Minced meat on a lula kebab on a fire recipe. Traditional lula kebab on the grill: from what and how

04.11.2019 Snacks

Difficulties in cooking lula kebab over an open fire

This dish came to us from the Middle East. Its name combines two words: the Turkic "lyulya" ("pipe") and the Arabic "kebab" ("fried meat"). Therefore, it is easy to guess that it is a cutlet in the form of an oblong briquette. But if it is not difficult to fry such minced meat meatballs in a frying pan or in a baking sheet, then on the grill the culinary process requires certain knowledge and skill. Indeed, unlike a kebab, minced meat can simply disintegrate and slide off the skewer onto the coals. Here you will learn how to properly prepare a kebab.

Meat selection

Those who argue that a real culinary masterpiece is prepared only from lamb and exclusively with the addition of fat tail fat are absolutely wrong. If this were the case, the distribution area of ​​the dish would not go beyond the territories where sheep are bred. But lula kebab is made not only in Central Asia, but also in the Caucasus and even in Europe, in the Balkans. Therefore, with a clear conscience, you can use beef, and pork (or mixed mince), and even chicken for this dish. The fastening element in the lula is not eggs, flour or a bun soaked in milk, but lard. Moreover, its share in relation to meat should be one third, no less. All products should only be chilled, not frozen - this is also very important.

Preparation of food

Anyone who knows how to cook lula kebab on the grill will tell you that this is the hardest part of the job. Meat and lard must be chopped, and the use of any blenders and other kitchen helpers can deplorably affect the behavior of sausages on skewers.

When rolling the pulp by a machine, a lot of moisture is released, and the minced meat "creeps". You need to put a piece and cut it first along the fibers, then turn the cutting board 90 degrees and cut across, then turn it again and chop it again until a bloody mess comes out of the meat. Repeat the same procedure with a piece of bacon, and it should become the consistency of a paste. Next, mix both components, add chopped onions (do not overdo it with it, it also releases unwanted moisture), cilantro and spices (cumin, coriander, suneli hops).

Kneading minced meat

Lula kebab on a mangale loves a strong man's hand. And the point is not even that the minced meat must be carefully kneaded, beating (and along the way adding salt, pepper and a couple of drops of lemon juice), but that it must be kneaded like dough. To avoid splashing, the mass is wrapped in a cellophane bag. They are beaten with force on the table, crumpled, hit again on the surface - and so on for 10 minutes. Then they grease the palms with vegetable oil, remove the minced meat from the bag and knead it mercilessly for another quarter of an hour. Then put it in the refrigerator for an hour.


It would be more correct to say "screwing on the skewer", since the mass is formed on the skewers. Tested by experience: brazier kebab is best obtained on skewers of a classic round shape, rather than flat. We take the minced meat out of the refrigerator and quickly, quickly, until the mass has softened, sculpt sausages from it around the rod. The mass has the consistency of plasticine, so difficulties should not arise.


The flame should burn out, and the coals should be covered with a whitish coating. It's time to fry the kebab on the grill. We wait exactly a minute and turn the cutlet over to the heat. Another minute - turn it over again. And then, when the edges of the product have already "grabbed", you can fry for five to seven minutes on each side.

Outwardly, lula kebab resembles oblong cutlets. This dish of Eastern and Caucasian cuisines is actually made from minced meat, but this is where its resemblance to cutlets ends. Minced meat for kebab is made without adding eggs, potatoes, bread, semolina or other binders. Its composition is simple, but it is imperative to observe the proportions, moreover, it is important to adhere exactly to the traditional technology of making minced meat for kebab. Otherwise, it won't be firm enough to stick to skewers and hold its shape when baked in the oven or pan.

Cooking features

Without knowledge of some subtleties, the correct minced meat for kebab cannot be made. If you adhere to the traditional technology of its preparation, the kebabs will come out appetizing and crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, while not falling apart and not losing their shape.

