Herring is more than 2 dm3 but less. To get a good result, you need to know how to pickle herring.

23.06.2020 Seafood dishes

HERRING - №2 Author - Natalya Nadezhdina "A school of a million tails is floating, Towards a school of a billion tails. - Twenty herrings in a bag ?! " (Alexey Samsonov) I don’t know about you, but when I read this poem, I wondered how many herrings I buy per year. I didn’t really count, but I’ll say one thing - A LOT, a LOT. Herring, cooked in any form, enjoys consistent success, despite the fact that everyone has different tastes. Perhaps, everyone loves this fish !!! Herring is a dream! It's better than meat! And the taste of her people is called - beautiful! O! A marvelous miracle! About a wonderful miracle! Salted Herring is a huge dish !! Nowadays it is impossible to calculate how enormously important the invention of herring salting was for mankind, in which this fish not only remains for a long time (for years, in barrels), but also acquires a great taste and can be transported over great distances. The invention of herring salting belongs to a simple Dutch fisherman Beckel, who lived 600 years ago - in the 14th century. The best Dutch herring is still called "Beckling" in his honor. In Russia, herring has been known since the 15th century, and already at the end of the 17th century, herring became one of the main dishes of the national table. KING FISH - HERRING. One of the fattest fish. But there is no need to be afraid of this for two reasons. Firstly, even the fattest herring contains much fewer calories than lean loin. Secondly, herring contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which protect us from aging and serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels. These acids must necessarily be present in the food of a person who monitors their health. It is advisable to eat herring at least once a week - do not forget to arrange a fish day. The thicker it is, the richer it is in useful acids. It is no coincidence that in Sweden, where this fish is very popular, there is a saying “Herring is on the table, the doctor is on the sidelines.” 1. Beetroot snack with herring. Boil 1-2 beets and beat with a blender. Dissolve gelatin (1 teaspoon) in a small amount of boiled water. Warm up, but do not boil. Mix with beets, add 100 grams of sour cream and any curd cheese (small jar). Mix everything well. Cover the form with cling film and put the mixture. Send for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. Cut the herring into cubes Put the appetizer on a plate, put the herring on top 2. Herring in sauce -1 Peel and chop the herring Place on a plate. Pour the sauce and let it brew for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Sauce: plain yogurt (200 ml), mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon, apple -1 pc (I took green, mayonnaise -2 tbsp. spoons. Apple grated on a fine grater. Mix everything. The sauce is ready. It turned out delicious. a couple of potatoes and cut into cubes. Chopped onions, laid them in layers - herring, potatoes, onions and poured well with vegetable oil. Sprinkled everything with chopped herbs. Decorated and served. 4. Herring in sauce-2 I bought herring, but it turned out to be not the best quality (this happens and very often) I came up with a marinade: Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons, mustard - 2 teaspoons, honey - 1 teaspoon (I have liquid honey), black pepper. The herring was soaked during the night and we liked it very much. 5. "Classics of the genre" - Herring in pieces + onion + vegetable oil + vinegar. 6. A quick snack with vodka. Remained one boiled carrot and one potato. The potato was cooked "in uniform." Peeled the carrots, warmed up the pan without (!!!) oil and fried the carrots v and potatoes (did not remove the skin). Peeled and cut the herring. I put vegetables and herring on a plate. Decorated with onions, quail eggs, tomatoes and herbs. Poured with vegetable oil before serving. Just. Cheap. And very tasty. TO BE CONTINUED.......

Not every pn-shnik knows how to quickly and tasty pickle herring at home. And all because salted fish is forbidden for many adherents of proper nutrition.

Is it possible to have a herring on the PP?

In general, everyone who decides to switch to PP has such products that they just don't want to leave in their “up to PP-shnom” past.

Someone has their favorite rafaelki, or cakes.

But I had one of these “unforgettable delicacies” was herring. No, not fresh or frozen herring - everyone can do this, namely the classic lightly salted herring with a piece of black bread ... mm, delicious!

However, in many sources of information, herring with proper nutrition and any other salted fish are prohibited.

I could not understand for a long time - Why can't the herring be on the PP? Well, yes, salt is harmful in itself, swelling again, but is it really so critical?

It turned out that the fact is that when salting fish on an industrial scale, the substance "urotropin" is used (it prolongs the shelf life). And this substance, in combination with vinegar, turns into formaldehyde - a carcinogen that is very dangerous!

Badly? Yes! But if you know how to quickly and tasty pickle herring at home, you can not give up this tasty treat! Salting the fish yourself is not difficult, and quite PP-shno, if you do it correctly and do not wind up herring and potatoes in the evenings every day. It is quite possible to pamper yourself with a tasty treat 2-3 times a month.

By the way, there are even more benefits in such fish than in thermally processed - vitamins are not destroyed, other natural benefits are also in place.

The main thing is to buy quality frozen or chilled fish. This one has a characteristic smell of seafood, there are no yellow spots on it, the carcass itself is intact, without damage.

