Chocolate cake with orange juice. Chocolate-orange cakes: Best recipes

03.05.2020 Restaurant Notes.

Fans of chocolate baking and desserts are constantly experimenting in the search for the perfect companion for this with all the favorite product. The magnificent winter option and the real find is the preparation of a chocolate-orange cake. Such dessert will have to taste even those who indifferently refers to chocolate and prefers less sweet baking. Adding an orange to the dough and cream allows you to significantly reduce the sweetness of the finished dish and give it an indescribable sour-sweet shade. The tea drinking with cold evenings with an orange cake will be a favorite family-friendly.

Chocolate-Orange Cake Recipe

Cookins have come up with a set of variations of the preparation of a chocolate-orange cake and each of the recipes is good in its own way. However, for the holiday, the cake recipe consisting of a chocolate biscuit, a gentle creamy-orange cream and an acidic citrus impregnation is suitable for a festival. And if you spend a little more time on the decoration and feed, then the dish will not give way to the restaurant dessert.

Ingredients to the recipe "Chocolate-Orange Cake"

Before preparing the preparation of chocolate cake based on oranges, it is necessary to prepare the products indicated in the recipe. All components needed to prepare an orange cake Delim into 3 groups: products for biscuit, cream and impregnation. Oranges before use, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse with hot water with a brush to remove the wax that the sellers handle fruits to save the commodity type.


Before starting cooking, the ingredients should be prepared for chocolate biscuit. To enhance the concentration of chocolate in the orange cake, you can increase the amount of component. The combination of biscuit and bitter black chocolate is ideal for a cake from an orange. Therefore, it is better to take such a product in which the mass fraction of cocoa is not lower than 70%.

For the manufacture of biscuit, it will be necessary:

  • 150 g of sifted flour;
  • 200 g of chocolate (bitter);
  • 6 chicken eggs (you can immediately separate the white part from yellow, only carefully observe, no drop of yolk in the protein should be hit);
  • tired zest 1 orange;
  • 50 g of butter;
  • 200 g of sugar (additionally prepare 2 more tablespoons);
  • slight pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soluble coffee;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 50 ml of orange liqueur (if it is assumed that the cake from orange will be children, then the liquor is replaced by orange juice);
  • ¼ cup of hot water.


To make the perfect addition to a chocolate cake with oranges, a citrus cream will be required.

For the dessert filler, it turns out the desired consistency, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the selection of cream. They must be maximum fatty (at least 38%), already initially on the cream density as cream.

General list of cream components:

  • 400 ml of high fat cream;
  • 100 g of sugar for whipping cream + 75 g for the cream itself;
  • 4 orange;
  • creamy oil 60 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs and 1 yolk;
  • an incomplete teaspoon of corn starch.


The basis of impregnation is syrup based on juice from orange. Due to the fact that in the dish, along with the pulp, the zest will be used, oranges for orange chocolate cake should be carefully flushed. For orange syrup, it will be necessary:

  • grated with half orange zest;
  • 100 g of fresh juice (if the juicy fruit, then approximately the amount is obtained from half of the fruit);
  • 50 g sugar.

Video cooking chocolate-orange cake

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Cooking step by step

The process of cooking a chocolate cake with orange cream is better to start with the kneading biscuit. While he will be baked, there will be time to cook cream and impregnation.

  1. Initially, a chocolate base for the test is made. Coffee is dissolved in the indicated amount of boiled water. In a separate dish, the pair is dissolved into chocolate pieces together with creamy oil. When the consistency is allowed, mix the mixture thoroughly and pour cooked coffee into it. Then we pour the zeper and add the juice or liquor there (the liquid must be warm temperatures, otherwise the chocolate will begin to thick ahead of time).
  2. Separated eggs whipped with 2 tablespoons of sugar. To accelerate the process, several drops of lemon juice are added. As soon as the proteins become the most dense and lush, shifting them into another container (if the kitchen combine capacity was used during the beating). Beaching Stage It is worth paying special attention, because It is at the expense of proteins that the dough will be lush, because there are no soda or baking powder in the composition.
  3. Prepare Dry Ingredients: In the sifted flour, pour Cocoa, add a pinch of salt there and mix everything.
  4. Beat yolks with sugar to the condition of the cream, then mix them with a chocolate mass until a homogeneous structure is obtained. Then in several stages introduce prepared dry components. Connect the dough with whipped squirrels. At this stage, the mixer is no longer worth using, in order not to damage the air structure of the test. Stirring must be strictly manually, very neatly, wrapping movements, spatula.
  5. Next, you can go in two ways: immediately bake the whole biscuit and cut it already in the finished form or bake the cake cakes separately. The first method suits the experienced confers and owners of a suitable sharp knife. The prepared dough is poured into a form of a diameter of 18 to 21 cm, lubricated with butter and lined with bakery paper. Send into the oven to readiness. Baked crude put the top to the flat dish and cool. The base of the cake with orange and chocolate is ready.

