Recipes of vegetable dietary salads for weight loss. Low Calorie Salad Recipes

28.09.2019 Salads
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Every woman at least once in her life tried to change her traditional diet and go on a diet. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to achieve the result - to lose those extra pounds. The point is that you need to diet correctly. Namely, not to give up food, but to make it as useful as possible. That is, replace fried, sweet and flour dishes with delicious salads from natural vegetables and fruits.

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Lettuce lettuce. This is true. Hardly anyone considers Olivier or mimosa a healthy dish. This article focuses on low-calorie salads. Mayonnaise is not added to them. And the main task of such dishes (with a minimum of calories) is to fill the body with all substances useful for it.


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Cellulose Is a unique plant food compound. It is not absorbed and removes various harmful substances from the body.


But, salads have one more function. The ingredients included in their composition are able not only to saturate the body with useful minerals and vitamins, but also to cleanse it of toxins and toxins.

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Salads for cleansing and slimming Elena Malysheva panicle


To eat this, to lose weight? A familiar question? But, when choosing dishes for your diet, it is important not only to take into account their dietary qualities, but the impact on health. Poor ecology, stress and snacks on the go have caused the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the intestines. For their withdrawal, a recipe for a special salad was developed.



He, like a brush, sweeps away all harmful substances from the body.


IMPORTANT: The salad for cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva includes three vegetables: carrots, cabbage and beets. They have a lot of fiber, the main function of which is to remove toxins from the intestines.

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Cellulose Are dietary fiber that our stomach cannot digest. When it enters the intestines, the fiber increases in size (swells). At the same time, peristalsis pushes dietary fibers into the large intestine and, like a bottle brush, they clean the plaque accumulating there for years from the walls of the intestine.

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Cellulose Are compounds of dietary fiber that are able to remove harmful and unnecessary biologically active substances from the body

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For more effect this salad is best consumed on a fasting day along with mineral water. Other products must be discarded. Every 1.5 hours you need to eat about a glass of such a salad.



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Slimming Brush Salads

Losing weight is a fairly long process that requires an integrated approach. There are many ways to lose weight. The most effective are diets, sports and fasting days. However, the first step to success, many people choose to cleanse. Thanks to this process, you can remove all toxins and toxins from the body and thereby get rid of several kilograms and "prepare the ground" for further weight loss. This can be done with a salad brush.

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The benefits of a salad brush

First of all, it should be noted that this salad is low in calories. So, the vegetable version of this dish comes out no more than 50 kcal, and if you choose a fruit salad, then its calorie content will be no more than 70.


In addition, a salad brush for weight loss, the recipe for it you will find in this article, cleanses the intestines and normalizes the stool. It also removes excess fluid from the body and, due to this, the swelling "goes away".


Note that this dish has a positive effect on the complexion. This is due to the content of a large amount of vitamins in it. Skin color is transformed and becomes even.


In addition, the salad brush strengthens the immune system. This is also due to the presence of vitamins in it.

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Salad brush contraindications


Salad brush should not be consumed in the following cases:

  1. If you are allergic to any ingredient in its composition.
  2. For various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which include gastritis and ulcers
  3. For various diseases of the gallbladder, as well as the pancreas.
  4. For stool disorders caused by the use of antibiotics.

In addition, the salad brush for weight loss, the recipe for which we will give below, should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.


Note that before using it, even in the absence of contraindications, you should consult your doctor.

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Slimming Salad Brush (Recipe)




Slimming Salad Brush: has several cooking options, has a positive effect on the body, helps to lose weight

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This dish can be prepared in several ways.

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We need:


Beets - 400 gr.


Carrots - 400 gr.


Green apples - 400 gr.

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Pine nut salad recipe

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We need:


Beets - 200 gr.


Carrots - 200 gr.


White cabbage - 400 gr.


Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.


Pine nuts - 0.5 cups

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Grind the nuts in a blender and mix with the specified amount of lemon juice. Grate the beets and carrots in a coarse grater, chop the cabbage not coarsely. Stir everything and fill with the prepared dressing.



Celery salad recipe


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We need:


Celery - 500 gr.


Fresh cucumbers - 500 gr.


Greens to taste.


Lemon juice - 2/3 cup.


Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

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Grind celery and cucumbers using a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens and mix it with vegetables and lemon juice with oil.

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Apple salad recipe


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You need:


Beets - 500 gr.


Celery - 200 gr.


Green apples - 600 gr.


Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.


Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

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Grate beets, celery and apples in a coarse grater, add oil and juice and stir.

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Fruit salad recipe


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We need:


Grapefruit - 1 pc.


Pomegranate seeds - 0.5 cups.


Prunes - 0.5 cups.


Dried apricots - 0.5 cups.


Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

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Pour dried fruits with boiling water, leave for a few minutes, then cut them. Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate seeds. Peel and disassemble the grapefruit into wedges. If the pieces seem too large to you, then you can cut them. Combine and stir all components.



Fruit and bran recipe


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We need:


Orange - 1 pc.


Apple - 1 pc.


Kiwi - 2 pcs.


Bran - 1 tablespoon.


Kefir - 4 tablespoons.


Honey - 1 teaspoon.

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Pour the bran with kefir and leave to swell. Peel and slice the kiwi and orange. Grate the apple. Combine and stir all components.

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Slimming Salad Brush


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To prepare Salad "Brush" you need:


Chop the beets (500 g) and carrots (500 g) on ​​a grater, which is intended for cooking Korean carrots. However, all vegetables must be used in their natural form. That is, without preliminary heat treatment


Cabbage (500 g) should be finely chopped and added to the rest of the vegetables


You can use freshly squeezed lemon juice as a dressing for such a salad.

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IMPORTANT: Do not use salt, pepper and other spices. They are able to retain water. Which will reduce the effectiveness of such a dish.

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Diet Low Calorie Cabbage Salad for Weight Loss


Cabbage was not chosen in vain as one of the three ingredients in the previous salad. She has many beneficial qualities. Cabbage juice has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach, and iron and potassium from the leaves of this vegetable are simply necessary for our body for normal functioning.



Shred cabbage with a sharp knife (a quarter of an average head of cabbage) and transfer to a salad bowl. Put pomegranate seeds on top (10 pcs.)