The best pp-recipes for homemade herring

I will share my favorite salting recipes. Let me remind you that I am a lazy person, so it is important for me that everything is done as simply as possible. Well, I don’t like to wait, that is, I’m interested in not just deliciously salt the herring at home, but to do it as quickly as possible.

Herring with onion pieces in 2 hours

How to quickly pickle a herring at home in 2 hours was once told to me by a friend who lived for several years not far from the place of mass catch of this tasty fish.

The calorie content of salted herring depends on how fatty you took the fish, but on average it is - 160-180 kcal per 100 g. Bju: 16 g of a loaf, 10-13 g of fat and 0 g of carbohydrates.

The ingredients are taken in any quantity.

I love these proportions:

  • 1 large herring
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • a couple of lavrushka leaves
  • a glass of warm water
  • 1.5 tsp black pepper.

Cooking steps

Quick salting of herring in 2 hours is a lightly salted fish. If you like more salty, you need either more salt, or increase the time. Cut the onion into half rings

Mix salt, pepper, chopped leaves of lavrushka.

Peel the fish, rinse, cut into 1.5-2 cm pieces.

Put a layer of onions in the jar

Herring on her.

Top spices

So until the jar is completely filled. Top layer onion

Fill with water, close the lid, shake slightly

After 2 hours you can eat.
To better salted, you can turn it over 2-3 times. Correctly salted herring is ready

Dry salting

Another way to salt herring in slices at home quickly and tasty is the dry salting method.

But here it will take at least 4 hours.

What we need:

  • 1-2 medium fish
  • 3 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp vodka

Cooking step by step:

  1. Before you salt the herring at home in this quick way, you should prepare a couple of sealed bags with ties.
  2. We clean the fish from the entrails, remove the upper skin, cut into pieces. V ideally, disassemble into fillets, and then cut, but I'm too lazy to bother so much.
  3. We put all the pieces in a bag (we put the bags one into the other for safety reasons). Pour salt there, pour in vodka. Although proper nutrition categorically prohibits alcohol, here vodka plays the role of a catalyst (accelerator of the process) and a disinfectant. It does not affect the taste in any way.
  4. We tie the bags and leave everything right on the kitchen table. Shake well every half hour.
  5. After 4 hours, put the fish in a colander, rinse with running ice water, rinse off excess salt), let the liquid drain and you can enjoy!

Salt the fish in brine with lemon

Tuzluk or brine is also a solution for those who are looking for a way to quickly salt herring at home.

If the brine is heated, then salting of herring is possible after 3-4 hours.

You can put it in the refrigerator overnight - the result is the same: lightly salted tasty fish.


  • 2-3 herrings
  • water - 1 liter
  • spices (coriander, black pepper, cloves) - to taste
  • juice of half a lemon
  • salt - 2 tablespoons

How to salt:

  1. First we make brine. Boil water, add salt and spices at the end. We are waiting for cooling, pour in lemon juice.
  2. We also send peeled herring there.
  3. We cover with a lid and wait. After that, drain the brine, and the small heaps of fish themselves can be sprinkled with olive oil and sprinkled with chopped green onions before serving.

Secrets of delicious salted pp herring

  • If you like the pure taste of fish like me, then eliminate any spices from the recipe. Lovers of spiced herring can increase the amount of seasonings.
  • A teaspoon of honey - the best added to any recipe with water will improve the taste and smell of the fish.
  • Such a fish cannot be stored for a long time - there are no preservatives in it. Maximum 2-3 days in a closed container.
  • So you can salt not only herring: mackerel, herring, any red, cut into pieces of a similar size, are also tasty.
  • Herring boneless salted half an hour or an hour faster!

Video tips

If you want to get confused and first fille the fish, I advise you to watch the video first:

Not a single set table for the holiday is complete without salted herring. Our Russian people really love such a snack. So how can you not love her? Peeled from bones and skin, cut into pieces, seasoned with oil and fresh thinly chopped onions - this is such a delicious treat that you cannot describe in words.

Why is there a festive table ?! And on weekdays, salted herring is good. Boil potatoes, season them with butter, and serve them with our favorite fish - hardly anyone would refuse such a dinner.

And our favorite New Year's salad "Herring under a fur coat" is completely unthinkable without this wonderful fish. As well as the fact that this wonderful snack is always on the New Year's table. And there is probably no point in talking about the merits of the herring, it is loved by both adults and children without any advertising.

Now in stores they sell very tasty herring, but many prefer to salt it on their own. Yes, this is understandable, it is still believed that everything that is cooked at home is both tastier and healthier. Probably the way it is! And that is why today there are many homemade ways of salting this fish. Let's take a look at some of them.

You can salt the herring in brine or brine, and there is a dry salting, which is the simplest. The herring can be salted whole or in pieces. Salt it with oil, mustard, lemon, vinegar, onions, and even add carrots.

