Fried mackerel in a pan. Fried mackerel

07.09.2019 Seafood dishes

1. Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze out the juice.

2. Pour mayonnaise, soy sauce, lemon juice, salt and pepper into a deep bowl. Stir the food well to distribute it evenly.

3. Wash the mackerel, cut off unnecessary parts (head, fins and tail). Open the belly and remove the giblets. Divide in half lengthways, pull out the vertebra and remove all bones. Then wash the fillets and pat dry with a paper towel.
If the fish is frozen, then defrost it first. To make this process faster, place it in a bag and immerse it in water.

4. Spread the prepared sauce on all sides of the fish and place in any container.

5. Wrap it with cling film and leave to marinate for 1 hour. If you keep it for a longer time, then put the fish in the refrigerator. But in order for the meat to become tender and there were no unpleasant odors during frying, it must spend at least 30 minutes in the marinade.

6. Place the pan on the stove and add oil. Heat it well so that it starts to smoke. Place the mackerel fillets in a skillet, cook on medium heat and cook for about 10 minutes.
I do not recommend frying mackerel in olive oil, because because of it, the fish will acquire an unpleasant aroma. You can use butter for frying, then the mackerel will become softer.

7. Then turn the fish over and cook until golden and crispy.

Tender mackerel can be cooked in various ways, but the simplest and most popular was and remains the method of cooking fish in a pan. Frying and stewing in a pan takes a minimum of time and allows you to control the cooking process by directly observing it. Thanks to this, the fish does not turn out to be overcooked, or vice versa - raw. Read how to cook mackerel in a pan in our article.

How to fry mackerel in a pan with fragrant oil?


  • mackerel fillet - 8 pcs.;
  • flour - 75 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • lemon.

For oil:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley, basil, thyme, etc.) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Before frying the mackerel in a pan, beat the soft butter with a blender until creamy. Add 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs and a little lemon juice to the butter. For such a fragrant oil, you can also take dry herbs, but first you need to knead them with a pestle in order to start up the aroma. Put the finished butter on an oilcloth and roll it up with a sausage. We put the sausage in the refrigerator and leave there until it is completely cooled.

Sift the flour and mix with salt and pepper. Dip the fish fillets in flour, shake off the rest. On the side with the pulp, put a piece of butter without additives and fry the fish with the oil side down for about 2-3 minutes, then turn the skin down and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Serve the mackerel fillet with a slice of lemon and a piece of aromatic butter, laid on top.

Mackerel in a pan with Bretonne sauce


  • mackerel fillet - 8 pcs.;
  • flour with salt and pepper;
  • butter - 40 g.

Bretonne sauce:

  • butter - 55 g;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tsp;
  • white wine vinegar - 2 tsp;
  • parsley.


Heat the pan over medium heat. Roll the fillet pieces in flour, shake off the rest. Grease the fish pulp with soft butter and put the greased side in the pan. How much to fry mackerel in a pan depends on the size of the fish itself, but usually 4-5 minutes are enough on each side over low heat.

While the fish is fried, let's make the sauce: put the yolks, wine vinegar in a bowl and add chopped parsley. Beat everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Serve the finished fish with a side dish and cooked sauce.

How to put out mackerel in a pan?

This Korean cuisine dish is specially designed for lovers of original taste and unusual cooking methods. For this recipe, we need kimchi cabbage, which can be bought at any specialized store of oriental cuisine, but it is easier to cook it yourself, especially since we already had to disassemble the recipe earlier.


  • canned mackerel - 2 cans;
  • homemade kimchi - 2 tbsp. + juice from under it - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp spoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • chopped ginger - 1 tsp;
  • dried chili to taste;
  • soy sauce - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 ½ tbsp.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions.


In a bowl, mix 1/4 cup canned fish juice with chopped garlic and ginger, as well as chili and soy sauce. Add the kimchi juice to the mixture and set the mixture aside.

Heat sesame oil in a frying pan and spread the fish along with coarsely chopped onions and kimchi cabbage. Pour the contents of the frying pan with the previously prepared sauce and water. Bring the liquid to a boil and reduce the heat. Cooking stewed mackerel in a pan will take 15-20 minutes under the lid, after which you can additionally season the dish with the desired amount of soy sauce. Serve with chopped green onions.

