Charlotte with apples and sour cream sauce. Apple charlotte (with vanilla sauce)

07.03.2020 Salads

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Charlotte with apples - a recipe for a delicious and simple charlotte in the oven and slow cooker. In order for a lush charlotte with apples from a simple recipe to turn out tasty and aromatic, it is best to use sour apple varieties. And only at home you get the most delicious apple charlotte. Is it possible to find a family in our country that does not cook apple charlotte in a generous autumn? Despite the variety of options for its execution, the classic is still the simplest biscuit, to which apples are added.

Delicious and simple charlotte recipes with apples

As for the name of charlotte, there is a romantic story about a hopelessly in love chef who figured out how to cook charlotte with apples and dedicated this recipe to the lady of his heart Charlotte. This is how the charlotte pie appeared. Charlotte is prepared using a variety of fillings, among which there may be berries common for Russia, and exotic fruits, but the classic option is still charlotte with apples. A simple charlotte recipe will be described below.

The flavor of the pie is highly dependent on the type of apple used. It is very important that they are natural, not beautiful, chemical-filling. Good apples are easy to spot:

  • Firstly, they will not be completely liquid and shiny, some kind of defect is always found (a small wormhole, a crust in various places, etc., show that insects would also like this fruit very much);
  • Secondly, the freshest apples appear in various regions of the country mainly in late summer - early autumn, when a new crop arrives.

There are many different recipes for baking charlotte on the Internet, but many do not really like to cook dishes that take too long or have a complex recipe for cooking. Many authors propose to separate the whites from the yolks, but this procedure requires a certain skill so that not a drop of the yolk gets into the protein.

Someone recommends degreasing the dishes in which the eggs will be beaten. We will not do any of this, because in this article we suggest that you bake in the oven the simplest delicious charlotte with apples that you always get. In doing so, we will use a minimum of ingredients that are always at hand.

Charlotte with apples classic recipe

Classic apple charlotte recipe


  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • Sour apples;
  • 3 chicken eggs (chilled in the refrigerator);
  • Soda (on the tip of a teaspoon) quenched with vinegar;
  • 1 cup sifted flour

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl in which you will beat them. Set the mixer to medium speed and beat the eggs until frothy. If there is no mixer or combine, you can do this with a whisk or even a fork, but then the time for whipping the mixture will increase accordingly;
  2. Gradually add sugar to this mass, then soda, quenched with vinegar. Stir the mixture well. Add the sifted flour, continuing to beat for about 1-2 minutes. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream;
  3. Cover the form in which you will bake the apple charlotte with parchment paper for baking. If you want, you can grease it with butter, but I don't (why would I need extra troubles!). If you are using a silicone mold, no paper is needed;
  4. In the ingredients of the charlotte, we did not indicate the number of apples. This is because apples are different in size and also because many people like it when there are a lot of apples. But then our apple pie inside turns out to be wet. If you want your charlotte to be dry inside, take smaller apples, namely 2 medium apples or 4 small ones. You can cut the skin from apples if you want, but, in principle, you can not do this. We cut the fruit into arbitrary pieces and evenly place it in the form;
  5. Pour the dough on top, trying to cover all the apples. We level with a spoon;
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put our apple pie in it for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes so that the charlotte does not settle. We check the readiness of the cake with a match or a toothpick. If the stick is dry and the crust is browned, the apple charlotte is ready! Let the pie cool in the oven for another 15 minutes and serve. You can turn it over and remove the paper. Or you don't have to turn it over as you like. By the way, you can sprinkle on top with powdered sugar or chocolate chips for beauty.

Charlotte with cottage cheese and apples

Unusual charlotte with cottage cheese and apples attracts with its tenderness and softness. By the way, in this pie, the usual flour is replaced with semolina, because of which the charlotte literally melts in your mouth.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6 medium apples;
  • 1 glass of raw semolina;
  • A little fresh lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the center with seeds and cut into equal slices;
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice and a little sugar;
  3. Punch sugar with raw eggs, add melted butter, baking powder to the mixture and stir vigorously with a spoon;
  4. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve and add it to the batter, then add semolina;
  5. Let stand for about 10-15 minutes. Place the apple slices on the bottom of the oiled form, pour the dough on top;
  6. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 220 ° C, after five minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for another 40–45 minutes.

Historically, charlotte was made from white bread, custard, apples, and liquor. Theoretically, it can be done with any fruits and berries. And practically - the most delicious is still obtained from simple sour apples - for example, Antonovka or Simirenka - and eggs carefully beaten with sugar. In the simplest version, you need to cut the apples into thin slices and put them on the bottom of a baking dish, and pour a dough of four eggs, a glass of sugar and a glass of flour on top. And bake at 200 degrees for only 30-35 minutes.

