Can I freeze with. Nuts and nut flour

01.09.2019 Seafood dishes

It would seem, what could be easier than freezing food? But here, too, there are myths and misconceptions, as well as nuances and tricks, which we talk about in detail at the training. In this article, I will answer the most common questions about freezing.

1. Frozen foods are "dead" food - a myth

Freezing is the best a way of preserving life, invented by nature itself... After all, in winter everything freezes: plants, tubers, seeds, roots, etc. - during the cold season, they are frozen and thawed several times. And at the same time not only do they not “grow dead”, but in the spring they begin to grow, bloom and bear fruit!

In order to preserve living plants, their nature, unlike humans, does not boil, pickle, salt, smoke, etc. Nature - freezes! All minerals are retained after freezing. And so do most vitamins. It is better to freeze strawberries, raspberries or cherries than to cook jam from them. So they will retain more vitamins and will be healthier.

2. Frozen food is not tasty - a myth

With the right choice of products, adherence to all principles of freezing, packaging and storage, the taste of your food will never tarnish, much less spoil. And in some cases it will get even better (for example, when freezing semi-finished products).

To extend the shelf life of food to 10-12 months, you just need to properly prepare them for storage in the freezer. It is very important not to skip steps such as washing, blanching, drying, cooling and freezing in the freezer. Also, food packaging plays an important role in preserving the entire palette of the taste of your products and ready meals. Pack them carefully and tightly using special freezer containers, cling film, strong plastic bags, foil or parchment paper.

And so that frozen foods do not turn into a solid piece of ice, it is very important to completely dry them from moisture, cool them in the refrigerator, if you need to freeze them additionally and only then finally freeze them. If whole berries are frozen, such as, then they need to be frozen on a board or other flat pallet so that they do not touch each other and only then poured into a bag or tray.

This also applies to other similar products.

3. You can freeze completely cooked food - really

Fully cooked food lends itself well to freezing and, if you adhere to all the rules of freezing / defrosting, its taste after the freezer will not only disappoint you, but also pleasantly surprise you.

It is very convenient to have frozen ready meals at home. For example, if there is a lack of time for cooking, suddenly arriving guests or other force majeure situation, there will always be homemade delicious dishes at home, which will certainly save the situation.

And if you have prepared more food than your family can eat, then you should not wait until or will stand in the refrigerator for a week and be fed to the yard cat or, even worse, go to the trash can. Freeze some of the ready-made food, and in the future, when there is no energy, time or desire to prepare lunch or dinner, frozen food will save a hungry family, and the family budget will not suffer from the purchase of store sausages, dumplings and other unhealthy food.

4. There are no vitamins in frozen foods - a myth

Vitamins are destroyed during any storage and during any processing of products, and most of them are destroyed not during freezing, but during heat treatment.

If we compare frozen vegetables and fruits with fresh ones harvested in season, then naturally there will be more vitamins in fresh products.

But if in winter you want to eat strawberries or cherries, zucchini or bell peppers, then it is better to give preference to frozen vegetables than those bought just in the store. As a rule, fresh vegetables and fruits are frozen in season, that is, those harvested at the peak of their ripeness, when the amount of vitamins and other nutrients is high.

Therefore, the benefits of such frozen products will be greater than from glossy greenhouse vegetables and fruits grown under artificial lighting using stimulants and other substances that contribute to the rapid ripening of products. Even canned foods are inferior in usefulness to frozen ones.

5. You can freeze any food and ready-made meals - a myth

Yes, almost everything can be frozen. However, there are a number of foods that are undesirable to freeze. This applies to such watery vegetables as cucumber and radish (after defrosting, they lose their characteristic crunch and firmness). Also, such delicate greens as lettuce leaves are not frozen.

As for the ready-made dishes, there are also some nuances here. Creamy sauces, dairy dishes (creams, desserts), cream, sour cream and kefir do not tolerate freezing well and stratify after defrosting. This also applies to cold soups (okroshka, gazpacho) - such soups will not taste good: the liquid part will become heterogeneous, and their ingredients will stop crunching.

