How to make homemade goat's milk cottage cheese. Goat curd cheese, goat curd cheese at home

04.09.2019 Seafood dishes

Goat milk has long been valued for its beneficial qualities.

Weak, sickly children were drunk with this healing drink.

Goat milk and products from it will help if a person is allergic to cow protein.

It is rich in various nutrients, fatter, tastes good.

In addition, goat's milk can be used to make delicious cottage cheese and equally wonderful cheese.

To make the dishes tasty, you need to try very little.

Basic principles of making cottage cheese from goat milk and dishes based on it

The main rule for obtaining tasty products is the use of quality milk. Quality assurance - healthy animals and proper care for them, if the raw materials are purchased from the owners of private farmsteads.

Can be used for cottage cheese and goat milk from the store.

The basic principle of making cottage cheese is the same as from cow's milk - it is fermented, heated to a certain temperature, and the protein curdles. The raw material is thrown back onto cheesecloth, the whey drains, and cottage cheese is obtained.

The difference from cow's milk is that goat's milk takes longer to ferment - about 3 days.

Goat curd can be eaten as an independent dish, seasoned with sour cream, milk, cream, sugar or salt, garlic and herbs. It can also be a base for desserts or raw materials for making cheeses. Goat milk cottage cheese is added to salads and minced meat. And of course, this is a wonderful product for baby food.

Making goat's milk curd

This is a basic recipe explaining how to make goat curd. The volume of raw materials can be different; to obtain a kilogram of cottage cheese, an average of 3-4 liters of milk is required. The main thing is to ferment it well and in no case overheat, otherwise the cottage cheese will be tough.


Goat milk - 3 liters

A pinch of salt or a spoonful of fermented milk product - kefir, yogurt, the same goat's milk, already sour.

Cooking method

Put milk in a warm place.

Salt or add fermented milk product.

Under good conditions, the raw material will turn sour in a day or two, it may take more time.

Sour milk is easy to distinguish even visually: it becomes heterogeneous, the protein rises upward, and whey forms from below.

You need to pour the raw materials into a saucepan and put on fire.

Warm up, stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon.

In the villages, there is a rule - to warm up the future cottage cheese while the hand suffers. As soon as the raw material becomes hotter, turn off immediately.

It is advisable to let it stand for half an hour, then drain.

Put cheesecloth in a colander and discard the mass.

Serum will collect at the bottom - you can drink it or use it for baking.

Tie gauze and hang for a couple of hours.

Then take out the strained curd - the cottage cheese is ready!

Cooking goat milk curd in a jar

Another option for making cottage cheese is its plus in the fact that it is prepared right in the jar. Moreover, the jar can be of any volume. It is convenient to do it for the baby at a time, using a very small portion of milk - for example, half a liter. And no need to wash a large pot! This recipe uses a three liter jar.


3 liters of goat milk.

Cooking method

Milk can be purchased for two to three days, this will simplify the fermentation process.

Put the milk in a warm place and wait until the yogurt collects on top.

Put a napkin or towel in a large saucepan, set a jar of yogurt.

Pour water into a saucepan and heat over a fire.

It is necessary to use a kitchen thermometer for liquids or check the degree of heating of the sour milk with a clean hand.

From time to time, the contents of the jar need to be stirred so that it warms up evenly.

When the temperature of the milk exceeds 40 degrees Celsius or the hand stops tolerating, it's time to turn it off.

Leave the jar in water for half an hour, then put it on cheesecloth.

When the whey is completely drained, the curd can be eaten.

Goat curd cheese

You can make wonderful goat cheese from cottage cheese. And for the recipe you also need goat's milk. And the result is a dense, moderately fatty, delicious, beautiful cheese. It can be used on sandwiches or salads.


3 liters of sour goat milk

3 liters fresh goat milk

Salt to taste

Baking soda - a teaspoon

Butter 100 grams.

Cooking method

Prepare curd from sour milk according to the recipe above.

Place fresh milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Pour cottage cheese into it, stir.

Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Turn off, put on cheesecloth or colander.

When the liquid drains, place the mass in a saucepan, add eggs, oil, salt, soda.

Put in a water bath, wait for the water to boil and keep for 15 minutes.

Stir constantly.

Pour the hot mass into a mold - an enamel cup, container, or just a cut-off plastic bottle.

Leave to harden, then put in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can add any spices along with salt and soda.

Casserole with goat's milk cottage cheese and pumpkin

A beautiful, golden-orange, tender and very tasty casserole made from cottage cheese and pumpkin. And very useful because of its ingredients. The preparation is quite simple. The composition contains semolina, if you wish, you can remove it from the recipe - the dish will be more moist and soft. Semolina helps to better keep its shape and will come structure.


Kilogram of goat's milk curd

300 grams of pumpkin

A glass of sugar - can be adjusted to taste

A pinch of salt

Vanillin on a knife conic

Two tablespoons of semolina

Oil for lubricating the mold.

Cooking method

Grate the pumpkin arbitrarily on any grater.

Grind goat curd with sugar.

Add pumpkin, eggs, salt, vanillin to the cottage cheese, semolina if desired.


Grease the baking dish with oil - this can be both a multicooker bowl and an oven dish

Spread out the mass, smooth out.

Place in the oven on medium temperature for 30 minutes.

If a multi-cooker is used, then the Baking mode is suitable, the time is 40-60 minutes

It is best to serve the casserole chilled, or at least warm, but not hot.

As an addition, sour cream, condensed milk, jam are suitable.

Khachapuri with goat's milk cottage cheese

Khachapuri - a dish of the Caucasian and Transcaucasian cuisine, has become widespread in other places. These are pastries in the form of a kind of pies with cheese or curd filling. In this recipe, not only goat curd is used, but also for the dough - yogurt from goat milk.


For the test:

500 ml of sour goat - you can also cow - milk

10 g yeast

100 ml vegetable oil

Kilogram of flour

A tablespoon of sugar

Teaspoon of salt

For filling:

Goat cheese curd 500 g

Garlic - 3 large prongs

Eggs - 2 pieces

Hmeli-suneli - a teaspoon

Salt - a pinch

A bunch of cilantro.

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method

You need to prepare cottage cheese from sour goat milk in advance.

To prepare the dough, slightly heat the curdled milk.