Peel and chop walnuts (5 pcs.) With a knife. You should make small pieces


Now you need to squeeze out the lemon juice (half) and pour olive oil (30 ml)

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These salads can be consumed in several ways.


Method 1 - This method involves eating the salad for 1 day. This will be a fasting day with this dish, which must be arranged once every 7 days. Along with the salad, you can use still water or green tea without added sugar. Thanks to such a diet, you can get rid of 500 grams in one day.

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Method 2 - This method involves eating salad instead of one of the meals. It is best if you eat it for dinner. After that, you should not eat anything else. If you feel hungry, you can drown it by drinking a glass of water. For breakfast and lunch, you can eat any food, but it is better if you reduce your diet and remove sweet and starchy foods from it. This will help you achieve results much faster.


Note that the slimming salad brush, the recipe of which we have given for you, cannot affect the acceleration of digestion. With it, you can lose a few pounds just due to the low calorie content.

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Slimming beetroot salad


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Beets are appreciated not only for their low calorie content (about 40 kcal). It contains a lot of fiber and vitamins. This vegetable is very beneficial for the prevention and treatment of anemia. In addition, beets go well with other ingredients. For example, apples.

  1. We wash apples (2-3 pcs.) And cut the middle out of them. We rub them with a coarse grater
  2. Boil beets (1 pc.), Chop and combine with apples
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with lemon juice. Add a pinch of sugar and a tablespoon of sour cream
  4. Mix and transfer to a salad bowl. Put another spoonful of sour cream on top

Slimming celery salad


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Celery is considered the lowest calorie vegetable. At the same time, this plant contains a large number of vitamins of group B that are important for losing weight. Celery is able to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve fatigue and irritability.

  1. Cut the peppers (2 pcs.) Into strips. It is best to take two peppers of different colors.
  2. We clean sweet apples (3 pcs.) From the skin and entrails. Cut into small pieces and salt
  3. Peel the celery root and chop finely. You can add chopped greens (bunch)
  4. Mix the food and season the salad with low-fat yogurt (1 tablespoon)

Low Calorie Cucumber Salad


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At the same time, in the remaining 5% there are a lot of substances useful for health. Cucumbers are high in potassium and silicon, vitamins C and A, and fiber. Cucumber salads are a great way to cleanse your intestines and fill your body with nutrients.

  1. Prunes (100 g) must first be soaked in warm water
  2. Cut the cucumber (1 pc.) Into small cubes. Peel the pepper (1 pc.) From the core
  3. Finely chop the steamed prunes and mix with the rest of the ingredients
  4. Sprinkle the salad with herbs (bunch) and season with olive oil (2-3 tablespoons)

Low-calorie carrot salad


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But, in order for this root vegetable to really benefit, it is better to eat it raw. Firstly, boiled carrots contain less vitamins. And secondly, carbohydrates from this vegetable, during heat treatment, lose their quality and can be transformed into fat cells.

  1. Grate carrots on a coarse grater (200 g)
  2. Peel and core the apples (200 g). Cut them into slices and mix with carrots
  3. Add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and raisins (a handful) to the salad
  4. As a dressing for such a salad, you can use olive oil (a few spoons)
  5. Before serving, the dish can be garnished with lettuce leaves

Low-calorie mushroom salad


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Due to this, they are low in calories. As for the benefits of mushrooms, the compounds that make up them have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels. Best suited for dietary salads: champignons, chanterelles and greenhouse oyster mushrooms.

  1. Cut the cherry tomatoes (200 g) into 4 pieces. Pick up lettuce leaves (5 pcs.) Into arbitrary pieces. Champignons (5 pcs.) Cut into thin slices
  2. Cut red onions (1 pc.) Into half rings and mix the ingredients
  3. Make a dressing of mustard (1/3 teaspoon), olive oil (2 tablespoons) and lime juice (1 pc.). Pour mushrooms and vegetables on her. Salt and pepper to taste
  4. Sprinkle with Parmesan (2 tablespoons)

Low Calorie Bean Salad


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Beans, like mushrooms, are a source of vegetable protein.

  • Beans are rich in folic acid and zinc. Speaking of zinc. This macronutrient is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland regulates hormones in the body. And without its normal functionality, it is impossible to keep your weight under control.
  • A very simple salad can be made with red beans. It is interesting in that it can surprise guests who unexpectedly appeared, and there is no longer time to prepare more complex dishes.
  • For this recipe, you can use either boiled or canned beans. Add thinly sliced ​​bell pepper and red onion sliced ​​in half rings to it. Before serving, you can decorate the dish with basil. And as a dressing, you can use olive oil.

Vary the amount of ingredients to taste.



Chicken salad diet recipe


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Another product, without which it is impossible to imagine diet salads, is chicken. The meat of this poultry contains only 10% fat.


But there is more such an important element as protein in chicken meat than in the meat of other birds and animals. That is why athletes and everyone who cares about their figure and health are so fond of chicken breasts.

  1. Divide the boiled chicken meat (200 g) into fibers. Peel the pepper (1 pc.) From the core and cut into thin strips
  2. Peel the avocado (1 pc.) And cut its pulp into small squares. Chop parsley finely (bunch)
  3. Mix the ingredients and season with a sauce made from low-fat natural yogurt (1 pc.) And freshly squeezed lemon juice

Tuna salad diet recipe


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But at the same time, in the meat of this fish, there are not so many calories. In 100 grams of tuna, half the daily protein intake. At the same time, its meat contains 30% less cholesterol than dietary chicken breasts. Tuna salads are the most popular fish salads on our table.

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes (250 g) and avocado (2 pcs) into small pieces
  2. Grind red pepper (2 pcs.), Garlic (2 teeth), herbs (1 bunch) and a small hot pepper
  3. Put the prepared ingredients in a small salad bowl
  4. Squeeze out lemon juice, add olive oil (6 tablespoons) and salt (to taste). Putting the salad bowl in the refrigerator
  5. Peel potatoes (8 pcs.) And cook until half cooked. Cut it into large cubes and fry in vegetable oil
  6. To remove excess oil, place the fried potatoes on a paper towel.
  7. Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder (3 tablespoons). Mix it with salt and use it as a breading
  8. Dip tuna steaks (4 pcs.) In sesame flour and fry in a clean pan with a little oil
  9. We spread the salad on plates. Put tuna and potatoes on top. Decorate with lettuce leaves

Low Calorie Shrimp Salads


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Another low-calorie seafood is shrimp.
Their meat contains a lot of protein and various nutrients: vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B9, B12), D and E, as well as macronutrients (zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.). Shrimp is a very popular ingredient in salads. In addition to their nutritional value, they bring their own unique taste to it.