  • Lamb is traditionally used for kebab, but today minced meat for this dish is made from all types of meat, often even mixing them. The taste of the finished dish depends on this, but in any case it will be wonderful if the meat was used of high quality and fresh. That is, it is best to take the pulp, ideally - tenderloin or meat from the shoulder blade. If poultry meat is used, it is better to combine breast and leg meat to make the minced meat juicier.
  • Minced meat for kebab is not made from frozen meat, since it turns out to be loose and dry from it.
  • Meat for cooking minced meat needs to be chopped with a special hatchet or heavy knife. To do this, the meat is usually cut into flat pieces about 1 cm wide. The pieces are placed on top of each other, two or three. Then they are chopped in one direction, then in the other - perpendicular to the previous one, you can also chop along the diagonals. Then the chopped meat is collected to the center, tamped and chopped in this way again. The process continues until all the meat is crushed to the state of minced meat. In extreme cases, the use of a meat grinder is allowed, but then the meat should be turned through a grate with large holes. Such a laborious method of preparing minced meat for kebab is not just a tribute to tradition. If the meat is rotated through a wire rack with fine holes, it will lose a lot of juice during the grinding process, as a result of which the kebab will not be juicy enough. That is why you should not take purchased minced meat for the kebab - you will have to make it yourself.
  • As already mentioned, the minced meat for kebab does not include those products that hold the minced meat for cutlets. They are replaced in it with fat tail fat or lard. Ideally, for 1 kg of meat, you need to take 300 g of lard or fat, although you can reduce their amount to 100-200 g, especially if you are going to bake kebabs in the oven or fry in a pan. Ground beef is prepared with the addition of a significant amount of lard; you can put less in pork. Fat is sometimes not put into minced chicken at all, although for cooking kebab on the grill it is better if lard is still included in the minced meat.
  • Tail fat or bacon must be thoroughly chopped before mixing with minced meat. They can be chopped in the same way as meat, but they can be chopped in another way. For example, cool fat tail fat and grate it on a coarse grater. Cut the bacon into small pieces and grind with a blender. If it acquires a pasty consistency, it is even better: it will evenly distribute and hold the minced meat together.
  • An important component of minced meat for kebab is onions, and you should not give it up, although it emits a lot of juice. You just don't need to chop the onion in a blender or turn it through a meat grinder - just chop it finely with a knife. besides, when adding onions, it does not hurt to observe the measure. For 1 kg of meat, 200 g of onions is quite enough, although sometimes more is added.
  • Salt, ground pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander, dried herbs, fresh herbs are also added to the minced meat for kebab. You can navigate to your taste, it is just important not to overdo it. In addition, you can put in the minced meat, deviating from the traditional recipe, cheese, bell peppers instead of onions, boiled and finely crumbled eggs, but there should not be too many of these ingredients in the minced meat, since they are not in the traditional recipe.
  • Kneading is very important when preparing minced meat for kebab. You need to knead the base component with your hands for a rather long time, at least 15 minutes, usually 20-25 minutes. After that, it is a good idea to beat off the minced meat by placing it in a bag to protect it from splashes. As a result, the meat base should turn out to be very dense and viscous.

It is advised to cool the prepared minced meat before cooking the kebab for at least an hour. Thanks to this, it will become even denser, it will be easier to form kebabs from it, they will be stronger to sit on skewers.

Minced meat recipe for kebab

  • meat (lamb, beef, pork, chicken) - 1 kg;
  • fat tail fat or lard - 0.2-0.3 kg;
  • onions or bell peppers - 0.2-0.25 kg;
  • fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, dill, basil) - 100 g;
  • hard cheese (optional) - 50-100 g;
  • garlic (optional) - 2-4 cloves;
  • salt, spices and herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, dry the meat. Chop it with a special hatchet to the state of minced meat or scroll through a meat grinder using a grid with large holes.
  • Pass through a meat grinder or grind in any other way fat tail fat or lard. Mix with minced meat.
  • Peel the onion (or pepper). Cut into small cubes. You can take 100 g of pepper and onions. The traditional recipe uses only onions, but modern recipes allow replacing them with peppers. Especially often the latter is added to minced chicken.
  • Mix the minced meat with the vegetable component.
  • If you decide to use garlic, squeeze it into minced meat. It goes well with minced pork and poultry.
  • If you want to give a dish an unusual flavor, grate hard cheese and mix it with minced meat. It is preferable to use cheese only in cases when the kebab is cooked in the oven. When cooking on the grill, it is better to stick to the traditional recipe with a minimum of ingredients (meat, bacon, onions and herbs).
  • Chop the herbs, add to the minced meat together with salt and spices.
  • Knead the minced meat well with your hands (you need to knead for at least 20 minutes).
  • Put the chopped meat in a bag, beat on a cutting board.
  • Transfer the minced meat from the bag to a bowl, cover and refrigerate.

