Delicious pizza dough. Pizza dough like in a pizzeria is a delicate thing, loves men's hands! Features of pizza dough from a pizzeria and the secrets of its strength

30.10.2019 Salads

Real Italian pizza, on thin crust, with hot stretching cheese ... mmm !!! What hostess has not dreamed to please her beloved or guests with such pizza ?! it the easiest pizza recipe!

Pizza dough - a very simple recipe

Excellent pizza dough - a simple recipe... It always turns out the way it is needed, even for those who took up the preparation of pizza for the first time.

1/2 cup warm water

2 teaspoons dry yeast

2 cups flour

2 tablespoons olive oil

A couple of pinches of salt

1 teaspoon sugar

Tomato sauce (puree)

Mozzarella cheese

Bell pepper

The filling can be any to your taste

The easiest pizza recipe - cooking method:

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of water, stir until completely dissolved. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough with your hands to the desired consistency. Add a little flour if necessary. The dough should not stick to your hands, it should be soft and pliable. Cover with a towel and let it brew in a warm place or in a plastic bag for about 30-50 minutes. The dough should almost double. Knead the dough again with your hands for 10 minutes. As a rule, the finished dough is enough for 2-3 pizzas. Pour some flour on the work surface and roll out the dough. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil and the dough with tomato sauce. Put the filling, sprinkle with grated mozzarella and place in a preheated oven at 200-220 degrees for 12-17 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

In the morning, a hot pizza with a cheese crust will delight the husband who is out of the shower (you just need to know the recipe for a quick pizza dough - and now, as the most skillful sorceress, you are ready to conjure up a delicious breakfast!). At lunch, colleagues will admire the hearty "Marinara" or the classic "Margarita", which you will share with everyone working with you in one office (homemade pizza on thick fluffy dough tastes great after heating in the microwave!). In the evening, the family will appreciate the pizza on the most ordinary yeast dough - with a glass of tart red wine, light French comedy and a warm homely atmosphere.

A party for friends, a children's birthday, a business lunch in between trainings, a meeting with friends, a picnic in nature - pizza is appropriate everywhere, welcome everywhere and needed everywhere.

Surely you have your own proven recipe for pizza dough, which you use from year to year: it does not let you down, it suits you completely and does not force you to surf the Internet before every preparation of dinner to find something suitable. Of course, in this case, you are unlikely to be interested in any other option - and yet ... do not pass by! A new recipe is always a chance to gain a useful experience and write an even better way to prepare a familiar dish in your personal cookbook.

Not many people realize that the secret to a delicious pizza lies in a successful dough. You can experiment with fillings for a long time, you can replace some components with others, endlessly select the perfect tomato sauce, buy only the best cheeses, but if the base is tasteless, you will never get a delicious pizza.

Talk about pizza dough?

The most common yeast dough for thin pizza

Classics of the genre, which in one interpretation or another is presented in all textbooks on Italian cuisine, which is used by chefs in famous restaurants and which is most often used in standard recipes. Pizza is a folk and simple food, and therefore it should not be prepared technically difficult or problematic. What's more, it doesn't include ingredients that are hard to find, that cost a lot of money, and that you can't buy at the store around the corner. The basic ingredients of a simple yeast pizza dough are water, yeast, flour, salt, and some vegetable oil. Everything else is from the evil one.


175 g flour;
125 ml of water;
1 tsp yeast;
1/4 tsp salt;
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add salt and oil. Gradually adding flour, knead soft, not sticky, elastic dough. After the dough is ready, do not be lazy to additionally knead it on the table by adding one or two tablespoons of flour: yeast dough loves affection, and three "bonus" minutes of attention that you give it will only improve the quality of the finished dish.

Cover the bowl of dough with a towel and place in a warm place until it doubles in size. After that, you can knead the dough and start shaping the pizza.

The most common yeast dough for fluffy pizza

The first secret of a successful pizza on a fluffy basis is that the dough for making such an option is rolled out a little thicker than for a thin one. The second secret is slightly different proportions of flour-water.


225 ml of water;
300 g flour;
1 tsp yeast;
1/3 tsp salt;
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Pour dry yeast with warm water and wait until it starts to "play". After that, add salt, add vegetable oil (olive oil is ideal, sunflower oil is permissible). Gradually adding flour, knead a smooth, pleasant, non-sticky dough. We leave it in a bowl covered with a towel for 1-1.5 hours before rising (the time depends on the air temperature in the room and the quality of the food). After increasing the dough by half, we deceive and proceed to collecting pizza.

Yeast-free pizza dough

Many housewives, for one reason or another, are looking for a good recipe for a yeast-free pizza dough. Some do not perceive yeast as a healthy food at all, this product is contraindicated for others, and still others simply do not have enough patience and time to wait until the yeast dough rises. The way out is dough without yeast. Crispy, dry, thin and delicious.


2 cups of flour;
0.5 cups of milk;
1/2 tsp salt;
1/2 tsp soda;
2 eggs;
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

We mix flour, salt and soda. Stir milk, eggs and butter in a separate bowl. Pour two-thirds of the flour into the liquid mass, stir with a spoon until a homogeneous sticky substance. We put the spoon aside, grease our hands with vegetable oil and, gradually adding the remaining flour, we begin to knead. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes - you should get a smooth, shiny, even lump, very pleasant to the touch. Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for 15 minutes. After that, you can work with the dough.

