Easter cakes with 20 yolks - an old recipe. Secrets of making Easter cake on yolks

01.11.2019 Seafood dishes

Ingredients: 20 yolks, 400 gr. butter, 100 g of margarine, 100 g of vegetable oil (I used mustard oil, baked goods do not stale for a long time and acquire a beautiful shade), 200 g of sour cream, 150 g. fresh (live) yeast, 700-800 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt and soda, 1 liter. milk, flour (premium) about 2-2.5 kg, raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, nuts, spices.
Count calories ⇒


1. Make a dough: dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk, add flour and knead the dough until the consistency of thick sour cream. We put in a warm place for lifting. In this case, mix twice. When the dough is ready, make the dough.
2. First, grind the yolks with salt, add 0.5 tsp to them. turmeric diluted in 1 tsp. cognac, (in the version with spices, I added 0.5 teaspoons of cardamom, ginger and 1 tablespoon of fresh orange peel).
3. Introduce the yolks into the dough, mix. Then we melt the butter and margarine, add half of the vegetable oil (I use the rest when kneading), sour cream, a pinch of soda and add all this to the dough.
4. Sift the flour 2-3 times (this is mandatory, it is saturated with oxygen and the baking becomes light and airy).
5. Knead the dough. The main thing here is not to "hammer" it with flour, the dough should be (alive) not dense, this time it took me exactly 2 kg of flour. (another trick, when you are kneading the dough, do not add flour, but add vegetable oil (I poured it on my hands and kneaded)
Knead the dough for at least 20 minutes, it should be airy and "crackle" under your hands. At this stage, we are not yet adding the raisins and the rest of the ingredients.
6. Lubricate the container for raising the dough with oil, cover with a cotton towel and put it in a warm place for lifting. (I have this 10L enameled bucket)
The dough should increase 2-3 times.
7. Then knead it again, and at this stage add the raisins and the rest of the ingredients. Who loves what. I added raisins, dried apricots, cherries. (I'll open another trick. On the eve of baking, I soak raisins and dried apricots (I just take dried apricots, it's hard) in 1 liter of orange juice with brandy or cognac (about 2-3 tablespoons) pour dried fruits and leave for 2-3 hours. (I bring orange juice to a boil) Then I put everything in a colander, chop dried apricots to the size of raisins.
I'm kneading the dough with them.
8. Again I leave the dough to rise.
9. When the dough rises a second time, I form balls (the dough does not need to be knocked down and mixed) and spread into the molds no more than 1/3.
(this year I used paper forms, they do not need to be lubricated with anything, a very convenient thing) And I put them directly into the oven for spreading and lifting (attention, there must be convection and a rate of no more than 40 C)
10. When the dough rises, brush the egg very gently and set the temperature to 160 C.
11. Watch the pasta without opening the oven. The dough is very airy and the cakes are baked very quickly. After 15-20 minutes, I increased the temperature to 180, covered the tops with foil and baked for another 10-15 minutes. Also consider the size of your Easter cakes. I baked the very small ones separately, they are baked just instantly.
12. I take the hot cakes out of the oven and just put them aside. (I don't cover with anything, I don't turn them over, I don't put them on their side, because the dough is very tender and they just might wrinkle).
Decorate to your taste. I have protein icing and various dressings.
I also forgot to write, because the recipe is old, then it provides for the reading of a prayer while kneading. I also adhered to it this year. I didn’t read any particular one, but simply applied in my own words and asked for what she considered necessary and necessary for us, our relatives and friends.

Let's start by making dough... To do this, pour dry yeast into a bowl, add a tablespoon of sugar.

Pour milk, preheated to about 40 degrees. Stir the mixture until the sugar grains and yeast granules dissolve.

We introduce well-sifted flour into the mixture and knead a fairly thick dough. Cover the bowl with the dough first with plastic cling film, and then with a cotton towel and put in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Until then let's do the main test... We take the second bowl, pour the chicken yolks into it, having previously separated them from the proteins. We add sugar, vanilla sugar, salt to them.

