Rose tea. Tea Moroccan Rose mini-buds "Elixir of Femininity" Barayem

27.08.2019 Seafood dishes

If you want to feel harmony with nature and peace of mind, then there is one little secret on how to achieve this. You just need to make yourself tea from rose petals, its fragrant aroma and delicate magical taste will immediately improve your mood and refresh your body. After all, the rose is not only the queen of flowers in beauty and aroma, but also a plant with amazing healing power. Rose petals contain essential oils, which, in addition to aroma, will give even a slight analgesic effect and will have an antimicrobial effect. Even ancient doctors noticed that rose tea not only refreshes the body, but also the mental processes, and also has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart (as well as).

And what benefits tea from rose petals brings to the female body should be told separately. If a woman is nervous, impulsive and emotionally unstable, then the rose petals in the tea will give pleasant comfort, relieve the sensation of heat, preventing blood stagnation and relaxing nervous tension. If you add a little baked milk to rose petal tea, it will prevent intestinal cramps, as well as give a slight laxative effect, contributing to a gentle, gentle cleansing of toxins.

Rose has long been used in folk medicine and was considered "aristocratic medicine." Even now, many have heard and know how pleasant it is to take an aromatic bath with rose petals, and if you prepare "rose water", then you will not find the best cosmetic lotion. By mixing fresh rose petals with honey, a delicious medicine is obtained to alleviate inflammation in case of sore throat or stomatitis. For dysfunctions and menstrual irregularities in women, tea made from rose petals and inflorescences of the Sudanese rose is very useful. Rose petals in combination with asparagus will have a tonic effect on the female body.

The tenderness of the petals, this is rose tea

Eastern cultural tradition of tea drinking perfectly settled down and spread all over the world. Tea is drunk traditional, red and white, and flower and herbal teas are also popular, flower tea is loved by romantics and beautiful women. Delicate, romantic rose petal tea or will improve your mood after a hard day and add strength. Tea made from roses grown in the northeastern part of Africa and better known as hibiscus tea has no less pleasant and beneficial effect. In Asian countries, it is a food crop, although there are technical varieties for making fibers. And flowers are harvested from the edible species of the Sudanese rose, which are dried and are already on the market, like hibiscus tea. Brewed ruby ​​tea made from rose petals from distant Africa has a lot of useful qualities that have been appreciated by hibiscus lovers since ancient times.

Hibiscus is divided into two categories: small and large-leaved, there is also a compact form of release in paper bags for those in a hurry, but only the whole petals of a Sudanese rose give the most complete picture of the true taste of hibiscus. And one more important point - the taste and aroma of hibiscus tea is so delicate and unique that all kinds of flavors will only spoil it. And it is necessary to brew a Sudanese rose without using metal teapots. Ceramics, faience, porcelain, and even better glass. In a glass teapot, one can clearly see how amazingly beautiful pink petals bloom under the influence of hot water, saturating the water with a ruby ​​color. Arabs love hibiscus for both its taste and its medicinal qualities.

And they are really extraordinary. It is believed that hibiscus tea for blood vessels- a real salvation, it dissolves cholesterol deposits and, cleansing blood vessels, helps to normalize blood pressure. Another of the beneficial manifestations of its properties is a weak diuretic effect, that is, the elimination of edema. And the antipyretic and antispasmodic effect will help with inflammatory processes and reduce pain during spasm. The cleansing, antioxidant action will help restore proper body function and reduce excess weight. There is one limitation for the use of hibiscus, if the stomach is acidic and there are signs of gastritis, then such tea is clearly not good.

Sudanese rose - Pharaoh tea

Originally from Africa, the Sudanese rose bush, which blooms profusely and gives its flowers for making delicious tea, has a healing power that has been known since the days of the pharaohs. The raw materials of those same flowers contain citric, tartaric, malic and ascorbic acids, but oxalic acids are completely absent, so hibiscus tea can be drunk without worrying about kidney stones. Also in the composition of nutrients are polysaccharides, flavonoids, pectins, anthocyanins and mucus.

