Which soup to cook is easy. How to make a quick soup

29.07.2019 Snacks

Recipe for making broccoli puree soup. The soup is very quick in preparation, but the taste is simply excellent. And thanks to such a vegetable as broccoli, this dish becomes very nutritious and healthy.

Solyanka in a slow cooker

Making a hodgepodge takes patience, but the results are always worth it. Today I will tell you how a multicooker will help you save time and effort without changing the classic taste of the hodgepodge. Read the recipe!

Goose Giblet Soup

After stormy holidays and feasts, this wonderful light goose giblet soup will come in very handy. It will help your body get some rest from heavy, filling foods.

Quail soup

This recipe is for gourmets. Tender quail meat, mushroom aroma, fresh herbs ... Mmmmm ... Well, then it's time to make quail soup. An uncomplicated recipe, but a great dish in the end.

Chicken wings soup

When you have only horns and legs from chicken, only one question comes to mind - what to cook from this good? Soup, of course! Yes, not simple, but spicy Mexican chicken wings soup!

Moroccan tomato soup

Not sure what to make with tomatoes - try the Moroccan tomato soup. This is an easy-to-prepare, very spicy and original soup made from ingredients that are simple and understandable to a Russian.

Green Gazpacho for Raw Foodists

Green gazpacho for raw foodists is insanely easy to prepare (even a child can figure it out), but very tasty and, most importantly, healthy vegetable puree soup. No thermal processing - you get a raw food diet! :)

Vegetable broth in a double boiler

Try cooking vegetable broth in a double boiler, if your household has one. The broth turns out to be much cleaner, transparent and rich than just boiled in a saucepan.

Red lentil soup

I am sharing a recipe for a very tasty Turkish traditional red lentil puree soup. Red lentil soup prepared according to this recipe turns out to be hearty, spicy and warming.

Sorrel soup

Great spring soup full of vitamins. Even if you don't like sorrel, this soup should be cooked and eaten, especially in the spring. At this time, what the body is waiting for will more than give us this soup.

Diet puree soup

Excellent light cream soup. Good both hot and cold. Suitable for those who have health problems, young children, and all those who just want to correct their figure for the summer.

Oyster mushroom soup

Puree soups are always distinguished by their delicate taste, and oyster mushroom puree soup is no exception. At the same time, it is a very satisfying dish, suitable for both everyday dinner and for receiving guests.

Lentil soup in a slow cooker

Sometimes the soul asks for something unusual, going beyond simple, everyday dishes. And then recipes like this come into play. For your attention, albeit not a quick, but unusually tasty soup!

Cooler with crayfish

On a hot summer day, this dish is ideal for a light lunch. If you are lucky enough to have crayfish in the kitchen, do not be lazy and prepare a cold crayfish refrigerator according to this recipe. You'll like it!

Saury soup

Students, everyone here! If you are here and are viewing this page, then you made the right choice, and all because saury soup is what you need. Read the recipe and find out why! ;)

Pumpkin soup with ginger

Liver puree soup

Don't like the liver? The recipe I am proposing will change the way you think about the liver. This easy, dietary liver puree soup will take its well-deserved place on your menu. Tasty and healthy!

Pike perch soup

Pike perch soup is a delight for the soul and for the stomach! This recipe was brought from a trip to Finland. I advise you to cook it - the pike perch soup turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and nutritious.

Oxtail soup

In Spain, the country of bullfighters and flamenco, oxtail soup is very popular and is loved. In expensive metropolitan restaurants, chefs do not hesitate to cook this dish. Let's make oxtail soup too!

Buckwheat soup with chicken

We eat soups almost every day. For the first time, you always want to cook something simple, but tasty at the same time. Buckwheat soup with chicken is just what you need in such cases.

Sturgeon fish soup

Sturgeon fish soup is a very simple and tasty soup traditionally made from the head and tail of a fish. This simple recipe for sturgeon fish soup is dedicated to lovers of fish dishes :)

Pink salmon ear

If you think that it is not possible to cook a decent fish soup from the tail, head and fins of pink salmon, then I hasten to assure you otherwise. So, pink salmon ear - a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Mackerel ear

Mackerel is very healthy and tasty in any form - fried, smoked, and baked. And it also makes a tender, greasy and wonderful ear, which is quite easy to cook at home.

Oyster mushroom soup

Oyster mushrooms are not very popular, but incredibly tasty mushrooms. I suggest making a hot oyster mushroom soup - hearty, rich and, I would say, spectacular. Much tastier and more interesting than champignon soup.