Kefir pizza dough recipe

Kefir dough is loved by those who prefer quick options for making pizza - no need to knead for a long time, no need to wait for the rise and proving. Another significant plus of kefir dough is the banal disposal of leftovers: it often happens that a glass of kefir remains in the bag, which no one wants to drink anymore. The shelf life is about to end, and on the way home a new portion of fermented milk products was bought. Throwing away the leftovers just like that - the hand does not rise, which means that you need to come up with something that will allow you to use them without forcing the household to drink kefir that has stood in the refrigerator for several days. The way out is kefir dough for pizza, classic or, for example, as non-standard as.


1 glass of kefir;
2.5 cups flour;
10 ml of vegetable oil;
1 egg;
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda.

We mix flour, salt and soda.

In a separate bowl, mix vegetable oil, kefir and egg.

Gradually pour the dry mixture into the liquid mass and stir until a homogeneous sticky dough is obtained. You cannot knead it for a very long time - you will "expel" all the air, and the dough will turn out to be "clogged" and tough. After all the ingredients have been mixed, place the dough in a well-oiled pan with your hands dipped in vegetable oil and spread in an even layer. Then you can work with the filling.

Sour cream pizza dough

Perhaps, among all the non-canonical options for pizza dough, this one is the most interesting, tasty and convenient. Quite quickly (10 minutes maximum) and with minimal effort (measured, mixed, received) you have an excellent pizza base ready - delicious, tender, not dry and not tough. Great option! Of course, a real pizza maker is more likely to faint if you demonstrate to him an indistinct mass without yeast, which we will call sour cream pizza dough. Let's not make him nervous - let's agree that we will officially call the culinary masterpiece based on liquid sour cream dough an open pie, and among ourselves we will continue to call it pizza. Homemade and delicious.


1/2 cup sour cream;
1 egg;
1/2 tsp soda;
1/2 tsp salt;
1/2 cup flour

Mix sour cream with egg, add salt and soda. Pour in flour and knead a homogeneous lumpy dough with several sharp movements. We spread it in a well-oiled form, level it with a spoon. You can work with filling.

Pizza dough on cottage cheese

Soft, with a pleasant creamy aftertaste, delicate and does not dry for a long time. This is the dough that should be cooked for two large pizzas at once, because on the second day, and even on the third, it remains tasty and appetizing.


250 g of cottage cheese;
1 egg;
50 g butter;
1/2 tsp salt;
1/2 tsp soda;
1.5 cups flour.

Grind cottage cheese with an egg, add soda, salt and softened butter. Gradually adding flour, knead the soft dough. It may slightly stick to your hands - try to limit yourself to the specified amount of flour, so as not to "hammer" the dough and make it tough. To distribute the dough on a baking sheet, line it with baking paper, lightly brush with vegetable oil and place a ball of dough in the middle. With wet hands, stretch the dough in all directions, achieving an even layer. Then you can spread the filling.

Yeast Puff Pastry Dough

And this is the most time consuming of all the pizza dough recipes given. Obviously no one will cook this every day, but sometimes you can pamper yourself with a wonderful puff pastry with yeast - it is soft, and crunchy, and tender, and solid at the same time.


200 g butter;
3 cups flour;
7 g yeast;
1/2 tsp salt;
3/4 cup liquid
1 egg;
3 tsp Sahara.

Pour warm water into a bowl, add sugar and yeast.

We quickly rub the ice-cream butter into flour on a coarse grater, and also quickly mix until crumbs are obtained.

After the yeast starts to "play", add the egg, stir well and pour into the flour mass. Stir without fanaticism, if necessary, add another spoon or two flour, collect the dough in a ball and, covering the bowl with cling film, hide the dough in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. After that, the dough can be taken out and cut.

Beer pizza dough


1/2 glass of beer
125 g butter (half a pack);
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda;
1.5-2 cups flour.

Mix beer with melted butter, add salt and soda. Stir in flour - you should get a soft, not sticky dough, very pleasant and tender. We roll it into a thin layer or stretch it with our hands and fill it with filling.

Pizza made from ready-made dough

An option for the lazy, busy, in a hurry and hating to "play" with the dough, but who love to eat deliciously - pizza on purchased puff pastry, unleavened or yeast. Defrost, put on a baking sheet, distribute the filling and put in the oven - that's it. This is not to say that with such manipulations you will get a culinary masterpiece, however, the fact that dinner will be much tastier than a semi-finished store product can be asserted with complete confidence.

5 tips for making delicious pizza dough:

  1. It seems to many that the unfortunate spoonfuls of salt in the dough are not felt or felt at all, so you can simply forget about them. A blasphemous mistake! Salt balances the taste of the dough, enhances what is worth strengthening, so in no case should you rely on the filling to equalize the salinity of the finished dish and ignore the addition of salt to the dough.
  1. After filling your hand and practicing, go to aerobatics - do not roll out the dough with a rolling pin, but gently stretch it with your hands. Pizza maker shows that prepare you treats while beautifully tossing dough into the air are not just part of the show. It is also a completely justified way of preparing the perfect pizza: it does not tear the delicate yeast fibers, provides a soft and pleasant dough structure.
  1. A common mistake that a generous Slavic soul makes when preparing pizza is a thick, thick layer of filling. We honestly forget that we are not preparing an open pie, but pizza, and we strive to add more fillings, believing that, since we are cooking for ourselves, there is nothing to be greedy about. However, the reality turns out to be different - and the pizza does not come out quite the way it should turn out. Ideal: in the finished dish, you must feel both the filling and an amazingly tasty base. Do not forget about this when putting meat, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, cheese and other delicacies on the dough next time.
  1. Only bake pizza at high temperatures - a real Italian treat is made in a wood-fired oven, which ensures a dry and very good heat. To get closer to a similar picture at home, set the temperature regulator in your oven to at least 220 degrees.
  1. For the same reason as described above, it is worth laying out the dough not on a cold metal sheet, but on a well-heated surface. To do this, hold the baking sheet in a preheated oven for about 10 minutes, and only then transfer the dough to it.