Eggs from village chickens have a bright yellow yolk, which gives the baked goods a beautiful yellow hue. If using regular poultry eggs, add some saffron to the dough.


Chilled proteins are used to make the glaze, so put them in the refrigerator.

Rub the yolks until whitening.

Put softened, but not melted butter in the crushed yolks.

We continue to grind the mass with a whisk until smooth.

It took 30 minutes, the dough increased its volume several times.

Add the ready-made dough to the egg-oil mixture. We mix everything with our hands, because it is known that the cake dough loves the warmth of the hands.

Gradually introduce flour and again mix everything well with your hands. The dough turns out to be sticky, collect in a ball until it turns out, but you should not put more flour.

It remains to add almonds and candied fruits to the dough. If the candied fruits are large, they, like the nuts, should be finely chopped with a knife. Do not forget to rinse and dry the almonds well.

You can pour boiling water over the almonds for 15 minutes, and remove the skin from the nuts.

And again, mix everything well, cover the bowl with a towel and leave it on the table for 15 minutes.

Then we take out the dough from the bowl, during this time the gluten of the flour swelled, and the dough became more elastic. For 5-7 minutes, knead the dough with our hands, on the working surface of the table or board, then collect it in a ball and put it in a bowl of a larger volume, since the dough should rise well. Put the bowl with the dough in a warm place for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, the cake dough is ready.

Knead the finished dough again on the table surface., and then we fill the molds for cakes with it by 1/3 of the volume.

Cake molds can be used both metal and paper, or homemade made from foil or cardboard.

We leave our blanks on the proving table for 20-30 minutes, and then put them in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 30 minutes.

Ready-made cakes can be left in tins or without them.

Cover the completely cooled cakes with icing made from proteins and powdered sugar.

For glaze you will need:

  • 4 chilled egg whites;
  • 4 cups powdered sugar (200 ml in a glass)
  • 4 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Beat the egg whites with salt for a few minutes until a thick foam is obtained. Use a mixer. Then, continuing to beat, gradually add the icing sugar. Add lemon juice and beat until smooth.

And until the icing has time to dry, sprinkle the cakes with confectionery sprinkles.

saucepan for 3 liters.
saucepan for 8-10 liters.
molds for cakes of different sizes 12-14 pcs.
bowls for milk, butter, margarine, yolks

All food and dishes should be warm, there should be no drafts in the kitchen, no one slams the door, conversations are quiet, the mood is good. The flour should be sieved 2-3 times (in order to saturate it with air), the milk must be boiled and allowed to cool to a warm state, melt the margarine and butter, separate 20 yolks from the proteins (2 proteins - in a separate glass)

Sift the flour and measure out 100 gr. Sahara. In a saucepan for 3 liters. pour in warm milk, knead yeast into it, add 100 g of sugar, mix everything and gradually stir in 800 g. flour, carefully breaking the lumps.
We leave the resulting dough for 50 minutes - 1 hour to rise.
This is what the finished dough looks like.

During its rise, grind the yolks with 3.5 cups of sugar and vanilla.
We take a large saucepan, pour all the dough into it, melted butter and margarine (warm), sour cream (not cold), yolks pounded with sugar, add salt (1 teaspoon with top). Mix everything well and gradually add the rest of the flour, knead so that there are no lumps. The dough should not be liquid. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for about 1.5 hours. During this time, the dough will double in volume.

And we will prepare the raisins: we will sort it out, rinse it in several waters, dry it well with a towel and roll it in flour (so that it is evenly distributed in the dough).

After the dough rises, we start kneading it (this takes about 20 minutes). We sit comfortably, put a saucepan on our right, pouring vegetable oil into our hand, knead the dough thoroughly until it easily breaks out from the hand and from the walls of the pan.At the end, add the prepared raisins, distribute them well in the dough and set to come up again, covering with a towel.
At this time, we prepare the molds: wash, wipe and dry well, coat the inside with vegetable oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina.