6. Frozen foods spoil during long-term storage - true

Freezing allows you to keep the high quality of food for a very long time(for example, up to 12 months). Therefore, it is very important to adhere to a certain temperature regime in the freezer, namely minus 18 degrees and below. If the temperature is higher, then the shelf life of the product will be greatly reduced, since freezing does not stop, but only slows down the processes due to which products deteriorate under normal conditions, and temperatures above minus 18 degrees are not enough for long-term storage of food - the products will continue to deteriorate from for the active reproduction of microorganisms that are present on products.

7. Foods absorb odors in the freezer - true and myth

Yes, this really happens. If you store fish, milk, strawberries and mushrooms in one drawer of the freezer, then after some time of joint storage you will have strawberries with the aroma of mushrooms and milk with a fishy smell :)

But in reality, this is very easy to avoid. It is enough just to pack the products well, sort them into groups and give them a separate place.

In a refrigerator with a standard freezer with 3 compartments, it is advisable to assign a separate drawer for each food group. For example, in the first compartment (1) store meat products and their semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls, etc.), broth, soup, sauces, etc.

In the second (2) compartment to store vegetables, fruits, dairy products (milk, butter), baked goods, etc.

Third (3) compartment for frozen mushrooms, fish, seafood and other things.

8. You can defrost food in any way - a myth

The most correct way to defrost food is to defrost it slowly! That is, put it on the refrigerator shelf and let it thaw completely or partially.

Defrosting food under running hot or warm water is not correct!

Warm water will quickly defrost the top layers of the food, while the inside will be still frozen. Such uneven defrosting is very bad for the final quality and taste of the product. It will be heterogeneous and may partially collapse in general.

You should also not leave frozen food on the table at room temperature.

Defrosting something (meat, fish, semi-finished products, etc.) in the air is likely to get a spoiled top layer of the product, as bacteria and microbes will begin to multiply on it.

Boiling frozen meat broth or braising frozen meat / fish is also wrong.

It is highly undesirable to subject frozen meat to heat treatment, including boiling. This is due to the fact that very few nutrients remain in the meat after such a cooking process, it significantly decreases in size, becomes dryish, and the broth becomes cloudy.

Defrosting certain foods in the microwave is also undesirable.

This applies to fish and seafood. These foods cook fairly quickly and the cooking process can begin. The proteins of the outer layer of the product will coagulate, and with further heat treatment, the taste, color, density and even the composition of nutrients in the dish can change dramatically.

To eat or not to eat frozen foods is the choice of every person

Freezing or not freezing food, eating it or abstaining is everyone's choice. But where is the certainty that the dishes purchased or ordered in stores, cafes and restaurants were not prepared from frozen products? After all, you can freeze almost everything. This is the most common way of delivering products to the consumer without losing flavor and keeping them longer.

Don't be afraid to freeze food and ready meals! Freezing is the best way to store food.

If you ALWAYS have ready-made HOME food in your freezer, then you will not need to cook so often. I will say more, you can stay away from the stove for days or even weeks!

If now, in the season of inexpensive vegetables, fruits and berries, you freeze them, you can save a lot, because in winter, fresh vegetables and fruits will cost like a Boeing wing.

Interesting? Sign up for the training ““. During the training, you will learn not only how to properly freeze food and ready meals. You can improve the quality of your life by freeing up time for activities that you really enjoy.

And save money on grocery shopping - as a nice bonus!

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In this article, we'll talk about how to prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter by freezing, how to rationally allocate storage space and other freezing secrets.

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter: a list

You want to enjoy the generous gifts of nature in the form of vegetables, fruits and berries not only in summer, but also in winter. In winter supermarkets, of course, you can buy, if not all, then almost all types of fresh vegetables, berries or fruits, but their quality will not be the best.

You can also prepare pickles, compotes, preserves and other types of preparations in jars for the winter. However, this option is not suitable for everyone. Some housewives do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, others do not have time. Also, pickles may not work, many people know that cans with conservation sometimes explode. In addition, many simply do not have a place to store cans with conservation. And the very last argument - it will not work to keep all the vitamins in their original form.

Homemade vegetables

Many housewives prefer freezing vegetables. With a large freezer, you can prepare a variety of healthy and delicious vegetables. However, it will not be superfluous to learn about the tricks of freezing, so as not to accidentally get not appetizing gruel instead of healthy vegetables.