Lightly salted herring is considered to be salted for 24-36 hours. If the fish is salted for a longer time, then every day it will become more and more salty, and lightly salted is no longer considered.

In order for the herring to turn out delicious, you must be able to choose it correctly. How our favorite dish will turn out depends on the freshness of the fish and knowledge of some features.

  • It is best to choose a large, fatty herring. Someone thinks that it would be nice if it turns out to be a "boy" with milk. "Girls", although usually well-fed, give all their fat to the caviar. In any case, it is considered so. But here, as they say, "the taste, the color ..." Personally, I love the "girl" herring more, it seems to me more delicious and tender.
  • The fish should be intact, without torn skin, cuts or injuries, with intact fins. Also, make sure that it is not wrinkled and crushed.

  • The freshness of the fish is determined by the eyes and gills. Fresh herring has red gills and bright, shiny and prominent eyes. Sometimes, to hide the freshness of the fish, its head is cut off. Try not to take such fish.
  • If the fish is frozen, then thawed and then frozen again, then its flesh will be soft. It is better to refuse to buy such fish. If you salt it, then the pulp will fall apart, all the bones will be exposed. The fish will lose its appearance. And it will definitely not be tasty. In addition, it can be dangerous to eat such fish. After all, we do not know how long it lay unfrozen.
  • if you want to salt frozen fish, you must first defrost it. Do not use warm or hot water for this, and do not use the microwave either. The fish should be allowed to defrost gradually and naturally. It is best to defrost it in the refrigerator. Well, or as a last resort at room temperature.

Delicious herring, salted in brine

In my opinion, most people salt fish in brine. And there are a lot of salting methods. Every now and then at work you can hear - "Oh, I found such an interesting new way of pickling herring, just delicious!" And they carry the fish for testing to their colleagues. And we are happy to try and praise.

Let's see what methods exist.

Spicy whole fish salting according to the classic recipe

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • allspice - 4-5 pieces
  • cloves - 4-5 pieces
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs


1. Peel the herring from the entrails and rinse thoroughly. It is better to leave the head, but the gills must be removed, they will give a bitter taste to the brine. If there is caviar in the fish, carefully peel it, later it can be salted along with the herring.

Sometimes milk is also salted, someone loves them. You can wash and leave them if you like.

2. Prepare the brine (brine). To do this, put the water to boil, as soon as it boils, add salt, sugar and spices. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the brine cool completely.

3. Prepare a container for the size of the fish, put the herring in it, cover with brine. Put also caviar, and whoever left it - milk. Let the fish lie in brine at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Then put it in the refrigerator.

4. Milk and caviar will be ready in 24 hours and fish in 48 hours. It is better to get caviar in a day and eat it, because after 48 hours it will be oversalted, the same applies to milk.

How to salt herring in brine with oil

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Peel the herring, remove the entrails and gills. If you want, you can leave caviar and milk. Rinse the herring and caviar.

You can cut the fish into pieces, or you can leave the whole carcass, do as you want. I cut into pieces. I like it when each bite is lightly soaked in butter.

2. Put water on fire. As soon as the water boils, add salt and sugar to it. Stir until completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and cool the water.

3. Add oil to the water. Put the fish in a glass or plastic container and fill it with brine. Close the lid.

4. Soak for 3-4 hours at room temperature, then refrigerate for 3 days.

Spicy salted herring in brine with mustard

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • coriander grain - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • dill (can be dried) - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • bay leaf - 8 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 15 pieces
  • allspice - 4 pcs
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel the herring from the entrails. If you leave your head, then be sure to remove the gills. They will give a bitter taste to the brine and the herring itself.

Or you can disassemble the herring into fillets and cut. This will also be delicious. Each bite will end up in mustard and it will be delicious.

2. Boil water and add salt, sugar and all spices except mustard. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then turn off the fire and cool the brine.

3. Coat the peeled carcass with mustard. Place in a special container with a tight-fitting lid.

Thanks to mustard, the herring will not only be tasty, but also firm and firm.

4. Fill with cooled brine. Leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature. Then refrigerate for 48 hours.

Another mustard recipe

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • black pepper - 10-15 pcs (can be coarsely chopped)
  • dry mustard - 1 tsp
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pcs


1. Clean the fish and, if leaving the head, remove the gills. Rinse thoroughly under running water.

2. Boil water, add salt, sugar and spices. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes, turn off the heat. Let the brine stand to cool.

3. Put the herring in the prepared container and pour over the chilled brine. Pour mustard on top and stir a little so that the mustard gets wet.

4. Let stand at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Then refrigerate for 48 hours.

How to salt herring with vinegar

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • water - 250-300 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vinegar 9% - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • bay leaf - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp spoon
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel the herring, remove the head, and if you salt with the head, then only the gills. Rinse in cool water. And you can salt the fish and along with the entrails. But it is still better to remove the gills.

2. Bring water to a boil. Add salt and spices, boil for 3-4 minutes and turn off the heat. Let the brine cool.

3. Add vinegar to the cooled brine.

4. Put the fish in a special dish and pour the brine over it. Let sit at room temperature for 4-5 hours. Then refrigerate for 7-8 hours.

