DIY sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil: healing properties and home cooking methods

22.09.2019 Snacks

One of the most healing, affordable and popular oils in cosmetology and medicine is sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn oil at home can be prepared without any extra effort, or you can buy ready-made.
Why is sea buckthorn oil so popular and why is there so much interest in this remedy?

It's actually very simple. Sea buckthorn is a valuable berry that has a unique composition and properties, and all its benefits go into the oil, which we will learn to cook with you today. Of course, in order for everything to work out as it should, we must take into account some of the subtleties and features, without which we will not be able to get a really useful product.
1. In order to independently prepare high-quality and healthy sea buckthorn oil, you need to be very responsible in the choice of raw materials. It is not recommended to buy sea buckthorn berries from your hands, since it is not known exactly where it was harvested. Sea buckthorn berries, which are obtained from places with insufficiently clean ecology, are far from beneficial. Never pick sea buckthorn berries along the roads, although it was in these places that shrubs and trees were planted especially often. Even homemade sea buckthorn oil can turn out to be ineffective or even harmful if you do not follow these rules.
2. Be sure to properly store sea buckthorn oil. Although this berry is quite oily, and the percentage of vegetable fats in it is high, nevertheless, the healing homemade sea buckthorn oil, which we are talking about, is prepared on the basis of other fats. It is known that the base oil tends to become salty over time, it will quickly turn rancid. Therefore, you need to store the cooked oil only in dark glass containers that close well, as well as in a cool place with low humidity.
3. Homemade sea buckthorn oil can be prepared according to different recipes, but you must understand that the less manipulations are made to obtain it, the more it will retain vitamins. For these reasons, obtaining sea buckthorn oil by means of heat treatment exceeding 50 degrees is ineffective. Therefore, for homemade production, it is best to use a procedure that will have a lot in common with cold pressing.
4. In order to obtain the highest quality sea buckthorn oil, no bases are used. This oil is not stored very well, but it has the greatest value. This is pure sea buckthorn oil without impurities, and it is very rarely made at home, since it turns out much more consumable product than the oil itself. Such sea buckthorn oil preparation is quite complicated due to the fact that it is necessary to ensure almost complete sterility for products.
5. If you want to know how to make sea buckthorn oil at home, then you may want to use the second option - insisting used oil cake in any vegetable oil. The shade of the resulting product is much lighter, its value is less, but, nevertheless, such sea buckthorn oil is also very useful at home, and it can always be significantly enriched by insisting on this oil several servings of sea buckthorn cake.

How to make sea buckthorn oil

In order to make sea buckthorn oil at home, you don't have to do anything supernatural. Let's try with you to prepare the highest quality sea buckthorn oil according to a simple recipe. For him, you need to take sea buckthorn berries collected in forests or gardens. Sort the berries thoroughly, and then wash. Spread them evenly over a towel for an hour to dry. This is very important - if you process wet berries, then the resulting homemade sea ​​buckthorn oil will stand up to insulting little. As soon as the berries are dry, you need to squeeze the juice from them. If you remember or have ever seen how your grandmothers prepared sea buckthorn for such a procedure, then you probably know that they put the sea buckthorn to dry "in the sun." The fact is that warmed berries “give away” all the most valuable much easier, so if there is an opportunity to dry the berries on the sunny side of an apartment or house, do it. On the street, sea buckthorn berries are not dried for making homemade oil, since they will have to be washed from dust and sand again. If you are interested in how to make sea buckthorn oil, then you need to first squeeze the juice from the berries prepared in this way. Moreover, it is imperative to squeeze the cake very carefully with the help of sterile gauze - there is still a lot of value in it. Do not throw out the cake, you can make a little more oil from it according to another recipe. Take now a sterilized jar of as large as you get juice. Pour everything into it and put it in the cold, having previously tightly closed the lid. Since sea buckthorn fruits contain a lot of oil, it will very soon rise to the surface. In order to get such oil from the juice, you will need to leave it at rest for about a day. After that, carefully using a thin hose - the hose from the dropper is very suitable for this purpose - collect this oil in a vial of dark glass. To do this, you need to lower one part of the hose onto the oil, and the second part into the bottle, but the juice can should be located higher than the container for storing the oil. So we learned how to make the best quality sea buckthorn oil at home.
You can also use the resulting mass of berries in this way - for 100 grams of berries you need to add 500 ml of vegetable oil. Everything needs to be insisted for at least a week. Then you need to squeeze the oil from the berries, and store everything in a dark bottle.