Within an hour, you can form kebabs from minced meat and cook them in any of the selected ways.

If minced meat for kebab is cooked correctly, the appearance and taste of the finished dish will not disappoint you.

Translated from Persian and Turkic, "lula-kebab" sounds like "a tube of fried meat." The name of the dish itself speaks of its composition and characteristics. It is based on minced meat, which is fried, but it does not require the use of chicken eggs and bread crumb.

Thorough mixing of the minced meat to the desired consistency and the addition of good spices is essential. In most cases, such a dish is served on the table along with pita bread and fresh herbs.

Today it can be easily cooked on your own using a regular barbecue at home.

Simple recipe

Today, each nation has a specific recipe, but in any case, the addition of spices is required. There are various types of such a dish, including tandoor kavap, chevapchichi.

Shawarma and shashlik also belong to this category. An original and at the same time simple recipe, in addition to meat, includes fat tail fat, onions and basil.

Ingredients for making lula kebab on the grill:

  • Lamb - 1000 g;
  • Black pepper - 5 g;
  • Kinza - for serving;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • Dried mint - 20 g;
  • Dried basil - 20 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Sheep fat (lamb) - 5 tablespoons
  • Wooden sticks - for barbecue.

Cooking time: 45 minutes. Calorie content: 200 kilocalories per 100 grams of ready-made dish.

The easiest way to cook lamb kebab on the grill:

  1. The meat is thoroughly washed and dried using a clean napkin;
  2. It is ground with fat tail fat into minced meat;
  3. The resulting meat mass is salted, pepper, basil and mint are added;
  4. The next step is thorough kneading by hand (as is done with the dough);
  5. After that, kebabs are formed from the workpiece, put on sticks;
  6. Then they put the kebabs on a special device - a grill in the grill, thoroughly fry from all sides;
  7. The finished dish is served along with chopped onion rings and cilantro.

How to cook chicken kebab on the grill

Ingredients that make up poultry kebab:

  • Chicken fillet or thighs - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 3 pieces;
  • Basil - 25 g;
  • Ground black pepper - 6 g;
  • Salt tastes;
  • Cilantro - to decorate the dish;
  • Vinegar (food) - 30 g
  • Drinking water - 100 g
  • Skewers - for kebabs.

Cooking time: up to 2 hours. Calorie content: 190 kilocalories per 100 g of ready-made dish.

Cooking chicken kebab on the grill:

  • The water is brought to a boil (0.5 cups), poured into a bowl, vinegar is added;
  • The onion is chopped and dipped in the resulting marinade;
  • Chicken meat is scrolled in a meat grinder;
  • Pour pepper, basil, salt, onion into it;
  • The resulting mass is thoroughly kneaded and beaten;
  • Minced meat is left in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours;
  • Fire up the brazier;
  • The meat mass is divided into portions, strung on skewers and shashliks are formed;
  • Spread them on the grill and fry until cooked;
  • Serve the dish with cilantro and thinly sliced ​​onion.
  • Pork recipe

    On the basis of pork meat, especially juicy and appetizing dishes are obtained. Lula kebab from it can be prepared quite easily using the simplest foods and spices. To obtain a spicy taste, you can add a certain amount of cognac.

    Ingredients Required:

    • Pork - 900 g;
    • Onions - 2.5 pieces;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Ground black pepper - 4 g;
    • Lemon juice - 40 g;
    • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • Cognac - 25 ml;
    • Garlic - 5 teeth;
    • Lard - 350 g;
    • Olive oil - 15 g;
    • Paprika - 3 g;
    • Dried basil - 5 g;
    • Skewers - for kebabs.

    Cooking time: up to 140 minutes. Calorie content: 320 kilocalories per 100 g of ready meal.