Traditional recipe for charlotte


  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Apple - 1 kg.;
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the whites with half a glass of sugar;
  2. Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar;
  3. Combine everything and gradually add flour;
  4. Add salt and soda;
  5. Add diced apples;
  6. Grease a baking dish and sprinkle with semolina;
  7. Put the mass in a mold and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees;
  8. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven

A simple recipe for a lush charlotte with apples is obliged to settle in the culinary notebook of even the youngest hostess. This pastry is prepared in an elementary way, but it always turns out surprisingly tasty, tender and "airy". Lush classic charlotte with apples does not lose its taste the next day, solving the issue of an afternoon snack and a sweet snack.


  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Green apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice - 3-4 drops;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Separating the yolks from the proteins, beat with a mixer, adding at once the entire norm of sugar. We achieve complete dissolution of sugar grains, as well as a significant increase in the volume of the mass;
  2. Now let's get down to working with proteins. To make the mass better beaten, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice, it will also help get rid of the possible egg smell while cooking the biscuit. We work with a mixer until a lush white mass is obtained;
  3. Transfer the whipped whites to the yolks. Mix gently to achieve uniformity. If you want to make charlotte as quickly and simply as possible, you can beat eggs with sugar in one container at once, without dividing it into whites and yolks. But in this case, the cake will come out less "airy".
    Then, in small portions, sift the flour into the egg mass, stirring each time with movements from the bottom up. As a result, the dough should be smooth and uniform, without flour lumps;
  4. We coat a detachable baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm from the inside with a piece of butter, pre-cover the bottom with parchment (you can use a container of a larger size - in this case, the cake will turn out to be not so high, but no less tasty). For charlotte, we choose hard green apples of sour varieties. After cleaning and removing the core, cut it into thin plates and place it on the bottom of a heat-resistant container;
  5. Fill the apples with the prepared dough and remove the mold in a hot oven for 30-35 minutes (until a golden crust appears). We maintain the temperature at around 180 degrees. During the baking process, we try not to open the oven once again so that the fluffy biscuit does not sink.
    You can make sure that it is ready in the traditional way - immerse a match in the dough. If it remains dry, the apple charlotte is ready! After slightly cooling the baking, remove the split board. Turn the cake over, remove the parchment and serve;
  6. Lush classic charlotte with apples is completely ready! Enjoy your tea!

Apple fast charlotte

Instant apple charlotte


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Melted ice cream or white chocolate - 150-200 g or to taste;
  • Wheat flour - 1 glass;
  • Large apples - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - for lubricating the mold;
  • White granulated sugar - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and core washed apples, chop them coarsely;
  2. We drown white chocolate for a couple. If you want to add ice cream to the cake, then take it out of the refrigerator early and leave it at room temperature for a while so that it has time to melt;
  3. Drive eggs into a bowl, mix them with sugar;
  4. Beat the egg-sugar mass with a mixer for at least 5 minutes;
  5. Pour flour into the mixture in small portions, while beating the dough with a mixer. We should have a consistency not thick, but not liquid sour cream;
  6. Pour ice cream or chocolate into the finished dough, mix the mass gently;
  7. Grease the baking dish with butter (you can replace it with vegetable oil), put the crushed apples in it;
  8. Fill the fruit with sweet dough, which must be evenly distributed over the entire form;
  9. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. You need to bake a quick charlotte only in a hot oven so that it can bake thoroughly;
  10. We bake dessert for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 °;
  11. After cooking, cool the baked goods a little, then cut into portions and serve warm with tea to the table.

Charlotte in a slow cooker: a simple recipe


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Apples - 500 g.;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Wheat flour - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Wash eggs with baking soda and break into a bowl, add sugar;
  2. Beat eggs with sugar - first at slow speeds, then at fast speeds until fluffy;
  3. The more fluffy the mixture is whipped, the better the charlotte with apples will turn out;
  4. Add flour, baking powder and cinnamon and knead the dough to a consistency like thick sour cream;
  5. Cut the apples into cubes and add to the dough. Usually, when cooking charlotte, this is not done. But with apples, charlotte turns out to be much juicier and more tender. Here to taste and desire;
  6. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter, sprinkle with sugar a little, just a little;
  7. Cut the apple into wedges and remove the seeds. First, put thin apple slices into a multicooker. Sugar is needed so that the apples caramelize while baking the cake;
  8. Gently transfer the dough to a multicooker and spread over the surface;
  9. Cooking lush charlotte in a slow cooker in the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes. Usually, the cake is baked during this time. In any case, periodically check the pie for readiness;
  10. Let the charlotte stand for 5 minutes with the lid of the multicooker open and remove. To do this, insert the steaming rack and turn the bowl over. Bon Appetit!