To prepare impregnation in a small capacity, warm the juice, zest and sugar. While biscuit bakes, cook cream. Grate the zest and squeeze juice from oranges (about 1 glasses should turn out). Cedra mix with sugar and juice, let it stand about half an hour. At this time, beat eggs with a yolk, to introduce starch and zest with juice. As soon as a single consistency is obtained, we put whipped eggs on fire and cook, without bringing to a boil. In the cooking process, the mixture is constantly mixed and cooking to density. Ready cream Skip through a sieve, add butter and give to cool. Beat the cream with sugar to lush peaks and enter the remaining components of the cream in several goals.

Dessert Decoration and Feed

The cake assembly is best done in a detachable form with high sideboards. We put onto the bottom of the warm first cake and generously we wonder the uncomfortable impregnation. We give a kid after impregnation cool. To accelerate the process, one can separately each reservoir in the warm state can be absorbed.

Upper cake layer can not be impregnated, but make a decoration in the form of black chocolate glaze. For its preparation, chopped chocolate is poured with hot cream and is stirred to a single consistency. The finished orange cake is covered on top of the icing, as desired on top there may be a sprinkle of the orange zest.

Agar-agar - analogue gelatin

There are several subtleties in the preparation of a chocolate cake with oranges:

  1. To make the cream as thick as possible, you can add to it gelatin or agar-agar. Pre-gelatin soak in cold water and pour into cream at the final beat.
  2. After assembling, the cake should be placed to frozen in the refrigerator preferably for a day.
  3. If it did not work out to beat the proteins to the desired state, a baking powder is added to the biscuit.
  4. Whipped proteins or cream need to mix neatly, it will allow the maximum to save the magnificent structure in the finished product.
  5. We whip together with the yolk eggs and cook with the addition of corn starch, because After warm up, it is good to distribute the dry component on the mixture, and many lumps are formed, which are no longer getting rid of.

People who do not like oranges or chocolate, probably do not exist. Bright solar citrus and velvet chocolate, complementing each other, only emphasize the taste of each other. By the way, both chocolate, and citrus have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, cause a feeling of pleasure.

I want such an exquisite dessert to be too complicated in cooking, and could it be more likely to please your friends and loved ones? Such recipes exist.

Chocolate-orange cake - the main technological principles

Of course, to tell about the features of the preparation of all cakes with chocolate and oranges - impassable task, within one article. Therefore, we will dwell on more significant technological moments of those cakes whose recipes are attached below.

First group - Cakes without baking, the simplest dessert according to the method of cooking. In the technology of preparing such cakes there are several pleasant moments who like any hostess, even if it has never been interested in confectionery secrets:

The cake without baking is preparing very simple, bypassing the stage of the kneading test, his baking. For the foundation, you can use cookies, waffles, cornflakes, meringues - everything that prompts imagination and taste.

If the guests are already on the threshold, and there is no dessert, then do the way English hostesses do: they collect all the sweets, which at that moment turned out to be in the kitchen, cut them into pieces or just break, poured melted chocolate, jam, condensed milk - and Considation is ready. Even very interesting recipes are obtained.

You can connect fruits with cottage cheese or "mascarpone", to bore them with gelling components, and put on a biscuit or sand base. Here is the ready-cheesecake cake, in the American style!

It is great that for cakes without baking almost no accurate compliance with the formulation is almost no need - therefore, boldly change the amount of ingredients to your liking, you can even replace them with others.

If the creams in the cake without baking are required gelling, then use agar-agar - it is quickly grasped and the cream based on agar does not spread, standing on the table at 25c. Agar-agar easily retains a steady structure even at 45 ° C, if you think about the serve dessert even on the beach in a hot summer nooon.

Concerning second group Cakes, where not pass the stage of cooking and pasting the test, then it is necessary to relate more carefully to comply with the recipe.

For example, for a standard biscuit semi-finished product, it is necessary that the ratio of liquid and wet dough ingredients is completely the same. Some deviations are allowed: if the flour has a greater humidity, it is necessary to reduce the mass of eggs; If the eggs are the first category, the weight of one is about 70 g, unlike the canteens, which have a lot of no more than 50 g. Remember that sugar, oil in the test - these are liquid components, as they contain more water than solid matter .

Temperature regime when baking depends on the volume of the test, the size of the shape, features of the oven.

