Rice noodles and white rice have a glycemic index. When to eat high GI foods

25.07.2020 Seafood dishes

Many people use rice in their diet. It can be used to make pilaf, porridge, cutlets or add to salads. For some peoples, this product is the main dish. Sweets and alcoholic drinks are made from it. But few people think that each product has its own.

For the first time in the world, it began to be grown in India, but it gained the greatest popularity in China. Rice comes in many varieties. It can be distinguished by its color - white, brown, brown.

The ability to raise blood sugar levels will depend on the type of cereal. Brown has a glycemic index of 45 and is very beneficial. White rice has a glycemic index of 65 or slightly more. Even with such indicators, this cereal is a dietary product and very well helps to lose weight. It can be used in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Cereal contains many vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins of group B, PP, E. It contains eight types of amino acids.

This cereal is very often included in the list of foods that need to be used in a diet. This applies to patients with various diseases and people who want to lose weight. This is because the glycemic index of brown rice is in the middle of the scale, but this is not the case for all types of rice.

The glycemic index of brown rice is about 40 units. It contains no salt at all. This helps to reduce the production of gastric acid. Therefore, fasting days on one rice may be recommended.

Nutritionists say that brown cereals are healthier than white ones. This is proved by the study of the composition of brown rice groats. With its regular use, you can cleanse the body of toxins.

Any type of cereal is low in calories. Despite this, it has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Useful properties of rice:

  • improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • is a useful product when following a diet to get rid of extra pounds;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • normalizes bowel function;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves bowel function.

But the use of cereals in the diet has contraindications. You can not compose your diet and use only one rice. This can interfere with bowel function and cause constipation.

When you use brown rice, the shell of the stomach also gets into the stomach. The husk contains phytic acid, which does not allow the body to absorb calcium and iron.

According to the results of the studies, it was found that rice can be used in the diet of diabetics. But in this case, there is a limitation on the use of its white appearance. It is not suitable for people with diabetes and will increase blood sugar levels. With frequent use of this type of cereal, complications of type 2 diabetes can develop. It is better to skip white rice. Then replace it with brown, red, black, brown. The grains can be steamed.

Brown rice does not include simple carbohydrates and therefore cannot raise blood glucose levels. It contains vitamins and minerals, fiber. Such properties appear due to the fact that during processing, the husk is completely removed from it.

Brown rice is characterized by its low calorie content. With its help, you can cleanse the body and easily get rid of excess weight. In this case, there are no contraindications. But to preserve the grain, you need to store it in the refrigerator and this period should not be very long.

Black rice, also called wild. It tastes like a nut. It is harvested by hand and is therefore not cheap. This type of rice is classified as a rare species.

When choosing cereals, diabetics should give preference to red rice. He is able to cleanse the body. It contains a large amount of dietary fiber. When consumed on a regular basis, the level of antioxidants in the body will increase. Another important property of red rice for diabetics is the normalization of sugar levels in the body.

Depending on the type of cereal, its calorie content will differ, of course, not much. For example, brown rice has 350 kcal per 100 grams, while white rice has 340 kcal. This means not yet boiled cereals and without the addition of oil.

The glycemic index determines the effect of a product on glucose levels in the body. When determining this level, it is assumed that sugar is 100 units.

Brown cereals are in the middle of this scale, the GI index is 45-50 units, for white rice the same indicator will be almost 85 units. From this it follows that brown rice has less effect on blood glucose levels.

  • The glycemic index of boiled unpolished rice is 65 units.
  • The glycemic index of red rice is 55 units.

White contains:

  • proteins - 7 grams;
  • fats - 0.4 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 77 grams;
  • fiber - 0 grams.

The drill contains:

  • proteins - 7.5 grams;
  • fats - 2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 77 grams;
  • fiber - 14 grams.

Rice can be distinguished by its appearance. Brown will have a light brown color, but it stains the rump unevenly. After cooking, it becomes not very crumbly, a little harsh. White should be pure white, and sometimes it can even look translucent. Its surface is always flat. It cooks quickly and becomes crumbly.

Types of cereals differ in GI, so when choosing it is better to give preference to brown rice. This applies not only to diabetic patients, but also when following a diet to get rid of excess weight.

When choosing cereals, it is imperative to take into account its glycemic index. This will help maintain blood sugar levels and prevent the development of diabetes. This advice should be heeded by people who have a genetic predisposition to developing diabetes. Rice groats are necessary for diabetics if they follow a special diet, but before choosing a type, you can consult a doctor and, on this basis, make a choice.

