Lemon tart recipe. Lemon raspberry cake

01.11.2019 Seafood dishes

Step by step preparation of delicious lemon cake:

1. Let's start by making the cake dough. To do this, mix together 300 g of sugar and 225 g softened. Let's mix the components.

2. Drive in 4 chicken and whisk them with a creamy base for shortcrust pastry.

3. You should get a delicate white mass.

4. Combine sifted wheat flour with baking powder and mix with a whisk. Add flour to the dough in parts and beat into a homogeneous tender dough.

5. Pour in classic unflavored yoghurt and milk. Beat the ingredients with a whisk and get a light, medium consistency dough.

6. Rub the lemon zest. For the test, you need no more than 2 teaspoons.

7. The lemon pie batter is ready.

8. Divide the dough into 2 parts and bake the cakes one by one. I used a detachable mold with a diameter of 22 cm. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. The bamboo stick test will help determine the readiness of the cakes. As a result, I got 2 leather with a thickness of 3 centimeters.

9. Leave the cakes, turning them over, cool and rise on the wire rack, and then cut each into 2 parts. This will create a 4 layer cake.

10. The basis for the lemon curd will, of course, be lemon juice and zest. Remove the zest and squeeze out the juice. I must say that from 2 citruses you can get about 100 ml of juice. To get the right amount, you can use packaged juice.

11. Add the remaining 250 g sugar and 190 g diced frozen butter to the juice.

12. Break 4 eggs into Kurd and mix all 4 ingredients together.

13. We put the saucepan with the Kurd on a small fire and, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. After a while, the ingredients will mix, become smooth, and begin to thicken. Large bubbles will begin to form and burst on the surface of the Kurd - this is a sign that it is time to remove it from the fire.

14. Cool the cream and rub it through a sieve to remove rind and coagulated protein particles.

15. Brush the cakes with the curd cooled to room temperature, forming a cake.

16. Garnish with coconut flakes, chocolate chips, fresh or frozen berries and mint leaves.

17. Here is a delicious dessert - lemon cake with lemon curd. Delicate, melting in your mouth, it will be an excellent culmination of any holiday. It remains to call everyone to the table and enjoy the citrus taste.

See also video recipes:

1. Lemongrass cake, delicious

2. Lemon custard cake

  • Article

Recipes for making cakes at home with a photo

lemon cake


2 hours

325 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

This cake was once baked by a friend for my birthday. It was so tasty, unusual and beautiful that my children immediately dubbed it "Sunny Lemon". And although these little gourmets are very hard to please, we cook Lemonchik almost every weekend.

In order for your culinary arsenal to also have this magnificent lemon cake, I will gladly share with you a delicious recipe for its preparation (with a photo step by step) at home.

You will be surprised at how easy it is to prepare and how quickly it eats! So, let's begin.

Inventory and kitchen appliances: oven, mixer, submersible blender, containers for mixing ingredients, baking dish 20 cm in diameter (any other can be used), spatula for applying cream, pastry spatula, citrus peeler, grater, string knife for cake layers, parchment.

Necessary products

For biscuit:

For impregnation:

For the cream:

Features of the choice of products

There should be a lot of lemon zest! Therefore, the three lemons used in the recipe may not be enough. Take an additional 5-6 pieces, depending on the size.

Lemon peel is the thinnest top layer of citrus peel, rich yellow in color. It has a pleasant aroma due to the content of essential oils. It contains vitamin C, potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, iron and magnesium.

How to make lemon cake: a step by step recipe

As you can see, the ingredients are very simple and readily available. The recipe is also pretty straightforward.

Stage 1. Lemon impregnation

Let's start with lemons, because the lemon soak for the cake will need to be infused a little.

As I said, we need a lot of lemon peel for impregnation - in the cream and for decorating the cake. Therefore, we wash and rub the zest of about 8 lemons on the finest grater.

We put the extra lemons in the refrigerator, we no longer need them, and we clean three lemons for impregnation using a citrus cleaner.

We free them from the skin and bones. Put the clean pulp in a container, add 8 tablespoons of sugar and beat with an immersion blender for several minutes.

The mass will turn out to be quite homogeneous, but in order for the sugar to completely dissolve in the lemon juice, it needs to be infused a little.

We set aside the impregnation and take up the cake.

Stage 2. Sponge cake

When I first saw this biscuit, I did not believe that a simple housewife without professional pastry education in her kitchen could create such a miracle. And now I create it myself from time to time. Moreover, you will also create it according to my recipe.

And we will do it like this:

Separate the whites from the yolks in different containers.

Add a pinch of salt to the protein and beat it with a mixer until a thick, stable foam is formed.

Then beat the yolks. They should lighten significantly and increase in volume.

Half of the sugar, 3 tablespoons, we add to the proteins, the other half, respectively, to the yolks.

We send 1 pack of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanilla to the proteins and continue to beat until the state of steady peaks.

Mix the yolks with sugar as much as possible.

Add a couple of tablespoons of protein to the yolk mass and knead.

Important! You need to knead gently, in one direction, with a wooden or silicone spatula.