Getting Started to prepare a cake according to any one of the selected recipes, think over the work order in advance, prepare the kitchen inventory, equipment: confectionery and their cooking in cooking is the highest pilot, so sometimes, in the process of work, everything solves the collence and thorough preliminary preparation. But, the main thing is desire. Any dish is possible when it is preparing with a soul.

1. Exquisite chocolate-orange cake with mirror icing (complex recipe)

For oil-chocolate biscuit Korzh:

Sugar 75 g

Cocoa (99.8%) 20 g

Eggs, dietary 2 pcs.

Oil (soft) 60 g

Basin (Bakery Powder) 7 g

Orange zest 20 g

Vanilla Essence 7 mg

For the second layer:

Hazelnut 100 g

Caramel 120 g

Chocolate, black (100%), black 1 tile

Orange zest 40 g

Orange interlayer:

Purified slices of oranges +/- 200 g

Fresh, Orange 450 ml

Sugar, refined

Agar-agar 8 g

For chocolate mousse:

White Sugar 170 g

Starch, corn 30 g

Homemade or whole milk 350 ml

Zedra and 200 ml of juice, fresh orange

Cream, heated (33%) 350 ml

Agar-Aar 10 g

Chocolate, Natural Black (without fillers) 150 g

For Glyasada:

Sugar 150 g

Invert syrup (light) 150 g

Boiled water 150 ml

Cocoa 30 g

Confectionery cream 170 ml

Black chocolate 180 g

Institable gelatin 15 g

Cooking technology:

The form for the biscuit (ᴓ24 cm) with a removable bottom of the parchment. Preheat oven.

Eggs with sugar beat to the formation of small foam bubbles. Add oil, vanilla extract. Connect the flour, baking powder and cocoa, mix, and sift the mixture into whipped eggs. Further mix the dough with a shovel, add a fresh orange zest. Pour the dough into shape, bake about 25-30 minutes, at 180c. Cool biscuit on the grid. Get out of the shape of the finished semi-finished product, turn over the opposite side, remove the parchment.

Prepare pralines. You can use caramel candies for convenience and speed of cooking: connect them with nuts, grind. This mass is filled with a melted tile of chocolate, do not forget to add an orange zest, and also mix to a homogeneous state.

The cooled biscuit re-folded again. On him - layer Praline. Put the form in the freezer so that the semi-finished product is well frozen.

Further - an orange layer: take 100 ml of fresh citrus juice into a small saucepan, pour out agar-agar into it, let it stand up ten minutes, and boil the solution for 2 minutes, from the start of boiling. Add the rest of the juice and sugar into the mixture. Cool the jelly ground to 50c. Orange slices Cut on medium pieces (do not forget to remove membrane films and fruit seeds).

Put oranges on the layer of frozen praline and pour orange jelly. Put up to full frost in the refrigerator (approximately 15 minutes). The resulting billet for the cake after frozen to shift to the same form, but of a larger diameter (26 cm).

Start the preparation of chocolate mousse.

Boost milk with orange zest. Wear eggs with sugar (70 g). Add starch, sieving it through a sieve. Stir up to remove lumps. Hot milk, strain through the siete, to remove the zest, pour into the egg mass, stirring the wedge. Placing cream again on fire and boil to good thickening, with continuous stirring. Add chocolate in hot cream so that it melts and mix up to a homogeneous color. Cool at room temperature, covering the cream film to not be covered with a crust.

Agar-agar (10 g) dissolve in orange juice (200 ml), add sugar (100 g) and bring to a boil. Syrup should thicken. Warm custard mix with fruit jelly.

While cream and add them to cream. Fill the confectionery bag and fill out the shape with a cake, starting to pour it first along the edge of the form to pour free space along the edges, and then the surface. So that the cake is completely frozen, remove it into the refrigerator.

Transfer the frozen mousse cake to the stand and cover the mirror chocolate icing.

When the glaze freezes, decorate the cake with pieces of praline, chocolate chips, orange candied.

For chocolate glaze, mix the half of the water with gelatin, and the second part of the water is pouring into a small pan, mix with sugar and syrup. Syrup cook to boil. Add chocolate, cocoa, cream and dissolved gelatin, constantly whipping the glaze of the wedge. Cover the cake with icing is necessary at a temperature of 35c.

2. "Delication" - a chocolate-orange cake (high complexity of preparation)

For biscuit base:

Essence, Orange 7 mg

Sugar 120 g

Bakery Powder 11 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Starch 40 g

For orange jelly with fruit:

Ripe oranges 1.2 kg

Gelatin, instant 25 g

Water boiled 300 ml

For "Bavarian" cream:

Sugar 150 g

Yolks 5 pcs.