Charlotte with apple and banana

Charlotte with bananas and apples

Another interesting option for making a quick charlotte is a recipe with banana and cinnamon in the oven. And although the baking technology is simple, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will not be superfluous.

The pie is baked quickly and deliciously in the oven, it gives the baked goods a beautiful blush, a light crust and a little crunch, which makes the charlotte even more appetizing. A little banana and cinnamon will only "decorate" the dessert, so be sure to add them to the charlotte if you want it to exude a pleasant aroma and have an unforgettable alluring taste.


  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Apples - 6-10 pcs.;
  • Bananas - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - to taste;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we start preparing apples and bananas: we peel them, remove the core from the apples;
  2. Cut the fruit into pieces: chop bananas into thin rings, apples into slices. If you cook the fruit after kneading the dough, then it will have time to "settle", which is not very good for baking a lush cake;
  3. Beat eggs with sugar (using a mixer) for 1-1.5 minutes to get a thick, bubbly, and most importantly - a fluffy mass;
  4. Add sifted flour, soda slaked with vinegar, then gently stir the mass so that the foam we need does not disappear;
  5. Grease the mold or cast-iron pan (for whom, in what is more convenient to cook) with plenty of oil, sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina or breadcrumbs, spread (evenly) chopped apples into it. If desired, sprinkle with cinnamon to taste;
  6. Fill the apples with part of the dough, put the banana rings on top, fill the fruit with the dough again;
  7. We place the pan / pan with charlotte in a preheated oven, bake the pie for 20-25 minutes on fire, a little over medium. From time to time, the dessert needs to be checked with a toothpick for readiness.

After the final preparation, we take out the quick charlotte together with the form from the oven. We give the pie a little time to cool down, after which we take out the dessert, cut it into pieces, and then we carry it, beautiful and fragrant, to be eaten by our household.

Compared to the standard cooking technology, where the pie is baked for more than an hour, a quick charlotte with apples is made in just half an hour. It is easy to prepare, but it has a very exquisite original taste, for which it is impossible not to fall in love with it. Cook your favorite dessert quickly and tasty, and may your efforts not disappoint you. Bon Appetit!

The incomparable CHARLOTTE | The most delicious recipe

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A quick and delicious dessert for a family evening or tea with friends. If guests suddenly appear, if you just want to fill the house with the aroma of apples and cinnamon, prepare charlotte, deviating from the classic rules for making biscuits.

We will take healthy flour, many different spices and make charlotte more friendly to our body, without losing quality and taste.

Useful charlotte


  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 4 flat tablespoons cane sugar
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of amaranth flour
  • 1 heaping tablespoon whole grain wheat flour
  • 1 rounded tablespoon of almond flour
  • 1 tbsp with a small heap of premium wheat flour
  • 2 grams of ground cardamom
  • 1 gram nutmeg
  • 3 grams of cinnamon
  • 1 vanilla pod or teaspoon of liquid vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon organic baking soda
  • pinch of Himalayan salt
  • 2 sour green apples, such as Antonovka or Simirenko


Break 4 eggs into a bowl without separating the whites and yolks. Add sugar, flour, spices and beat with a mixer until smooth.

Peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. Add apples to the mass.

Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. Put the mass with apples into a mold and place in a preheated oven at 160 ° C. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the charlotte rises and browns. Check with a toothpick: if the dough does not stick and becomes elastic, the charlotte is ready.

Choose charlotte, cool it down and serve with tea, coffee and a smile 🙂

You can season the charlotte with vanilla sauce, this will make it more juicy. Personally, I like it more with sauce, and my husband without it. So experiment 🙂 I painted the recipe for vanilla sauce

1. Classic charlotte
-Sugar 1 glass
-Chicken egg 5 pieces
- Wheat flour 1 glass
-Apples 4-7 pieces depending on the size
-Soda 1/3 teaspoon
-Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon

1. Preheat the oven. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam, gradually adding sugar.
2. Continue whisking, adding yolks one at a time, then slaked baking soda and flour. The consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream.
3. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Pour half of the dough onto a baking sheet, spread the apples evenly cut into slices, pour over the second half of the dough.
4. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven. Hold for 3 minutes at maximum temperature, then reduce to medium and bake for 20-25 minutes.