  1. We wash the grapes, plums and grapefruit. We clean and cut them
  2. We put in bowls and put one large (king) shrimp on top
  3. Season with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Decorate with lettuce leaves

We choose the amount of ingredients to taste.



Diet squid salad recipe


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Squid are an excellent source of protein for our body


Useful substances from these seafood can remove bad cholesterol from the blood, cleanse the body of salts and toxins. And also, improve the work of the endocrine system.


1. Boil the squid fillet (600 g) and cut it into small pieces. Grind the cucumber (1 pc.) And greens (1 bunch)
2. Put the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt, pepper and season with olive oil
3. Grind pistachios (100 g) in a blender and sprinkle them on the salad



Low Calorie Crab Stick Salad


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Crab sticks are a cheap delicacy


Crab sticks, although they have nothing to do with crabs, nevertheless, like any other seafood (and they are made from minced meat of various types of fish and starch) can be considered dietary.


They are rich in zinc, iron and iodine. And most importantly, there are only 80-90 kilocalories per 100 g of crab sticks.

  1. Grind crab sticks (200 g) and cucumbers (200 g). Using a special garlic press, crush a couple of cloves of this root vegetable
  2. Chop the greens finely (1 bunch). Add low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) and salt to the salad bowl. Fill with sour cream (3 tablespoons) and mix thoroughly

Low Calorie Egg Salad


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Eggs are the most optimally balanced product for the human body.


The protein from a boiled egg is almost 100% absorbed by the body. Eggs contain a lot of vitamin D, which our body needs to fight osteoporosis. In addition, this product is very high in selenium. This compound is an antioxidant and prevents early aging.

  1. We wash lettuce leaves (1 bunch) and chop them by hand. Boil eggs (4 pcs.) Hard-boiled, peel them and cut into eight parts
  2. Cut the radish (several pieces) and cucumber (1 piece) into strips. Chopping green onions
  3. Salt, pepper and mix the ingredients. We use olive oil as a dressing.

Low Calorie Fruit Salad


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Yes, unlike vegetables, fruits are higher in calories. But, many of them contain substances that activate fat burning processes in the body. For example, kiwi. This fruit is able not only to break down fatty compounds, but also improves metabolic processes. Which also has a beneficial effect on the figure.

  1. Calcine the nuts (50 g) in a frying pan and chop them. Peel 2 avocados and 2 kiwi and cut them into equal cubes
  2. From oil (50 g), salt, sugar, mustard (1 teaspoon) and wine vinegar (20 ml) we make a dressing
  3. Add chopped onion (1 pc.), Corn (40 g) and nuts to the fruit. Fill with dressing and mix

Low Calorie Salad Sauces


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This traditional ingredient in holiday salads is not suitable in this case. Mayonnaise is an extremely high-calorie product and should not be used in diet salads.


You can add sour cream, yogurt or olive oil to slimming salads.

  • An excellent dressing for seafood salads can be made with freshly squeezed lemon juice (35 ml) and honey (2 teaspoons). You can add a pinch of salt to this sauce.
  • You can also make a mustard dressing based on lemon juice. To do this, add olive oil (2 tablespoons), dry mustard powder (1/2 teaspoon) and apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon) to lemon juice (4 tablespoons).
  • Good dressings for diet salads can be made with yogurt. To do this, you can take low-fat yogurt (250 ml), add olive oil (1 tablespoon) and 2-3 chopped garlic cloves to it

Masha. I love these salads very much! I just had dinner with boiled fish and vitamin salad: bell peppers, cabbage, herbs and cucumber. I just filled it with lemon juice and vegetable oil.


Lisa. And I make this salad. I cut young eggplants into rings. Finely rub the garlic on a grater. Chop greens and cut ripe tomatoes. Rub the cheese on top and stir.

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Video: Proper nutrition for weight loss. Diet salads.


Vegetables and fruit, it is advisable to use raw, otherwise a number of useful elements and coarse fibers are lost, which cleanse our body and help to lose weight

Make salads without mayonnaise, he has no place in a diet salad, as well as in a diet in general! Substitute with vegetable oils, low-fat sour cream, or natural unsweetened yogurt without additives;

Instead of vinegar in diet salads, it is better to use lemon juice- he fights with fat, and speeds up the metabolism;

Salt such dishes should be kept to a minimum. Spices such as ginger, various peppers, cilantro, cinnamon, etc., can compensate for the lack of salt;

Mixed diet salads can be prepared based on meat, seafood, lean fish... These cooking products can only be boiled or baked.

The best diet salad recipes for weight loss

All of the low calorie salad recipes below are great for as well as the popular diet, the fast bodybuilding technique that is gaining popularity among women today.

Diet salad with seafood. 75 kcal per 100 grams.

Seafood are a real treasure that has absorbed the healing power of the sea. It is a source of highly digestible protein. In addition, seafood is a source of essential substances that affect male sexual function. If there is such a task as the treatment of potency, these products will be excellent helpers for at home. The main nutrients for male health in seafood are selenium, zinc, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which are involved in testosterone biosynthesis.

So the recipe:

  • seafood cocktail - 800 gr.
  • two green apples
  • bell pepper or swallow - 2 pcs.
  • two chicken eggs
  • a little salt

Boil the seafood for five minutes after boiling, then cool. Peel the pepper and apples, cut into strips. Chop the eggs into cubes. Mix the ingredients. Season with one spoonful of olive oil and sprinkle with any herbs. By the way, this dish can serve as an excellent one of the wonderful lean salads.

Diet salad with chicken and mushrooms. 110 kcal per 100 grams

This light salad recipe is very simple, but it also saturates well and has a pleasant zesty taste.

  • one chicken breast
  • a jar of canned mushrooms
  • 2 table. lies. low-fat sour cream
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • spices (turmeric, curry, paprika, pepper, lavrushka)
  • pair of teeth
  • two teaspoons of mustard
  • salad leaf for decoration

Boil the chicken breast with spices until tender. Cool and cut into thin slices. Cut cucumbers and champignons into strips. We mix these ingredients. We supplement the salad with sour cream, garlic and mustard. Bon Appetit.