Dissolve salt, sugar, yeast in it.

Let it stand. After ten minutes, beat in an egg, add butter, add flour.

Prepare a soft but not batter.

Remove to a warm place for proofing.

After the second kneading, the dough is ready for making khachapuri.

By this time, make the filling.

Pass the garlic through a press.

Chop the greens.

Mix all this with cottage cheese, add salt, spices, eggs, stir thoroughly.

Divide the dough into pieces.

Take each one with the hands, greased with vegetable oil, stretch it in the form of a cake.

Put the filling on top and wrap in the form of an envelope, bending the edges upwards with the corners in the center.

Pinch the seams, place on a greased baking sheet.

Let stand warm for 15 minutes.

Bake in the oven at medium temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Finally, you can reduce the fever.

Cool and serve with a variety of drinks.

Soufflé based on cheese and goat's milk curd

Simple, tender, tasty, healthy - all that can be said about this soufflé. You can prepare a large dish or divide it straight into portions. It uses both goat cheese and goat curd.


100 grams of goat cheese or regular hard cheese

200 grams of goat's milk cottage cheese

Oil for lubricating molds

Salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper.

Cooking method

Grind the cheese with a grater.

Add cheese, egg yolks to the curd, season with salt and pepper. Mix.

Beat the whites well and add to the total mass, stirring gently.

Grease the mold or molds with oil.

Spread out the mass and send to the oven.

Bake for about 20 minutes at medium heat.

Remove from oven and serve.

Tricks and secrets of cooking goat milk-based cottage cheese dishes

    Goat's milk is fatty, so this moment must be taken into account when planning a diet, if you include cottage cheese from this milk there.

    Goat milk has a specific smell, which may not be to everyone's taste. Therefore, spices and herbs are very welcome in goat curd dishes.

    Goat curd can keep in the refrigerator for up to a week. The best conditions are earthenware, covered with a napkin that allows air to pass through.

    Goat's milk cottage cheese can be easily frozen, and after thawing it can be used for various dishes, for example, baking. But with goat cheese, you should not do this.

    As an additive to salad, goat's milk cottage cheese goes well with fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers.

    Another option for an appetizer salad using goat curd is the preparation of a soft mass with the addition of spices, salt, garlic or onions, herbs, sour cream, unsweetened yogurt or mayonnaise to the main product. This mass can be used for stuffing or as a filling for sandwiches.

Question: “Hooray! I'm happy! Finally, after a long search, I found fresh goat milk. The owners have a small herd, the goats are regularly checked by the veterinarian for all kinds of sores. While summer, there is a lot of milk, there is an opportunity to buy goat milk not only for drinking, but also for curd. I want to strengthen my baby's immunity, nourish teeth, bones with calcium, in general, to protect against rickets. But i can not. Please teach me how to make cottage cheese from goat's milk, which is useful for a child and for us, adults? Thanks."(from a letter to Lyudmila)

Answer: in dietetics, fermented milk products from fresh are deservedly ranked among the most valuable nutrition: cottage cheese, cheese, kefir and whey are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the liver and intestines, contain easily digestible calcium necessary for the body. In the previous article in the series “ Taste”I described in detail Basic recipe making cottage cheese from fresh milk. In this one there are several more ways to get homemade cottage cheese from goat's milk, healthy and tasty. As usual, the answer options.


Homemade cottage cheese recipe on a "bread crust"

I love this fragrant cottage cheese recipe I learned from the milkmaid mistress. The sourdough "on a bread crust" helps to speed up the process of "curdling" milk in the cold season or cool summer. The method is simple, even for a beginner.

  • Put a little finger-sized crust of rye bread in fresh milk, no more. Leave in a warm place for several hours under a clean natural cloth - not a plastic lid.
  • When the milk thickens into “curdled milk”, remove the crust. Then follow the steps outlined in Basic recipe making homemade cottage cheese.
  • Store ready-made cottage cheese and whey in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Eat it fresh, it tastes better.

note: on light cream, scoop it off the surface of the milk. They will help you keep your skin healthy, elastic and beautiful, improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. But that's another story, in a series of articles “ For Happy Skin ”.

Homemade cottage cheese recipe with sour cream sourdough

To prepare cottage cheese with sour cream sourdough, you will need 100% natural goat milk sour cream. Sourdough from cow sour cream, albeit natural, is undesirable: enzymes of cow origin will change the composition of the future cottage cheese, thereby also the process of its assimilation.

  • Add 1 tablespoon to fresh milk. sour cream and stir thoroughly, slowly.
  • Cover the jar with a clean cloth and place in a warm place.
  • When the milk thickens into "curdled milk", put the dishes in a saucepan with cold water, heat over low heat in a water bath. Then follow the steps outlined in Basic recipe for homemade cottage cheese.

Note: Do not pour goat milk whey - it is a valuable dietary fermented milk product. For internal use, whey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. For external use, in products for skin and hair, aroma baths, it can be used within 10 days after preparation.

In detail

Homemade cottage cheese recipe based on bio-leaven

  • Add bio-leaven to fresh goat's milk and place in a warm place without further heating. In the summer, 1-2 hours are enough for the milk to curd. If you are using a starter culture from a pharmacy, be sure to read the accompanying instructions on the package. Attention: Do not add bio-leaven to sour milk. This is dangerous.
  • When the milk thickens to the consistency of curdled milk, carefully separate the fungus from the fermented milk mass. Rinse the fungus and place in clean water, and heat the fermented milk mass in a water bath. To do this, place a jar of milk in a saucepan of cold water on minimal heat. As soon as the water becomes hot, immediately remove from the heat.
  • When the milk is divided into 2 fractions, curd and clear, strain the mass through clean cheesecloth or a colander. Use the serum for its intended purpose, and use the cottage cheese for benefit and pleasure. More about other filtering methods in Basic recipe preparation of homemade cottage cheese, about the storage conditions in the recipes above.

Note: for young goat milk you need rennet and a press to form a firm curd mass during the filtration process. If you wish, you can add vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs, dry and fresh, with the obligatory condition - their preliminary processing.

