Spring salad recipes at home. Spring salads - we fight vitamin deficiency

27.11.2019 Seafood dishes

Spring salad offers many options. Of course, we cook them with vegetables - with cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers or bell peppers. We just need such salads on spring days after the harsh, Russian winter. Live vitamins from vegetables and fresh herbs are absorbed by the body much better than pharmacy multivitamins. Some salads are prepared without mayonnaise, but add at least mayonnaise or sour cream if desired. Choose for yourself whichever is more to your taste from this list and cook with pleasure!

In this article:

Spring Day Chicken Salad - Step by Step Recipe

How to cook:

  1. My potatoes and carrots. Boil until medium soft. The main thing is not to boil over. When the water is boiled, drain it and let it cool.
  2. I also put chicken meat to cook. I cook for half an hour after boiling. When it's cooked, I take the meat out of the broth onto a plate to cool. Hard-boiled eggs. 10 - 12 minutes
  3. The potatoes and carrots are cold. Peel and grate potatoes, carrots and eggs on a medium grater. Not all together, of course, but on different plates.
  4. I also cut the cooled chicken meat into small pieces.
  5. I chop the onion very finely and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes to remove the pungent smell and bitterness.
  6. I also cut the mushrooms smaller. If you have fresh mushrooms, fry them, chopped in a pan with butter for about 10 minutes.
  7. Collect the salad in layers on a flat plate. I put a layer of grated potatoes on the leaves of green lettuce. Lightly add some salt and coat with mayonnaise. The second layer is mushrooms and mayonnaise again.
  8. Then a layer of grated carrots, salt, mayonnaise. Next is the chicken fillet. And again I add some salt and coat with mayonnaise.
  9. Next, the onion and the topmost layer are grated eggs. Here I just add some salt to the eggs. Mayonnaise is no longer needed. I decorate the salad with herbs and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

Serve the salad when it's soaked in mayonnaise. Yummy indescribable!

Light spring salad with cabbage and cucumber - video

This fresh, crispy, spring salad for you from the video channel "Valentina24777 Cooking delicious". Valentina shows you how to cut vegetables quickly and beautifully.

As you can see, this spectacular and light salad is made quite simply. And by the way, it is full of vitamins. Cook and recharge with spring energy.

With fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and mozzarella

The decoration of this collection is a bright and tasty salad with small mozzarella balls. It has fresh vegetables and lots of greens. All products go well together.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. I wash and dry all vegetables with a towel or napkins. Cut the cucumber into thin circles.
  2. Tomatoes in half and also into slices.
  3. I cut one blue onion at random.
    I scald the onion with boiling water to remove excess bitterness. And I squeeze a clove of garlic through a press. I mix it with onions.
  4. I start to collect the salad. I put lettuce leaves in a circle on a flat dish. Mixed green and purple. On them are tomato slices. Add a little salt.
  5. Now the cucumber slices and sprinkle with onion and garlic. Drizzle with olive oil. And a little salt again
  6. On top of everything I laid out mozzarella balls and a sprig of basil. A little bit of pepper.

    The combination of tomatoes and crab sticks in this salad makes it incredibly tasty and festively elegant. If you haven't prepared such a salad yet, be sure to try and appreciate it. All products are simple and you don't need to cook anything.

    What you need:

    How to cook:

    1. I cut the sticks slightly obliquely so that not cubes, but rhombuses are obtained. So prettier. I pour it into a salad bowl.
    2. First, I cut the tomatoes into circles, and then I cut these circles into stripes. I pour them into a colander to remove excess juice.
    3. I rub a piece of hard cheese on a medium grater. I pour it into a salad bowl.
    4. The excess juice has already drained from the tomatoes. I put them in a salad bowl too.
    5. I squeeze the cloves of garlic through a press. Finely chop the dill. Salt and pepper the salad. Season with mayonnaise and stir well.
    6. Decorate with parsley leaves. Ready.

    Everything is so tasty and simple. Help yourself to your health!

    Spring salad with bell pepper

    And finally, a video recipe for spring salad without mayonnaise from the Tasty Food channel. All products go well together. Moreover, they are all collections of various vitamins. Cabbage, carrots and bell peppers carry the greatest amount of nutrients in comparison with other vegetables and even fruits.

    For today, I have everything about spring salads. To everyone who cooked with me today, I wish you bon appetit! I would be very grateful for your comments and additions!

    If you liked the recipes, click on the social media buttons and they will be saved on your page.