Diet salad with fruits and chicken fillet. 120 kcal per 100 grams.

  • 200 gr. boiled
  • 150 g grapes
  • one big orange
  • one egg
  • 150 g green apples
  • a little salt and pepper
  • lemon juice - 10 ml
  • yogurt mixed with chopped herbs

Cut the egg into cubes, the chicken breast into thin slices. Cut the grapes in half each. Peel the orange from the films, and divide each slice in half. Cut apples, peeled, into cubes. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice, add yogurt, a little pepper and salt. We mix all the ingredients and serve the dish on the table.

Slimming salad with shrimps and vegetables. 95 Kcal per 100 grams

Shrimps are healthy, satisfying and easily digestible food. Meeting in the same dish with vegetables, they create an excellent composition.

  • peeled frozen shrimps - 300 gr.
  • two fresh cucumbers
  • one medium carrot
  • 50 gr. lettuce
  • apple juice (natural) - 3 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • grated ginger - half a teaspoon
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • chopped nuts (cashews, almonds or walnuts) - 100 gr.

Boil the shrimp for two minutes, cool. Cut the cucumbers into strips, three carrots on a grater. Tear lettuce leaves and combine with shrimps, cucumbers and carrots. Prepare the dressing: mix olive oil with lemon, apple juice, ginger, soy sauce. Pour the dressing into the salad, mix and put it in the refrigerator for forty minutes. Sprinkle with nuts before serving.

Diet salad with seaweed and boiled fish. 120 kcal per 100 grams

Seaweed is an extremely useful dietary product and the main source of iodine. Most importantly, it goes well with many ingredients.

  • 300 grams of boiled fish (fillet)
  • 200 grams of seaweed
  • two hard boiled eggs
  • one onion head
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

Boil the fish, cut it into small slices. Finely chop the egg. Separate the seaweed from the brine. Mix the ingredients and season them with olive oil. You don't need to salt the salad. Bon Appetit!

On our site you can also find a recipe for a classic slimming salad (panicle salad).

Recipes for low-calorie salads: vegetable, fruit, with fish, shrimp, chicken breast, feta cheese and mushrooms.

Low-calorie salads will appeal to those who care about their health, longevity and a beautiful figure. Delicious and healthy, they never "get bored": by endlessly combining different ingredients and dressings, you can cook something new every day.

Vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts, boiled fish, seafood and meat are the basis for making low-calorie salads. But fatty cheeses, smoked meats, mayonnaise, canned food should not be present in them.

Spicy herbs and fresh greens add a rich aroma and piquant taste to low-calorie salads. Melissa, tarragon, mint, cilantro, watercress, basil, oregano, cardamom strengthen the immune system and improve digestion. Parsley, dill, green onions are not discussed at all, this is already a tradition.

Low-calorie salads: recipes

You will need: 2 fresh cucumbers, 7 quail eggs, chicken breast (200 g), 4 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, 1 bunch of tarragon leaves, 1 clove of garlic, salt and black pepper to taste.

Cut the chicken breast into large pieces, peeled cucumbers into strips, cut the eggs in half. Use sour cream, spices, finely chopped tarragon and garlic to make a sauce. Using a baking dish, lay all the ingredients in layers and pour the sauce well.

Quail eggs are much more useful than chicken eggs: they are stored longer, do not contain cholesterol, do not cause allergies, and in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements, these babies are 2-5 times ahead of chicken eggs!

You will need: 3 kiwi, apple, persimmon, tangerine and lemon, 1 tablespoon of melted honey (or 50 ml of low-fat yogurt), a small bunch of grapes, mint leaves and ground cardamom.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Peel the apple, kiwi and tangerine. Cut the fruit into small pieces. Sprinkle the apples lightly with lemon juice to keep them from darkening. Mix persimmon slices, tangerine wedges with other fruits, add honey (yogurt) and cardamom. Spread the salad over the bowls. Garnish with grapes and mint leaves.

Persimmon is good for vision, digestion, blood vessels, thyroid gland and nervous system. In its nutritional, dietary and properties, it is second only to citrus fruits.

Low-calorie vegetable salads

Light vegetable salads are vitamin shakes with a minimum calorie content. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber and enzymes, so you can easily and quickly lose weight on such salads.

You will need: 240 g of white cabbage, 140 g of fresh cucumbers, 140 g of carrots, 70 g of bell pepper, a small onion, dill, lemon, 40 ml of olive oil.

Cut the onion into half rings, the bell pepper into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Grate carrots, cabbage and cucumbers on a coarse grater. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with salt, drizzle a little with lemon juice, stir and season with olive oil.

Feel free to experiment and add other low-calorie vegetables to this salad: celery, spinach, zucchini, arugula, radish.

You will need: 240 g of Chinese cabbage, 170 g of fresh cucumbers, 1 bunch of green onions, dill, black pepper, salt, olive oil, quail eggs and lettuce for decoration.

Finely chop the cabbage, salt and mash a little. Cut the cucumbers into half rings, finely chop the dill and green onions, cut the eggs in half. Mix cucumbers with cabbage, add a pinch of black pepper, herbs and season with olive oil and lemon juice (optional). Spoon the vegetable mixture over the lettuce leaves and garnish with quail eggs.

Delicious low-calorie salads

You will need: 240 g of champignons, 140 g of feta cheese, 1 sweet pepper, 3 small tomatoes, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped dill, 40 ml of extra virgin olive oil, salt.

It is advisable to buy young mushrooms and bake them on the grill or in the oven, you can boil them. Cut the cheese into cubes, mushrooms and tomatoes into small wedges. Peppers can be cut into a salad fresh or baked with mushrooms. Stir all the ingredients, salt and season the salad with olive oil.

Juicy, crispy baked mushrooms, peppers, zucchini and eggplants give low-calorie salads an unusual, sophisticated taste.

You will need: 400 g of boiled cod, 100 g of radishes, fresh cucumbers and sour apples, 50 g of celery, 1 tablespoon of natural vinegar, 70 ml of extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of mustard, a little chopped herbs, salt, green salad for decoration ...

Clean the cod from skin and bones. Cut vegetables and apples into strips, fish into small slices. Combine ingredients, salt and add dressing (mix vinegar, oil and mustard). Put the finished dish on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped herbs and garnish with radish slices.

