Simple and delicious summer salads for the festive table. Simple salads: discovering the secrets of great nutrition and remembering useful tips

09.09.2019 Snacks

1. Salad with croutons.
2. Smoked cheese salad.
3. Crunchy salad with pineapple and chicken.
4. Peking cabbage salad with chicken.
5. Italian salad with ham, cheese and vegetables.
6. Salad with egg and ham.
7. Salad with chicken, beans and cheese.
8. Quick salad with beans and crab sticks.
9. Korean carrot salad.

Salad recipes

1. Salad with croutons

Large fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Boiled chicken breast (or chicken ham) - 250 g
Hard cheese - 70-100 g
Corn - 1 can

Simple salad recipes

2. Smoked cheese salad

Carrots (raw) - 1 pc.
Smoked cheese - 100 g
Smoked sausage - 100 g
Garlic - 3 cloves
Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
Canned corn - 1 can
Salt pepper


Grate carrots and cheese + sausage (straws) + corn + garlic and mayonnaise.
- Decorate with greens!

Simple and delicious salad recipes

3. Crispy salad with pineapple and chicken


Chicken fillet - 300 g
Canned pineapples - 200 g
Hard cheese - 200 g
White bread or loaf - 100 g
Vegetable oil
Mayonnaise for dressing


1. Cut the chicken into small pieces and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
2. Cut the loaf into small cubes and also fry it until golden brown in a preheated pan.
3. Cut canned pineapples into cubes, three cheese on a fine grater.
4. In a large bowl, combine the fried fillet, cheese, pineapple and crunchy croutons. We fill our salad with mayonnaise and serve. Bon Appetit! An excellent salad that will undoubtedly decorate your festive table on the days of celebrations. Perfect for people who love various salads with crackers.

4. Peking cabbage salad with chicken

Peking cabbage - 300 g
Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 1 pc.
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Green onions - 1 bunch
Salt, pepper, mayonnaise


1. We put the chicken fillet to boil. For flavor, add carrots, onions and bay leaves. We then used the broth for the soup.
2. Shred Peking cabbage. Finely chop green onions. Cut the cucumber into strips.
3. After our chicken fillet is boiled, cut into small cubes. And also boil the eggs and chop them finely.
4. Put everything in a salad bowl, mix, salt and pepper.
5. Season with mayonnaise and serve in portions.

5. Italian salad with ham, cheese and vegetables

Ham - 300 g
Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
Pasta - 400 g
Canned corn - 300 g
Cheese - 200 g
Mayonnaise to taste


1. Boil the pasta - preferably horns or spiral pasta - in salted water, drain and let cool.
2. Cut tomatoes and peppers into cubes, ham into thin slices. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
3. Mix all the ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise.

Simple and delicious salad recipes for every day

6. Egg and ham salad

Smoked ham - 400-500 g
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 1 pc.
Canned Corn - 1 Can (350g)
A small bunch of fresh dill


1. Prepare the ingredients: Hard boil the eggs, wash the bell peppers, cucumber and dill in cold water, drain the corn.
2. Slice eggs into a large bowl. Add corn and stir.
3. Cut the ham into thin, long pieces and add them to a bowl.
4. Cut the peppers into strips. Peel the cucumber, cut it in half lengthwise and cut into thin slices. Add everything to a bowl.
5. Chop fresh dill and add to salad. Mix everything, salt to taste, then add mayonnaise and mix again.

7. Salad with chicken, beans and cheese

An uncomplicated salad made from simple ingredients, but very, very tasty - not bland, hearty and spicy at all.

Boiled chicken fillet - 300 g
Beans (boiled or canned) - 200 g
Cheese (hard) - 150 g
Corn (canned) - 400 g
Pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.
Black bread - 3 slices
Garlic - 1 wedge
Salt, mayonnaise, bunch of parsley


1. Peel the garlic, finely grate or pass through a press. Grate slices of black bread with salt and garlic, cut into cubes and dry in a pan without oil. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.
2. Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes. Drain the liquid from the corn. Cut the cheese into thin cubes or strips. Wash the parsley, dry, cut off the long stems, finely chop the parsley. In a salad bowl, mix chicken fillet, beans, cheese, corn, pickled cucumbers, parsley and garlic black bread croutons, add mayonnaise, mix the salad again.

Simple salads

8. Quick salad with beans and crab sticks (105 kcal / 100 g)

Red beans in their own juice - 200 g
Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
Crab sticks - 200 g
Sour cream, salt, pepper, herbs


1. Drain the juice from the beans. Finely chop the crab sticks, eggs and herbs.
2. Then mix everything, salt and pepper to taste and season with sour cream. Salad ready!

9. Korean carrot salad

Champignons - 200 g
Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Chicken fele - 300 g
Korean carrots - 300 g
Hard cheese - 100 g


The salad can be prepared for one large dish or for 2 medium ones.

1 layer. Wash the mushrooms, chop, peel the onion and chop finely. Fry together with mushrooms in a pan, in vegetable oil, put on a dish, salt and grease with mayonnaise.
2nd layer. Boil eggs, chop finely, salt and grease with mayonnaise.
3rd layer. Pre-boil the chicken fillet and chop finely, add salt and grease with mayonnaise.
4th layer. Put Korean carrots, brush with mayonnaise.
5 layer. Grate cheese on a medium grater and sprinkle.