How to make sea buckthorn oil correctly

Many people wonder how to make sea buckthorn oil correctly. In fact, there are many ways, and all of them are quite correct. The only difference will be in the quality of the oil. Homemade sea buckthorn oil can even be made from dried berries, and now we are going to learn how to do it.
First you need to sort out the dried fruits. Now transfer them to a blender, grind very gently. You will get a fairly small mass, greasy to the touch - this is normal, it should be. After that, you need to fill this mass with vegetable oil, which you warmed up to about 50 degrees. Do not overheat in any case. Yes, sea buckthorn will give much more to almost hot boiling oil, but the quality of nutrients will be zeroed out due to such overheating. Pour the oil over the fruits, stir, and see that the oil is another centimeter above the fruits, as they will slightly increase in size during infusion. The oil should be infused for exactly one week in a cool place, and every day, or even better - 2-3 times a day, you should stir with a dry wooden spoon what you have in the jar. Metal spoons cannot be used, a very large amount of vitamins is killed due to contact with metal. Homemade sea buckthorn oil, prepared in this way, contains approximately 15% sea buckthorn oil. Before use, it must be filtered through sterile gauze into a glass container.
If this amount of real sea buckthorn oil in the infusion seems insufficient to you, you can enrich it. Just repeat the whole procedure with dry berries or cake again using the same base oil.

Sea buckthorn oil, preparation

Sea buckthorn oil, the preparation of which will be discussed, can be made in another way. You need to take fresh sea buckthorn berries and very carefully sort it out, clean it from debris. Then wash them, spread them in an even layer on a towel, dry them. Now you need to get juice from the fruits. Best of all, if you do not use a juicer, try to squeeze the berries through several layers of sterile gauze. After that, you need to wait for the stratification of the juice. The top layer is very carefully removed with a spoon - if manual squeezing was used, then it very often happens that it is impossible to collect oil through the hose due to the fact that particles of the peel of the berries float on the surface.
Once this layer has been removed, dilute it with cold boiled water in the same amount in which you managed to remove the oils. Shake everything with a spoon. The skin will sink into the water and the oil will collect on the surface again. After that, you need to repeat this procedure again with water filtration or purification. It must be carried out 4 times or even more, if necessary. The resulting oil is collected and used for its intended purpose.

How to make sea buckthorn oil

How to make sea buckthorn oil is interesting to many who harvest sea buckthorn berries every year. And in fact, there are really good and effective ways to get large amounts of sea buckthorn oil, however, it should be borne in mind that this technique is somewhat more complicated than the others.

For this we need a juicer. You need to take fresh berries, sort and wash, be sure to dry before pressing. Then put them in a juicer and get the juice. Next, you need to pour the juice into a jar and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days to settle. After that, you need to take the juice - sometimes you have to wait at least 3-4 days. As soon as the juice is divided into layers, you need to take the top layer and dry it along with the cake. The jar is returned to the refrigerator again and the layer is expected to reappear. This is done several times. Each time there will be less and less oil. But that's not all, if you want to know how to cook sea buckthorn oil at home according to this recipe, you will need to take this obtained fat cake, pour it with vegetable oil, and after that you will need to put a pan (it is better to take a glass pan for the oven and microwave oven), and put all this to simmer in the oven at 50 degrees. Let it sit in the oven for about 1.5 hours. After that, the oil is passed again through a juicer, the cake is thrown away. This oil has a bright orange color.