Quick Ambassador with Vinegar and Onion

We need:

  • herring - 1 piece
  • water - 500 + 250 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 3 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • peppercorns - 7-8 pcs.
  • bay leaf -2 pcs
  • onion - 1 piece
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. If frozen herring is used, do not defrost it completely. Defrost to a state. so that you can easily clean it from the insides. Remove the head.

2. Cleanse the skin and remove bones. Cut the fillet into pieces.

3. Mix 500 ml of room temperature water with salt. Pour over the chopped fish and leave to salt for 1.5 hours. Then drain the water.

4. Mix 250 ml. water with vinegar and pour the mixture over the fish. Leave for 5 minutes, then drain the water. Leave it, it will still be useful to us.

5. Add onions, bay leaves, coarsely chopped peppercorns. Cover with oil and remaining vinegar water.

6. Let stand for 30-40 minutes. Then you can eat.

How to quickly and tasty pickle whole herring in brine

And according to this recipe, the herring can be salted in just 24 hours.

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • water -1 l
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • allspice - 10 pcs
  • coriander seeds - 1 tsp
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs


1. Remove the gills from the fish and rinse it thoroughly. We do not remove the insides.

2. Boil water and add all spices, salt and sugar to it. Boil for 3-4 minutes. Then cool the brine.

3. Put the herring in a special container for salting and pour over the cooled brine.

4. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, the herring is completely ready for consumption. Delicious and tender.

Dry salting for salting herring at home

This is the easiest way to pickle herring.

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Fish to clean from the entrails, remove the head and remove the skin. Divide the herring into two halves, removing the ridge and all large bones. There should be two fillets.

2. Mix salt and sugar. Coat the fillets with the mixture. Put on a plate and leave at room temperature for 6-7 hours.

3. Transfer the fish to a container and close tightly to refrigerate for 48 hours.

Spicy salting bag

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • coriander beans - 1 teaspoon, or ground - 1 teaspoon without a slide
  • black peppercorns -7-8 pieces (chop)
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs (chop)


1. Gut the fish, remove the head, remove the skin and remove large bones. Divide the carcass in two.

2. Mix all the spices. Coat the herring with them.

3. Put the fish in a bag, wrap it tightly. Leave to lie at room temperature for 5-6 hours. Then refrigerate for 48 hours.

Express way of salting at home

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • ground black pepper - 1/3 tsp
  • chopped bay leaf - 2 pcs

To prepare fish according to this recipe, you only need to have fresh herring, since the salting time is only 2 hours.


1. Gut the herring, remove the gills and put it in cold water for 1 hour.

2. Mix the spices.

3. Remove the fish from the water and wipe on all sides with a mixture of spices, salt and sugar.

4. Wrap in plastic and leave to salt at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

In the same way, you can salt the herring without the use of spices, only with the help of salt and sugar. But an indispensable condition for salting fish in this way is that the FISH MUST BE MUST BE FRESH!

5. Peel the spices with a knife and cut the fish into slices.

Dry salting with onion and oil

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • salt - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • onions - 2 pieces
  • oil - 5-6 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel the fish, remove the head, free from bones and skin. You should have a boneless fillet.

2. Cut the onion into thin half rings.

3. Rub the fillet with salt. Fold into a prepared container, you can put it in a jar. Alternate each layer with onions.

4. Fill with oil. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour. Then refrigerate for 48 hours.

Lightly salted spicy herring with lemon

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • lemon - 2 pieces
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 10 pieces
  • allspice - 5 pcs


1. Clean herring of entrails, skin, bones and head. Rinse it thoroughly.

2. Mix salt and sugar. Cut the lemon into slices.

3. In a small saucepan, lay out the layers of herring, lemon slices, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar and spices.

4. Put a saucer and put a jar of water on it as a press. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

5. After the allotted time, take out the pan, mix the layers and keep in the refrigerator for another 24-48 hours.

By the way, they love to eat herring not only here. In Holland, for example, they are also very fond of it and know how to cook deliciously.

Herring in Dutch spiced salting

We need:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • sugar - 6 tsp
  • onions - 2 pieces
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs
  • peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.


1. Thaw and gut the fish. Remove the head, remove the skin and remove the bones.

2. Cut the finished fillet into 2 cm wide pieces.

3. Cut the lemon into thin slices, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into rings or half rings.

4. Prepare a jar and lay out everything in layers in this order - onions, bay leaves, a little grated carrots, lemon, a whisper of sugar and a little pepper. Then a layer of chopped herring

5. Then the next layer in the same sequence, and so on, until the ingredients run out, or until we reach the end of the jar.

6. Close the jar tightly with a lid and refrigerate for 3 days.

7. When serving, put the fish in a herring bowl and pour over with oil. If you need to salt, then you can salt directly in the herring pot.