Good luck with your experiments and delicious pizza!

I wonder why this happens: you try one pizza and can't tear yourself away, but eat a slice of another - it's not at all like something is missing in it. What is the real secret of delicious pizza? Do you think in the filling? You are wrong, the whole point is in the test and only in it. To make the pizza really tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough, which, according to its recipe, can be varied, but it is this that will affect the final result of the dish you cook.

The easiest version of the dough is without yeast. It is without their presence that the dough turns out to be thin and crunchy. By the way, this is the recipe used by Italians. Any housewife can easily cook yeast-free pizza dough at home. The main advantage of such a pizza dough is that it bakes much faster than yeast dough, which means that it will take you much less time to prepare pizza than usual.

It can be simple unleavened, with sour cream, with butter or with the addition of cottage cheese. The dough for pizza on sour cream turns out to be tender and crumbly, and with the addition of cottage cheese - soft and airy. You can also make yeast-free pizza dough using kefir, beer or mineral water. Each type of pizza dough has its own individual taste. To argue about which dough is better is just a waste of time. It is much easier to cook in turn each of the dough recipes we offer and opt for the one that suits your taste and liking.

Pizza dough with milk "For Italian pizza"

2 stacks wheat flour,
2 eggs,
½ stack. warm milk
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt.

Combine the flour and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk and vegetable oil until smooth. Gradually, in small portions, stirring constantly, pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour. The flour should completely absorb the liquid and result in a smooth, sticky mass. Begin to knead this mass with your hands, periodically sprinkling flour on it and your hands. The dough will be soft, elastic and smooth. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and let it sit for 15 minutes. When the time is up, dust the table with flour and roll out the dough as thin as possible.

Pizza dough with olive oil

2 stacks sifted flour
½ stack. boiled, lukewarm water,
4 tablespoons olive oil,
1 tbsp baking powder for dough,
1 tsp sea ​​salt.

Add salt and baking powder to the sifted flour, mix. Then pour in water first, then olive oil. Knead the dough for 10 minutes until elastic. Roll the finished dough into a ball. Separate the amount of dough you need from it and stretch it on the table with your hands to the required size, and then transfer it to a baking sheet.

Unleavened dough on mineral water

3 stacks sifted flour
1 stack. mineral water,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp soda,
½ tsp salt.

Combine all dry ingredients right on the kitchen table: flour, salt, sugar and soda. Make a slide, in it - a small dimple and, stirring, add water in portions. Knead a firm dough. Next, tear off a piece of the size you need from the finished dough and, rolling it out on a floured surface, transfer it to a mold or onto a baking sheet and lay out the filling.

Pizza dough without yeast and eggs

1.5 stack. flour,
½ stack. low-fat kefir,
⅓ stack. olive or any other vegetable oil,
2 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp soda.

Mix kefir with baking soda and leave for 10 minutes. Sift flour. Add vegetable oil, salt, sugar to kefir with soda and mix. After that, start, constantly kneading, gradually introduce flour into the dough. This should be done until the dough begins to stick well from the hands, it should be soft and elastic. After the dough is kneaded, cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Whey Free Yeast Pizza Dough

4 stacks flour,
1 stack. milk whey,
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp soda.

Pour whey into a deep bowl, add 1 cup. flour, salt and baking soda and mix well until smooth. Then add vegetable oil and stir again. Then add the rest of the flour in small portions, carefully stirring in each new portion. Gradually, you will get a well-stretching dough. Divide it into pieces. Lubricating your hands with butter, stretch the dough piece you want to form a circle directly on the broiler or baking sheet, and put the rest of the dough in the freezer until next time.

Beer pizza dough

1.5 stack. flour,
280 ml of beer,
2 pinches of salt.

Combine flour and beer and season with salt. Cover it with a towel and leave in a dry and warm place for 30 minutes. Then remember it a little with your hands and leave it again for 15 minutes. The dough should not be very thick.

Sour cream pizza dough

flour - how much dough will take,
2 eggs,
3 tbsp sour cream,
150 g margarine
1 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp soda,
salt to taste.

In a separate container, beat eggs with salt and sugar, add sour cream and soda to them and mix. Add melted margarine to the egg mass and mix everything thoroughly again. Then slowly add flour to the total mass and knead an elastic dough. Cover it with a towel and let sit for 10 minutes. Then roll out the dough in such a way that it turns out to be a crust.

Pizza dough with baking powder

300 g flour
100 ml of water,
4 tablespoons vegetable oil,
1 tsp baking powder for dough,
½ tsp salt.

