Prunes stuffed with walnuts, garlic and mayonnaise. Stuffed prunes with walnuts - an appetizer or a dessert? The best recipes for prunes stuffed with walnuts

14.08.2019 Snacks

Cooking time - 90 minutes
Servings - 10

Required Ingredients:

For dessert

  • 500 gr. prunes,
  • 200 gr. walnuts
  • 200 gr. sour cream or cream,
  • sugar, vanilla to taste,
  • 100 g dry red wine
  • mint leaves for decoration.

For a snack

  • 500 gr. prunes,
  • 200 gr. walnuts
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise,
  • parsley for decoration.

The recipe for prunes stuffed with walnuts has been known since Soviet times. It was a frequent dish on New Year's tables and served as a snack. This is a delicious and incredibly healthy treat. By itself, prunes are rich in many useful substances, and in combination with walnuts, its benefits increase several times.
Before preparing this dish, you need to carefully consider the choice of prunes. It should be black and have a sweet, slightly sour taste. In no case should the dried fruit be bitter. If the fruit has a brown tint, this means that it has already been blanched, and fewer vitamins have been preserved in it.
If you have prunes with pits, then you need to rinse it, fill it with hot, but not boiling, water and leave for about 1 hour. After that, dry the fruits with a paper towel and make one neat longitudinal cut on the side with a sharp knife. We take out the bone through it.

Now let's get down to stuffing. We clean the nuts from the shell so that the kernels are whole. We choose only high quality nuts, not blackened, without mold. After that, fry them a little in a dry frying pan and, cooled down, fill each dried fruit. If possible, we connect the edges of the prune cut.
And finally, the sauce. Using a mixer, beat sour cream or chilled cream with sugar and vanilla until stable peaks are formed. To prevent the cream from settling, sugar must be introduced gradually, in a thin stream, without stopping whipping.
To bring a more piquant taste to the dish, you can stew prunes stuffed with walnuts in wine. To do this, put the stuffed dried fruit in a small enamel saucepan. Then we boil the syrup from water and sugar, with which we pour the prunes. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Fill with wine, remove from heat and cool the dish.
When the prunes have cooled down, put them on one large dish or in portions in bowls. Now pour each fruit beautifully with whipped sour cream or cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate on top. Garnish the finished dish with fresh mint leaves.
However, prunes can be served not only as a sweet dessert, but also as an unusual appetizer. To do this, the dried fruit is stuffed with walnuts mixed with cheese and garlic. The filling is prepared very simply. Grind walnuts and mix them with finely grated cheese and garlic, passed through a press. We fill the mass with mayonnaise, stir thoroughly and stuff the prunes with it. We leave the finished dish in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, decorate with parsley leaves and serve.

Prunes stuffed with walnuts in sour cream- a traditional classic dessert, known to many since Soviet times. A New Year's or wedding table was not complete without him. The simplicity of preparation and the exquisite taste of this dessert keep it in an honorable place among popular desserts to this day. For dessert, choose large prunes and have a fairly firm pulp consistency.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Sour cream - 400 gr.,
  • Prunes - 400 gr.,
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.,
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sour cream thickener - 1 pack,
  • Milk or dark chocolate for sprinkling - 10 gr.,

Prunes stuffed with walnuts - recipe

Rinse the prunes with running water. Fold in a bowl and cover with hot water to infuse for 10-15 minutes. It is much easier to get a bone from a hot and swollen prune. Then carefully remove the bone, if any. If you want to make adult prunes, boil them in red wine for 7-10 minutes instead of water. Of course, you won't be able to serve such a dessert to children, but for an adult company it will be a pleasant surprise. Place on a plate shot with napkins and cool.

Chop the nuts. Dry the nuts in the oven until golden brown, turning them over with a spatula on all sides. Insert half of the walnut kernel into the hole of the prune. Connect the edges of the plum with your fingers. So, stuff all the plums.

Now you can start pouring sour cream. There are many ways to make sour cream sauce. For example, you can mix raw condensed milk and sour cream in equal proportions and pour over the dessert. We will make a traditional sour cream that is also suitable for. Use sour cream for dessert, with a fat content of 20%. So, put the sour cream in a bowl. Add sugar to it.

Beat with a mixer. Add sour cream thickener and vanillin.

With the help of these components, the sour cream sauce will acquire an airy and denser structure and a subtle vanilla aroma. Beat the sour cream with a mixer for 2-3 minutes. The finished cream turned out to be thick, exactly as I wanted.