The fish turns out to be simply delicious! Very tender, juicy, aromatic and incredibly tasty!

Rolmops in German

We need:

  • slightly salted herring - 2 pcs (fillet - 4 pcs)
  • pickled gherkins - 5 pieces
  • bell pepper (red) -1 pc
  • onion - 1 piece
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • white wine vinegar - 100 ml.
  • mustard seeds - 2 tsp
  • cloves - 3-4 buds
  • sugar, salt - 1 teaspoon each
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp


1. Prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water. Add salt, sugar, pepper and cloves. Boil everything together for 2-3 minutes. Cool the broth a little.

2. Add mustard and wine vinegar. Stir and let cool completely.

3. Cut onions, bell peppers and gherkins into long thin strips.

4. Lightly beat off each layer of fillet and grease with mustard. If the herring is very large, then the fillet can be carefully cut into two equal halves.

5. Put onions, peppers and gherkins across the layer of herring.

6. Roll up, fasten with a toothpick.

7. Place the rollmops in a bowl and pour over the brine. Leave to salt for at least a day. But it is best to keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Secrets of making delicious salted herring at home

  1. It is better to choose ocean herring for salting, coastal seas are often polluted with waste and harmful toxins.
  2. The herring should be either chilled or frozen, but it should be watched so that it is not old. Fresh fish has a natural silvery color, light-colored bulging eyes, fins and gills tightly pressed to the body. Therefore, to determine the freshness of the fish, do not buy it headless.
  3. You should choose large carcasses that do not have mechanical damage, better than "boys". Although it should be noted that this issue is very controversial. The "girls" have more tender and light meat.
  4. It is also believed that herring caught in the winter season gains more fat, so after salting it will be more tender and tasty. For salting, you need to choose large silver carcasses with a uniform color, then the appetizer will always turn out - what you need!
  5. Do not defrost frozen fish in warm water and microwave, but only at room temperature. Or even better in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +4 degrees. So that the defrosting process takes place naturally.
  6. You can also salt a gutted carcass and not gutted. If you salt the fish whole, then it is better to leave the head, you should only remove the gills. They give a bitter taste when salted. After cleaning, the herring should be thoroughly rinsed in plenty of running water.
  7. The herring is salted both whole and in pieces. With and without skin and bones.
  8. Often, whole peeled carcasses are kept in cold water for 30-60 minutes. In this case, the herring becomes even juicier.
  9. When salting, do not use iodized salt.
  10. You can salt the fish in glass, plastic or enamel dishes. It is desirable that the container has a well-closed lid. Otherwise, the fridge will smell like fish.
  11. For dry salting, use a plastic bag or cling film.
  12. After keeping the fish at room temperature for several hours, it should be refrigerated.
  13. The most delicious is herring, salted whole, along with the entrails. Such herring must be salted for at least three days and can be stored in a salted solution for a week.
  14. If you do not want to wait so long, then you can peel the fish on fillets, cut into pieces and salt. Such a fish will be ready in a few hours.
  15. If the herring has not been eaten during this time, then it must be taken out of the brine, cut into pieces, transferred to a jar and sprinkled with oil.
  16. If for some reason you have salted the herring, or it has been in the brine for too long, then it can be soaked in cold milk for two hours. The excess salt will be released into the milk, and the herring will be tasty again.

How and with what to serve slightly salted herring on the table

Of course, before serving, especially if you are preparing to welcome guests, the herring must be peeled.

Serving herring with bones and skin is very ugly! This is disrespect for guests, and discrediting you, as the hostess of the house!

Moreover, this is not difficult at all to do. An incision should be made along the back and pulled at the tip of the skin. As a rule, the peel is easy and quick to peel. The ridge and bones are also easily and easily removed. But it's better to see once than hear a hundred times.

The most famous and delicious way of serving is to cut the herring into beautiful even pieces, sprinkle it with onions, cut into rings or half rings, and season with vegetable oil. For spicy lovers, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper on top.

Often, the herring is seasoned not only with oil, but also with freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can also decorate a herring dish with lemon. And then, at will, everyone can season the fish with lemon juice himself.

The dish is also decorated with fresh herbs, green onions, cranberries, olives or olives. It always looks beautiful, and only adds to the appetite.

For holidays such as New Year's or Birthday, you can serve herring on prefabricated fish plates. In addition to the above ingredients, you can decorate with fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and even canned mushrooms. Such plates look very beautiful, and are always very popular among snacks.

The herring is served under the potatoes, which are pre-boiled either in their "uniform", or peeled and boiled whole or in pieces. You can serve such a fish with fried, baked potatoes and even mashed potatoes.

Lightly salted herring is widely used in the preparation of various appetizers and salads. Sandwiches and canapes are prepared with its use. There are a lot of their options, and if you wish, they are easy to find on the Internet.

Made with herring and a delicious herring oil or a more complex snack called forshmak.

And no matter how you serve the herring, it is always a wonderful appetizer and an irreplaceable dish on the festive table. And of course, the one that is prepared by yourself always seems to be the most delicious.