Sift flour 2-3 times. After that, mix flour with baking powder and salt, pour in vegetable oil and water, which is best added in small portions - 2-3 tablespoons each. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and leave for 1.5 hours.

Sour cream dough with mayonnaise

2 stacks flour,
5 tbsp sour cream,
5 tbsp low-fat mayonnaise,
1 egg.

Combine egg, sour cream and mayonnaise in a mixer. Then add flour gradually and do not stop kneading. In the end, the dough should resemble thick sour cream. Pour it gently and evenly into an oiled deep mold. After that, having distributed the filling, you can cook pizza in a pan.

Non-yeast dough for pizza with ghee

2 stacks flour,
½ stack. ghee,
1 egg,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp baking powder for the dough.

Heat ghee, stir salt and sugar in it. Then add baking powder, separately beaten egg and mix well. Then add the sifted flour in portions and knead until a sufficiently soft dough is obtained. Cover the finished dough for literally 10 minutes with a linen napkin moistened with water and leave for a while. Then roll it out, sprinkle with flour.

Pizza dough without yeast on yogurt

8 tbsp flour,
1 egg,
100 g softened margarine,
100 g of natural yoghurt,
½ tsp soda.

Dissolve the baking soda in the yogurt. Add egg, margarine and flour to the prepared mixture. Stir the resulting mass with a mixer. If the dough is too thin, add more flour. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Sift a little flour on the board, put the dough on it and roll a little in flour (this will prevent the dough from sticking to your hands as it rolls out). Shape the dough to the desired shape.

Pizza dough with mayonnaise and kefir without yeast

2 stacks flour,
300 ml of kefir,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
½ tsp soda,
½ tsp salt.

Drive an egg into the prepared container, add salt and soda to it, mix well the resulting mixture until smooth. Then add kefir and mayonnaise there. Slowly add the sifted flour. The finished dough should be similar in consistency to pancake dough - not too thick and not too runny. When you get the dough of the desired consistency, put it in a baking dish so that it is even, without bumps. Lay out the filling.

Kefir dough

500 g flour
1 egg,
100 ml of kefir,
20 g vegetable oil
1 tsp soda,
a pinch of salt.

Mix half the flour and salt. Beat the eggs in a thin foam and pour into the dough. Add 10 ml of vegetable oil there, add flour and knead the dough. Add remaining vegetable oil as needed. If the dough turns out to be thin, add a little more flour. Let the finished dough stand for 15-20 minutes before rolling it into a layer. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands when rolling, grease them with vegetable oil.

Pizza dough without yeast on cognac and butter

500 g flour
150 ml of kefir,
10 g butter
2 tbsp cognac,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp soda,
½ tsp salt.

Sift flour into a large bowl, folding it in a small bowl. Make a small indentation in it, put softened margarine, then add sugar, soda, salt and pour in brandy. Knead into a homogeneous dough, shape it into a ball and leave it that way for 1 hour. Then knead and roll again.

Pizza dough

2 stacks flour,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp vegetable oil (olive oil can be used),
⅓ tsp baking soda,

Break eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat. In a separate container, mix the sour cream and baking soda, add to the beaten eggs and mix well. Then add flour and vegetable oil and knead the dough, it should look like thick sour cream. Let the finished dough stand for 20 minutes. After the lapse of time, start forming the pizza, having previously greased your hands and a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

Dough "As easy as shelling pears"

4 tablespoons flour,
1 egg,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
¼ tsp soda.

Combine mayonnaise and egg until smooth. Add flour and baking soda to it and knead the dough. Form a ball out of the resulting dough and roll out a cake 2 mm thick from it (it sticks a little to your hands, but, nevertheless, you can roll it out). Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes. The pizza will turn out to be thin with a golden brown crust.

Curd dough for pizza

1 stack. flour,
125 g fat-free cottage cheese,
3 tbsp olive oil,
1 egg,
1 tsp salt.

Add the egg, salt, vegetable oil to the curd and mix well with a mixer. Sift flour into the resulting mass and knead the dough until it becomes elastic. Then roll it out and place it on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, then place the prepared filling over it and bake the pizza until tender.

Yeast-free puff pastry for pizza

2 stacks flour,
¼ stack. water,
200 g butter
1 tsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
citric acid to taste.

Put butter in flour and, mixing it with flour, chop into small pieces. Then add the rest of the ingredients to this mass and mix well. Roll out the finished dough, fold it several times and place in the refrigerator to cool. After a while, take it out and start making pizza.

Chopped puff pastry for pizza

2 stacks flour,
150 ml of water,
300 g butter or margarine,
1 egg,
1 tsp lemon juice
½ tsp salt.

Sift flour, put chilled butter, cut into small pieces, and chop finely with a knife. Make a depression in flour and butter, pour salted water into it, add an egg, lemon juice and quickly knead the dough. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and put in a cold place. Before baking, roll out the dough 2-3 times and fold in 3-4 layers.

D. Oliver's pizza dough recipe

3 tbsp flour,
3 tbsp mayonnaise,
a pinch of salt with a drop of vinegar.

Combine all ingredients and knead the dough. In consistency, it should resemble pancake dough. Bake the resulting pizza base for 10 minutes, and then put the filling on it and cook for another 10 minutes.

Pizza dough with basil and black pepper

2 stacks flour,
⅓ stack. vegetable oil,
⅔ stack. milk,
2 tsp baking powder,
a pinch of salt, basil and black pepper.