Using homemade cottage cheese

  • Fresh cottage cheese is the most delicious and tender. Introduce cottage cheese into the daily food menu as a separate dish and a must in all cleansing and rejuvenating foods.
  • Take cottage cheese as a basis for aromatic butter in liver cleansing courses.
  • Prepare Curd mousse- a light and healthy dessert.

note: for a valuable dietary product - in its composition: protein, mineral salts, a full set of vitamins and milk sugar with lecithin - an anti-sclerotic substance necessary to maintain the functions of the brain in elderly people. In addition, the fat and protein in goat milk whey are in a highly dispersed state, which contributes to their better digestion by the digestive organs. If there are no contraindications, goat milk whey is included in the diet during the course.

Use of whey

  • and hair. For external use, the serum can be used for a longer time, stored in the refrigerator.

Try to regularly eat natural dairy products, in low-calorie baked recipes, for the beauty of hair and skin. Do not hesitate, you will like the result.

Be beautiful - healthy and strong.

Zima readers “ Tips for Friends

Cottage cheese is a versatile food product rich in vitamins and microelements. It is eaten as a stand-alone dish and is also used as an ingredient in tender casseroles, pies and cookies. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. Homemade cottage cheese from milk turns out to be no less tasty, and it is not at all difficult to cook it. You just need to choose the recipe you like and follow it strictly.

Classic cottage cheese from milk at home

To prepare such a product, you will need 3 liters of fresh cow's milk and the juice of one lemon. Many housewives will be interested in how much cottage cheese is obtained from 1 liter of milk. Not much at all, no more than 150 grams, so the amount of raw materials should be selected taking into account the desired volume of the final product.

How to cook:

  1. Milk is poured into a high saucepan and put on high heat so that the liquid warms up quickly. During heating, it is important to stir the milk with a spoon or slotted spoon so that it does not burn.
  2. After the first signs of boiling appear, the fire is kept to a minimum and lemon juice is added. Almost immediately, you can see how the milk begins to curdle.
  3. The gas is turned off and the resulting composition is sent to a colander, previously covered with gauze.
  4. The whey is squeezed out, and the resulting curd mass remaining in the gauze is placed under the load.
  5. After a few hours, when all the whey is drained, the curd will be ready for use.

Homemade cottage cheese from milk should be kept cool for no more than 3 days, it can be used as a filling for dumplings or made into casseroles.

Cooking with the addition of kefir

This recipe is based on pasteurized milk and kefir. This way of cooking will appeal to busy women who don't have time to look for real farm produce.

The following ingredients are required:

  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 450 ml of kefir;
  • 5 g of salt.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add salt and let it boil over low heat.
  2. After that, pour in kefir and, as soon as whey appears, turn off the heating.
  3. Mix the resulting mass and put on fire again. Wait until large curdled lumps begin to form.
  4. When this happens, the resulting mass is spread in cheesecloth, squeezed and placed under a press.

Video. Goat milk curd quickly and easily

Goat milk cottage cheese with whey

  1. If you need to get 1 kilogram of cottage cheese at the exit, you need to prepare 6 liters of goat's milk, pour them into 3-liter jars and put them in a warm place for fermentation. It can be heated floors or a window sill in a room on the sunny side, in a word, keep an eye on the temperature, otherwise the milk will not turn sour, but simply deteriorate.
  2. To speed up this process, add ½ cup of sour whey to each jar, or mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese in a half glass of warm milk and divide into jars as well.
  3. If it happens in the summer, the yogurt will be ready in a day, in the winter - in 2 - 3 days. You can determine the degree of its readiness by the pieces of the separated mass.
  4. The most crucial stage is coming. We heat the curdled milk in a water bath. To do this, put the jars in high pans and gradually heat them over low heat for twenty minutes. At this time, you can stir the mass from bottom to top two or three times. As a result, the whey sinks to the bottom of the cans, and the curd ends up at the top. The jars need to be removed from the pans and allowed to cool.
  5. We filter the cooled contents through cheesecloth folded in half. And you can first drain the whey through a rubber tube, and only then filter the cottage cheese through cheesecloth. Tie the gauze in a knot and hang it overnight. In the morning, the delicious "goat's milk cottage cheese at home" prepared by you will be good both in its natural form and with the addition of honey, jam, fruits. For breakfast, there is nothing better than cheese cakes or curd casserole.

Goat milk curd with sour cream sourdough

A jar with ½ liter of goat's milk should be brought to a warm state in a water bath. Then it will sour for at least two days. We speed up this process by adding only one spoonful of sour cream to the milk. We notice that air bubbles began to rise from the milk, which means that we already have yogurt in the can. The process of curd formation began. Put the jar in a water bath again and heat it over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then put a colander in a bowl, cover it with gauze and drain the fermented milk mixture through it. We tie the gauze in the shape of a bag and hang for 4-5 hours to drain the serum. After that, we untie the bag and take out the finished cottage cheese. This method takes a lot of time, but it is available for any housewife who would like to make cottage cheese from goat's milk at home.

It is important!

  • if you make cottage cheese from goat milk at home in a room where the temperature is below 25 degrees, the milk may not turn sour, but simply deteriorate. To speed up fermentation, add a little whey from the previous batch or two tablespoons of cottage cheese, previously diluted in 0.5 cups of warmed milk.
  • not boiled, you can use only milk of which you are sure of the quality. If in doubt, you can make cottage cheese from boiled milk.
  • only perfectly clean gauze, a stainless steel colander or wicker baskets are suitable as a filter.
  • useful in the household and serum. On it you can make dough for pancakes or pancakes, make okroshka, cold soup. The serum is also used for cosmetic purposes - to heal hair and skin. The only condition is storage in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Goat's milk cottage cheese according to an old recipe

Practice has proven that simple folk recipes for the preparation of fermented milk products successfully compete with the most modern ones. Try to make cottage cheese from goat milk at home from "young" curdled milk. To do this, one liter of fresh milk must be kept in a warm place for one night. During this time, the souring process will begin. In the morning, put another liter of fresh milk on the fire, and when the foam starts to rise, pour the "young" curdled milk into the pan. All this mixture should boil, you need to remove the pan from the heat at the moment when a yellowish-greenish liquid forms at the top. Drain the whey and gently spoon the curd into a container. Knead it until the whey is completely separated. So the skyr is ready - cottage cheese with a peculiar pleasant taste and delicate texture. Actually, this type of crumbly cottage cheese came into Russian cuisine from the Norwegian national cuisine, but over the course of several centuries it has become loved by many Russians.