Bean soup

Bean soup is a traditional Slavic dish. A real classic of the genre - this soup was prepared several centuries ago. Soup - unrealistically nutritious and satisfying, ate a plate - and full for half a day.

Carp fish soup

Carp fish soup is one of my favorite dishes. Ukha from this simple and accessible fish turns out very much even nothing, especially if you cook it correctly. I share a recipe for a good crucian fish soup.

Vegetable puree soup

What do you associate the word "benefit" with? Vegetables, fruits, isn't that so? And if I tell you, so secretly, that our next dish is vegetable puree soup? Sounds very useful doesn't it?

Diet soup

If you want to lose weight or just keep an eye on your figure and health, then vegetable diet soup is what you need. It is cooked once or twice, it turns out delicious, but it will not settle with fat on your sides.

Pickle with rice

Rassolnik with rice is another wonderful dish from the rich Russian cuisine. If you decide to cook something from Slavic cuisine for lunch, pickle with rice is an excellent choice for your first course.

Bean soup with smoked meats

Bean soup with smoked meat is another easy-to-prepare soup with a rich taste. Almost any housewife knows this recipe. If you haven’t had to cook it yet, then the hour has come.

Lentil soup with meat

Even in Russia in the Middle Ages, lentils were the main ingredient in cooking. So why don't we honor an ancient custom and make this lovely lentil and meat soup?

Canned tuna soup

Canned tuna soup is an option for a fairly quick and budget first course to your table. A simple recipe for canned tuna soup will not seem difficult even for a novice cook.

Chicken soup in a slow cooker

Multicooker chicken soup is the best solution for a light, nutritious and healthy meal. Read the multicooker chicken soup recipe.

Squid soup

I bring to your attention a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo of squid soup. It is prepared easily and quickly enough, but the soup is very nutritious and tasty. For seafood lovers.

Cabbage soup in a slow cooker

Do you want to learn how to cook cabbage soup? Rich broth, cabbage, pieces of meat .. Then you are here. I will tell you how to cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker.

Instant soups can and should be delicious. Making a soup quickly from familiar ingredients is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Russian folk instant soup - okroshka... It cooks very quickly - you just need to cut vegetables with herbs and pour kvass. Okroshka options are as many as correct pizza recipes. That is, they are all correct and differ only in the set of ingredients, but not in the principle of addition. Try to find real bread kvass - this is sometimes still sold in yellow barrels, or at least do not use the soda with a dozen ingredients, which is sometimes passed off as our ancient drink. Okroshka can be vegetable, meat, fish, with or without pickled vegetables, with sour cream, horseradish, mustard. And kvass is sometimes replaced with liquid kefir or ayran.

Ingredients (1 serving):
1 egg,
½ fresh cucumber,
2-3 feathers of green onions,
1 radish
50 g of bread
1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream,
1 teaspoon of mustard,
200 ml of bread kvass,

Boil the egg for 5 minutes. Cut the cucumber and radish into small cubes. Chop the onion and dill. Dry the bread (you can use a toaster) and cut into cubes. Cool the egg, chop it coarsely. Place the sour cream in the bottom of a bowl, add vegetables, egg, bread and mustard on top. Pepper, salt. Pour in kvass and sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

Spanish soup is prepared no more difficult and no longer than okroshka. By the way, the ancestor of gazpacho - a simple stew of water, oil, spices and bread - is found in all traditional cuisines of the world. For example, in Russian cuisine, the closest analogue is jail. Despite its nondescript name, jail- This is a very interesting and simple soup, a relative of the famous stew of the Roman legionnaires. But back to modern times - tomatoes appeared in gazpacho only at the end of the 19th century, which the Spaniards were very happy about.


Ingredients (Serves 2):
100 g of bread
4 tomatoes,
1 cucumber,
1 bell pepper
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
black pepper,

Soak the bread in water, rinse and peel the vegetables. Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Mix everything in a blender, add ice water or ice, turn it on for a few more seconds, and your soup is ready.

Only instant vegetable soups are simpler than cold soups. By the way, trendy lately bonn slimming soup prepared from vegetables. Its principle of action is based on the fact that our body needs more energy to digest vegetables than they give us. Of course, we get more fiber, more vitamins and nutrients, and all sorts of deposits and fat gradually melt, the body puts itself in order. Benefits, vitamins, weight loss and new fresh taste in one plate.