2. Apple charlotte.
-Apples 1 - 1.1 kilograms
-Sugar sand - 300 grams
- Flour - 300 grams
-Egg - 4 pieces
-Cinnamon - 1 tablespoon
- Lemon - 2/3 of the whole fruit
-Vanilla - to taste
-Cognac - 2 tablespoons
- Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon

Let's start with apples. It is better to take more sour varieties in charlotte, but you can also take any. Try to cook with different ones, experiment. Choose according to your taste.

Wash my apples, dry them. We will shred it in thin slices.
Place in a deep bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon. We extract the juice from the lemon, add it to the apples so that they do not darken.
Finally, sprinkle the apples with cognac.
Close it tightly with a lid, let them wait in the wings.
Now let's "conjure" the dough. It will not be difficult to make it.
Beat eggs with granulated sugar. When adding flour to eggs, I always pass it through a sieve.

Mix flour with beaten eggs.
I usually do it with a spoon, but today I was in a hurry and connected a blender to the process.
All quickly mixed into a homogeneous mass.

I have already turned on the baking oven, it has heated up to 180 degrees.
I grease a special form with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with granulated sugar, quite a bit.
I spread some of the dough into a mold and level it.

Then I take the apples. Their appearance pleases, they have not darkened. I spread it into the form in even layers.
I like the apples in the charlotte to have more dough. The final stage is closing our apples with the second portion of the dough.
Decorate with apples on top, lightly sprinkle them with granulated sugar.

We send our charlotte to the oven for 40 - 45 minutes. Time may take 5-7 minutes, check your pie.
How to determine readiness remember, I already said. Pierce with a toothpick, the dough does not stick to it - the threshold is ready. Charlotte turned out to be bright and ruddy. The apple aroma is intoxicating.

3. Charlotte with apples (usual)
-4 eggs,
-a glass of sugar,
-a glass of flour,
-1 or 2 apples (depending on size),
- oil (for lubricating the mold),
- a circle of lemon to drizzle over the apples.

Apples need to be peeled, cored and cut into small wedges.
Sprinkle apples with a little lemon and mix well.
Separate the whites and yolks into separate plates.
Beat the whites separately with half a glass of sugar, and separately the yolks with the remaining sugar.
It is not necessary to beat everything hard, until the sugar dissolves, you can just beat a little to get a good homogeneous mass.
Combine whites with yolks, mix and add flour.
Mix everything thoroughly, you get a batter.
Lubricate the form with butter (butter or vegetable), sprinkle lightly with flour.
Pour half of the dough into a mold and lay out the apple pieces.
Fill the apples with the remaining dough.
We bake charlotte in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.
Charlotte with apples is ready !!!

4. Recipe for charlotte in a bread maker.
Charlotte is one of the simplest and most delicious pie recipes. And it is very variable - any fruits and berries, cream, chocolate, nuts, vanillin, cinnamon - everything goes well.

There is not much difference - in the bread maker or in the oven - there is no. All the same, you will have to beat the dough with a mixer or spoon.

Wheat flour - 200 g
-sugar - 200 g
- apples - 2 pcs.
- egg - 5 pcs.
-vanilla, cinnamon

How to cook charlotte in a bread maker:
1. Put peeled and finely chopped apples on the bottom of the bucket. They will go down anyway.
2. Beat eggs with sugar in a very fluffy foam. But combine with flour carefully, with a spoon. And don't bother too much. Put the dough on top of the apples.
3. Baking mode 90 min. Start!
Bon Appetit!

5. Charlotte without eggs.

Since childhood, all of us are familiar with such a delicious pie as charlotte. Initially, this pie was prepared exclusively with apples, and one of the necessary ingredients for cooking was necessarily eggs. However, at the moment, there are already dozens, and possibly hundreds, of cooking options for this dish with various changes in the composition of the ingredients. We bring to your attention a wonderful recipe for making charlotte without eggs.

At the end of cooking, let stand for a few minutes so that the charlotte is well behind the form in which it was baked. When serving, you can sprinkle the cake with icing sugar and garnish with berries. This dish is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

You will need:
flour - 1 tbsp.
- semolina - 1 tbsp.
-kefir - 1 tbsp.
- apples - 1 kg
-sugar - 1 tbsp.
- sunflower oil (refined) - 1/2 tbsp.
- vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
-soda - 1 tsp.