How to make sea buckthorn oil

If you want to know how to make sea buckthorn oil, you can use another "home" method. You need to do the following - take the sea buckthorn berries, then sort them out and wash, dry, and then dry the cake that you have left. The most important thing is that there is warmth and ear, then the cake, spread on parchment or on paper, will dry out quickly. After that, you need to dry everything in the oven. In no case should the temperature be raised higher than 50 degrees, otherwise you will not get a good quality oil. After that, you need to crush the resulting dry mixture additionally using a fine mesh grinder, blender or even a coffee grinder. Now you need to take oil - one liter, and a kilogram of pulp. Mix everything and stand in a dark, cold place for 10 days.
Next, take a clean cheesecloth that you folded several times and squeeze out the oil. After that, you need to pour the pulp again - already a new portion. Do exactly the same and carry out the procedure for the third, last time. However, it should be noted that this is the lowest quality oil. The concentration of nutrients in it is small, and it is better to take it not internally, but externally.

How to make sea buckthorn oil quickly

You can use a faster, hotter method, then the oil will turn out to be of sufficient quality. It is necessary to dry the sea buckthorn cake. Stir in a three liter glass jar per kilogram of oil cake. After that, warm it up for an hour and a half in the oven at 60 degrees. The oil is squeezed out with a juicer. And after that, you need to fill in a new pulp again and repeat the procedure. So you need to do it three times, you can do more if you want. Such oil is stored in dark bottles - either brown or green glass. If the oil is tightly clogged, stored in a cool and dry place, then it can stand for a long time.
This way, you can easily make real sea buckthorn oil at home. At the same time, several different types of oil can be prepared from one portion of sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is called the storehouse of health for a reason. In terms of the content of vitamin C, it surpasses many berry and fruit crops, and takes 1st place among them in the concentration of vitamin E in it. Contains glycerin and higher fatty acids, other active biological substances. Interest in sea buckthorn is growing - more and more varieties of this plant are emerging.

Pure sea buckthorn oil is obtained industrially from the pulp of berries by separating the juice, and then from the cake and seeds, filling them with refined oil, followed by multi-stage passing it through diffusers using a special technology. By mixing both types of oils, you get the one that is used in medical practice. It is bright orange, thick with a characteristic aroma and taste. You can buy homemade sea buckthorn oil on the market, but how to check what quality it has? It is better to cook it yourself - it is safer this way, and besides, it is not difficult. How to do There are several cooking methods.

Simplicity and availability of methods

The purest oil is obtained from the pulp of ripe berries by the method of direct cold pressing. It is considered to be of the highest quality. But it is difficult to get a lot of oil in this way. In the pulp of berries, it is only 8-9%. He will try to process the mountains of berries. And yet, how to make sea buckthorn oil at home, albeit a little, but highly concentrated? Juice is squeezed out of the berries (through a juicer or through cheesecloth), filtered and defended. The oil floats to the surface and is scooped out. The juice is used for food needs.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home using the extraction method using vegetable oil? It must be said right away that refined oils are used for cooking - sunflower, olive, corn or soy. You can not use cottonseed, which many naturopaths do not recommend even eating. Here is one of the ways to extract (extract) oil from sea buckthorn. Dry the berries at a temperature of 60 degrees C, grind them into powder and mix with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 2 (by volume). In a dark, warm place, this mixture is infused in a glass container for 5 days. Having drained the top layer of the oil tincture, pour the same volume of oil into the cake as it was drained. And this is done 3-4 times.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home the way they do it in Altai? Sea buckthorn is harvested in November-December. From whole healthy and washed berries, juice is squeezed out through a juicer, after settling which, pressed oil is collected from above (see method one) - the purest. The pomace (grains and shell of berries) is dried to a free-flowing state. Then dry pulp is poured into a glass or enamel dish and poured with vegetable oil, heated to 60 degrees, so that a thin layer of it appears on top. The mixture is placed in a dark place for 14 days. After that, the oil is squeezed out, defended and, if there is a sediment at the bottom, it is carefully drained from the sediment. To increase the concentration of carotene, this oil can be mixed with the previously collected pressed oil.

Now you know how to properly make sea buckthorn oil at home, the quality of which you can not doubt. And the manufacturing costs will be much less than buying from a stranger.

Homemade oil is undoubtedly not as active as pharmacy oil, but it will nevertheless have a therapeutic effect, especially when used externally.

In today's hectic world, free time is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Therefore, the majority use ready-made cosmetics and medicines from the shelves of stores and pharmacies, trying to choose more natural ones, for example, with sea buckthorn oil. But few people know that after spending just a few hours you can cook sea buckthorn oil at home, and in such an amount that will last more than one month.