Appetizing mackerel fried in a pan is a very tasty dish. It can be prepared in different ways, but any option for serving this fish, which has few bones in its meat, has a rich taste and pleasant aroma. An attractive feature of mackerel is that it is quite fatty. This is not a minus at all, but a real plus. The fact is that such a fish is never dry and tough. It is covered with a thin skin, which is quite edible and tasty. Get acquainted with the recipes for mackerel in a frying pan, breading with flour, with onions, in batter.

Fried mackerel in flour breadcrumbs

If you don't know how to fry mackerel in a pan, then this recipe is exactly what you are looking for. Step-by-step instructions with visual photos will help novice cooks master this simple recipe for cooking fish.

Cooking time - 35 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 6.


To prepare this everyday dish, we will need the following products:

  • fresh mackerel - 600 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • refined sunflower oil - for frying.

Cooking method

So, how to cook mackerel in a pan in the simplest flour breading? It's as simple as it gets. The whole process will take you a few minutes, especially if you bought the mackerel already cut.

  1. The first step is to rinse the mackerel with cold water. Cut off the head from the carcasses. Gut the fish by carefully cutting the abdomen with a thin knife. Scrape off the black foil thoroughly from the inside. Place the mackerel carcasses on the working surface of the table and make an incision along the back near the spine. The knife must be guided along the entire fish, cutting off the fillets. Remove the spine. It is also necessary to pull out the rib bones. Cut the fins.

  1. Sift flour. Put it on a flat plate. Cut the fish into portions. Breaded mackerel fillets in flour.

On a note! To prevent the fish fillet from being bland, it is recommended to add a little salt or salt to the flour and stir beforehand.

  1. Heat refined vegetable oil in a frying pan. All that remains is to fry the mackerel in a pan according to a recipe with an ordinary flour layout. This must be done on both sides until a delicate brown crust forms.

Note! To prevent the fish from getting too oily, it is worth putting the fried pieces on paper napkins. This will help remove excess oil.

So our mackerel is ready in a pan. As you yourself may have noticed, it fries quickly and easily, but it turns out to be incredibly appetizing. It is recommended to serve fried mackerel with lime or lemon wedges, as well as with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Fried mackerel with onions

If you like simple and unpretentious dishes from available products, then you should definitely cook mackerel and onions in a pan. This hearty dish will prove to be a wonderful addition to your everyday menu.

Cooking time is 45 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 5.


What products do we need in order to fry a fish? The list is ridiculously simple:

  • fresh mackerel - 2 medium-sized carcasses;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • refined vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method

If you don't know how to fry mackerel in a pan, a photo recipe will allow you to learn this simple culinary skill. The main thing is to do everything as indicated in the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Prepare fish immediately. Mackerel carcasses will need to be cut. In this case, fins, tails and heads are necessarily cut off. We will not fry them. The abdomen is invariably opened and thoroughly cleaned of the viscera. Rinse prepared carcasses thoroughly in running water.

  1. Cut the mackerel into small portions 2.5-3 cm thick. Sprinkle the fish with salt on top and stir.

  1. Heat refined vegetable oil in a frying pan. Pieces of fish are generously breaded in flour and immediately sent to hot oil. Cover and fry for 10-12 minutes.

  1. Flip the mackerel and cook with raw country.

  1. Meanwhile, peel the onions and cut them into thin half rings. Then, without adding additional oil, send the onion to the pan in which the fish was fried. It is recommended to divide it into separate fragments. Season with salt and fry until soft and golden brown.

On a note! According to this recipe, fried mackerel in a pan can be made immediately with onions, adding it after the pieces have been turned over. Such mackerel will turn out to be very tasty in a grill pan according to the same recipe with a photo.

  1. It only remains to shape our dish. To do this, the fish is laid out on a plate, and a fried onion is placed next to or on top.

This is how simple and without unnecessary fuss, mackerel is made in a pan according to a recipe with a photo. Be sure to try to cook it, because this is a truly tasty and satisfying dish that does not require special financial costs.

Fried mackerel in dough

Mackerel is a very healthy type of fish. It contains a lot of useful vitamins, macro- and microelements. That is why you should definitely introduce this product into your diet. To make it really tasty, you can make fried mackerel in a pan in a dough according to the recipe with a photo.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 2.