How to cook apple charlotte without eggs:
1. Mix semolina with sugar, pour in kefir and set aside while you are doing apples.
2. Wash the apples well, peel and cut into thin slices.
3. Mix flour, semolina with sugar and kefir, vegetable oil, salt and vanilla sugar.
4. Extinguish the baking soda and pour into the dough. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
5. Add the sliced ​​apples to the dough and mix again.
6. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina.
7. Pour the dough into a mold and place in a preheated oven.
8. Bake for 40 minutes at an oven temperature of 180 degrees.
Bon Appetit!
Author Olga Ivanchenko

6. Charlotte with apples and bananas.
flour - 1 tbsp.
apples - 3-4 pcs.
bananas - 3 pcs.
sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
eggs - 4 pcs.

How to cook apple and banana charlotte:
1. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour.
2. Peel and slice apples and bananas.
3. Grease the mold with vegetable oil, lay out the fruits and cover them with dough.
4. In an oven preheated to 180 ° C, you need to bake charlotte for 30-35 minutes. After all, this is a wet cake, and it is better to check its readiness not with a match - with a toothpick. They will be wet all the time ... As the dough starts to lag behind the sides, it's done.
5. Sprinkle the charlotte with powdered sugar.
Bon Appetit!

7. Charlotte with apples and cottage cheese
- cottage cheese - 300 g
- apples - 4 pcs.
- butter - 150 g
-sugar - 1 tbsp.
- eggs - 3 pcs.
- sour cream - 3 tablespoons
-soda - 0.5 tsp.
-flour - how much it takes to make the dough, like a thick swept. Usually - 2-3 tbsp.

8. How to cook charlotte with apples and cottage cheese:
1. Mash the cottage cheese well.
2. Beat eggs with sugar until thick foam.
3. Melt the butter, cool slightly, and gently pour it into the eggs. Add cottage cheese, sour cream and baking soda. Mix everything.
4. You need so much flour so that the dough is like thick sour cream.
5. Peel the apples, cut into slices. Add to the dough and stir again.
6. Grease a frying pan well with vegetable oil and pour the dough into it. Bake over medium heat for about an hour if in a skillet, slightly less if on a baking sheet.
7. Use a toothpick or a match to check that the cake is cooked. Yes, more advice. Sometimes you bake and bake, and the toothpick shows everything - it's wet. If the dough comes off the edges and the color is golden-brownish (and the smell is awesome), then you're done.
8. Do not forget about the calorie content, so invite guests so that they will get some of the calories.
Bon Appetit!
Author Olga Ivanchenko

9. Charlotte with apples and cinnamon.
flour - 1 tbsp.
-sugar - 1 tbsp.
- apples - 3 pcs.
- eggs - 3 pcs.
- cinnamon - 1 tsp
- breading suhari - 1 tsp.
vanillin - to taste, usually half a pack or on the tip of a knife
- butter - for greasing the mold

How to make apple and cinnamon charlotte:

1. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla. Add flour.
2. Cut the apples into thin strips.
3. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place apples, dough on top. Flatten.
4.Put the cake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes.
5. Remove, cool slightly, sprinkle with cinnamon. And so as not to torment your conscience for the calories eaten - well, then you know - invite the guests!

10. Charlotte from a loaf.
-2 eggs,
-a glass of milk,
-150 g sugar
-10 apples,
-50 g butter

Beat the milk and eggs and put the thinly sliced ​​loaf into it.
Thoroughly grease a baking pan or pan.
Put prepared loaf slices on the bottom of the dish and on the sides.
Put a layer of apple slices on top, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, then bread slices and a layer of apples, etc. on top there should be a layer of bread slices.
Put oil on the last layer.
Bake in a hot oven until tender.
Apple charlotte is ready!

Bon Appetit!

Charlotte recipe with apples and sour cream sauce with step by step cooking.
  • Type of dish: Desserts and pastries
  • Complexity of the recipe: Need to practice
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • We need: Oven
  • Occasion: Dessert, lunch, breakfast
  • Preparation time: 15 min
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Calorie count: 112 kcal

Who else hasn't made charlotte at the height of the apple season? Well, maybe young hostesses who are still looking for recipes for delicious charlotte. Today I offer them a charlotte with apples and pears from my own garden.
This means that fruits are natural, tasty and healthy, without any chemical additives and with a peel not covered with any harmful preservative! I will serve charlotte with a delicate and pleasant sour cream sauce. I hope that experienced housewives will like my recipe too!

Ingredients for 8 servings

  • For the test
  • Fresh pear 4 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder 1 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar 2 tsp
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Apple 2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs 4 pcs.
  • Sauce and decoration
  • Water 200 ml
  • Citric acid 1 pinch
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar 2 tsp
  • Powdered sugar 2 tbsp l.
  • Sour cream 150 g
  • Apple 1 pc.