Bon Appetit!

Now the rhythm of life is very intense, so there is not always time left for cooking. Even when the hostess does get up to the stove, she cannot be completely satisfied with the results of her work. It takes her a lot of time and effort, so the most beautiful, delicious dishes are not always pleasing. Many women dream of achieving the ideal: preparing salads for every day, but doing it quickly, effortlessly. Men, too, could well try their hand at creating dishes if they could be prepared quickly, without the use of complex algorithms and a huge number of ingredients. Where can I get simple recipes so that healthy, hearty, tasty salads are always on the table? Memorize good tips, write down recipes now! You can also call on your imagination to help and use the recipes as a basis, creating your own salads, replacing individual components.

Cooking simple salads. A few secrets

If you decide to seriously think about preparing simple salads, it is important to remember a few secrets of success. Each hostess will need these recommendations! In addition, even the busiest man will be able to pleasantly impress his beloved, children and relatives if he starts to act this way.

A set of products is always available

First of all, it should be noted that there should always be at least a minimum set of ingredients in your refrigerator. You can always make simple salads from them, changing dressings and ingredients. The best option is to maintain five to six staple foods, and replenish your stocks of herbs, spices, and dressings.

You can use recipes where many of the ingredients are the same. For example, you don't have the ability to hold too many foods. But I want to eat salads every day. Then you should provide a variety of menus, but not create difficulties for yourself. Take similar recipes: chicken with vegetables, pineapple, tomatoes. Vegetable salads are well suited for such experiments: changing one or two vegetables, you get new salads.

Kaleidoscope of gas stations

Experienced housewives, real gourmets and professional chefs have appreciated the huge role of gas stations. In salads, the importance of various sauces is especially great. For the dishes to be tasty, it is important to carefully prepare the dressings, always have a set of ingredients for them. You can completely change the flavor of your dish by using a different dressing.

Where can I get gas stations, what products do they need? It is best to stock up on a few ready-made dressings, sauces in bags. Make sure to keep lemons, olive oil, low-fat yogurt, and sour cream in the refrigerator. Then your salads will delight you with juiciness, emphasized by flavoring bouquets.

Shelf life

Many housewives face one problem: how to cook a lot, tasty, varied, if the products have a limited shelf life? You can't even imagine how many wonderful salads you can create using canned foods, frozen vegetables and fruits! In addition, some fruits and vegetables retain their freshness for a long time, if they are properly selected and stored. For example, they have to "breathe" while lying on open shelves.

Be creative, combine different foods, and feel free to use canned food. Salads prepared with excellent dressings will not seem primitive, even if you have not used anything other than canned foods.

Everything for health

You shouldn't forget about health either. Salads from fresh fruits and healthy vegetables should be regularly present on your table. In addition, simple recipes will not do without meat. You will be able to use ready-made chicken breasts, ham and sausages, fillets, quickly boil meat. Such dishes for every day will give you energy, give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day.

Recipes for simple salads: enjoy, get healthier, fill with vitality!

Now it's time to get familiar with the recipes. You will be able to cook simple salads with pleasure, spend a minimum of time, but at the same time you will enjoy the taste of the dishes, delight your loved ones.

Salad with pink salmon

You don't need to purchase raw fish or expensive fillets to prepare this dish. Just make occasional salads with canned pink salmon! They are also useful, tasty, delight with aroma and give energy. Make a salad using an algorithm.

  1. Take the groceries. You will need sour cream, olive oil, a jar of pink salmon, a can of canned peas, and a few potatoes. You can use bell peppers, chips, onions, cheese. Focus on the contents of your refrigerator. It's great if there is parsley or dill for decoration and adding vitamins.
  2. Put the potatoes on the fire. Since we decided to cook just simple salads, you can refuse to peel the tubers. Place them in a saucepan, right in the skins. Jacket potatoes have their own sympathy.
  3. While the potatoes, which you have already managed to salt, are boiling, you need to do canned food. We open the cans, knead the pink salmon with a fork, pour the peas onto a dish. We leave pea water, oil from fish!
  4. Take a cup and start making the sauce. Mix sour cream, pea water, butter from a jar with pink salmon. Add some olive oil. Your gas station is ready! It needs to be salted.
  5. If you have additional products, go for them. Finely chop the onion and cover with boiling water. Let him part with a bitter taste and a pungent smell. Cut the bell pepper into beautiful thin petals. You will use it to decorate the salad. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  6. The potatoes are boiled! It needs to be cleaned, grated.
  7. It's simple now. Lay out your fish, and send potatoes, onions, green peas in layers on it. You can mix everything. Fill the top with dressing. Happy owners of additional products will decorate their salads with cheese, pepper, and herbs.

You already know how to cook salmon salads! By adding different foods, such as cheese or onions, you will change the flavor and aroma of your food.

Picture salad

Fruit salads are undeservedly forgotten by many. It is these dishes that are distinguished by their lightness, versatility, refreshing and ideally fit into the menu at any time of the year. Make fruit salads more often! You will help the body, preserve youth and beauty. Now we are going to create a salad picture. Fruit for him can always be at hand, they are kept quite well.