So, list of vegetables that can be frozen:

  • Black Eyed Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Cauliflower
  • Zucchini or zucchini
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Sweet and / or bell pepper
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Green pea
  • Eggplant
  • Mushrooms

Turnips, radishes, lettuce are not subject to freezing.

Most vegetables must be blanched before freezing, that is, immersed in boiling water for a short time, and then quickly cooled. For example, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, asparagus beans, green peas, corn need to blanch.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, mushrooms do not need to be dipped in boiling water. Small Cherry tomatoes can be stored intact, just make a few punctures so that the fruit does not burst from frost. Large tomatoes can be sliced ​​or mashed. Cucumbers should also not be kept whole, cut them into small cubes or strips.

How to freeze vegetables correctly?

You can also freeze potatoes, onions, carrots, beets. But it is worth considering whether it will be rational? The freezer is usually small in size, and seasonal vegetables are mere pennies and can be stored for a long time without cold. Better to freeze what you can't buy in winter.

Vegetable mixes for the winter in packages: recipes

Vegetables must be washed and dried before freezing. Sealed containers or bags are suitable as containers. The airtightness will prevent the absorption of foreign odors from nearby products. For example, dill has a strong odor that can be absorbed into other vegetables or berries.

It is convenient to freeze vegetable mixtures so that you can cook different dishes later. It is better to freeze the mixture in small portions, so as not to beat off the piece from the frozen mass later, but to take the finished portion at a time.

Vegetable mix options:

  1. Corn, peas, bell peppers.
  2. Carrots, peas, green beans, red beans, corn, celery, peppers, corn.
  3. Onions, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes.
  4. Tomatoes, onions, peppers.

Important: Frozen fruits and vegetables can be stored in the freezer for up to a year.

Delicious vegetable mix

Seasonings from vegetables for soups, salad, pasta, main courses: recipes for the winter

You can also freeze greens, which you can then add little by little to soups, salads or main courses.

  • Wash and dry the greens thoroughly.
  • Then chop it finely.
  • First, freeze the greens in bulk, that is, spread them in a thin layer on the surface and freeze.
  • After the greens are frozen, place them in a tightly resealable bag.

Greens can be frozen in combination of several types. For example:

  1. Dill + parsley for soups
  2. Dill + sorrel + onion feathers for green borscht
  3. Cilantro + parsley + basil for salads

Important: Greens should be stored separately. Do not mix greens with other vegetables, otherwise the smells will mix.

Sorrel for the winter: how to freeze

For soups the following vegetable mixture is suitable:

  • Green peas, carrots, onions, potatoes
  • Carrots, onions, potatoes, cauliflower
  • Cauliflower, corn, potatoes, carrots, onions
  • Sweet peppers, carrots, potatoes, onions

These same mixtures can be added to other dishes such as risotto, stew, vegetable casseroles.

Video: How to freeze greens for the winter?

Freeze Vegetable Mix for Stews: Recipe

You can enjoy a healthy stew if you freeze:

  • Zucchini, zucchini
  • Bell pepper
  • Green pea
  • Cauliflower
  • Tomatoes
  • Greens

Also, potatoes, onions, carrots, white cabbage must be added to the stew.

Stew is a mixture of different vegetables, so you don't have to stick to a strict recipe. If you don't have one ingredient, you can easily replace it with another. The main thing is that there are several types of vegetables in the dish.

Important: Many people are interested in the question, do you need to defrost vegetables before cooking? No, you can't do that.

If you defrost vegetables, they will lose their shape during cooking and turn into gruel. Therefore, send vegetables from the freezer to the pan immediately. Thus, they will remain fragrant, beautiful and healthy.

Freezing vegetable mixtures

Recipes for frozen borsch dressings for the winter

Borscht in winter will be many times tastier and healthier if you take care of the refueling in advance.

Borscht dressing recipe:

  • Sweet pepper in thin strips
  • Diced onion
  • Carrots, strips or grated
  • Beetroot strips
  • Tomato puree

It will be useful parsley and Dill as a spice, only you need to store the herbs separately.

Wash, dry, cut, grate and mix all ingredients. Pack the dressing in separate bags per meal.

This method will help not only to prepare a fragrant borscht in winter, but also to save the family budget.