The color of the tea is similar to the color of a magnificent gemstone - ruby, this is due to anthocyanins, which have a strengthening effect on the blood vessels of the human circulatory system. They also regulate fat metabolism and have an antitumor effect. This is how amazing the Sudanese rose is. Tea made from it is rich in vitamin C, that is, the well-known ascorbic acid, and quercetin, which allows you to keep cholesterol levels normal and helps cleanse not only blood vessels, but the entire body.

If you want to quickly lose weight, then hibiscus tea, Sudanese rose, is mixed with Sudanese hay and the resulting drink will help to fully and gently cleanse the body and quickly remove all unnecessary from it.

Freshly prepared tea made from rose petals and sepals has a pronounced antibacterial effect against staphylococci, Escherichia coli and other pathogens and bacteria in the intestines, while not disrupting the normal microflora. Hibiscus tea is no less effective for cystitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

Hibiscus tea - hibiscus (Sudanese rose)

At one time, while studying the history of ancient Egypt, archaeologists, among other finds, discovered flower petals of a Sudanese rose or hibiscus in ancient burials. It was used to make a drink that sustains the energy of life. Centuries have passed since then, but until now, red tea made from hibiscus flower petals is a favorite drink of the Egyptians, which is already considered national.

Refreshing and cooling, stimulating metabolism in the body, hibiscus hibiscus tea (Sudanese rose) is an amazingly beautiful shrub that can decorate any garden. Its large bright flowers delight with their lush flowering, and collected and dried give health and vigor in the form of delicious tea. For women, the effect of hibiscus tea is manifested in a special way, it helps to fight dysfunctions, acts as an antispasmodic, improves skin color and strengthens hair, helps to lower the temperature during inflammation and infections, and removes toxins from the body. In combination with rose petals, hibiscus acquires a particularly delicate taste and aroma, and such a drink will refresh well in the summer heat.

Hibiscus tea normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and helps the liver fight toxins, promotes faster excretion of metabolic products and heavy metals. The body is cleansed and rejuvenated due to the action of natural immunomodulators contained in the flowers of the Sudanese rose. And for those diagnosed with mixed dystonia, hibiscus tea is an excellent blood pressure regulator.

Chinese medicine has a long history and vast experience in using natural ingredients to create effective recipes. Chinese rose tea is also widely used, which cleanses the blood and prevents blood clots. If the uterus is toned and the smooth muscles spasm, then hibiscus tea will have an antispasmodic effect. Hibiscus will improve appetite, help to increase the overall tone of the body, give energy during physical exertion, have a stimulating effect in chronic fatigue syndrome, and help to endure nervous stress more easily.

Men benefit from Sudanese or Chinese rose tea, to maintain and increase potency. And hibiscus also removes hangover symptoms, alleviating the general condition and giving energy and vigor. The plant is unpretentious, it is often grown in apartments or greenhouses, admiring the beautiful scarlet flowers, and many do not even know that such a familiar Chinese rose can give a wonderful refreshing and medicinal drink. It can be drunk at any age, except for very young children and those who suffer from renal failure and gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. After brewing, hibiscus petals can not be thrown away, but added to salads or made into a delicious and healthy dessert.

Hey! Today, the continuation of the pink story, and my review of rosebuds for tea Mei Gui Hua Bao (not uttered from the first time) will become a worthy representative of the series. Rose jam is already familiar to me. What about rose tea? What does it taste like? This is what I decided to check.

Price: 305r

Volume: 50g


Description :

Rosebuds are a traditional Chinese favorite for tea. Rose has always been considered a beautiful flower with delicious properties.
Rose gently soothes, pacifies. Helps maintain youth and improve mood. It is most often added to black or red tea.
Try to add a rose to pu-erh, if you are tired of it in its classic form and you will be surprised at the new shades that the rose will give to your drink.