Bon Appetit!

Salted herring benefits and harms to the body

Useful properties of herring

Let's look at how herring is useful for the human body. Here are 5 scientifically proven health benefits of herring:

1. Supports Cardiovascular Health

Consuming salted herring can actually help you maintain a healthy heart. The leading cause of death for adult men in developed countries today is coronary artery disease, which is usually associated with poor nutrition and is treated with dangerous drugs that cause severe side effects.

Fortunately, salted herring is one of the foods that can help reduce your risk of heart disease. Due to its presence in herring, this fish is a preferred source of protein over red meat, for example, beef for people with an increased risk of developing heart and vascular diseases ().

Eating herring protects the heart due to its high levels of triglyceride-lowering levels. Is a type of blood fat that must be kept at a certain level in order to protect heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids in high doses can also help lower high blood pressure in addition to reducing the risk of heart attacks and arrhythmias (). Herring even helps.

High amounts of vitamin D in salted herring also help protect your heart. affects up to 90% of people in developed countries, and it is very closely associated with the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Low selenium levels have also been linked to heart disease ().

2. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent

Inflammation is a huge problem in today's society because so many people are accustomed to eating foods that contribute to the chronic inflammation that underlies most diseases. It is also responsible for pain in several conditions, including nonspecific neck and / or back pain.

In one study, researchers found that people suffering from back and neck pain experienced similar results when treating inflammatory pain with ibuprofen or omega-3 supplements (). Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as lightly salted herring can help reduce pain-causing inflammation due to its omega-3 fatty acids and high levels of selenium, another anti-inflammatory nutrient. As you can see, the benefits of herring also lie in its anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Protects mental health

Omega-3s also have a very positive effect on your mental health. There is a lot of scientific evidence to link the consumption of significant amounts of omega-3 (with an appropriate ratio of omega-3 to omega-6) with a decrease in depression. One of the reasons why this treatment is being studied recently is the high prevalence of health problems associated with psychotropic drugs, including high smoking rates, obesity and heart problems as side effects (,).

Although omega-3s have not been accepted as the main treatment for ADHD or other related neurodestructive diseases, fatty acids like those found in salted herring are seen as additional treatments for these disorders. Taking omega-3s has a significant effect on reducing the symptoms of these disorders without the side effects of medications. Some studies even show improvements in the performance of children whose diets have been well supplemented with omega-3s ().

Vitamin D also plays a role in the prevention and treatment of brain dysfunction. Although the method is unclear, high levels of vitamin D and omega-3s appear to increase serotonin secretion, decreasing the severity of several conditions, including ADHD, schizophrenia, and impulsive behavior ().

Perhaps related to this same function, vitamin D has also been shown to regulate mood, improve concentration, improve memory and learning ability.

Interestingly, one type of medication used to treat depression, called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), does not respond well to, namely, salted herring ().

4. Helps prevent age-related diseases

As people age, they often forget about one important element - skeletal muscle health. Over time, the quality of skeletal muscle can deteriorate due to inadequate nutrition and lack of exercise. Muscle degradation has been linked to age-related disease, but research shows that eating fish, such as herring, which are high in omega-3s, can actually reverse the loss of skeletal muscle tissue and slow down the aging process ().

Omega-3 fatty acids can also delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease or slow its onset. This appears to be related to the ability of omega-3s to reduce overall inflammation ().

The high levels of vitamin D found in lightly salted herring also help slow down aging. Vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone health as it helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Selenium is also believed to promote longevity. Despite the fact that it is a trace mineral that is not required much, the body regularly loses it, requiring constant replenishment.

5. May Help Reduce Cancer Risk

A well-known risk factor for developing breast cancer is the predominance of omega-3 fatty acids and their inappropriate ratio in the diet. Both acids are important in many body systems, but the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 should be about 2: 1. Most people today get too much omega-6 from their diet, but not enough omega-3.

This ratio in certain types of tissues is a biomarker (biological indicator) of the risk of developing breast cancer. Higher omega-3 levels are associated with a lower risk of breast cancer. This finding is also significant because this tissue marker is reversible with dietary adjustments ().

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, the omega-3s in salted herring may also help you by alleviating several post-diagnosis problems, including heart problems, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, and cognitive decline. It's also possible that salted herring and similar foods may help increase overall body weight and muscle gain after chemotherapy ().

People who consume large amounts of vitamin D also reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer, and since herring contains a lot of this vitamin, it can be safely called an anti-cancer food ().

As you can see, the benefit of herring lies in the fact that its regular use can prevent the development of breast, colon, prostate and other cancers.

Salted herring facts

Herring is a small fish of the Herring family. This fish family also belongs to. Within the herring (Latin Clupea) classification, you will find three main varieties: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), Araucanian herring (Clupea bentincki) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii). Atlantic and Pacific herring are the most common types of herring that we usually eat salted.