Beneficial features

Sea buckthorn has long been used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes, since a lot of valuable substances are hidden in its berries. This is a huge amount of vitamins, and fatty acids, and carotenes, and tannins, and much, much more. But in order for all these compounds to have a positive effect, it is necessary to consume about 100 g of sea buckthorn per day, which is not possible for everyone because of its specific taste. You can solve the problem by using sea buckthorn oil, which, when properly prepared, contains all the useful substances, and it must be used in scanty amounts.

Like berries, the medicinal properties of sea buckthorn oil are as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-aging;
  • tonic;
  • laxative;
  • nutritious, etc.

Thus, due to its unique properties, sea buckthorn oil has found application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. For medicinal purposes, it is used for:

  • constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • burns, frostbite, bedsores;
  • cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • weakening of immunity after transferring a particular disease;
  • decreased visual acuity and ophthalmic pathologies;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.

For cosmetic purposes, sea buckthorn oil is widely used in various masks. Depending on what other components will be included in their composition, such tools help:

  • restore elasticity and smoothness even to aging skin;
  • eliminate dryness and flaking, which is especially important in the cold season;
  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • eliminate excessive redness of the skin, etc.

Tip: do not apply the oil to the skin in its pure form, as it can stain it orange for a long time.

Sea buckthorn for hair is also practically irreplaceable, because it contains the most important minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the hair, but also the scalp. It is surprisingly suitable for both dry and oily hair, and in the first case, it effectively moisturizes them, and in the second, it dries. Therefore, sea buckthorn oil for hair is used for:

  • hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • diseases of the scalp;
  • brittle hair;
  • loss of gloss, etc.


Nevertheless, despite the many positive qualities of sea buckthorn oil, before using it, you must definitely consult a doctor or cosmetologist, since the benefits and harms of sea buckthorn oil can be unequal. Indeed, this excellent remedy can even harm a person if it is inept to use it or does not know the contraindications.

Sea buckthorn oil should not be used for:
  • individual intolerance;
  • inflammatory processes of the gallbladder and liver;
  • gallstone disease;
  • inflammatory processes of the pancreas.

Also, in no case should one independently begin treatment with sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers, gastritis and similar diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since inept use of this remedy can significantly worsen the patient's condition.


There are many methods for obtaining sea buckthorn oil at home. Some of them are simpler and require less labor, while others will have to tinker with, but the finished product will be more valuable from the point of view of cosmetology and pharmacology.

Important: butter can also be prepared from frozen berries, but, of course, it is preferable to use fresh raw materials.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil in the classical way, you need:

  1. Select undamaged berries, rinse them thoroughly and dry them in one layer on a paper towel.
  2. Squeeze out the juice using a juicer, meat grinder or blender. In the latter cases, it will be necessary to additionally separate the cake from the juice by passing the resulting mass through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Important: sea buckthorn juice makes excellent preparations for the winter, which will help protect against any viruses and strengthen the immune system in general.
  3. The remaining cake is transferred to a glass dish and poured with vegetable oil. You can use regular sunflower oil or opt for the more expensive but healthier olive oil. For every 3 cups of oilcake, 0.5 liters of oil is required.
  4. The container is covered with a lid or tightened with cling film and set aside in a dark place.
  5. After a week, the oil is filtered.

Attention! Care should be taken when handling sea buckthorn oil, as it leaves stubborn stains on clothes and can stain the skin.

The resulting product is already ready for use, but it is still imperfect. To give it more useful properties, it is necessary to repeat the procedure from the very beginning, that is, take new berries and squeeze the juice out of them, and pour the cake with the sea buckthorn oil obtained for the first time.

Advice: do not use any metal devices when preparing the oil, as this will reduce the content of nutrients in it.

High concentration oil

Sea buckthorn oil at home, the recipe for which is given below, has a high concentration of nutrients. Therefore, when preparing various products for health and beauty, it is required several times less than usual.

  1. The washed and dried whole berries are placed on a baking sheet in one layer and dried at 50 ° C in the oven until they are completely hard.

    Attention! When drying sea buckthorn, it is extremely important to prevent it from burning.