Action on the body:

Improves blood composition, regulates blood circulation in the body, normalizes oxygen supply to the body.
For people who want to have a beautiful complexion, good skin and take care of their health, this tea will be a pleasant find.
Acts as a sedative, a weak infusion can be given to children.


A teaspoon per cup, brew up to 3 times at a temperature of 90 degrees for 2-3 minutes.

I hope the review was useful to you, thanks for your attention!)

What could be better than a cup of aromatic tea when you need to cope with depression, confusion, confusion? Probably, only rose petal tea is a surprisingly delicate and romantic drink, which, moreover, has a number of useful properties.

Rose petal tea is a very beautiful drink. But this is not its main value.

The benefits of rose petals

Rose petal tea is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy. Even in ancient times, doctors knew that such tea refreshes, restores the ability to think, and puts in order the work of the heart.

It is interesting! For a long time, rose petal tea was considered an "aristocratic" medicine, inaccessible to ordinary people.

Such a drink has an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral effect on the body. It is useful to drink it for colds, flu or other diseases of the respiratory system. When coughing, it is used as an expectorant. And if you add honey to tea, you get a cure for stomatitis and various inflammatory processes.

Rose tea will be very useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract - the infusion of petals has the ability to soothe the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the bright delicate aroma of tea cheers up and helps to get rid of depression or blues.
As in other cases, the medicinal properties of rose petals are determined by their composition:

  • essential oils;
  • several sugars;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids (including citric and malic);
  • vitamins from group B, K, E, PP, C;
  • tannin, flavonoids.

Rose petal tea helps get rid of toxins, normalizes intestinal microflora, and cope with insomnia. In the form of lotions, it helps to fight conjunctivitis.

What kind of rose can you brew?

Chinese rose works well for brewing tea. Drinking from it helps to cleanse the blood, is the prevention of blood clots. He copes well with the hangover syndrome, and for men it will also be useful by the fact that it increases potency. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and gallbladder, and normalizes blood pressure. Another useful property of Chinese rose tea is the removal of excess fluid from the body, which helps to get rid of edema.

Conventionally, rose petal tea can also be called red hibiscus tea, because for its preparation they use the Sudanese rose, also known as hibiscus. Sudanese rose tea has a rich history - it was served at the table even among the ancient pharaohs. Like other rose teas, hibiscus is very beneficial for your health.

Collection and storage of petals

To get a really healthy and tasty tea, it is better to pick the petals yourself. For this, roses growing in their own summer cottage are optimal, since in this case you can be 100% sure that no harmful chemicals were used when growing them.

You need to collect the petals in the morning, before the dew melts. It is advisable to do this after the past rain, which will wash away dust and insects from them. Only fully blooming flowers are suitable for collection, but wilted petals should be avoided.

Before that, the flowers are sorted out - they remove wilted petals, stamens, debris, sepals. Then the raw material is transferred to a sieve and shaken to remove the loose pollen.

It is not necessary to wash the collected petals, this can damage them, moreover, there is a risk of washing out some of the useful elements from them. But if desired, such a procedure can be carried out. It is better to rinse the petals with a sieve or colander, and then spread on a paper towel. They can then be used directly for brewing or laid out to dry.

Like other herbs, the petals need to be dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area, spread out in a not very thick layer. From time to time, raw materials should be agitated and turned over to avoid decay and mold.

If you dry the petals in an electric dryer, they will be slightly different from those that dried naturally - they will decrease in size, but retain their color. Because of this, dried raw materials can fall through the holes in the pallets, so it is better to line them with gauze or paper.

It is interesting! To give the flower petals a pleasant berry or fruity aroma, you can dry it next to the petals of a strawberry or strawberry. In this case, the flowers will absorb the smell of the berries.

Fresh petals can also be stored for some time, for example, if it was not possible to collect the required amount for brewing tea at one time. To do this, they are placed in a bag, tied tightly and placed in the refrigerator. In this form, their shelf life is approximately 1-2 days.

