Redcurrant currant jam for the winter. Seedless jam in a slow cooker

03.09.2019 Seafood dishes

Red currant has not only beneficial properties, but also has a good gelling ability. Therefore, many housewives often make preparations from it for the winter season, such as jam, jelly or jam. Red currant jam has an amazing sweet taste. It is usually used with baked pies, birthday cakes, or other homemade cakes. Preparing such a treat according to various recipes is quite simple.

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    Features of making jam

    For jam, you can use not only ripe berries. Slightly unripe fruits are much healthier, as they contain a lot of pectin. Before cooking, currants are crushed, use pure juice or pitted puree. The consistency of the jam has a jelly-like appearance. This usually happens naturally, but sometimes pectin with gelatin is added to obtain the desired density.

    For cooking jam, it is best to choose a stainless steel pan. It will prevent the broth from burning and will not leave an unpleasant metallic taste.

    A popular way to make jam is without cooking. This recipe will preserve all the vitamins to strengthen the body in the cold season. In this case, all sterilization rules must be followed so that the contents of the can do not deteriorate before winter. You should choose a container for jam of small sizes (half-liter or 0.33 ml) This will be enough for one time for baking. If the family is large, then you can prepare liter cans, but not more. You need to roll up a container with a treat with metal lids, as well as tight nylon or screw lids.

    Quick recipe

    Many housewives call this recipe "five minutes". It is relevant for those who do not particularly like to tinker with blanks.

    To cook a sweet treat, you will need the following ingredients:

    • Currant berries - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 800 g.

    Step-by-step cooking stage

    Beat the washed and peeled berries in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

    Then the resulting gruel is rubbed through a sieve to remove the remaining seeds and skin.

    The currant puree is transferred to a stainless steel pan, in which the jam will be cooked. Then add sugar, mix thoroughly and turn on a quiet fire so that the sweet broth does not burn.

    Jam is brewed until the desired thick consistency is formed. During cooking, the jam is periodically stirred with a wooden spatula.

    It is necessary to lay out the sweet broth in the jars while still hot, since when it cools, the mass will thicken even more.

    What can you cook from gooseberries for the winter - simple and original recipes

    Jam without cooking

    The cooking process in this case must be very clean. The currants should be thoroughly washed and dried. To make jam, you need to prepare the following products:

    • Berries - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 2 kg.

    Cooking technique:

    1. 1. Dried berries are crushed using a blender, passed through a sieve.
    2. 2. The mashed potatoes in this recipe are not boiled, but only covered with prepared sugar.
    3. 3. Stir everything until it completely dissolves into the jelly.
    4. 4. Then they are laid out in sterile jars and rolled up.

    Classic recipe

    To make the jam, you will need the following components:

    • Red berry - 1 kg.
    • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
    • Water - 1.5 cups.

    Step-by-step cooking process:

    1. 1. The currants are prepared in advance.
    2. 2. Simultaneously put a pot of water on the fire to boil it.
    3. 3. The berry is poured into a colander, and it is placed directly in boiling water for a few minutes.
    4. 4. Next, the currants are placed in the kitchen utensils, where it is planned to cook the jam.
    5. 5. In it, the berries are crushed with a special wooden pestle, water and granulated sugar are added.
    6. 6. All ingredients are mixed well to completely melt the granulated sugar.
    7. 7. Then set a quiet fire on the stove and boil the jam until a thick mass is formed.
    8. 8. The process of filling jam into jars is similar to the previous recipe.

Summer is in full swing, which means that in addition to vacations, rest and long summer walks, we still have work to stock up on the summer harvest for the winter. and I have already stocked up, now it's the turn of the currants.

How is red currant harvested for the winter? The easiest and fastest way is to freeze the berries and use currants in winter when cooking compotes and as a filling for dumplings and pies. You can cook red currant jam, this is also a fairly simple and quick way to prepare it. Also, many people grind the currants with sugar and then store it in this raw form in the refrigerator until requested. But personally, my freezer is already packed to the brim with cherries and strawberries, so I decided not to freeze the currants. I was thinking about the possibility of making red currant jam, because I really love sweet sandwiches with butter and various jams, but after much thought I opted for jam.