Put the stuffed prunes in a bowl or bowl in two or three rows. Spread it out on a large flat dish if you like. Top with sour cream.

Prunes stuffed with cottage cheese, nuts and honey is a delicious and elegant dessert. You will have to tinker a little when filling dried fruits, but you will not regret the wasted time.

The filling is made on the basis of delicate cottage cheese. Floral honey and walnuts accentuate plums and cottage cheese, helping to reveal their natural flavor better. Semolina and eggs harmoniously fit into the overall composition, linking the ingredients into a single whole. And the amazing smell of vanilla sugar makes the dessert even more expressive and appetizing.

How to choose prunes for dessert

In order for the dish to turn out delicious and as healthy as possible, you need to choose the right prunes. Buy fruits that are bright black, matte (the less gloss, the better). High-quality prunes are fleshy, slightly soft and firm: when you press on them, they do not lose their shape. Ignore dried fruits that are brown or blue: brown tints indicate that the fruits were boiled to increase shelf life, and blue - that glycerin was not without to give them a presentation. Meanwhile, glycerin is difficult to wash off, and besides, it is unhealthy. If possible, taste prunes when you buy them. If it tastes bitter, this indicates an expired shelf life or improper processing. The high quality of all the ingredients of the dessert is the key to both good taste and beneficial effects on the body.

Cooking time: 30 minutes / Yield: 4 servings


  • prunes 300 grams
  • fat cottage cheese 100 grams
  • chicken egg 2 pieces
  • semolina 1 tbsp. spoon
  • liquid flower honey 1 tbsp. spoon
  • walnut kernels 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - 10 grams
  • butter 10 grams (for greasing the baking sheet).

How to make dessert stuffed prunes

Put the prunes in a colander and rinse thoroughly with water at room temperature. Then pour the dried fruits into a bowl and cover with boiling water for 15 minutes to swell.

Dry and carefully remove the seeds from the fruit.

Rub the curd through a sieve.
Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. We don't need proteins.

Finely chop the walnut kernels with a wide, sharp blade.

Add yolks, semolina, honey and vanilla sugar to a bowl of cottage cheese.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add walnuts and stir again.

For the next cooking step, be patient. Carefully place the filling in the cuts on the fruit, taking care not to damage the prunes. And fill in so that the mass forms a kind of "hat" over the fruits. The most convenient way to do this is with a small coffee spoon.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Melt the butter and grease a baking sheet with it.

Place the stuffed prunes on a baking sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes.

Put hot prunes with cottage cheese, nuts and honey on a beautiful dish and serve. Low-fat sour cream and low-fat yogurt will be a great addition to this delicacy.

Found in many dishes, salads, snacks. From this duo, you can cook a lot of delicious things and not only desserts. Let's try?

Stuffed prunes with walnuts - general principles of preparation

For stuffing, choose large pitted prunes. Usually, dried fruits are soaked for a while so that they soften and increase in size. Then the main product needs to be squeezed out, dried, filled with filling.

Ways of stuffing prunes:

1. The hole through which the bone was taken out is stretched with a finger, stuffed inside with a filling.

2. From the side of the hole, make small cuts with a sharp knife, stuff the prunes with the filling with the top, dried fruits look like small "barrels".

3. The prunes are cut into two parts, but not until the very end. Put the filling inside. Prunes look like ajar mussel shells.

Sometimes a piece of nut is simply thrust into prunes, and sauces or cream are poured on top. The method of stuffing depends on the selected recipe, the desired amount of filling, the size of the prunes.

Kernels for the filling are used whole or chopped, crushed into crumbs. They are often mixed with other products: cheese, eggs, garlic, cottage cheese, herbs. Improves the taste of the spice. Meat products, mushrooms, chicken can be added to the filling, but in small quantities. In desserts, creams based on sour cream and whipped cream are used, sugar, vanilla are added to sauces, other fruits can be used.

Stuffed prunes with walnuts and garlic

Recipe for a savory prune appetizer stuffed with walnuts and garlic. The pungency can be adjusted to your taste by adding more garlic, pepper.


200 g of prunes;

150 g of nuts;

3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

2 cloves of garlic;

2-3, dill sprigs;

Salt pepper.


1. Fill the prunes with water, but not for long. We take the liquid at room temperature or cold. Otherwise, the dried fruit will become limp.

