Protein muffins. The recipe for delicious and healthy muffins (muffins) with protein

04.03.2020 Salads

Dear friends, I hasten to tell you good news: I found recipes for muffins (cupcakes) with protein. Now you can safely eat sweets without worrying about your figure: everything will go only for the good. Or vice versa - you can indulge yourself with "delicious", while gaining muscle mass. In short, I have a couple of recipes for you, we read to the end.

The main opponent of a beautiful figure among girls is fast carbohydrates, that is, sweet starchy foods. Cupcakes (muffins) combine both, but not the ones that I will offer you soon.

Now to the guys, have you ever heard of protein bars? But how many of us use them regularly? Probably only a few, that is, the most "charged" (charged in the sense of money). And for a simple guy, constantly pampering himself with protein bars from manufacturers cannot afford.

I suggest you make muffins on your own, which does not require a lot of money (besides, you can not necessarily shape the dough into muffins: you can mold the same bars).

Where and how protein muffins (muffins) come in handy

There are a lot of options, to be honest. You forgot a shaker with sports nutrition at home, and there is no time or desire to return. Muffins will help you close the protein-carbohydrate window after training.

We are all human, and everyone can have unforeseen circumstances. For example, the chef delayed at work, promising double pay for overwork. Who will not be attracted by this? But here's the bad luck: it's time to eat, otherwise catabolism and all things ... Cupcakes with protein will help not only satisfy hunger (albeit for a short time - about 1 hour), but also prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, supply it with amino acids.

For girls, everything is obvious: such homemade goodies are a legal way to eat sweets and lose weight: the body will not even notice the deception.

In addition to all this, I can say that you yourself can adjust the BJU in muffins to your taste. Suppose, in some, protein will definitely prevail: fats and carbohydrates will be at a minimum, as in a regular whey concentrate. Others may have more of the fast carbs needed for immediate energy recharging right here and now. I'll tell you about this right now.

Protein muffins (muffins) with protein recipe

This recipe is suitable for girls who are watching their figure, losing weight (you need to follow a diet) and drying out (here, as it were, losing weight is already at an advanced level).

What, in fact, is the point: since you are involved in sports, then you definitely have a must-have supplement, like protein. Anyone will do, from a regular concentrate to a complex protein. This will be the foundation. Further, protein can be taken from simple food products - eggs, nuts and "milk" - kefir or milk of your choice.

So, recipe number 1:

  • a mug of milk (you choose the fat content yourself) - 250-300 ml;
  • 4 eggs (two whole and in the other two we separate the yolk, leaving only the white, but you can separate three);
  • 70 grams of protein (this is 2-2.5 scoops);
  • 20 grams of almonds (you can substitute for cheaper peanuts and walnuts).

Now we throw all the components into a blender (or mix it by hand, you will have to grate the nuts), mix until smooth and pour into molds. Again, it depends on what kind of molds you have: I personally had enough prepared dough for 8 muffins.

The dough, by the way, should be liquid, do not be alarmed. This will curl up the protein when baking, and the muffins will become hard. It is clear that if you want to bake many such healthy sweets in one fell swoop, then the volume of the ingredients must be increased accordingly.

We bake the whole thing in an oven preheated to 160-180 degrees (I also tried in a slow cooker: it also worked out that way) for 25-30 minutes. You can try the readiness of muffins with protein with a toothpick: after piercing the "cap", it should remain dry. No? Then it's not ready yet!

By the way, you can put small pieces of dark chocolate on the still hot muffins: it will turn out to be tasty and healthy. It will melt, it will be just a "bomb".

Recipe for carbohydrate-protein muffins (muffins) with protein

This recipe is suitable for those who are serious about their mass collection. And when gaining mass, calorie is needed. This is where the combination of carbohydrates and proteins comes in handy. But certainly this recipe does not need to be used when working on relief or when correcting a figure. As with the first recipe, we need a base - a protein supplement.