What products do we need to implement this daily recipe? The list will not put you in a state of shock, since everything is simple and accessible:

  • fresh mackerel - 1 carcass;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • baking soda - 1 pinch;
  • refined vegetable oil and salt - to taste.

Cooking method

If you decide to cook delicious mackerel in a pan according to the recipe with a photo, follow the suggested recommendations step by step. Then you will definitely not have any problems, including with the preparation of dough for this fish.

  1. Remove the mackerel from the freezer. Defrost fish completely.

  1. Peel the carcass. Open the peritoneum. Remove all insides carefully. Rinse the fish thoroughly with tap water. Remove bones and ridge. Divide the prepared mackerel in half. Cut each piece into 2 more pieces. It turns out here is such a small mackerel fillet.

"White" fish species are very fatty and contain a large number of useful chemical compounds. Dishes made from them are recommended for pregnant women, children and the elderly. But mainly such representatives of the fish family are used for salting, since few know, for example, how to fry mackerel in order to preserve its benefits and get rid of a specific smell. There are a large number of recipes aimed specifically at eliminating the unpleasant odor of this fish. Listening to the advice of professionals and the experience of housewives, you can easily and correctly prepare a delicious mackerel appetizer.


You can fry not only fish of today's catch, but also fresh-frozen, which must be defrosted at room temperature before cooking or placed in a plastic bag and put under running water.

When buying in a store, you need to pay attention to:

  • mackerel eyes, which should be clean, not cloudy;
  • the color of the abdominal cavity and the absence of yellow spots on it;
  • back shine and uniform condition;
  • gills, which are pink in fresh fish;
  • smell, without unpleasant notes.

Before frying mackerel, you need to take time to properly prepare and process it. The first step is to remove the head and remove the entrails, then the fins and tail are cut off. It is imperative to remove the inner black film, which gives the finished dish a bitterness.

Advice! If desired, you can cook carcasses with the head, but then it is recommended to remove the eyes and gills.

Use butter or oil for frying (other than olive oil), a nonstick skillet, and spices to help remove unwanted aroma.

How to fry mackerel in a pan

How much to fry mackerel in time in a pan, you can understand by analyzing several recipes. Most of them are aimed at preliminary marinating fish, which should last at least half an hour. The brine can include: lemon juice, dry white wine, mineral water and wine vinegar - ingredients that are quite suitable for home conditions. It should also be remembered that after the marinade, the mackerel must be dried with a paper towel. In addition, you can use breading or batter, as well as cook delicious fish with the addition of various ingredients, for example, vegetables, mushrooms or cheese.

The approximate cooking time for small portions is ten minutes on both sides, provided that they are laid out on a heated dish with oil.

No flour

If you marinated the product correctly, observing the amount of time and the proportions of the ingredients, then simply fry the mackerel fillets in a pan without flour or other breading. To do this, place the prepared pitted fish meat on hot butter and cook over medium heat for twenty minutes, dividing the frying time for each barrel. The fish is delicious when served with mashed potatoes or vegetable salad.


A real masterpiece of culinary art is obtained by frying mackerel in batter. The recipe is quite popular, although it takes a little longer.

The fish should be cleaned not only of offal, head and fins, but also of bones. Cut into small slices and marinate for thirty minutes. Meanwhile, we prepare the batter, for which we mix two chicken eggs, half a glass of flour and salt. Dip each piece of mackerel in flour, then put it in the prepared mixture and put it in a pan with hot oil. You need to fry the slices for about seven minutes on each side.


The carcass can be cut into small sticks with bones, into sirloin slices, or simply into two halves. We marinate the fish for thirty minutes, dry it and roll it first in a raw egg, then in bread crumbs, again in an egg and again in breadcrumbs. Place in a hot skillet with oil and fry until tender on both sides. During baking, mackerel does not lose its own juice and becomes very rich.

With vegetables

Marinate the prepared pieces of fish in vinegar, sugar and water. During this time, we manage to grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onions and tomatoes into cubes. Put the onion in a preheated pan and fry it until golden brown, lower the mackerel, and put the carrots on top. Cook for about fifteen minutes, add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and fry a little more.

With mushrooms

You can use a variety of mushrooms, but this recipe involves the use of canned mushrooms. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry together with the plastics of the mushrooms in a pan. Then we spread the mackerel, which has passed the stages of cleaning, separation of bones, cutting into cubes, pickling and drying. Ten minutes before cooking, add sour cream.