Step cooking recipe

  1. We take the necessary products for the dough: sugar, eggs, salt, sour cream with a fat content of 25%, flour, baking powder, 2 apples and 3-4 pears. My pears are medium-sized, but I take different varieties of apples to improve the taste, I don't cut off the peel. A glass for flour and sugar with a capacity of 250 ml.
  2. For the sauce, take 25% sour cream, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar and for decoration a large red apple, sugar, citric acid and water.
  3. I turn on the oven at 180 ° C, while it heats up, prepare the dough. Put warm (room temperature) eggs, sugar, a pinch of salt in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer until the sugar dissolves.
  4. The whole mass mixed well, turned a little white and increased in volume.
  5. Add sour cream to this mass and mix.
  6. Mix flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar in a separate bowl. We mix for about 30 seconds, put everything together.
  7. Then, add this mixture of flour to the sour cream - egg mass, mix everything gently and set it aside.
  8. The silicone mold does not require lubrication, but I do it with cold butter for the crust to bake nicely. In the middle of the form, from the hand, I cut the apples into pieces, and along the edges of the pears. Probably, it is correct to cut the fruit on the board and then put it on the mold, but I do it faster from my hand. Sprinkle the fruit lightly with sugar.
  9. And immediately, until the apples have darkened, I pour the dough over the fruit and into the oven for 40 minutes. We follow the top crust and check for dry splinters. To this step, one could add one more, the last one, with a ready-made charlotte, which would be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served to the table, tasty and aromatic, but the desire for novelty wins, and we go further and serve charlotte beautiful and tasty, with a pleasant sour cream sauce , and which you will want to do more than once.
  10. While the charlotte is cooking, we make sour cream sauce. Mix sour cream, vanilla sugar and powdered sugar and beat slightly. We put it in the refrigerator until the charlotte is ready.
  11. For decoration, we will use kind and useful advice on making apple roses. We also put the finished roses in the refrigerator.
  12. Charlotte is ready. Do not remove from the mold for 5 minutes.
  13. Then turn over onto the wire rack in order to cool slightly.
  14. Sprinkle the charlotte with powdered sugar and decorate with roses. Cut off a still warm and tasty piece, pour it with cold sour cream sauce and enjoy a tender and fragrant charlotte. Eat to your health!

One of the simplest desserts in modern Russian cuisine. Charlotte with apples has long become a delicious apple pie that has taken on a life of its own, acquired a dozen cooking options and won the hearts of home cooks.

A bit of a dark past, "which was long ago and not true." In the 15th century, the English made a strange meat pie and called it charlet... It became sweet in the 18th century and is said to have received its modern name in honor of Queen Charlotte. At the beginning of the 19th century in London, the eminent French chef Karem came up with his own version of apple pie, called the Parisian charlotte, but, having entered the service of Tsar Alexander I, he came up with a new name Russian charlotte... Then there were numerous variations of charlotte in America, Jewish and Germanic versions, Russian landowners apple grandma, the strange times of NEP with its modernization of old recipes, Stalinism with the Book about tasty and healthy food, the well-fed times of the USSR, hungry Perestroika and, finally, our time in which charlotte is a simple pie with apples.

In modern Russia, there are several styles of making charlottes, choose to taste:
... Sponge cake with apple filling,
... Cupcake with apple filling,
... Charlotte on kefir dough,
... Charlotte on sour cream dough,
... Tsvetaevskaya charlotte,
... Charlotte in a slow cooker,
... An old-fashioned charlotte with slices of yesterday's white bread.

You can take absolutely any apples for charlotte. Each variety will give its own special aroma, and this is the main secret of the variety of charlottes. Apples are considered ideal for all properties. Antonovka... Apples love lemon juice, which makes their aroma thinner, and the pulp does not darken and looks great in the pie. In all cases, the apples are cut into small pieces and mixed with the dough or the dough is poured over the apples laid out in the mold. Sometimes apples are dipped in butter or soaked in cognac to soften them.

Cane sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon or orange peel, nuts, olive oil, honey, liqueurs, cognac, rum are perfectly combined with apples in the charlotte filling. You can add one of these components, or you can create your own unique mix and get a new taste or range of shades. However, apple charlotte will be delicious even with a basic set of ingredients.

Charlotte with apples with muffin dough

For this version of the charlotte we use the classic proportions of the cake dough. The pie will turn out to be heavy, dense, but loose. Make this charlotte when you want a dense, hearty apple pie.