Dressing for borscht for the winter

How to freeze stuffed peppers with vegetables?

Stuffed pepper- a tasty and healthy dish, but you can fully enjoy it only in season, that is, in autumn. But if you freeze the pepper, then you can cook your favorite dish at any time of the year.

Some housewives stuff pepper and then send it to the freezer. This method is good, but it takes up a lot of space in the freezer.

There is another way:

  1. Wash pepper, pat dry with paper towel
  2. Peel the fruit stem and seeds
  3. Insert the fruits one into the other
  4. Stack the peppers in columns, carefully wrapping them in bags.

For salads, stews, soups and other dishes, chunks of pepper are suitable. It is much more convenient to store it in this form than whole.

Pepper for the winter

What vegetable mixtures should I freeze in the freezer for feeding a baby for the winter?

If there is a baby in the family, or a replenishment is expected, a young mother should be puzzled by the preparation of homemade vegetables for complementary foods.

Complementary foods should be introduced at 5-6 months of the baby's life, if the baby is breastfed. If the child eats an adapted mixture, then complementary foods should be introduced earlier - at the 4th month of life.

If this period falls in winter or spring, then frozen vegetables will become a lifesaver during the introduction of complementary foods.

To feed your baby, you can freeze the following vegetables:

  1. Cauliflower
  2. Zucchini
  3. Broccoli
  4. Pumpkin

After the baby begins to eat vegetable puree, light vegetable soups can be introduced in a small amount. To do this, freeze in advance:

  • Potato
  • Carrot

Vitamins and naturalness is the main advantage of freezing vegetables for complementary foods. Provided that you are sure that the vegetables were not treated with chemicals, or grown in your garden.

Vegetable puree for complementary foods

What fruits and berries can be frozen in the fridge freezer and freezer: a list

You can freeze any fruits and berries:

  • Strawberry
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry
  • Blackberry
  • Cowberry
  • Plums
  • Apricots
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Currant
  • Gooseberry

Frozen berries

Should fruit be washed before freezing?

You can freeze in addition to vegetables, fruits and berries. Before sending them to the freezer, thoroughly wash and dry fruits and berries.

Do not re-freeze fruits and berries. Firstly, they will turn into porridge, and secondly, they will lose all useful properties.

How to freeze fruits and berries fresh for the winter?

You can puree the berries and freeze them as they are, with or without sugar - your choice.

Another way to freeze is dry... Lay the prepared berries or fruits in a thin layer on a surface, for example, on a board. Freeze like this, then send the berries in a bag, releasing air from it.

Delicate berries such as strawberries, raspberries should be stored in a container so that the berries are not damaged.

The apples can be cut into wedges. Store small and fleshy fruits (plums, apricots, cherries) whole and with seeds.

Recipes for mixtures of fruits and berries for the winter

From frozen fruits and berries in winter, you can make aromatic compotes, fruit drinks, add fruit to yogurt or porridge.

Remember to freeze ripe and undamaged fruits. Form small portions of berries and use one bag for one preparation.

Mixes of fruits and berries:

  • Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries
  • Plums, apricots, apples
  • Apples, apricots, raspberries
  • Cherry, apple, strawberry
  • Cherry, currant, raspberry
  • Strawberries, currants, cranberries

Important: Most modern refrigerators do not require defrosting, but if necessary, wrap the container with frozen vegetables and fruits in a thick blanket so that the blanks do not have time to defrost. In winter, freeze can be taken outside or on a balcony.

How to freeze fruit

Freezing fruits, berries and vegetables is a profitable and quick way to get all the useful vitamins in winter and enjoy the taste of summer. But do not forget to follow the freezing rules in order to preserve vitamins and taste. You can watch a video on this topic and learn a lot of useful things about freezing vegetables and fruits.

Video: How to freeze greens, vegetables and fruits correctly?

Modern household appliances have made life much easier for housewives. One of these useful devices is a refrigerator, in which you can store almost any prepared food, and for a long time. It is enough then to get them out and warm them up. But it happens that some lovingly cooked dishes become completely unusable. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to freeze food correctly.

What foods can be frozen?

