Green borscht recipe with sorrel. Green borsch

20.08.2019 Restaurant notes

The most interesting thing is that green borscht and real borsch have the same relationship to each other as an apple to an oyster. But historically it is called "green borscht", but in fact it is meat sorrel soup.

The dish owes its name to sorrel, which gives the soup its characteristic green color.

An exceptionally tasty and healthy dish. Especially in the spring.

I went out to the market today for food. Grannies are standing with wallets - they are selling all sorts of things. And each, mind you - each, has several bunches of beautiful young, bright green sorrel. And my heart trembled ...

Green borscht is brewed here almost all year round. For this, sorrel is even canned. But spring is a ritual, almost like meeting spring. For example, I like the borscht to be hot, as it is customary to eat, and with a pleasant sourness, and not too green and thick.

Fatty pork ribs work best

  • Next, add coarsely chopped carrots, roots. Chop the onion to your liking. I cut into strips along the onion, so the onion remains in the form of strips after boiling.

    Boil meat

  • Cook the pork broth with vegetables for another 20 minutes.

    Add onions and roots

  • While the broth is boiling, you need to boil the hard-boiled eggs. Boiling time for eggs is about 10-12 minutes. After boiling, immediately cool the eggs under cold running water and peel.

    Slice boiled eggs

  • The broth is cooked. Remove parsnip and parsley roots and bay leaves from the broth. Leave only meat, onions and carrots.
  • If the broth was cooked from chicken, it is necessary to remove the chicken meat from the broth, remove all bones and chop the meat, not very coarsely.

    Add chopped potatoes

  • Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes. Throw in the potatoes and continue cooking. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

    Sorrel for green borscht

  • Wash the sorrel thoroughly under running water, tear off the leaves from the petioles. Finely chop the leaves.

    Chop sorrel

  • Chop the parsley.
  • Cut the eggs into pieces twice as large as for the Olivier salad. Too fine, including grating, is not worth it, otherwise porridge will come out, but borscht.
  • When the potatoes are practically cooked, throw in the chopped sorrel. Cook over medium heat for no more than 3-4 minutes.

    Throw the chopped sorrel

  • Add chopped herbs and eggs. Cook for another 2 minutes.

  • If we follow the culinary logic, then it would be more correct to call the dish meat soup with sorrel. But it so happened that in Russia it is more often called green cabbage soup, and in Ukraine green borscht, although there is no cabbage, no beets or tomato in the composition. Sorrel gives it a recognizable sourness and color. In addition, nettle and spinach, green onions and parsley can be added. It is brewed on the basis of meat broth, most often on pork or chicken, less often on beef (although a lean option is also possible). Of the vegetables, potatoes, onions and carrots are traditionally used. For a special consistency and taste, the dish is seasoned with roast with flour and sour cream. It turns out a very tasty sorrel borscht, hot and nutritious.

    How much sorrel should you put in your soup?

    The most important point in cooking is to correctly calculate the amount of sorrel so that the soup is not too sour. Typically, 200 grams of a vitamin plant (leaves, without petioles) are taken in a 2-liter saucepan. Do not put too much sorrel. Keep in mind that when infused, its taste intensifies many times.

    Alternatively, you can add a little more acidity directly when serving - squeeze lemon juice directly into a plate. It will not only enhance the presence of oxalic acid, but also give an interesting flavor note to the vitamin dish. As for the egg in the name of the recipe, traditionally green borscht with sorrel eggs, or rather, halves of a boiled egg, are added directly when serving.