So, recipe number 2:

  • 250 ml of milk or kefir (the same cup);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • up to 100 g of protein (almost three "stingy" - measured scoops);
  • about 30 g of oatmeal (five to six rounded tablespoons);
  • 10-12 g baking powder;
  • coconut flakes to taste.

We knead everything (except shavings) in one bottle to a uniform consistency, pour it into molds, and put it in the oven (multicooker), preheating it to 160-180 degrees. As in the first case, we bake the dough for 25-30 minutes (check with a toothpick).

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I signed up to run a marathon in April. It is 42 km. That is, to the fig. I have an extra weight of 10 kg, and I don’t smile at all to drag it for 42 km, and without it I would have run ... This means I have to lose weight.

I am often asked how to make a cake that is flour, sugar, butter, nuts, gluten and lactose free and tastes as good as real. I turn into a beast in response. Why don't you ask me how to teleport? Or how to travel faster than the speed of light? And at the same time how to change the gravity, otherwise 9.8 is too much, the chest sags. My approach to diet desserts is: eat a small bite of the real tasty and move around a little more.

But sometimes - rarely! - there are dietary desserts that have a right to exist. For some reason, they are all based on protein powder :-)) So it was with protein ice cream and with this cupcake too. There is no sugar, no flour, no carbohydrates, only proteins and it takes one minute to cook. Well, why not like it :-))

A serving of 20 g of protein, virtually no carbs and 200 calories. Consider that you have eaten a pack of cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is already coming out of your ears, then such a cupcake is quite for itself. And you gorge yourself on a cupcake for some reason much better than a liquid protein shake. Although the composition is almost the same.

So, you will need:

  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein (no more than 23 g protein)
  • 1 tbsp coconut, almond, or at worst regular flour
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder (1g)
  • about 50 ml of milk

First, mix all dry ingredients in a mug, then gradually dilute with milk until smooth. Cook in the microwave for about 1 minute. This is, in short.

Now for the details.

Coconut flour seems to be sold in a flavor, almond flour is sold in large supermarkets. You can also grind nuts or coconut.

If you have more than 23 grams of protein in your protein, use less, otherwise the cake may be rubbery. The best protein for baking is soy protein, as whey has a rubbery consistency. If you like the cupcake, then it makes sense to buy some soy protein and cook everything on it.

By proportions. It can be difficult to measure half a spoonful of baking powder. I have a set of measuring spoons, it's easier for me. but also got bored. If you like the cupcake and are going to make it often, then prepare the mixture in advance:

  • 300 g protein
  • 100 g coconut, nut or plain flour
  • 10 g baking powder

Mix everything and put in a jar. Pour 40 g from there into a mug and dilute with milk. Recently, I have not measured milk at all, I dilute it by eye to the consistency of a pancake dough.

About the mug. For this amount, you need a mug of at least 400 ml. Everything will come out of the smaller mug! Measure directly how much you have in your mug.

Now about baking. You will need to experiment with how long your protein is baked in your microwave and your mug. It will be different for everyone. Start with 1 minute. The cupcake should rise, and when you turn off the microwave, it should settle slightly. If the cake is dry and rubbery, bake it. If it is too liquid, it is not baked. From experience I will say - a little liquid is better than dry and rubber. Also keep in mind that it comes in a mug a little more. You need to achieve a delicate soft consistency.

Now about the variety. As much as you love your protein, you will get bored of eating the same taste. Therefore, the options for you are:

  1. Chocolate. add 10 g of dark cocoa and a teaspoon of brandy instead of flour. It will taste like a potato cake.

2. Berry. Stir in a handful of berries to the vanilla cake. If the berries are frozen, you will have to cook the cake longer, experiment.

3. Apple cider. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the dry mixture, and cut a quarter of the apple into a mug of dough into small cubes. Beforehand, it is better to bake the apple a little: a minute and a half in the microwave, and the apple will soften enough to be soft and tender in the muffin. You can also crush an orange or tangerine into a cupcake.