    Method of cooking pork kebab on the grill at home:

    1. First, mix black pepper, basil, paprika, olive oil, salt, season with lemon juice and cognac;
    2. Pour pork cut into slices with the learned marinade, send it to the refrigerator for about one and a half or two hours;
    3. Garlic, onions, marinated meat, as well as lard are scrolled in a meat grinder;
    4. The minced meat is kneaded for about 18 minutes;
    5. After that, it is beaten off (while it becomes homogeneous and easily lagging behind the hands, but a little sticky);
    6. Leave it to infuse for 40 minutes;
    7. The finished minced meat is taken out of the refrigerator, sausages are molded from it, strung on skewers and put on the grill;
    8. When the kebabs are ready, they are served on a platter with lemon slices.

    Take note of the recipe for fancy crab sticks.

    The best recipes with photos of custard pancakes.

    In order for the lula kebabs, which are prepared at home, to be quite successful and tasty, it is necessary to follow certain rules. At the same time, experts give the following advice:

    • To get mouth-watering and high-quality kebabs, it is recommended to pre-marinate the meat with spices, vinegar and green onions;
    • If the minced meat is allowed to stand in the refrigerator (with spices) for a long time before frying, it will turn out to be especially thick and suitable for working with it;
    • In order for the minced meat to turn out to be the most "plastic" and from it you can easily sculpt sausages, it must stand in a cold place (preferably in the refrigerator) before cooking the kebabs, otherwise it will stick strongly to your hands;
    • It is extremely important to prepare the grill for frying meat products by choosing long burning coals so that you can finish the work without problems;
    • Better to use oak, beech or cherry wood;
    • When stringing minced meat on skewers and shaping sausages, it is important to make sure that they do not end up empty in the middle;
    • It is advisable to make kebabs as thin as possible, so they will cook faster and better.

    In order to avoid overdrying kebabs during their cooking on the grill, it is necessary to fan the sausages. Constant turning of the skewers is imperative. Additionally, stringing of fresh vegetables and onions is allowed.

    There is a huge number of grilled dishes and chicken kebab is not inferior in taste to any of them. This dish is very tasty, it can even be called almost dietary, because lula is made from chicken fillet. Of course, the cooking process has its own subtleties, which should definitely be taken into account - then you will get a juicy and aromatic kebab.

    How to make chicken lula kebab: the secret of perfect taste

    When you get out into nature to eat a delicious barbecue, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a huge amount of money on barbecue meat. After all, there is a well-known and inexpensive product for everyone - chicken fillet. So why not take a chicken breast, and then cook not a banal kebab, but, for example, a spicy fragrant chicken kebab. What is not a delicacy dish for you to relax? Moreover, in the case of chicken, minced meat can be passed through a meat grinder, and not chopped, as, for example, pork or lamb.

    Kebab recipe is very simple. Even a novice cook can handle it. And, if you add some of your favorite spices or spices to the minced meat, you can create your own unique and inimitable recipe. Well, in the article we will tell you how to cook lula in the most popular way. And as a bonus, we will share with you another alternative recipe. The ingredients in this recipe will make the dish a real delicacy and add sophistication. But more on that later, and now we turn to the preparation of products in order to cook a regular chicken kebab on the grill.

    Ingredient List

    Let's prepare all the necessary products in advance so that it will be convenient to cook later. So, you need:

    • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
    • parsley - a small bunch;
    • salt, pepper, spices, spices - to taste.

    Step-by-step cooking method

    When all the products are collected in front of you on the table, you can proceed to cooking:

    • Chicken fillet should be washed, cut into large pieces and dried well with paper towels. Try to remove excess moisture as much as possible. Now the prepared pieces can be passed through a meat grinder.
    • Lard (pork or fat tail is suitable) finely - finely chop. You can also try mincing the bacon, but it will stick to the blade and other parts, making the process much more difficult. Therefore, it will be easier to just chop. It is impossible to do without fat at all, because then there is a high probability that the kebab will simply fall apart.
    • Finely chop the onion, parsley, garlic, as small as possible. It is very important to do this without special devices, because onions can let juice and give an unpleasant bitterness to a dish.
    • Mix the minced chicken with onions, garlic, parsley, bacon. Mix well. After that salt and pepper, add spices and spices to taste. Mix everything well again. You can let it stand in the refrigerator for a while, about 30 minutes.
    • Lula kebab from chicken fillet will turn out to be dense, of the desired consistency only if it is properly beaten off. To do this, take a certain amount of meat in your hands and throw it abruptly onto a cutting board. Repeat the procedure with the whole mass, beat off for at least 10 minutes. Now the minced meat is sticky and will stick well on the skewer.
    • Take the minced meat (how much to fit) in your hand and mold a small oblong cake out of it. Place a skewer in the center of the cake, seal the edges and press the mass firmly with your hands to the skewer. Repeat the process with all the minced meat.
    • The heat of the coals should be above average. Send the lula to the grill and do not forget to constantly turn it over. When all four sides are white, you can take the fan and fan the coals, increasing the heat. In this way, the kebab will cook faster inside, the lard will melt faster and saturate the meat with fat. Chicken kebab on the grill cooks quickly enough, so you need to constantly monitor it. Just turn away - it can burn out.
    • Serve the cooked lula with pickled onions and fresh or baked vegetables. Very tasty!

    Alternative recipe

    And now, as promised, a variant of the kebab with a very unusual ingredient. Instead of the usual bacon, you can try adding 200 grams ... foie gras to the minced meat! Why not? Is it fat? Fat! But it is this ingredient that will make the minced chicken kebab incredibly tender and tasty. Someone will say that it is stupid to use such an expensive product like this, well, but we will say that you just did not try it piece of art. It makes no sense to describe the entire cooking process, because it is, in fact, the same. Just notice the lard from the recipe above the finely chopped foie gras. That's the whole secret.

    In short, if you have the opportunity, be sure to try to bring this recipe to life. We are sure you will definitely like it, and your guests, to put it mildly, will be very surprised when they find out what secret ingredient you have used. Bon Appetit!

    The preparation of this delicious dish consists of a rather complicated process. Its peculiarity is that you need to knead the minced meat for a very long time and thoroughly so that it becomes dense and viscous. As a result of this action, protein is released from the chopped pieces and due to this, the meat begins to stick and sits firmly on the skewers without falling apart.

    Basically, kebabs are very popular in the Caucasus and Central Asian countries. It is prepared there not only from lamb, but also from other types of meat. But they try to put few spices in it, mostly only pepper and salt.

    In past articles, the topic of how to cook barbecue from, and, as well as delicious recipes, was considered. So its difference from kebab is that it is cut into rather large pieces and a lot of spices are added to it. Our dish, which we will cook now, is chopped very finely or twisted in a large meat grinder. Although both dishes are fried on skewers, they are both tasty in their own way.

    The traditional way is to prepare this wonderful meal with ground meat and onions. The whole mixture is strung on skewers and fried on the grill. In general, it turns out a shish kebab, only it consists of minced meat. By the way, store food for this dish will not go at all, since eggs and even soaked bread are added to it. In our recipe, this is not necessary.

    Please note that it is best to take fatty and fat-tailed lamb, then our made filling will hold well on skewers and will not fall apart when frying on the grill.

    Well, now the real recipe, which is made in a Caucasian style on the grill. Of course, you can cook in the oven, but here it is up to you.


    • Lamb meat - 1400 gr.;
    • Fat tail fat - 400 gr.;
    • Onions - 4 pcs.;
    • Salt - 1.5 tbsp l .;
    • Pepper - 0.5 tbsp. l .;
    • Zira - 0.5 tbsp. l.

    1. First, you need to chop the medium-sized meat and chop it with two sharpened hatchets. This is exactly what they do in Central Asia.

    If your minced meat is chopped, and not twisted, then the products will turn out to be more juicy.

    2. Transfer the chopped mass to a bowl and add chopped bacon and onion to it. We begin to mix everything well into a homogeneous mass.

    By the way, it is also better to chop the onion, and not twist it, so that as little juice as possible comes out of it.