  1. You will need sweet tangerines, large bananas, and a few kiwis. You can use low-fat yogurt as a dressing, but this is not required. It is better to put the yogurt separately in a cup, decorate it with kiwi and tangerine slices along the edge.
  2. Peel bananas and kiwi carefully. Tangerines also need to be peeled and cut into slices.
  3. Take a nice dish. Cut the bananas in half and arrange them as tree trunks in the center of the plate.
  4. Cut the kiwi into slices with a thin knife.
  5. Make a palm tree crown out of kiwi.
  6. Lay out the slices of tangerines below.

Your wonderful salad is ready! Children will like it, will conquer adults.

Vegetable salads

Vegetable salads are perfect for everyone. They can be cooked endlessly, every day to delight loved ones with new fresh dishes. It is important to ensure that you always have the food you need at your fingertips. It is worth buying a few boxes with colored cherry tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, bell peppers, any greens in glasses. All this will be perfectly stored. You can add raw carrots, cucumbers, cabbage of various types to the salad. First, prepare a simple salad.

  1. Take bell peppers, small tomatoes, herbs, cabbage. This salad can be prepared without dressing. If you add green peas, beans to it, the dish will become noticeably more satisfying. Make versatile salads: change individual ingredients.
  2. It is advisable to peel the cherry. To do this, they must be dipped into hot water, and then doused with ice cold water from the tap. The skin comes off easily. Cut the tomatoes into halves.
  3. Cut the bell pepper too.
  4. It is better to pick greens with your hands.
  5. Chop the Chinese cabbage into large pieces, tear the leaves.
  6. Put cabbage, greens on the bottom, put tomatoes on top, decorate with another pillow of greens. If you decide to add peas or beans to the salad, place them on the bottom, not on a plate, but on a green pillow.
  7. The dressing is usually not used, but if you wish, you can pour the salad with olive oil, lemon juice.

Your vitamin salad is ready! You can experiment, make salads with the addition of your existing products. Almost any ingredients will fit into such an ensemble.

Bean salad

Beans are very easy to cook. For this salad, you need products that will not be difficult to stock up for a long time.

  1. Take canned beans, corn. Croutons, fresh herbs, cabbage will come in handy. It is advisable to use sour cream and lemon juice as a dressing.
  2. Pour the beans and corn into a bowl.
  3. Mix sour cream with lemon juice.
  4. If you have cabbage, chop it finely. Tear the greens.
  5. Send all the ingredients to the salad bowl, season with the sauce and mix thoroughly.

Your salad is ready! The beans are quite hearty, so such a dish may well become the main one for breakfast or dinner.

Vegetables and meat go well together. You can easily combine them in one dish. The salad will be hearty and healthy. It is easy to prepare it using canned tomatoes and bell peppers. If possible, you should take fresh vegetables, herbs, onions.

  1. You will need sausage, ham, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Take a jar of green peas, onions, croutons. You can add pickled cucumbers and water from their jar.
  2. Finely chop the sausage, ham, vegetables.
  3. Pour boiling water on the onion and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Open the peas, cucumbers.
  5. Mix all ingredients. Pour in some pickled cucumber-flavored water.

The dish is hearty and contains many vitamins. If you ditch onions, a salad is perfect for lunch at the office. Put it in a plastic container and take it with you.

Chicken with pineapple

The dish is versatile. It is eaten for breakfast, dinner, and served at gala dinners. The salad is easy to prepare, the whole process takes a minimum of time. Products available. The dish looks exquisite, has a rich taste and satiety, contains many useful substances and vitamins.

  1. You need to take chicken breast, pineapple, rice and green onions. You can use olive oil mixed with pineapple juice as a dressing.
  2. Boil the rice. Just put it in boiling water, you can go about your business.
  3. It is advisable to take the breast raw, and then fry it in a pan or boil it. Are you sorry for the time? Then it is enough to purchase a fried or grilled breast. It only remains to cut it.
  4. Pineapples are easier to take canned, but true gourmets will certainly want to use fresh ones. Cut the top off carefully as you only need the tender, aromatic pineapple pulp.
  5. Cut pineapples, chicken into large enough pieces.
  6. Chop the green onion finely.
  7. Combine olive oil and pineapple juice.
  8. Send all ingredients to the salad bowl. Don't forget about your boiled rice.

The dish is ready!

Egg salad

Another hearty salad will allow you to provide yourself with vitamins and calories for a long time.

  1. You will need eggs, potatoes, and low-fat sour cream for dressing. Be sure to use fresh green onions. There should be a lot of it, because it is the main ingredient, and not a decoration for the dish.
  2. Put the potatoes to boil. For speed, it can be immersed in water right in the skin. Be sure to salt it.
  3. Boil your eggs. Remember that you cannot cook them for more than 10 minutes. Watch the time carefully, otherwise the eggs will become unpleasant, "rubbery".
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, peel them off. Chop the tubers finely enough. Want to increase your speed? Then soak the knife in water or oil. Cutting potatoes will become much easier.
  5. Cool the eggs, remove the shells from them. Mash them with a fork to keep your salad fluffy.
  6. The onion should be cut into small rings just before serving the salad, otherwise it will quickly lose its fresh appearance.
  7. Mix all the products, season the dish with sour cream. You can add a little lemon juice.

Time to serve!

You can instantly make wonderful salads from fruits. It is advisable to cook them regularly. Then the body will always receive the right amount of vitamins.