Vanilla Concentrate 4 ml

Water 70 ml

Chocolate, Bakersky 200 g

Cream, fat 320 g

Gelatin, food 20 g

Milk 400 ml

For decorating:

Powder Cocoa 50 g

Cream, hot 100 ml

Sugar orange slices

Chocolate 300 g

Cooking order:

Connect flour with starch and baking powder. Load eggs with sugar, adding essence and pinch of salt, to creamy consistency. Caution, trying not to destroy air bubbles in the egg mass, enter the dry mixture, sieving it through the sieve. After adding a flour mixture, the biscuit dough mix the blade. Immediately break the finished dough into a form with a removable bottom lined with parchment. The diameter of the shape - 20-22 cm. Bake at 180 ° C. Ready biscuit Cool on the grille, get out of the form.

Prepared biscuit put on the dish with a removable high side. Gelatin dissolve in water with sugar brought to a boil. When cooking syrup, add the zest of oranges to enhance the orange fragrance. Hot jelly skip through a sieve.

Place the oranges of the oranges without films and seeds on the surface of the biscuit, fill them with frozen jelly and move the shape with a cake in the refrigerator.

For a caustal cream, weak yolks and a half cooked sugar cooked for cream. Gelatin dissolve in cold boiled water. From the second half of the sugar, bring milk to boil. Pour the boiled milk into the yolk mass. Stir, quickly working as a whisk. The cream again break into the saucepan and boil until a complete thickening. In a hot cream, melt chocolate, mix and add gelatin. Cream Cover the film and retain to the side.

While cream to a steady foam, and enter in them, cooled to 18-20s, cream.

Cake Move into the form of a larger diameter and pour the cooked mousse. Remove the dish with a cake for five to six hours in the refrigerator.

Prepare a chocolate decor. In hot cream melt chocolate. If you wish, add rum or cognac (25-30 ml). Load chocolate with a mixer cream and place in a confectionery bag. On the prepared sheet of foil, extrude 10-12 chocolate sockets or other figures. Transfer to the freezer for a few minutes.

Cakes get out of the shape, spray cocoa surface, through the siter. In a circle, put chocolate figures and sugared oranges.

3. Orange cake - tiramisu with cream without baking. Recipe for novice confectioners


Biscuit roll with cherry 2 pcs. 0.5 kg

Agar-Aar 10 g

Oranges 1.5 kg

Sugar to taste

Cream 300 ml

Cooking order:

Cut the finished roll to 1.5 cm. Take a big bowl with a rounded bottom and unlock it inside with a film. Tightly put pieces of the roll on the inner surface, starting from the center of the tank.

With oranges, remove the zest and put it in cream. Add sugar to them, bring the cream to a boil. Fruits Clean the peel and membrane partitions, sharpen the pulp with pieces. Drain 300 ml of juice into separate dishes and dissolve agar-agar in it. To do this, put juice on the stove and let it boil. Mix cream, pieces of fruit and jelly. Cool the cream up to 50 ° C and pour it into a bowl with a biscuit roll.

When the cream almost freezes, put the layer of a roll of roll over it over it. Remove for pouring. Turn the cake on the dish. Decorate with orange zest and whipped cream. Put several candied cherries on creamy cream.

4. "Tropics" - an orange cake with coconut-almond taste. Simple recipe, without baking


For the basics:

White chocolate 350 g

Cream, fatty 100 ml

Almond flakes 90 g

Coconut chips 40 g

Wafers, lemon (or "Artek") 500 g

Condensed milk 200 g

Oil 80 g

Amaretto (liqueur or essence) to taste

For cream and layers of jelly:

"Mascarpone" 400 g

Confectionery cream 350 g

Agar-Aar 5 g

Water 100 ml

Gelatin, crystalline 20 g

Milk 200 ml

Oranges (purified slices) 350 g

Sugar powder 250 g

For decor:

Sugar 170 g

Water boiled 180 ml

Sugar syrup, invert (or glucose, confectionery) 120 g

Cognac 30 ml

White chocolate 200 g

Gelatin, crystalline 15 g


White Dye, Food (Titanium Dioxide) and Green, Gel

Cooking technology:

Start working with white and green mirror cooking, because it should stand for some time in the refrigerator.

Pour the gelatin hot water 80 ml). In the rest of the water, add sugar, glucose or syrup. Heat, but do not bring the mixture to boil. Add a condensed milk, mix. In the hot mixture melt pieces of chocolate. Enter a solution of gelatin, brandy to impart brilliance and fragrance. Be a blender, holding it under the tilt: try not to form bubbles. After whipping, skip the liquid mass through the sieve to remove foreign impurities, as well as reduce the number of bubbles. Add titanium dioxide to select the glaze of white chocolate, as it will have cream color. After separating the third part of the cooked glaze, add a green gel dye to it. Stir the dyes to get smooth and saturated color. Place both parts into the jar, cover the film tightly and remove into the freezer.