    Cooking time: 20 + 40 minutes / Output: 2 liter saucepan


    • chicken thigh - 400 g
    • water - 1.5-2 l
    • bay leaf - 1 pc.
    • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
    • potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • 20% sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
    • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
    • onions - 2 pcs.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • sorrel - 200 g
    • green onions - 20 g
    • parsley - 20 g
    • spinach - 30 g
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
    • ground black pepper - 2 chips.
    • salt to taste

    How to cook green borsch with sorrel

    Cooking begins with boiling the broth. Any part of the chicken on the bone will do, such as the chicken leg, thigh, or legs. Instead of chicken, you can use pork, not too fatty. For the broth, I put the meat in a saucepan, immediately put bay leaves and black peppercorns (you can add roots, for example, celery and parsnips). Pour cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 30 minutes, until tender, until the meat is easily separated from the bone. At the very end, I add salt to taste.

    I take out the meat and cool it down. I'm filtering the broth. I remove the meat from the bone and return it back to the pan. Bring it to a boil again. I add the potatoes, peeled and diced.

    While the potatoes are being cooked, I am preparing a vegetable fry. To do this, I peel a couple of large onions and carrots. I heat a little vegetable oil (refined) in a frying pan and fry the onion, diced in it, first. As soon as it becomes soft, add carrots, chopped on a coarse grater. I continue to fry until golden brown.

    I add flour - it thickens the soup. Stirring, fry for no more than a minute, until the lumps disappear.

    I add sour cream to the frying. But first, so that it does not come in flakes, I dilute it with warm broth in a separate container (2 tablespoons sour cream - 5 tablespoons broth). I pour it into the pan and heat it for 1 minute. I take it off the fire. It turns out a thick vegetable frying with sour cream.

    I put the frying in a saucepan, where the potatoes have already been cooked. Let it boil. In the meantime, I cut a bunch of sorrel - only leaves are needed, without hard and fibrous petioles. Finely chop a bunch of parsley and spinach, green onions with a knife. If you want, you can add a little young nettle to the borscht, after pouring boiling water over it so that it doesn't "sting."

    About 1-2 minutes before the borsch is ready, I put all the greens in it. I bring the amount of salt and pepper to taste. As for the degree of acidity, then be guided by your taste, you can slightly increase the amount of sorrel, but keep in mind that the borscht will become sour when infused. Once the greens are added, the soup should boil, after which I cover the pan and immediately remove from the heat. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes so that the sorrel and spinach evaporate.

    Green borsch with sorrel should be served hot. Traditionally it is flavored with sour cream and boiled egg halves. Additionally, you can sprinkle with finely chopped green onions and garnish with a sprig of parsley, offer guests a slice of lemon. It is best to store borscht in an enamel bowl, under a lid, in a refrigerator, no longer than 2 days. Enjoy your meal!

    - probably, this question worries many novice housewives in the spring, when it's time for greenery. In fact, even novice cooks can do this, so let's rather see how to cook green borscht.


    Irina Zhukova with you and

    I really like to cook deliciously and do not like to spend a lot of time on it. It sounds strange, but it is. With young children, you learn to do everything as quickly and easily as possible. Therefore, I choose recipes for myself that do not take much time.

    Our family loves green borscht as a first dish. It is also called sorrel soup, green cabbage soup. Of course, our sorrel soup has nothing to do with borscht. And they call it "green" because there is a lot of greenery.

    By the way, due to greens, sorrel soup is rich in vitamins and microelements that we need so much in the spring after the winter cold.

    I will tell you in detail how to cook delicious green borsch, and at the end of the article you can see MY VIDEO RECIPE and helpful tips.

    Let's prepare the products:

    I cook in a 5 liter saucepan, if necessary, reduce the amount of food by half.

    Meat broth

    Potatoes 8-10 pcs.

    Bulb onions 1-2 pcs

    Carrots 1 pc.

    Bell pepper 1 pc.

    Eggs 4 pcs.

    Greens (sorrel, dill, parsley, green onions) - how many do not mind)))))

    Salt, spices, bay leaf

    Small piece of butter

    Sour cream

    Let's start cooking:

    1. Cook the meat broth.

    Put the meat in a five-liter saucepan in cold water. I prefer to take beef brisket for soups and borscht. The more meat in the broth, the richer and fatter the broth is. I have two small pieces of brisket, about 1.5 kg. Bring to a boil, remove the scale and add the finely chopped onion. We reduce the temperature to a minimum, cook for 1, 5 - 2 hours. (At this time, I have time to do other household chores!)