  1. Take tangerines, apples, and bananas.
  2. You will need fresh mint. It remains juicy and aromatic for a long time if stored in a film. You need to keep the mint in the refrigerator, leaving holes for air in the bag. It is mint that will give a unique aroma and taste to the salad, supplement it with vitamins and valuable substances.
  3. Peel the tangerines, cut them into slices.
  4. Peel bananas, cut into large pieces.
  5. Remove the skin from the apple, remove the middle. Cut it into large enough pieces.
  6. Combine all ingredients.
  7. Sprinkle mint leaves on your salad.

Serve such a dish immediately.

Canned food salad

Imagine that guests unexpectedly come to you, a loved one, you need to please your loved ones, but you don't want to go to the store ... What to do? The main thing is to have a good supply of canned food! The magnificent salad will amaze everyone with its satiety, rich flavor bouquet, and excellent design. At the same time, everything in it is only canned! You can of course use fresh produce if you have it. But this salad is designed specifically for "extreme" conditions.

  1. Take jars of mushrooms, tomatoes, pineapples. You will need pickled cucumbers and canned bell peppers.
  2. Now you have to open all the banks. It's easy, fast enough. By the way, it is better to use a sharp knife so that problems do not arise, the hand does not break off.
  3. The only task is to cut the pickled cucumbers into slices. Especially practical housewives can stock up on tiny gherkins. You don't even have to cut them.
  4. Now send all the ingredients to the salad bowl. Make the top layer of tomatoes, and strong mushrooms should crown your dish.
  5. Don't forget to sprinkle canned sauces on the salad. This will give it a particularly bright aroma, rich taste.

The salad is completely ready! The whole process of its creation takes a maximum of 5 minutes.

Beetroot salad

Another easy-to-prepare salad will appeal to all practical housewives and connoisseurs of delicious dishes. It is quite satisfying, it is prepared instantly. True, for him you need to boil eggs and beets, but this can be done very easily. Leave the beets to cook for about 30 minutes, and go about your business. The exact time depends on its size, you will sometimes have to check the beets with a fork. Eggs must be boiled directly during the preparation of the salad.

  1. You need to take eggs, large beets, cheese and crab sticks. Use low-fat sour cream with olive oil as a dressing.
  2. Boil eggs hard-boiled.
  3. Beets that have already been cooked must be cooled. Peel it, grate it on a coarse grater.
  4. Rub the eggs too. Separate the white from the yolk first. Place the grated protein in a separate bowl, as you will need it for decoration.
  5. Grate the crab sticks too. Cut three sticks into thin reeds.
  6. Grate the cheese.
  7. Now mix all the ingredients except the crab sticks and the grated egg white.
  8. Dress your salad with sour cream sauce and butter.
  9. Decorate your dish. Sprinkle it with grated egg white first. Then lay out the chrysanthemum crab sticks.

An aesthetic, aromatic, hearty dish is ready! Connoisseurs can add fresh garlic to such a salad.

Cook delicious salads more often, use simple recipes and enjoy the process of creating dishes! Let such an activity bring you only joy. Bon Appetit!

In anticipation of the holidays, each housewife, dreaming of surprising with something new, original, begins an active search for new recipes. I wish it was not like everyone else's, but better, tastier, more beautiful.

But, as you know, the new is the well-forgotten old. Vegetables are especially popular during feasts, because there is usually a lot of food on holidays, you want to taste all the dishes, while maintaining your health - not every stomach can withstand a large amount of heavy food.

Here are some options for summer ease.

Black Prince salad

This salad has oriental roots and is prince black not only because the salad contains eggplant.

  • Round eggplant - 1 medium size;
  • sweet pepper - 1 medium size;
  • tomato - 3 medium sizes;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onion - 1 medium size;
  • parsley;
  • Dill;
  • basil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • soy sauce.

First, let's prepare the eggplant: you need to take one eggplant and bake it in the oven until a crust appears.

Take out, cool and peel.

Finely chop the pulp.

Add finely chopped or crushed garlic, soy sauce, garlic, vegetable oil to the eggplant mass.

Cut the tomatoes into slices without removing the seeds.

Chop the onion into thin half rings and add apple cider vinegar to remove the bitterness. Cut the sweet bell pepper into thin strips.

Finely chop the dill, parsley and basil.

It goes well with meat, poultry, kebabs and vodka!

Put tomatoes, peppers and onions in a deep dish, pour over the eggplant dressing and sprinkle with chopped herbs. You don't need to salt the salad, as the soy sauce is salty.

Serve the salad immediately, otherwise the tomatoes will let in a lot of juice, and the salad will become a cold soup, which is also, in principle, not bad. This summer salad turns out to be bright, with a mild spicy basil flavor and garlic aroma.

Sea Breeze Salad

The following salad is a good alternative to the traditional herring under a fur coat, but much healthier and less nutritious.

  • Seaweed - 1 pack of dried or 1 can of canned;
  • beets - 1 medium size;
  • salted herring - 1 small fish;
  • blue or red onion - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - about 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander;
  • Dill.

Boil the beets or cook in the microwave - put in a bag without tying and cook at full power for about 15 minutes, depending on the size, allow to cool, peel and rub on a special grater with long strips.

Serve well with potato dishes.

Drain all the liquid from the seaweed, you will not need it (you can use dried seaweed after boiling it).