Brewing methods

Rose petals can be brewed as a standalone drink or used to flavor tea leaves. Most often, pu-erh undergoes such a procedure, although you can mix a rose with any type of tea.
To flavor your favorite tea with a rose, you need to mix dry leaves of the tea leaves with dried rose petals and leave in a closed container for several days. During this time, the tea leaves will be saturated with a delicate aroma and you will get a delicious and delicate tea.

The simplest version of the infusion of rose petals:

  • pour 2 tablespoons into a mug. petals. Can be used both fresh and dried;
  • pour warm water (not boiling water!). The water temperature should be within 70-80 degrees;
  • leave tea under a saucer for 5 minutes;
  • enjoy a fragrant drink.

Neither sugar nor honey can be added to such a drink, since it itself turns out to be quite sweet in taste. It has a rather distinct freshness with a sweet aftertaste and fruity notes.

Important! You cannot use petals from purchased pink bouquets for making tea - such flowers are grown with the use of harsh chemicals that prolong flowering and kill pests. They will not add any benefits to tea.

Tea for ulcers or gastritis

For various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can brew rose petal tea as follows:

  • mix 10 g each of chamomile, calendula, tea rose petals, field horsetail and dryweed;
  • add 20 g of leaves of wormwood paniculata, St. John's wort, plantain, dill seeds, agrimony herb, rose hips;
  • and then another 70 g of yarrow.

The resulting collection will serve as a reserve for a long time. For brewing, take about 6 g of the mixture and pour it with 0.5 liters of boiling water, after which it is sent to a water bath for half an hour. Strain the tea before drinking and then drink it 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

For burns and wounds

The infusion of rose petals in the collection can be used in the form of lotions to treat wounds and burns. To prepare the collection, you need to mix:

  • rose petals, horsetail, verbena leaves, oak bark (10 g each);
  • sage leaves, chamomile flowers (5 g each).

The collection is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for no longer than half an hour. The strained infusion is moistened with tissue and applied to the affected areas.

Pink honey for tea

Such honey will give the tea a delicate aroma and help to cope with sore throat or vitamin deficiency. For cooking, you will need 200 g of rose petals (tea rose or rose hips) and liquid honey.

Important! It is not necessary to rinse the petals so that the water does not get into the honey

Part of the petals is laid out in a bowl and poured with honey, after which, using a wooden spoon, they begin to crush and rub them until they decrease in size. After that, add another portion of the petals. This continues until all the petals are mixed with honey.

Then the mixture is transferred to a pre-prepared (washed and sterilized) jar. It must be completely dry! Add another spoonful of honey on top to cover the protruding petals. Store such honey in the refrigerator.

Honey can be added to any tea - put a spoonful of petals in a mug, pour over tea, stir and let it brew for a couple of minutes. If the petals get in the way, strain the drink.


There are not so many contraindications for rose petal tea. Since rose is considered a potential allergen, tea with rose petals is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 3 years of age. And, of course, you can not use it with individual intolerance to the drink.

Rose tea is not only a romantic and aromatic drink, but also a source of good mood. And besides, it is very healthy. Having prepared rose petals in summer, you can pamper yourself with a tonic and refreshing drink all winter, which will protect against colds and beriberi.

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collection BUSTAN BUDUR.


These rosebuds- small unopened rosebuds of a special kind with a high content of essential oil, one of the traditional flower additives to tea, as well as for cosmetic use. Most often added to red or black tea. Tea with the addition of rosebuds acquires a delicate floral aroma.

Food use

When brewing purple rosebuds bloom beautifully, giving their juicy colors to the infusion. The drink acquires a characteristic pink aroma, sweetish-floral, shimmering with the warm spice of light tobacco. An enveloping honey taste with a light smoky undertone carries a tea note and a subtle aftertaste. The bouquet of this drink seems especially ripe, mature, velvety. Rosebuds look amazingly beautiful when brewed in a transparent bowl.