In the volumetric bowl, fold the waffle crumb, almond and coconut flakes, mix. In a saucepan, warm cream, melt oil and white chocolate in them. In the liquid mixture, add a liqueur or essence, connect with dry waffle-almond crumb. Stir up to homogeneous consistency.

Put the prepared mixture on the bottom of the closed form, a layer of 1.5 cm. Cross and sink, put in the refrigerator.

Prepare an orange layer. Dissolve agar-agar in water, add 80 g of sugar, put the solution on the stove, boil and cool up to 45-50 ° C. On the frozen base, lay out pieces of oranges and fill the fruit jelly. Remove the cake in the cold again for an hour.

Wake up cream cheese with sugar, beat cream separately. Connect the creamy and cheese mass, mix. Add a fluid gelatin solution (20 g per 200 ml of warm milk), vanilla powder.

Place the frozen cake into the form of a larger diameter, with the help of a confectionery bag, squeeze the curd cream by filling out the entire shape on the sides, covering the surface of the cake. Leave in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Put the cake on the support with a pallet. Preheat glaze to 35s. Cover the cake first with white icing, completely, and after Pouring green, so that dripping drops: the white glaze should be visible on the sides of the cake. On the frozen surface, put candied slices or orange jelly, almonds, coconut chips.

5. Chocolate-orange cake "Trio"

For cake:

Corn starch 30 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Sugar 200 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Oranges 400 g

Gelatin 30 g

Oil 180 g

Milk 250 ml

Cream (38%) 500 ml

Strawberry 300 g

Agar-Aar 7 g

Powder 250 g

Water 100 ml

Cocoa, oranges and strawberry slices in sugar, whipped cream - for registration

Cooking order:

Mix dry ingredients for biscuits. Beat separately proteins and yolks with sugar, connect them. In the total mass, see the dry mixture, mix the dough, pour into the prepared form; Bake up ready.

Having cooled biscuit, put on the grille so that it is standing.

Soak gelatin. Wake up 3 eggs with sugar. Boil milk with fresh zest, strain, pour into the whipped egg mass. Brew cream, add oil into it when cool and beat to stable peaks, enter the gelatin, add chopped pieces of oranges.

Put the chocolate biscuit in the form. Put the frozen cream on it. Cool cake.

Wake up cream with powder and put a dissolved agar-agar. In the creamy cream, put a strawberry, having been waving it and drying out: large berries can be cut on halves, and the average - put the whole. The second cream, too, lay out on the cake, crumple the top and let it be frozen.

Pour the surface by asking for cocoa cake. Remove the discerd form. Place a cake on the stand or dish. Side part with a confectionery syringe decorate whipped cream, and on top. Put the oranges and strawberries.

6. Orange cake jelly

Product composition:

Biscuit 0.6 kg

Oranges 2 pcs.

Fresh, Orange 300 ml

Agar-Aar 10 g (for cheese mass and fruit jelly)

Cream cream cheese 400 g

Powder 120 g

Chocolate 300 g

Merengi 150 g

Milk 100 ml

Water 70 ml

Operating procedure:

This cake is prepared similar to previous recipes. Ready biscuit must be put into shape. In 70 ml of water, dissolve agar. In the saucepan, pour milk, put chocolate and melt. Stirring a chocolate mass, pour dissolved agar-agar. Skip through the sieve when it is slightly cool. Beat chocolate with cream cream. Collapse the meringues, not very fine, and add them to the cottage cheese and chocolate cream. Stir. Lay out the mass on the biscuit base in the form. Let the cream frozen.

Oranges scatter boiling water, cut the rings, along with the skin. Put them on the frozen cream.

In Orange Fresh, add sugar to taste, boil, enter the second part of the agar. Cool slightly orange jelly and cover them oranges.

Chocolate Orange Cake - Useful Tips

  • In order not to stand above the pan with a wedge, you can put a capacitance with cream or glaze to the steam bath, and it does not fake, and it will have to mix it much less.
  • The biscuit semi-finished product after baking, in the perfect version, should be held at least eight hours. Preparation of the cake, in general, consists of several time-consuming stages. Therefore, divide the work so that it does not occur in one day to make the preparation of cortex and cream. Then the work will argue, the biscuit will acquire a stable texture after proofing, and without feeling special fatigue, each hostess will furnace cakes much more often.

Wonderful cake, which combines two saturated tastes: chocolate and orange. Despite the fact that coggs are quite thick, the cake does not work at all. Corges very air, wet and gentle. And creams are quite dense and dense, but still air and mousse.