Mix all the ingredients with your hands in a bowl until smooth (the dough should be firm and slightly tight). Roll out the finished dough, prick in several places with a fork. Use toppings of your choice for making pizza.

Try it, experiment, and you can surely not only appreciate the yeast-free pizza dough, but also make your own absolutely irresistible pizza.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

How delicious at home and easy to make pizza dough? Yeast or yeast-free, on water, milk or kefir? Pizza dough recipes are as varied as the pizza itself. Pizza lovers prefer one or another recipe depending on their culinary preferences, but at the same time everyone wants his homemade pizza to turn out, like in an Italian pizzeria, thin and soft, or vice versa with a crispy crust.

DoughVed has collected for you 11 of the best pizza dough recipes for every taste. We are sure that everyone will find for themselves a simple and tasty way to make dough for the most popular Italian dish to their liking, learn how to bake pizza deliciously and make the right pizza dough.

The national Italian dish pizza is an open pie or flatbread with different fillings, primarily tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. The term "pizza" first appears in the texts of the XX century, although the ancestors of pizza - cakes with cheese - existed in ancient Greek cuisine.

The invention of modern pizza is credited to the Naples culinary specialists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Since then, hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to make pizza and pizza dough have been invented. Today we will talk about 4 yeast and 7 yeast-free dough recipes, the intricacies and secrets of making homemade pizza like in an Italian pizzeria, and also tell you how you can freeze the remaining dough for future use.

How to make homemade pizza dough: cooking rules

What dough for making pizza at home to choose? The classic Italian version and the simplest pizza dough is a yeast base in water without eggs, but sticking to the traditional technique is not at all necessary. In home cooking, pizza dough is prepared without yeast, with kefir, milk or sour cream, with mayonnaise or even beer. Make a fluffy, crunchy pizza dough or thin and soft, like in a pizzeria - decide for yourself.

Read:- Three recipes for fluffy and soft puff pizza.

Regardless of which recipe you choose, the pizza dough during kneading should be springy and soft (unless, of course, this is a batter), pliable and easy to handle. If you add too much flour during kneading so that it does not stick to your hands, the required consistency will disappear.

DoughVed advises. The best way out in this situation is not to add flour while kneading, but to grease your hands with vegetable oil.

When it comes to baking real Italian pizza directly, the two most important conditions are high temperature and minimum toppings. It is not for nothing that Italian masters of pizzaiolo (it. Pizzaiolo) prepare pizza in special wood-burning ovens. In a traditional Pompeian oven, the temperature is so high that it takes just 90 seconds to cook a pizza.

Avid pizza lovers should consider purchasing a special wood-burning or gas-fired pizza oven - such an oven will have to be installed in the backyard of a country or private house - or take care of buying a portable electric mini-oven that is suitable for indoor use, including in an apartment.

In the absence of a stove, preheat the oven to the maximum, the higher the temperature, the better. For example, at 260 ° C in just 5-10 minutes, at 220 ° C in 10-15 minutes. For the same reason, put a baking sheet or a special stone for baking pizza in the oven in advance so that it has time to warm up, and transfer the pizzas to an already hot surface.

The more toppings on the pizza, the longer the cooking time, the more wet the finished baked goods will come out - not at all the result that I would like to achieve from making homemade pizza. Limit yourself to a thin layer of your favorite topping and some good cheese.

Fast yeast pizza dough

10 minutes to prepare

5 minutes to cook

270 kcal per 100 g

The classic instant yeast pizza dough recipe with step by step photos.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, about 450-500 g of finished dough are obtained, which is enough to bake one large pizza or two medium pizzas with a diameter of about 25 cm.

Pizza yeast dough can be frozen and stored for up to three months in the freezer.


  • dry fast-acting yeast - 1 tsp;
  • warm water (not hot) - three quarters of a glass;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp


  1. Let's prepare the necessary ingredients: yeast, warm water, flour and salt. Dissolve yeast in water: pour water into a kneader bowl or a large bowl, sprinkle the yeast evenly into the water and leave until it dissolves.
  2. Add flour and salt to water with yeast, stir with a rubber spatula. At this stage, the dough should begin to clump into powdery lumps.
  3. Knead using a kneader or with your hands on a floured cutting board for 5-8 minutes, until the dough forms into a smooth, slightly sticky ball, springy when pressed with your finger. If the dough sticks too much to the kneader bowl or hands, add a little more flour, but not more than 1 tbsp. at a time.
  4. Option 1: we make pizza right away. If time is limited, use a quick yeast pizza dough immediately after mixing. The finished baked goods will be thin and crispy.
  5. Option 2: let the dough rise. If we plan to make pizza on the same day, and we have free time, grease the bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough there, cover with cling film and leave to increase in volume at room temperature for 1-1.5 hours.
  6. Option 3: we make the basis in advance. If we bake pizza in the next few days, close the bowl of dough and put it in the refrigerator. If you have time, you can let the dough rise for at least half an hour before placing it in the refrigerator, although you can skip this step.
  7. If the dough was in the refrigerator, take it out and let it warm to room temperature. In the meantime, preheat the oven as much as possible. Place a pizza stone or a thick baking tray with low sides in the lower third of the oven.
  8. Divide the dough in half, roll out or flatten each half into a circle with a diameter of about 25 cm. Transfer to baking paper, cover with a quarter cup of sauce, cheese and filling to taste. Gently transfer the pizza to a baking sheet or stone and bake until golden brown and the cheese melts. The baking time depends on the temperature in the oven and how thin or thick the base is rolled.
  9. Chill the pizza a little and serve immediately. Cover the second half of the dough with sauce, cheese and filling and send to the oven.