Cut the onion into thin half rings. Peel the herring from skin and bones and cut into strips as thin as possible.

Mix all ingredients, sprinkle with dill and dry coriander. Add mayonnaise. You do not need to salt.

These ingredients will make the original ones.

Greek salad

The classic combination of cheese and tomato in this salad is given novelty by the Adyghe cheese, which has a curd structure and a salty taste.

  • Tomato - 2 medium sizes;
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 large;
  • cucumber - 1 medium size;
  • bow - 1 medium head;
  • lettuce leaves - a bunch;
  • Adyghe cheese, or similar to it - 150 gr;
  • olives (olives) - 10 pieces;
  • parsley, cilantro;
  • olive oil;
  • soy sauce.

Remove the core from the tomatoes, you don't need it, you can use it to make a sauce for another dish. Cut vegetables into equal cubes.

Salad "Stozhok"

An original and very easy to prepare salad, guests cannot recognize potatoes in it for a long time - the taste is so unusual.

  • Potatoes - 2 medium sizes;
  • dried wood mushrooms - 1 briquette;
  • vegetable oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • Dill.

Peel the potatoes, grate them raw on a coarse grater. Boil water in a saucepan.

Put the grated potatoes in a small colander and dip in boiling water. Cook for about 3 minutes, remove and rinse with cold water.

Pour boiling water over the mushrooms, let them swell and straighten. Cut the mushrooms into small curls.

Cut the sausage into thin strips. Mix the ingredients, put on a plate in the form of a stack, sprinkle generously with soy sauce and pour with oil, chop the dill on top. Meat salads are irreplaceable for.

Crunchy salad

Almost everyone loves crunching cabbage, but cabbage alone is boring, but with an apple and a red berry, it's just a storehouse of vitamins and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

  • Cabbage;
  • Apple;
  • cranberries or lingonberries;
  • lemon;
  • sugar and salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Chop the cabbage into very thin strips. Sprinkle it with sugar and salt and mash it well with your hands until the juice appears.

The salad is crispy, juicy and beautiful. Suitable for potato dishes, meat, fish and spirits.

Drizzle with juice squeezed from one lemon. Stir and taste - cabbage should be slightly salty and sweet and sour in taste.

Add the thinly sliced ​​green apple and pour the olive oil over the salad. Place the berries on top.

"Merry Chicken" salad

The salad is easy to prepare, light, very popular with women; it has a spicy, slightly pungent buttery flavor with sour notes.

  • Fillet of chicken breasts - 2 small or 1 large;
  • green or red salad - 1 bunch;
  • round radish - 6 pieces;
  • crackers - 1 sachet;
  • garlic - 1 medium clove;
  • Dill;
  • parsley;
  • green onion;
  • unrefined sunflower oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • soy sauce;
  • Apple vinegar.

Boil the fillets or cook in the microwave: put in a bag and cook at full power for 3 - 5 minutes. Cut the radish into slices, fillet into cubes. Chop the garlic finely.

Combine radish, chicken, garlic, croutons and chopped greens. Tear lettuce leaves into pieces of arbitrary size and shape with your hands.

It goes well with white wines, but can be served with any other drink.

Mix equal proportions of mayonnaise, soy sauce and sunflower oil and add a little apple cider vinegar.

Put lettuce leaves on a flat dish, on them the rest of the salad, pour over the dressing, even drops over the entire area of ​​the salad. Stir the salad after serving.

Rainbow Mood salad

This salad turns out to be very beautiful, bright, and is liked by women and children.

  • Cucumber - 1 medium size;
  • tomato - 2 large;
  • pepper - yellow, red, green - half by half;
  • green apple - half;
  • purple cabbage - one quarter fork, or half if small;
  • carrots - 1 medium size;
  • Dill;
  • feathers of a batun or any other bow - 1 small bunch;
  • Dill;
  • olive oil.

Chop the cucumber, pepper, cabbage into thinner strips. Chop the apple and carrots on a coarse grater.

Finely chop onion and dill greens. Cut the tomato into slices.

The salad goes well with any meat and fish dishes.

Put the salad on a plate with a slide, lightly sprinkle with fine salt. Sprinkle with oil on top.

Spicy cucumber salad

You need to be more careful with this salad: it suits those who like it sharper.

  • Cucumber - 5 pieces of small size;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • fine salt;
  • ground black pepper - half a pack;
  • mustard seed;
  • sunflower oil;
  • apple cider vinegar.

Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 4 pieces and then across. Chop the garlic finely.

Put the cucumbers in a deep bowl, salt, add garlic, pepper and mustard seed, vinegar and sunflower oil.

The salad turns out to be spicy, but not hot. It goes very well with young potatoes, meat, fish and spirits.

Leave for an hour and a half in a cold place, then stir and serve, pouring over the released juice.

Happy Chinese salad

The pungency of this salad should be slightly noticeable, so you should never overdo it with a spicy seasoning: after standing, the salad will soak and become even more spicy and salty.

  • Starch noodles - 0.5 pack;
  • cucumber - 2 medium sizes;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • raw smoked sausage - 150 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • Weijing seasoning;
  • seasoning "Malasyan".

Boil the noodles without undoing. Rinse with cold water in a colander, let the water drain well. Remove the strings and cut the noodles into about 5-7 cm long pieces.