If you have already acquired a multicooker, then the process of making cottage cheese at home will be even easier.

  1. Buy three liters of homemade goat's milk, add a glass of kefir to it, stir well and leave in a warm place for a day. The sour milk should be thick, with dense flakes.
  2. Gently pour it into the multicooker bowl, you do not need to stir, so that the cottage cheese looks more appetizing and grainy.
  3. Turn on the "Heating" mode for three hours. After that, drain everything through a fine sieve. The curd is ready!

And one more recipe for folk cooking. Many young mothers include cottage cheese in their child's daily menu. The portions are accordingly small. Therefore, a half-liter package of organic yoghurt made from goat's milk is used. A container with bio yogurt is placed in a preheated and already switched off oven, where it will stay for at least 6 hours. Literally an hour later, the yogurt thickens and curdles into curd flakes. And after the specified time, the mass needs to be filtered. Children are happy to eat this delicate cottage cheese, which with a consistency resembles sour cream.

It is important!

  • Goat curd is a dietary product. It is introduced into the diet of infants from the age of six months, when bone tissue is formed. It is extremely useful for expectant mothers and the elderly, as it improves metabolism.
  • In terms of protein content, cottage cheese is equal to meat, poultry, fish and is completely absorbed by the human body. The amino acid methionine contained in goat curd can lower cholesterol levels.
  • Having received fresh cottage cheese at home, try to put it into action within three days. And if you freeze goat curd, it will not lose its taste.

Many people are aware of the beneficial properties of such a wonderful food product as goat's milk. Most villagers with domestic goats believe that it is much more nutritious than cow's milk. However, it should be noted that not everyone likes this product due to its taste. Some people are repelled by the specific smell of goat milk, which intensifies when heated. But if you prepare fermented milk products or cheese from it, which are abundant in the national cuisine of the Mediterranean and North Caucasus countries, then the unpleasant aftertaste is not felt at all. In particular, it is perfectly absorbed by the digestive organs and has excellent taste characteristics of goat's milk cottage cheese, which is very useful for a person of any age. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and this product can be safely consumed even by people who are allergic to cow's milk.

Beneficial features

Today in supermarkets you can easily find cottage cheese made from goat milk. Moreover, this is a rather expensive product due to the specifics of industrial production. In the manufacture of goat curd, lactic acid thermophilic bacteria are used, which contribute to the precipitation of the protein fraction and an increase in its concentration in the original product. And the albumin protein present in this curd is extremely useful for the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as for the growing child's body during the formation of bones and teeth. In addition, the vitamin and mineral composition of goat curd is characterized by a high content of calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, potassium, B vitamins. Therefore, goat curd is one of the most valuable food products. Only when choosing industrial cottage cheese should you pay attention to the quality of the product: it should be of a uniform consistency, not have extraneous inclusions. Well, if there is an opportunity to get fresh goat milk, then it is quite possible to cook cottage cheese at home.

Homemade goat curd

When preparing cottage cheese from goat milk on your own, it will be necessary to take into account some of the nuances. First, milk should be purchased from a reliable supplier with a quality product. Secondly, to get half a kilogram of cottage cheese, you need to stock up on 3 liters of milk. Thirdly, if the temperature in the fermentation room is below 25 °, it may deteriorate. Fourthly, you will need a sourdough: half a glass of whey, or a couple of tablespoons of high fat sour cream.


The very process of making goat curd does not cause any particular difficulty. Pour the starter culture into a three-liter jar and leave the milk to ferment. As already noted, the room should be warm. In winter, the jar can be placed near the heating battery in the kitchen, in summer it can be placed on the windowsill in sunny weather. Gradually, the goat milk will turn into sour milk: in the jar, the beginning of the product stratification into whey and curd mass will be noticeable. Usually it takes 2 - 3 days to ferment milk.

The next stage in the preparation of goat curd is a water bath. To do this, place a jar of fermented milk in a saucepan with water and heat a little over low heat. After twenty minutes, the whey will be at the bottom of the jar, and the curd mixture will rise up. Then the contents of the jar need to be cooled and you can start filtering it.

Take clean cheesecloth, fold it into 2 - 3 layers, place on a sieve and pour out the resulting sour milk mass. Most of the liquid will go away. After that, tying the ends of the gauze with the curd in it, make a bag that will need to be hung up for the final draining of the whey. After a few hours, the delicate crumbly goat milk cottage cheese will be ready.

Self-made goat curd is the healthiest breakfast for kids, grown-up family members and seniors. Moreover, it does not lose its nutritional and taste qualities even when frozen. Give your preference to healthy food!

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is in no way intended as a self-medication guide. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Cottage cheese is a very healthy and tasty product that must be present on your table. This is especially important if the family has small children. It turns out that making cottage cheese from goat's milk at home on your own is not difficult at all. It is enough to know a few rules and secrets.

Traditional curd made from sour goat milk

Goat's milk is valued much higher than milk because of its medicinal properties. It boosts immunity and improves health, healing many diseases. This wonderful product is useful for people of all ages, and especially for kids. In those regions where goat milk and products from it are present in the diet every day, people get sick much less often, and there are much fewer problems with being overweight.

Goat milk cottage cheese does not cause allergic reactions, it is more easily absorbed by the body, it is useful for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, respiratory tract, as well as for insomnia.

Goat milk cottage cheese is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product.

For a traditional curd that's easy enough to prepare, you need:

  • 1 liter of goat milk;
  • 3 pinches of table salt.

Goat milk, if fresh, takes a long time to sour. To speed up this process, boil the milk and add a little salt to it. After that, cover the container with a lid or gauze and leave in a warm place for a day. This is enough to ferment the milk. The warmer, the faster it curdles, that is, it is divided into whey and almost finished cottage cheese.

  1. Pour the sour milk into an enamel bowl and place over low heat to warm up slightly. It is not necessary to bring to a boil, otherwise the curd will be boiled and unpleasant to the taste.
  2. Take a deep bowl, put a colander in it, covered with gauze folded 2-3 times. The cloth should be wider than the colander, so that there is enough of it to drain the curd.
  3. Pour the well-warmed sour milk into a colander. Wait for all the whey to go through the cheesecloth and into the bowl. Gather the edges of the cheesecloth, lift the curd mass and let the remaining liquid drain.
  4. After that, hang the bag of cottage cheese for about 1-2 hours over a deep dish: during this time the last whey will drain, and your cottage cheese will be finally ready for use.