100 g green celery,
2-3 onions
4 tomatoes,
¼ a head of cabbage,
1 bell pepper

Rinse celery, bell peppers and tomatoes, chop coarsely or medium-sized, chop cabbage and onions, salt and boil for 10 minutes in boiling water. Add chopped herbs to the finished soup, pepper and serve.

Slimming soup can be made from any vegetables. The main thing is not to let the vegetables turn into an unpleasant watery gruel. Use spices, color the taste as you like, make it spicy or bland, try different combinations of vegetables, conventionally dividing them into "white", "green-yellow" and "red", and remember that potatoes contain a large amount of starch and not at all does not contribute to weight loss.

Sometimes you just want soup, not using recipes at all and without a definite desire for any special ingredients. This soup was made by my grandmother in 10 minutes, when on another damp autumn day I caught a cold, and everything seemed gray and gloomy. But this soup brought back the joy of life and faith in beauty. Its composition is mystically simple: 1 potato, ½ carrot, 1 clove of garlic. To cook faster, it is better to chop the potatoes very finely, and grate the carrots with garlic altogether. Cook for 10 minutes and crush the potatoes with a crush. Don't forget to add salt! Of course, if you eat borscht or kharcho every day, this soup will seem like a simpleton, but if, over a series of second courses with heavy ingredients, you forgot the last time you cooked the soup, then this is a godsend. Serve it in bouillon mugs - it's more comfortable this way.

Soup-mashed potatoes are not much more complicated than okroshka, except that they require a food processor or blender. There are two ways to prepare vegetables: stewing and boiling. When stewing, vegetable oil and pre-frying are used, which makes the taste somewhat clearer and more contrasting, but also adds extra calories due to a few tablespoons of oil. Cooking is easier, but someone will find the taste of vegetables chopped in mashed potatoes bland and want to add either butter, or hot milk, or maybe bright spices.

800 g pumpkin
200 ml of water,
200 ml of milk
salt to taste.

Rinse and peel the pumpkin. Cut into medium pieces and cover with boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Heat the milk and pour into a saucepan over the pumpkin. Salt. Transfer the pumpkin slices and liquid to a bowl of a food processor and puree. Serve with croutons or toast.

1 carrot,
1 turnip,
1 celery root,
200 g green peas
1 potato,
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
500 ml of water,

pepper, salt to taste.

Peel the vegetables and cut into medium-sized pieces. Boil water. Heat a few tablespoons of oil in a deep skillet and sauté the garlic, then the onion and the rest of the vegetables. Pour in boiling water and cover the pan with a lid. Salt. Simmer for 10 minutes and transfer to a blender cup. Grind in mashed potatoes. Serve hot. Serve in bouillon mugs. Sprinkle the soup with rye bread croutons on top.

There is nothing easier than chicken soup. Let's say more - chicken soup is simple, quick and surprisingly delicious. Chicken makes good friends with carrots, celery, potatoes, rice and herbs such as dill.

200 g chicken fillet,
1 carrot,
100 g of rice
½ celery root,
1 onion
4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
a bunch of dill,
black pepper,

Rinse the rice in several waters. Heat oil in a skillet. Place a saucepan with 2 liters of water on the fire. Cut the chicken into small pieces, chop the carrots and onions, chop the celery finely. Fry the chicken first, add onions, celery and carrots. Send the roast to boiling water, season with salt. Simmer for 15 minutes. Pepper 3 minutes before cooking. Turn off the fire. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Sprinkle chopped dill over the soup when serving.

Another component worthy of attention is mushrooms. Ceps or champignons are best for soups. Dried porcini mushrooms are sold in any supermarket, and you just need to add them to vegetable soup for a charming mushroom aroma. But if there are no whites, then you can use mushrooms or, in extreme cases, frozen mushrooms.

200 g champignons,
1 potato,
1 carrot,
1 onion
5-6 heads of Brussels sprouts,
50 g butter
Bay leaf,
black pepper,

Rinse the mushrooms, peel, dry. Peel the vegetables and cut into small pieces. Cut the heads of Brussels sprouts in half. Send potatoes and cabbage to boiling water. Cut the mushrooms into large slices. Heat the butter in a frying pan, fry the mushrooms, add the onions and carrots. Add the stir-fry to the pan. Season with salt, bay leaf and pepper. Cook for another 10 minutes.