  2. The berries prepared in this way are ground into flour in a coffee grinder or any other similar device.
  3. Vegetable or sea buckthorn oil is heated to 30–35 ° C.
  4. The resulting flour is poured into a glass jar and poured with heated oil so that it completely covers it.
  5. The contents are mixed, covered with a lid and stored in a dark place.
  6. During the week, the mixture is regularly stirred, and then filtered through gauze folded in several layers, since it is almost impossible to separate small grains of flour in another way.
  7. The resulting product is left for a day, during which a precipitate of flour residues forms at the bottom. It is separated by carefully pouring the oil into another glass jar.

Advice: in order to further increase the concentration of nutrients, the procedure should be repeated several times, as in the classical method.

There is another recipe for making sea buckthorn oil at home. It is usually used only when it is necessary to obtain a product with a maximum concentration of vitamins and other useful compounds, since the yield of the finished product in this case is extremely low.

  1. Juice is squeezed out of the washed and dried berries and separated from the cake.
  2. The juice is left in a glass container with a large diameter, such as a bowl, in a dark place.
  3. A day later, a thin oily film forms on the surface of the sea buckthorn juice, which is carefully collected with a spoon in a hermetically sealed jar.

Some housewives practice the method of obtaining sea buckthorn oil using a water bath. It is simple and quick, but a lot of biologically active substances are lost during heat treatment, and the shelf life of the finished product is less than a month. Therefore, we cannot recommend it.

All materials on the website are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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  • Sea buckthorn has long been appreciated in Tibetan medicine, using not only berries, but also the leaves, bark and roots of the shrub. The plant contains high concentrations of organic acids, vitamins and minerals. To have a positive effect on the human body, it is necessary to consume about 100 g of the plant's fruits per day, however, due to the specific taste of the berries, this is not possible for all people.

    A good alternative is sea buckthorn oil, which you can make with your own hands. It is enough to use it in small doses, and the result will be the same. Outwardly, it is an oily liquid of reddish-orange color with a characteristic aroma and sour taste. If the technique for preparing sea buckthorn oil at home is fully followed, then the product will retain the maximum of the plant's nutrients, and will not be inferior in efficiency to the pharmacy version.

    The healing power of the plant

    Sea buckthorn berries have a unique chemical composition, which can be found in the table below. In terms of vitamin C content, they are second only to rose hips.

    Table - Useful composition of sea buckthorn berries per 100 g of product

    ComponentQuantity, mg
    B vitamins0,35
    Vitamin A1,5
    Vitamin C200
    Vitamin E5
    Vitamin H, biotin1,6
    Vitamin PP, NE0,5
    Saturated fatty acids2,2
    Calorie content, kcal82

    Active substances ideally balanced in sea buckthorn oil reduce inflammatory foci in the body, normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The product is characterized by a powerful bactericidal effect, useful for vitamin deficiencies, disorders of the nervous, autonomic systems and the treatment of a number of diseases.

    • The cardiovascular system. The content of fatty acids in the product increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques and inflammation. Regular consumption of oil lowers blood cholesterol levels and normalizes blood pressure. As an adjuvant, take one small spoon twice a day shortly before meals.
    • Digestive system. Sea buckthorn oil is able to effectively heal ulcers of the walls of the stomach and duodenum - it is enough to take 5 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. The natural remedy reduces the acidity of gastric juice, improves the functioning of the pancreas and the metabolism of fats in the liver. The product is used in the treatment of gastritis, hemorrhoids, is a good prevention of gallstone disease.
    • Organs of vision. Regular use of healing oil prevents glaucoma, cataracts, is used to treat conjunctivitis, corneal injuries and burns of the mucous membrane. Useful components accumulate in the eye tissues and protect against negative external influences, ensuring the proper functioning of the organ of vision.
    • Skin covering. Helps in the treatment of acne, abscesses, acne and trophic ulcers, as well as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. Promotes healing of wounds, bedsores, various types of burns, frostbite, tightening of postoperative sutures. In such cases, the oil should be applied to damaged skin areas that have been pretreated with an antiseptic, or a gauze dressing soaked in oil should be used.
    • Nasopharynx, ears. It is used in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases: laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Fifteen-minute inhalations with oil and lubrication of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth with it are useful. Additionally, one small spoonful of oil and honey should be diluted in a glass of warm water, taken three to four times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. Also, sea buckthorn removes sulfur plugs in the ears and treats otitis media. To do this, oil-soaked turunda is injected into the sore ear for 20 minutes before bedtime.