And now, after all the manipulations for making red currant jam, I can safely say that this jam is tastier and more beautiful than all summer preparations combined. I was captivated by the taste of currant jam. It is moderately sweet, with a distinctly sour note in the red currant jam. You can see in the photo that the jam turns out to be absolutely transparent, bright red. The consistency of currant jam is quite thick, jelly-like, does not spread. At the same time, jam does not at all look like jam, since the jam is more viscous, and the jam, despite the fact that it keeps its shape, is not at all viscous, but incredibly tender. Well, and the most pleasant "bonus" - in jam you will not find grains and skins from berries, as, for example, in jam.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Servings - 500 ml

Ingredients per 0.5 l can:

  • 700 g red currant
  • 400 g sugar

How to make red currant jam

Before making red currant jam, it should be thoroughly washed to remove dust and sand.

We sort out the currants and remove the cuttings, and send the berries themselves into a deep bowl with sufficiently high sides.

As already mentioned, jam is cooked without skins and grains, so we will have to get rid of them. Do not rush to think that this is such a difficult task. In fact, this process can be described in one phrase - extracting juice from currants.

Using an immersion blender, interrupt the red currants. We get separately juice and separately grains and skins.

Now you should separate the currant juice from everything else. There are several ways to do this, I will talk about two main ones. The most usual thing is to grind the currant mass through a fine sieve. Thick currant juice accumulates in the pan under the sieve, and dry cake remains in the sieve.

Another popular way to get rid of skins and grains is to pass the juice through cheesecloth folded in 3-4 layers. Thus, the juice seeps through the cheesecloth, and the cake remains in it.

And this is the same currant cake. He gave all the juice. What is the future fate of the cake is up to you. You can freeze it and then, in winter, cook compote or jelly from it.

And here is what the previous manipulations were done for. This is currant juice with pulp, but without grains and skins.

Measure and add 400 g of sugar to the currant juice in a saucepan.

We send the pan to the stove and cook the red currant jam over minimum heat for 30 minutes. During this time, the sugar will dissolve in the juice and a syrup is formed. The jam will simmer and foam at first. I did not remove the foam, later it settled and joined with the bulk. Over time, the jam will begin to thicken slightly, but this is impossible to notice with the naked eye. But there are indirect signs of thickening of the jam. These are bubbles from boiling, it is by them that you can determine whether the jam is ready or not. When the bubbles become larger and acquire a glossy shine, the currant jam is ready.

Fresh red currants are very tasty and healthy. But preserves and jams made from it are very fond of because of the abundance of small seeds, which, even with prolonged cooking, remain solid. In addition, after heat treatment, most of the nutrients are lost. Therefore, I prefer to make red currant jam for the winter according to one very simple recipe without boiling, grinding it with sugar or in the form of jam.

The berry retains its natural taste and aroma, does not lose its usefulness, and as a bonus, you save a lot of time and effort. The only drawback of such a blank is that it must be stored on a shelf in the refrigerator or in a cool basement. If you put more sugar, then the berry puree will thicken, and will resemble jelly.

And if the consistency is not important for you, be guided by your taste, add as much sugar as you see fit. According to the recipe, red currant jam without cooking turns out to be sweet and sour and not very thick.


  • red currant - 300 gr;
  • sugar - 250 gr.

How to make red currant jam without boiling

Before picking the berries from the branches, rinse the currants several times in cold water. We collect water in a bowl or kitchen sink, lower the currants and lightly stir with the palm of your hand. We take out, drain the water, repeat two or three more times until the berries are clean. We place the currants in a colander to drain the water.

Separate the berries from the twigs. If you come across crumpled or slightly sour from water, we do not throw them away, we will still chop the currants.

We transfer the currants to a blender, add sugar. Instead of a blender, you can use a meat grinder, skip the currants once, and then add sugar.

Grind the currants with sugar into a thick, almost homogeneous puree. If the seeds are not ground well and will interfere, you can rub the puree through a sieve.

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Pour the currant puree into a bowl, leave for 30-40 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. To make the process go faster, mix it several times.

We take small jars, 200-250 ml each. Be sure to sterilize, boil the lids. Pour chopped currants with sugar into jars and immediately tighten them tightly.

Confitures and jams in Russian cuisine are not so widespread for the reason that gelling compounds are usually needed for their preparation, for example, pectin or agar-agar. Until recently, it was impossible to buy them from us.

Does this mean that confiture or jam is not available to us? Far from it! After all, there is a lot of fruits and berries with a high content of pectin substances, therefore, when cooking, the product naturally gelates. This type of berries also includes red currants.