Thin and soft pizza dough like in a pizzeria

The pizza dough, soft and thin, like in a pizzeria, is prepared with yeast, but has a number of cooking subtleties. For this recipe, you should always use only premium wheat flour, with a high content, which gives the dough its soft texture.

A quicker cooking option is to let the dough rise in a warm place for half an hour, although the ideal solution is to refrigerate it for 12-24 hours or more. This method slows down the fermentation of the dough, and a thin and soft pizza base is much tastier.

From the specified number of products, one pizza with a diameter of 30-35 cm is obtained.


  • warm water (about 45 ° C) - two-thirds of a glass;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast fast-acting or raw (pressed) - 1 tsp. without a slide;
  • wheat flour - 1 glass and three quarters;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil;
  • corn starch - 1 tablespoon


  1. Combine sugar and warm water in a small bowl. Stir until sugar dissolves. Spread yeast evenly over the surface of the water, mix and leave for 5-10 minutes until foam forms.
  2. Pour the flour and salt into a medium bowl. Pour in water with yeast. Stir until a soft dough is formed.
  3. Transfer to a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. If necessary, add 1 tbsp. flour at a time.
  4. Shape into a ball and place in a greased bowl, turning several times so that the dough is completely covered with butter. Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film and leave it warm until it doubles in volume, about 30 minutes, or in the refrigerator for at least 12-24 hours.
  5. Place the dough on a floured work surface and knead for 2 minutes. Flatten with palms into a disk with a diameter of about 18 cm. Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  6. We stretch the base a little more with our hands, again leave it alone for 2-3 minutes. We repeat the procedure several times until the base is 30-35 cm in diameter.
  7. Grease a suitable baking dish and sprinkle with starch. We spread the sauce and filling on the base and carefully transfer it to the mold. Bake on the lower level of the oven at high temperature until tender.

Don't add too much sauce - real pizza, like in a pizzeria, shouldn't be wet.

Real Italian pizza dough recipe

Strictly speaking, almost every pizza yeast dough is Italian, although in each region of Italy pizza is prepared in its own way. For example, the thin base for a Naples pizza consists of only wheat flour that is high in protein, yeast, salt and water. The most popular Naples pizza is Margarita with San Marzano tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

Traditional Sicilian pizza is usually quite thick and square in shape, like focaccia, stuffed with onions, anchovies, tomatoes and herbs, and cacocavallo or toma cheese.

DoughVed offers another recipe for Italian pizza dough at home: due to the presence of olive oil in the composition, such dough does not need to be left for fermentation for a long time, the pizza can be baked within 10 minutes after all the ingredients have been mixed.


  • warm water (45 ° C) - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp with a slide;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 2.5 cups.


  1. Stir sugar and yeast in warm water until completely dissolved. Add olive oil and salt and stir again.
  2. We begin to stir in flour in small portions. Stir until completely homogeneous. We leave for 10 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, preheat the oven. Grease your fingers with olive oil and smooth the dough into the desired shape with your hands. Apply the sauce and your favorite filling.
  4. Carefully transfer the pizza blank onto a stone and bake in a hot oven until the filling is done. Cool slightly and serve.

With this amount of ingredients, you can make two medium round pizzas with a diameter of 30 cm.

Yeast-free pizza dough: recipe in 5 minutes

This is the simplest yeast-free pizza dough: the recipe contains only 5 ingredients in 5 minutes - flour, baking powder, salt, milk, butter. The dough does not need to be left to settle, it is enough to mix all the ingredients and you can start baking.


  • wheat flour - 2 cups and a quarter;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a quarter tsp;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • butter at room temperature - 50 g.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Prepare a baking sheet or a stone.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Knead with a kneader at low speed or stir with a spatula until the dough begins to gather into a ball.
  3. Sprinkle flour on a cutting board and rolling pin. We place the dough on the board and shape it into a ball with our hands. Roll out with a rolling pin into a cake of the desired thickness.
  4. Apply the sauce and filling, bake at 220 ° C for 12-15 minutes. We take it out of the oven, cool it for a couple of minutes and serve the pizza to the table.

The recipe for yeast-free pizza dough in 5 minutes is perfect for preparing a delicious and quick quick dinner: fragrant homemade pizza will be completely ready in just 15 minutes. It is also better to use a simple filling, sausage and cheese are ideal.

Yeast-free kefir pizza dough recipe

Oven-free kefir pizza dough is another great alternative to the classic recipe. It is prepared simply and quickly, it turns out to be very tasty and soft inside and with a beautiful golden crust on top, no worse than yeast.


  • kefir - 140 ml (half a glass);
  • wheat flour - 200 g (one and two thirds of a glass);
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp


  1. Mix kefir, flour, salt, soda and butter in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Knead the soft dough for a few minutes. If it sticks too much to your hands, add 1 tablespoon each. flour at a time or grease palms with vegetable oil. If the dough turns out to be too dense, add 1 tsp each. kefir or water.
  3. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough in it, close and let stand for 45 minutes. Shortly before the expiration of the specified time, prepare the filling and preheat the oven.
  4. Roll out or flatten the dough, coat with sauce, cover with filling and bake for 15 minutes at 220 o C. We immediately serve hot pizza to the table.