The greatest culinary inventors and the most sincere connoisseurs of good simple cooking are the students. What a student can not think of to speed up the cooking process. But no concentrates or artificial additives - health is more important than speed!

100 g vermicelli,
1 carrot,
3 cloves of garlic
4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 potato,
1 bunch of green onions
1 bunch of parsley
black pepper,

Boil 1.5-2 liters of water. Peel and finely chop the potatoes and carrots. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Heat oil in a frying pan, sauté the garlic, then the onion, add the potatoes and carrots. Fry for another 3 minutes and place in boiling water. Throw in the noodles after 5 minutes. Cook for another 7 minutes. Chop the greens and add to the soup, mix, pepper, salt. Let it brew for a couple of minutes and serve on bowls.

By the way, you can make the noodles yourself, and it will be even cheaper than the store one, and the taste is much more interesting. All you need is a little flour and 1 egg. Well, if there is a little chicken, mushrooms, or at least sausage or bacon, then the aroma of noodle soup will be cosmic.

200 g flour
1 egg,
100 chicken fillet
or 50 g smoked sausage or bacon
black pepper,

Boil 1.5 liters of water. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and cook. Make a funnel of sifted flour, break an egg in the center, salt and knead the tough dough. If it's too dry, add a few drops of water. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin or bottle, dusting the surface with flour. Cut into long random "threads". You can cut unevenly, it doesn't matter. Send the noodles to cook with the chicken. If instead of meat, sausage or bacon, then fry it in a pan and add 3 minutes after dipping the noodles in boiling water. The noodles are ready in 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with chopped dill when serving.

In case you want soup, and there is only a canned food stall from the available stores, we offer another quick soup from student practice.

1 liter of tomato juice
1 can of canned peas
1 pack of cold cuts or bacon,
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
black bread
black pepper,

Pour the juice into a saucepan, put on fire. Chop the onion and garlic. Chop bacon or slices and fry in a pan. Add garlic and onions to the meat. Drain the jar of peas and place them in boiling tomato juice. Add the roast to the juice, pepper, salt, if necessary, and let it simmer for 3 minutes. Serve with black bread or rye toast.

Have you tried mint soup? Weed, unusual for our taste, has lived in soups for a long time. True, this is in Europe and America. Well, what is worse than our mint overseas?

Mint soup with bacon and eggs

1 bunch of mint
2 eggs,
2 strips of bacon
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
a couple of drops of Tabasco sauce,
black pepper,

Boil 1 liter of water. Cut the bacon into strips, chop the garlic and onion. Fry the bacon pieces in a frying pan, add garlic to them, then onions. Send to boil. Chop the mint and transfer to a saucepan. Break the eggs directly into the saucepan and loosen them quickly with a fork. Add pepper, tabasco sauce, salt. Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for 3 minutes.

Instant soups are as easy to make as a few sandwiches, but much healthier and tastier. Cook with a light heart and everything will be quick and easy!

It is difficult to do without first courses, at least for us, the Slavs. We are accustomed to having lunch consisted of a hot liquid dish, and then a second, and often even dessert, was served. Of course, for some people this is overkill. The Greeks, for example, rarely eat liquid dishes, for example, an ear of fresh fish, and sometimes a light vegetable soup. But we are a different matter: pea soup with crackers and smoked meats is just a miracle! Cabbage soup or borscht with meat, light vegetable soup, cold soups like okroshka - these are delicious! And without a hot first one somehow, especially in cold weather, it's not comfortable. Therefore, our website contains different soups, recipes with photos are presented simple and tasty for every day.

And how good is the shurpa, which you can cook in nature with friends, and cannot be conveyed, even the shish kebab everyone loved will not override it in popularity. The dish came from the east and was entrenched among fishermen and hunters, and lovers of recreation outside the city, among the forest silence. The Italian light minestrone soup has also taken root with us, on the site you will find several options for its preparation, so see how to make minestrone soup in the recipe announcements. Interestingly, the Italian minestrone can be literally translated as "big soup"; you will find a recipe for cooking at home in the same section.

Soups are cooked on meat, often on fish, and not rarely on mushroom broths, each of them gives a special touch to the first dish. It is also important, if the soup is going to cook for the family, to know the nuances of preparing food and dressing broths. For example:

* borscht or pickle is perfectly prepared on meat broth, on fish soup, on mushroom soup with potatoes and cereals;

* lavrushka and spices are placed only at the end of cooking;

* tomato paste is never added at the beginning of cooking vegetables, so they will become tough;

* in noodles soups, potatoes are cut into strips, in borscht - in cubes;

* flour when cooking frying is brought to a ruddy color, then it is diluted with broth.