Few people like to cook red currant jam, the skin and hard seeds thoroughly spoil the taste of this jam, but confiture and raw jelly are great from it, and no special additives are required, just traditional sugar is enough.

I usually cook from red currants and confiture, and raw jelly. It is not only delicious with tea, I am more attracted by the possibilities of this product as an additive to meat and poultry. Sauces are obtained - you can not imagine tastier. I even, that my relatives and friends have long appreciated.

Cooking steps:


Red currant juice (freshly squeezed) 2 cups, sugar 2 cups.

Scarlet bunches of berries at the height of summer signal that it's time to get ready for winter, stock up on vitamins to strengthen immunity, a natural and very tasty cure for colds. Red currant has long been used in cosmetology, official and traditional medicine. All of its beneficial properties, literally, overshadows vitamin C with a pronounced sour berry taste. In addition to the main vitamin responsible for the health of the entire human body, a group of macronutrients - potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus - is powerfully represented in red currants, the supply of which must be regularly replenished.

In a word, red currants are a necessary harvesting of berries for the winter. But the housewives, as before, every summer the question arises: how else can you make red currant jam if you are already tired of all the tried and tested recipes and you want a tasty and healthy variety?

In the culinary notebook there are only 2-3 recipes for red currant jam, and you are at a loss, what to do with a rich harvest of berries? Now we will solve this problem together. Among the recipes offered below, there is sure to be at least one new and interesting option.

The content of the article:
1. Basic principles of making red currant jam

Basic principles of making red currant jam

Culinary properties of red currant

In addition to the biochemical composition, which benefits the health of the family, every housewife must also know the culinary properties in order to use them in cooking.

Speaking about red currant berries and jam, one should pay attention to the high content of acid, primarily ascorbic acid, which not only shapes the taste of the dessert, but also has preservative properties. It is known that vitamin C very quickly undergoes oxidation in air, dissolves in water, and each subsequent heat treatment leads to its complete destruction.

But why then does the sour taste in redcurrant jams persist? In part, ascorbic acid is retained in foods due to its combination with calcium and magnesium. Both macronutrients are present in red currants.

But, given the daily need for a powerful immunomodulator, which is involved in all biochemical processes of the body, it is advisable to preserve vitamin C using the correct methods of heat treatment. It's time to draw the first conclusion:

Fresh berries or red currant juice must be quickly cooked. Dip the currants in boiling syrup. Cap the finished jam immediately.

Red currants are rich in pectin content. Surely, many housewives noticed the gelling properties of the berry while making jelly. Pectin promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, and its binding properties make it possible to minimize the sugar content in the vitamin preparation.

About sugar and jam-making technology

Separately, a few words should be said about the sugar content in sweet preparations. On the one hand, this product is necessary as a preservative that suppresses the vital activity of yeast and other microorganisms. But he, the same, has a destructive effect on the human body with excessive use.

The old method, where the ratio of sugar and fruit raw materials should be the same, or even the amount of sugar increased by one and a half to two times, was invented exclusively for those conditions when grandmothers kept jam in cellars, and the jars were sealed with newspapers or rags, tied with twine. By the way, in those days sugar was an expensive and scarce product, so preserves and jams were considered the most expensive and sophisticated delicacy.

Refrigerators, gas stoves and other "blessings of civilization" appeared everywhere in the second half of the last century. This greatly facilitated the process of preserving and storing food for housewives. But the traditions and recipes of grandmothers are still alive. In addition, modern housewives do not find time to look into the history of cooking to discover an interesting fact: there is a fundamental difference between jam and jam.

The technology for making jams came to us from the West. Jam is a jelly-like product made from whole or chopped berries, cooked in sugar, with the addition of agar-agar or pectin. The word "jam" indicates the British origin of the dessert. By the way, Englishwomen do not abuse sugar in making jams, and in their recipes there are often proportions of ingredients leaning in favor of fruits and berries.

The jam making technology is based on a different principle. A prerequisite is the integrity of the berries and the transparency of the syrup, and such a consistency can only be achieved with a high concentration of sugar.

The technology for making jams allows you to reduce the amount of unhealthy product. However, this, as always, is a matter of taste.