300-500 g of peeled apples,
100 g flour
100 g butter
2 eggs,
100 g sugar
¼ teaspoon baking powder,

Mix butter at room temperature with sugar and beat with a mixer at maximum speed. The sugar should dissolve. Add eggs (room temperature) one at a time and beat as well. Add sifted flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt and knead the dough at low speed.

Cut the apples, mix with the dough. Place the dough in a shallow, wide pan and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick or skewer - it should come out of the dough dry.

Charlotte with apples on biscuit dough

The biscuit is characterized by increased sweetness, lack of butter and lightness. It is not so easy to cook, you should be careful about the proportions. Unfortunately for those who are losing weight, the amount of sugar cannot be reduced, sugar forms the structure of the dough. Beat eggs with sugar at maximum speed, you should get a thick mass. You need to mix the dough especially carefully, since the bubbles in the egg mass will allow the cake to rise and become airy.

4 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks)
120 g icing sugar
120 g flour
300 g apples.

Beat the yolks with 100 g of sugar at the maximum speed of the mixer. Beat the egg whites into a white foam, add 20 g of sugar and continue beating until the mixture becomes thicker. Gently add the yolks to the whites, mix with movements from bottom to top. Add the sifted flour and gently mix with the beaten eggs.

Grease the pan with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, add the chopped apples and pour the biscuit dough on top. Make a small indentation in the center of the mold - this will make the cake smoother. Gently, without jolting, set the pan to bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

Charlotte with apples on biscuit dough with brandy

The whole secret is in aromatic alcohol. Brandy can be substituted with rum or cognac. Herbal tinctures are also suitable. If you want the apples in the charlotte not to darken, sprinkle them with lemon juice. Alcohol softens apples, and such a charlotte will not only be fragrant, but also extremely tender. This quality can be enhanced by cutting off the peel from the apples. In this case, the pie has a chance to be similar to a soufflé and comes close to the taste of an exquisite cake.

1 kg of apples
3 eggs,
1 cup flour
1 cup of sugar,
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
3 tbsp. spoons of brandy.

Chop apples, moisten them with brandy, drizzle with lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and stir. Beat eggs with sugar and gradually add flour, mix gently. Grease the pan with butter, put the apples, cover with the dough and bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Charlotte with apples on kefir dough

This is a simple and reliable recipe. Sugar will not affect the structure, the dough is dense and slightly sour, but it goes well with the taste of apples. It is for this recipe that we recommend taking sweet apples.

500 g apples
250 g flour
2 eggs,
100 g butter
100 g sugar
200 ml of yogurt or kefir,
½ teaspoon baking powder or baking soda,

Beat sugar with soft butter, add eggs one at a time, then kefir, sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Mix the mixture with the chopped apples. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay out the dough, flatten and bake at 190 degrees for 45 minutes.

Grandma's charlotte

The recipe differs in that the dough here is not biscuit, but also not muffin. The rise of the dough is due to soda or baking powder. The pie turns out to be dense, slightly moist. Apples are used a little more than for a regular charlotte, that is, the dough only binds the apple filling. This cake is very flavorful and should be eaten slightly warm. This is the perfect autumn-winter dessert when it is gloomy outside, and at home it smells of baked goods and comfort.

1-1.5 kg of apples,
3 eggs,
1 cup of sugar,
½ cup flour
½ teaspoon of baking soda,
1 lemon.

Chop apples, drizzle with lemon juice. Beat sugar with eggs, add flour and soda, slaked with lemon juice. Add dough to apples, stir. Place on a baked, buttered baking dish. Bake at 220 degrees until lightly browned and then at 180 degrees for another 15 minutes. Check the readiness with a toothpick - it should come out of the dough dry. If the top is browned and the inside is still damp, cover the cake with foil, reduce the flame and bake for another 10 minutes.

Charlotte with meringue

The good thing about this old-fashioned recipe is that charlotte has an unusual taste, is easy to prepare, and the ingredients are available at any store.


For the test:
5 eggs,
½ sugar,
1 bag of vanilla sugar
1 tsp baking powder
4-5 tbsp flour with a slide,
3-4 apples.

For the meringue:
2 squirrels,
4 tablespoons Sahara.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat into a strong foam, add sugar and beat well.

Stir in the yolks one at a time, do not stop whisking. Add vanillin, baking powder and sifted flour.

Pour part of the dough on the bottom of the greased form, lay out slices from half of all the apples, cover with the dough, put the other half of the apples on top.

Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Make meringue: Whisk 2 egg whites and sugar until stiff. Remove the pie quickly, top with the meringue and cook for another 10 minutes.