When preparing soups, various roots and herbs, spices are often used, they must be correctly laid. For example, initially chopped onions are fried for five minutes, then a carrot is added, after 7 minutes a root of celery or parsley, greens at the end, a tomato at the very end of frying. This way you can achieve the greatest aroma and taste of the dishes.

Many people want to know the recipe for pea soups, simple and tasty, with a photo they are looking step by step on sites. Ours is no exception, you will find pea soup with delicious smoked meats, homemade crackers, as it is customary for the Germans to cook them, you can add wine and parmesan to such a dish - and you will get Italian pea soup, spicy and tender. Or you can just cook a lean vegetarian soup, which will also be hearty and tasty. But you need to add spices, herbs to it, season with fried onions and carrots.

Tip: When frying vegetables, consider the size of the pan and vegetables. If the layer in the pan is more than 3 cm, the vegetables will not be fried, but will begin to stew - and this is a completely different taste. And also a wonderful and hearty kharcho soup migrated to us from Georgia for a long time, the recipe for cooking it at home will also be found in our section. To it are added traditionally ground nuts, tkemali sauce, beef and rice. It is very tasty, although we, the Slavs, have long ago adjusted the recipe for this dish to our taste, we cook it simply spicy, with tomato paste.

We also have a wide range of recipes for cold soups. There are many options for okroshka, beetroot, botvinnik and so on. Whether it's hot or cold, our site will help you in preparing delicious and simple hot and cold soups, be sure to look through the headings of the site, and delight your household with a variety of first delicious dishes. If you are a novice hostess, on our site you will find recipes for soups, simple and tasty, with photos, in full abundance. Make your choice, treat your relatives tasty and satisfying.


Sorrel soup with egg and meat

Ingredients: meat, sorrel, water, carrots, onions, potatoes, rice, salt, eggs

Sorrel soup with meat broth turns out to be very satisfying, appetizing and tasty, so you will definitely like its recipe. To decorate, place a boiled egg in a bowl of kalda - this is a classic in serving sorrel soup.
- 400 grams of meat on the bone;
- 2 large bunches of fresh sorrel;
- 2.5 liters of water;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 small onion head;
- 4 potato tubers;
- 2 tbsp. dry rice;
- salt to taste;
- 1 boiled egg per serving.


Classic okroshka with sausage on kvass

Ingredients: kvass, sour cream, sausage, cucumber, potatoes, eggs, onions, dill, parsley, salt, pepper, lemon juice

My favorite summer dish is okroshka. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but today I will tell you how to cook a classic okroshka with boiled sausage on kvass.


- one and a half liters of kvass,
- half a liter of sour cream,
- 250 grams of boiled sausage,
- 2-3 cucumbers,
- 2 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- a bunch of green onions,
- a bunch of dill,
- a bunch of parsley,
- salt,
- black pepper;
- lemon juice.


Classic okroshka with sausage

Ingredients: sausage, potatoes, cucumber, onion, egg, mayonnaise, vinegar, dill, salt, pepper, water

Okroshka is my favorite dish in the summer. Making delicious okroshka is not difficult at all. I described how to do this in detail for you in this article.


- 300 grams of sausage;
- 3 potatoes;
- 4 cucumbers;
- 100 grams of green onions;
- 3 eggs;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 15 ml. vinegar;
- Dill;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- water.


Okroshka on Tanya

Ingredients: potatoes, egg, sausage, cucumber, herbs, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, tan, sour cream

There are a lot of okroshka recipes. Today I present to your attention a variant of okroshka on tanya with sausage.


- 2-3 potatoes;
- 3 eggs;
- 250 grams of cooked sausage;
- 2-3 cucumbers;
- a bunch of dill;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of green onions;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice,
- 1.5-2 liters. tana;
- 200 grams of sour cream.


Okroshka with chicken breast

Ingredients: chicken breast, cucumbers, potatoes, eggs, herbs, kefir, salt, water

If you don't like sausage, I suggest you cook delicious and satisfying okroshka with chicken breast in hot weather.


- chicken breast - 150 grams,
- cucumbers - 100 grams,
- potatoes - 100 grams,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- greens,
- kefir - 400 grams,
- salt,
- water.