    Half an hour before the meat is ready, I prepare products for the green borscht.

    2. Cut the potatoes, I cut them into cubes.

    3. Finely chop the onion.

    4. Cut the carrots into strips.

    5. Finely chop the Bulgarian pepper.

    6. When the meat is ready, take it out. Pour potatoes and pepper into the broth, bring to a boil, put on a slow fire and cover with a lid.

    7. While the potatoes are cooking, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil.

    8. When the potatoes are almost cooked (after 10-15 minutes), add the fried onions and carrots.

    9. Break the eggs, add some salt, pour in a little water and stir well with a fork.

    10. When the potatoes are cooked, add the egg mixture to the soup.

    Here is an important point: so that the eggs do not float in the soup with "threads" or "ropes", they must be correctly added to the broth! Bring the soup to a boil, and constantly stirring with a fork, very slowly pour in the egg liquid in a thin stream. It turns out that the testicles float in tiny pieces.

    11. Quickly chop our greens and put them in the soup.

    12. Salt, pepper, add lavrushka.

    13. The final stage - put a small piece of butter in our green borscht, stir, cover with a lid, turn off the gas and let it brew.

    Green borscht is ready!

    Fragrant, tasty and healthy!

    Serve with sour cream!

    A few helpful tips on how to cook green borscht:

    - for broth, you can use pork, or even cook lean soup (i.e. without meat)

    - onions and carrots can not be fried, but put together with potatoes

    - can be cooked without bell pepper

    - eggs can be boiled separately and cut into a plate

    - put as much greens as there is. The more sorrel, the more sour the borscht.

    you can cook green borscht in winter and use frozen greens

    Here is a photo of the finished green borscht:

    As promised, my video recipe for green borscht:

    I wish you bon appetit!

    I really hope you liked my recipe and did not have any questions about how to cook green borscht.

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    With love,

    Irina Zhukova

    Green borscht is a taste from my wonderful childhood, it was prepared by another of my beloved grandmothers. When I was little, I was always my grandmother's kitchen assistant. I often remember the case when my grandmother decided to cook borsch with sorrel and an egg, I had a responsible task to cut all the greens. As a result, my grandmother was very surprised and told me that if I cut food so large in the future, no one will marry me, I was embarrassed by this fact.
    Now, of course, I remember this with a smile on my face, but all my childhood I tried to chop the food as finely as possible. I think at the moment my grandmother would be very pleased with my culinary skills. In the spring, I like to plant beds with various herbs and vegetables. A personally grown crop with my own hands makes me very happy every year. So this year, too, I sowed sorrel earlier. Usually I collect it up to five times a season, but I want to say that the most vitamin collection falls on the first time.
    I offer you a choice of three recipes for green borscht with sorrel and egg, all borscht are delicious, but in the first recipe we added tomato and beetroot to borscht, it is cooked in meat broth, but without meat. We will cook the second borsch on veal, the borscht will be hearty meat, without tomato paste, it should be served with a lot of sour cream. The third recipe is a variant of borscht with sorrel and not boiled, but beaten egg. Choose the recipe that you like best.

    Recipe number 1. Green borsch with sorrel, egg and tomato

    Sorrel is very tasty and in itself very useful for the human body as a whole. Green cabbage soup, soups, borscht are made from it, and I also recommend adding it to mashed potatoes, due to its color, it will give the dish an extraordinary color and taste. Usually green borscht is cooked without beets, I think that then the dish will turn out more like not borscht, but rather like soup, I always prefer beetroot and tomato juice in green borscht.
    To prepare green borscht, we need 1.5 hours. The number of servings will be 6 pieces.