As the dough once again doubles up, we proceed to cutting it: we spread half of it on a greased table, tear it off, and lay it out in parts in forms, filling them a little less than half, until we use all the dough. We cover with a towel and let it distance (come up). We preheat the oven to t 180. As the dough in the molds will fill their volume by 2/3, we put the cakes in the oven: to the back wall - larger ones, and closer - in small tins, do not open the oven door for 25-30 minutes.

Then you can check and reduce the temperature if the top is browned. Tall cakes can be covered with parchment moistened with water so that the cap does not burn out. We bake the small ones for another 10 minutes, take them out, and leave the large ones to bake for another 20-30 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a wooden skewer.
Put the baked Easter cakes directly in the molds on their side, on a table covered with two towels, cover with a third towel, let cool. After that, carefully shake it out of the molds and put it on a tray.

This is the number of cakes obtained from a given volume of dough. We decorate to the best of our ability and imagination: for the preparation of the glaze, beat with a mixer 2 squirrels into a good foam, gradually add 200 gr. powdered sugar (if you want the icing to be softer, you can not use all the powder) and 1.5-2 teaspoons of lemon juice, if you want, some kind of essence. We coat the caps of cakes, decorate with caramel sprinkles (coconut, sugar flowers or figurines).

I hope that my notes will help you cope with such a task as baking Easter cake.
I foresee comments such as: "nothing worked, although I followed the recipe exactly ...
only translated the products. "
Skills cannot be achieved without experience, and experience comes with practice. This is my advice to young people
Let everything work out for you!

Even if you have your own proven recipe for the main holiday delicacy - Easter cake, try something new! The recipe for Easter cake on yolks attracted me precisely with the yolks =) Our family simply adore marshmallows and meringues, so the freezer is full of yolks, which always remain from other recipes. I usually put the yolks in an airtight container or in a special freezer bag and send them to the freezer "until better times." In the recipe for this cake, as many as 6 yolks can be used, while getting delicious pastries! Therefore, I decided to definitely try it! But even if you do not have "free" yolks, be sure to try to cook this cake, it is simply wonderful!

The structure of the Easter cake is tender and looser than that of the traditional one, but at the same time it is truly “cake-like”. The pulp is fragrant, juicy and slightly moist. What else I liked about cooking: you can knead the dough just with a spoon, without getting your hands dirty.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Premium flour - 750 g + a little for breading dried fruits
  • Dry yeast - 17 g (you can replace it with 50 g fresh)
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Egg yolks - 6 pcs. + 1 egg yolk for greasing cakes
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g +1 tbsp. l. for making dough
  • Salt - 3/4 tsp
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Vegetable oil (I have sunflower oil) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 250 g (I take 15-20% fat)
  • Raisins - 150 g
  • Candied fruits (any dried fruit can be used) - 150 g
  • Rum (cognac or any other aromatic alcohol) - 60 ml
  • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp (can be substituted for vanilla sugar)

For protein cream:

  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

For protein glaze:

  • One egg white
  • Powdered sugar - 250 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.

How to cook Easter cake on yolks and sour cream (step by step recipe with photo):

First, sift the flour (about 750 g) through a fine sieve several times. I get by with 2-3 sieves. Flour is saturated with air, which will be the key to an airy crumb for cakes.

For the dough, we need 150 g of butter at room temperature, so we take it out in advance to warm it up. To speed up the process, you can cut the butter into cubes with an area of ​​1 square cm, so it will pick up the temperature we need faster.

All dried fruits that we will use (150 g), rinse, fill with hot water for 15 minutes.

Never pour boiling water over it! The raisins will soften and turn into porridge. Very warm, but not hot, water is enough (about 40-50 ° C).

Cut candied fruits (150 g) into small cubes if they are large.

In a small bowl, mix 150 g of candied fruits, pure raisins, fill with strong alcohol (4 tablespoons) and leave to infuse at room temperature.