By the way, don't pour out the whey: it can make great pancakes and pastries!

Cooking in different ways

Take 0.5 liters of goat milk, pour it into a jar and heat in a water bath. After that, it will sour for at least 2 days, but we will speed up this process by adding one tablespoon of sour cream. After noticeable air bubbles begin to rise from the milk (that is, curdled milk has formed), put the jar in a water bath and heat again over low heat, about 15 minutes.

Drain the resulting mass through a colander covered with gauze. Hang the resulting bag of cottage cheese for several hours to glass the whey. You can squeeze the gauze a little to make the liquid go away faster.

Containers with goat milk should be kept in a warm room to speed up fermentation.

The following recipe is similar to the very first one in this article, the traditional one. But it is more difficult and will take more time from you. But the cheese will turn out to be original and especially tasty.

  1. Take 1 liter of fresh goat's milk and keep it warm overnight. The souring process will begin in the milk.
  2. In the morning, take another 1 liter of fresh milk, put on fire. When the milk foam starts to rise, pour in the young yogurt. Boil this mixture and remove the pan from the heat at the moment when a yellowish-greenish liquid forms on top.
  3. Drain the whey and carefully place the curd in a prepared dish. Knead it with a spoon to separate the remaining serum.

Such cottage cheese is called skyr, it came to us from Norwegian cuisine. It has a delicate texture and a peculiar pleasant taste.

If you have a slow cooker, the process of making goat cheese curd will be much easier.

Add 1 glass of kefir to a container with 3 liters of fresh milk, mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for a day. You should get a thick curdled milk with dense flakes. Pour it into the multicooker bowl without stirring - this will make the curd grainy and more appetizing. Turn on the "Heating" mode for about 3 hours. After that, it is enough to drain the whey, and your curd is ready!

It's no secret that many mothers try to include cottage cheese in their children's daily diet. But not every child loves this product in its usual form. You can outsmart your little one by making small portions of yogurt curd for him.

Take 0.5 L of goat's milk bioyogurt. Preheat the oven, turn it off and put the yoghurt container in it. It should be there for at least 6 hours while the oven cools down. Within an hour, the yoghurt will thicken and begin to roll into flakes. After 6 hours, you need to strain the resulting mass. Such cottage cheese is similar in consistency to sour cream.

Note! The cheesecloth for straining the curd must be absolutely clean. It is better to use a colander made of stainless steel or enameled. You can also use wicker baskets. But all dishes must be perfectly clean.

If the temperature in the room where you make the curd is below 25 degrees, the milk may go bad instead of sour. Therefore, we try to speed up the fermentation by adding whey from the previous curd.

Use only clean dishes and cheesecloth for straining cottage cheese.

You must be sure of the quality of the fresh milk from which you are going to make curd. If you are not sure, it is better to boil the milk.

As we have already said, the whey does not need to be poured out - it will come in handy not only in the preparation of many dishes, but also for cosmetic purposes. But do not forget that you need to store it in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

After you make your homemade goat's milk cottage cheese, try to consume it within 3 days or it may go bad. But if the goat curd is frozen, its taste will not decrease.

Video about making goat milk cottage cheese at home

Goat curd is an incredibly healthy product that contains a lot of substances necessary for the body. Now you know that making it yourself at home is not at all difficult, and for sure include it in your family's diet. If you have experience in making such cottage cheese, share it with us in the comments. Bon appetit and good luck!

If you are interested in having such a healthy food product as cottage cheese regularly on your table, and you had no doubts about its quality, especially if you have small children, then it is much easier, safer and healthier to cook cottage cheese at yourself at home.

Having learned in detail from our master class how to make cottage cheese from goat's milk at home, you will be surprised how simple it is, and even more surprised why you have not done this before.

The most important thing, before you start making cottage cheese, is to acquire fresh tasty milk for this purpose. There can be three options here: store-bought pasteurized milk, whole cow's milk and the healthiest milk of health, this is goat's milk. In principle, the preparation of cottage cheese from any type of milk is done in the same way, only the result is different, but there is a unifying result of such preparations, the cottage cheese in any case turns out to be much tastier than the store one. In this master class we will tell you how to cook cottage cheese at home from goat milk, as the most useful for baby and dietary food. As we said, homemade cottage cheese from other types of milk is prepared in the same way.

Ingredients for making homemade cottage cheese:

  • goat milk - 3 liters,
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook cottage cheese at home, cooking:

It should be noted right away that homemade cottage cheese made from goat's milk fermented with sour cream turns out to be so tasty that you can feast on it like a cream - paste, graininess is practically absent. To achieve just such a result, it is important not to overexpose the fermented milk on the fire, then you will get the most delicate cottage cheese, a ready-to-eat delicacy that does not require additional "flavoring".

1) So, pour the milk into an enamel pan and put it on the fire, heat it up to about 40 o C. Photo 1.

2) Put the sour cream in warm milk, stir it very thoroughly in the milk. For a more uniform distribution in milk, you can first dilute the sour cream in a small amount of milk, and then pour it into a saucepan. Photo 2.

By the way, in order to get cottage cheese at home, milk can be fermented with ready-made yogurt or kefir, again, the taste of such cottage cheese will differ from cottage cheese fermented with sour cream. In order to understand which taste of homemade cottage cheese suits you best, you need to try all the proposed options, and households will only be happy with such a series of experiments, since they will be lucky enough to enjoy homemade cottage cheese quite often.

3) Continuing to describe how to cook cottage cheese at home, we proceed to the next step, namely, after we have heated the milk, close the pan with a lid and, wrapping it with something heat-retaining, leave it for eight hours or overnight. The next day, we check our fermented milk with a spoon, if the milk mass is very thickened, then after stirring it, we put it on a small fire.

After about twenty minutes, it is necessary to mix the fermented milk, there are two options here: if you want to get fine-grained cottage cheese, then you should mix it boldly and thoroughly. If you are interested in getting large flakes of cottage cheese, then mix gently, making movements with a large spoon only up and down. Photo 3.