In spring, you want more bright colors and light salads. Fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables will help us to replenish the vitamin and mineral balance.
Salads are a mixture of chopped cold vegetables, herbs, fruits, etc., dressed with sauce. To prevent the salad from producing a lot of juice, season and salt the salads just before serving, since pre-salted vegetables produce a lot of juice. It is best to serve salads on chilled plates.

Mixed salads. The products included in the salad are mixed with each other and with salad dressing or sauce. The food is mixed together with part of the sauce or dressing in a separate bowl, preferably with two large forks, so that the pieces of the constituent products keep the shape of the cut as much as possible. The prepared salad is transferred to a dish or salad bowl. Do not fill the dish or salad bowl with salad to the brim - the edges remain 2-3 cm free. The prepared salad is poured with the rest of the sauce and decorated.

Unmixed salads. The products from which the salad is prepared are laid out separately in different dishes or on a large dish in separate portions. Salad dressing or several different sauces are served in sauce bowls or small bowls. This serving is convenient in that it allows you to choose foods and salad dressings to taste.

Salads drenched in sauce or dressing. Chopped food prepared for salad is placed on a dish or in a salad bowl, in which the salad is served on the table, mixed, in layers or in separate (according to the type of food) portions. The salad is poured over with sauce and is not mixed, which allows you to preserve the integrity of each type of food. Such salads are prepared from delicate, easily disintegrating products: soft vegetables, boiled or hot smoked fish, green peas.

Combination of products in salads

Fresh cucumbers:
eggs, fresh herbs (onion, dill, parsley, cilantro), green salad, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, bell peppers, hot peppers, zucchini, fresh apples, cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, yogurt, croutons.

Fresh tomatoes:
cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, fresh herbs (basil, cilantro, parsley), green salad, onions, olives, olives, fresh sweet peppers, baked sweet peppers, hot peppers, baked eggplants, boiled pearl barley, pasta.

Boiled beets:
herring, green onions, onions, canned beans, boiled potatoes, green peas, fresh apples, fresh pears, fried tofu, sprouts, pickled cucumbers, garlic.

Boiled potatoes:
fried mushrooms, pickled mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, green onions, onions, green salad, fresh apples, green peas, boiled meat, ham, boiled poultry, boiled tongue, fresh cucumber, petiole celery, fried bacon, feta cheese, cheese blue, green beans.

Boiled rice:
poached fish or in its own juice (salmon, tuna, trout), cod liver, boiled chicken, boiled eggs, green onions, olives, pine nuts, walnuts, cheese, garlic, canned corn, fresh apples, fresh pears, nectarines, dried apricots , nuts, fresh mint.

Fresh white cabbage:
fresh carrots, fresh cucumbers, radishes, fresh apples, green onions, hot peppers, sweet peppers, root celery, fresh oranges and grapefruits, basil, parsley, grapes.

Salad dressings
Lemon juice, salt, pepper.
Vegetable or olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper.
Vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt, pepper.
Vegetable oil, chopped garlic, salt, pepper.
Mayonnaise with chopped herbs, garlic and lemon juice.
Mayonnaise with chopped gherkins, parsley, lemon juice and onions.
Sour cream with garlic, chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
Mayonnaise or sour cream mixed with mashed tomatoes and garlic.

  • April 07, 2010 9:10 pm
  • 219287

After the winter cold and vitamin deficiency, our body really needs vegetables and fruits, as well as greens. Simple and affordable salads from spring products will be able to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients, especially since with the coming warmth, you so want juicy, bright and fresh.

There is nothing difficult when creating these dishes, a little patience - and this task will be solved by any novice cook, since no special skills are required. However, there are some subtleties and rules for creating such dishes, which we will discuss below.

Any fresh vegetables, eggs and dressings can be used to create spring salads. It is not necessary to strictly follow the recipes, turn on your imagination and use all the available products, taking into account their compatibility.

Spring classic salad

We need:

  • White cabbage - ½ pcs.;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Dill and parsley greens - 100 grams;
  • Cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • Green onions - 50 grams;
  • Olive oil - 50 ml;
  • Salt.


  1. We wash the cucumbers, remove the top layer, then cut into cubes;
  2. Remove the top leaves from young cabbage, then chop the head of cabbage very finely;
  3. Wash green onions, dry and cut into rings;
  4. We do the same with the rest of the greens;
  5. Hard-boiled eggs. Cool and remove the shell, then chop coarsely;
  6. We collect the salad: we combine all the ingredients, salt and season with oil. An easy and quick vitamin salad is ready!