Beef kharcho soup

Ingredients: beef, rice, onion, carrot, tomato sauce, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, hot red pepper, suneli hops, coriander, black pepper, bay leaf, green onion, parsley, cilantro

Fans of delicious first courses will certainly appreciate this recipe for Georgian soup Kharcho. We propose to cook it with beef - this meat is more affordable than lamb, and with it the kharcho turns out to be tasty and satisfying.


- beef - 250 gr;
- rice - 2.5-3 tbsp. rice;
- onion - 1 small;
- carrots - 1/3 part;
- tomato sauce - 2-3 tbsp.;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves of garlic;
- vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
- salt to taste;
- red pepper to taste;
- hops-suneli - 1 tsp;
- ground coriander - 1 tsp;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- bay leaf - 1 pc;
- green onions;
- parsley;
- cilantro.


Lamb Kharcho soup

Ingredients: lamb, rice, onion, garlic, tomato sauce, black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt, spices, herbs, vegetable oil

Kharcho is a famous Georgian soup. We also love it very much, so we advise you to use our recipe and cook it from lamb. This first dish is especially liked by the strong half of humanity because of its satiety and abundance of spices.

- lamb - 300 gr;
- rice - 3-4 tablespoons;
- onion - 1 pc;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- tomato sauce - 150 gr;
- black pepper - 2-3 peas;
- bay leaves - 1-2 pcs;
- salt to taste;
- suneli hops to taste;
- coriander to taste;
- greens to taste;
- vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons


Okroshka on Tanya

Ingredients: potatoes, egg, chicken fillet, cucumber, dill, herbs, onion, tan, sour cream, seasoning, lemon juice

Tanya makes a very tasty okroshka. I described in detail for you how to cook a delicious summer dish.


- 2-3 potatoes;
- 2-3 eggs;
- 1 chicken fillet;
- 2 cucumbers;
- a bunch of dill;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of green onions;
- one and a half liters of tan;
- 200 grams of sour cream;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice.


Okroshka on ayran with sausage

Ingredients: boiled sausage, young potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, fresh cucumbers, radishes, green onions, dill, parsley, chilled ayran, salt, mineral water

It is not difficult to prepare delicious okroshka with sausage - the main thing is to decide what kind of dressing the soup will have. We recommend making okroshka on ayran - this drink will go well with the rest of the ingredients and emphasize their taste.
- 200 gr of boiled sausage;
- 6-7 pcs of young boiled potatoes;
- 2 hard boiled eggs;
- 2 fresh large cucumbers;
- 1 bunch of radishes;
- 1 bunch of green onions;
- 0.5 bunch of dill;
- 0.5 bunch of parsley or cilantro;
- 1 liter of chilled ayran;
- salt to taste;
- 0.5 mineral water.


Cold beetroot with tops

Ingredients: beets with tops, cucumbers, eggs, sour cream, dill, citric acid, water

Delicious cold beetroot with tops can be cooked in hot weather. The recipe is very simple.


- beets - 300 grams,
- cucumbers - 200 grams,
- eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
- sour cream - 100 grams,
- dill - a bunch,
- citric acid - 2 pinches.


Beetroot cooler on water with eggs

Ingredients: beets, cucumbers, eggs, green onions, parsley or dill, salt, sour cream, vinegar

In the summer, I suggest that you cook not soup for the first, but a cold chill. Today I described for you a recipe for a cold beetroot in water with eggs.


- beets - 1 pc.,
- cucumbers - 2 pcs.,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- green onions - a bunch,
- parsley - a bunch,
- salt - half a tsp,
- sour cream - 4 tablespoons,
- vinegar - 1 tablespoon


Ground beef meatball soup

Ingredients: beef or veal, potatoes, water, carrots, onions, salt, vegetable oil, turmeric, bay leaves, herbs, sour cream

Meatball soup is a great option when you need to make a hearty first course with meat, but you don't have time. The fact is that the meatballs cook quite quickly, and the soup itself is simple and easy to prepare! Be sure to cook, you won't regret it!
- 250 grams of beef or veal;
- 3-4 potatoes;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 0.5 carrots;
- 1 onion;
- salt to taste;
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- 2-3 pinches of turmeric for color;
- 1 bay leaf;
- greens for serving;
- sour cream for serving.


Frozen spinach soup

Ingredients: spinach, potatoes, onions, celery, zucchini, broth, butter, sour cream, salt, sesame seeds

I often cook spinach soup for lunch. The dish turns out to be very tasty and nutritious. For decoration, before serving, I put a little black sesame seeds on top.