Charlotte on sour cream dough

There is very little flour here, and the dough rises due to well-beaten eggs. This means that all stirring of the beaten egg mass must be done with movements from the bottom up and very carefully. Butter is required to lubricate the mold. You can replace it with a vegetable one. Sour cream is needed fatty superior quality. You can take any apples.

600 g apples
6 eggs
½ cup sugar
1 glass of sour cream
½ cup flour
crackers for sprinkling.

Grind 6 yolks with sugar until white, add 7 tablespoons of sour cream. Grate 3 apples, add flour and mix everything together. Add the remaining sliced ​​apples and cinnamon. Whisk 6 whites and add to the mixture. Place in a pan, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and bake until tender.

Tsvetaevskaya charlotte

Oddly enough, this recipe is closest to the original French recipes two hundred years ago. Take apples that are juicy, ripe and fragrant. Sour cream can be replaced with very heavy cream of 33% fat or higher - it will be even tastier. If you can find natural vanilla, add it, with it the aroma will be stricter, thinner and more solemn. Use the best eggs you can find. If store-bought, then it should be category C0 and the date of packaging is not older than a week. The recipe is designed for a mold measuring 25 x 18 cm.


For the test:
150 g butter
1-1.5 cups flour
½ glass sour cream,
1.5 teaspoons baking powder (baking powder).

To fill:
1 glass of sour cream
1 cup of sugar,
1 egg,
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
4-6 large apples.

Melt the butter and refrigerate. Sift flour with baking powder. In a large bowl, combine flour and sour cream and add butter. Knead the dough. Dusting with flour, spread the dough along the bottom and edges of the mold so that you get the sides.

Wash and dry the apples. Core and cut into thin slices or slices. Spread evenly over the surface of the dough.

Put sour cream in a bowl, add sugar, vanilla sugar and an egg. Whisk well. Add flour, mix well. Pour the mixture into the mold and shake the mold a little to distribute the pouring better among the apples.

Bake for 50 minutes at 180 degrees. Ready-made Tsvetaevskaya charlotte can be served hot or cooled.

Apple charlotte from white bread

Almost original old recipe, as if the cake was made in England at the end of the 18th century. The most interesting thing is that it is even easier to cook such a charlotte than on the basis of the usual biscuit dough. The main secrets: the milk should be fat, you can even use 10% cream, there should be more butter for lubrication than usual - this will prevent the charlotte from burning. You can use yesterday's bread - that's what the British do.

500 g apples
1 glass of milk
300 g white bread,
1 egg,
¾ glasses of sugar,
3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter
1 lemon.

Cut the crust off the white bread, cut the pulp into 1 cm slices. Cut a portion of the bread into cubes and dry. Milk, egg and 2 tbsp. mix tablespoons of sugar and whisk.

Remove the zest from the lemon. Peel and seed the apples, cut into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Grease the pan thickly with butter. Moisten the slices of white bread in the egg and milk mass and line the bottom and edges of the baking dish with slices. Lay the bread with an overlap, avoiding crevices.

Melt some butter, pour over dried bread cubes and mix with apples and zest. Place the apples in a mold. Cover the apples with slices of bread dipped in milk paste. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees.

Leave the finished charlotte in the oven turned off for 10 minutes, then put it on a dish and serve hot.

Charlotte in Swedish

This is an original Swedish recipe, which contains natural cinnamon and vanilla, rare in Russia, as well as dark cane sugar. All this gives the cake an exotic dense flavor.

4 apples,
1 cup flour
1 tbsp. a spoonful of dark brown sugar
½ lemon (juice),
¾ glasses of walnuts,
70 g butter
60 g vegetable oil
130 g light brown sugar
1 egg,
vanilla pod or vanilla essence (optional),
½ teaspoon baking powder,
¼ tsp salt

Peel the apples, cut into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with dark sugar and cinnamon. Stir. Grease the pan with butter, place the apples on the bottom and flatten.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Roast the nuts in a frying pan, cool and chop coarsely with a knife.

Melt the butter, pour into a bowl, add oil, sugar, egg and whisk. Add vanilla or vanilla essence and lemon zest. Mix flour with baking powder and salt, sift into a bowl with butter and eggs. Add nuts.

Put the resulting mass on the apples, smooth and bake for 50-60 minutes until a beautiful crust is formed. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Charlotte with apples is a versatile, simple and delicious dessert for tea and coffee. Delicious aromatic apples will fill your home with the cozy aromas of real baked goods. Even a beginner can cook charlotte with apples. Feel free to cook and share your impressions!