Many people have such an oriental food as pilaf - a favorite dish that they often eat. But few people know that the glycemic index of rice, which is used to prepare this dish, is 70 units. The product is not recommended for people with diabetes due to its high GI. The size of this cereal varies depending on the type of cereal. Cooking a similar brown rice dish, even a diabetic will benefit from it, not harm.

How is it useful?

Despite the average and high GI values, rice is good for the body, weakened by diabetes. The composition includes a large amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, dietary fiber is present and there is no gluten, which provokes allergic reactions. It is also low in salt, which is important for people suffering from water retention.

Grain contributes to:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • the emergence of new cells;
  • power generation;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • normalization of blood pressure and nervous system;
  • better work of the gastrointestinal tract.


Depending on the type of grain, rice is divided into long-grain, medium-grain and round. According to the method of processing, the cereal is classified into brown (unpolished, brown), white (polished) and parboiled. More often than not, white rice is needed in recipes containing rice grits. However, diabetics should use this product with caution. Grain is made up of complex carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for a long time, but the glycemic index indicates that it is dangerous for people with high blood sugar. For such patients, it is better to replace white grains with unpolished ones, since they contain fiber, have an average GI and contain more useful microelements.

GI and calorie content of different types of rice

Steamed long grain golden

This type of rice can be consumed by diabetics, but in limited quantities.

Parboiled rice is a product that is used to make rice porridge. Before grinding, it undergoes a steam treatment, due to which 80% of vitamins and minerals penetrate into the grain. The result is a healthy cereal rich in B vitamins, calcium, magnesium. 100 g of this rice contains 350 kcal. Slow digestion of the starch contained in grains delays the flow of sugar into the blood, but the glycemic index of the product has an average value of 60 units. Due to its beneficial properties, rice is necessary in the diet of a diabetic, but it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Japanese Nishiki

Nishiki is used for making nigiri, sushi, rolls. Its grains contain a lot of starch and polysaccharides, due to which the stickiness of the product increases after steaming. 100 g of the product contains 277 kcal, a large amount of B vitamins and trace elements. However, diabetics are advised to exclude Japanese dishes from the diet, since the GI of this variety has a high indicator - 70 units.

Boiled in water

During heat treatment, the cereal absorbs moisture, thereby increasing in size and becoming soft. The energy value of such porridge is 160 kcal per 100 g, and the glycemic index depends on the type of cereal. The indicator of white round rice is 72 units, brown - 60, Basmati - 58 units. The product contains a small amount of salt, due to which it is included in the diet of overweight people. Boiled rice is useful for pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

Brown (brown, unpolished)

This type of rice will be beneficial even for diabetes.

Brown - Incompletely peeled regular rice. After gentle processing, bran and husk remain in the cereal, due to which the cereal does not lose its useful properties. 100 g of the product contains 335 kcal, the GI of the product is 50 units. Brown rice is rich in vitamins, macronutrients, fiber, dietary fiber and folic acid. Thanks to this, it lowers and maintains blood sugar in the normal range. It also removes toxins, lowers cholesterol levels, and has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system.

It is a useful product for type 2 diabetes as it helps to normalize glucose and prevent complications.

Surely, each of us has a favorite rice dish in our arsenal. It can be a popular rice porridge or a dish from Asian cuisine - pilaf or ordinary rice with raisins, as well as "hedgehogs" - cutlets with rice.

In Japan, rice is used to make an alcoholic drink called sake and various sweets, which are used during the tea ceremony. The homeland of this plant is India and Indochina, and it itself is very popular in China.

Not everyone knows that rice is different: white, brown, brown, unpeeled.

The glycemic index of rice varies by species. In white, this is the one that ordinary rice has a GI of 65, according to glycemic index table... At the same time, the brown rice glycemic index less by 20 units, and he himself is more useful.

Although GI of rice located in the middle of the table, it is recommended for diabetic diets and those who seek to lose excess weight.

Useful properties of rice.

To create new cells, the human body requires amino acids. Rice contains exactly 8 of them, which, you see, is not so little. Of course, this amount cannot be compared with buckwheat, in which the amino acid content is 18.

Nutritionists recommend rice to those seeking get rid of excess weight not only because the glycemic index of brown rice is 40-45 units... The fact is that it contains almost no salt and does not stimulate gastric secretion.

There are even so-called rice fasting days.