Celery cleanses the blood and improves digestion, helps maintain a thin waist (by the way, Greek women say so), healthy eyes, skin and hair, normalizes hormonal balance and protects against cancer.

You will need: 150 g of boiled peeled shrimp, 250 g of spinach leaves, 200 g of cherry tomatoes, 1 teaspoon of granular mustard, 40 ml of lemon juice, 30 ml of balsamic vinegar, 70 ml of extra virgin olive oil.

Prepare the sauce first. In a salad bowl, combine mustard and balsamic vinegar, add olive oil and mix well. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Stir the spinach leaves with the sauce, top the tomato halves, peeled shrimp and pour the lemon juice over the salad.

Spinach is a very valuable dietary product. It has an unusually rich vitamin and mineral composition, is easily digested, absorbed very quickly, cleanses the intestines well and helps to lose weight.

Combine sophisticated simplicity, ease of preparation, minimum calories and maximum health benefits. Enjoy your meal!

Salads often serve not only as an appetizer, but also as a full-fledged independent dish that can be sated, and at the same time replenish the body's needs for vitamins and other useful substances. Your task is only to correctly combine the ingredients.

Low-calorie salads are an important part of any menu. It is worth mastering their preparation, and you will not think about what to have breakfast, snack, easy dinner. And low-calorie salads will come in handy for a festive table rich in treats.

Cutting and dressing a light salad is a matter of a few minutes: low-calorie salads do not use products that require complex pre-processing that destroys all vitamins and useful microelements. You set the table with beautiful plates, decorate everything with herbs and vegetables if possible and with your abilities - and ... voila! Such dishes look very appetizing and beautiful, for the body there is a continuous benefit, and the calories and time spent on cooking are a minimum.

We hope that this section of our website will help you get inspired for the transition to low-calorie salads. Taking as a basis the recipes given with an accurate indication of calorie content, you will learn how to easily navigate the process of preparing such dishes, and you will stop supplying your body with extra calories.

5 basic rules for making low-calorie salads

More greenery

Green vegetables and herbs, for example, onions, lettuce, spinach, mustard leaves contain very few calories (no more than 20 kcal per glass of crushed product), while they are sources of valuable substances - folic acid, lutein, antioxidants. So don't be afraid to lavishly use these products for your salads.

Get plenty of fresh vegetables

Choose vegetables that have no more than 25 calories per serving. Feel free to combine vegetables when preparing salads. Make sure to switch from one vegetable to another to get the various nutrients in your body. This will ensure your body receives optimal amounts of vitamin C, potassium, folate, antioxidants, and fiber. But fried and pickled vegetables are best avoided. Also, be careful with adding sauces and mayonnaise.

The most popular products for salads:

  • pepper (yellow, green, red)
  • cucumber
  • carrot
  • mushrooms
  • radish
  • broccoli
  • cabbage

Add some lean meat

1-2 slices of lean boiled meat are enough for making a salad. Protein-containing foods are very important for the body, so you should not give them up. You can use grilled chicken, boiled egg, shrimp, salmon, tuna, low-calorie cottage cheese, black beans, hummus. Avoid anything crunchy, needs to be fried, or served with a heavy sauce.

Use no more than one high-calorie food

In fact, even one food can add over 600 calories to your meal. And although many of the high-calorie foods are nutrient-dense (sunflower seeds, nuts, raisins), they can significantly increase the calorie content of meals. Distribute the amount of added high-calorie foods wisely. And remember: no more than one such product per salad.

When choosing, you can rely on the following data:

  • Chinese noodles - 150 kcal per ½ cup
  • croutons - 100 kcal per ½ cup
  • grated cheddar cheese - 225 kcal per ½ cup
  • Feta cheese - 190 kcal per ½ cup
  • chopped nuts - about 180 kcal per ¼ cup
  • sunflower seeds - 180 kcal per ¼ cup
  • granola - 115 kcal per ¼ glass
  • raisins - 120 kcal per ¼ glass
  • olives - 40 kcal in 8 pieces
  • avocado - 150 kcal in half a fruit

Choose light refills

For many people, the favorite thing about salads is the dressing. Unfortunately, it is often too high in calories. For information: in 1 tbsp. seasonings from vinegar and olive oil contain 50 kcal, and 1 tbsp. cream sauce can contain 90 kcal! But who will stop at one spoon !? Think for yourself what is best for you and your figure: satisfy your hunger with a good salad with a seasoning of vinegar and olive oil, or eat a couple of tablespoons of your favorite sauce with the same amount of calories.

The best dressing options are plain olive oil, lemon juice, or vinegar. To season a salad, it is enough to add just a couple of tablespoons of the mentioned products to it - and the dish will acquire a unique taste.

Basic principles of making low-calorie salads

By and large, everything that will be listed below applies to any dish according to the principles of proper nutrition. After all, what kind of weight loss can we talk about if you add a chicken fried in butter with a golden skin, grated with mayonnaise to a low-calorie salad, and then seize everything with French fries? No grapefruit or vinegar will save you - too many unhealthy fats and improperly cooked carbohydrates.

As for salads, everything here is limited only by the culinary imagination. Countless combinations can provide a varied menu for the whole year, which will allow dishes to not become boring, and therefore, turn every meal into a small celebration. Almost all vegetables are suitable for low-calorie salads, unless you should try not to use potatoes too often.

It is better to choose unsweetened fruits for low-calorie salads, but there will be no disaster in the fact that the salad will contain, for example, a honey apple instead of a sour green one. Steamed or boiled lean meat, white fish, seafood should take up no more than a third of the salad. Any nuts can be an addition that gives a zest - in a small amount they will not harm the figure. And also greens: parsley, dill, mint, anise - these are the four best fat burners, but the list does not end there.

Ideal as dressings are vinegar, soy sauce, lemon juice, for example low-calorie mayonnaise, which you can make yourself. What the cross is definitely put on is on a variety of canned food (especially sprat in oil), smoked products, store-bought mayonnaise and fatty cheese. If you need to add cheese to a low-calorie salad, then it is better to take tofu, feta cheese or hard varieties with a low percentage of fat.