Radish salad

We need:

  • Young cabbage - ½ head of cabbage;
  • Fresh radish - 10 heads;
  • Green onions - 70 grams;
  • Dill - 70 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt pepper.


  1. We clean young cabbage from dirty extreme leaves, and then cut it into thin short plates;
  2. We wash the dill, dry it well, then finely chop it with a knife;
  3. We do the same with onions, but cut into rings;
  4. Mix greens with cabbage, add a drop of salt and remember with a rolling pin or with your hands, so that everything becomes a little softer and juicier;
  5. Boil the eggs, cool in water, remove the shell. Then cut into large pieces;
  6. We wash the radishes well, cut off the tails and cut into circles;
  7. I also wash the cucumbers, cut them into halves. Then we chop them in the form of a semicircle;
  8. Prepare the sauce: combine sour cream with butter, salt and mustard;
  9. We combine all the prepared ingredients and pour over them with dressing, add salt and mix. Spring salad with fresh vegetables is ready!

Rustic salad

We need:

  • Early cabbage - ½ fork;
  • Village eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Onions (greens) - 50 grams;
  • Cilantro - 50 grams;
  • Cucumber - 100 grams;
  • Tomato - 100 grams;
  • Radish - 4 pcs.;
  • Olive oil - 1 spoon;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt.


  1. Remove the outer leaves from the cabbage, then take a deep bowl and finely chop it there. Then we knead it thoroughly with our hands or with a potato crusher so that it starts up the juice, and also becomes softer;
  2. Boil the eggs hard-boiled and leave to cool in cold water. Then clean and cut into slices;
  3. Remove the husk from the garlic, squeeze it in a press or three on a grater. Add it to the cabbage and again grind and crush a little;
  4. We wash the carrots, peel off the peel and rub on a thin grater, as for Korean carrots, only slightly shorter;
  5. We wash the cucumber, remove the peel and cut into circles;
  6. We do the same with radishes, after removing the tails;
  7. Wash the tomatoes, then chop them into cubes;
  8. We wash the greens under the tap, dry them on napkins. We chop most of it finely enough, and leave a little cilantro for decoration;
  9. Now let's prepare a dressing for our salad. To do this, add vegetable oil and a little salt to mayonnaise, and then beat into a lush consistency such as foam;
  10. We collect the salad: combine the cabbage with garlic with the rest of the vegetables, herbs and slices of eggs, then pour our sauce and decorate with the remaining cilantro.

With cherry and soft cheese

We need:

  • Green salad - 1 bunch;
  • Radish - 6 pcs.;
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 grams;
  • Green onions - 6 feathers;
  • A mixture of parsley and dill - 50 grams;
  • Soft cheese - 100 grams;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Olive oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • Half lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Black pepper (powder) - a pinch.


  1. Divide the salad into leaves, rinse, dry on napkins. Then we tear into small pieces with our hands;
  2. We wash the radish, get rid of the tails, cut it in half, and then chop it in a semicircle;
  3. Wash cucumbers and peel, then divide into halves by length and also cut into halves of circles;
  4. Wash the cherry tomatoes. Separate the twigs and leaves, then cut in half or into quarters;
  5. We wash all the greens, let them dry, and then finely chop;
  6. Peel the garlic and push through a press;
  7. Squeeze juice from lemon into a separate container;
  8. Cooking the sauce. Knead soft cheese with a fork, then mix with olive oil and garlic, at the end add squeezed lemon juice, pepper and beat everything in a blender;
  9. Putting the dish together. Put salad greens, radishes and cucumbers, green onions, dill and parsley, and cherry tomato slices in a deep bowl. Pour sauce over everything and mix gently.

With sorrel and apples

We need:

  • Fresh leaf sorrel - 200 grams;
  • Sweet and sour apple - 1 pc.;
  • Green onions - 50 grams;
  • Parsley - 40 grams;
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • Radish - 4 heads;
  • Dill - 40 grams;
  • Sour cream - a small glass;
  • Salt.


  1. Wash the apples well, peel the peel with a vegetable peeler and rub on the coarsest grater;
  2. We wash the radish, remove the tails and cut into circles;
  3. Wash sorrel, dry it and tear it to shreds with our hands;
  4. We wash the green onions, let them dry and chop;
  5. We do the same with the rest of the greens;
  6. Remove the husk from the garlic, push through a press and grind with a pinch of salt;
  7. Combine the following ingredients in a deep salad bowl: radishes, apples, sorrel, parsley, garlic and green onions. Season with sour cream, knead and sprinkle with chopped dill.