This is a variation of the Chinese Haihe salad. The salad has a bright, pungent taste. It goes well with neutral dishes of rice, potatoes.

Chop the cucumber and carrots into thin long strips lengthwise or grate them on a special grater.

Cut the sausage into long thin noodles.

Chop the onion into thin half rings.

Mix all the ingredients, add seasonings, soy sauce, vegetable oil.

Put the salad on a large flat dish.

Seasoning "Weijing" - white crystals, consisting of monosodium glutamate. Seasoning "Malasyan" - orange hot seasoning. They are sold in small sachets; the package depicts a Chinese chef. Starch noodles are white, thin, long starch-based noodles sold in packets, usually 2 bunches, tied with strings. You do not need to cook it - just pour boiling water over it and wait for softening.

Tsukesha salad

Raw zucchini is very rarely used, but in vain - this vegetable is rich in vitamins, nutritious and tasty if cooked correctly.

  • Zucchini - 1 small size;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • parsley;
  • garlic - 2 small cloves;
  • Dill;
  • table vinegar;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt.

Fresh, small young zucchini, without seeds, together with the peel, cut into very thin plates, then into strips 2-3 cm wide.

Chop the onion in half rings. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Finely chop the garlic.

The salad is very light, goes well with boiled new potatoes and meat dishes, good quality, for strong drinks.

Mix vegetables, salt, add vinegar and sprinkle with vegetable oil.

All the presented salads are easy to prepare, do not contain expensive and rare ingredients and therefore are suitable not only for holidays, but also on ordinary days, and on holidays they will help to save precious time and, importantly, the family budget.

Salads are delicious and convenient food for every day. They can be an addition to a hot, stand-alone meal or snack. We bring to your attention 9 simple and quick recipes that you can easily prepare even on weekdays.

1. Vegetable salad with chicken

It is convenient to take such a salad with you to work if there is no way to warm up food. It turns out both tasty and satisfying.

You will need:

Boiled chicken breast - 1pc.

Lettuce leaves (a mixture of lettuce is also suitable)

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

Cucumbers - 1 pc.

Salt, pepper, spices - to taste


Cut the chicken breast into cubes, add the lettuce leaves (if they are large, tear them with your hands), cut the tomato, cucumber. Add salt, pepper, spices, season with olive or any other oil.

2. Fruit salad

Great option for breakfast.

You will need:

Orange - 1 pc.

Apple - 1 pc.

Banana - 1 pc.

Kiwi - 1 pc.

Seedless grapes - 100 g


Chop all fruits and mix in one cup. If you wish, you can season the salad with low-fat yogurt or whipped cream.

3. Salad with avocado and shrimps

You will need:

Avocado - 1 pc.

Tomatoes - 1 pc.

Green salad

Shrimps - 100 g

Olive oil - for dressing

Lemon juice - for dressing

Salt, pepper - to taste


Cut the avocado into thin slices and drizzle with lemon juice. Add chopped tomato and lettuce. At the very end, add the pre-cooked and chilled shrimp. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

4. Red bean salad with curd cheese

You will need:

Canned red beans in their own juice - 350 g (1 can)

Salt, pepper - to taste

Lemon - 1 pc.

Garlic - 1 clove

Olive oil - for dressing

Arugula - 80 g

Curd cheese - 200 g

Red onion - 1 pc.


Open a jar of beans, rinse the beans with cold water. Finely chop the red onion and mix with the beans. Pick up the arugula, add it to the beans, then add the crushed garlic, olive oil, lemon juice and curd cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Salad ready.

5. Salad with mango and chicken liver

This salad is best prepared in portions.

You will need:

Chicken liver - 250 g

Mango - 350 g

Mix of lettuce leaves

Olive oil - for dressing

Dijon mustard - 3 tbsp l.

Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Mustard - to taste

Salt, pepper - to taste


Peel the mango from the skin, cut out the pit, cut the pulp into cubes. Spread the lettuce mixture into bowls with the mango cubes on top. For dressing: Whisk Dijon mustard with a fork, slowly pouring olive oil into it, add honey and regular hot mustard. Mix well.

Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and fry the chicken liver until tender and crusty. Add salt and pepper. Place the liver gently on plates, season the salad with pre-prepared sauce (about 7 tablespoons of sauce per plate). Ready! Serve the salad right away, without waiting for it to cool down.

6. Tomato salad

You will need:

Tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Sesame oil - for refueling

Red wine vinegar - for dressing

Dried oregano - 1 tsp

Coarse sea salt - to taste

Feta cheese - 300 g


Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, drizzle with sesame oil and vinegar. Add salt and oregano. Slice the cheese and place it on top of the tomatoes. The dish should be infused for 30 minutes so that the tomatoes are saturated with the aroma of spices.

7. Salad with quail eggs and salmon

You will need:

Iceberg salad - 1 pc.

Lightly salted salmon - 100 g

Cherry tomatoes - 16 pcs.

Quail egg - 8 pcs.

Parsley - 15 g

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Salt, pepper - to taste


Rinse the salad, cut the head of cabbage into pieces and let it dry. Boil quail eggs, peel and cut in half. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 4 pieces. Prepare the sauce: in a blender, whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil, parsley, salt and pepper. Spread the salad on plates in small heaps, cut the salmon into thin slices and place on top of the salad. Add chopped tomatoes and quail eggs. Without stirring, pour over the sauce. Salad ready.