Brown rice is undoubtedly healthier than regular white rice. Moreover, in all respects. Starting with GI and calorie content and ending with the content of nutrients.
It is almost ideal for removing various toxins and moisture from the body.

Rice is one of the low-calorie dishes. At the same time, it contains a sufficient amount of ballast substances that stimulate the work of the digestive organs.

What is rice good for?

  • Helps to improve the condition of skin, nails and hair.
  • Recommended for those who want to lose weight, i.e. rice is good for obesity.
  • Has a beneficial effect on brain function.
  • Restores bowel function.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Stimulates the work of the digestive system.

Rice contraindications.

Excessive consumption of rice, regardless of the type, can provoke constipation. This negatively affects the bowel function.

The bran casing in brown rice contains some harmful substances, such as phytic acid. It interferes with the absorption of beneficial trace elements: calcium and iron.

With elevated blood sugar, endocrinologists prescribe a low-carbohydrate diet to patients, the products for which are selected according to their glycemic index.

Such an indicator makes it clear at what speed the concentration of glucose in the blood will increase after consuming a certain product or drink. This food system is the main treatment for non-insulin dependent (second) type of diabetes.

For insulin-dependent patients, it is also important to know the number of bread units (BU). This value makes it clear what dose of short insulin should be administered immediately after a meal.

There are foods in the diet that, depending on their variety, have a different index. A striking example of this is Fig. Its varieties for the system of diabetic nutrition have a different effect on the patient's blood sugar. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying each of the varieties of rice in order to understand which one is beneficial for diabetes, and which one is harmful to health.

The following is considered - how many units of bread boiled white, red, brown and basmati rice has, the glycemic index of rice of different varieties, a table with all the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bwith all the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bhow much rice porridge is allowed to be eaten per day for a diabetic, is it advisable or not to include it in diet therapy.

Rice and its glycemic index

Food with indicators of 50 - 69 units is allowed for the patient's nutrition only as an exception, no more than 100 grams twice a week. Taking into account the fact that the "sweet" disease is not in the stage of exacerbation. Products with a high value, over 70 units, are strictly prohibited. After their use, a rapid increase in glucose concentration, the development of glycemia and other complications on target organs is possible.

The GI can increase, depending on heat treatment and changes in the consistency of the product. Only the last rule applies to porridges. The thicker its consistency, the lower the index. Below is a table from which it will be quite easy to understand whether it is possible to eat rice with diabetes of the first, second and gestational types.

Rice and its meanings:

  • the glycemic index of red rice is 50 units, the calorie content per 100 grams of the product will be 330 kcal, the number of bread units is 5.4 XE;
  • The GI of brown rice reaches 50 units, the calorie content per 100 grams will be 337 kcal, the number of bread units is 5.42 XE;
  • The GI of white rice is 85 units, the calorie content of boiled rice will be 116 kcal, the number of bread units reaches 6.17 XE;
  • boiled basmati rice has a glycemic index of 50 units, the calorie content per 100 grams will be 351 kcal.

From this it follows that white rice, the glycemic index of which reaches a high rate, has an enhancing effect on the concentration of glucose in the blood. It should be permanently excluded from the diet of a diabetic.

But brown (brown), red rice, basmati rice are safe foods if diet therapy is followed.

The benefits of basmati

Sugar level

In order to understand the benefits of rice, you will have to study all its "safe" varieties for a diabetic. Perhaps you should start with basmati rice.

It has long been considered that this is the most elite cereal. It has a characteristic pleasant smell and elongated grains. This long grain rice is used to prepare sophisticated and complex dishes.

This cereal is appreciated not only for its taste and low index, but also for the absence of gluten, a kind of allergen. Therefore, it is even allowed to include basmati in the diet of young children. However, it should be borne in mind that rice contains astringents, that is, they can provoke the development of constipation. It is ideal to eat rice no more than three to four times a week.

Long-grain basmati contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  1. B vitamins;
  2. vitamin E;
  3. magnesium;
  4. phosphorus;
  5. chlorine;
  6. cobalt;
  7. potassium;
  8. solid dietary fiber.

Solid dietary fiber removes toxins from the body, improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Parboiled rice serves as a powerful natural antioxidant, binding together heavy radicals and ridding the body of their presence. Also, antioxidant properties slow down the aging process.

This cereal has a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • envelops the affected areas of the stomach, relieves pain in case of an ulcer;
  • increases the production of the hormone insulin;
  • removes bad cholesterol, prevents blockage of blood vessels;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • does not cause weight gain.