    Taste Info Borscht and cabbage soup


    • Potatoes - 6 pieces.
    • Carrots - 1 piece
    • Beets - 3 pieces.
    • Onion - 1 piece.
    • Green sorrel - 5 bunches.
    • Homemade tomato juice - 250 milliliters.
    • Homemade eggs - 4 pieces.
    • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.

    How to cook green borsch with sorrel, egg and tomato

    Pouring water into a saucepan, you can boil broth, this time I did not have time to prepare broth. We will cook this green borscht without meat, you can cook chicken broth, and also add chopped meat from which the broth was cooked to this green borscht.
    Put the pot of water on the fire, then peel the vegetables. Grate beets.

    Finely chop the onion, if your eyes are watery, I recommend looking at the cold running water.

    Next, we will deal with carrots, we will also grate them.

    While we were busy with vegetables, our water boiled, we send the grated beet into boiling water. We will boil it down to an almost transparent color. At this time, set the eggs to boil for 10 minutes.

    We constantly look at the beet, when it acquires the shade we need, cut the potatoes and send it to the boiled beet.

    While the potatoes are boiling, take the pan, pour in the vegetable oil, then put the carrots and onions and send them to the stove.

    When the frying for the green borscht acquires its characteristic color.

    Add a beet to it and leave it for ten minutes. At this time, remove the eggs from the stove and fill them with cold water, so that later it would be better to clean them.

    After the beets are well done, pour in the homemade tomato juice and leave for another ten minutes.

    At this time, we will move on to the green sorrel, cut the tails from the bunches, and cut the rest.

    Then we remove the frying from the stove, it has acquired the desired consistency.

    Let's send the frying to the borscht, pour cold water from the eggs and clean it.

    Finely chop the peeled eggs.

    We will send the chopped sorrel after the frying in the borscht.

    When the sorrel has boiled a little, add the crumbled eggs to the same place. Salt, pepper and be sure to add the bay leaf.

    After the borsch with sorrel and egg is cooked, turn off the heat and let the borscht brew on the stove for about another twenty minutes. Our borscht can traditionally be served with sour cream, bread, bacon, green onions can be served with borscht.

    Teaser network

    Recipe number 2. Green borsch with sorrel, egg and meat

    Fans of healthy and tasty food will like green borscht with veal. It is easy to prepare, and the result obtained will pleasantly surprise the household. Its two main ingredients are veal and herbs. It is advisable to use homemade greens, and purchased greens must be soaked for thirty minutes in cold water to remove pesticides.


    • 500 grams of veal;
    • 150 grams of greens (sorrel, dill, parsley, green onions);
    • five potatoes;
    • one small head of onion;
    • three hard-boiled eggs;
    • 100 grams of sour cream;
    • salt, a mixture of ground peppers;
    • two liters of water.

    Cooking delicious borscht with eggs and sorrel
    1. Peel the veal from films, layers of fat and cut into small pieces.
    2. Put the pieces of veal in a saucepan, pour over them with two liters of water, and then put them to boil over low heat for thirty minutes.

    3. Peel onions and potatoes. Cut the potatoes into chunks and add them, along with the whole onion, to a bowl of veal broth.

    4. When the potatoes become soft, add chopped herbs to the pan. In addition to the standard set of sorrel, dill, parsley, onions, you can use young nettles.

    5. Boil the borscht for three minutes and add the boiled eggs cut into cubes.

    6. For borscht to acquire a richer taste - pour one hundred grams of sour cream into it. Bring the borsch to a boil and pour it into bowls.

    The borscht prepared according to this recipe contains a large amount of vitamins, perfectly restores strength, and also fills the body with energy.

    Recipe number 3. Green sorrel soup with beaten egg

    For sure, every hostess knows how to cook green borsch with sorrel and eggs. With the arrival of spring and the appearance of the first fragrant greenery, you always want something light and green. To prepare the first course, you will need sour sorrel, which can be purchased at any market or plucked in your own garden. Do not buy horse sorrel, it does not have a sour taste and the soup will turn out without sorrel sourness, which is so inherent in green sorrel soups. In this recipe, we will not use a boiled egg, but a beaten one. Sorrel soup with egg can be cooked and thus, it will turn out delicious too.