Mozzarella cheese is best combined with kefir dough.

Delicious and quick pizza dough

A very tasty and quick yeast-free pizza dough can be made using natural yoghurt without additives. Absolutely any filling, salty or sweet, is suitable for such a base - pizza always turns out amazingly tasty, the main thing is not to forget to add baking powder to the dough.


  • wheat flour - 1-1.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt - three quarters of a tsp;
  • natural yogurt - 1 glass.


  1. Combine and mix dry ingredients - flour, baking powder and salt.
  2. In a mixing bowl, mix the bulk ingredients with the yogurt. Mix until smooth, scraping the dough off the sides of the bowl if necessary. Knead the dough at medium-high speed.
  3. Alternative: combine all the ingredients in a bowl and stir with a spatula until smooth. Knead on a board generously floured for 5-8 minutes.
  4. If necessary, if the yogurt is very thick, stir in half a glass of flour in small portions. The dough should be slightly sticky to the touch, but not sticky to your hands.
  5. We level the base with our hands according to the size of the mold, on top - sauce and filling. We bake in a hot oven at 220 ° C for 10-12 minutes (we adjust the cooking time depending on the filling used).

The dough is enough to bake two medium-sized pizzas or one very large open cake. In the absence of natural yogurt, it can be replaced with sour cream or thick fatty kefir.

Pizza dough with milk without yeast

The difference between this recipe for pizza dough in milk without yeast is in the presence of eggs and olive oil. These two ingredients give the yeastless milk pizza dough the necessary elasticity and pliability. The base is prepared very quickly - you just need to mix all the necessary ingredients.


  • wheat flour - one and a half cups;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • milk - half a glass.


  1. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. We make a recess in the center.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg, olive oil and milk until smooth. Pour into the groove in the bulk ingredients. Stir until a soft dough is obtained.
  3. We transfer to the dusty flour and knead with our hands until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. We level the baking dish with our hands.
  4. We spread the sauce and filling on the resulting crust, bake in a well-heated oven until tender. Let it cool for a couple of minutes and immediately serve hot pizza on the table.

The baking powder in the recipe is required, although it can be replaced with 0.5 tsp. pre-slaked baking soda.

Yeast-Free Thin Pizza Dough Recipe

Thin pizza dough without yeast in water is prepared quickly and using the most affordable ingredients - flour, water, baking powder, salt and olive oil (the latter can be replaced with vegetable oil). In the absence of yeast, milk or kefir at home, this recipe for a delicious and thin dough will help you prepare delicious homemade Italian-style pizza in a matter of minutes.


  • wheat flour - 2.5 cups (350 g);
  • baking powder - 2.5-3 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 0.75-1 glass (170-220 ml).


  1. In a bowl, mix dry foods: flour, baking powder and salt. Add olive oil and three quarters of a glass of water. Stir until the mass gathers into a ball.
  2. If the dough is too dense, add another quarter glass of water - it should be soft and non-sticky.
  3. Knead with your hands on a floured work surface for 3-4 minutes.
  4. We level the base with our hands in the desired shape, lay out the sauce, cheese and filling. We bake in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 10-15 minutes or until tender.

With this amount of dough, two medium-sized thin pizzas (about 35 cm in diameter) can be baked. For an original taste, you can mix garlic powder, dried basil or a mixture of Italian herbs with flour before mixing.

Instant Pizza Batter

Instant pizza batter is another way to make a quick homemade pizza. A quick batter for pizza is prepared on kefir, sour cream, milk and even mayonnaise; it does not need to be kneaded with your hands or left for 2 hours before baking.


  • wheat flour - 1 glass;
  • Provencal herbs - a quarter tsp;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - two-thirds of a glass;
  • salt - a quarter tsp


  1. Combine flour, dried herbs, eggs, milk and salt. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Grease a baking tray with fat and dust with flour. Pour the batter into a baking sheet and distribute it evenly with a spoon.
  3. We bake the pizza base in an oven preheated to 200 ° C.
  4. We take out the base and put the sauce, cheese to taste and your favorite filling on it. We bake with the filling for another 15 minutes at 200 ° C.

This batter can be used to bake a very tasty pizza about 20x30 cm in the oven, or to cook it. Ideal fillings are minced meat or salami sausage.

Sour cream dough for pizza

The good thing about pizza dough on sour cream without yeast is that neither baking powder nor chicken eggs are used in the recipe - only sour cream, butter, flour and a little salt. All ingredients just need to be mixed and kneaded, and you can bake delicious pizza right away.


  • butter - 150 g;
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • wheat flour - 2.5 cups;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Melt the butter and cool slightly. We mix ghee, sour cream and salt.
  2. We begin to add flour in small portions, stirring thoroughly each time. The dough should be soft, slightly oily, not sticky to your hands. Do not add too much flour or it will become tight.
  3. Divide the dough in half if making two small pizzas. We knead each half with our hands, sprinkle with a small amount of flour, and form into a ball.
  4. We level both balls into two pizza bases, grease with sauce, spread the cheese and the desired filling. We bake in a well-preheated oven until tender.