After a long snowy winter, you just need to immerse yourself in the long-awaited summer with all the dedication. This means not only to have a mental rest and gain strength, but also to please yourself and your loved ones with incredibly delicious summer dishes. After all, only in summer nature so generously shares with us its wealth, collected from the garden or plucked from a branch. It's time to accumulate vitamins for a whole year and invigorate your tired body. Faithful helpers in this are fruits and vegetables, which also have a cooling effect in the summer heat. They are rich in water, vitamins and minerals that our body loses in hot weather.

In summer, you don't want any fatty and heavy foods, for example, fried meat or fish. I want something light, tasty and nutritious. Well, right, because summer is a wonderful time for light and tasty salads. They are no worse in taste than our favorite fried potatoes or pork. Not to mention the fact that vegetable dishes are much easier to digest. Fresh vegetable salads are always tasty and healthy. What unthinkable vegetable combinations! What a combination of colors and flavors!

Summer salads can be eaten in unlimited quantities for breakfast, lunch and dinner, without fear of adding a couple of extra pounds. This, first of all, concerns those who care about their figure and dream of losing a little weight over the summer. Well, you and cards in hand, as they say, light salads are what you need: health, lightness and comfort!

Light summer salads are good as a separate dish or in addition to the main one. This is where there is to roam, show imagination and experiment, experiment. If you have already tried all your recipes, and you want something new, we are always happy to help and offer you a range of delicious, varied light summer salads. Here are just a small fraction of the great variety of existing recipes that will help you diversify your menu, please your loved ones and get incredible pleasure from the summer.

Let's start, perhaps, with the summer salad, which has been well known to us since childhood.

300 g of radish,
4 boiled eggs
100 g green onions
30 g dill,
30 g parsley
sour cream or mayonnaise for dressing.

Cut the boiled eggs into small cubes, the radishes into slices (large slices can be cut in half). Finely chop the greens (dill, green onions, parsley). Mix all ingredients. Add salt and sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. Bon Appetit!

Add cauliflower to the radish, slightly change the recipe and you will get another culinary masterpiece.

400 g cauliflower
350 g radish,
1 lemon
50 g vegetable oil
40 g greens and green onions,
sugar, salt, pepper.

Cut the radish into wedges. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, boil in boiling salted water and cool. Then stir in the radishes and place in a salad bowl. Use butter, lemon juice, finely chopped onions, sugar, pepper and salt to make a dressing and pour over the salad. Decorate your creation with fresh herbs.

A simple and everyone's favorite salad of eggs and fresh cucumbers. Very tasty and, if you try, you can turn it into an elegant festive salad if guests suddenly come to you.


300 g fresh cucumber
3 boiled eggs
1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice
3 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise,
green onions, herbs (dill, parsley),

Cut the cucumbers into strips. Cut the egg white into strips and finely chop the yolk. Chop the green onions and greens, too. Mix all the ingredients, salt and season with sour cream and lemon juice. If using mayonnaise, you don't need to add lemon juice and salt. Salad ready. If you want to decorate the salad, keep some chopped greens and 1 yolk. Put the seasoned salad in a slide, make a rim out of the greens, and grate the yolk in the middle on a fine grater. A thin slice of cucumber and a sprig of onion will make a flower. Decorate your salad with it.

Freshness salad
This is a very refreshing, sweet and sour salad that tastes good. It will go with boiled hot potatoes, as a side dish for meat, fish, and so good, with bread!

1 green radish
1 sour apple
1 carrot,
1 fresh cucumber
1 onion
1-2 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley,
1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped green onions,
1 clove of garlic
1-2 tbsp. spoons of fragrant vinegar,
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
salt, sugar to taste.

Peel the vegetables, wash and grate on a coarse grater, cut the onions into strips and cover with aromatic vinegar, mash with your hands and let it brew. Chop the greens finely. Chop the garlic finely. Put all vegetables, herbs, onions in a salad bowl, add salt, vegetable oil to taste and, if necessary, add a little sugar for taste.

The healthiest celery salad
This plant is rich in vitamins, minerals, acids, proteins. Celery is able to slow down the aging process, have a beneficial effect on digestion processes, cleanse the body of toxins, calm the nervous system, and it also has a wonderful effect on the skin. Here are the benefits of a delicious spicy plant, and salads with it are unusually tasty.

And celery goes well with cucumbers and various herbs. You can experiment with it as much as you like, add it to your dishes, believe me, it will not spoil the taste of salads at all, it will only make them even healthier and tastier. Try it!

150 g celery root,
2 small carrots
1 apple (preferably green, sour),
3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream,
1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice
salt to taste.

Peel the celery root. Grate the apple, carrot and celery root. Mix everything well, add sour cream and lemon juice, salt to taste. A healthy and tasty salad is ready!

1 bunch of radishes
fresh dill,
ground black pepper
vegetable oil,
just a little vinegar
salt to taste.

Wash the radishes thoroughly and cut in half, and then into the thinnest possible plates. Salt, pepper, remember a little with your hands so that she lets the juice.
Put the radishes in a large plate, chop the dill on top. The salad should stand for 15-20 minutes to soak, and then welcome to the table.