    • Potatoes 6 pcs.
    • Carrots 1 pc.
    • Bulb onion 1 pc.
    • Sorrel 200 g
    • Chicken egg 3 pcs.
    • Sour cream 2 tbsp
    • Sunflower oil 3 tbsp
    • Salt 1 tsp
    • Ground black pepper
    • Bay leaf 2 pcs.
    • Water 1.5-2 l
    • Greens


    The potatoes must be peeled and rinsed thoroughly. Cut into random cubes and dip in a cooking pot, about 2 liters. Cover with cold water and heat. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10-15 minutes to soften the potato slices. Optionally, the soup can be prepared with meat broth.

    While we fry the vegetables. Peel large onions and carrots. Rinse. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat and add prepared vegetables. While stirring, fry over low heat until soft.

    Add fried onions and carrots to almost boiled potatoes and boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes over moderate heat.

    Rinse the sorrel leaves. Cut off thick stems. Cut the leaf into strips. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

    Add fatty sour cream immediately, preferably homemade or heavy cream. Stir and bring to a boil. Boil for up to ten minutes over low heat.

    There are two ways to add eggs. One of them is to beat the raw eggs with a fork and pour them into a saucepan in a thin stream, stirring to form the egg strands. If you don't like this option, boil the eggs and cut into cubes. Boil the contents of the pot and cook for up to five minutes.

    Take aromatic dill and parsley from the herbs. Rinse, chop finely. Add to soup. Season with salt, ground black pepper, bay leaves. You can use additional spices for the soup, of your choice. Boil for about a minute and turn off heat.

    Green borsch with sorrel and egg is ready.

    Cover with a lid and let it brew a little and invite everyone to dinner. Serve sour cream and fresh bread with borscht. Bon Appetit!

    Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

    Green borsch with sorrel and egg is a dish that our grandmother and mother prepared with love for us, and now I cook it for my family. This borscht differs from the standard cabbage borscht by a slight sourness and the presence of eggs. Although I always throw eggs into borsch with cabbage and I will not cook borsch at all if there are no eggs in the refrigerator. It is not difficult to cook green borsch with sorrel and egg. But he is always eaten quickly and with great appetite.

    Prepare the required ingredients.

    It is better to use homemade chicken, since the broth from it is rich and always tastier than from the store. It must be thoroughly washed both outside and inside.

    Put in a deep saucepan, add water to completely cover the bird. Add peeled onions, coarsely chopped peeled carrots and a few bay leaves.

    Send the pan to the fire. At the time of boiling, remove the generated noise and reduce the heat to a minimum. Continue to cook until the meat is tender. If the chicken is young, then 30-40 minutes will be enough.

    At the end of cooking, carefully remove the chicken, and strain the broth through a fine sieve. Return the broth back to the fire, and leave the chicken to cool.

    The potatoes must be peeled, washed and cut into strips.

    When the broth boils, add the potatoes to it and cook for 15 minutes.

    Peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a medium grater.

    Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Place prepared vegetables and fry until soft. It will take 5-7 minutes.

    Pour in tomato juice, add sugar and, stirring, evaporate the liquid.

    Chop the washed sorrel into strips.

    Boil hard-boiled eggs.

    Cool, remove the shell and cut into small cubes.

    Put the vegetable dressing, sorrel and eggs into the borscht. Stir and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.

    Finely chop the herbs.

    Add it to the pot. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Turn off the heat, cover and leave for 15 minutes to infuse the borscht.

    Remove the chicken meat from the bones, arrange on plates and pour the borscht.

    Add homemade sour cream to the bowls if desired. A rich, fragrant green borsch with sorrel and eggs can be safely served. Bon Appetit. Cook with love.