4. Lemon. Add freshly grated lemon zest. Special lemon lovers can replace some of the milk with lemon juice, or add lemon curd. You can do the same with orange, lime and grapefruit.

5. Nutty. Add 1 tsp. any nut paste (urbecha). The tasteville sells coconut. peanut, almond and cashew. You can also buy Urbech on the Internet. My favorite flavor, of course, is hazelnut. Please note that the addition of nuts will increase the calorie content.

6. Ginger. Grate 1 tsp. fresh ginger, dissolve in milk and strain. Then use the ginger milk for the dough as usual.

7. Caramel. Buy a calorie-free sports caramel sauce from a sports nutrition store and pour it over a cupcake.

8. Banana. Puree a third of one banana and knead the dough on it. Dilute with milk to the consistency of a pancake dough.

9. On sour cream. A little more calories, but with sour cream, all the baked goods are tastier. Replace milk with sour cream.

10. Coffee Replace the milk with freshly brewed delicious coffee.

This is a sweet dessert for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. There is no sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and other things in muffins. Moreover, the recipe is very simple and therefore suitable for breakfast. After all, in the morning every minute counts!

To make protein muffins we need:


  • 60 gr. coconut flakes
  • 1 banana
  • 4 squirrels
  • 1 scuba protein (chocolate)
  • 6-8 strawberries for beauty

We put the oven to warm up to 180C

We take out the muffin tins

1. In a bowl, mix the coconut and egg whites. Whisk.

2. Add the banana. Stir until smooth.

3. Add protein and stir with a spoon. For convenience, you can pour the coconut and protein mixture into a large bowl before adding the protein. H photo - the resulting mass of shavings and proteins.

4. Pour into molds. We put it in the oven.

5. We are waiting for about 12 minutes. We take out almost ready-made cupcakes and add decoration to them (of course, you can skip this stage)

6. Put in the oven "bake" for about 5 - 10 minutes, depending on the size of the berries and whether they are fresh or frozen. The juice will drain from the ice cream and this will prolong the cooking process.

7. Take it out of the oven, if necessary, dry it in the switched off oven.

8. Enjoy!

I baked similar cupcakes quite recently,

If you cook muffins in the evening, then in the morning, having taken them out of the container, you can quickly have a tasty and beautiful breakfast. The cupcakes are hearty. Two is enough for me to eat.

Protein muffins are convenient to take with you as a snack. 😉

I signed up to run a marathon in April. It is 42 km. That is, to the fig. I have an extra weight of 10 kg, and I don’t smile at all to drag it for 42 km, and without it I would have run ... This means I have to lose weight.

I am often asked how to make a cake that is flour, sugar, butter, nuts, gluten and lactose free and tastes as good as real. I turn into a beast in response. Why don't you ask me how to teleport? Or how to travel faster than the speed of light? And at the same time how to change the gravity, otherwise 9.8 is too much, the chest sags. My approach to diet desserts is: eat a small bite of the real tasty and move around a little more.

But sometimes - rarely! - there are dietary desserts that have a right to exist. For some reason, they are all based on protein powder :-)) So it was with protein ice cream and with this cupcake too. There is no sugar, no flour, no carbohydrates, only proteins and it takes one minute to cook. Well, why not like it :-))

A serving of 20 g of protein, virtually no carbs and 200 calories. Consider that you have eaten a pack of cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is already coming out of your ears, then such a cupcake is quite for itself. And you gorge yourself on a cupcake for some reason much better than a liquid protein shake. Although the composition is almost the same.

So, you will need:

  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein (no more than 23 g protein)
  • 1 tbsp coconut, almond, or at worst regular flour
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder (1g)
  • about 50 ml of milk

First, mix all dry ingredients in a mug, then gradually dilute with milk until smooth. Cook in the microwave for about 1 minute. This is, in short.

Now for the details.

Coconut flour seems to be sold in a flavor, almond flour is sold in large supermarkets. You can also grind nuts or coconut.