Added to tea to taste or brewed separately for medicinal purposes. In oriental tea culture, boiling rose flowers and adding the same flowers to tea is considered one of the well-known techniques and is widely used to this day.
Roses are to red and black tea almost the same as jasmine to green tea. The surprisingly delicate, delicate and refined aroma of rose penetrates into the structure of the tea's taste, without destroying it, but organically complementing it, making the tea less hot and evening it out.

Infusion of buds can be used as an independent drink, and if brewed together with other teas, they will give them a bright floral aroma and new shades of infusion. It is especially good to add rosebuds to pu-erh tea and red teas, but you can add them to green teas as well. Also goes well with jasmine, chrysanthemum flowers.

Medicinal use

The rose is considered a sacred plant in many cultures. Even in ancient China, rosebuds were used as a rejuvenating agent and a medicine. Until now, rose tea and rose water are used to treat many diseases.
Rose tea pleases the eye with its appearance, improves mood with a delicate scent. Rose possesses antiviral activity, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the supply of oxygen to the body, rose tea is great regulates the emotional state, has a great effect on endocrine system.

Boil the buds with ginger, cinnamon and honey. This drink is ideal for autumn, winter and spring, because this combination strengthens the body's defenses and increases resistance to colds.

Delicate pink tea, with a light elegant aroma of the Queen of Flowers, has a wide range of useful properties. Having in its composition such vitamins as C, K, B, carotene, tea from unopened rosebuds helps with colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis.Rosebuds have analgesic effect and they can be used for traumatic pain, rheumatic diseases, bruises, intercostal neuralgia. A water infusion (tea) slows down the rate of thrombin and fibrin formation.

Rose petals possess calming, tonic properties and are also rich in vitamins. Rose has a calming effect on the nervous system of the body. Eliminates sclerotic changes in organs, restores and rejuvenates cells. Normalizes the digestive tract by healing mucous membranes. Eliminates the phenomena of dysbiosis.

So substances necessary for the body and minerals - they are contained in rose petals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, molybdenum, etc. With such a rich chemical composition, it is natural to effectively use rose petals in the treatment of diseases - for stomatitis, sore throat, scarlet fever, jaundice, diarrhea, kidney diseases, liver, intestines, bladder and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Selenium resists cell aging, and iodine helps with thyroid diseases. Copper and iron are actively involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, magnesium dilates blood vessels, Chromium contained in tea catalyzes the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose.

Periodontal disease treatment: a gauze or cotton swab is moistened with a strong decoction or and applied to the gums. You can also keep warm rose water in your mouth. Bleeding from the gums and pain stop after 4-5 sessions. The inflammatory process gradually disappears, loose teeth become stronger, normal turgor and gum color are restored, and bad breath disappears.

With angina 1-2 drops of rose oil must be dripped onto the inflamed gland with a pipette or lubricated with a tampon (2-3 times a day, after 4-5 hours, for 2-3 days). Can be used for rinsing.

Treatment of eye diseases: rose hydrolat must be poured into an eye glass bath (sold in a pharmacy), then apply a bath of rose water tightly to the eye, tilt the head back. In this position, the eyes are opened and closed 10 times, and at the end the open eye is turned to the right and left. The procedure must be performed in the morning and in the evening.

If your eyes get very tired, you have sensations of "sand in the eyes", they watery, or you suffer from conjunctivitis, you can use rose water as eye drops and use 2 times a day, 2 drops. And also rinse your eyes with pink broth. You can also make eye applications, apply moistened tampons to the eyes, and apply water baths. This will help relieve eye strain, relieve pain and promote the treatment of chronic eye diseases.