We mixed the milk thoroughly, making movements in a circle, including at the same time checking the temperature of the yogurt, simply dipping a finger into it, the mass should be unbearably hot. If you use a special thermometer, then the temperature of the sour milk should be about 80 - 85 o C, turn off the fire, close the pan with a lid and put it in a spacious container filled with cold water.

4) After the pan with heated curdled milk has cooled to the temperature of cold water (if necessary, you can make two or three changes of water), pour the mass into a deep colander, lined with a dense, but well-permeable cloth. Photo 4.

5) We tie the fabric on top and, leaving the whole mass in the colander, put everything in the refrigerator for a day, periodically draining the released serum. Photo 5.

Goat milk is a wonderful dietary product with unsurpassed quality characteristics. However, not everyone loves it because of its specific taste and smell. It is much more pleasant to use fermented milk products made from it, for example, cottage cheese. It retains all the beneficial properties of fresh milk. It is perfectly absorbed by adults and children, helps to strengthen the immune system and enrichment with calcium.

Features of cooking goat curd at home

To make cottage cheese from goat milk on your own, you need to know a few rules:

  1. For the manufacture of the product, they take not entirely fresh milk.
  2. The air temperature in the room where it will ferment should be at least 25 ° C.
  3. To speed up the process, ferment is added to milk - sour cream, whey, natural yogurt.
  4. About 0.5 kg of cottage cheese is obtained from 3 liters of milk.
  5. Goat curd is eaten within 2-3 days. In some cases, it is frozen. However, it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Cooking goat curd at home


  • goat milk - 3 liters;
  • whey - 0.5 cups or fat sour cream - 1-2 tbsp. l.


  1. Milk is poured into a three-liter jar, sourdough is added to it and placed in the warmest place in the kitchen for fermentation. This process is long - from 2 to 3 days.
  2. After separating the whey and curd mass, the jar with the contents is placed in a water bath and slightly heated. This is necessary to thicken the curd. This will take no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Put clean cheesecloth folded in three on a sieve or colander, and throw the contents of the jar onto it. The ends of the canvas are tied, the resulting bag is suspended on a hook, a container is placed under it, into which the serum will drain.
  4. The whey is collected and used in the next cottage cheese preparation, in homemade baked goods, cosmetic procedures, or simply drunk.
  5. After 4-5 hours, the curd mass in gauze will turn into a crumbly, aromatic and very tasty dish.

Homemade goat's milk cottage cheese is eaten fresh with jam, candied fruits, simply sprinkled with sugar. Cheesecakes and casseroles are made from it. In dietetic food, such a product is much more preferable than a regular one made from cow's milk.

Dairy products made from goat milk are expensive. Therefore, it is more profitable for lovers of cottage cheese to independently make it from whole milk.

Question: “Hooray! I'm happy! Finally, after a long search, I found fresh goat milk. The owners have a small herd, the goats are regularly checked by the veterinarian for all kinds of sores. While summer, there is a lot of milk, there is an opportunity to buy goat milk not only for drinking, but also for curd. I want to strengthen my baby's immunity, nourish teeth, bones with calcium, in general, to protect against rickets. But i can not. Please teach me how to make cottage cheese from goat's milk, which is useful for a child and for us, adults? Thanks."(from a letter to Lyudmila)

Answer: in dietetics, fermented milk products from fresh are deservedly ranked among the most valuable nutrition: cottage cheese, cheese, kefir and whey are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the liver and intestines, contain easily digestible calcium necessary for the body. In the previous article of the cycle "" I described in detail Basic recipe making cottage cheese from fresh milk. In this one there are several more ways to get homemade cottage cheese from goat's milk, healthy and tasty. As usual, the answer options.


Homemade cottage cheese recipe on a "bread crust"

I love this fragrant cottage cheese recipe I learned from the milkmaid mistress. The sourdough "on a bread crust" helps to speed up the process of "curdling" milk in the cold season or cool summer. The method is simple, even for a beginner.

  • Put a little finger-sized crust of rye bread in fresh milk, no more. Leave in a warm place for several hours under a clean natural cloth - not a plastic lid.
  • When the milk thickens into “curdled milk”, remove the crust. Then follow the steps outlined in making homemade cottage cheese.
  • Store ready-made cottage cheese and whey in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Eat it fresh, it tastes better.

note: on light cream, scoop it off the surface of the milk. They will help you keep your skin healthy, elastic and beautiful, and improve its condition. But that's another story, in a series of articles "".

Homemade cottage cheese recipe with sour cream sourdough

To prepare cottage cheese with sour cream sourdough, you will need 100% natural goat milk sour cream. Sourdough from cow sour cream, albeit natural, is undesirable: enzymes of cow origin will change the composition of the future cottage cheese, thereby also the process of its assimilation.

  • Add 1 tablespoon to fresh milk. sour cream and stir thoroughly, slowly.
  • Cover the jar with a clean cloth and place in a warm place.
  • When the milk thickens into "curdled milk", put the dishes in a saucepan with cold water, heat over low heat in a water bath. Then follow the steps outlined in making homemade cottage cheese.

Note: Do not pour goat milk whey - it is a valuable dietary fermented milk product. For internal use, whey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. For external use, in products for skin and hair, aroma baths, it can be used within 10 days after preparation.

In detail

Homemade cottage cheese recipe based on bio-leaven

  • Add bio-leaven to fresh goat's milk and place in a warm place without further heating. In the summer, 1-2 hours are enough for the milk to curd. If you are using a starter culture from a pharmacy, be sure to read the accompanying instructions on the package. Attention: Do not add bio-leaven to sour milk. This is dangerous.
  • When the milk thickens to the consistency of curdled milk, carefully separate the fungus from the fermented milk mass. Rinse the fungus and place in clean water, and heat the fermented milk mass in a water bath. To do this, place a jar of milk in a saucepan of cold water on minimal heat. As soon as the water becomes hot, immediately remove from the heat.
  • When the milk is divided into 2 fractions, curd and clear, strain the mass through clean cheesecloth or a colander. Use the serum for its intended purpose, and use the cottage cheese for benefit and pleasure. More details about other methods of filtration in the preparation of homemade cottage cheese, about the storage conditions in the recipes above.