- 400 grams of spinach;
- 250 grams of potatoes;
- 120 grams of onions;
- 80 grams of celery;
- 200 grams of zucchini;
- one and a half liters of chicken broth;
- 20 grams of butter;
- 20 grams of olive oil;
- 120 grams of sour cream;
- salt;
- black sesame.


Pumpkin soup with shrimps

Ingredients: pumpkin, shrimps, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, cream, salt, pepper, Provencal herbs, coriander

If you haven't tried pumpkin soup, then I advise you to use my simple recipe for a delicious cream soup. Making such a delicious soup is not difficult.


- pumpkin - 500 grams,
- shrimp - 150 grams,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- vegetable oil - 30 grams,
- cream - 2 tablespoons,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- Provencal herbs - a couple of pinches,
- ground coriander - a couple of pinches.


Lean cabbage soup with beans and fresh cabbage

Ingredients: cabbage, beans, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, bay leaf

Recently we prepared lean cabbage soup with sauerkraut, but today I have prepared for you a recipe for fresh cabbage lean cabbage. Try both and write your impressions.


- cabbage - 400 grams,
- beans - 150 grams,
- potatoes - 150-200 grams,
- carrots - 100 grams,
- onions - 50 grams,
- tomato paste - one and a half tsp,
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- water - 2.5 liters,
- bay leaf - 1 pc.

Soups are an important part of every person's diet. They help to get enough, to recuperate. They began to be cooked about 400 years ago, from the time the dishes appeared. However, do not think that the cooking process was the same as it is now. The cooking method began to be used much later.

First courses became widespread only at the end of the 17th century. In Russian cuisine, liquid dishes were called stews. The name "soup" began to be used only under Peter I.

Today, there are about 150 options, each of which is subdivided into a thousand more species, while also in several variations.

They can be hot - borscht, pickles, hodgepodge, cabbage soup, with various types of meat, fish, vegetables or cereals. Cold liquid dishes are good in the summer heat and are cooked mainly in light broth, water, kvass, fermented milk products (okroshka, fridge, tarator).

However, they are all united by the fact that 50% is liquid, another half is different filling. The ingredients are a wide variety of products: vegetables, cereals, pasta, fruits, herbs, spices, meat products. It is impossible to say which one is better. Everyone chooses according to their taste, preference and even lifestyle.

On our site you will find simple and understandable recipes for soups both for every day and for a festive table. Each dish is described step by step with a photo with a detailed set of ingredients, so even a novice hostess will understand everything.

The question that worries many women is how to cook soup so that it is tasty, healthy, and, of course, does not harm the figure. At the same time, it is necessary that he must be liked by all household members.

We have collected a large selection of recipes: Ukrainian borscht, Georgian kharcho, with cheese and crackers, noodles, mushrooms, various types of fish, seafood - there is no counting.

In order for the food to work out, you should follow the unspoken rules:

  • vegetable soups are boiled in a small amount of liquid;
  • meat, especially with smoked meats, will turn out tastier if you cook them with earthenware, porcelain or enameled dishes;
  • do not cook too much - the maximum number of servings for 6 people is based on 200-400 ml of liquid per serving;
  • spices, like tomato paste, are placed at the very end of cooking;
  • in borscht potatoes are cut into cubes, in soups with noodles - in strips.

If you keep an eye on your weight, then you will surely enjoy vegetarian options. A dietary, healthy meal is prepared without frying vegetables or adding fatty meats or fish. To make it more satisfying, cereals or legumes are added to it, and greens for flavor.

Only a real housewife can cook a real Ukrainian borscht, but thanks to a detailed description, step-by-step photos and an accurate recipe, you can easily master this art and delight your loved ones with a rich, unique taste.

First courses for children are especially worth highlighting. Each mommy has to "puzzle" over what to cook so that the baby can eat with pleasure. With us, this problem will be solved by itself. On the pages of our site you will find soups - mashed potatoes for your beloved child from 6 months. As a rule, they are prepared from vegetables, with the addition of cream or milk.

Do not be afraid to experiment, choose new recipes on our website. Those close to you will surely appreciate your efforts, because now even the simplest broth will become a masterpiece from the chef.

On the pages of our site you will find other, no less interesting recipes.

Soup is an important dish on the menu of every person. After all, it will not be a secret for anyone that it is necessary to eat liquid cooked food, helping your digestive system to work better. But it can often take a long time to prepare a given dish. This article will discuss how to cook a "quick" soup from a small amount of products.