In conclusion of the theoretical part, there are a few tips that will help make winter stocks not only tasty, but also as useful as possible:

  • To make the perfect currant jam, it is best to use slightly unripe berries: the pectin content in them is much higher.
  • Red currant jam always turns out to be very tasty, but, if desired, it can be varied and made more original by replacing 30-40% of berries with raspberries, cherries or gooseberries.
  • To increase the calcium content in red currant jam in order to better preserve vitamin C, you can use a combination of berry juice or puree with almonds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds. From berries and fruits, oranges and other citruses, gooseberries, peaches, strawberries, grapes or raisins, black currants are suitable.
  • All types of nuts and dried fruits contain a large amount of magnesium, which will create an excellent taste combination with red currants.
  • A variety of flavors can be obtained using herbs that complement the vitamin and mineral composition of the jam. These are: mint, thyme, oregano, rosemary, cinnamon. Agar agar contains a lot of calcium and magnesium, which will also significantly reduce the cooking time and the amount of sugar in the jam.
  • If you pick red currants for jam in your area, remember that its leaves are just as useful as the berries themselves, and they can be used to make jam.

The classic recipe for red currant jelly

Let's start with the traditional way of making jam. In this recipe, water is added in order to preserve more vitamin C: as mentioned above, dipping berries in boiling water can achieve this effect. This jam can be prepared in a slow cooker by preparing mashed potatoes in advance and combining it with sugar. Just choose the right mode so that the cooking temperature does not exceed 100 ° C.


  • Red currant 2 kg
  • Water 200 ml
  • Sugar 2 kg


  1. Sort out the currants: remove all spoiled berries and stalks. Rinse under running water, discard in a colander to drain excess water.
  2. Boil a glass of water and blanch the berries until soft.
  3. At the same time, knead the berries with a wooden spoon to extract more juice.

Advice! Use stainless steel cookware. Aluminum containers are not suitable for cooking jam, due to the rather high acidity of currants, which, when interacting with this metal, can give an unpleasant aftertaste.

  • Stir the sugar in the resulting currant puree and cook over low heat. Control the temperature, stir the jam so as not to burn. Turn off the finished jam after 30-40 minutes. Pour into prepared sterilized jars and seal.

If the currants were harvested in dry weather, they may not be very juicy and do not release juice at first boiling. In this case, you must add a glass of water to it.

Red currant jam without boiling

Another favorite recipe is fresh berries, ground with sugar. To store "raw jam", however, will only have to be on the top shelf of the refrigerator. So, prepare a place in advance.


  • Red currant 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.8 kg


  1. Remove stalks and leaves. Rinse the currants under running water. You should not soak the berries for a long time, as they have a thin skin and can become sour. Dry the currants by spreading the berries in a thin layer on a cotton towel.
  2. Twist through a meat grinder along with sugar. Its addition during the grinding process will enhance the release of juice.
  3. Stir the sugar and set the chopped berries to infuse at room temperature for 3 hours. Make sure the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Put the jam in dry sterile jars, cover the neck with parchment, and top with a lid. Store in the refrigerator.

A quick recipe for red currant jam

20 minutes, taking into account the time for preparing the berries! This recipe will appeal to every business woman. Only sterilize jars and lids and heat in the oven in advance while the jam is boiling.


  • Red currant 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg


  1. Prepared currants. chop with a blender.
  2. Add sugar to the resulting puree.
  3. Put the mass on medium heat and boil until thickened. With an equal amount of sugar and berries, it is enough to dissolve the sugar.
  4. Place the jam in sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Cooking trick! Add a pinch of table salt to the jam. Sodium ions will preserve the ascorbic acid, and the contrast of salt and sugar enhances the taste of any sweet dessert.

If there are those in the family for whom the use of large amounts of acid is contraindicated, you can use water so that the red currant juice is not too concentrated. There is no need to doubt the benefits of such currants - the rest of the minerals and vitamins will not go anywhere.


  • Red currant 2 kg
  • Granulated sugar 3 kg
  • Water 800 ml


  1. Make mashed potatoes from the prepared berries.
  2. Transfer the berry puree to boiling water.
  3. Add sugar after 5 minutes.
  4. Cook, stirring with a wooden spatula until sample per drop. The amount of jam at the end of cooking will decrease by about a third.
  5. Pour hot jam into jars.

The essence of the recipe is to prepare a berry mix. Therefore, in addition to blackberries, currants can be combined with raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, with all the berries that ripen with currants.