Note: for young goat milk you need rennet and a press to form a firm curd mass during the filtration process. If you wish, you can add vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs, dry and fresh, with the obligatory condition - their preliminary processing.

Using homemade cottage cheese

  • Fresh cottage cheese is the most delicious and tender. Introduce cottage cheese into the daily food menu as a separate dish and a must in all cleansing and rejuvenating foods.
  • Take cottage cheese as a basis in liver cleansing courses.
  • Cook - an easy and healthy dessert.

note: for a valuable dietary product - in its composition: protein, mineral salts, a full set of vitamins and milk sugar with lecithin - an anti-sclerotic substance necessary to maintain the functions of the brain in elderly people. In addition, the fat and protein in goat milk whey are in a highly dispersed state, which contributes to their better digestion by the digestive organs. If there are no contraindications, goat milk whey is included in the diet during the course.

Use of whey

  • Milk whey can be drunk, cold soups - "okroshka" can be prepared.
  • In recipes for low-calorie baked goods "".
  • In recipes and hair. For external use, the serum can be used for a longer time, stored in the refrigerator.

Try to regularly eat natural dairy products, in low-calorie baked recipes, for the beauty of hair and skin. Do not hesitate, you will like the result.

Be beautiful - healthy and strong.

Zima readers “ Tips for Friends

An excerpt from Zima's book is used in the article “Goat's milk curd” for publication only on the Tips for Friends website.

For lovers of homemade cottage cheese

  • - recipe Basic without sourdough.
  • - recipe for calcined cottage cheese.
  • About goat milk with recipes in the "" cycle.
  • - about diets, fasting days and holidays.

Comments (1)

    Zima, tell me, I did not find fermented milk fungi for preparing whey and bought a pharmacy preparation in powder, it is also suitable for preparing fermented milk products. Can I use it? if not, can you just put the milk in a warm place and wait until it curdles?

    Julia, in the assortment of pharmacies there are various bacterial starters, they are usually disposable. Over time, there are also common fungi (live).
    How to prepare whey without sourdough is described in detail in the preparation of homemade cottage cheese.

    Home is needed for homemade cottage cheese !!!)))

    Eat homemade cottage cheese - there will be strength at home)

    Zima, well, a very complicated recipe….

    Olga, I don't argue. But not as difficult as building a House.

    Zima, write a yogurt recipe, please.

    The recipe is in the article. Look for yoghurt fungi.

    But isn't it from store-bought, well, or there farm yoghurts ready-made?

    For tasty and healthy yoghurt, live biocultures are needed.

    Zima, and my wife has read a lot in the Internet that yogurt is obtained by simply adding ready-made store-bought yogurt to fresh milk. What can I say to her?;)

    Sergei, tell her that when you add ready-made yoghurts from the store to fresh milk, you get a new product called Yoghurt in Milk.

    Zima, please tell me, I'm cooking curdled goat milk to get whey. How long should it cook until the curd flakes float to the surface? And if, as you write, wait for the moment when the water becomes hot and immediately remove it from the stove. then there will be little serum.

    Julia, I can't tell you the exact time for the "steam bath", because this depends on many reasons, including the amount of milk mass and the amount of water in the pot.
    This process will not take much time, so do not leave the stove so as not to miss the moment when to remove the heat. And don't worry about whey, there is always a lot more of it than cottage cheese). There will be no “flakes” on the surface, watch the temperature of the water in the pan. I repeat, heating on a “water bath” is minimal.

    How to get rid of the smell of goat milk? Cottage cheese may be useful, but what a stench (((For example, I'll persuade myself, my baby didn't even work with condensed milk. Well?

    Maria, I can advise you one thing: change the mistress of the goat, she got the wrong one, most likely a slob. The right goats have tasty, sweet milk and the right ones, i.e. caring owners. They look after, make sure the animals are clean and what the goats eat.
    And do not torment your baby-baby, the benefit should be without violence - tasty)

    We were treated to farm cottage cheese, at home I examined it, and it is pink! Isn't it dangerous if the goat's milk curd is pink? I have never eaten goat curd, what color is it? I have no one to ask (((

    White goat milk curd. A pink tint is a sign of expired cottage cheese, and from any milk, not just goat's.

    I, too, like the author from the 15th post, turns out cottage cheese with an unpleasant smell, and even bitter. Although pure milk is very tasty. Winter, maybe there are some more secrets? So I want to try goat cheese! And the serum too. More or less yoghurt turns out to be tolerable.

    Lenny, in one of the com-s I already answered that at the moment you are taking milk from a sick animal. In this article, I published reliable recipes for making cottage cheese, everything else depends on the quality of the milk and compliance with the recipe. I like to cook goat cheese on real rennet (you can buy it on the market where young cheeses are sold. It is based on goat or lamb enzymes. It is tastier and healthier than pharmaceutical preparations.) Yoghurt, kefir and other crops need to be bought in laboratories. The method of preparing yoghurt by adding a store-bought (empty product in all respects) will not bring you the same benefits as real yoghurt.

    Heh, and I make yogurt the right way :) With sourdough.
    It is a pity that the goat is possibly sick. Now I'm thinking about how to check it. At least start your goat. What kind of laboratory should be used for testing?

    You have a choice, Lenny: spend your energy, time and money on the examination and treatment of the goat, or look for a new source of high-grade milk. You decide.

    Hello, I have a specific question ... where to look for that laboratory where you can buy yoghurt cultures with which you can make real yogurt, and not those snot that are obtained from the store version (I have 4 wonderful goats, excellent milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt are obtained, but no yogurt), .. please tell me !!!

    I personally buy at the Institute of Microbiology when there is a need for kefir or yogurt. But in my opinion, goat milk is difficult to improve with anything, including yogurt.

    it's good to talk about laboratories and markets where you can buy starter cultures. and if we live in a deaf man? what to do?

    You are lucky, Natalya, that you “live in the wilderness”. It is difficult to find milk itself in the city, natural, especially goat milk. Those who really need it are usually found. At the bottom of this article, under the heading “Lovers of homemade cottage cheese,” there are links to articles on the topic, in them and in the comments to them, I described the options for making cottage cheese, how and what to ferment, if there is no sourdough. There is another option: print the article and show the pharmacist, if the pharmacy does not have ferment, they will always be able to order it, adding something useful to the health of the pharmacy's assortment. By the way, in the recipes of the article above, methods of making cottage cheese with and without sourdough are described, what is not clear in the recipes of this article?