How to make a dough for cake

In a separate bowl (it is better to take a deep one) mix warm milk (300 ml), 50 g of yeast and 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, mix. Leave at room temperature for 10 minutes.

Attention! If you decide to use dry yeast, take 17 g.

In a sweet environment, yeast activates faster, so it is important not to forget to put sugar in the dough. Choose the freshest yeast for making the cake: if it is raw, it should break well and not have an unpleasant odor. If using dry yeast, be sure to check the expiration date and do not use yeast from previously opened bags.

As far as the yeast maker goes, my favorites are:

Pressed yeast Lux extra is sold in chain stores, including Magnets, Auchan, Lenta. I like that they come in a small gramme (100 grams), although it would be more convenient, of course, if the packaging was even smaller. Lux Extra yeast never let me down, all baked goods work out easily. I usually separate the amount of yeast I need (for example, in this recipe we need half the package), and immediately put the other half in the freezer and store until needed again.

Of dry yeast, Saf-moment is the most popular.

This is a fast acting yeast in small pouches sold in baking sections. I like yeast because they are fast-acting, they start their work when they are mixed with liquids (that is, they do not need to be mixed with flour, like instant ones), I like this method more in my soul. Dry yeast from Pakmaya and Dr. Oetker, there were no problems with them.

So, after 10-15 minutes, the contents in the bowl will greatly increase in size. This suggests that we can continue the process further. If for some reason the yeast solution does not rise, then take all the products for making the dough again and start all over again. There can be only two reasons for failure: initially the yeast was of poor quality or old, or you used too hot milk, which ruined the yeast.

The milk temperature should not exceed 40 C, if it is higher, the yeast will die!

Sift flour (250 g) to the yeast solution, mix well with a whisk until completely homogeneous.

The dough is ready! We cover it with cling film (or a cotton towel) so that it does not wind up and put it in a warm place without drafts.

The dough ripens within 30-60 minutes. At first, it doubles, and then, having risen very strongly, falls off. It is very important to wait for this moment, when the dough begins to wrinkle and fall off, which means that it has matured, we can continue the process further.

Kneading the dough for cakes

Put egg yolks (6 pcs.) In a deep bowl, add granulated sugar (250 g), 3/4 tsp. salt and grind this mixture with a whisk, mixer and blender until it turns white and increases in volume.

Pour rum (or other strong aromatic alcohol), in which dried fruits were infused, into the whipped yolks, and beat thoroughly again.

Add the yolk mixture to the ripened dough, beaten well with sugar, mix until smooth.

Now add vanilla extract (2 tsp) to the dough and mix again. The extract can be replaced with vanilla sugar (in this case, put 1 sachet - 10 g) Recently, I often use sugar with natural vanilla, it feels much better than regular vanilla sugar:

Such sugar is my favorite (on the list after vanilla extract, of course, nothing beats it in terms of aroma).

The next step is to add oils to the dough. We need 150 g of butter, which by this time has already become soft and 2 tbsp. l. (30 ml) vegetable oil. We introduce them one by one, stirring each time until homogeneous.

Thanks to vegetable oil (I use ordinary refined sunflower oil), the cakes are tender, and they do not stale for a long time and remain fresh.

Now add sour cream (250 g) with a fat content of 15-20% to the dough and mix thoroughly.

Add the sifted flour in small portions (about 500 g each), in several steps, kneading the dough right in the container simply with a spoon or spatula.

I really appreciate the dough hook attachment that comes with almost every mixer or food processor.

The next task is to knead the cake dough until smooth and uniform. The dough should be free of lumps. We achieve such a thickness and viscosity of the dough so that there is a spoon in it (this may require a little more or a little less flour than indicated in the recipe).

The question of the amount of flour is always the most delicate one. An excess of flour can ruin the whole business: the finished cake will turn out to be so dense and sticky that you will feel sorry for the products spent in the dough. Therefore, it is important to focus not on the numbers in the recipe, but on the consistency of the dough in the photo. This remark applies not only to cakes, but absolutely all the recipes on my website!