First you need to figure out what is not worth freezing. It is best not to put canned food, chopped boiled potatoes, cottage cheese, eggs, custard, jelly, cream, unsterilized milk, mayonnaise in the freezer. It should also be remembered that food should not be placed warm in the refrigerator.

Which Here is the most comprehensive list:

  • fresh, young, boiled vegetables, puree from them;
  • almost all types of fish, oysters, shellfish;
  • crab, lobster, shrimp;
  • ripe fruits (except those that contain a large amount of water);
  • dairy products - cheese, margarine, heavy cream, butter, lard;
  • meat;
  • buns, cakes, bread;
  • dough;
  • ready meals;
  • bouillon;
  • flavored butter;
  • seeds, nuts.

Cooling and freezing technology

Any refrigerator freezes food, and they can be stored for a very long time only after deep freezing. If you follow the storage rules, then even after a fairly long time they will be of high quality and contain all the nutrients. You should pay attention to the following point: cold helps to maintain the quality of products, but does not increase it. If benign fruits, vegetables and meat were originally frozen, then they will be the same a few months after they are thawed. Rot, frozen meat, affected root vegetables will remain the same.

If the prepared food contains harmful bacteria, the cold will slow down their activity, but they will still remain. At a temperature of -18 degrees, their number is usually unchanged, but if the temperature begins to rise in the chamber, the bacteria will immediately activate and will actively multiply.

How should food be frozen?

By using the right packaging for freezing food, you can be sure that even after quite a long time they will retain their freshness, color, taste, nutritional value and moisture content. Food can be frozen raw in its original packaging, but it is best to additionally wrap it in a layer of plastic. Also, you should not put milk, ice cream, pancakes, cutlets, etc. in cardboard boxes for freezing, you need to use bags or containers for this.

Packaging for frozen foods must meet the following requirements:

  • be impervious to moisture, air, grease and oil;
  • have strength, reliability;
  • it should not easily tear, crack or break at low temperatures;
  • close easily and securely;
  • should not prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Frozen foods can be stored in two types of packaging - hard containers and flexible bags or film.

Rigid containers are made of plastic or glass and are commonly used to freeze easily creased and liquid foods. Plastic bags and film are necessary for freezing dry food, as well as those that are irregular and difficult to fit into containers.

Correct food preparation

Inspect food carefully before freezing. If something starts to deteriorate, then it should be thrown away without regret. After that, the food must be thoroughly cleaned. They should be prepared in such a way that they can be consumed immediately after defrosting. To do this, the products are sorted, washed, cut, boiled, blanched, bones are removed from the fruit, and the fish is gutted. After washing, be sure to dry everything. Now everything is placed in small portions in bags or special dishes.

Warm fruits, vegetables, herbs or meat are first cooled to room temperature, then placed in the refrigerator, and then in the freezer.


Freezing should be carried out as soon as possible, as in case of delay, ice crystals form on the surface of the food, which can tear the fabric. As a result, all the juice flows out, the gastronomic and nutritional properties decrease, the taste and color deteriorate. Therefore, the temperature in the freezer must be -18 degrees. This prevents bacterial growth and helps preserve nutritional value.

Freezing must be complete, that is, it is carried out to the entire depth of the product. The lower the temperature, the better the freezing takes place. Violation of the rules for the implementation of such a procedure may subsequently affect human health.

Secrets of effective freezing

In order for frozen food to retain its qualities for a long time, you should know a few secrets.

  • Freezing is best done in thin portions, as this will speed up the process. Before that, large fruits must be cut into small pieces.
  • Products in the form of briquettes are best placed in a small gap. In this case, they fully freeze, and the gap is necessary for air circulation.
  • Do not overload the refrigerator or freezer with products intended for long-term storage, as this may subsequently affect their quality.
  • Freeze only in

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

In order for the vegetables to freeze properly, this must be done immediately, as soon as they were brought from the store or brought from the dacha. They should be washed, cut into pieces, dried, cooled and packed in a plastic bag, and then put into the refrigerator. With mushrooms, you also need to do everything quickly, but, unlike vegetables, you can freeze them raw, boiled and even fried. When it comes to greens, they are washed, dried thoroughly and placed in an airtight package.