The principles of making delicious low-calorie salads

There are many recipes for low-calorie salads, the first among which are salads from fresh herbs and vegetables, leafy salads. What are leafy salads? These are low-calorie salads that use leafy greens as a base: lettuce, arugula, chicory, watercress, corn salad, spinach, all kinds of cabbage, green onions and herbs. The calorie content of lettuce, the most common salad in our country, is only 15 Kcal per hundred grams.

There is a recipe for a delicious low-calorie salad with lettuce that includes only lettuce, herbs, onions and marinade. Marinade consists of sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil. The calorie content of this salad is 35-40 Kcal per hundred grams. For 500 grams of lettuce, there is one tablespoon of oil, which is diluted (to a volume of 70-100 grams) with water, vinegar and salt (pinch) with sugar (a teaspoon). This is seasoned with coarsely chopped lettuce leaves with herbs (parsley, green onions and dill). The main feature of such salads: they need to be consumed right there, they are not stored in the refrigerator.

You can supplement fresh greens of leafy salads with such juicy vegetables as cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, fennel, turnips, zucchini.

Also, delicious low-calorie salads are obtained by adding proteins to greens and fiber: lean meat and fish, eggs, shrimp and other seafood. The calorie content of shrimp and mussels is only 98 Kcal and 70 Kcal per hundred grams, the calorie content of chicken breast is 107 Kcal per hundred grams, these are excellent sources of low-calorie protein and useful vitamins and minerals.

A basic rule of thumb for delicious low-calorie salads: If you add one high-calorie food, the rest, including the sauce (in the first place), should be low-calorie. The biggest "suppliers" of calories in a salad are mayonnaise, butter and heavy cream, excessive consumption of dressing for the total amount of salad. The second important rule is not to subject to additional culinary processing that does not need it and not cut too finely. This way you will preserve more of the nutritional benefits of the product.

Low-fat young cheeses will also be useful: feta cheese, sheep, tofu (soy cheese), mozzarella and other low-fat dairy products.

As a dressing, as an alternative to mayonnaise, we recommend low-fat yogurt, natural vinegar and sour juices, a small amount of high-quality vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is better unrefined, you can choose among a variety of unusual types of oil: pumpkin, walnut, wheat germ, rapeseed, olive, almond, mustard. If you still choose between mayonnaise and sour cream, we recommend low-fat sour store sour cream. Or homemade dairy products. Salads are a lot of creativity.

Preparing food and dishes

Most often, raw vegetables are used to prepare low-calorie salads, which must be washed thoroughly. After that, the products are cut into cubes, slices, strips. If heat treatment is necessary, it is recommended to boil, stew or steam the vegetables, as such cooking methods preserve vitamins and microelements. Frying in oil is not recommended, as this increases the calorie content of the dish. White chicken or turkey meat is thoroughly washed, then boiled or cooked in a double boiler. Shrimp are usually boiled in salted water for about three minutes. After all the products are prepared, you can start cutting them directly into a salad.

A standard set of dishes is required: a salad bowl, a saucepan, a cutting board, a grater, knives, a garlic press. You may also need a small bowl to make your low-calorie salad dressing.

Hearty, low-calorie foods

The most satisfying are those that contain complete pure protein. For your meal, you can choose from hearty, but low-calorie foods.

List of foods with a calorie content of 60-120 per 100 grams:

  • Turkey or chicken breast
  • Lean white fish
  • Cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 2%
  • Seafood
  • Kefir 1% fat
  • Yogurt without fillers or additives

They perfectly stabilize blood sugar levels and speed up metabolism. That is why after using them, you will feel full for a long time.

Lowest calorie foods

The most low-calorie ones are those in which there are less than 40 kilocalories per 100 grams. This list includes:

  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Champignon
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Lettuce leafy greens
  • Radish
  • Cabbage

Delicious low-calorie foods

In addition to just satisfying our hunger, quite often we just want food to be tasty as well. Tasty low-calorie ones include those in which there are 40-100 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Their list includes:

  • Pears, apples
  • Mango, bananas, grapes, persimmon
  • Bell pepper
  • Carrot
  • White and red dry wine
  • Melons and watermelons
  • Lingonberry, raspberry, blueberry
  • Papaya, pineapple, guava

Low Calorie Salad Recipes

Cauliflower with eggs

To make this salad, you will need a pound of cauliflower, 4 boiled eggs, green onions (to taste), a little low-fat sour cream (if you have an irresistible desire, you can replace it with low-calorie mayonnaise).

Cauliflower needs to be disassembled into inflorescences, boil and cool. Then sprinkle it with lemon juice. Boiled eggs need to be chopped, do the same with green onions.

Mix the ingredients, salt and add black pepper (if desired), season with sour cream. The salad turns out to be low-calorie, but at the same time satisfying.

Cabbage with orange

For this salad, you will need white cabbage (about 300 g), one rather large orange, carrots and herbs.

Chop the cabbage and carrots and stir. Peel the orange (like a grapefruit, that is, you need to remove all the partitions) and break it into small pieces. Add herbs, salt and season with grape seed oil.

Cabbage salad


  • Cabbage - one small head of cabbage;
  • Carrots - one large piece;
  • Vegetable oil - two tablespoons;


Chop the cabbage finely with a sharp knife. Carrots, washed and peeled, grate on a medium grater. Mash the cabbage with your hands so that it starts up the juice. Toss the cabbage and carrots in a bowl and stir in the vegetable oil.

Low Calorie Chicken Salad

Required ingredients for salad:

  • chicken - 190 g
  • low-fat sour cream - 70 g
  • mayonnaise - 60 g
  • chicken egg - 5 pieces
  • ham - 140 g
  • canned green peas - 80 g
  • Dill
  • spices

Vitamin salad


  • Carrots - one medium size;
  • Apple - half of the fruit;
  • Lemon - half of the fruit;
  • Olive oil - for salad dressing;


On a coarse grater, grate the apple and carrots, cut the lemon pulp into small pieces. Season the salad with olive oil.

Garlic salad


  • Carrots - two pieces;
  • Potatoes - two pieces;
  • Garlic - two cloves;
  • Olive oil - two tablespoons;


Boil the carrots and potatoes in the skins until tender. Without cooling, peel them from the skin and cut into small cubes. Chop the garlic very finely and add to warm potatoes and carrots, pepper and salt the salad, add olive oil and stir. At room temperature, let the salad sit for ten minutes.