    I can't drink goat's milk, just as I didn't try to persuade myself, but the cottage cheese according to your recipe on a bread crust is just a miracle !! Thank you, and not only for the cottage cheese, but in general for what you eat !!

    Hello! Tell me please! For a week I have had an open bottle of goat milk with a fat content of 1.5% in my refrigerator, half a liter left (made from normalized goat milk, with e-339), does not turn sour. I no longer want to give it to the child, I thought to make a curd. Is this possible in principle? It's a pity to pour out ...

    Elena, I do not advise using this milk for cottage cheese, do not risk yourself or your baby. Try adding milk to baked goods where it will be cooked (for recipes for buns and breads, see the links in the article above).

    I want to confirm what our goat milk expert Zima wrote: the taste of milk does not always depend on poor care of the animal or its illness. Good, fresh goat milk is tasty raw, does not taste bitter when processed. When cooked and stored for a long time, goat milk acquires a peculiar aftertaste, this is a feature of goat milk. Drink fresh, do not store. Best regards, an experienced goat breeder.

    My goat is 3 years old, she is very tormented because of a very large udder (dragging on the ground), please tell me what to do?

    Larissa, ask your question to the veterinarian. As far as I know, it is solved surgically.

    Good afternoon, Winter. I buy homemade goat milk, goats have been vaccinated. Can I give homemade goat curd to an 8 month old baby? Can I combine it with fruit puree? ……. So far I am feeding the baby with breast milk, but soon the question of whether to give the baby whole goat milk will become relevant…. In your opinion, what is the optimal age for breastfeeding? Doctors disagreed on this issue, and radically, and I trust you ... ... Thank you so much, sorry that the questions are from different topics.

    Maria, it is advisable to prolong breastfeeding for at least a year, even once a day it will be good for the baby. If goat milk has been tested, then the ideal option is to give it whole without heat treatment, as I wrote in another article in the cycle. You can give cottage cheese right now, start complementary foods with scanty portions, monitor the reaction. Combining cottage cheese with fresh fruit and berries is not useful not only for children, but also for adults. I will talk about this in detail in the next article of the cycle. Grow up healthy, well done, that you have found a source of usefulness - a goat!

    Winter, thanks for the answer. But still, I will clarify - you write that if the milk has been tested, you can eat it whole. I have not tested milk in the laboratory, I only know that the goat has been vaccinated. For three months now I have been drinking myself and giving it to my 11-year-old son, everything is fine. In this situation, give the baby cottage cheese, milk, or is there a need to laboratory test milk? Thank you (sorry for asking again)

    The immune and digestive systems of an infant, an 11-year-old child, and an adult differ greatly. For peace of mind, do the missing milk tests. By the way, according to the rules of biological safety of food products, they are necessary, inform the owners of the goat about this, as interested persons should know that, according to the law, without the appropriate conclusion of the sanitary examination on the safety of milk, they do not have the right to sell it. This violation is punishable by fines.

    Good afternoon Zima, I have a question for you, due to the fact that we live in the city we freeze goat curd and defrost it as needed and give it to the child, so I have a question, how much curd can be stored in the refrigerator ?, I read the entire Internet and found nothing on the shelf life. Thanks.

    Hope. Traditionally, curd was not frozen, unlike milk. In the process of freezing and subsequent defrosting, irreversible changes occur in it. Any frozen fermented milk product is assimilated by the body otherwise fresh and not for the better.

    Hello winter. Tell me, please, is kefir mushroom the same as Tibetan milk mushroom? Can cheese be made only with rennet? thanks

    Hello, tell me, now there are starter cultures for cottage cheese on sale, do you think it's worth taking? If you advise someone in particular, I will be very obliged. I decided to do it myself, I already found the thrush with the cow, and then you look lucky with the goat))) Thank you.

    Nonna, if you need to conduct a treatment and prophylactic course to restore the intestinal microflora, then yeast is needed, especially if the milk is cow's. For contacts, see the December 2014 Digest.
    Olga. Cheese can be made not only with rennet, the Tibetan milk mushroom is one of the varieties of fermented milk fungi, there are more than a dozen of them.

    Zima, please tell me how to cook cheese based on goat milk and rennet - I found a seller on the market, I want to diversify my homemade menu - I've been making cottage cheese from goat's milk for a long time, at first only I ate it, now it's homemade, not all, but joined, and those who eat already store cottage cheese do not want, as soon as their cottage cheese ends, the question is when I will make a new one. I just want to learn how to make homemade cheese, with your help. I would be very grateful if you teach me how. Thank you very much, respectfully, Oksana.

    Oksana, if you have the opportunity and desire, eat cottage cheese for good and for pleasure. There is not enough milk for cheese, at least in the autumn-winter period. When 10 liters of milk are available, you can get about a kilogram of cheese using rennet powder. I advise Sychuzhin to purchase in microbiological laboratories.

    Hello. I liked the recipe for cottage cheese on a "bread crust", thanks. The goat curd is delicious, just a delicacy!

    Hello Winter. Something often began to remember you, just an obsession, I used to take whey from milkmen, but now they began to sell it, because of its usefulness, they read you a lot))) just kidding, just kidding))) How expensive everything is around, I only take cottage cheese , I divide into portions for a week for all mouths, not to milk (But the store in the mouth, no, no, sorry, there is no serum, I got used to masks, and in the summer I drank so with great pleasure!

    Nina, we will not discuss the price, this is empty, the opportunities for people, like themselves, are different: some do not have enough for milk, others for the island. Arithmetic helps in everyday life, for example, 3 liters of whole cow's milk (goat's more expensive) in Moscow can be bought from private owners for 250-300 rubles. It produces 300 ml of sour cream 42-45% fat, 1-1.200 kg of cottage cheese 5-9% fat, the rest is enough serum for skin, hair, baked goods, trays for hands and feet. I like this option, but you decide for yourself. I want to focus your attention on one thing: for a week, as you wrote, you cannot store cottage cheese without preservatives, you should not risk so much with homemade ones, I do not recommend it. Let me remind you that fresh cottage cheese must be eaten in three days.