2. As soon as the prunes become soft, the water can be drained, put the fruit on a napkin, let it dry.

3. Grind the nuts into small crumbs, grind the garlic and herbs.

4. We connect everything, season with mayonnaise (you can take sour cream), salt and pepper to your liking.

5. Fill prunes with cooked minced meat, put them on a plate, decorate with herbs. You can serve the appetizer right away, but it is better to let it brew a little in the refrigerator, one hour is enough.

Stuffed prunes with walnuts in sour cream (dessert)

A delicious and healthy dessert recipe that you must try! You can use sour cream of any fat content, but it is better not to take an overly liquid product.


150 g prunes;

70 g of nuts;

200 ml sour cream;

80 g sugar;

1 pinch of vanilla


1. Soak prunes for 20 minutes. If it is too hard, then leave it in the water for an hour.

2. Take out, wring out.

3. Insert a piece of walnut into each piece. Chop the rest into crumbs, leave aside.

4. Beat the sour cream with sugar, throw in vanillin for flavor, but this is not necessary.

5. Fill the prunes with sour cream, stir gently, leave in the refrigerator for an hour.

6. Put the dessert into portioned bowls. Pour sour cream from the bottom.

7. Sprinkle the rest of the nuts on top and serve!

Stuffed prunes with walnuts and garlic with cheese

Recipe for prunes stuffed with walnuts, garlic and any cheese. You can take a solid or processed product, in this case, adjust the amount of mayonnaise.


150 g prunes;

2 cloves of garlic;

50 g of nuts;

150 g of cheese;

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

Some greenery.


1. Place the prunes in water.

2. Rub the cheese finely into a bowl. You can grind the garlic with it right away.

3. Dry the walnuts in a skillet and grind them too. Can be chopped with a knife or crushed. Combine with cheese.

4. Add mayonnaise, stir. You can salt, pepper, add other seasonings.

5. Optionally, put chopped greens in the filling or leave it for decoration.

6. Remove the prunes from the water. Cut the hole slightly to make the filling fit more.

7. We fill the dried fruits with cheese mass.

8. It remains only to beautifully arrange the "shells" on a platter, decorate with herbs and you can send the filling to the table!

Stuffed prunes with walnuts and sour cream

Another way to make a dessert with sour cream and stuffed prunes. The dish differs in technology and taste.


500 g sour cream;

300 g prunes;

3 tablespoons of sugar;


1. In a colander you need to lay a thin cotton cloth, put sour cream on it and leave for 4 hours. During this time, the whey will drain, the mass will turn out to be thick.

2. Add sugar, vanilla to the strained sour cream, stir.

3. Soak the prunes.

4. Put the nuts on a plate, dry them in the microwave or fry them in a skillet. Cool it down.

5. We take one prune in our hands, stretch the inner cavity with our finger, fill it with sour cream.

6. Stick in a piece of walnut. It is possible and more, we look at the size of the prunes and the amount of cream.

7. Transfer to a plate. Stuff all the prunes in the same way.

Stuffed prunes with walnuts and garlic with cottage cheese

A variant of the curd filling for stuffing prunes. Choose a quality product with a fat content of at least 9%, in this case the dish will turn out to be delicate and creamy. The amount of sour cream is regulated depending on the moisture content of the curd.


200 g of cottage cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

1.5 tablespoons of nuts;

2-3 sprigs of parsley;

Sour cream.


1. Chop nuts, you can pre-fry them. Grind the greens.

2. Pour prunes with water for soaking.

3. Beat the cottage cheese with sour cream until smooth, add the garlic. You can put everything in a blender and grind at the same time.

4. Add greens with nuts, salt and taste. For pungency, add pepper or mustard.

5. Take out the softened prunes, make small cuts, fill with the prepared curd mass.

6. Put on a dish with herbs, serve.

Stuffed prunes with walnuts, marshmallows and bananas

Another recipe for an amazing dessert, which should be allowed to brew for at least one hour. The simplest vanilla marshmallow is used, there should not be any additives in it. Even small prunes can be used for this dessert.


150 g prunes;

4 marshmallows;

200 g sour cream;

1 spoon of sugar;

50 g of nuts.


1. Fill the prunes with warm water, leave for half an hour. We take out, squeeze out. Can be blotted with paper towels.

2. Put a piece of walnut into each prune.

3. Mix sour cream with sugar, pour over prunes, leave for an hour.

4. Cut the marshmallows into cubes. To prevent the knife from sticking, we periodically moisten the blade with cold water.