Sift all the flour into the mass - 6 tablespoons and mix thoroughly with a spoon.

We send the resulting mass to the protein and mix again.

Add a teaspoon of lemon zest and mix well again.

Now we take the cake mold and cover it with parchment. I have it round, detachable, with a diameter of 20 cm. The height of the cake will depend on the diameter of your shape. Mine turns out to be about 8 cm.

We send the form into an oven preheated to 180 ° for 25-30 minutes until cooked.

When the base of the cake is ready, it needs to be thoroughly cooled. To do this, take it out of the mold, turn it over and put it to rest for 4-5 hours. Sometimes I bake it in the evening, and it waits for its fate until the morning.

We cut the finished cake into three parts using a string knife or a file knife, as it is convenient for anyone.
Now we take our lemon impregnation, in which the sugar has already completely dissolved, and abundantly feed all our cakes with it from the edges to the center.

The biscuit is ready.

Biscuit - originally had the name "sea rusks". For the first time they learned about it from the entries in the logbooks made by British sailors. It has gained significant popularity for its enormous shelf life in high humidity conditions.

Stage 3. Assembling the cake

We coat the bottom cake with a very thick layer of cream.

We level it a little and put the second layer of biscuit on top.

Add a large ball of lemon sour cream again and smooth.

We put the third cake layer and gently "tighten" it on top and on the sides with cream.

Important! It is very convenient to smooth out the cream with a pastry spatula. But if not, you can use a large knife.

Cream recipe

An equally important detail of Lemongrass is its sweet and sour cream.

For it, I usually use sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%. Yes, this dessert is not for dieters!

First, beat only the sour cream at a medium mixer speed for a few minutes to give it a small volume.

Then add vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanilla, 1 glass of sugar or powder (optional).

Now whisk at maximum speed until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Do not be alarmed, the sour cream will become very runny. To give it the consistency we need, add a food thickener of sour cream or cream to it in the amount indicated on the package for one liter of sour cream.

Then add a teaspoon of zest to it and mix thoroughly for a minute.
We will get a thick, dense, beautiful cream.

How to decorate and serve a cake beautifully

It would be logical to decorate the Lemongrass cake with lemon. You can thinly cut slices of lemon, lime and orange, put them on our dessert. Sprinkle "Sunny Lemon" with lemon zest or, as in the recipe in the video below, with yellow coconut flakes.

If you have an artistic talent, you can easily draw or write something with a piping bag or syringe.

How you can decorate a lemon cake depends on your imagination, desire and reason for preparing a delicious dessert.

As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and the ingredients for the cake can often be found in any refrigerator.

But I will still give you a few clarifications and recommendations so that you surely get everything right:

  • Don't use low-fat sour cream. Sour cream 15% fat will give the cake excessive sourness, and will not be able to give the cream the desired thick consistency.
  • For this lemon cake recipe, it's best to use a store-bought sour cream thickener because the cream needs to be as dense as possible. Try not to experiment with other ways to thicken sour cream. They won't give you the results you want.
  • If you have a mold with a diameter of 28 cm, then you will need to double the amount of ingredients for baking the biscuit. Then the cake will turn out to be high and it can be easily divided into three parts.
  • The impregnation must necessarily consist of juice with pulp, broken by a blender, and not just squeezed juice, so that the cake turns out to be rich, bright and more delicious.
  • If you cut the cake without letting it cool down and lie down for 4-6 hours, it can lose its shape and settle.

Video recipe for making Lemongrass cake

You can make your own version of the Lemongrass cake, you can use my step-by-step recipe, as well as watch a detailed video description of the preparation of this sweet and sour dessert. I am sure you, as well as my whole family, will fall in love with this lovely sunny cake and will prepare it at every opportunity.

Lemon Cake Very Delicate and Juicy / Lemon Cake Recipe, English Subtitles


2017-02-13T08: 49: 02.000Z

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

In my family there is a small tradition: the first piece of any cake to treat a neighbor at the table and ask: "Well, how delicious?" It is always important for me that everything that I cook with my soul is tasty for everyone!

If you decide to try this wonderful recipe, or if you know other ways of making lemon cakes and there are also lovers of sweet and sour desserts in your family, write, I will be glad to any of your comments.

Lemon cake is perfect for a festive table in the summer. They have a light texture and a refreshing taste. Making such a cake will take effort and time, but the result will pleasantly surprise you. Next, you will learn how to cook the most delicious lemon cake according to step by step recipes with a photo.

Lemon cake with meringue and lemon curd

Kitchen tools: mixer, spatula, two baking dishes, parchment, saucepan, whisk, pastry bags, split cake mold, ladle, gas burner.


Step by step cooking


Lemon Kurd



Assembling the cake

Video recipe

To see clearly the entire cooking process cake with lemon curd and meringue, which is described in the recipe above, we recommend watching the next video.

Chocolate Lemon Cake No Bake

Cooking time: 75-80 minutes + 5 hours.
Kitchen tools: parchment, detachable cake tin, whisk, pots, blender, bowls, spatula, brush.
Servings: 7.