You can safely include basmati in the diet of any type of diabetic.

The benefits of brown rice

Brown rice tastes almost the same as white rice. In general, this type of cereal is just white rice, unpeeled from the shell, which contains all the useful vitamins and microelements.

To make the cereal have a slightly yellow tint, you can add a seasoning such as turmeric to it. It will not only give the dish an exquisite taste, but also have a rather beneficial effect on the body of a diabetic. If you want to give the rice a green hue, then you will need to add green pepper, coriander and parsley to the finished porridge, after chopping them in a blender.

Brown rice contains gamma oryzanol, a natural antioxidant. It slows down the aging process, removes heavy radicals from the body. Gamma-oryzanol also lowers the level of bad cholesterol, negating the blockage of blood vessels.

This cereal contains the following useful substances:

  1. B vitamins;
  2. vitamin E;
  3. vitamin PP;
  4. manganese;
  5. zinc;
  6. potassium;
  7. fluorine;
  8. nickel;
  9. cobalt;
  10. selenium.

Such an abundance of minerals makes brown rice the record holder for their content. Eat at least two servings of this cereal once a week and you will not be deficient in minerals. It should be borne in mind that it takes a little longer to cook such porridge than steamed rice. On average, it takes 45 - 55 minutes.

In terms of taste, this cereal does not differ from white rice. It is used in cooking pilaf and meatballs.

Dessert with rice

Few people know, but the traditional Hungarian dish is made from rice and apricot. It should be noted right away that apricots are allowed in diabetes mellitus, since they have a low GI. It will take a lot of time to prepare such a dish, because the cereal is cooked in two stages. To begin with, you should rinse brown rice under running water, fill it with water one to one and cook until half cooked, about 25 - 30 minutes.

Then fold the cereal in a colander and drain the rest of the water. Next, mix the rice with grape juice, one to one. Stir instant gelatin and sweetener to taste in the juice. It is most advisable to use a substitute that is not only sweet, but also contains a lot of useful substances. Simmer over low heat, stirring often, until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Let the porridge cool to room temperature. Remove the apricot pits from the berries and add to the porridge, mix gently. Put the dish in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Number of ingredients:

  • 200 grams of brown rice;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 200 milliliters of grape juice;
  • 15 apricots;
  • sweetener to taste.

Serve the Hungarian dessert chilled.

Healthy cereals

Cereals are foods that energize the body. But cereals that negatively affect blood glucose levels must be permanently excluded from the menu - these are white rice, millet, corn porridge.

There are also conflicting indicators of the index for wheat flour, from 45 to 55 units. It is more expedient to replace it by preparing a portion of bulgur. Bulgur is also wheat flour, but processed in a different way.

Chickpeas are a pretty useful side dish for diabetics. With its regular use, chickpeas raise the level of hemoglobin, remove bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Chickpeas are also called chickpeas. It belongs to the legume family. It goes well with both meat and fish. You can also add it to vegetable stews.

Chickpeas can also be ground to a powder and used in baked goods instead of wheat flour.

Chickpea has the following indicators:

  1. GI 30 units;
  2. flour from it 35 units.

The main thing that a diabetic should not forget is that it is aimed at maintaining blood glucose levels in the normal range and at increasing the protective functions of the body.

The video in this article explains the benefits of brown rice.

Sugar level

Recent discussions.

In this article, we will consider the glycemic index of brown rice.

This is an old cereal crop. Such cereals are very popular in the countries of the East. There it is consumed daily due to its excellent balanced composition. It is worth talking in more detail about the benefits, glycemic index and calorie content of rice.

India is the birthplace of rice, but it gained popularity in China. Groats differ in varieties:

  • Rice is white. The glycemic index is quite high. It is in the range of 65-85 units.
  • Wild, black rice. Its index is 35-40.
  • Brown or brown. The glycemic index of brown rice is 45-50 units, which is almost two times lower than that of white. Brown has an index of 50.

What does GI depend on?

The glycemic index depends on the type of rice. For example, brown rice has a low index and is healthier than white rice. However, even with this value, cereal is dietary, it helps well to cope with excess weight. It is permissible to use it for patients with diabetes mellitus. The glycemic index of brown unpolished rice is very low.

Beneficial features

White and brown rice cereals are essentially the same product, but processed in different ways. The brown variety undergoes fewer treatments; only the cereals are cleared from the yellowish upper rind in production. However, the bran shell remains intact, for this reason the grains of this type have an elongated shape and a brown tint. Brown rice has a specific nutty smell and taste. On the territory of Russia, brown rice groats have gained less popularity in comparison with white ones.