Fruits and berries

Small fruits are usually frozen whole, and large ones are cut into pieces. The seeds are usually removed in advance, as well as the core of pears and apples. If the fruits are quite juicy, then after defrosting, it is recommended to make mashed potatoes from them. Raspberries and strawberries are usually kept sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Meat and fish

Fresh fish and meat are frozen in small pieces in an airtight container before storing it must be cleaned, rinsed and dried.

Flour products

When freezing products such as dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, rolls and fresh bread, you must monitor the tightness of the bags. Finished products should not stick to each other, and it is advisable to cut the bread into pieces.


This product can be frozen in a large chunk, after which it will not crumble. If it is cut into small pieces before storage, then 1 tsp should be added to the container. flour or cornstarch to keep the slices from sticking together.

How to store food in the freezer?

The storage of frozen food must be carried out at a certain temperature. It is also necessary to comply with the deadlines.

It is recommended to store offal and minced meat no more than 2 months, pork, poultry and lean lamb - 6 months, beef and game - up to 10 months. For ready meals, pure fat and meat, this period is 4 months. Seafood and small fish are stored for about 2-3 months, portioned pieces of large fish - six months. Frozen fruits, vegetables and berries can be kept in the freezer all year round.

These recommendations only apply to foods that are properly prepared and frozen. If the meat is stored in the freezer in a whole piece, then it may deteriorate even before it completely freezes.

Thermal bags for frozen food

Thermal packs are containers in which chilled, frozen and hot products are stored and transported. Thanks to the foam layer, which is located between the layers of special foil, frozen food defrosts much more slowly.

Before purchasing such a container, you need to pay attention to the packaging with information about how much it keeps the cold. Transportation of frozen products, in particular vegetables, is carried out in thermal packs. If it is very hot outside, then such a container retains its effectiveness up to three hours, and in cooler weather - up to five hours. Thermo bags for frozen food are indispensable for a picnic trip, as they can transport pizza or grilled chicken.

How to defrost food?

The defrosting process must be slow. It is very important to eat the food immediately after this, because the damaged cell structure is quite susceptible to harmful bacteria. That is why defrosted food must be fried, boiled, stewed or baked immediately after being removed from the freezer.

For proper defrosting, food is placed on a plate and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It is important during this process to ensure that raw poultry, fish or meat does not come into contact with its own juice, as it may contain bacteria. For this, a saucer is placed in a deep plate, turned upside down, on which the product is placed. Cover with a bowl or foil on top.

Defrosting can take different time depending on the weight and volume of the food. For example, a pound of meat can already be consumed 5-6 hours after being removed from the freezer, fish with the same weight thaws for 3-4 hours.

It is not recommended to defrost food in the fresh air, as there is a high probability of microbial growth on their surface. In a microwave oven, you cannot do this due to the loss of taste, and in hot or warm water, useful properties and appearance are lost. It is also undesirable to defrost in cold water, but in case of emergency it should be done so that food does not come into contact with it, for example, placing it in a plastic bag.

Poultry and meat, as well as fruit or vegetable cuts, should not be defrosted. They are placed in a skillet or pot immediately after they are removed from the freezer. The exception is minced meat, which is recommended to be defrosted on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.


Thus, it is necessary to properly freeze food in order to eat it after a while, and at the same time they are of normal quality. Failure to comply with certain storage conditions is likely to spoil food, which can adversely affect human health.

Freezing for the winter, how to properly freeze vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, herbs

Summer is a generous time for fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries. It is in seasonal products that the largest amount of vitamins and minerals is contained. But no one canceled winter, winter is close ... Of course, today and in winter you can find vegetables, fruits and berries on the shelves of supermarkets. But who would undertake to assert that they contain both vitamins and useful properties ?! After all, they were grown in greenhouses, because it is not a season. And the prices bite.

Freezing vegetables, berries, fruits and other gifts from your garden or the nearest market for the winter is an excellent solution. ... Moreover, you can freeze almost everything that grows in the garden. All you need is a freezer, food plastic containers, bags, ice cube trays and a little time.

But are the beneficial properties preserved when frozen? Yes, up to 90% are preserved, provided the freezing rules are followed.