Just 85 grams of salted herring contains almost 150% of the RDA for vitamin D, as well as over 100% of the omega-3 fatty acids your body needs every day. In addition, it contains several other nutrients that make this fish very beneficial to human health.

How many calories are in a herring and what important nutrients does it contain? 100 grams of Atlantic salted herring has the following calories and contains approximately: ()

  • Calories: 262 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 9.6 g
  • Protein: 14.2 g
  • Fat: 18 g
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 1468 mg
  • Vitamin D: 680 IU (170% of the RDI)
  • Selenium: 58.5 mcg (84% of the RDI)
  • : (71% of the RDI)
  • Vitamin A: 860 IU (17% of the RDI)
  • Niacin: 3.3 milligrams (16% of the RDI)

Toxicity and salted herring

Many people today are rightly concerned about overfishing and unhealthy levels of mercury found in certain fish species.

Herring has very low mercury levels compared to most fish, only 0.04 milligrams of mercury per kilogram of fish. Up to 0.3 milligrams of mercury per kilogram of fish is considered a safe amount ().

In most cases, herring is not farmed, but harvested in the wild, and therefore you do not risk losing significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which is a common problem when eating fish from farmed fish (,).

Salted herring history and interesting facts

Salted herring has been around for quite some time and has actually appeared in various works of art over the centuries, including this painting from 1891.

Fishing and salting of herring began in the Middle Ages and is still practiced in most of Europe. Herring is also available in the United States of America, but it is much less common there and not a common part of the diet for most Americans.

Depending on where they live, people even eat salted herring in different ways. If you visit Holland, you can see how the Dutch do not hesitate to devour salted herring right on the street. If you are from Russia, Poland or Ukraine, then you know very well that in these countries, salted herring takes pride of place among fish dishes, and can be served with mayonnaise.

In Scandinavia, salted herring is more common on rye bread, and many of New York's Jews tend to enjoy the fattest version of this delicious fish. Because of its popularity in the Jewish community, salted herring is often found in public and religious gatherings - and on restaurant menus ().

Residents of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine traditionally serve salted herring on Christmas Eve. Scandinavians prefer to enjoy it on New Year's Eve.

Herring harm - contraindications

Salted herring is not a highly allergenic food, but histamine toxicity reactions have been reported due to poorly stored and chilled herring. This "fish poisoning" can cause redness, swelling and blemishes on the skin; headache; and pain in the gastrointestinal tract ().

As mentioned earlier, herring fish should not be consumed by people taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (IMOA) to treat depression or other disorders. This is due to the fact that the tyramine contained in it can interact with IMOA to cause side reactions.

Final thoughts on the benefits of salted herring

  • Herring is a small, wild fish common in European cuisine.
  • This fish belongs to the same family as sardines.
  • Salted herring is high in important nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and selenium.
  • The nutrients in salted herring are important in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.
  • Many mood disorders and mental illnesses show promising results when treated with high amounts of omega-3 foods, such as salted herring.
  • Eating salted herring helps prevent several age-related problems and may slow down the aging process.
  • Some research suggests that herring may be beneficial in preventing inflammation and reducing associated pain.
  • Salted herring is often served in Europe, where it is seen as part of the staple diet, as well as a dish served on certain holidays.
  • Salted herring is wild caught fish with very low toxicity levels.

Salted herring is a traditional dish. Initially, people were worried about how to salt the herring so that it was stored for a long time and did not deteriorate, and for some time they generally considered it the food of the poor. The fact is that with the classical methods of cooking this fish, bitterness is felt if the gills are not removed. Later, when the fishermen learned how to properly cut and salt herring, noble people did not neglect it either. Today everyone has the opportunity to learn how to deliciously pickle herring at home and serve it to the table.

How to choose herring for pickling?

In stores, you can choose a ready-made product, which you just have to take out of the package and put on a dish. However, every housewife worries about the quality of the fish and its taste, and the best way to be confident in the product is to cook it yourself. The freshness of the fish and the composition of the brine remain in question if you do not participate in all stages of the preparation of the dish.

Before you pickle the herring at home, you need to choose the right fish:

  1. Fresh herring on the market or in the store should not give off an unpleasant odor. Beam choose whole carcasses with a head - the freshness of the fish can be judged by the state of its eyes and gills.
  2. Frozen fish should be taken in stores with the date of freezing and the expiration date of the product. Her skin should be clean, free from damage and yellow tint.
  3. A high-quality herring in any form has a silvery sheen, clean, unclouded eyes, fins and gills tightly fitting to the body.
  4. If you have a choice, it is better to take herring caught in the ocean. Sea water is more saturated with toxins, heavy metals and harmful products of the processing of various substances.
  5. Herring caught in winter has a denser layer of fat.

Fresh herring is the best option, especially if it can be purchased close to the fishing area. If this is not possible, the salting of fresh-frozen herring remains at home. In any case, it is better to choose large fish with round sides and a thick back - it will have the most delicious meat in it.