With beans and chicken

We need:

  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast - 250 grams;
  • Canned red beans - 1 can;
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • Lettuce greens - 1 bunch;
  • White bread - 150 grams;
  • Sour cream - 70 grams.


  1. Cut the bread into cubes and dry in the oven to the state of crackers;
  2. We wash the chicken breast, separate the skin and cut into pieces. Heat the frying pan. Add a little water, then the fillet and salt a little. Close with a lid and simmer until tender. At the very end, let the liquid boil and lightly fry the meat;
  3. Divide the green salad into leaves, wash and dry. Then we tear into middle shreds;
  4. We wash the tomatoes, cut the stalks and finely chop;
  5. Grind the cheese into cheese shavings on a blender;
  6. Drain all the brine from the beans;
  7. We combine lettuce, chicken, tomatoes and beans. Add cheese and sour cream. Salt a little and mix. Before the handouts, pour the croutons on top.

With orange and beetroot

We need:

  • Beets - 100 grams;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Sweet orange - 1 pc.;
  • Green onions - 3 feathers;
  • Feta cheese - 70 grams;
  • Olive oil - 10 ml;
  • Balsamic vinegar - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 30 grams;
  • Sesame seeds - a teaspoon.


  1. Boil the beets until soft, then peel and cut into small squares;
  2. Peel off the peel and films from the orange, divide into slices, then cut each of them into 4 pieces;
  3. Cut off the skin from a fresh cucumber, clean out large seeds, if any. Then we chop, like beets;
  4. Wash green onions, dry and cut into rings;
  5. Cut the feta cheese into cubes;
  6. Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan;
  7. Let's prepare the salad syrup. In a small frying pan, mix sugar with balsamic vinegar, heat and let evaporate one third of the volume;
  8. Add half of the resulting mixture to the beets;
  9. In another bowl, combine cucumbers and oranges, olive oil and add a little salt;
  10. We collect the salad in stages. As the first layer, lay out the beets with balsamic syrup (1/2 part), then half of the cucumbers and oranges, the third layer is the same amount of feta cheese. Then sprinkle everything with a piece of sesame and repeat the layers again. Finally, pour over everything with the remnants of the balsamic syrup and decorate with green onions.

With radish and bell pepper

We need:

  • Fresh white cabbage - 250 grams;
  • Sweet bell pepper - 80 grams;
  • Green radish - 150 grams;
  • Black radish - 130 grams;
  • Apple - 50 grams;
  • Carrots - 90 grams;
  • Dill - 20 grams;
  • Cucumber - 150 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 grams;
  • Light mayonnaise - 60 grams;
  • Mustard - a tablespoon;
  • Salt.


  1. We clean the cabbage from the extreme leaves, chop it into thin straws;
  2. Wash the pepper well, cut it into halves and discard the stalk with seeds. Then we plan into thin strips;
  3. Rinse both radishes thoroughly with a brush, cut into cubes. Then we fill it with cold water (each separately) and let it stand for 40 minutes so that all the bitterness from the fruit comes out;
  4. Carrots are also well washed, then peeled. Rub on a medium or thin grater;
  5. Wash the apple and remove the peel, and chop the pulp into cubes;
  6. We also wash the cucumber and cut it in the same way as an apple, but the skin can be left;
  7. Wash the dill under the pressure of water, let it dry and finely chop it;
  8. Cooking the sauce: combine mayonnaise, mustard and butter, beat until fluffy;
  9. We collect the salad. We combine all of the above ingredients, salt and pour with dressing. You can also replace this sauce with regular sour cream, so the dish will turn out to be lighter.

With beans and asparagus

We need:

  1. Potatoes - 350 grams;
  2. Beans in pods - 200 grams;
  3. Asparagus - 200 grams;
  4. Green pea pods - 400 grams;
  5. Ham - 90 grams;
  6. A mixture of lettuce leaves - 130 grams;
  7. Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  8. Fresh watercress - 50 grams;
  9. Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  10. Olive oil - 6 tablespoons;
  11. Sugar - 5 grams;
  12. Salt.