5. Cut the banana into pieces, mix with marshmallows, put on the bottom of small bowls or salad bowls.

6. Put prunes on top. We distribute between all portions.

7. Pour the rest of the sour cream with sugar on top.

8. For decoration, you can use chopped nuts or slices of banana. Coconut flakes go well with this dessert.

Stuffed prunes with walnuts and garlic with chicken

For minced meat, you need a small piece of chicken breast. You can take an already boiled product or part of a baked poultry.



100 g of chicken;

2 cloves of garlic;

50 g of nuts;

A little dill.


1. Cut the boiled chicken into cubes, put it in a blender.

2. Add nuts and garlic, spread half of the sour cream.

3. Beat the mass until smooth, evaluate the consistency, add sour cream if necessary.

4. Put chopped greens, stir.

5. Make cuts in the soaked prunes.

6. Fill dried fruit with cooked pate, put it on a plate, decorate it to your taste.

Stuffed prunes with walnuts (in wine)

Recipe for an amazing dessert for adults. The dish is prepared in the oven in pots, it can be used cold and warm. Red wine is used, it will also be delicious with a rose drink.


500 g of prunes;

2 tablespoons of sugar;

200 ml of wine;

50 g butter;

150 g of nuts.


1. For this dish, the prunes are poured with warm water, kept for half an hour.

2. Fill the prepared fruit with nuts. If more than one fits, then boldly stick it in.

3. Mix the wine with granulated sugar.

4. Put the stuffed prunes in a pot.

5. Fill with sweetened wine. More sugar can be added if desired.

6. Throw butter on top, no need to melt it beforehand.

7. Close the pot with a lid, put it in the oven. Cooking for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.

8. Before serving, cool the dessert until warm or completely cool it down. Can be served with cream, ice cream balls.

Walnut stuffed prunes - tips and tricks

The filling will be tastier and more aromatic if the nuts are fried. You don't have to use a frying pan. This can be done quickly and easily in the microwave. Only the nucleoli need to be monitored, they can burn out at any time.

If the prunes are caught with seeds, then they must be steamed before extraction. It will be easier to remove the bone, the hole will be more accurate.

If you need to quickly chop nuts, you can pour the kernels onto a cutting board, roll with a rolling pin with pressure.

Keeps on sharing with you recipes for delicious holiday dishes. Baked pork with barberry. And today we will start with snacks, original holiday snacks will decorate the table and accentuate the taste of the aperitif. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of prunes stuffed with cheese and nuts. Cheese balls with almonds. Ham bells with cheese salad.

Stuffed prunes with cheese and nuts

I was preparing stuffed prunes for the first time, I love the smoked taste of prunes and I thought that in combination with cheese and nuts for champagne, this is a snack!

I will say that it is very tasty !!! The guests grinded a new snack from the festive table right away, and the husband really liked it, the sister suggested the recipe, thanks to her! Prunes with hard cheese and a delicate taste of cashew nuts for champagne are just a delight !!!

Required Ingredients:

Hard cheese
Garlic - 1-2 teeth.
Cashew nuts (any)


I don't write the number of ingredients, I did everything "by eye". I chose cashews, for my taste they fit in the most harmoniously, the delicate taste of cashews does not clog the aroma and taste of the rest of the ingredients. According to the recipe, you can take any nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts - the taste of the snack will turn out to be original. Prunes should be of high quality, pitted. You can take any hard cheese, but ideally Parmesan.

I washed the prunes thoroughly in warm water and left them so that the moisture would go away and the dried fruits would dry out.

I filled the prunes with the cheese mass in half, put in a nut and cheese again.

The original prune appetizer is ready! Bon Appetit!

Cheese balls with almonds

Another interesting festive cheese snack for those who are not very fond of prunes.

Required Ingredients:

Hard cheese
Almonds (roasted)
Garlic - 1-2 teeth.
Dill greens
Feed skewers


Grate hard cheese on a fine grater, add garlic crushed through a press and a little mayonnaise. Roll a ball, place fried almonds in the middle, lightly grease with mayonnaise on top and roll in finely chopped parsley. Place the cheese balls in the refrigerator to harden.

Ham bells with cheese filling

Required Ingredients:

Processed cheese
Salt, black pepper


Hard boil the egg. Boil the carrots. Grate cheese, carrots, egg and garlic, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the ham into thin slices. Roll a bell out of a slice of ham and secure with a toothpick. Fill with cheese filling. You can put a spoonful of filling on a slice of ham and just roll it up, put on a plate with the seam down.