    3. Pour in spices (salt, pepper, cumin) and during the whole mixture we raise and throw on the table. Then cover the container with a lid or cling film so that the contents do not wind out. We send it to the refrigerator for 1.5 - 2 hours. During this time, the fat should solidify. It is thanks to him that the cradle will not fall apart in the first minutes of frying.

    4. We begin to string the kebab on skewers. To do this, we collect minced meat in our hand. It should look like a large cutlet. We transfer from hand to hand so that it becomes dense. Now we pierce it with a skewer along the length.

    5. We begin to constantly rotate the stick and by hand we distribute the mass over it without cracks. At the ends, twisting the minced meat, we seal.

    6. We put the skewers on the grill and fry until golden brown for 20 - 25 minutes.

    We serve them hot from the barbecue immediately on the table. Add pickled onions and herbs to them.

    How to cook pork kebab (oven recipe)?

    It is not always possible to use the barbecue. The weather is bad: rain and wind. Or time is running out. Therefore, you have to use what is at hand.


    • Pork - 1 kg.;
    • Onions - 3 pcs.;
    • Zira - 0.5 tsp;
    • Salt - 1 tbsp l. without a slide;
    • Coriander - 0.5 tsp


    1. Wash the pork and cut into small pieces. We twist them in a meat grinder using a large nozzle.

    The minced meat should be very fatty, so add lard if necessary.

    2. Peel the onion and chop it into small pieces with a knife. Add to bowl.

    3. Pour salt, pepper, cumin and coriander there. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

    4. Cover the container with the prepared minced meat and put it in the cold for 2 hours.

    5. Wet hands with water and collect the mixture, forming a cutlet. We string it on a skewer.

    6. We begin to rotate it and distribute the mass along its length.

    7. Place the kebab on a baking sheet covered with foil. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. In the process of frying, they sometimes need to be turned over.

    Minced beef and pork recipe

    This is our favorite way. Since this is the kind of meat we eat. Lula are juicy and tasty. And the effect is achieved by minced meat.


    • Beef - 1 kg.;
    • Pork - 500 gr.;
    • Pork fat - 250 gr.;
    • Onions - 300 gr.;
    • Salt - 1 tbsp l .;
    • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
    • Paprika - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • Coriander - 2 tsp;
    • Garlic - 1 tooth


    1. My meat, cut into pieces. We twist it together with lard in a meat grinder with a large nozzle, it turns out like chopped).

    2. Add spices: salt, pepper, paprika, coriander. There are also three garlic on a fine grater. Mix everything thoroughly and knock out so that the minced meat becomes a homogeneous mass.

    He will start to cling to his hands and that's good. Crumple it until it becomes slippery.

    3. Now clean and chop the onion into small cubes.

    It must be cut, not twisted. So he will not release juice ahead of time.

    4. Cover the container with cling film and make holes in it so that the moisture evaporates. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    5. We collect mass in the palm and form a ball. We string it on a skewer and distribute it, forming a sausage. Be sure to seal the edges so that air does not enter. Otherwise, juice will accumulate inside and tear our products.

    6. We fry the lyulya on the grill for about 20 - 25 minutes.

    Video on how to make chicken kebab

    If you also liked it and you decided to make it, or maybe you have already done it, then share with us your opinion on this. In the comments, we will be happy to chat with you.

    How and with what to serve a Caucasian dish?

    Lula kebab, like shish kebab, is served hot. But there are those who use them chilled in sandwiches instead of sausages.

    It is usually removed from skewers or skewers before serving. To make it easy to do, slide it from one edge to the middle, as if peeling off. And then remove from the opposite end altogether.

    Traditionally, everything that is cooked on the grill is served with lavash or flatbread. Pickled onions, cut into rings, and any greens to taste are also added.

    Sauces are considered an equally great addition. They are based on fresh tomatoes or tomato paste. You can use tkemali, which will add a sour and astringent flavor to the dish.

    Keep in mind that they should all be sharp.

    In general, this dish can be served with any side dishes. Fresh vegetables are the best combination though. Especially vegetable salads.

    Today we have shared such wonderful recipes with you. It turns out that it is not so difficult to make kebabs. You just need more time. After all, haste here will only ruin everything. Cook with love and pleasure. Treat your family and friends. And we wish you bon appetit!