Cosmetic action

Rose flowers have healing effect and are designed to care specifically for thin, delicate, sensitive, allergy-prone skin. The petals of this flower contain a high level of natural fatty acids, which restore the protective functions of the skin, and as a result, effectively fight aging the skin. Water extracts from rose petals and creams with the addition of rose oil eliminate skin inflammation, irritation, flaking.

Fresh rose petals and their decoction have a high bactericidal activity... Therefore, they are used to treat any skin disease. To relieve inflammation for eczema, psoriasis, erysipelas, acne, simply apply fresh petals to the affected areas or often wipe with a decoction of dried flowers.

Purulent wounds that do not heal for a long time, burns will heal much faster if fresh petals are applied to them. Fresh petals and thick broth also relieve itching for allergies and scratching. Infusion of roses improves the condition blood capillaries of the facial skin... Rose is also characterized by antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Rose flowers contain magnesium - an excellent vasodilator and antispasmodic, as well as selenium, which is able to actively fight the aging process of cells. Zinc promotes hair and nail growth.

A decoction of rose flowers is good rinse hair after washing.

Rose water is a world famous remedy for skin rejuvenation and daily care for her. The healing properties of roses and rose water have been known to mankind since the times of Ancient Rome and Ancient Persia. This is just a miracle cure that has unique anti-aging properties, and also has a charming scent that helps to improve your mood.

For making Homemade Rose Lotion brew a handful of buds with half a liter of water in a thermos (you can add other herbs), insist overnight. Strain and add 100 ml of any strong alcoholic drink or 50 ml of alcohol to the broth. Use as a cleansing lotion once a day. This rose water optimizes the protective properties of the skin, normalizes the functioning of the glands and gently cleanses the pores.

Broth and infusion of roses stimulates tissue regeneration, has moisturizing, antiseptic and softening properties, tones the skin, relieves tension, has a lymphatic drainage effect (effect on the soft tissues of the face in order to achieve the outflow of excess fluid and metabolic products through the lymphatic vessels).

Also to restore tone you can make applications: a cotton cloth is moistened in pink water, applied to various areas of the face (forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin) and removed after 5-7 minutes. After this simple procedure, you will feel freshness, vigor and a charge of good mood for the whole day.

Long journeys, a hard day at work, stress and stress - for a modern person, this is all familiar and familiar. Unfortunately, time for rest is often not enough, and tension builds up and builds up, shaking our nervous system and negatively affecting the state of the whole organism.

For to get rid of the feeling of tiredness, just apply a small amount of rose water to your face. You can simply moisten a napkin or handkerchief and wipe your face, or wash your face with rose water in the morning - and you will feel how much lighter and more cheerful you feel. Regular washing with rose water is not only relieve chronic fatigue but also help keep your skin looking youthful.

Very useful after anti-cellulite massage make applications on the body with a decoction of rosebuds. To do this, moisten a cloth in a broth heated to 37 degrees and wrap the body with it for 5-7 minutes. This will enhance the effect of the massage and bring you pleasant relaxation.

Rose water baths have a very strong positive effect. You only need 250-500 ml of rose water diluted in the bathroom. It will bring you relaxation, relieve tiredness and stress, and improve your mood. Moreover, baths with rose water relieve skin inflammations and allergic rashes. It is highly recommended to do such baths babies and children, as well as people who have traced long-term depressive conditions.

In order to relieve fatigue, sometimes it is enough to wash your face and décolleté with rose water. This is best done after removing your makeup in the evening and immediately after waking up in the morning.

Other application:

As decorating dried flowers

The broth is used in intimate feminine hygiene

In the production of home cosmetics and soaps

For scrapbooking, for original decor of gifts, postcards

Chopped flowers are excellent exfoliation

Aromatization of wardrobes, linen, adding water when ironing.

Manufacturing of dry formulations for aromatherapy.

Ingredients: selected unopened whole Moroccan rose buds, naturally dried by hand.

Weight: 30 gr (the volume of a tea glass).

Manufacturer: Morocco.

The term of storage is 2 years in a dark dry place.