Here are the rules:

  1. Only fresh berries, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms can be frozen... It is better to freeze the berries immediately after removing them from a bush or twig. Freezing mushrooms - as soon as they were brought from the forest. Overripe fruits or berries should not be frozen - when defrosting, they will turn into porridge.
  2. Frozen food can be stored for 8 months to 1 year, so it is better to use them before next season.
  3. Before freezingproducts must be washed and dried on a towel... They cannot be washed after defrosting.
  4. Small products(berries, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes), as well as slicing, shredding,Spread small wedges on the board and place in the freezer.And only after they freeze, put them in bags or containers. Large slices of dense foods can be initially frozen in bags and containers.
  5. Stack freezer tightly in container / bag, release excess air... The less air remains, the less fumes and the better the “presentation” when defrosting. Also, pack hermetically to prevent odor and absorption from other products.
  6. Best packed in small portions - 1-2 servings... For example, freeze currants not in a kilogram bag, but in small bags of 200 grams. The same applies to greens and vegetable mixtures. Note the small square containers. They fit very well into the shape of the drawers in the freezer.
  7. The correct temperature is 18 C to 22 C, otherwise the freeze is stored for no more than 3 months.
  8. Defrost food at room temperature.Microwave or hot water pressure will lead to loss of presentation. If you want to get a frozen product out of the container, then just hold it for 1-3 minutes in cold water.
  9. Do not re-freeze food.Once thawed, the product is either used or discarded.
  10. Well, the last rule is thatcannot be frozen:

And now the details:

Freezing berries for the winter

What berries can you freeze? Everything. Any berry is first frozen on a sheet or board, and only then you put it in bags or containers. Frozen soft berries (, irga, and others) are best stored in containers to maintain their shape. And hard berries (such as currants or gooseberries) can be stored in bags.

Freezing mushrooms for the winter

There is a belief that mushrooms need to be fried or cooked before freezing. This is not necessary at all, as you can freeze fresh mushrooms as well. It is better to freeze honey mushrooms whole, first on a board, and then pour into a bag or container. It is better to cut large mushrooms.

Freezing fruits for the winter

Before freezing, a bone is taken from the fruit. Next, freeze them in slices in containers to avoid crushing. Fruit can be frozen in puree. If you want to add sugar, use brown sugar.

Sprinkle peaches and pears with lemon before freezing, but they can still darken slightly. It is precisely them that are best frozen in the form of mashed potatoes.

Freezing vegetables for the winter

Blanch in advance or freeze fresh - opinions are divided here. During heat treatment, some of the vitamins are lost, but some vegetables need to be blanched, otherwise they taste very bitter after defrosting.

Eggplant- this vegetable must be processed, otherwise strong bitterness after defrosting is provided. There are 3 options here. First, cut the eggplant into slices, and then: 1. Sprinkle with salt, let stand for 30 minutes 2. Dip in boiling water for 2 minutes, then dry well 3. Bake slightly in the oven, let cool. And then freeze it.

Peas and cornonly the grains themselves are frozen. Can be frozen raw. Or you can put it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then dry it on a towel and only then freeze it.

Broccoli and cauliflowersoak for 30 minutes in salt water (to remove insects). Then disassemble by inflorescences, and freeze. Some cauliflowers are first blanched with citric acid. If you have a small child at home, you can make mashed potatoes right away.

Pepper.Peppers can be frozen in different ways. Remove the stem and seeds first. Wash thoroughly, dry and place the pepper in the pepper (like a nesting doll) to maintain its shape. You can also cut the pepper into slices or cubes. Or immediately make a blank of stuffed peppers - freeze the peppers with the filling: mixed minced meat with rice, onions and carrots.

Tomatoescan be cut into slices (handy for pizza) or cubes before freezing. Arrange them on a sheet and in the freezer, and after freezing, pour them into a bag. You can immediately make mashed potatoes in a meat grinder or blender, and pour into ice cube trays. Next, put the frozen cubes in a bag or container. This cube can be added to soup or a stew for a delicious taste. Make punctures in the cherry so that they do not crack when frozen.

If cucumberssmall, then they are frozen on the board and poured into a bag. Medium to large cucumbers are best cut as you like.

Freeze for the wintersquash and pumpkin similar . Remove seeds and boil lightly before freezing. Many people freeze zucchini and pumpkin raw, but when thawed, they may have a slight bitterness. Freezingzucchiniis made according to the principle of freezing zucchini.

