices they will lose all the flavor.

Stuffed mushrooms

Rinse and drain the mushrooms. Cut off the legs and chop half of them. Fry chopped champignon legs, onion and ham in oil. Refrigerate. Add curd cheese, add spices and mix everything well.

Coat the mushroom caps with oil. Put a pinch of seeds in them and fill generously with the prepared mixture. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Spread the stuffed mushrooms on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes until the mushrooms become soft and liquid begins to stand out from them.

Spice Help - Condiments

Mushroom spices Ground white pepper - frayed ripe seeds of black pepper, but without the amniotic membrane (kernel), the spice is slightly softer than black pepper Soul (= oregano) is a perennial herb of the caramel family, and dried oregano leaves together with flower buds are used in dishes made from any meat - roast lamb, beef, oregano is successfully combined with mushrooms (champignons), smoked soups, vegetables and meat, it is used in dishes from potatoes, tomatoes, salted fish, rice and pasta. laurel leaf is an aromatic spice , dried leaves of a laurel tree. onions (onions, green) - traditionally used for all soups, meat and fish dishes as a universal flavoring seasoning. nutmeg - ground nutmeg seeds are suitable for salads, homemade sausages and pates, cottage cheese and cheese dishes, soups and many other culinary endeavors. fenugreek (= trigonella, herb) - an annual herb of the legume family used for flavoring aces in soups, meat and vegetable stews, potatoes, gives a mushroom aroma; ground sweet pepper - ground seeds of a tree from the pimento genus of the myrtle family, used as an aromatic spice; parsley (root, fresh and dried herbs) - used in fresh and dried form root or greens. black ground pepper - rubbed seeds in the amniotic membrane of a lianoid plant of the type pepper of the pepper family, has an aromatic and irritating effect on taste buds. garlic (root, fresh herbs) - used as a flavoring and aromatic seasoning as a spice for any meat, mushroom and vegetable dishes.

Seasonings for soups

  • Borsch with cabbage, green borsch
  • Meat soup
  • Fish soup (ukha)
  • Pea soup
  • Buckwheat soup
  • Mushroom soup
  • Bean soup

Seasonings for mushrooms

  • Fried mushroom spices
  • Seasonings for (boiled) mushrooms

Seasonings for meat

  • Seasonings for boiled pork, beef, chicken, turkey
  • Seasonings for goose, duck, game
  • Spices for roasted pork, beef, chicken, turkey, lamb
  • Seasonings for minced meat and cutlets

Seasonings for fish

  • Seasonings for fried and baked fish
  • Seasonings for fish cakes
  • Seasonings for salted (pickled) fish

Seasonings for vegetables

  • Seasonings for eggplant, zucchini dishes
  • Seasonings for potato dishes
  • Seasonings for cabbage and cauliflower dishes
  • Seasonings for canned dishes, cucumbers, tomatoes
  • Seasonings for rice dishes (seasonings for pilaf and pasta)

Seasonings for other dishes

  • Seasonings for egg dishes
  • Baking spices
  • Seasonings for milk soups and sweet cereals
  • Seasonings for cheese
  • Seasonings for fruits and berries

Champignon. are we preparing?

For example, you can try a simple salad of finely chopped mushrooms, olives and spinach. When choosing a dressing, take into account that mayonnaise, cream, yogurt or other dairy products, of course, are good in themselves, but they can drown out the taste of mushrooms, which means they are completely unacceptable if you want to emphasize it.

In dishes based on a combination of flavors of various ingredients, all of them must remain “a thing in themselves”, preserve their own nuances and flavor notes. Mushrooms in this version are more suitable for baking. For example, inside stuffed fish or meat. However, it is difficult to surprise anyone with fish stuffed with mushrooms. But raspberry-flavored mushrooms are something more original. Try it, I'm sure you will like it.

Our goal is to preserve flavor and show its benefits when combined with other ingredients. In this case, you will have to refuse from young small fungi. They have not yet had time to fully gain the taste, what can you do, young-green ... Choose medium-sized hats and divide them into several large parts so that you can see that they are mushrooms.

We cut the rest of the ingredients into smaller pieces, they are just an addition to the mushrooms. Others include: onions, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, cucumbers. Add a little chopped thyme, oregano and parsley from the spices. Mix everything, season with olive oil, mix again, add raspberry vinegar - and again mix everything thoroughly.

Difficulty with raspberry vinegar? It doesn't matter, look on the Web, it's quite easy to cook it yourself, there would be time and desire.

We put everything that we have mixed in a stainless steel dish. Ceramic, fireproof glass, or Teflon will work too. Cast iron? I'm not sure, but I think it's better to abstain, vinegar after all.

Cover the dish with foil, press the edges tightly so that the cover adheres well to the surface - and into the oven, where it is about 200 degrees, for half an hour. We are not in a hurry to eat and consider the finished dish. Let it cool, tightly covered with foil, and soaked in its own aromas.

As it cools down - bon appetit!

How often do we, wanting to cook a fragrant mushroom dish, do not get the aroma of food that we would like as a result ?! Frying, stewing or boiling simply kills the mushroom aroma in the bud and by the end of cooking the dish does not smell of this product at all.

And so you want to have a "mushroom spirit" in fried potatoes with mushrooms! This is very easy to fix - prepare fresh mushroom seasoning ahead of time and add it to any dishes you want to infuse with this juicy flavor!


  • 250-300 g fresh champignons
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt


1. This minimum of ingredients will give you the maximum flavor to create the seasoning you need. Rinse the mushrooms in water, carefully cleaning off the dirt. If you don't have champignons available, don't despair! Mushroom seasoning can be made from oyster mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, etc. The main thing is that the mushrooms themselves are not oily - they will not dry out!

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices as thin as possible - this will dry them faster.

3. Place them on the paper used to cover the baking sheet. Put the baking sheet into the oven at 80-100C and simmer the mushrooms in it until completely dry for about 1.5 hours, not forgetting to open the door.

4. The dried mushrooms will become 2-3 times smaller and thinner - all the liquid will evaporate from them. If you wish, you can leave the dried mushrooms in this form by placing them in a hermetically sealed container, but we are making a seasoning with you!

5. Place the dried mushrooms in a blender bowl.