Tighten the bowl with the kneaded dough with cling film and cover with a clean towel.

We put in a warm place without drafts for about 1.5-3 hours, until the dough doubles. I usually put the bowl in a switched off oven (there are no drafts and unnecessary noise, they say that yeast dough reacts even to this))).

Mix raisins with candied fruits with 2 tbsp. l. flour.

We knead the approached dough and release the accumulated carbon dioxide from it, stirring thoroughly for about 1 minute.

Add the prepared raisins and candied fruits to the cake dough, stirring well until they are evenly distributed in the dough.

At this stage, the cake dough can be removed to a cold place overnight, and in the morning it can be warmed at room temperature for about 1 hour and then, after kneading the dough a little, continue the process.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel or cling film and let it stand in a warm place for about 1.5-3 hours.

The dough should double in volume.

Knead the dough (you can slightly moisten your hands with vegetable oil) and proceed to unfolding.

We lay out the dough in pre-prepared forms (I use special paper forms for Easter cakes, which are sold on the eve of Easter at every corner). We fill the forms with dough to 1/3 of their volume.

As forms for Easter cakes, you can use pots of various sizes and diameters: you just need to grease them with oil and sprinkle with a small amount of flour (be sure to shake off the excess). At the bottom of the pan, you need to put a circle of baking paper.

Cover the dough forms with a towel and place them in a warm place for proofing (it may take 1-1.5 hours) until the dough rises almost to the edges of the form.

Cakes that come up in molds can be greased with yolk (optional), whipped with 1 tbsp. l. water.

We bake cakes

We preheat the oven to 170-180 ºС.

We bake the cakes for about 25-60 minutes (depending on the size of the cakes) until, when pierced with a wooden torch, it comes out completely dry without sticking dough. My Easter cakes were ready after 25 minutes of baking (tins size 9 * 9).

The oven should not be opened for the first 15-20 minutes after baking, otherwise the dough may settle. If the surface of the cakes becomes too ruddy, you can cover them with foil (mirror side up) or a piece of parchment dipped in water.
Cool the finished cakes a little and carefully remove them from the forms (if they are paper ones, you do not need to remove them). If the forms are usual, we draw along the walls with a sharp knife, take them out of the molds, remove the parchment paper circles from the bottom and put them on a wire rack to cool, covered with a clean towel.

How to decorate Easter cakes

I love to decorate Easter cakes, which are prepared in a water bath. Firstly, there is no fear of getting infected with something from raw proteins, and secondly, this cream is so delicate, airy that it is ideally combined with Easter cakes. If you wish, you can sprinkle the tops of the cakes with pastry sprinkles, decorate with flowers, thematic figures made of mastic (for example, like mine, with rabbits).

If you decide to use a traditional protein cake icing, prepare it as follows:

Beat one egg white until light foam, add 170 g of powdered sugar, mix with a fork.

Then add lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and stir again. Next, you need to gradually add the remaining icing sugar, stirring each time until smooth, until the protein glaze becomes the consistency we need.

On well-cooled cakes, apply a protein glaze and decorate, if desired, with Easter sprinkles.

Especially for those who love video recipes, I have written down a step-by-step guide to making Easter cake with cream, enjoy your viewing!

How to store Easter cakes

Easter cakes will keep well in a closed saucepan or in a tightly tied bag. In this case, they remain tender, fragrant, tender for a long time and do not stale for 10-14 days.

In conclusion, I would like to ask you not to be afraid of the cold proofing of the cake dough. In this case, the amount of yeast per recipe can be reduced and the time to rise the dough can be increased. In the version with cold proofing of the dough, the cakes turn out to be especially tender and tasty, in addition, the sour taste of yeast, which is often found in baked goods with the usual method of proofing, is excluded.

I hope you liked the recipe and the Easter cakes were a success! And if this year you do not have time and inspiration for Easter cakes, bake Be sure to ask questions if they arise during cooking, share your reviews, photos of ready-made Easter cakes. It is very important for me to get feedback on this recipe!