  1. We wash the potatoes, boil and let cool. Then we clean the skin and cut;
  2. We wash the beans, peel the pods. Along the way, boil water and dip the beans and asparagus into it for 3 minutes. Then we take everything out, put the asparagus aside, and rinse the beans in cold water. After such procedures, the skin can be easily removed from the peas, for this it is enough to make an incision and press a little so that the bean pops out by itself. When we sort out all the peas, we dip them in boiling water for another 1 minute;
  3. Cut the ham into strips;
  4. We wash the lettuce leaves and dry them on napkins, then tear them with our hands quite finely;
  5. Grind the cheese into shavings;
  6. Let's prepare a dressing. Grind the watercress in a blender, then add olive oil, salt, vinegar and sugar. Beat everything until fluffy;
  7. Combine ham, potatoes, asparagus and peas together, mix;
  8. We collect our food. Pour 1/3 of the sauce over the lettuce leaves, mix and put on a wide dish. On top of them we put a mixture of vegetables and ham, which we pour with the remaining dressing. Finally, sprinkle the salad with cheese shavings. The dish is ready and ready to be served.

Spring Salad Cooking Tips:

  • To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in greens, it is better to tear them with your hands where possible;
  • Fresh vegetables in the salad contain a lot of juice, so it is better to salt and season them just before serving, so that the dish does not sour too quickly;
  • When boiling food, it is better to do this under a closed lid and in a moderate amount of liquid, this way more vitamins will be preserved.

Simple and delicious salad recipes

Prepare a delicious vitamin salad according to our detailed recipe. Spring salad is a light, simple food that can even be put on a festive table.

20 minutes

76 kcal

5/5 (1)

Spring has already awakened the sleeping herbs, the air is filled with delicate aromas and birdsong. At this time, you want something fresh, light and unusually tasty. In this case, what could be better than a tender, vitamin-rich spring salad?

Over the winter, the body is tired of boiled, fried, fatty foods, and only the very sight of greenery is already raising the mood. I really love to cook spring salads with cucumber and egg, with radishes, various recipes with cabbage and carrots are also good, but today I suggest using for our first salad the entire assortment of spring greens, led by spinach.

We will do wonderful vitamin bomb, which is able to fill the body with the necessary acids, minerals, trace elements and a huge amount of vitamins. Add boiled eggs to make it hearty and tasty, and flavor it all with a spicy dressing based on olive oil with lemon, honey and French mustard. As a result, improved mood and an excellent, radiant appearance. Let's cook the healthiest and most delicious spring salad ever.

Spring salad with spinach, herbs and egg

Kitchen utensils:

Necessary products

For refueling:

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • 3 teaspoons French mustard
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • half a teaspoon of black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

Selection of ingredients

Of course, all salad greens, unless you grow them yourself, it is better to buy in the market. Choose only the freshest greens. When choosing arugula, pay attention to the leaves, the taste of this plant depends on the size of the leaf.

The smaller the leaf, the more bitterness it contains. So be guided by your taste. Spinach, which can be safely attributed to the royal estate of vegetables for its taste and health benefits, should be chosen with special attention. It is worth asking where he was brought from, in which farm he was raised. Spinach has the ability to absorb all the pollution of the environment in which it grew up.

Fresh spinach leaves should be fresh, supple, crunchy (squeeze the leaf with your fingers to check), juicy, rich, green. Fresh, they should have a pleasant, appetizing aroma. The amount of greens in the salad can be adjusted to your liking.

If you really like cilantro, you can add more, if not, replace with more parsley. The same goes for all other ingredients.

Cooking sequence

  1. In a small saucepan, place boil 4 eggs (it takes 7 minutes).

  2. Now take the spinach and remove the chord (legs, stems) with your hands, it tastes unpleasant, tough and fibrous. Roll the leaves into a roll and cut into the desired lengths. Place in a salad bowl.

  3. Now let's prepare the salad dressing. Take a separate bowl and combine all the dressing ingredients. First, pour in the olive oil, add honey, lemon juice, French mustard, pepper and stir.
  4. Season the salad to your liking and top with the dressing. Mix the salad well (I do this with two forks), and you can serve this miracle to the table.

Spring salad with cabbage and cucumber

And one more recipe for a very simple, unusually tasty and fresh spring salad with young cabbage and cucumber, herbs, chives and radishes, with olive oil dressing with lemon juice.

From such a simple set of products, a wonderful, light, vitamin salad is obtained. And the seeds of cumin (cumin) will give it a unique piquant aroma. and the taste of freshness (in addition, cumin removes cabbage flatulence).

It will take time: 20 minutes
The resulting portions are: 4-5.
Kitchen utensils: large salad bowl (salad bowl); knife; cutting board; paper towels; a small saucepan to boil eggs; a small bowl for mixing the dressing.