With cheese

We turn the mackerel into a clean fillet, cut into pieces and dip in the brine. Three cheese on a coarse grater. We heat a frying pan, melt the butter in it and lay out the fish. After seven minutes of baking, turn the slices over and sprinkle them with cheese, then close the lid and fry for about ten more minutes at low temperature. The appetizer will turn out to be very refined and tasty.

With cauliflower

Before dipping the mackerel into the marinade, it must be completely peeled and cut into strips of about one centimeter. Break the cauliflower into separate small inflorescences and bake in hot vegetable oil. Fry for about seven minutes over low heat with the lid closed. Add the infused slices and green peas, salt and mix.

Advice! After fifteen minutes of cooking, the dish is considered ready, but before serving it should be sprinkled with grated cheese.

Baked in the oven

You can fry mackerel in the oven in foil, while all the juice remains inside, and the fish is not dry. The carcass is stuffed with lemon wedges and soaked in sour cream or mayonnaise on top. Sprinkle with spices or fish seasoning and then wrap in a sleeve. The oven is heated to 200 degrees and baked for half an hour.

On the grill

You can fry mackerel on an electric type grate or on coals, while cutting the carcass into two halves and completely get rid of the bones. Season each part with black ground pepper, coriander, herbs and leave for an hour for dry marinating. Then we wipe them dry, coat them with vegetable oil from two barrels and put them on the wire rack with the skin side down. Cook until browning, not forgetting to turn over.

The benefits of fish

Mackerel meat is rich in various vitamins, macro- and microelements. It contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids. The calorie content is approximately 260 kcal, depending on the season of the specimen's catch. Energy value ranges from 150 to 200 kJ. Such fish is useful for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and adolescents. It stabilizes the nervous system, normalizes the condition of joints, hair and mucous membranes.

Mackerel will become a real delicacy and decoration of the table if you know how to cook it correctly. Some tricks and nuances will help get rid of the specific smell and fry the fish juicy. Important properties of mackerel fillets will make your dinner not only tasty, but also healthy.

The quick-to-prepare and mouth-watering pan-fried mackerel is ideal for an everyday lunch or dinner. This fish does not contain small bones, so it can be included in the children's diet. Mackerel fried in oil turns out to be dryish, so it is better to cook it with onions, vegetables, potatoes.

Fried mackerel in pieces

This is a basic recipe according to which you will be able to cook delicious fish for the main side dish in a few minutes.

Would need:

  • 1 medium mackerel;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 60 g wheat flour;
  • salt to taste;
  • spicy herbs optional;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Cooking technology.

  1. The fish is processed: the head, upper and lower fins, tail are cut off, the insides are cleaned from the abdomen, the carcass is washed.
  2. Mackerel must be dried with a paper towel, otherwise it will not fry.
  3. With a sharpened knife, the fish is cut into medium pieces.
  4. Season each slice.
  5. The eggs are shaken with salt.
  6. Pour flour on a saucer.
  7. Preheat a frying pan with oil.
  8. Chunks of fish are alternately dipped in an egg, then in flour on both sides and spread in hot oil.
  9. Mackerel is cooked over medium heat, frying on each side until golden brown.
  10. The finished pieces of fish are placed on paper towels to absorb unnecessary fat.

Tip: so that there is no unpleasant fishy smell during the frying process, sprinkle pieces of raw mackerel with lemon juice and leave for 5 minutes.

How to cook with onions?

Fish fried with onions turns out to be more appetizing and juicy.

Ingredient List:

  • 2 fresh frozen mackerels;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 g ground black pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • 60 ml of vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe.

  1. A bag of fish is immersed in cold water for quick defrosting.
  2. The mackerel is cut, gutted, washed thoroughly under the tap.
  3. The carcasses are cut into portions, placed in a cup, salted, gloved and left out of the refrigerator for an hour. Thanks to this technique, the fish will not fall apart during the frying process and will not stick to the pan.
  4. The oil is well calcined (40 ml).
  5. The prepared pieces are rolled in flour and sent to the pan. Fry on low heat on both sides.
  6. The prepared mackerel is transferred to a dish.
  7. Chop the onions randomly (not too finely), fry in the remaining oil, spread on the fish.
  8. Pan-cooked mackerel with onions is perfect with mashed potatoes.