When adding a photo to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo, so that I can find your photos on the network and rejoice with you!

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To knead a large amount of dough, you need remarkable skill, experience and, of course, a lot of time and effort. It was on these "efforts" that the preparation of cakes in Russia was based.

Nowadays, Easter cakes are also baked in almost every home, but hardly anyone will start a dough for 40-60 yolks. Therefore, the proportions were recalculated, and on the basis of traditional recipes for Easter baking, simpler, low-cost recipes were obtained.

Egg whites are not used at all in the Easter cake test on yolks. Due to this, Easter cakes are bright yellow, airy, soft, with a delicate ruddy crust. Leftover egg whites can be used in other recipes or made into icing to decorate baked goods.


  • Warm milk - 250 ml (1 glass);
  • fresh pressed yeast - 30 g;
  • sugar - a tablespoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 1 glass.

Add to the dough:

  • Wheat flour - 2 cups (faceted glass);
  • egg yolks - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • butter - 150 gr;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • ground nutmeg - half a teaspoon
  • cardamom - a pinch;
  • raisins - 2/3 cup.

Protein icing for decorating cakes:

  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tsp;
  • egg white - 1 pc;
  • fine salt - on the tip of a knife.

In addition, you will need confectionery sprinkles for decorating cakes and 12 molds with a volume of 400-500 ml. It is convenient to use cans of condensed milk, olives, green peas, etc. as molds.


    The dough will rise a lot, so you need to cook it in a bowl with high walls. Crumble the yeast, add salt and sugar to it.

    Pound everything with a spoon into a liquid gruel. Pour over the yeast with warm milk, stir until the sugar dissolves.

    Pour in a glass of sifted flour.

    Mix flour and milk. The result is a heterogeneous mass, reminiscent of pancake dough in density. Cover the dough, move to a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

    The dough will rise 3-4 times. The entire surface will be covered with small holes, a characteristic yeast smell will appear.

    Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Put the whites in the refrigerator, grind the yolks with sugar until almost smooth.

    Stir the dough, pour the yolks with sugar into it, cut the soft butter.

    Stir with a spoon or whisk until all ingredients are combined. The pieces of butter should come apart.

    Sift 1.5 cups of flour into the dough. Add vanilla sugar, nutmeg and cardamom (you can add any spices).

    Mix flour and dough. Steam the raisins in a water bath in advance, dry them. Add to dough.

    Sift half a glass of flour on the table. Place the dough from the bowl on the table and continue kneading with your hands.

    If the dough is sticky, grease your hands with vegetable oil.

    You may need a little more flour, but do not overdo it - the dense dough does not fit well, the cakes will turn out to be heavy.

    The "correct" dough is soft, firm, buttery. Transfer it back to the bowl (brush it with oil), cover. Remove to a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

    During this time, the dough will grow several times, reaching almost to the edge of the bowl.

    It needs to be slightly wrinkled, divided into equal pieces of the desired size. Arrange into molds. If you fill in the forms by 1/2, then the finished cakes will have a dense structure, if you fill in the forms by a third, then the cakes will turn out to be airy, with a fluffy crumb.

    Let the dough rise again. When it doubles in size, move the cake tins to the preheated oven (t set 180 C). Small cakes are baked for 25-30 minutes. Check the readiness with a wooden stick - it comes out easily and dry from a well-baked Easter cake. Immediately after baking, leave the cakes for 5-10 minutes in tins, then carefully remove and place on a towel or napkin. Cover and leave to cool.

    Whisk the egg white and salt for the icing. Then add the icing sugar in portions, pour in the lemon juice and beat until smooth, dense and smooth.

    Cover the cooled Easter cakes with glaze, decorate with candied fruit pieces or colored sprinkles. Happy baking!

On a note... If the cakes will be baked in cans, be sure to grease the bottom and walls of the cans with fat (vegetable oil or lard). Put a circle of oiled parchment at the bottom, sprinkle the walls with flour or semolina. Sweep flour from ready-made cakes with a brush.