Ingredients(on a cake with a diameter of 24 cm):
Orange Cream Kurd

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Juice orange - 120 ml
  • Zestra 2 oranges (grated)
  • Zestra 1 Lemon (grated)
  • Creamy oil (chopped by pieces) - 80 g
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml (1/4 stack)
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp.
  • Cream 33-35% - 200 ml
Chocolate orange cream
  • Chocolate bitter (70%) with an aroma of orange (I just have bitter *) - 200 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vanillin - Chipping
  • Zestra 2 oranges (grated)
  • Juice orange - 100 ml
  • Gelatin - 2 sheets
  • Orange liquor (I have a brandy *) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cream 33-35% - 150 ml
  • Butter cream (room temperature) - 130 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Zestra 1 Orange (grated)
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder - 50 g
  • Flour - 160 g
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Dough breakdler - 1 tsp.
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • Juice orange - 100 ml
  • Rum (I have a brandy with a drip of the rum essence) - 1 tbsp. l.

Orange Cream Kurd It is better to cook per day, because at first it turns out quite liquid and it needs to be cholerated to achieve the desired consistency.
In a large heat-resistant dishes, take eggs and yolks with sugar. Put on a water bath and cook, whipping, 1-2 minutes until the mass becomes light and foamy. Add orange juice, orange and lemon zest and continue to beat until the mass starts thick. Remove from the heat and add butter, mix. Profiltrate if you think necessary. Cover and leave cool.
Gelatin fill with lemon juice and let you swell. Then dissolve and add to the orange cream. Remove in the refrigerator overnight so that the cream is thickened.

Chocolate orange cream
In the heat-resistant dishes, take eggs and yolks with sugar and vaniline. Add an orange zest and put on a water bath. Prepare, constantly whipping, to light and lush consistency. Then add chocolate, mix so that it completely melted, and cook another 3-4 minutes. Add an orange liquor and prepare 2 minutes. Then remove from the heat and profile if necessary.
Gelatin is soy for 5 minutes in cold water, press and dissolve in another hot chocolate cream. Cover and leave cool.

Heat the oven to 180 gr. The bottom and wall shapes with a diameter of 24 cm will unleash the baking paper.
Softened oil Wake up with sugar to light color and air consistency. Add the zest and eggs, whipping after each.
In a separate dishes, ask for flour and cocoa with a tearful and soda. Gently, in several techniques, enter the dry mixture into the egg. Then add milk and mix thoroughly.
Pour the dough into the prepared form. Bake 30-35 minutes before dry toothpicks.
Ready, let's get completely cool, and then cut to 2 embers.

Mix rum and orange juice.

Orange cream get out of the refrigerator and beat. Separately sweat the cream and gently enter into cream.
Also separately scatter cream for chocolate cream and gently enter into cream.
One of the cakes enter into a ring with a diameter of 24 cm. Soak half juice. From above, lay out chocolate cream and cover the second korze. Soak the remaining juice. Top lay out orange cream. Cover and remove in the refrigerator. Before feeding, decorate at will, I have a chocolate crumb.

Bon Appetit!

* For a chocolate cream I did not have a chocolate, an aromatized orange, and an orange liqueur. I used ordinary bitter chocolate and brandy. And in the finished cream added a couple of drops of orange essence.

  1. 1 Melt 150 g of chocolate and 150 g of butter. 180 g Sugar Wake up with eggs, then mix with a chocolate-creamy mixture. Add flour with a bundle and cocoa. From the resulting test, bake three embers in the oven preheated to 160-180 degrees. It will take only 13-15 minutes, as we need a slightly wet chocolate brownie.
  2. 2 Next, prepare chocolate ganash for cakes. Melt another 100 g of chocolate and pour 230 g of cream. Send a mixture for the night in the refrigerator, then beat the mixer.
  3. 3 Remove the zest from the orange, then clean it from the peel and films. Mix the flesh, zest and rosemary with 30 g of sugar. Step all for a few minutes, then get the sprigs of rosemary.
  4. 4 Starchs are taking 0.5 stack. Water and a thin flower pour into an orange stuffing. Bring to thickening and remove from fire.
  5. 5 Prepare a chocolate coating. 200 g of chocolate melt, pour 100 g of warm cream and add 100 g of soft oil. Take the mixture with a blender and remove in the refrigerator for an hour.
  6. 6 Now you can fold the cake. Apply to the lower korzh Ganash from paragraph 2, then cover the orange pulp, lay out the second cake and repeat. The last cake and sides are lubricate with chocolate coating. Send a cake to the refrigerator for an hour - ready!