Carrotbefore freezing, rub on a coarse grater or chop into cubes.

Freeze for the winter greenery

Dill, cilantro, tarragon, basilit is necessary to rinse and dry very well from moisture on a towel. Then finely chop and distribute in bags of 50 grams or a pinch - it all depends on the size of your family and how much you spend in one sitting. Remember to tie the bags tightly and let the air out.

Greens can also be frozen in ice cube trays. 1 cube = 1 soup.

Mint, lemon balm, arugulafrozen in separate leaves. If you want to freeze sorrel, first dip it in boiling water for 60 seconds and then pat dry on a towel.

Frozen greens can be used to make food or tea without defrosting.

Let your tables be full of healthy and wholesome food!

With love and care for your mood, the Food and Figure blog team

Useful Tips

If you only use the freezer for storing convenience foods and ice cream, you are losing a lot.

It turns out that some products , which do not occur to us to store in the freezer, perfectly tolerate low temperatures, without losing their useful and taste properties.

We will share with you our knowledge of these products.

What foods can be frozen

1. Nuts

If you have purchased too many nuts and want to protect the oil they contain from spoiling, you can freeze them. When stored warm, the oil in them becomes rancid. Set aside as many nuts as you intend to eat and freeze the rest. Remove the nuts from the freezer if necessary; they will thaw quickly at room temperature.

2. Boiled rice

Have you boiled too much rice? Well, do not throw away the same excess. Place it in a lidded container and freeze. If necessary, reheat in the microwave or on the stove with a few tablespoons of water. This method is also convenient for saving time. You can boil the rice in advance, freeze it, and then just reheat it.

3. Grated cheese

Many recipes require very little grated cheese. If you often sprinkle cheese on your dishes, then grate it every time. Do it smarter. Grate all cheese, divide into portions and freeze. Freezing will keep the cheese fresh for a long time. This method is only suitable for hard varieties.

4. Ripe bananas

Frozen ripe bananas are good for milkshakes. They are easy to grind in a blender and make a great addition to smoothies and add a creamy flavor. You don't even have to add ice.

Is it possible to freeze wine

5. Wine and champagne

If there is a little wine left in the bottle after the party, do not empty it. Freeze wine in ice cube trays. Cubes of frozen wine can be used to prepare various dishes, when stewing meat and fish. When making sangria, frozen wine cubes can be added to a jug of fruit and regular wine. Frozen champagne cubes can be added to cocktails.

6. Fresh bacon

Bacon thaws easily at room temperature, so store it in the freezer with a piece of parchment paper over it. Fried bacon cannot be stored this way.

7. Butter

Frozen butter is a chefs secret weapon. It is easy to grate when making dough and more. Freeze it directly in the package by placing it in a bag or wrapping it in foil.

8. Fresh herbs

Wash and dry the herbs. Chop finely, place on a tray and freeze. After the greens are frozen, transfer them to a bag. There is another option. Mix chopped greens with water and pour into ice cube trays. It is convenient to add frozen ice cubes with herbs to pans when preparing soups or other dishes.

9. Baking dough

Not only store-bought frozen dough can be stored in the freezer. The principle is the same with homemade dough. Divide the dough into pieces, roll into tortillas, place on a tray and freeze. Then place in bags in portions and store in the freezer.

10. Bread

Storing leftover bread in the freezer is not a good idea. But fresh can be frozen. If you have any excess fresh bread, cut into slices and wrap in foil. These slices are easy to defrost in the microwave or oven at 150 degrees.

11. Egg yolks and whites

Just like wine and herbs, egg yolks and whites can be frozen in ice cube trays. If you are going to add them to the dough, thaw them at room temperature. For omelettes, you can add directly to the skillet.

12. Whipped cream

Of course, it is better to eat the cream right away. But you can freeze them. Spoon the cream onto a tray of parchment paper and place in the freezer. Transfer the frozen cakes to a container and send back to the freezer. It is a great decoration for hot chocolate, coffee or cocoa. The whipped cream will melt right in the cup.

This is not a complete list of foods that can be frozen. Every modern housewife, in order to save money, should be familiar with this list. Subject to all the principles of freezing and storage, the taste of the food will not suffer at all.