Preparation for salting

The first rule applies to frozen herring - it must be thawed so that it does not lose its taste. For this, the fish is left in the refrigerator overnight. This temperature will be enough for the ice to melt, but it will retain the structure and taste of the herring. It is not recommended to defrost it at high temperatures.

Before salting the herring, the gills must be removed in it. It is they who give the undesirable bitterness to the finished product, because of which it could not be cooked tasty for a long time. This procedure can be done with your hands, a knife or scissors.

If the herring is not gutted before pickling, the salt and spices will be evenly distributed throughout the carcass. Of course, you can remove the insides, so that then you just have to cut the fish. If fish with entrails is salted, caviar and milk are left and also placed in brine.

There is a separate preparation technique before pickling the herring quickly. It is cleaned of gills and viscera, the head, intestines and films are removed, and then placed in brine. The meat quickly absorbs salt and spices and is ready to eat in 3-4 hours. This is an express option when you need to quickly prepare fish for a festive table. Such salted herring cannot be stored for a long time, and its taste may be less bright than with prolonged salting.

Homemade recipes

It must be said that the recipes differ from the type and size of fish. Before salting the Don herring, a brine is prepared, which is not suitable for ocean fish. The concentration of the ingredients can be slightly changed to taste.

Classic recipe

Classically salted herring, without additional spices, can be used in any dish. It is added to salads "Olivier" and "herring under a fur coat", as well as separately with a side dish. This is a way of salting the whole herring at home, that is, it will need to be gutted and cleaned before use. For this recipe, you will need 2 large fish, 1-2 tablespoons of salt and sugar, and 700 ml of water.

Salting herring lasts from several days to a week, it depends on the personal taste preferences of the hostess. In 2-3 days the fish will become lightly salted, and in a week it will absorb a large amount of salt.

Spicy salted herring

The next recipe for salting herring is spicy herring, which is obtained with a bright aftertaste and characteristic smell. You can experiment with spices, but the traditional way of preparing spicy fish requires:

  • 2 large fish;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt (3 tablespoons) and sugar (1 or 2 tablespoons);
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 4 large bay leaves;
  • several dry, unmilled carnation flowers.

Further, the process does not differ from the previous method. The fish are poured with brine, left warm for an hour, then placed in the refrigerator. Salting time - from 2 to 7 days.

Herring with mustard

According to this recipe, you can pickle the whole herring at home. In addition to two fish, you will need 1 liter of water, 5 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 spoon of black pepper, and herbs to taste.

  1. The fish are thawed, gills are removed, but not gutted. They are completely greased with mustard sauce while the rest of the ingredients are boiled and cooled. The herring is poured with brine and sent to the refrigerator.
  2. The herring is cleaned, the entrails, gills and head are removed. All components are mixed in a saucepan, except for mustard powder (added after boiling). The brine is cooled and the herring is poured over it.

A properly prepared herring pickle is the main goal. Any combination of ingredients can be added to it. The main thing is that they do not deteriorate and do not change the consistency of the brine. Therefore, only mustard powder can be added to the liquid - it will completely dissolve and evenly be absorbed into the meat. If you use mustard in the form of a sauce, it is better to distribute it by hand over the carcasses.

Herring in brine

Tuzluk is a strong salt solution that keeps fish fresh for a long time. This is one of the difficult recipes for salting herring at home. A liter of water is heated in a saucepan, and after boiling, salt is added to it. The brine is considered ready when the salt no longer dissolves, but settles to the bottom. Next, the fish ready for salting is poured with brine and placed in the refrigerator for 2-7 days.

If you put an egg in brine, it should stick to the surface and not sink.

Dry salting

There is also a method for dry salting of fish, without preparing the brine. For one medium fish, you will need a spoonful of salt and sugar, as well as spices to taste.

Herring pickling process:

If you don't have time to wait a week, there is a way to pickle herring quickly and tasty. If you defrost and clean the fish in the morning, it will be ready by evening. The carcass is rubbed with a mixture of seasonings (2 tsp salt and 1 tsp sugar), wrapped in plastic and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. Then it is taken out, washed under water, seasoned with onion rings and sunflower oil and put back in the cold. After half an hour, you can already serve it to the table.

Salting of the Don herring

Donskaya herring is a good option for pickling as it is more fatty and has a mild creamy taste. Traditionally, the Don or Black Sea herring is salted in brine and left in barrels for the winter. The method of home-style salting of herring in brine is slightly different from the classic one, since the fish is kept in a small glass container. For the brine, you will need at least 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water, as well as spices to taste.

Salted herring is not only an ingredient in salads and sandwiches, but also an independent dish. So as not to worry about the quality of store fish, you can spend a little time and cook it yourself. The main thing is fresh high-quality herring and a properly prepared pickle. The concentration of the solution varies depending on the type and size of the herring: the recipes for salting the Don herring at home are not the same as for other species. There are methods of quick and dry salting, with spices and mustard, lightly salted and salted herring.