If you like sweet desserts with bright tastes, then be sure to read our article. In it we will tell you how to cook delicious desserts to tea or for the festive table. Cake chocolate-orange will delight sweet tooths of any age and raise the mood even in the most gloomy day.

Cake-souffle with almond

The original combination of taste of chocolate, orange and nuts will not leave indifferent even strictly criticism.


  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Dark chocolate - 80 grams.
  • Orange jam - 150 ml.
  • Fat cream - 100 ml.
  • Almonds - 30 grams.
  • Oatmeal flakes - 50 grams.
  • Gelatin - 10 grams.
  • Vanilla sugar is one pack.
  • Creamy oil - 30 grams.

How to cook

Chocolate cake with orange souffle is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Melt chocolate and butter on a water bath or low heat. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, put flakes and crushed nuts to it.
  • Put the warm mixture into the form and crumple it with silicone spatula. When the base for the cake will cool, send it to the refrigerator.
  • Gelatin soak in 40 ml of warm water. To achieve the desired result, carefully read the instruction described on the package. In about ten minutes, the gelatin will swell and it can be mixed with a warm mass on a small fire, and then cool it.
  • Connect the orange mass with sour cream and beat the products by a blender. Send a souffle to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.
  • While cream with vanilla sugar, and then gently mix them with orange souffle. Put the air mass on the chocolate base and align the surface.

Place the refrigerator cake for several hours. Chocolate cake with an orange jam can be decorated with coconut chips and almond nuts.

Chocolate cake with orange jelly

This gentle dessert has a bright original taste. It includes cottage cheese, and therefore it can be offered even the smallest member of your family. To make the cake is neat and beautiful, you will have to make enough forces. If you want everything to be at the highest level, then carefully read our instructions.

For biscuits you need the following products:

  • Sour cream - 150 grams.
  • Yolkie eggs - two pieces.
  • Brown sugar is half a glass.
  • Haired soda is half a teaspoon.
  • Wheat flour - one glass.
  • Cocoa powder - one tablespoon.

For the preparation of a chocolate-orange sides, take:

  • Wheat flour - 110 grams.
  • Cocoa - 20 grams.
  • Brown sugar - 120 grams.
  • Creamy oil - 80 grams.
  • Egg proteins - two pieces.
  • One whole egg.
  • Milk - 45 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Dough breakdler - five grams.
  • Orange zest.

To make cottage cheese cream, take:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams.
  • Orange juice - 125 ml.
  • Brown sugar - 150 grams.
  • Gelatin - 20 grams.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Orange zest.
  • Sour cream - 100 grams.

For decoration will be needed:


Cake chocolate-orange we will cook like this:

  • First come across the biscuit. To do this, mix yolks, haired soda, sugar and sour cream. Squake flour from cocoa through a sieve and connect the products in a deep bowl. Put the dough into the shape and bang it until readiness. Cool the biscuit on the grille.
  • Next you need to cook the side. Wake up 80 grams of sugar and soft butter mixer. Do not ceasing to interfere, enter eggs. Gradually pose to cocoa products and 80 grams of flour. The resulting dough will uniformly distribute on the parchment, and then make an arbitrary figure on it. Send the workpiece into the refrigerator and wait until the dough is freezing (it will take about half an hour).
  • The remaining sugar will take care with an egg, warm milk and vegetable oil. Practice to the products of a breakpit, zest to taste and the remaining flour (30 grams). You should get pretty liquid dough. Pour it on the chocolate basis, which by this time managed to frost. Immediately send the parchment into the oven and bake the side for the cake until readiness. When the blank will cool down a little, turn it over to a flat surface and carefully remove the paper. After that, cut the edges with a knife so that the height of the side was about eight centimeters, and the length of 30 centimeters.
  • The next stage is the preparation of cottage cheese cream. First, soak gelatin in cold water. Cottage cheese wipe through the sieve, and then take it with sour cream, sugar and juice. Send cream to the fridge. Selects in the microwave oven and connect with chilled curd mass. You have left the mixer cream and wait until it thickens.
  • Dry jelly dig in 250 ml of hot water, and then cool it.
  • Cut the biscuit along into two parts. Put one on the bottom of the form and install the side. Put the basis half of the cream, then put the second part of the biscuit and the remaining curd mass. Put the orange slices on the surface and fill their jelly.

Bright beautiful cake ready. Put it on the cold, and after a few hours, serve the dessert to the table with tea or cocoa.

Chocolate cake with orange mousse

Before you another recipe for a festive dessert. We immediately want to warn you that it will take time for cooking. However, the result is worth the effort and you can make sure that it yourself.