From this amount of sour cream, butter, flour and salt, you can make two small pizzas or one large one. Keep in mind that the more you use toppings for the base, the longer the homemade pizza will take to bake in the oven.

Bread Maker Pizza Dough Recipe

Pizza yeast dough in a bread machine is probably the easiest way to make a classic Italian base. The bread maker will do all the work of kneading the dough for you. Panasonic, Redmond and Moulinex make the whole process of making pizza at home much easier, LG and Kenwood are doing just as well.

DoughVed advises. The names of the programs you need may differ from model to model: carefully read the instructions for your bread maker.

Ingredients for 500 g of dough

  • water - two-thirds of a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • bread or wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • dry fast-acting yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • corn starch - 1 tablespoon

Proportions for 700 g of dough

  • water - 1 glass;
  • olive or vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - three quarters of a tsp;
  • flour for baking bread or wheat - 3 cups;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • corn starch - 1 tablespoon


  1. Add water, vegetable oil, salt, flour and yeast to the bowl of the bread machine in the order indicated or as recommended by the manufacturer of the bread machine in the attached instructions.
  2. Set the bread maker to Pizza (Panasonic, Moulinex, Kenwood) or Dough (Redmond, LG) mode. The required program can be called differently, depending on the model of the bread machine: "Pizza dough", "Yeast dough".
  3. When the bread maker has completed the program, take out the dough and knead it slightly on a floured surface. For each pizza, grease the mold and sprinkle with starch. Put the dough in a mold and cover with fillings to taste.
  4. We bake for 15-20 minutes at 220 ° C or until the base acquires a golden crust and the cheese begins to melt and form bubbles.

From a recipe for 500 g, you can make 1-2 pizzas, depending on the desired thickness and diameter. A 700 g recipe is enough to make three pizzas like in a medium-sized Italian pizzeria.

It is very easy to diversify the classic yeast pizza dough in a bread maker:

  • Whole grain: Cook according to the recipe above, but replace half of the flour with whole grain. Try using mushrooms, hard cheese, and cervelat or bacon for the filling.
  • Italian with basil and parmesan: add 3 tablespoons to the bread maker. grated parmesan and 1 tsp. dried basil with flour. It goes well with green bell peppers, purple onions, tomatoes and mozzarella.
  • Mexican style: Mix together with flour 2-3 tbsp. cornstarch and 1 tbsp. Mexican spice mix, and also eliminate salt from the recipe. Top with hot tomato sauce, sautéed ground beef, onions, bell peppers, and cheddar cheese.

How to freeze dough

Many pizza dough recipes are designed for making two or even three open pies - this is quite convenient, but not always suitable for a small family. To avoid eating one pizza for a week in a row, the dough can be frozen.

You can freeze absolutely any dough with the exception of liquid - the yeast must first be allowed to rise, and then divided into portions sufficient for making 1 pizza. Such blanks can be stored in the freezer for up to three months - on the eve of the day of preparation, transfer one portion from the freezer to the refrigerator and leave overnight.

What is needed

  • fully prepared dough (if yeast, you first need to let it rise) in any quantity;
  • olive oil;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • bags for freezing food.


  1. We knead the dough according to the selected recipe. We form into separate balls, sufficient in size for making 1 pizza.
  2. We put it on paper (this is optional, but it is more convenient to work with it) and cover each ball with a thin layer of olive oil on all sides.
  3. We place the ball in the freezing bag, close the plastic zipper and release all the air from the bag. We place it in the freezer and store it for no more than three months.

Before use, it is enough to move one bag to the refrigerator for 12 hours, and then remove the dough from the bag and leave to warm up at room temperature for half an hour.

Friends, we hope we helped you decide how to make pizza dough no worse than in an Italian pizzeria. Share your recipes, reviews and new culinary ideas in the comments!

Quantity - 500 gr. test,
Cooking time - 20 minutes (+30 minutes for ripening).


  • Flour- 2 glasses,
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Yeast - 20 g fresh or 7 g. (1/3 sachet) dry.
  • Vegetable butter- 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

We prepare the dough like this:

  1. We heat the water so that it is slightly warm, and dilute the yeast in it.
  2. We put a glass of yeast in a warm place, let it stand for 10 minutes so that the yeast wakes up.
  3. Then add vegetable oil to the water, stir and pour the whole thing into flour.
  4. Knead the tough dough. Although the dough turns out to be tough, it is still soft.
  5. We cover the dough with a lid and let it stand for half an hour in a warm place, during which time the dough will double, although, not a fact, it all depends on the temperature of the water and the surrounding space.
  6. That's all, simple pizza dough ready.
  7. As long as the dough is right, you can prepare the filling. The most important principle: spread tomato(in winter you can even pickled) or tomato sauce first of all on the dough, and then everything else, and at the end sprinkle the whole pizza with butter on top.

The Italians' original pizza was a flatbread, on which they dropped everything in the morning that they hadn't eaten last night, so don't be shy about the fillings, everything will do, of course, within certain limits, the products should be consistent with each other. For example, I do not recommend using pizza at the same time fish and meat, but if the pizza is with sausage, then it is even desirable to use several types of sausages, if with cheese, then several types of cheese, etc. So, the filling was laid out and sprinkled on top with an onion, sprinkle with mayonnaise and sprinkle generously with grated cheese, at the end sprinkle with butter. Pizza should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for about half an hour.