    Sea buckthorn remedy actively copes with diaper rash in babies - problem areas can be lubricated or compressed. Rubbing the gums and oral cavity with oil, they treat thrush in newborns, pain and inflammation during the period of the appearance of the first teeth.

    The cosmetic properties of the sea buckthorn product are wide enough - the oil increases elasticity and nourishes the skin, eliminates mimic wrinkles, and lightens age spots.

    Sea buckthorn oil promotes the active elimination of radionuclides from the body in people living in places with high radiation levels. In case of oncology of the esophagus system, the agent is recommended to be taken during chemotherapy and for three weeks after completion.

    How to make sea buckthorn oil: 3 ways

    There are several ways to make sea buckthorn oil at home. The easiest way is to squeeze out the juice and let it stand for several days. When an oily film appears on its surface, this is the valuable sea buckthorn oil. Such a product is of the highest quality, but it turns out to be small. Therefore, there are three more options for how to cook homemade sea buckthorn oil. Next - step by step recipes.

    To properly make sea buckthorn oil from sea buckthorn berries, it is better to use fresh, undamaged fruits, but frozen ones are also suitable.

    From fresh cake

    Peculiarities. For the preparation of sea buckthorn oil from cake, it is not recommended to use metal containers and spoons, since the metal reduces the amount of useful components in the product.


    1. Wash thoroughly and dry the berries from moisture, spreading on paper sheets in one layer.
    2. Separate the juice from the cake by squeezing, using a juicer or press.
    3. Place the cake in a glass container, pour vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio.
    4. Close tightly and place in a dark, warm place. You can use a thermos for this.
    5. After seven days, strain.
    6. Repeat the procedure four to five times, pouring fresh oil cake into the fresh cake.

    The resulting product can be used after the first infusion, but after a few procedures it will become stronger. From the strained juice, you can make delicious preparations for the winter to support immunity.

    From dried berries

    Peculiarities. This recipe for sea buckthorn oil at home has a high concentration of nutrients. When using the resulting product inside, it will be necessary to reduce the dosage by half.


    1. Place whole, clean berries in one layer on a baking sheet.
    2. Dry in the oven until solid.
    3. Grind the fruits in a blender or coffee grinder.
    4. Heat olive oil to 30 degrees.
    5. Pour berry flour: 100 g of dried berries will need 200 ml of oil.
    6. Stir the mixture thoroughly and place in a dark place for two weeks.
    7. Stir the mass daily throughout the infusion period.
    8. Strain through a thick bandage.
    9. After a day, separate the sediment formed at the bottom by pouring the oil into a clean container.

    It is necessary to dry sea buckthorn at a temperature not higher than 50 ° C in order to prevent the berries from burning. The oil will have a large amount of healing substances if you repeat the infusion procedure several times, as in the previous method.

    From seeds

    Peculiarities. You can make sea buckthorn oil at home from the seeds of the fruit - this is the product that is considered the most valuable. The oil will turn out to be quite light due to the lack of carotene in the seeds, which provides the sea buckthorn berries with an orange color.


    1. Squeeze juice from the berry mass.
    2. Dry the cake well in a ventilated room, spread it in a thin layer on paper.
    3. It is easy to separate the bones by rubbing the cake with your palms.
    4. Grind the sea buckthorn bones in a coffee grinder.
    5. Pour over with refined oil - sunflower, corn or olive. One glass of dry raw materials will take two glasses of oil.
    6. Insist 60 days in a dark place, shake the mixture once every three days.
    7. After two months, drain and apply for medicinal purposes.

    Store preferably in a refrigerator in a dark glass container. Transparent glass containers should be wrapped in thick dark paper or cloth. So the natural product will retain its healing properties for up to two years.

    If you make sea buckthorn oil yourself, you can be completely sure of its high quality. However, for people suffering from chronic diseases, for example, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallstone disease or allergies, the use of a natural product should always be discussed with a doctor.