Step by step cooking


Chocolate curd cream

Lemon curd cream

Assembling the cake

Video recipe

To see a beautiful and original way of assembling lemon curd cake with chocolate cream, we recommend watching the next video.

Lemon mousse cake

Cooking time: 145-150 minutes.
Kitchen tools: pastry rings, mixer, blender, spatula, baking dish, parchment, cake mold, dish, film, ladle.
Servings: 7.


Step by step cooking


Strawberry jam

Strawberry mousse

Lemon mousse

Assembling the cake

Video recipe

Modern cuisine is rich in original cake recipes. For example, it is prepared with the addition of chopped bird cherry to the dough. consists of delicate shortbread cakes and a cream based on condensed milk. If you need to prepare a dessert urgently, we recommend giving it a try.

It is soaked in 60 minutes. The nuts and raisins added to the biscuit dough give the General cake a unique and unforgettable taste.

Now friends, you know how to make a refreshing lemon cake. When you have prepared one of the options, be sure to share your impressions in the comments.

Several years ago in the program "Let's eat at home" I saw the recipe for the lemon cake "Giraffe". It is lemon, because lemons rule in the composition, and "Giraffe", because the cake has a characteristic yellow mottled surface. Looking at the result, I would call this pastry a tart, but once in the transfer there will be a cake!

The composition of the cake is simple, from ordinary products. Cooking is essentially simple, but still laborious in places. Although, as anyone. In the video, Julia Vysotskaya fluttered around the kitchen like a butterfly and everything looked easy and once or twice ... I cautiously cooked lemon cream in a little tension, and then did not leave the oven for a single step ...

Note: My liberty is the introduction of tangerine juice into the composition, in the original recipe from Y. Vysotskaya only lemons and it is suggested to add lime if desired. Unused egg whites can be used to make a protein omelet, cottage cheese casserole, or meringue.

Prepare the ingredients:

Chop or grate chilled butter for dough.

The dough is planned to be shortbread, so it is desirable to have less contact with the hands. Grind the butter and flour, for example, in a blender bowl with dough knives.

You get a mass in the form of a crumb. Add yolk and ice water.

Stir and collect the crumbs into a lump.

Place the bagged dough ball in the freezer while you use the cream.

Cream from lemons, eggs must be boiled in a water bath, so as not to get a lemon omelet from them ... It is convenient to place a bowl with ingredients under a pot of water. I propose such an option as mine. First, place a colander with handles in a saucepan over the water, and then put a bowl in it. This way you will not burn your hands either while cooking or removing the bowl from the fire.

Remove the zest from the lemons on a fine grater.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and tangerines. If you squeeze by hand and the seeds get into it, then simply strain through a strainer.

Stir eggs and egg yolks.

Pour in citrus juice, add sugar and zest. Stir.

Boil the mass in a water bath with constant stirring until thickened. Thickening will be felt as resistance when stirring.

Remove the thickened mass from heat and add softened butter to it.

Grate chilled and frozen dough into a mold.

Spread the dough about 0.5 cm thick over the bottom of the mold and shape into rims. Prick the dough in several places with a fork. Place the baking dish in a preheated oven and bake at 180-200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Then pour the cream into the dough piece.

Return the mold to the oven on the upper level for 5-8 minutes, until brownish spots appear. Then the lemon cake must be completely chilled.

Lemon Giraffe cake is ready!

Enjoy your tea!

    Rub the lemon zest on a fine grater.

    It is necessary to remove only the upper yellow shell, without touching the white part of the crust, as it gives bitterness.

    Peel the white part of the peel from the lemons.

    Divide the peeled lemons into slices, remove the seeds and shell, leaving only the pulp.

    Add sugar to the lemon pulp and interrupt with a blender until smooth.

    Separate the whites from the yolks.

    Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until firm foam. Beat the yolks until light and increase in volume.

    Add sugar and vanillin to the whipped whites and yolks, and continue whisking until the whites form hard peaks and the yolks turn white.

    Add a couple of tablespoons of protein to the whipped yolks, and mix gently.

    Sift flour into the egg mass.

    We send the resulting mass to the whipped proteins, and mix gently.

    We also send a teaspoon of zest here.

    Pour the dough into a mold covered with parchment, level it, and send it to the oven, preheated to 180 * C for 25-35 minutes.

    We determine the readiness with a wooden skewer.

    Leave the finished biscuit to cool on the wire rack for several hours, and then cut into three cakes.

    Soak the resulting cakes with lemon syrup.

    Preparing the cream. Beat the sour cream for 2 minutes at medium speed.

    Then add sugar and beat until the sugar crystals dissolve as much as possible.

    To make the consistency of sour cream more creamy, you need to use sour cream thickeners. Add thickener, lemon zest, and beat until thick.

    For decoration, cut half a lemon into thin slices.

    Let's start assembling the cake. Apply a thick layer of cream to the soaked cakes and smooth them over the surface.

    Cover the surface and sides of the cake with a thin layer of cream.

    Decorate the cake with lemon wedges, the remaining zest and tinted yellow coconut.

    Cut the cake into portions and serve. Bon Appetit!