Necessary products

  • 400 grams of young cabbage;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 4 medium-sized cucumbers;
  • a teaspoon of cumin seeds (cumin);
  • salt to taste;
  • 20 grams of feather onions;

Spring salad options

Into the spring salad you can add all the healthy foods that are in your refrigerator, if they fit together. All the greens that appear in the spring, as well as cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce leaves, arugula, spinach, chives, feel free to send all this to your salad bowl.

It goes well with all these vitamin products boiled chicken meat, boiled eggs, cheeses(like feta and parmesan) and fresh mushrooms. It is recommended not to mix vegetable and animal fats (for example, sour cream with vegetable oil) in salad dressing.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions on your culinary fantasies about spring salad. For dressing, you can use soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, French mustard, any vegetable oil or sour cream, yogurt, mayonnaise.

And yet, calendula petals, flax seeds, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds can be a pleasant addition and decoration to your spring salad.

Write to us if you liked my salads, and perhaps you have your own signature spring salad, share the recipe with us, we will be happy. Cook with love. I wish everyone happiness.

With the arrival of the long-awaited spring, I want to throw off all unnecessary things and enjoy the ease. You can start by updating the already annoying winter diet. Therefore, today we propose to recall the recipes for preparing spring salads.

Citrus freshness

Even a novice cook knows how to cook a spring salad. The main thing is that it contains fresh vegetables or fruits, not too nourishing dressing and some kind of exquisite ingredient. In this regard, a spring salad with beets and grapefruit is just what you need. Cut half the boiled beets into cubes. Remove the peel from the grapefruit, peel the slices from the films and cut the pulp into three parts. In one bowl, mix the beets with 30 ml of balsamic vinegar, in the other, combine arugula or any other greens with grapefruit, season with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and a pinch of salt. Mix both parts, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and walnuts - a delicious spring salad is ready.

Cabbage mosaic

Cabbage of any kind is one of the main ingredients in spring salads. It goes well with a wide variety of products and gives the dish a juicy flavor. Plus, spring cabbage salad is packed with vitamins and healthy fiber. We need a head of white cabbage, which we chop and mix with 1 grated carrot. Pour 100 g of dried apricots with boiling water for 5 minutes, then put them in a colander and chop finely. Now we mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add parsley and pour over the salad dressing with juice of 1 lemon and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Piquant zest

How to make a quick spring salad? Take the standard set of vegetables found in every refrigerator and add an interesting dressing to it. So, to begin with, cut into cubes 2 fresh cucumbers and 5–7, cut small tomatoes into several pieces. Chop the lettuce, a bunch of parsley and 5-6 green onion feathers with a knife. Now we start refueling: add 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, juice of half a lemon and 1 clove of garlic passed through a press. Mix the resulting sauce well and season the vegetables with it. The mild spicy taste and low calorie content of spring salad will delight even those who are vigilant about their figure.

Spring Dress Chicken

Spring salad with chicken breast and fresh herbs is a perfect combination for the whole family. Add avocado and pomegranate seeds to it for a great vitamin salad. It is good because the composition of the ingredients can be freely changed, creating new combinations. Cut the chicken fillet weighing 300 g into pieces and simmer in a pan for 20 minutes until all the liquid has boiled away, or cook on the grill. In the meantime, let's get to the rest of the products. Tear lettuce leaves by hand, cut 3 cherry tomatoes in half, peel the avocado and cut into slices. When the chicken is ready, mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season with your favorite sauce. This salad can be served with garlic rye or wheat croutons.

Little meat joys

Another good solution when you want something tasty and not too satisfying. First of all, cut into strips of non-hard cheese and ham, bell pepper strips. Add 150 g of sweet corn to them, and then mix all the ingredients. For the sauce in a bowl, mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, salt, pepper to taste. Season the salad and mix gently with two forks. There should not be too much sauce, otherwise the salad will turn out to be watery and lose its taste.

Improvisation with sticks

Some housewives prefer to prepare spring salad with crab sticks. They love it for its simplicity of preparation and successful flavor combinations that help to diversify the daily menu. If unexpected guests appear on the doorstep, our quick recipe will always come to the rescue. The spring accent will be the original serving of the salad. First of all, cut 200 g of crab sticks and 1 cucumber and mix with canned corn. Remove the pulp from medium tomatoes and make edible salad bowls out of them, then put the salad in them, season with 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Decorate the salad with fresh herbs before serving.

Do you have a favorite recipe for spring salad with a photo or good ideas of your own composition? Be sure to share them with other readers. Let's put together a menu for the new season!