If you have more than 23 grams of protein in your protein, use less, otherwise the cake may be rubbery. The best protein for baking is soy protein, as whey has a rubbery consistency. If you like the cupcake, then it makes sense to buy some soy protein and cook everything on it.

By proportions. It can be difficult to measure half a spoonful of baking powder. I have a set of measuring spoons, it's easier for me. but also got bored. If you like the cupcake and are going to make it often, then prepare the mixture in advance:

  • 300 g protein
  • 100 g coconut, nut or plain flour
  • 10 g baking powder

Mix everything and put in a jar. Pour 40 g from there into a mug and dilute with milk. Recently, I have not measured milk at all, I dilute it by eye to the consistency of a pancake dough.

About the mug. For this amount, you need a mug of at least 400 ml. Everything will come out of the smaller mug! Measure directly how much you have in your mug.

Now about baking. You will need to experiment with how long your protein is baked in your microwave and your mug. It will be different for everyone. Start with 1 minute. The cupcake should rise, and when you turn off the microwave, it should settle slightly. If the cake is dry and rubbery, bake it. If it is too liquid, it is not baked. From experience I will say - a little liquid is better than dry and rubber. Also keep in mind that it comes in a mug a little more. You need to achieve a delicate soft consistency.

Now about the variety. As much as you love your protein, you will get bored of eating the same taste. Therefore, the options for you are:

  1. Chocolate. add 10 g of dark cocoa and a teaspoon of brandy instead of flour. It will taste like a potato cake.

2. Berry. Stir in a handful of berries to the vanilla cake. If the berries are frozen, you will have to cook the cake longer, experiment.

3. Apple cider. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the dry mixture, and cut a quarter of the apple into a mug of dough into small cubes. Beforehand, it is better to bake the apple a little: a minute and a half in the microwave, and the apple will soften enough to be soft and tender in the muffin. You can also crush an orange or tangerine into a cupcake.

4. Lemon. Add freshly grated lemon zest. Special lemon lovers can replace some of the milk with lemon juice, or add lemon curd. You can do the same with orange, lime and grapefruit.

5. Nutty. Add 1 tsp. any nut paste (urbecha). The tasteville sells coconut. peanut, almond and cashew. You can also buy Urbech on the Internet. My favorite flavor, of course, is hazelnut. Please note that the addition of nuts will increase the calorie content.

6. Ginger. Grate 1 tsp. fresh ginger, dissolve in milk and strain. Then use the ginger milk for the dough as usual.

7. Caramel. Buy a calorie-free sports caramel sauce from a sports nutrition store and pour it over a cupcake.

8. Banana. Puree a third of one banana and knead the dough on it. Dilute with milk to the consistency of a pancake dough.

9. On sour cream. A little more calories, but with sour cream, all the baked goods are tastier. Replace milk with sour cream.

10. Coffee Replace the milk with freshly brewed delicious coffee.

Hey! It's been a long time since I was here) That session, then something else. In the morning you will get up not the light of day, in the evening you already fall asleep. Sound familiar? But today I have a little strength. Just a little. These Banana Protein Muffins are just enough. They are very simple. The only nuance is very ripe bananas. Everyone has bananas in the initial stage of rotting. Or not in the initial one)) Here they are, covered with black specks, and we need it! Completely rotten, of course, will not work. And with spotted it turns out more fragrant. So…

Main ingredients

Earlier, I posted a similar one. But this one is easier. And accordingly, it is faster in preparation.

We put the oven at 200C

1. First, we mash the bananas with a fork. This will be easy if the bananas are ripe. Pour in the ground oatmeal. Beat one egg and add some cinnamon.

Bananas, egg, oatmeal, cinnamon

2. Stir. Add protein. Mix again.

Added protein

3. Break the next egg and mix again.

Ready mix for muffins

4. Pour into molds. I poured it to the brim. And the muffins rise a lot) So it is necessary to pour less. I waited for them for 17 minutes and seconds. Then I left it on a little bit in the turned off oven. If you pour less, I think their cooking time will be exactly 15 minutes.

Enjoy your tea!