The combination of berries gives a completely new taste of jam, which compares favorably with a single-component composition. The proportions of berries can be selected arbitrarily, but pay attention to the juice content in the berries, and if necessary add more sugar or use thickeners.


  • Red currant 1 kg
  • Lemon juice 4 tbsp l.
  • Salt 2 pinches


  1. Sort out and rinse the blackberries and currants under running water. Combine the berries in a saucepan. Add lemon juice, sugar and salt.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring often for 15-20 minutes, or until the mixture reaches 105 ° C.
  3. While the jam is cooking, prepare the jars. Spread hot jam in them and twist.

Advice! Berry blanks can be stored in the cold or at room temperature, depending on the cooking and canning technology, but the jars must be stored in a dark place, since in the light, even after heat treatment, enzymes continue to work, and they change the biochemical properties of the finished dessert. Vitamins are destroyed under the influence of sunlight.

Red currant and blackberry jam with chili

Berry and fruit jams are often used as sauces. They are especially well suited to meat dishes: it is believed that acidic components contribute to the better assimilation of meat protein. Jam and sauce have a similar consistency, and the sweet and sour taste of berry jam with pungency is an ideal addition to meat. Jam with an unusual spicy taste is a fashionable trend and a good addition to breakfast sandwiches, pizza, shawarma.


  • Powdered sugar 1.6 kg
  • Currant, red 2 kg
  • Blackberry 2 kg
  • Packaged powder pectin 20 g
  • Fresh green chili peppers 2 pcs.
  • Red chili 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste


  1. Stir the pectin with 200 g of sugar in a bowl and let stand for a while.
  2. Pass the currants and blackberries through a juicer. Chop the pepper finely.
  3. Add the pectin mixture and prepared pepper to the resulting blackberry-currant juice. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute.
  4. Remove from heat and add remaining sugar. Return to fire. Boil the jam until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Turn off the hotplate and stir for another 5 minutes, until bubbles and foam are gone.
  6. Divide the jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Red currant and gooseberry jam

Red currants and gooseberries are botanical cousins ​​with nearly identical culinary properties. The difficulty in preparation is only the process of preparing the berries, since it is necessary to remove all unnecessary things. A refreshing addition is fresh mint leaves, which can be replaced with citrus scent or other flavors.


  • Gooseberry 750 g
  • Red currant 750 g
  • Mint - to taste
  • Sugar 1.5 kg


  1. Remove the stems from the currants and wash them. It is better to take gooseberries for jam slightly underripe. It also needs to be sorted out, washed, cut off the stalks and inflorescences.
  2. Place the berries in a blender bowl and chop. Add fresh mint leaves.
  3. Combine the finished puree with sugar, mix. Optionally, you can add some of the berries in the puree as a whole.
  4. Reduce heat to low and add sugar. Bring to a boil and cook for another 20-30 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  5. Check readiness. To do this, put a teaspoon of jam on a saucer and let it cool. If wrinkles appear when you press on it, then it is ready. Cook for another 5-10 minutes if necessary.
  6. Divide the jam into jars and twist.

Red currant jam with figs

If there was not enough time to cook red currant jam immediately after harvest, and the berries had to be frozen, then this is for the best. At the end of summer or in the first half of September, a berry ripens, which will replace sugar in currant jam, or you will need very little of it. In terms of the content of pectin and valuable substances, figs are not inferior to currants in anything. If you add a light juniper aroma and astringency to these components, then in winter you can not be afraid of colds and flu epidemics.


  • Sugar 1.2 kg
  • Red currant, frozen 1.5 kg
  • Figs 500 gr.
  • Water 300 ml
  • Juniper berries 7-10 pcs.


  1. Boil water and dissolve sugar in it. Boil the syrup until golden brown over low heat.
  2. Punch the currants with a blender to a puree-like consistency, adding the juniper.
  3. Pour the puree into the syrup, stir and continue cooking at the lowest temperature.
  4. Sort figs, selecting ripe berries without damage. Peel, wash and cut into wedges.
  5. As soon as the currant jam thickens and does not spread on the saucer, put the figs in it. Boil for another 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the jam from the stove, put in jars, twist and wrap.

You need to store jam without sterilization in a cool room, with a humidity level of no more than 70%.

Ideas for making red currant jams are not limited to this. The proposed recipes can be revised and corrected to your liking. It is important not to forget about the correct ratio of berry raw materials, liquid and sugar, as well as the rules for preserving and storing winter preparations.