Waist Salad

Chop 300 g cabbage and one carrot thinly. Put the mixture of vegetables in a salad bowl. Cut the orange, remove the white films, add the pulp to the vegetables. This should be done over the salad bowl so that the orange juice also gets into the dish. Chop a bunch of dill, add to salad, stir. You can put the dish in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then salt "For the waist" to taste, season with grape seed oil and stir. Use cranberries as decoration.

Inspiration salad


  • Peeled shrimp - a small handful;
  • Lettuce leaves - ten pieces;
  • Sweet purple onion - half a head;
  • Mint leaves - two branches;
  • Basil purple - two branches;
  • Orange bell pepper - the fourth part of the fruit;

For the sauce:

  • Soy sauce - one dessert spoon;
  • Light balsamic vinegar - one dessert spoon;
  • Olive oil - one tablespoon


Boil water, remove from heat and salt. Put the shrimp in this water for two minutes, then discard them in a colander and refrigerate. Combine sauce ingredients in a deep bowl and stir. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces into a bowl, add the basil and mint, and finely chop the onion. Add half of the sauce to the salad and stir. Put the resulting salad on a dish, spread the shrimp on top of it, pepper, cut into strips of tonic, then pour over the second half of the sauce.

Green salads for health and weight loss

Everyone knows that green salads are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. But most of us still don't eat enough greens, raw fruits and vegetables. Let's take another look at the benefits of eating green salads!

Salads are called green, the main ingredient of which is fresh salad greens - lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc. Caesar salad is also considered a green salad.

Why green salad is good for you

1. Almost all salad ingredients are good for your health. The only exceptions are high-fat sauces.

2. Raw salads provide us with fiber. Although, of course, you should not eat exclusively raw vegetables.

3. Raw vegetables and greens contain natural enzymes that help us digest food and prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

4. Raw salads contain a large amount of the minerals we need, such as: iron, potassium, magnesium, molybdenum and phosphorus. And many others.

5. Green salad contains many vitamins, C, folic acid, vitamin K. Green salad is an excellent source of Vitamin B1, B2, B6.

6. The salad contains beta-pictures, which increase our immunity and help us fight many dangerous diseases. In order for them to assimilate a small amount of dressing, it is still necessary.

7. Green salads not only add flavor and aroma to dishes, but also help to assimilate other useful substances from the main dish.

The salad eaten before the main course already eases hunger and fills the stomach with fiber. If you eat salad before your main meal, it will help in the fight against excess weight. Thus, we have many reasons to eat as much green salad as possible, and other healthy vegetables that we can add to the salad to enhance its beneficial properties.

Ideas for delicious, low-calorie salads don't end there. Trying different combinations and discovering unfamiliar tastes up to this point, you can create more and more new masterpieces. And almost all of the above recipes for low-calorie desserts and salads can be considered an excellent basis for many light, healthy and at the same time delicious dishes.

Chicken salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 70 Kcal

Would need:
Boiled chicken 300g
Fresh cabbage 300g
Low fat sour cream 100g
Boiled carrots 50g
Celery root 20g
Vegetable oil 10ml
Grated horseradish 5g
Vinegar 5 ml
Dill greens 10g
Salt and sugar.

Cooking method:
Chop the cabbage. Grate celery root. Cut the chicken into strips. Combine everything and add horseradish, vinegar, sugar, oil, salt. Add sour cream and garnish with dill.

Light salad "Spring" from radish and cucumbersRadish and cucumber salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 80Kcal

Would need:
Radish 200g
Cucumbers 600g
Leaf salad 30g
Dill, parsley 30g
Low fat sour cream 150g
Lemon juice 10ml
Sugar, salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking method:
Line the dish with lettuce leaves. Cut cucumbers and radishes into slices and lay out in a slide. Mix sour cream with sugar, salt, lemon juice, pepper and pour over the salad.

Cheese and broccoli salad .

For 5 servings
1 serving = 100Kcal

Would need:
Broccoli 500g
Cheese 50g
Cream 100 ml
Parsley 10g
Ground salt and pepper.

Cooking method:
Dip broccoli in boiling water for 5 minutes, cool. Mash cheese with a fork and combine with cream. Season with salt and pepper. Mix all ingredients and garnish with parsley.

Cauliflower salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 90 Kcal

Would need:
Cauliflower 500g
Boiled eggs 4 pcs
Low-calorie mayonnaise 100g
Lemon juice 10 ml
Green onions 20g
Salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method:
Boil cauliflower in salted water, put in a colander, cool and disassemble into inflorescences, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the eggs into cubes. Chop green onions and combine with eggs and cabbage. Add mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chicken and ham salad with green peas.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 100Kcal

Would need:
Fried chicken 200g
Chicken ham 150 g
Canned peas 100g
Low fat sour cream 50g
Low-calorie mayonnaise 50g
Eggs 4 pcs
Dill, parsley 30g
Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:
Cut eggs, chicken ham and meat into small cubes. Add peas and chopped greens. Season with sour cream and mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper.

Tongue and meat salad.
Serves 5
1 serving = 108Kcal

Would need:
Boiled beef 200g
Beef ham 100g
Boiled tongue 100g
Egg 1 pc
Pickled cucumbers 100g
Sour cream 50g
Parsley 10g

Cooking method:
Boil the egg and chop. Dice the meat, tongue and ham. Peel the cucumbers and cut into cubes. Combine everything, season with sour cream, salt and decorate with herbs.

Dandelion leaf salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 75 Kcal

Would need:
Fresh cucumbers 300g
Dandelion leaves 100g
Lettuce 100g
Sorrel 100g
Sour cream 100g
Dill 15g

Cooking method:
Chop dandelion leaves and cover with cold water for 1 hour. Chop the lettuce, dill, cucumbers and sorrel. Combine all ingredients and season with sour cream, salt.

Sausage and cucumber salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 100Kcal

Would need:
Boiled sausage 200g
Chicken ham 100g
Onion 50g
Pickled cucumbers 200g
Vegetable oil 20ml
Mustard 0.5 tsp
Lemon juice 10ml
Ground salt and pepper.

Cooking method:
Cut the onions into half rings and pour over with boiling water to remove the bitterness. Cut sausage, ham and cucumbers into strips, combine with onions. Salt and pepper. For dressing, mix vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard. Combine all ingredients and mix gently.