Cabbage is the dream of any person who monitors their weight. It contains tartonic acid, which prevents the formation of fat from carbohydrates. Early cabbage salads, so tasty and tender, are a must on the table.

1 small head of early cabbage,
1 carrot,
celery (to taste)
1 cucumber (or bell pepper)
2 cloves of garlic
olive or vegetable oil,

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens. Celery is perfect for cabbage; in a cabbage salad, it is very appropriate. Finely grated garlic will also be appropriate here. You can add cucumber or bell peppers (your choice). Season the salad with vegetable oil - preferably several types, for example, olive and aromatic sunflower. It's delicious to add a little good sesame or flaxseed oil and lemon juice.

Another version of the same salad: add chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers to chopped cabbage, and, of course, greens: parsley, dill, cilantro. Garlic can be added here too, but lemon in this combination is completely superfluous. Season also with a mixture of vegetable oils.

Continuing the theme, one more early cabbage salad, the name of which speaks for itself.


¼ a small head of early cabbage,
1 bunch of lettuce leaves
1 fresh cucumber
1 apple,
1 red bell pepper
1 fresh tomato
2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed walnuts.
For refueling:
vegetable oil,
ground pepper,

Wash the vegetables and pat dry with a tea towel. Cut the pepper in half, remove the stem and seeds, and cut the pulp into small strips. Grate the cucumber and apple on a coarse grater. Chop the cabbage and lightly rub with your hands together with salt. Tear the lettuce leaves coarsely. Cut the tomato into large slices. Put the prepared vegetables in a salad bowl and mix gently. For dressing, squeeze the juice from a slice of lemon, add mustard, vegetable oil, salt and ground pepper to taste and mix well. Pour the dressing over the salad, sprinkle with crushed walnuts.

The piquancy of the taste of this salad will be added to the dressing by adding garlic, mashed with basil herbs.

300 g cabbage
1 tbsp. prunes,
1 carrot,
lemon juice,
2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Chop the cabbage finely and scald it with boiling water, then discard in a colander and drain. Place in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sugar and salt. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Cut the prunes into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients, add caraway seeds, sprinkle with lemon juice, add sunflower oil. Divide the salad into bowls and garnish with prunes. The taste is extraordinary.

The green beans salads are incredibly tasty and healthy, which recently our housewives are happy to grow in large quantities in their gardens. Basically, it is canned, but how tasty it is in salads, beyond words. You need to try!

Green beans salad

200 g green beans
25 g of hard cheese,
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, lemon juice,
some greens (dill, parsley).

Peel, chop and boil the green beans in boiling salted water until tender. Cut 25 grams of hard cheese into thin slices, combine with boiled beans and season with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Zucchini season is just around the corner. And after all, many of us, having enjoyed the first harvest, then, well, simply do not know what to do with this wonderful vegetable. The answer is simple - make summer salads from it. Be sure that even the most fastidious gourmets will like them.


1 medium zucchini
2-3 cloves of garlic
sunflower oil for frying,
salt to taste.

Peel the zucchini and cut into small cubes. Fry in sunflower oil. Cool and add garlic, salt, season with mayonnaise and add parsley.

Replace zucchini in this recipe with young eggplants - and here you have a completely new dish, which is in no way inferior in taste to the previous one.

Delicious, easy and fast - this is the motto of our summer menu!

A young beet has appeared in your garden, which means that a tasty and healthy salad is already ready to appear on your table. Beets are one of the few vegetables that retain their beneficial properties even after heat treatment. It goes very well with different products, so by improvising, we can diversify our menu without much hassle.

200 g of boiled and 100 g of raw beets,
100 g green onions
50 ml of vegetable oil,
salt, sugar.

Grate peeled boiled beets on a coarse grater, and raw beets on a fine grater, mix with chopped green onions, add salt and sugar to taste, season with vegetable oil.

Beetroot salad with new potatoes

300 g beets
200 g potatoes
50 g green onions
50 ml of vegetable oil,

Boil the beets, peel and cut into strips, add the boiled new potatoes, cut into strips, and the green onions, cut into rings. Mix everything, salt and pour over with vegetable oil.

Beetroot and tomato salad with apples and bell peppers

200 g young beets,
30 ml lemon juice
50 ml of vegetable oil,
200 g tomatoes
100 g apples
50 g carrots
50 g sweet pepper

Grate the beets on a coarse grater, pour over with lemon juice and some vegetable oil. Cut carrots and peppers into strips, apples and tomatoes into slices. Combine all ingredients and salt. Season the salad with the remaining vegetable oil.

And at the end of the salad theme - a salad with young potatoes and radish. Its taste is as great as the name.

4 boiled young potatoes
2 small radishes,
3 boiled carrots,
2 boiled eggs
greens (dill, parsley),
250 g mayonnaise

Grate potatoes, carrots and eggs separately on a coarse grater. Grate the radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Spread the salad on a large plate in layers, soaking with mayonnaise and a little salt on each layer, in the following sequence: potatoes, radish, carrots, egg. Decorate your "Polyanka" with herbs.

Have an appetite? Then it's time to make a salad from the recipes above. Are fresh vegetables and herbs plucked from the garden, fragrant with summer aromas, already waiting for you? It's just great! Fill your body with vitamins, strengthen immunity. Bon appetit and good health with healthy products!

Larisa Shuftaykina