For biscuit, take such products:

  • Rice flour - 60 grams.
  • Corn starch is one tablespoon.
  • Chicken eggs - three pieces.
  • Cocoa - two tablespoons.
  • Boiling water - two spoons.
  • Vegetable oil is one spoon.
  • Bustyer is one teaspoon.
  • Soluble coffee is half a teaspoon.
  • Sugar - 180 grams.

For mousse will be needed:

  • 250 grams sour cream.
  • Condensed milk - 300 grams.
  • Gelatin - 10 grams.
  • Fat cream - 200 ml.
  • Juice orange - one glass.
  • Zedra - to taste.

The glaze we will prepare from:

  • 60 ml of water.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 70 grams of condensed milk.
  • 60 grams of white chocolate.
  • 60 grams of milk chocolate.
  • 7 grams of gelatin.
  • 100 ml glucose.

Preparing dessert

How to cook a chocolate-orange cake? Dessert Recipe Here:

  • As usual, first prepare the biscuit. To do this, beat sugar with eggs until the mass is doubled. After that, seek flour, baking powder, starch and cocoa through fine sieve. At the end, add vegetable oil and coffee (divert it in boiling water).
  • Bake the biscuit, cool it on the grille and cut into three parts. Each crude is impregnate with a mixture of orange juice and brandy.
  • The gelatin is soak in the water, and then dissolve in the microwave oven. Sour cream up with condensed milk. Connect both mixes, pour orange juice to them and add a zest. At the very end, mix cream with whipped cream.
  • Collect the cake, placing in the form alternately cakes and mousse. Send the workpiece into the freezer for several hours or all night.
  • We have left to cook the icing. To do this, melt sugar and wait until it changes the color. Add water and glucose to it, as well as melted chocolate and condensed milk. After that, put in the glaze in advance of the clumsy gelatin and mix all the products with a blender.

When the cream completely freezes, decorate dessert with icing. Chocolate-orange ready and it can be offered to guests with hot or soft drinks.

Chocolate cake without baking with orange Kurd

A simple dessert is easy to prepare for the arrival of guests or tea.


  • Chocolate cookies - 300 grams.
  • Creamy oil - 250 grams.
  • Oranges - five pieces.
  • Sugar - 300 grams.
  • Eggs - six pieces.
  • Starch is one tablespoon.

Chocolate Cake with Orange Kurd Preparing very simple:

  • Grind cookies in a blender and mix it with melted creamy oil.
  • Lay out the mass in the form, form the bottom and sides. After that, put the foundation in the refrigerator.
  • Mix sugar with zest and orange juice. Connect the fluent mass with in advance whipped eggs. Put the Kurd on the fire, add the oil and starch. Boil the mixture, then remove it from the stove and cool down.

Put the foundation and send a cake to the fridge. After 10-12 hours, the delicious dessert will be ready.

Lean Cake with Orange Cream

On holidays, you can please close a delicious cake.


  • Flour - 300 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml.
  • Vinegar is one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 230 grams.
  • Soda is half a teaspoon.
  • Vanillin - to taste.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Cocoa - three tablespoons.
  • Orange juice - 500 ml.
  • Manyna Cropa - three tablespoons.
  • Lemon half juice.
  • And coconut chips - for decoration.

Recipe dessert

So, we prepare a chocolate cake with orange cream:

  • In a deep bowl, mix sugar, water, vinegar and oil. In a separate dishes, seek cocoa, flour, vanillin and soda. Connect the prepared products and lay out the dough into the multicooker bowl. Prepare a biscuit in the "Baking" mode for an hour and a half, then cool it out and cut it into three embers.
  • Sick out juice from oranges and boil it in a saucepan. Add lemon juice and sugar to taste. After that, pumped the semal camp with a fine trickle and cook the cream (not forgetting to stir) a quarter of an hour. Having a cooled mass to take a mixer.

Launch the cakes with cream, decorate the surface with petals and coconut chips.

A pancake cake

This dessert is surprisingly well combined by the sweetness of chocolate and freshness of the orange. For him you will need the following products:

  • Ready pancakes are ten pieces.
  • Oranges - two pieces.
  • Condensed milk - three tablespoons.
  • Milk chocolate is a third tile.
  • Sour cream - 150 grams.

Cake chocolate-orange from pancakes and tasty cream is preparing like this:

  • Bake pancakes in your favorite recipe. After that, smoothly cut the edges using a small plate or form.
  • For filling, mix the grated chocolate, sour cream and condensed milk.
  • Oranges Clean and cut down her slices, not forgetting to clean the bones and partitions.
  • Lubricate the first damn cream and lay out a smooth layer of fruits on it. Continue to lay out products in this sequence until they are running out.

Decorate the dessert with grated chocolate and slices of oranges.