But this product in Asian countries has become famous for a large number of useful properties, it is one of the main dishes of the everyday family diet.

Brown rice has the following beneficial properties:


We examined the glycemic index of rice varieties. Are there any contraindications for brown rice, because its GI is very low. Like any product, this type of rice tends to have certain contraindications. This cereal is primarily contraindicated in people who suffer from severe bloating. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to its white varieties, to use them no more than twice a week. It is completely undesirable to use brown rice groats if you have difficulty urinating. Boiled cereals have a fairly strong diuretic effect. If a person has colitis, you also need to refuse this product. Despite the fact that one hundred grams of brown rice contains a small amount of calories, it should not be abused by patients with a large weight. Due to the fact that rice cereals have the property of long digestion, you can gain extra pounds.

Composition of brown rice

The glycemic index of cereals needs to be known, especially for those who follow a healthy diet. It should also be remembered that any cereal crop is itself carbohydrates. But brown rice grits are a healthy and long-lasting type of carbohydrate that is broken down entirely in the human body. They are perfectly processed and give an energy charge, do not settle in the form of fatty deposits. This rice variety, in turn, contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is a building material for muscle fibers.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on no less significant components of brown rice.

  • Dietary fiber, often referred to simply as fiber. The concentration of dietary fiber in brown rice is small, two hundred grams - only three grams. But, when compared with white cereals, where two hundred grams of fiber is contained in an amount of one gram, it is better to give preference to the use of brown rice. When brown rice is boiled in water, there will be relatively few calories in the dish, and this is due to the presence of coarse dietary fiber in the cereal.
  • The complex of B vitamins gave incredible popularity to the brown variety of rice cereals in eastern countries. In order to almost completely replenish the daily need of the human body for these elements, one portion of such a product is enough. However, rice groats that have undergone heat treatment reduces the content of such useful components by five times. In other words, their concentration in cooked rice is much lower than in raw rice.
  • The concentration of metals necessary for the body also brings this cereal to a leading position in terms of content in the composition of useful elements. Brown rice is a rich source of iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and copper. The composition also contains a small amount of sodium, a fairly rare metal that is found in food products. Such is the chemical composition of this cereal.
  • The presence of iodine, selenium and phosphorus in brown rice makes it possible to use this product as a prophylactic agent for thyroid pathology.

Calorie content

Due to the low glycemic index of rice (namely brown rice), this product becomes a universal favorite for those who are actively fighting overweight. One hundred grams of brown rice cereal contains about 330 calories. In this situation, it is a dry product. However, one hundred grams of boiled brown rice already contains 11 kilocalories. Such a significant decrease in the energy value of rice is due to its preliminary processing, which the cereals are subjected to before cooking. Everyone knows that it is recommended to rinse rice groats, regardless of the variety, several times in cool water, which helps to remove the adhesive (also called gluten) and starch. It is these two components that add the energy value of rice cereal in the form of kilocalories.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value of this variety deserves special mention. As mentioned above, the bulk of brown rice is complex carbohydrates, approximately 74%. One hundred grams of an impressive protein content compared to other cereals, about 24%.

In the composition of brown rice groats, fats occupy the smallest part - only two percent. It should be noted that even a small concentration of fats in brown rice is presented in the form of healthy oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The glycemic index of brown rice is of interest to many. But what is the special benefit of unpolished cereals?

Brown rice

Unpolished brown (brown rice) is the most useful variety, since it is peeled only from the top shell, while retaining all the nutrients and bran. Thanks to the unpolished grade, cholesterol is removed, kidney function is improved, blood circulation is stabilized, and the water balance in the human body is normalized. Any kind of rice other than white is essentially unpolished. It is the shell of the grain that is responsible for staining, when it is grinded off, the cereal becomes white.

Everyone should know the glycemic index of different rice.

Calorie counting in different dishes

In one hundred grams of boiled brown variety, the calorie content can differ significantly from one hundred grams of raw product. This is due to the active absorption of water by grains during cooking, which increases the mass. In addition, you need to take into account the added ingredients, for example, butter, salt, fat content of milk, raisins, etc. Salt is the only ingredient from the above, which does not increase the calorie content of the prepared dish.

We looked at the glycemic index of brown rice.

Brown rice: glycemic index, calorie content, BJU norms and useful properties - tips and advice about health on the site