Veal and pickled mushroom salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 75 Kcal

Would need:
Boiled veal 300g
Pickled mushrooms 100g
Boiled eggs 2 pcs
Low-calorie mayonnaise 100g
Pickled cucumbers 100g
Parsley 10g
Mustard 5g
Salt and black pepper.

Cooking method:
Cut meat and eggs into cubes, cucumbers and mushrooms into strips. Mix mayonnaise and mustard and add to salad. Mix everything and garnish with parsley.

Radish salad with meat.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 80Kcal

Would need:
Boiled beef 100g
Radish 200g
Onions 100g
Walnuts 30g
Low-calorie mayonnaise 150g
Vegetable oil 20ml
Dill and parsley 30g

Cooking method:
Grate the radish on a coarse grater. Fry chopped onions in vegetable oil. Cut the meat into small cubes. Season everything with mayonnaise, add most of the nuts and mix. Place in a salad bowl and garnish with parsley, dill and leftover nuts.

Beef tongue salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 100Kcal

Would need:
Boiled beef tongue 300g
Low-calorie mayonnaise 100g
Eggs 4pcs
Carrot 300g
Pickled cucumbers 200g
Dill 20g

Cooking method:
Cut the tongue into strips. Boil carrots, peel and cut into small pieces. Chop boiled eggs, cucumbers and dill. Spread the salad in layers, smearing with mayonnaise. Decoration: mushrooms are made of olives and olives, twigs are made of multi-colored peppers.

Fresh tomato salad with yogurt.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 70 Kcal

Would need:
Tomatoes 500g
Onions 100g
Curdled milk 100g
Dill and parsley 30g
Grated horseradish 15g
Ground black salt and pepper.

Cooking method:
Cut the onions into half rings. Tomatoes - in slices. Chop the greens. Mix yogurt with grated horseradish and herbs. Pour salad dressing, pepper, salt.

Rabbit salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 70 Kcal

Would need:
Fried rabbit meat 250g
Sweet red pepper 1 piece
Celery root 100g
Pitted olives 100g
Pickled cucumbers 300g
Eggs 2 pcs
Lemon juice 30ml
Low calorie mayonnaise 50g
Butter 50g
Sugar 5g
Parsley 5g
Ground black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
Grate celery root and fry until soft in butter. Cut the cucumbers into slices and cut the rabbit meat into strips. Boil the eggs and chop coarsely (into eight pieces each). Combine everything, sprinkle with lemon juice, add sugar, salt, ground pepper. Season with mayonnaise, garnish with olives and sliced ​​pepper.

Salad with flounder, olives and shrimp.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 55Kcal

Would need:
Flounder fillet 300g
Low-calorie mayonnaise 150g
Boiled peeled shrimps 150g
Pitted olives 50g
Fresh cucumbers 200g
Fresh tomatoes 300g
Dill, parsley 30g
Pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into small pieces. Boil flounder fillets in salted water, cool and cut into cubes. Combine all ingredients, add salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Put the salad in a slide on a dish, garnish with shrimps, olives and herbs.

Liver salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 80Kcal

Would need:
Beef liver 300g
Seedless black grapes 100g
Onions 200g
Carrot 200g
Leaf salad 20g
Butter 20g
Vegetable oil 20ml
Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:
Cut the liver into small pieces and simmer in a little water. Cool, season with salt and pepper. Cut onions and carrots into strips and fry in butter, add liver to them, reduce heat and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Cut each grape in half. Combine all ingredients, add vegetable oil and mix gently. Put the salad in a salad bowl and garnish with salad strips.

Chicken fillet salad with cheese and oranges.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 55Kcal

Would need:
Fried chicken fillet 200g
Grated cheese 100g
Apple 1pc
Orange 1pc
Low-calorie mayonnaise 50g
Green onion 20g

Cooking method:
Divide the orange into wedges and cut into cubes. Cut the apple into small pieces. Cut the chicken into cubes. Finely chop the green onion. Combine everything, salt and season with mayonnaise. Put the salad on a dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and green onions.

Carrot salad with cheese.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 80Kcal

Would need:
Carrot 300g
Hard cheese 200g
Green onion 20g
Dill and parsley 20g
Low calorie mayonnaise 30g
Lemon juice 10ml
Ground black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
Chop the onion, dill and parsley. Grate cheese and peeled carrots. Mix all ingredients by adding mayonnaise and lemon juice. Season with salt, add pepper to taste.

Radish and turnip salad with sour cream.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 105Kcal

Would need:
Turnip 300g
Radish 300g
Sour cream 100g
Leaf salad 20g
Parsley and dill 30g
Ground black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
Peel the radish and turnips and chop thinly. Chop the lettuce leaves. Combine all ingredients, season with sour cream. Season with salt, pepper, stir and garnish with chopped herbs.

Celery and chicken salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 55Kcal

Would need:
Celery roots 10 pcs
Boiled chicken meat 200g
Lemon 1pc
Low-calorie mayonnaise 5 tablespoons
Ground black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
Peel the celery roots and cut into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice, rub with salt until soft. Cut the chicken into cubes. Combine everything, salt, add pepper and mayonnaise, mix.

Beetroot salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 34Kcal

Would need:
Beet 500g
Sour cream 100g
Grated horseradish 10g
Table vinegar 10ml
Sugar and salt.

Cooking method:
Cut the boiled beets into slices and drizzle with vinegar. For dressing, add salt, sugar and horseradish to sour cream. Drizzle the dressing over the beets.

Carp salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 60 Kcal

Would need:
Carp fillet 200g
Low-calorie mayonnaise 150g
Pickled cucumbers 200g
Dill 20g
Ground black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
Boil carp fillet and cool. Cut the fillets and pickled cucumbers into strips. Mix all ingredients, add mayonnaise, pepper, chopped herbs and salt.

Cauliflower and green pea salad.

For 5 servings
1 serving = 80Kcal

Would need:
Cauliflower 300g
Tomatoes 200g
Fresh green peas 100g
Leaf salad 20g
Vegetable oil 4 tablespoons
Dill and parsley 30g

Cooking method:
Boil green peas, cool. Boil cauliflower in salted water, cool and disassemble into inflorescences. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, finely tear the salad with your hands, chop the greens. Mix all ingredients, salt and add vegetable oil. Decorate with herbs.