Option 1.With egg and noodles

This is a very simple, but quite tasty soup that cooks very quickly. First, you need to prepare the ingredients for the dish. First of all, you need to cook 4, cool them and cut into cubes. Next, the onion is prepared: two rather large onions need to be chopped to the desired state and fried in butter until a pleasant golden color. Then the main part of the work begins - the "fast" soup is prepared. First, as usual, you need to boil water in a saucepan (these proportions are calculated for 3 liters of soup), then put the noodles there and cook until almost completely cooked. Now you need to dip the fried onions into the water, add the soup a little. At this stage, everything is salted to taste, you can add seasonings. The last stage - put in the dish is turned off and left on the stove to cool under a closed lid. That's all, the desired dish is ready!

Option 2. Cheese

Another option is how you can make a "quick" soup so that it turns out to be very tasty. First you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients: the potatoes are cut into cubes, the onions are cut in half rings or simply chopped, the carrots are grated, also grated on a fine grater and processed cheese at the rate of 50 g per serving. First, onions are fried a little in a pan, then carrots are added there, everything comes to readiness (you can skip this stage - put raw onions and carrots in the soup - and the soup will turn out to be just lean, that is, less fatty and rich). Now you need to boil the water, put the potatoes there, bring it to a boil, remove the foam. Next, onion-carrot frying is added to the soup, everything is boiled a little until the potatoes are completely cooked. At this stage, grated processed cheese is added to the soup and everything is cooked until the cheese is melted. And only after that is the dish salted or seasoned (after all, the cheese itself is salty, so this must be done so as not to oversalt the food). That's all, the soup is ready.

Option 3. With crab sticks

Another way to make a "quick" soup from a very small amount of food. So, for this you need to cut potatoes into cubes, grate carrots, chop onions. They are also cut into small cubes Everything is prepared according to the well-known principle: first, potatoes are placed in boiling water, again, everything is brought to a boil, the foam is removed. The next stage: onions and carrots are placed in the water, which, if desired, can be pre-fried. When the soup is almost ready, crab sticks are added there, everything is salted and seasoned to taste. One teaspoon of dill - dry herbs will harmoniously fit into the soup. The soup is ready to be consumed!

Option 4. Fish (with canned food)

Another way to make a "quick" soup. However, it will not be made from fish, but from. To do this, you need to cut potatoes into cubes, grate carrots, chop onions. You will also need two cans of canned food (it is better to choose sardines) to prepare 3-4 liters of soup. Potatoes are placed in boiling water, after boiling, the foam is removed, onions and carrots are added to the soup (optionally, fried in a pan in butter). Everything is cooked almost until the potatoes are completely ready, now only canned food, slightly chopped with a fork, with all the contents (water) is added. At this stage, it is important not to forget to salt and pepper the soup, boil for another 4-5 minutes and turn it off. The soup is ready to eat.

Option 5. Pea

Pea soup is a very tasty dish, but cooking it is a whole problem, because the main ingredient - peas - takes so long to cook! And most housewives do not want to hang around the stove for half a day. Now let's talk about how you can cook pea soup quickly thanks to the special preparation of the main ingredient. So, cooking peas. First, it needs to be thoroughly rinsed (it should be chipped and sanded), then everything is poured with cold water about the thickness of a finger, cooked until the water has almost completely boiled away. Then, again, cold water is added to the peas on the finger, everything boils away. You need to do this three times, after which the main ingredient will be completely ready! And it took only a dozen and a half minutes. Next, the peas are pounded and placed in boiling water. Pre-prepared potatoes, onions and carrots are alternately added there, everything is salted and seasoned to taste. The soup is cooked until the potatoes are fully cooked, then everything is turned off, closed with a lid and infused. The soup is ready to eat!

Simple secrets

Some ladies will be interested in knowing how to make soup quickly. To make it more rich, you can pre-cook the broth, you don't have to do it all at once. So it will take much less time to cook the soup itself on the ready-made broth. It is better to salt and season the first courses closer to the end of the cooking process, so they will taste better. Advice on how to quickly cook them should be added to the dish almost at the very end. After all, if tomatoes are added earlier, they will significantly slow down the cooking process, and everything can take much longer. Well, the main nuance: always after boiling the potatoes, you need to remove the foam, because it is unnecessary substances that are boiled down, which are better to be removed from the dish first.